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183 Best You Never Loved Me Quotes (2023)

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “Whenever GOD determines to do a great work, HE first sets HIS people to pray. ”

2.  There was a man who I once knew,

3. “All the great speakers were bad speakers at first. ”

4. “He’d never get over her. He knew that without hesitation or doubt. He loved her. As deeply as it was possible to love another person. And God, he wanted her. Every day. In his life. As much a part of him as he would be of her.” ~Maya Banks.

5. “Courage is the first virtue that makes all other virtues possible. ”

6.  She had loved him. He knew this; he had never doubted it. But she had also asked him to kill her. If you love someone that much, you did not lay that sort of burden on him for the rest of his life. - Author: Jodi Picoult

7. “If at first you do succeed, quit trying on investing. ”

8. “You never loved me for who I am; instead, you used me for what I wasn’t. That helps me comprehend, even though it doesn’t make my heartache disappear.” ~ Towne Jr.

9.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you I loved you when I knew I did. Most of all I'm sorry I gave up on us when you never did. - Author: Chuck Bass

10. “The first requisite of civilization is that of justice. ”

11.  I was a book lover from the beginning. I loved, love, words and images and ideas, the ways a book can make you feel things deeply or help you understand something you never even knew there were words for. - Author: Deb Caletti

12. “You ought to have a joyful life. At least we are both spared from this suffering. It appears as if nothing ever occurred between us, but everything is OK.” ~Unknown.

13. · Looks like I misread all your signs. · When I needed you the most, you were 

14. “I wish I could temporarily transfer to you my suffering. Not to hurt you, but to finally make you realize how much you wounded me.” ~Unknown.

15. “You may think what you did to my poor heart was commonplace, but it completely changed my life. Your behavior murdered the last decent thing in me that loved you.” ~Unknown.

16.  A man who had never spoken love to me, who had never needed to, for I knew he loved me, as surely as I knew I lived. For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary. It is all. It is undying. And it is enough. - Author: Diana Gabaldon

17. “You can’t win unless you first begin. So start now. ”

18. “It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first. ”

19. “The first step is the hardest – making a commitment to yourself, for yourself. ”

20.  All the old school Young Adult novels inspired me. I grew up reading R. L. Stine, Christopher Pike, Richie Cusick, and so on. I loved how you never really knew who the 'bad guys' were in their works, and I wanted to capture that feeling with 'Don't Look Back. - Author: Jennifer Armentrout

21.  Because of the fact that being a professional actor is not a career that is widely pursued back home in the Cayman Islands, I never thought it was a viable profession. It didn't even cross my mind. So when I knew I wanted to do theater, I didn't think 'actress,' even though I loved to perform. - Author: Grace Gealey

22. “If the big rocks don’t go in first, they aren’t going to fit in later. ”

23. “To achieve great things, we must first dream. ”

24. “If you want to assert a truth, first make sure it’s not just an opinion that you desperately want to be true. ”

25. “If you had the time to cheat, you also had the time to consider it.” ~Unknown.

26. “Whenever you remove any fence, always pause long enough to ask why it was put there in the first place. ”

27. Certainly one can love

28. “Put first things first and second things are thrown in. Put second things first and you lose both first and second things. ”

29. “I love you,” he declared. “Loved you then. Love you now. Never quit lovin’ you in a way I know I never will. You were it for me, the only one, the only woman I ever loved, and you never quit bein’ it.” ~Kristen Ashley.

30. “You didn’t love her. You just didn’t want to be alone. Or maybe she was just good for your ego. Or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn’t love her. Because you don’t destroy the people you love.”

31. “No matter how bad you want a person, if your hearts are in two different places, you’ll have to pass and move on. ”– Alexandra Elle

32. “In the first 30 years of your life, you make your habits. For the last 30 years of your life, your habits make you. ”

33. “I never knew how quickly I would go from someone that you loved to someone you used to know.” ~Collin Raye.

34. “If at first you don’t succeed, try hard work. ”

35. “To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion. ”

36.  I knew I never was, and never would be, someone she loved. And whether she deserved me or not, it was still painful to admit. - Author: Rebecca Donovan

37.  “I’d been blindsided with the most painful knowledge: the first man to ever say he loved me had never loved me at all. His passion had been artificial. His pursuit of me had been choreographed.” ~Charlaine Harris.

38. “The first draft is just you telling yourself the story. ”

39. ”. . . “You might never know what you did to me. ”

40. “No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time. ”

41. “At one point, a man who looked not much older than me said that though he loved his family, he’d never felt like he belonged. “Maybe it’s not them, and it’s not their fault,” he said. “Maybe it’s me.” ~Victoria Patterson.

42. “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

43. “He is a secret I now hold. For our love was something that went untold. I loved him like an ocean with roaring winds. But I guess he never loved me, I suppose. ” – Conee Berdera

44. “Have you ever felt like begging someone not to let you go, but deep down you’ve always known he doesn’t really care one way or the other if you’re there or not?” – Laarni Venus Mari

45.  The most important thing in convoluted families, I learnt as I wrote, is that the child feels loved. I knew from a young age that I was a problem which required constant solving; but I never felt unloved. I was lucky. - Author: Allegra Huston

46. “Suppose I can wish for something. I’ll request a fresh heart. A heart that wasn’t as strong as yours broke. I would humbly pray for a heart that will not desert me.” ~Unknown.

47. “When we first began out, you showed me the best affection. I hoped it would last until the end of our lives, but it ended so quickly. You completed it all and carried my heart as well.” ~Unknown.

48. “You have never loved me. You have only thought it pleasant to be in love with me.” ― Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House. Read more quotes from Henrik Ibsen.

49. “If you don’t let go of the wrong person, you’ll never find the right one. ~Unknown.

50. “Wait, he whispered. But she didn’t. ” – Jay Kristoff

51. “You can’t nice your way to being loved. ” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

52. “A problem is only a problem when viewed as a problem. All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. ”

53. “You’ll realize when you wake up that you should have given it a shot. I merited the struggle.” ~Unknown.

54.  He'd never get over her. He knew that without hesitation or doubt. He loved her. As deeply as it was possible to love another person. And God, he wanted her. Every day. In hit life. As much a part of him as he would be of her. - Author: Maya Banks

55.  I loved to learn everything, everything in sight, and I was never satisfied that I knew everything there was to know in each of my courses. - Author: Gertrude B. Elion

56. “I became too attached to you, so my world began to revolve around you. When you chose to break my heart, you never thought about how I would feel.” ~Unknown.

57. “The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first. ”

58.  Well, at heart I knew she'd never be a normal woman. And I didn't want her to be one, because what I loved in her were the indomitable and unpredictable aspects of her personality - Author: Mario Vargas-Llosa

59.  I have loved you in your own language, Kaela thought as she picked up her blades, so softly that we never knew it. Let your language be mine; let me cast my own shadows. - Author: Yoon Ha Lee

60.  The thing I loved about her was that I never felt like she was selling anything. She would talk to God as if she knew Him, as if she had talked to Him on the phone that day. She was never ashamed which is the thing with some Christians I had encountered. - Author: Donald Miller

61. “Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don’t be afraid to take that first step. ”

62. “Ignifex knew me. And loved me, And he had never asked me for anything. Even Shade wanted me to die for him.” ~Rosamund Hodge.

63. “People say “Move on” and “Think about your happiness. ” But that isn’t easy. Is it? Life is much more powerful than we can imagine. It doesn’t go according to our wish. We can’t choose whom we fall for. Nope that’s not up to us. Because the term ‘blinded in love’ occurred for some reason. Lol. How can someone think about their happiness when they are in love? Isn’t love supposed to be selfless? Thinking about thyself is the “most selfish” thing ever on this planet

64. “At one time, I had been able to read Yoss clearly. He never hid his emotions from me. He loved openly. He despaired loudly. He raged forcefully.” ~A Meredith Walters.

65. “In order to rise From its own ashes A phoenix First Must Burn. ”

66. “Sometimes we find ourselves feeling unwanted or unloved. Remember, you were born of love. You are love. It exists inside you. That’s where it begins. When you know this, you will have a happier life. ” – Unknown

67. “To accomplish much you must first lose everything. ”

68. “Model the behavior you wish more people would display. Lead first. ”

69.  Ana Iris once asked me if I loved him and I told her about the lights in my old home in the capital, how they flickered and you never knew if they would go out or not. You put down your things and you waited and couldn't do anything really until the lights decided. This, I told her, is how I feel. - Author: Junot Diaz

70.  You loved how I was willing to help you, how I was willing to put my dreams aside to 

71.  We never set eyes on Fatima or our dog or the city we had known ever again. Like a body prematurely buried, unmourned withpot coffin or ceremony, our hasty untidy exit from Jerusalem was no way to have said goodbye to our home, our country and all that we knew and loved. - Author: Ghada Karmi

72. “Really, it’s pitiful how much I still cling to the faith that you and I will prevail.” ~Unknown.

73.  God. No wonder it was so easy. He's been bleeding since he was a baby. He just never told anyone. How do you even know it hurts after all that time? Because you loved me, and I knew what it meant to feel. - Author: Amy Lane

74. ” I was lovely once, but he never loved me once.” ~David Arnold.

75. “I’m not afraid of death, but I’m in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first. ”

76. “You gave me so much to think back on. Right now, I am finding it difficult to forget about you. You have irreparably damaged my heart.”~ Unknown.

77.  Everybody loved me running for president in '91 and '92 because they never knew a presidential candidate before. - Author: Eileen Myles

78. “You have never loved me. You have only thought it pleasant to be in love with me.”

79. “I loved you because there was no other place for me to go. We were married because we did not know what else to do with each other. You never knew me, anything about me, what died inside me, what lived invisibly. “~Aleksandar Hemon.

80. “The first step to greatness is to be honest. ”

81.  My childhood was rough, we were poor and my parents were alcoholics, but nobody was mean. I knew I was loved. We were on welfare, but I never felt abandoned or unloved. - Author: Carol Burnett

82. “There is nothing so mortifying as to fall in love with someone who does not share one’s sentiments. ” – Georgette Heyer, Venetia

83. “You never loved me because you didn’t even try to win me back. You gave up immediately on me. ~jack.

84. “I always loved comedy, but I never knew it was something you could learn to do. I always thought that some people are born comedians. Just like some people are born dentists.” ~Paul Reiser.

85.  I've lost loved ones in my life who never knew how much I loved them. Now I live with the regret that my true feelings for them never were revealed. - Author: Garth Brooks

86.  He was good in business, but there was business left to do. He never said he loved me, guess he thought I knew. - Author: Reba McEntire

87. “Because of the fact that being a professional actor is not a career that is widely pursued back home in the Cayman Islands, I never thought it was a viable profession. It didn’t even cross my mind. So when I knew I wanted to do theater, I didn’t think ‘actress,’ even though I loved to perform.” ~Grace Gealey.

88. “The most important thing in convoluted families, I learned as I wrote, is that the child feels loved. I knew from a young age that I was a problem that required constant solving, but I never felt unloved. I was lucky.” ~Allegra Huston.

89. “I appreciate you showing me the meaning of one-sided love. Never again!” ~Unknown.

90.  That's why people loved stories so, I realized in that instant, because they found in them what was missing from their own lives, the things they knew, no matter how much or how hard they might hope and dream and scheme, they would never have. - Author: Brandy Purdy

91. “I knew he never loved me as he loved her, but I wanted him anyway. I knew his love for me was conditional, but I wanted him anyway. I knew I was the second choice, but I wanted him anyway.” ~Tarryn Fisher.

92. “He held me as if I were his most prized possession, and I could feel every beat of his heart against me as we embraced lovingly. I felt safer and more loved than I had ever thought I could feel, and I never wanted it to end.” ~Katlyn Charlesworth.

93. “When you aren’t loved, you aren’t real. Life is cold, like the stone against my palm. ” – Richelle E. Goodrich

94. “You can’t reason someone out of something that they weren’t reasoned into in the first place. ”

95. “Work first, and then rest. ”

96. “On occasion, I think that everything happens for a cause. I learned a lot from meeting you that I would not have known. I appreciate the opportunity.” ~Unknown.

97. “Make friends first, make sales second, make love third. In no particular order. ”

98.  I knew I was never going to play professional sport, but I loved playing and I went to all the games I could afford to. - Author: Spike Lee

99. “The first five years have so much to do with how the next 80 turn out. ”

100.  I knew from the start that I loved her and knew, as well, that I would never fall back from that love, never try, never want to. - Author: Scott Spencer

101.  I knew then that Jocelyn would never come back to me, because of you. You are the only thing in the world she ever loved more than she loved me. And because of that she hates me. And because of that, I hate the sight of you - Author: Cassandra Clare

102.  I always loved comedy, but I never knew it was something you could learn to do. I always thought that some people are born comedians. . . just like some people are born dentists. - Author: Paul Reiser

103. “When I was 16, I knew I was gay. I loved it a lot. But I lived as a straight guy because there were people in my town who didn’t understand my story. I never told. I never wanted to show what was inside my heart.” ~Domenico Dolce.

104. “You left me with a lot of memories while also taking yourself away. There are a million things that I can’t get out of my head after meeting you, so I wish I had never met you.” ~Unknown.

105.  I wasn't a dancer learning to play Baby Houseman. I was Baby Houseman learning to play a dancer. I was someone who'd never done any Latin dance. I'd taken jazz classes and ballet growing up in New York, so I had dance in me, and I knew I loved it, but I'd never done a dance audition. - Author: Jennifer Grey

106. “People can’t be treated horribly while you still expect them to adore you.” ~Unknown.

107. “Right now, I have no idea what’s happening in my life. I feel pain twice as intense as anybody else’s because I feel as if my heart is being stabbed several times.” ~Unknown.

108.  I loved you recklessly from the moment I knew you. I never cared about the consequences. I told myself I did, I told myself you wanted me to, and so I tried, but I never did. I wanted you more than I wanted to be good. I wanted you more than I wanted anything, ever. - Author: Cassandra Clare

109.  But, with unintelligible nostalgia for a life she had never lived, knew that all would have been subtly and profoundly different had her husband greatly loved her. - Author: Shirley Hazzard

110.  I never knew I wanted to become a ballerina. I was discovered at the age of 13. I had a love for movement even though I had no exposure to dance other than what I saw in music videos, like hip-hop music videos. But I knew that I loved moving. - Author: Misty Copeland

111.  But what I did know was that I loved a girl. And I knew I loved her in a way I'd never, ever recover from. I knew I loved her to the very core of myself. And I knew she loved me back. - Author: Mia Sheridan

112. “Our love blinds us to the signs and trails around us. There is nothing like a perfect world until your heart is broken and life becomes a miserable experience.” ~Unknown.

113.  I met this girl when I was ten years old,

114. “You have never loved me as I love you – never – never! Yours is not a passionate heart – your heart does not burn in a flame! You are, upon the whole, a sort of fay, or sprite – not a woman!”

115. “So much of what we are taught about love comes from those who have never truly loved us.” ~Sin.

116.  This song always kills me, I said. She sighed, and then gave up. Why? Oh, I don't know. It makes me feel nostalgia for a time I never even knew. I wasn't even alive. That's what I do to you too, she said, I'll just bet. I was what everything I loved did to me. - Author: Michael Chabon

117. “My father never put me on his lap and said he loved me.” ~Dick Dale.

118. “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first. ”

119. “My first priority is my family. I am human. But my whole family knows what my priority is. Family is always first. But my work is under nothing else, except God. ”

120. “Our lives are fashioned by our choices. First we make our choices. Then our choices make us. ”

121. “Whether it’s marriage of business, patience is the first rule of success. ”

122. “I’ve never been the most important thing to anybody – not even myself. ” – Ranata Suzuki

123. “I watched someone go from loving me to acting as if I had never existed.” ~Unknown.

124.  He knew she loved him in that moment. Gabe never wanted to be part of the holy fight, but now he was, he was not about to lose. - Author: Wendy Owens

125.  That man loved me so hard I knew I'd never do half of what I should to deserve it. And that was the point. He said I never had to do a thing to make him love me. He just did. He just loved me. - Author: Rachael Herron

126.  Never thought you'd love me the way I loved you

127. “All things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things. ”

128.  And I knew that I loved him with more than a nod. I loved him with a rush of tenderness, a lion's share. (Is that ever enough?)

129. “And I knew that I loved him with more than a nod. I loved him with a rush of tenderness, the lion’s share. (Is that ever enough?) I wanted to survive. I had to. I never called.” ~Julianna Baggott.

130. “I think I keep telling myself you never loved me at all because it is far less terrifying a prospect than the possibility you did, you truly did, but all of a sudden, and for no particular reason, you stopped. ” – Beau Taplin

131.  Adrian speaking to Mels. . . Humans require two things to bond: scarcity and the unknown. If loved ones were around forever, you'd take them for granted, and if you knew for sure that you'd be reunited, you'd never miss them. It's all part of the divine plan. - Author: J. R. Ward

132. “The sun’s gone dim, and

133. “The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd – The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are. ” – Fernando Pessoa

134. “My father never kissed me, hugged me, or told me that he loved me. As my only living parent, he became the filter through which I saw myself, the possibilities for my life, the world, and all men. He was a conflicted and dark filter.” ~Iyanla Vanzant.

135.  By the age of nine or ten, I knew that I loved history and writing. It got hold of me and never turned loose. - Author: Hampton Sides

136.  Oh, friend, forget not, when you fain would note

137. “What a wonderful thing it is to be able to declare, “I blew pieces, yet I recovered,” while standing erect.” ~Unknown.

138.  But between these two men she loved, both in one way or another holding her close always, Clarisse Haines knew she would never fall. - Author: Kristen Ashley

139. “He doesn’t love me. He never loved me. All along, he’s loved her.” ~Lauren Oliver

140. That helps me comprehend, even though it doesn't make my heartache 

141.  Christ loved me enough to die for me while I was yet His enemy. If God had waited for me to learn to love Him before He died, I would never have been saved. I knew that with my head, but when I met someone who behaved in such a completely Christlike way, I was amazed. - Helen Roseveare - Author: Noel Piper

142. “He could never have loved me, or he would not have resigned me so willingly.” ~Anne Bronte.

143. “If you want to accomplish something, you must first expect it of yourself. ”

144. “Perhaps you knew for sure when you loved someone, but then she’d never loved anyone yet, and perhaps she would have to accept that she never would.” ~Harry Mulisch.

145. “Doesn’t everybody try to do their best, at what they do best,

146. “I cry, not because I believe sobbing will bring you back, but because I’ve wanted to express the agony in my eyes. When I run out of things to say with my tongue, I let my eyes speak instead.”~ Unknown

147. “Life is short and unpredictable. Eat the dessert first!”

148. “When you keep God in first place, He will take you to places you’ve never dreamed of. ”

149. ❝There is one pain, I often feel, which you will never know. · 2. ❝t is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. · 3

150. “Those who seek a better life must first become a better person. ”

151.  I never realized how much I loved life until I knew it was being taken away. - Author: Karina Halle

152.  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I loved you when I knew I did. Most of all, I’m sorry I gave up on us when you never did.” ~Chuck Bass.

153. “We’re not going to be the first to this party, but we’re going to be the best. ”

154. “I never knew I wanted to become a ballerina. I was discovered at the age of 13. I had a love for movement even though I had no exposure to dance other than what I saw in music videos, like hip-hop music videos. But I knew that I loved moving.” ~Misty Copeland.

155. “God first, family second, career third. ”

156. “When you smile, I find happiness in it. When you cried, I found sadness, and when you were around, I saw myself as the princess who waits for her prince charming. All of those happened when I was in love with you, but you never loved me.” ~Unknown.

157. “If you have the ability to love, love yourself first. ”

158.  I loved you because there was no other place for me to go. We were married because we did not know what else to do with each other. You never knew me, nothing about me, what died inside me, what lived invisibly. - Author: Aleksandar Hemon

159. “If he treats you like shit, just remember that there is something wrong with him, not you. Human beings don’t destroy each other daily.” ~Unknown.

160.  When I was 16, I knew I was gay. I loved a lot. But I lived as a straight guy, because there are people in my town who don't understand my story. I never told. I never wanted to show what was inside my heart. - Author: Domenico Dolce

161.  But no matter what, strangers never disappointed, because she expected nothing from them. It was the people she knew, who liked and even loved her, who could let her down most cruelly. - Author: Shanthi Sekaran

162.  She knew she could never love any man the way she loved a blank sheet of paper that only she could fill. - Author: Coco J. Ginger

163. “I conquered outer worlds just as he had. I expressed masculine strength and power just as he had. But it didn’t bring me closer to him or to others like him because I had become one of the guys, and that’s not what most men are looking for. He had never loved me for being a great guy.” ~Marianne Williamson.

164. “The first rule of fight club is, you don’t talk about fight club. ”

165. “My eyes are clamoring to catch a glimpse of you. They want to hold you even if my hands are empty. My desire for you is still strong. Yes, I do require you in my life. However, you are no longer mine.” ~ Unknown.

166.  When did trust ever become more important than love? Then God whispered, "You never did trust me. You gave up so many times, but I knew you still loved me. In the wind his words echoed the answer

167.  She knew that my memories of her would fade. Which is precisely why she begged me never to forget her, to remember that she had existed.  

168. “You worked very hard during our meeting to convince me of your credibility, yet all it took was one minute to sabotage the memories we spent so much time and effort creating.” ~Unknown.

169. “You make me feel like a firefly. Trapped in a bell jar; starved for love. ” – Ayushee Ghoshal

170. “For everyone, well-being is a journey. The secret is committing to that journey and taking those first steps with hope and belief in yourself. ”

171. “I made my first investment at age eleven. I was wasting my life up until then. ”

172. “Either you want me, or you don’t want me. This in-between is torture.” ~Unknown.

173. “Loyalty is the first law of God. ”

174.  I always knew you were hiding something from me. I was just never sure what. Funny, I used to think it was another woman you loved, not a lunatic brother. Catherine says to Micheal. - Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

175. “She had loved him. He knew this; he had never doubted it. But she had also asked him to kill her. If you love someone that much, you did not lay that sort of burden on him for the rest of his life.” ~Jodi Picoult.

176.  I never knew how quickly I would go from someone that you loved to someone you used to know. - Author: Collin Raye

177.  I had questioned God. I had thought that I was so special, I could hold God to account. And why? I had never been promised, ever, that life would be safe and have a happy ending for myself and those I knew and loved, if only I had faith in Him. A - Author: James Patterson

178. “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction. ”

179. “If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success. ”

180. “If you want to break the rules of grammar, first learn the rules of grammar. ”

181. “I sometimes find it impossible to stop thinking about you, and other times I question the value of my time.” ~Unknown.

182.  Never understood how much I loved you. I didn't. I know how we talked about our love, how it was this thing that was EVERYTHING to us? I was everything to me, Ever, every last goddamned motherfucking thing, and it's gone. You're gone. And I needed it even more than I knew then, when I had you. - Author: Jasinda Wilder

183.  Perhaps you knew for sure when you loved someone, but then she'd never loved anyone yet, and perhaps she would have to accept that she never would. - Author: Harry Mulisch

184.  As long as I was in Washington I never met anybody that I thought was good enough, who knew enough, or who loved enough to make sexual decisions for anybody else. - Author: Joycelyn Elders


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