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Thank you to the 1,400 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 questions!
I hope reading

helps you in your leadership.



Jonno White

7 Questions with Logan Mallory
7 Questions with Logan Mallory

Name: Logan Mallory

Current title: Vice President of Marketing

Current organisation: Motivosity

Logan Mallory is the Vice President of Marketing at Motivosity, a company that helps make people happier at work. He earned an MBA and BA in Communications from BYU and has held marketing positions at LogMein, Jive, and Workfront. He speaks and writes on Leadership, Culture, HR and Marketing themes and is an adjunct professor at the BYU Marriott School of Business. Though he currently lives in Utah, Logan also has deep ties in Michigan and Texas.

7 Questions with Logan Mallory

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader of a small or medium enterprise?

There is a never ending list of things to be done because you're building foundations. That means it's easy to get distracted building or creating even if it doesn't lead to the most impactful priority. Helping keep team members focused and driving towards revenue rather than activity is a constant challenge.

2. How did you become a leader of an SME? Can you please briefly tell the story?

Every time I change roles, I am moving towards a new experience or skill set. Early in my career I took a pay cut so I could get digital marketing experience. Then I moved from ecommerce to a B2B tech organization. Then I shifted into a role where I was manager larger teams and budgets. My shift into SME was very intentional - I wanted to understand having responsibility for the entire marketing effort. I was also seeking a place where I could develop my product marketing skills and Motivosity was the perfect place to make that possible.

Coming to Motivosity has been a career defining experience. Helping drive an organization with such a powerful mission (Helping people to be happier about being at work) has been so fulfilling!

3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

I'm a family man and a workaholic. My daytime schedule is typically focused on helping my team, managing cross department efforts and building relationships. Then I do my best to give my family my attention until they go down for the night. Then I have a "power hour" between 9:30-11:00 PM where I can really get focused. I turn on a basketball game (or a rerun of Survivor) and focus on a project that needs deep attention. That might be writing an article, mapping out a strategy, analyzing results...something where I need uninterrupted time.

A few times a week I try to take 30 minutes to help someone else. Last week that meant helping someone looking for a job. Other times it means lunch with someone who needs to talk. Certainly it means volunteering at my church and community. That's an important time for me to break away from focusing on work.

4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?

UCLA was playing a basketball game in January 2019. They were down by two points with two minutes left in the game. Moses Brown makes a bad pass and UCLA turns the ball over. In disappointment and frustration, Brown walks away, shaking his head and looking down at the floor.

Immediately, teammate Jaylan Hands puts his hand under Browns chin and tilted his head up, back where it belonged. They continue to hustle, and come back to win the game.

There is almost no better example of leadership than that short clip. Lift those around you and make them better regardless of whether they are up or down.

5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

There are two great business books that I mentally reference. "How Will You Measure Your Life?" by Clayton Christensen and "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi. Christensen's book puts "success" into perspective and gives wise council on work, raising children, prioritizing family, etc. I read it about once every 2 years and it is a powerful book.

Ferrazzi's book gave me an abundance mentality. It helped me realize that I could connect and give without needing to receive. That's a healthy place to live from.

Not a business book, but if you haven't read "Ender's Game" then you should. Sure, it's science fiction but there are some really powerful leadership lessons in there. Changed my life as a 7th grader when I read it.

6. How do you build leadership capacity in an SME?

The best way to build leadership is to give people opportunities to lead. Provide guidelines and consult, but don't take a directive approach all the time. Certainly you need to manage when there are performance or attendance or handbook issues, but otherwise you should act like a coach. Let your team members test their limits, try new things, fail without being punished.

Leaders can be developed, they just need the chance and the guidance.

7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader of an SME so far?

Once I had a team member who wasn't a US citizen and her Visa was ending. She explored solutions on her own so she could stay in the country, but the most viable option meant support from our employer. We did some research together and eventually we took the options to the CEO of our company.

Even though this was a wonderful employee, I expected some pushback because of the cost, time investment, etc. With that in mind we presented the less effective, but less burdensome option first. Then we presented the better option that required much more support from the company.

Then we paused to see what the response would be.

The CEO without a delay said, "The second option is better for you short term and long term. Of course we'll pursue that."

Partially because of his enthusiasm I questioned whether or not he understood. He assured me he did and said, "What's a few thousand dollars between friends?"

I witnessed an amazing act of service in action. There wasn't a selfish motive (besides keeping a great team member) and learned to rethink how I offer my support to others. I was glad to witness that moment - it changed who I am.

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