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750 Inspirational Vulnerability Quotes To Open Your Heart

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “It took vulnerability to forge strength. the way true courage required fear.” – Martina Boone. Persuasion

2. “We are all vulnerable but do not fear this, just revel in the chance to experience that & know & grow beyond” – Jay Woodman

3. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.

4. “We cannot know love if we remain unable to surrender our attachment to power. if any feeling of vulnerability strikes terror in our hearts. Lovelessness torments.” – Bell hooks. All About Love: New Visions

5. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” – Criss Jami

6. “You have to trust in the bigger part of yourself that knows you are MORE than what you look like. You have to be willing to get real. raw. and vulnerable.”

7. “Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people might see or think” – Brene Brown

8. “The difficult thing is that vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you and the last thing I’m willing to show you. In you, it’s courage and daring. In me, it’s weakness.”

9. “People are fascinated with eternal life and physical power – the idea of having no vulnerability. We all feel small and powerless in the world at times. so the temptation to be a vampire is compelling.” – Alexandra Cassavetes

10. “Being an open and vulnerable doesn’t mean you are weak..” Jayesh Varma

11. “Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable because it requires us to surrender to uncertainty.”

12. To love is to be vulnerable. — C.S. Lewis

13. “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” – Louise Hay

14. “I really appreciate what it takes to create a book. I understand the loneliness that it involves and the excitement and vulnerability: I especially identify with that.” — Bill Clegg

15. “Life has many ways of testing a person’s will. either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.” ~ Paulo Coelho

16. You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better. By becoming a little better each and every day, over a period of time, you will become a lot better. - John Wooden

17. “Recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy. ” Brené Brown

18. I am afraid we must make the world honest before we can honestly say to our children that honesty is the best policy. – George Bernard Shaw

19. Pretentiousness repels but authenticity attracts, and vulnerability is the pathway to intimacy.

20. “Our consciousness wants to connect through struggle and even pain. So in a funny sort of way. vulnerability is attractive.” – Zoe Buckman

21. “Vulnerability really means to be strong and secure enough within yourself that you are able to walk outside without your armor on. You are able to show up in life as just you. That is genuine strength and courage. Armor may look tough. but all it does is mask insecurity and fear.” — Alaric Hutchinson

22. I think Freddie Mercury is probably the best of all time in terms of a rock voice. There was a vulnerability to it, his technical ability was amazing, and so much of his personality would come out through his voice. I'm not even a guy to buy Queen records, really, and I still think he's one of the best.

23. “The other thing is that if you rely solely on medication to manage depression or anxiety, for example, you have done nothing to train the mind so that when you come off the medication, you are just as vulnerable to a relapse as though you had never taken the medication.” – Daniel Goleman

24. “Everybody is equally weak on the inside. just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings.” — Simona Panova

25. “Vulnerability is important in life. I feel. That’s what allows you to experience intense emotions. whether it’s joy or pain or sadness.” — Kalki Koechlin

26. “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” – Helen Keller

27. “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone-but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.” ~ Walter Inglis Anderson

28. “Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.” Mother Teresa

29. People can be at their most vulnerable, but still tenacious at the same time. — Toni Bernhard

30. “Vulnerability is important in life. I feel. That’s what allows you to experience intense emotions. whether it’s joy or pain or sadness.” – Kalki Koechlin

31. “To practice Extreme Self-Care, you must learn to love yourself unconditionally, accept your imperfections, and embrace your vulnerabilities.” — Cheryl Richardson

32. “The moment we trust, we are also becoming vulnerable, but we still have to do it for love.”

33. “I learned something important that night. You shouldn’t try to stop everything from happening. Sometimes you’re supposed to feel awkward. Sometimes you’re supposed to be vulnerable in front of people. Sometimes it’s necessary because it’s all part of you getting to the next part of yourself. the next day.” – Cecelia Ahern. The Book of Tomorrow

34. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

35. “Unknowingly. he prepared me to survive the rest of my days with the way he shielded himself from emotional vulnerabilities that slowly destroy the rest of us.”

36. “I am vulnerable; that’s why I fight.” — Ronda Rousey

37. “True belonging is not passive. It’s not the belonging that comes with just joining a group. It’s not fitting in or pretending or selling out because it’s safer. It’s a practice that requires us to be vulnerable. get uncomfortable. and learn how to be present with people without sacrificing who we are. We want true belonging. but it takes tremendous courage to knowingly walk into hard moments.”

38. “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone. but paradoxically. if we cannot trust. neither can we find love or joy.” — Walter Anderson

39. “Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” – Byron Katie

40. ”All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.” – Robert C. Solomon

41. “If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives. vulnerability is the path.”

42. “We spend so much time defending our choice to do this that it becomes hard to show any vulnerability at all. There’s only so many times you can handle someone asking about your fall back for when things don’t work before you start thinking that maybe the fall back should just be your plan.” – Cora Carmack

43. “We are all broken by something. We have all hurt someone and have been hurt. We all share the condition of brokenness, even if our brokenness is not equivalent […] Our shared vulnerability and imperfection nurtures and sustains our capacity for compassion. We have a choice. We can embrace our humanness, which means embracing our broken natures and the compassion that remains our best hope for healing. Or we can deny our brokenness, foreswear compassion, and, as a result, deny our own humanity.” — Bryan Stevenson

44. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness” – Brené Brown; Daring Greatly

45. “Worrying about scarcity is our culture’s version of post-traumatic stress. It happens when you’ve been through too much. and rather than coming together to heal (which requires vulnerability). we’re angry and scared and at each other’s throats.”

46. “I also keep most of my pain. anger and feelings inside. I refuse to be vulnerable to anyone. especially my husband. The only people who see that more emotional or softer side are my children. That too because of my mother.”

47. To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.

48. “And so we exchange privacy for intimacy. We gamble with it. hoping that by exposing ourselves. someone will find a way in. This is why the human animal will always be vulnerable: because it wants to be.” – Max Barry

49. “The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging. in fact. can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance. because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic. vulnerable and imperfect.”

50. “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.” – Swami Vivekananda

51. “But. of course. putting yourself out there takes vulnerability. Vulnerability is hard. and we. as a rule. tend to go for what’s easy; by that logic. closing ourselves off is the easiest thing in the world. We quote the words of others to do our talking for us. send each other links to articles and stories in lieu of actual conversation. post pretty pictures to adequately convey our current state of mind. all to avoid having to proffer a single identifiable human emotion. We keep in touch with relatives by emailing them mawkishly inspirational chain letters once in a while. We regurgitate memes to approximate the feeling of being in the loop.”

52. “With the passage of time. I became increasingly aware of how all of the adults around me were living with constant fear and apprehension . . . I was feeling more and more vulnerable as I watched them continually struggle to solve the mystery of what white folks expected of them. They behaved as though it were an awful sin to overlook even one of those unspoken rules and step out of ‘their place. ’ to cross some invisible line. And yet lots of discussions in my household were about how to cross that line. when to cross that line. and who could cross that line without getting hurt.”

53. "The way to my heart was shattered when you left me, but I was glad because your memories were invulnerable, locked inside my heart.” – Anmol Rawat

54. “The tendency to trust easily anyone gives way to a certain vulnerability.”

55. “Being yourself means shedding all the layers of looking good. wanting to be liked. being scared to stand out and trying to be who you think people want you to be. Being yourself means being naked. raw. and vulnerable.”– Jeff Moore

56. I truly believe that the death of my mother has made me the way I am today. I’m a survivor, mentally strong, determined, strong-willed, self-reliant, and independent. I also keep most of my pain, anger, and feelings inside. I refuse to be vulnerable to anyone, especially my husband. The only people who see that more emotional or softer side are my children. That too because of my mother. – Hope Edelman, Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss

57. “A strong woman can also be vulnerable. Just because there’s a crack in your armor, don’t doubt your strength for one moment.” – Unknown

58. “If you think dealing with issues like worthiness and authenticity and vulnerability are not worthwhile because there are more pressing issues. like the bottom line or attendance or standardized test scores. you are sadly. sadly mistaken. It underpins everything.”

59. “As is often the case when I travel. my vulnerability. like not knowing what the hell I’m going to do upon arrival. makes me more open to outside interactions than I might be when I’m at home and think I know best what needs to be done. On the road. serendipity is given space to enter my life.” – Andrew McCarthy

60. One thing to remember is that human beings connect through vulnerability

61. “There’s monsters in all of us, but there’s also vulnerability” – Finn Wittrock

62. “And maybe that was love. Being so vulnerable and allowing someone else in so far they could hurt you. but they also give you everything.”

63. You have to be able to understand what your insecurities are if you want to change them. In order to do this, you are going to have to be very honest with yourself. – Jennifer N Smith

64. “I define wholehearted living as engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage. compassion. and connection to wake up in the morning and think. no matter what gets done and how much is left undone. I am enough. It’s going to bed at night thinking. Yes. I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid. but that doesn’t change the truth that I am brave and worthy of love and belonging.”

65. The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect. – Brene Brown

66. All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal. - Robert C. Solomon

67. “I want to say when I was little. like Maleficent. I was told I was different. And I felt out of place and too loud. too full of fire. never good at sitting still. never good at fitting in. And then one day I realized something – something I hope you all realize. Different is good. When someone tells you that you are different. smile and hold your head up and be proud.” – Angelina Jolie

68. “He had found that jealousy – or perhaps the fear of betrayal – was no respecter of age. Indeed. if anything. he thought getting older simply made it worse; he felt more vulnerable now.” – Kathy Shuker

69. “When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.” — Brené Brown

70. ″Time must be explicitly managed. like money. My students would sometimes roll their eyes at what they called ‘Pauschisms. ’ but I stand by them. Urging students not to invest time on irrelevant details. I’d tell them: ‘It doesn’t matter how well you polish the underside of the banister.’ ″

71. Vulnerability is the essence of connection and connection is the essence of existence.

72. “Shifts within friendships happen in imperceptible increments. There is distance. then assurance. Mis-conjecture. caution. gradual convergence. So much depends on the respect accorded to vulnerability.” – Gail Jones

73. “The way to my heart was shattered when you left me, but I was glad because your memories were invulnerable, locked inside my heart.“

74. “A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.” – Suze Orman

75. “Vulnerability is not about winning or losing. It’s having the courage to show up even when you can’t control the outcome.”

76. “June has never looked more beautiful than she does now. unadorned and honest. vulnerable yet invincible.”

77. “To be is to be vulnerable” – Norman O. Brown

78. “Be sure you put your feet in the right place. then stand firm.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

79. “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters”

80. “Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.” —Alan Watts

81. I am grateful for all those dark years, even though in retrospect they seem like a long, bitter prayer that was answered finally.” — Marilynne Robinson

82. “Don’t wish me happiness

83. “We always see our worst selves. Our most vulnerable selves. We need someone else to get close enough to tell us we’re wrong. Someone we trust.”

84. “I would love to do some more comedy. I would love to do some silliness. I would love to do some characters that have greater vulnerability.” – Kari Matchett

85. Being in love is the worst. I mean it’s the best, but it's so hard and scary to open your heart to someone. But the point is, vulnerability is the key to happiness. Vulnerable people are powerful people. —​ Amy Poehler

86. “How we behave toward our money. how we treat our money. speaks volumes about how we perceive and value ourselves. If we aren’t powerful with money. we aren’t powerful period.” – Suze Orman

87. “All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal. ” —Robert C. Solomon

88. “Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.” ~ Bob Vanourek

89. Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.

90. “Vulnerability is basically uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure” – Brené Brown

91. “A woman in birth is at once her most powerful, and most vulnerable. But any woman who has birthed unhindered understands that we are stronger than we know.”

92. “If he was vulnerable he was mortal, and if we could wound him we could kill him.” — Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

93. “Courage: Great Russian word, fit for the songs of our children’s children, pure on their tongues, and free.” – Anna Akhmatova

94. “...and that visibility which makes us most vulnerable is that which also is the source of our greatest strength.”

95. “Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.” – Thaddeus Golas

96. “Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.”

97. “Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less-than-perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.” -Mark Victor Hansen

98. “You have to be the one promoting yourself. If you don't think that you're worthy, you're never going to make it.” - Misty Copeland, source unknown

99. “I’ve never been this vulnerable to myself. I feel like I graduated almost.”

100. “One of the worst feelings in the world is having to doubt something you thought was unquestionable.”

101. “This kind of beauty softens you and expands you. which is good. but of course it makes you vulnerable to all sorts of horrible things. like. oh. feelings. And being in your body.” — Anne Lamott

102. “There is power in allowing yourself to be vulnerable and admitting that you're not perfect.”

103. “I think we can all agree that feeling shame is an incredibly painful experience. What we often don’t realize is that perpetrating shame is equally as painful. and no one does that with the precision of a partner or a parent. These are the people who know us the best and who bear witness to our vulnerabilities and fears. Thankfully. we can apologize for shaming someone we love. but the truth is that those shaming comments leave marks. And shaming someone we love around vulnerability is the most serious of all security breaches. Even if we apologize. we’ve done serious damage because we’ve demonstrated our willingness to use sacred information as a weapon.” – Brené Brown. Daring Greatly

104. “Physical bravery is an animal instinct; moral bravery is much higher and truer courage.” – Wendell Phillips

105. “So if we decide to be brave and stay in the conversation. how do we push through the vulnerability and stay civil? ... explicitly address the underlying intentions. What is the conversation about. and what is it really about?”

106. “Leaving out appraisal also would render the biological description of the phenomena of emotion vulnerable to the caricature that emotions without an appraisal phase are meaningless events. It would be more difficult to see how beautiful and amazingly intelligent emotions can be. and how powerfully they can solve problems for us.”

107. “America’s vulnerability comes precisely from its strength. its wealth. its power and its modernity. It’s the usual story of the dog chasing its own tail.” – Oriana Fallaci

108. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” – Brené Brown

109. “Choosing authenticity means cultivating the courage to be imperfect, to set boundaries, and to allow ourselves to be vulnerable; exercising the compassion that comes from knowing that we are all made of strength and struggle; and nurturing the connection and sense of belonging that can only happen when we believe that we are enough.”

110. Your best will never be good enough, to the ones constantly searching for your flaws. But for you to be the best, you need to ignore your flaws and do your best.

111. The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability. When the leader demonstrates vulnerability and sensibility and brings people together, the team wins. — Howard Schultz

112. “Be nice to each other. You can make a whole day a different day for everybody.” — Richard Dawson

113. “We want someone that we can be at our weakest with. and not feel so. That our vulnerability isn’t taken advantage of. but taken care of.”

114. Give vulnerability a shot. Give discomfort its due. Because I think he or she who is willing to be the most uncomfortable is not only the bravest, but rises the fastest.” Tim Ferriss

115. “Invention. discovery. and empires are built of chances taken with high degrees of failure. ” Stacey Abrams

116. “Don’t allow yourself to be satisfied with your success. Critique what you’ve achieved and ask what you can learn from others.” – Oscar Auliq-Ice

117. “La vita è imperfetta, noi siamo essere imperfetti e fragili, la nostra speranza di controllare e indirizzare le cose, la spinta a ricercare una perfezione in noi e in ciò che ci circonda, è pura e stupida illusione. Dovremmo semplicemente accettare le fragilità, accettare l’idea che dall’imperfezione possa nascere qualcosa di piú evoluto, renderle omaggio, come fa quella tecnica giapponese, il Kintsugi, letteralmente «riparare con l’oro», che usa il prezioso metallo per tenere insieme i cocci rotti. Ogni ceramica riparata sarà originale e inimitabile, perché le crepe non potranno mai essere uguali (a proposito dell’entropia). Gli sbagli, le imperfezioni e le fragilità ci arricchiscono, ci rendono unici, piú interessanti. Di piú, ci proteggono. Se il codice genetico di ognuno si riproducesse senza errori (piccole falle nel sistema), i nostri figli sarebbero fotocopie perfette di noi stessi e, come tali, soggetti alle medesime malattie, con gli stessi punti deboli. Gli errori che commette il Dna (le cosiddette mutazioni) nel riprodursi sono la nostra salvezza, perché ci diversificano l’uno dall’altro, garantiscono la variabilità genetica, in base alla quale alcuni si fortificano e riescono a sopravvivere. Se fossimo tutti uguali, al contrario, basterebbe un niente a cancellarci dalla faccia della Terra. Se fossimo asessuati (come le piante, o anche alcuni insetti e crostacei), se non ci riproducessimo cioè attraverso il sesso, che rimescola il gene, saremmo molto piú vulnerabili perché omologati.

118. When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest. – Henry David Thoreau

119. “Vulnerability is scary but pure. In it. you can find bravery.” — Raquel Franco

120. “I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught. all the world would be wise. since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning. understanding. patience. love. openness. and the willingness to remain vulnerable.”

121. “A strong woman can also be vulnerable. Just because there’s a crack in your armor, don’t doubt your strength for one moment.” –Unknown

122. “Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. Notice any labels you attach to crying or feeling vulnerable. Let go of the labels. Just feel what you are feeling. all the while cultivating moment-to-moment awareness.”

123. “We can only experience the true beauty of vulnerability when we’re courageous enough to crack open the fractures in our mask and allow the light to shine in.” — Alicya Perreault

124. “Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure.”

125. “You’re always with yourself. so you might as well enjoy the company.” – Diane Von Furstenberg

126. “When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.”

127. “Why is female vulnerability still only acceptable when it’s neuroticized and personal. when it feeds back on itself? Why do people still not get it when we handle vulnerability like philosophy. at some remove?” — Chris Kraus

128. “People can be at their most vulnerable. but still tenacious at the same time.”

129. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” — Japanese Proverb

130. “'Shoot the wounded... what we do to people who are the most vulnerable... we 'shoot the wounded.' As if they haven't suffered enough, we add to it by gossiping and treating hurt people like outcasts." ..."I think we killed Ronnie's spirit... Instead of coming alongside her and supporting her through this, I failed her...”

131. “I believe that owning our worthiness is the act of acknowledging that we are sacred. Perhaps embracing vulnerability and overcoming numbing is ultimately about the care and feeding of our spirits.”

132. “Give vulnerability a shot. Give discomfort its due. Because I think he or she who is willing to be the most uncomfortable is not only the bravest, but rises the fastest.” Tim Ferriss

133. Only fools believe that love makes a person vulnerable, only love makes a person strong and courageous. Your love made me a better person, because of you I became the man, whom I always wanted to be. Good morning my love.

134. “I wanted so badly to be vulnerable over a burger. beer. and bags of free books we find on some stranger’s porch. You wanted badly to be touched some thousand miles away and never found the time to write me back.” — Darnell Lamont Walker

135. “It is important to believe in yourself, but it is important to have sense, too.” – Hugo Lloris

136. “Paul Farmer. the renowned physician who has spent his life trying to cure the world's sickest and poorest people. once quoted me something that the writer Thomas Merton said: We are bodies of broken bones. I guess I'd always known but never fully considered that being broken is what makes us human. We all have our reasons. Sometimes we're fractured by the choices we make; sometimes we're shattered by things we would never have chosen. But our brokenness is also the source of our common humanity. the basis of our shared search for comfort. meaning. and healing. Our shared vulnerability and imperfection nurtures and sustains our capacity for compassion.

137. “What makes pornography so addictive is that more than anything else in a lost man’s life. it makes him feel like a man without ever requiring a thing of him. The less a guy feels like a real man in the presence of a real woman. the more vulnerable he is to porn.”

138. “Recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy.” Brené Brown

139. “Don’t wait to do something just because you think you are not enough. time doesn’t know that.”

140. “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”

141. “Confidence is not holding back the deck of cards of your weaknesses. Confidence is a comfort with vulnerability.” – Brendon Burchard

142. “The difficult thing is that vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you and the last thing I'm willing to show you. In you. it's courage and daring. In me. it's weakness.”

143. “When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief. but not one you feel allowed to celebrate. Instead. the feeling of victory is replaced with anxiety that it will happen again. and with shame and vulnerability when you see how your illness affected your family. your work. everything left untouched while you struggled to survive.”

144. “It’s tougher to be vulnerable than to actually be tough.” – Rihanna

145. “Vulnerability means fearlessly keeping the door to your heart open” – Shai Tubali

146. “I’m learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy, gratitude, and grace.”

147. “We overweight people. we say terrible things to ourselves….Oh. you wouldn't believe it. 'You fat pig. How can you do this? You're a disgusting jerk.' And that gets you nowhere. That gets you right back into a bowl of pasta fregula.”

148. “When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief, but not one you feel allowed to celebrate. Instead, the feeling of victory is replaced with anxiety that it will happen again, and with shame and vulnerability when you see how your illness affected your family, your work, everything left untouched while you struggled to survive. We come back to life thinner, paler, weaker … but as survivors.” — Jenny Lawson

149. “I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly. we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort. but we can’t have both. Not at the same time. Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”

150. “Our whole philosophy is one of transparency.” – Valerie Jarrett

151. “It’s the first villain that I’ve played in a movie that has absolutely no vulnerability and no innocence. nothing whatsoever that is likeable about her other than she’s so bad.”- Daryl Hannah

152. “Of all the things trauma takes away from us. the worst is our willingness. or even our ability. to be vulnerable. There’s a reclaiming that has to happen.”

153. ...the path to great confidence is not in becoming invincible. flawless. and seemingly perfect. But rather. it is in embracing your humanity. in all its messy glory and tender vulnerability. Dr Aziz Gazipura PsyD. The Art of Extraordinary Confidence

154. “Confidence makes all things right.”

155. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable. to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” ― Criss Jami

156. I spent a lot of years trying to outrun or outsmart vulnerability by making things certain and definite, black and white, good and bad. My inability to lean into the discomfort of vulnerability limited the fullness of those important experiences that are fraught with uncertainty: Love, belonging, trust, joy, and creativity to name a few. – Brene Brown

157. It wasn’t always a choice; we were born curious. But over time, we learn that curiosity, like vulnerability, can lead to hurt. As a result, we turn to self-protecting—choosing certainty over curiosity, armor over vulnerability, and knowing over learning.

158. If I didn't like you, I could take any or all of what I found and invent a context that lost you your job, your relationships, your degree. People are so vulnerable online and they don't realize it. That is scary to me. - Author: Mark Cuban

159. “When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.”

160. “One thing to remember is that human beings connect through vulnerability. That’s our core way of connecting.” – Zoe Buckman

161. “Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two.” — A.A. Milne

162. “Failure is a feeling long before it becomes an actual result. It’s vulnerability that breeds with self-doubt and then is escalated. often deliberately. by fear.”

163. “Things aren’t always clear at the beginning of a relationship. Be up-front. Don’t play on her confusion or vulnerability. Women want and appreciate clarity.” – Nadine Velazquez

164. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength” – Crissi Jami

165. “There is a difference between vulnerability and telling people everything about yourself. Vulnerability is a feeling. Telling everyone about yourself is just facts and details.” — Simon Sinek

166. “If you hold back on the emotions—if you don’t allow yourself to go all the way through them—you can never get to being detached. you’re too busy being afraid. You’re afraid of the pain. you’re afraid of the grief. You’re afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.”

167. “Leaders should never be satisfied. They must always strive to improve. and they must build that mind-set into the team. They must face the facts through a realistic. brutally honest assessment of themselves and their team’s performance.”

168. “Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity.” – Janet Louise Stephenson

169. “I don't want you to leave me when you see my demons. I want you to calm them down. love me when I'm vulnerable.”

170. “I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness, and the willingness to remain vulnerable.” — Anne Morrow Lindberg

171. When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief, but not one you feel allowed to celebrate. Instead, the feeling of victory is replaced with anxiety that it will happen again, and with shame and vulnerability when you see how your illness affected your family, your work, everything left untouched while you struggled to survive. We come back to life thinner, paler, weaker … but as survivors.

172. I think the currency of leadership is transparency. You've got to be truthful. I don't think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you've got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are, and not be afraid of it.

173. “In every team there are going to be moments of vulnerability.” – Virgil van Dijk

174. “Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of. ” —Bob Vanourek, author of Triple Crown Leadership

175. “The intention and outcome of vulnerability is trust. intimacy and connection. The outcome of oversharing is distrust. disconnection – and usually a little judgment.”

176. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable. but they’re never weakness.”

177. If we're wrapping ourselves up to conceal any vulnerability

178. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness. If it doesn’t feel vulnerable, the sharing is probably not constructive” – Brené Brown

179. “Self-confidence is the fountainhead of everything else in your life. You draw from it to achieve and build the other areas of your life.” – Bill Andrews

180. “To stand up straight with your shoulders back is to accept the terrible responsibility of life. with eyes wide open. It means deciding to voluntarily transform the chaos of potential into the realities of habitable order. It means adopting the burden of self-conscious vulnerability. and accepting the end of the unconscious paradise of childhood. where finitude and mortality are only dimly comprehended. It means willingly undertaking the sacrifices necessary to generate a productive and meaningful reality (it means acting to please God. in the ancient language).”

181. “Pretentiousness repels but authenticity attracts. and vulnerability is the pathway to intimacy.”

182. “Love yourself and love those around you. Take care of yourself and take care of those around you. Lead by example. Give love. Be a part of everything that is great in the world. and in turn there is more love and greatness in the world! Change the world!” – Jeffrey I. Moore

183. “You have power over your mind-not outside events. Realize this. and you will find strength.”- Marcus Aurelius

184. “I remember specifically a couple of performances that I saw when I was young – River Phoenix in ‘Stand by Me’ and also Michael Jackson. in particular his ability to command such power and love while maintaining such deep vulnerability. It really moved my soul from a very young age.” – Asia Kate Dillon

185. “The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position.”

186. Do not be afraid to show the world who you are and what you are capable of. You are always enough for the right people. All those who do not see how great you are are not worth the bother.

187. “A real man doesn't take advantage of a woman when she is vulnerable.”

188. Gratitude unlocks all that’s blocking us from really feeling truthful, really feeling authentic and vulnerable and happy. - Gabrielle Bernstein

189. “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney

190. “Being vulnerable is actually a strength and not a weakness — that’s why more and more mental health is such an important thing to talk about. It’s the same as being physically sick. And when you keep all those things inside, when you bottle them up, it makes you ill.” — Cara Delevingne

191. “Breathe. let go. and be in the flow of right now. In this moment. you are enough.” – Lee Horbachewski

192. “When in doubt tell the truth.” – Mark Twain

193. “Millions of people can believe in you, and ye none of it matters if you don’t believe in yourself.”

194. “Our vulnerability is that both blacks and whites can use our impossible racial authenticity against us. Both races can throw up our mixed background to challenge our authority to speak.” – Shelby Steele

195. “To love someone fiercely, to believe in something with your whole heart, to celebrate a fleeting moment in time, to fully engage in a life that doesn’t come with guarantees – these are risks that involve vulnerability and often pain. But, I’m learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy, gratitude and grace.” – Brené Brown

196. “When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief, but not one you feel allowed to celebrate. Instead, the feeling of victory is replaced with anxiety that it will happen again, and with shame and vulnerability when you see how your illness affected your family, your work, everything left untouched while you struggled to survive. We come back to life thinner, paler, weaker … but as survivors.”

197. “Focus on your work. Do what you’re great at. Don’t compare yourself to others and or waste time criticizing the lives and work of others. Do what matters most to you and make a difference doing that.” – Germany Kent

198. “A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed.” – Unknown

199. “Be vulnerable. Let yourself be deeply seen, love with your whole heart, practice gratitude and joy… be able to say ‘I am thankful to feel this vulnerable because it means I am alive,’ and believe ‘I am enough.’ You are worthy of love and belonging.” – Brené Brown

200. “Like a protective barrier. I had erected walls in my mind and mannerisms. There. at that moment. I felt the need to tear them down. to reveal my true self. As if my life would not have meaning unless I unleashed my true self on the world.”

201. “You only live once, you might as well be a badass!” — Author Unknown

202. “Nothing makes us more vulnerable than loneliness, except greed.” — Thomas Harris

203. “Vulnerability lets in light.” – A.D. Posey

204. “You don't need to be like her. You're already everything.”

205. “Gratitude unlocks all that’s blocking us from really feeling truthful, really feeling authentic and vulnerable and happy.” – Gabrielle Bernstein

206. If you think dealing with issues like worthiness and authenticity and vulnerability are not worthwhile because there are more pressing issues, like the bottom line or attendance or standardized test scores, you are sadly, sadly mistaken. It underpins everything.

207. “The way to my heart was shattered when you left me, but I was glad because your memories were invulnerable, locked inside my heart.” —Anmol Rawat

208. “Waking up every day and loving someone who may or may not love us back, whose safety we can’t ensure, who may stay in our lives or may leave without a moment’s notice, who may be loyal to the day they die or betray us tomorrow – that’s vulnerability.”

209. “When someone tells me “no,” it doesn’t mean I can’t do it, it simply means I can’t do it with them.”

210. “If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”

211. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change” – Brene Brown

212. “If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them. so of course it kills them. The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.”

213. “I want the part of you that you refuse to give.”

214. “Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries.”

215. “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”

216. Your sweet vulnerable parts deep down inside are very easy to me.

217. “Be careful with whom you associate. especially when you feel emotionally vulnerable because negative people can steal the dream right out of your heart.” — Joel Osteen

218. “Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability. transparency. and integrity.” – Janet Louise Stephenson

219. “We’re all trained as actors to approach our characters with no prejudice. and take on the mindset and the spirit of the character in a way that allows the vulnerability and the truth to come out naturally.” – Rob Morgan

220. “Happiness comes from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else.”

221. Regardless of how anyone else feels about me, I am going to choose to love myself today.

222. “The frail, vulnerable sounds of which we are capable seem to be essential to a later ability to roar like a lion without scaring everyone to death.”

223. “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ~ Buddha

224. “People can be at their most vulnerable. but still tenacious at the same time.” — Toni Bernhard

225. “Transparency fosters a sense of trust and provides serious motivation.” – Billy Boughey

226. “You are loved. You are enough. You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are irreplaceable.” – Rochelle Griffin

227. We are never so vulnerable as when we love. — Sigmund Freud

228. “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones. you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

229. “Authenticity is also about the courage and the vulnerability to say, “Yeah, I’ll try it. I feel pretty uncomfortable and I feel a little vulnerable, but I’ll try it!”” — Brené Brown

230. “The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” – Brene Brown

231. “All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as a trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.” –Robert C. Solomon

232. “Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.”

233. “We’re often afraid of being vulnerable. but vulnerability creates genuine connection.”

234. “A vulnerable man is not some weird anomaly. He is open to being hurt, but also open to love” – Grayson Perry

235. “You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.” – Bob Marley

236. “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone – but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or jo.” – Walter Anderson

237. “Vulnerability is not weakness. and the uncertainty. risk. and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection.”

238. “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out. but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.”

239. “Vulnerable. like all men. to the temptations of arrogance. of which intellectual pride is the worst. he [the scientist] must nevertheless remain sincere and modest. if only because his studies constantly bring home to him that. compared with the gigantic aims of science. his own contribution. no matter how important. is only a drop in the ocean of truth.”

240. Get more confidence by doing things that excite and frighten you.

241. “You are braver than you believe. stronger than you seem. and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

242. To be vulnerable to emotion is a sign that one is suffering from an insufficient quantity of energy.

243. “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone — but paradoxically. if we cannot trust. neither can we find love or joy.” — Frank Crane

244. “Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…. If you do so. you are insulting yourself.” – Bill Gates

245. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. – Mother Teresa

246. “Negative thinking and negative emotions have their importance: they sharpen your focus on dangers, threats, and vulnerabilities. This is critical for our survival.”―Abhishek Ratna

247. “What we say to ourselves in the privacy of our own minds matters.” – Marie Forleo

248. “All art is a form of vulnerability because at least part of the artist goes into the piece.” – A.D. Posey

249. You want to be uncommon amongst uncommon people. Period.

250. “Not nice means speaking up and asserting yourself, your opinions, ideas, and desires. It’s challenging others when you disagree, standing behind your convictions, and being willing to have difficult conversations. You do this because you want full contact with life and other humans instead of hiding who you are behind a polite wall of fear. When you do have conflict or disagreement, and you inevitably will if you’re being not nice, then you are as vulnerable, skillful, and compassionate as you can be in your communications. ”—Aziz Gazipura

251. “Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem and self-worth.” ― Oprah Winfrey

252. Believe you can and you're halfway there! - Theodore Roosevelt

253. “I wanted to badly to be vulnerable over a burger. beer. and bags of free books we find on some stranger’s porch. You wanted badly to be touched some thousand miles away and never found the time to write me back.” – Darnell Lamont Walker

254. “I think women – or human beings. for that matter – are vulnerable. It’s your vulnerability that makes you beautiful and stronger in your own way. Because then you’re more accepting to newer things.” – Kriti Kharbanda

255. “…if you rely solely on medication to manage depression or anxiety, for example, you have done nothing to train the mind, so that when you come off the medication, you are just as vulnerable to a relapse as though you had never taken the medication.” — Daniel Goleman

256. “If you’re not willing to build a vulnerable culture, you can’t create.” – Brené Brown

257. “We are all vulnerable in love. We are more emotionally naked with those we love and sometimes. inevitably. we hurt each other with careless words or actions.” — Sue Johnson

258. “One thing to remember is that human beings connect through vulnerability. That’s our core way of connecting” – Zoe Buckman

259. “I define wholehearted living as engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, no matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am brave and worthy of love and belonging.”

260. “Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.” — George Herbert

261. “When we have emotions of fear and pity toward the hero of a tragedy. we explore aspects of our own vulnerability in a safe and pleasing setting.” — Martha Nussbaum

262. “That's the thing about being a victim; you start to think it'll happen to you on a regular basis. It's living with the reality of your own vulnerability. and it sucks.”

263. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love. . courage. empathy. and creativity."

264. “Sometimes it’s better to show our vulnerability, pain, regrets so others don’t think us impervious, unapproachable; be real and open” – Jay Woodman

265. Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure. — Bob Marley

266. “Don't worry about who doesn't like you. who has more. or who's doing what.”

267. “Strange. she thinks. how vulnerable the back of your neck feels when you listen to silence.” – Glenn Haybittle. The Way Back to Florence

268. “Be happy without comparing yourself to others.” – Unknown

269. To be deeply loved means a willingness to cut yourself wide open, exposing your vulnerabilities… hopes, hurts, fears and flaws. Hiding behind the highlight reel of who you are, is the real you and that person is just as worthy of love. There is nothing more terrifying or fulfilling than complete love. It's worth the risk… reach for it.”

270. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.”

271. At your most vulnerable, you are also at your happiest. For that reason, we all need to take some time for ourselves. Take a moment to reflect and remember why life is worth living.

272. “Know that...there's plenty of food and of course popcorn on the dining-room table. yourself. If that runs out just let me know. Don't panic. And there's coffee, both caff and decaf, and soft drinks and juice in the kitchen, and plenty of ice in the freezer so...let me know if you have any questions with that.' And lastly, since I have you all here in one place, I have something to share with you. Along the garden ways just now...I too heard the flowers speak. They told me that our family garden has all but turned to sand. I want you to know I've watered and nurtured this square of earth for nearly twenty years, and waited on my knees each spring for these gentle bulbs to rise, reborn. But want does not bring such breath to life. Only love does. The plain, old-fashioned kind. In our family garden my husband is of the genus Narcissus , which includes daffodils and jonquils and a host of other ornamental flowers. There is, in such a genus of man, a pervasive and well-known pattern of grandiosity and egocentrism that feeds off this very kind of evening, this type of glitzy generosity. People of this ilk are very exciting to be around. I have never met anyone with as many friends as my husband. He made two last night at Carvel. I'm not kidding. Where are you two? Hi. Hi, again. Welcome. My husband is a good man, isn't he? He is. But in keeping with his genus, he is also absurdly preoccupied with his own importance, and in staying loyal to this, he can be boastful and unkind and condescending and has an insatiable hunger to be seen as infallible. Underlying all of the constant campaigning needed to uphold this position is a profound vulnerability that lies at the very core of his psyche. Such is the narcissist who must mask his fears of inadequacy by ensuring that he is perceived to be a unique and brilliant stone. In his offspring he finds the grave limits he cannot admit in himself. And he will stop at nothing to make certain that his child continually tries to correct these flaws. In actuality, the child may be exceedingly intelligent, but has so fully developed feelings of ineptitude that he is incapable of believing in his own possibilities. The child's innate sense of self is in great jeopardy when this level of false labeling is accepted. In the end the narcissist must compensate for this core vulnerability he carries and as a result an overestimation of his own importance arises. So it feeds itself, cyclically. And, when in the course of life they realize that their views are not shared or thier expectations are not met, the most common reaction is to become enraged. The rage covers the fear associated with the vulnerable self, but it is nearly impossible for others to see this, and as a result, the very recognition they so crave is most often out of reach. It's been eighteen years that I've lived in service to this mindset. And it's been devastating for me to realize that my efforts to rise to these standards and demands and preposterous requests for perfection have ultimately done nothing but disappoint my husband. Put a person like this with four developing children and you're gonna need more than love poems and ice sculpture to stay afloat. Trust me. So. So, we're done here.”

273. “The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to show off.”’ — Robert Hand

274. “We owe our children. the most vulnerable citizens in any society – a life free from violence and fear.” – Nelson Mandela

275. "The universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out your attachment, your clinging, to pleasure, to pain, to fear to all of it. And as long as there is a place where your vulnerable, the universe will find a way to confront you with it.”

276. “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” – C.S. Lewis

277. “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” – Jack Sparrow

278. “Happiness doesn’t come from what you buy. where you shop. what you wear or even by what other people think of you. Real happiness comes from within.”

279. “We desperately don’t want to experience shame, and we’re not willing to talk about it. Yet the only way to resolve shame is to talk about it. Maybe we’re afraid of topics like love and shame. Most of us like safety, certainty, and clarity. Shame and love are grounded in vulnerability and tenderness.”

280. “The danger of embracing the notion of paradoxical resiliency too readily is that it overlooks the suffering of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.”

281. “Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.” – Brené Brown

282. “You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.” – Lionel Messi

283. “If you can be there for yourself and forgive yourself when you fail. it would be so much easier to do the same for others. Self love is the best way to love others.”

284. “I find a gentle but ferocious strength in being vulnerable. Honesty turns shame into light.”

285. “When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.”

286. “I found that the more truthful and vulnerable I was. the more empowering it was for me.” — Alanis Morissette

287. “Be careful with whom you associate. especially when you feel emotionally vulnerable. because negative people can steal the dream right out of your heart.”

288. We’re often afraid of being vulnerable, but vulnerability creates genuine connection.. — Gabby Bernstein

289. “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” – Brené Brown

290. “And so we exchange privacy for intimacy. We gamble with it. hoping that by exposing ourselves. someone will find a way in. This is why the human animal will always be vulnerable: because it wants to be.” — Max Barry

291. “I will love myself despite the ease with which I lean towards the opposite.”

292. “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

293. “No human being is ever going to love you more than you love yourself.”

294. “We do not become less needy. less dependent when we pray; we become more needy. more dependent. which is to say. more human.” – Eugene H. Peterson

295. “Vulnerability is the essence of connection and connection is the essence of existence.” — Leo Christopher

296. She was vulnerable when it came to him. He had crashed through her universe kissing her soul. — N.R. Hart

297. “My one area of vulnerability was I didn’t know how to have a healthy relationship with a man.” — Carole King

298. We have to transcend our own negativity and vulnerability and work from our own inner security.

299. Being vulnerable is actually a strength and not a weakness — that's why more and more mental health is such an important thing to talk about. It's the same as being physically sick. And when you keep all those things inside, when you bottle them up, it makes you ill.

300. Do not let anyone ever make you feel like you are not enough.

301. “He was a volatile mixture of confidence and vulnerability. He could deliver extended monologues on professional matters. then promptly stop in his tracks to peer inquisitively into his guest's eyes for signs of boredom or mockery. being intelligent enough to be unable fully to believe in his own claims to significance. He might. in a past life. have been a particularly canny and sharp-tongued royal advisor.”

302. Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate.

303. The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.

304. “With the increasing speed of business in today’s economy, transparency isn’t just desirable—it’s essential.” – Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

305. “The only person who can pull me down is myself. and I'm not going to let myself pull me down anymore.”

306. “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” — C.S. Lewis

307. “Of all forms of caution. caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.”

308. “My hope is that in these last moments he’ll show me the vulnerable and tender underbelly of his self. but this isn’t happening. yet. and I’m a fool to think that it will. This is the way it has gone from the beginning: every time we get close to something meaningful. serious. or delicate. he tells a joke. There is a never a yes or no. what do you think. here. according to me. is the meaning of life.”

309. "When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable.” – Henry David Thoreau

310. “Confidence isn’t optimism or pessimism. and it’s not a character attribute. It’s the expectation of a positive outcome.” ~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter

311. “Dubai awakens your mind to what is possible.” Asad Meah

312. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”

313. “We. as extremely complex creatures. desperately need to know this story of how the universe creates complexity and why complexity means vulnerability and fragility.” – David Christian

314. “Human beings. whatever their backgrounds. are more open than we think. that their behavior cannot be confidently predicted from their past. that we are all creatures vulnerable to new thoughts. new attitudes.

315. "All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.” – Robert C. Solomon

316. “I only share when I have no unmet needs that I’m trying to fill. I firmly believe that being vulnerable with a larger audience is only a good idea if the healing is tied to the sharing, not to the expectations I might have for the response I get.”

317. “If you hold back on the emotions--if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them--you can never get to being detached. you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain. you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotions. by allowing yourself to dive in. all the way. over your heard even. you experience them fully and completely.”

318. “Look in the mirror and say. There is none other like you and for that reason alone you are beautiful.”

319. “There’s nothing more beautiful than authenticity. There’s nothing stronger than vulnerability. There’s no better time than now.” — Vironika Tugaleva

320. “Wouldn’t it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself so deeply that you would do just about anything if you knew it would make you happy? This is precisely how much life loves you and wants you to nurture yourself. The deeper you love yourself. the more the universe will affirm your worth. Then you can enjoy a lifelong love affair that brings you the richest fulfillment from inside out.” — Alan Cohen

321. Accepting our emotional truth is essential for self-acceptance. In turn, self-acceptance is necessary for accepting others. Learning the principles of emotional honesty enables us to stop punishing ourselves and others for our emotional pain. By acknowledging our emotional vulnerability we also increase emotional intimacy. – Ronald R. Brill

322. “There are many tenets of wholeheartedness, but at its very core is vulnerability and worthiness; facing uncertainty, exposure, and emotional risks, and knowing that I am enough.”

323. “If you are going to survive in business, show business or any business, then you have to be bold.” – Rebecca Ferguson

324. I did not learn about vulnerability and courage and creativity and innovation from studying vulnerability

325. Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable.

326. Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don't give up. - Rachel Corrie

327. “Rather than constantly questioning and challenging our beliefs and being willing to think differently about the opportunities that are out there. we withdraw into what we’ve done before. And in a world that’s rapidly changing. that’s a formula for vulnerability.” – John Hagel III

328. “Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both; it’s engaging. It’s being all in.” – Brené Brown

329. “Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.” — Paul Millsap

330. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and, creativity” – Brené Brown; Daring Greatly

331. “Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.” — Bob Vanourek

332. Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.

333. “If we have a friend, or small group of friends, or family who embraces our imperfections, vulnerabilities, and power, and fills us with a sense of belonging, we are incredibly lucky.”

334. “I think the currency of leadership is transparency. You’ve got to be truthful. I don’t think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you’ve got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are, and not be afraid of it.” Howard Schultz

335. “Always listen to yourself… It is better to be wrong than simply to follow convention.” ― Bryce Courtenay

336. “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” — Edmund Hillary

337. We need to rebrand vulnerability and emotion. A vulnerable man is not some weird anomaly. He is open to being hurt, but also open to love. — Grayson Perry

338. “And that reminds me of another memorable thing Linda once said to me: “There’s so much strength in vulnerability. It’s the ultimate gift you can give yourself because you allow yourself to open up; to invite someone in.” – Kat Von D

339. “I hope you’re able to grow to respect whoever you are inside.” – Fred Rogers

340. “The loner who looks fabulous is one of the most vulnerable loners of all.”

341. “The core of authenticity is the courage to be imperfect. vulnerable. and to set boundaries.” – Brené Brown

342. “Pretentiousness repels but authenticity attracts. and vulnerability is the pathway to intimacy.” – Rick Warren. ‘The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?’

343. “June has never looked more beautiful than she does now, unadorned and honest, vulnerable yet invincible.” — Marie Lu

344. “If you want to live a happy life. tie it to a goal. not to people or things.” –Albert Einstein

345. “The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” – Brené Brown

346. “If you hold back on the emotions—if you don’t allow yourself to go all the way through them—you can never get to being detached, you’re too busy being afraid. You’re afraid of the pain, you’re afraid of the grief. You’re afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.” — Mitch Albom

347. “You yourself. as much as anybody in the entire universe. deserve your love and affection.”

348. “…hope is never wasted. Even if what I hoped for did not come to fruition as I had imagined, as I had hoped. Hope is placing the beautifully vulnerable parts of ourselves, our raw selves, into His hands. I believe hope moves His heart; but hope also moves our hearts into His hands. Hope builds trust.” — Natalie BrennerRelated: How To Cope With A Miscarriage

349. “Vulnerability is for the brave” – Lidia Longorio

350. “If he was vulnerable he was mortal. and if we could wound him we could kill him.”

351. “Maybe that was love. Being so vulnerable and allowing someone else in so far they could hurt you. but they also give you everything.” — Christine Feehan

352. “If you think dealing with issues like worthiness and authenticity and vulnerability are not worthwhile because there are more pressing issues. like the bottom line or attendance or standardized test scores. you are sadly. sadly mistaken. It underpins everything.” – Brene Brown

353. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” – Crissi Jami

354. “She wore her vulnerability like red lipstick. with nothing else.”

355. When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.

356. Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of. - Bob Vanourek

357. When you’re different, sometimes you don’t see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn’t. – Jodi Picoult

358. Let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen, to love with our whole hearts, even though there’s no guarantee… to practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror, to be this vulnerable means that we’re alive.

359. “I still do not know how to love anyone who won't show their softest side to me. And maybe that makes me a monster. but how can I trust someone without seeing their vulnerability?”

360. “Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous.”

361. “You have to be vulnerable and open to experience the new. as nothing else gonna substitute it.” – Jayesh Varma

362. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” — Crissi Jami

363. “Throughout our emotional odyssey in the unembellished narrative of our life. we may sense many alluring voices that are enticing us into a beguiling. seamless story. Our inner monologue. however. might start raising consequential questions about the scintillation of that story. about our vulnerability during the tempting process and the danger of losing our real self. The question may be asked. whether the lure might enlighten. weaken or destroy our living. While our interior monologue mostly listens to the wisdom of our experience and the guidance of our memory. it may happen that it prefers not to listen. In that event. however. unreason and passion will be calling all the shots. ( “Woman in progress” )”

364. “Some people should not be allowed to see beyond your surface. Seeing your vulnerability is a privilege. not meant for everyone.” – Yasmin Mogahed

365. “Generosity is not a free pass for people to take advantage of us. treat us unfairly. or be purposefully disrespectful and mean.”

366. “Trust is a product of vulnerability that grows over time and requires work, attention, and full engagement. Trust isn’t a grand gesture—it’s a growing marble collection.”

367. “Through my research. I found that vulnerability is the glue that holds relationships together. It's the magic sauce.”

368. “You give everyone the benefit of the doubt. They don’t always deserve it.” – Unknown

369. “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness, and affection.”

370. “Sometimes we must yield control to others and accept our vulnerability so we can be healed.”

371. To be happy you don't need to be perfect

372. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.” — Brené Brown

373. “When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief. but not one you feel allowed to celebrate. Instead. the feeling of victory is replaced with anxiety that it will happen again. and with shame and vulnerability when you see how your illness affected your family. your work. everything left untouched while you struggled to survive. We come back to life thinner. paler. weaker … but as survivors.”

374. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. – Kent M. Keith

375. “Once you embrace your value, talents and strengths, it neutralizes when others think less of you.”― Rob Liano

376. “To love at all is to be vulnerable” – C.S. Lewis

377. We're often afraid of being vulnerable, but vulnerability creates genuine connection.

378. “What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful. There’s a word for it—authentic.” – Anonymous

379. “If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.”

380. Thoughts don't become things; thoughts are things.

381. “Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection” – Brené Brown

382. Self-love is the source of all our other loves. – Pierre Corneille

383. Vulnerability is the strongest state to be in

384. I found that ultimately if you truly pour your heart into what you believe in—even if it makes you vulnerable—amazing things can happen. —Emma Watson

385. “To love is to be vulnerable.” – C.S. Lewis

386. “The weakest link in any chain of security is not the technology itself, but the person operating it; iron gates have no compassion to appeal to, nor fears to exploit, nor insecurities to use to one’s advantage. They are, however, operated by us – by beings of unlimited vulnerability and limited energy. Why waste time brute-forcing what can be easily circumvented by a clever façade and a crimson tongue?”

387. “Doubt me and I’ll prove you wrong. Tell me what to do and I’ll tell you off. Say I’m not worth it and watch where I end up. Screw me over and I’ll do it to you twice as bad.”

388. “’A Change Is Gonna Come’ has always been a powerful song for me as it comes from a place of vulnerability.” – Gregory Porter

389. “Confidence is a lot of this game or any game. If you don’t think you can, you won’t.” -Jerry West

390. Courage is vulnerability

391. “Let yourself become living poetry.” — Rumi

392. Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of. — Bob Vanourek

393. “The really important thing to be was yourself. just as hard as you could.”

394. “To create is to make something that has never existed before. There’s nothing more vulnerable than that.” – Brené Brown

395. “What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful.” — Brene Brown

396. “Then I made a stupid mistake and looked up at him. His eyes met mine. and for a moment. his face was open and vulnerable in the moonlight. I caught a hint of wonder there as we stared at each other. Slowly. he leaned forward. I caught my breath. a tiny gasp escaping. He stiffened. and his expression shuttered closed. eyes going hard and frosty.

397. “Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers. The antidote for a snakebite is made from the poison, and the thing that made you go backward is the same force that will push you forward.” — T. D. Jakes

398. “Vulnerability always comes with risks. but its rewards are deep.” – Aisha Mirza

399. “You might never know a man’s vulnerable place until you see him with his daughter, because with her, he seem capable of more human emotions than he will ever share with anyone else.”

400. “It’s very hard to have ideas. It’s very hard to put yourself out there. It’s very hard to be vulnerable. but those people who do that are the dreamers. the thinkers. and the creators. They are the magic people of the world.” — Amy Poehler

401. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. - Mother Theresa

402. “When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief, but not one you feel allowed to celebrate. Instead, the feeling of victory is replaced with anxiety that it will happen again, and with shame and vulnerability when you see how your illness affected your family, your work, everything left untouched while you struggled to survive. We come back to life thinner, paler, weaker … but as survivors. Survivors who don’t get pats on the back from coworkers who congratulate them on making it. Survivors who wake to more work than before because their friends and family are exhausted from helping them fight a battle they may not even understand. I hope to one day see a sea of people all wearing silver ribbons as a sign that they understand the secret battle, and as a celebration of the victories made each day as we individually pull ourselves up out of our foxholes to see our scars heal, and to remember what the sun looks like.”

403. Self-love, it is obvious, remains always positive and active in our natures. – Gordon W. Allport

404. I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness, and the willingness to remain vulnerable.

405. “True belonging is not passive.… It’s a practice that requires us to be vulnerable, get uncomfortable, and learn how to be present with people without sacrificing who we are.”

406. “It’s hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.” ― Dolly Parton

407. “Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest, and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life…. You give them a piece of you. They didn’t ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness. So simple a phrase like ‘maybe we should be just friends’ turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.” — Neil Gaiman

408. “Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.” — Patrick Lencioni

409. “I define vulnerability as uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.”

410. “Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of. ” – Bob Vanourek

411. “When we have emotions of fear and pity toward the hero of a tragedy. we explore aspects of our own vulnerability in a safe and pleasing setting.” – Martha Nussbaum

412. “Just love yourself and watch how life will blossom.” – Alexandra Stoddard

413. “If you can change your mind. you can change your life.” – William James

414. “So you’re a little weird? Work it! A little different? OWN it! Better to be a nerd than one of the herd!” – Mandy Hale

415. “A lot of people would probably get quite bored watching a series about a king who is powerful and never showed any vulnerability.” – George Blagden

416. To be vulnerable to emotion is a sign that one is suffering from an insufficient quantity of energy. Yves Réquéna, Chi Kung

417. “When we’re anxious, disconnected, vulnerable, alone, and feeling helpless, the booze, and food, and work, and endless hours online feel like comfort; but in reality, they’re only casting their long shadows over our lives.”

418. “There is a difference between vulnerability and telling people everything about yourself. Vulnerability is a feeling. Telling everyone about yourself is just facts and details.” – Simon Sinek

419. “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known. and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust. respect. kindness. and affection.”

420. “Life isn’t always really glamorous and fabulous. It’s about encouraging people to go back to natural beauty.” Zoe Foster Blake

421. If you can find a place where money is moving and stand in the way, then the money is vulnerable.” – Andrew Tate. . . If you can find a place where money is moving and stand in the way, then the money is vulnerable.” – Andrew Tate. .

422. “Our children make us so vulnerable. Our parents too. I suppose.” — Sara Sheridan

423. “Some people should not be allowed to see beyond your surface. Seeing your vulnerability is a privilege. not meant for everyone.” — Yasmin Mogahed

424. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path. — Brené Brown

425. “Why spend your life working on defense when no defense can be made truly impenetrable? Take the offensive – learn the vulnerabilities of the world around you and be the change you wish to see rather than living in constant fear of what may happen to you instead.” – A.J. Darkholme

426. There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.

427. “You can’t find intimacy–you can’t find home–when you’re always hiding behind masks. Intimacy requires a certain level of vulnerability. It requires a certain level of you exposing your fragmented. contradictory self to someone else. You running the risk of having your core self rejected and hurt and misunderstood.”

428. “Some people say you are going the wrong way, when it’s simply a way of your own.” — Angelina Jolie

429. “Sometimes being vulnerable as a child is not knowing what lies ahead. We think our choices will make a huge difference in our lives because our parents and other elders spend so much time making sure we think before we act and make our minds up about what we want to be “when we grow up”. Some are already at that stage early on. some are not. We learn the ways of the world all in good time. but being vulnerable is to be human. We never stop.” – Cyndi Goodgame. Gargoyle

430. “When we were children. we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability… To be alive is to be vulnerable.” – Madeleine L’Engle

431. “Pretentiousness repels but authenticity attracts, and vulnerability is the pathway to intimacy.” ― Rick Warren

432. “Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure.” — Bob Marley

433. “Believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic. vulnerable and imperfect.”

434. “Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people might see or think.”

435. “The definition of vulnerability is uncertainty. risk. and emotional exposure. But vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our most accurate measure of courage. When the barrier is our belief about vulnerability. the question becomes: Are we willing to show up and be seen when we can’t control the outcome? When the barrier to vulnerability is about safety. the question becomes: Are we willing to create courageous spaces so we can be fully seen? A soft and open front is not being weak; it’s being brave. it’s being the wilderness.”

436. We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically

437. “You are only Invulnerable when you are in Fear” – Suzanne Letourneau

438. “When we stop caring about what people think. we lose our capacity for connection. When we become defined by what people think. we lose our willingness to be vulnerable.”

439. “All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.” – Robert C. Solomon

440. “Our call to courage is to protect our wild heart against constant evaluation, especially our own. No one belongs here more than you.”

441. Read these inspirational quotes when you feel most vulnerable – before bed or first thing in the morning is a good time

442. “To get answers of life. ask questions” – Sukant Ratnakar

443. “(A)t least simulated vulnerability is bearable/for those/who cannot/withstand unreasonable tenderness.”

444. “Give vulnerability a shot. Give discomfort its due. Because I think he or she who is willing to be the most uncomfortable is not only the bravest, but rises the fastest. ” Tim Ferriss

445. “If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lost.” – Will Smith

446. There is a difference between vulnerability and telling people everything about yourself. Vulnerability is a feeling. Telling everyone about yourself is just facts and details.

447. “You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.” – Dr. Robert Anthony

448. “Out of our vulnerabilities will come your strength” – Sigmund Freud

449. “Vulnerability is the most accurate way to measure courage. And we literally do that as researchers. We measure how brave you are by how vulnerable you are willing to be.”

450. “The tricky thing becomes: Do you know yourself well enough to then portray that on screen? And for me. I find that really hard. I’d rather hide behind accents and funny walks.” – Joel Edgerton

451. “To love someone fiercely. to believe in something with your whole heart. to celebrate a fleeting moment in time. to fully engage in a life that doesn’t come with guarantees—these are risks that involve vulnerability and often pain. But I’m learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy. gratitude. and grace.”

452. “I think when you’re a new actor in Bollywood. it’s about seizing the moment. If you can prove to the audience there is an emotional vulnerability to your character. regardless of it being black or gray. I think the audience will accept you in any role – be it romantic or action.” – Tahir Raj Bhasin

453. Love is not love until love’s vulnerable. – Theodore Roethke

454. “Sometimes we must yield control to others and accept our vulnerability so we can be healed.” — Kathy Magliato

455. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

456. “It is. I suppose. the common grief of children at having to protect their parents from reality. It is bitter for the young to see what awful innocence adults grow into. that terrible vulnerability that must be sheltered from the rodent mire of childhood.”

457. We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy. — Frank Crane

458. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable. but they’re never weakness.” – Brene Brown

459. “Vulnerability really means to be strong and secure enough within yourself that you are able to walk outside without your armor on. You are able to show up in life as just you. That is genuine strength and courage. Armor may look tough. but all it does is mask insecurity and fear.”

460. “One of life’s ironies is that the more honest and vulnerable you are, the more others try to discredit you as a fraud and a fake. Shut them up by not caring.” ― Dan Pearce

461. “So God throws open the door of this world—and enters as a baby. As the most vulnerable imaginable. Because He wants unimaginable intimacy with you. What religion ever had a god that wanted such intimacy with us that He came with such vulnerability to us? What God ever came so tender we could touch Him? So fragile that we could break Him? So vulnerable that His bare, beating heart could be hurt? Only the One who loves you to death.” -Ann Voskamp

462. “Vulnerability is scary but pure. In it you can find bravery” – Raquel Franco

463. “Both writing and praying are acts of deep vulnerability.” – Pat Schneider

464. “It doesn't matter if you come from money or you are poor: If your family has already made you feel that you are not worthy. you begin to believe it. and when someone comes along and tells you that you are beautiful/special/wonderful and showers you with attention and gifts. or offers you money when you desperately need it. you are vulnerable and ready to trust”

465. We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy. - Walter Anderson

466. “To love someone fiercely, to believe in something with your whole heart, to celebrate a fleeting moment in time, to fully engage in a life that doesn’t come with guarantees—these are risks that involve vulnerability and often pain.”

467. ‘Not completely. ’ admitted the demon. ‘But do you want to stay like that till you die? That spell has shortened your life by about sixty years. if I am any judge of such things.‘”

468. “The anorexic is out to prove how little she needs. how little she can survive on; she is out. in a sense. to discredit her nurturers. while at the same time making a public crisis out of her need for nurture. Such vulnerability and such power: it brings the whole female machinery to a halt.” – Rachel Cusk

469. She is a beautiful, powerful badass woman who sometimes falls apart inside after she drops her bags by the door and tosses her stilettos. Her vulnerability at night helps her to rise stronger in the morning. — J. Autherine

470. “There’s a particular sensitivity required to be an artist. and a certain vulnerability. perhaps. and also. somewhere between. you’re in your body a lot. too. It’s much more physical than one would imagine because I think it’s the body where the imagination lives somehow. I do feel the imagination isn’t just in the brain up there.” – Michael Leunig

471. “I found that the more truthful and vulnerable I was. the more empowering it was for me.” – Alanis Morissette

472. “The most transformative and resilient leaders that I’ve worked with over the course of my career have three things in common: First. they recognize the central role that relationships and story play in culture and strategy. and they stay curious about their own emotions. thoughts. and behaviors. Second. they understand and stay curious about how emotions. thoughts. and behaviors are connected in the people they lead. and how those factors affect relationships and perception. And. third. they have the ability and willingness to lean in to discomfort and vulnerability.”

473. “Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability. transparency. and integrity.” Janet Louise Stephenson

474. “I am bipolar, and I am proud. And that is why I wanted to write a book. To shine a light on mental illness, to be vulnerable about the days I let it take control and paid dearly for it, and to tell anyone fighting a similar battle: You are not alone. You are not broken.” — AJ Lee

475. You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are

476. Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.

477. “I really appreciate what it takes to create a book. I understand the loneliness that it involves and the excitement and the vulnerability: I especially identify with that.” – Bill Clegg

478. “When we’re defined by what people think, we lose the courage to be vulnerable. Therefore, we need to be selective about the feedback we let into our lives.”

479. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love. belonging. joy. courage. empathy. and creativity. It is the source of hope. empathy. accountability. and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives. vulnerability is the path.”

480. “We often wait for kindness…but being kind to yourself can start now.” ― Charlie Mackesy

481. “To love someone fiercely, to believe in something with your whole heart, to celebrate a fleeting moment in time, to fully engage in a life that doesn’t come with guarantees—these are risks that involve vulnerability and often pain. But I’m learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy, gratitude, and grace.”

482. Vulnerability really means to be strong and secure enough within yourself that you are able to walk outside without your armor on. You are able to show up in life as just you. That is genuine strength and courage. Armor may look tough, but all it does is mask insecurity and fear. — Alaric Hutchinson

483. “Courage is vulnerability. Vulnerability is courage. Like shadow and light. neither one can exist without the other.” – Wai Lan Yuen

484. “I don’t think we have any alternative other than remaining optimistic. Optimism is an absolute necessity. even if it’s only optimism of the will. as Gramsci said. and pessimism of the intellect.” - Angela Davis

485. “The level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection.”

486. Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness. If it doesn't feel vulnerable, the sharing is probably not constructive.

487. “We are all vulnerable in love. We are more emotionally naked with those we love and sometimes. inevitably. we hurt each other with careless words or actions.”

488. “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one. not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket. safe. dark. motionless. airless. it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable. impenetrable. irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”

489. “No matter what people tell you. words and ideas can change the world.” — Robin Williams

490. “I did not learn about vulnerability and courage and creativity and innovation from studying vulnerability. I learned about these things from studying shame.”

491. “When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.” – Brené Brown

492. “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”―Albert Einstein

493. You can’t find intimacy—you can’t find home—when you’re always hiding behind masks. Intimacy requires a certain level of vulnerability. It requires a certain level of you exposing your fragmented, contradictory self to someone else. You running the risk of having your core self rejected and hurt and misunderstood. — Junot Díaz

494. “The mark of a wild heart is living out the paradox of love in our lives. It’s the ability to be tough and tender, excited and scared, brave and afraid—all in the same moment. It’s showing up in our vulnerability and our courage, being both fierce and kind.”

495. “Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure” – Bob Marley

496. “This kind of beauty softens you and expands you. which is good. but of course it makes you vulnerable to all sorts of horrible things. like. oh. feelings. And being in your body.” – Anne Lamott

497. “Transparency is key to reciprocal accountability, which we use to be both free and smart. It is the miracle tool that enables us to question the lies of monsters.” – David Brin

498. Act II: The middle space. The part of the story where the main character is lost and struggling. S/he tries to find the way forward by taking every path except the one that requires vulnerability. The struggle continues until s/he finally realizes that the only way home is through uncertainty and total vulnerability. Into the dark. I hate Act II. I love Act II. The middle is messy. But it's where the magic happens. We live in the rumble.

499. We are vulnerable

500. “It’s toughest to forgive ourselves. So it’s probably best to start with other people. It’s almost like peeling an onion. Layer by layer. forgiving others. you really do get to the point where you can forgive yourself.” — Patty Duke

501. “If we share our shame story with the wrong person. they can easily become one more piece of flying debris in an already dangerous storm.”

502. “Bravery means doing something scary. Fearlessness means not even understanding what the word scary means.”

503. “A woman in birth is at once her most powerful, and most vulnerable. But any woman who has birthed unhindered understands that we are stronger than we know.” – Marcie Macari

504. “You might never know a man’s vulnerable place until you see him with his daughter, because with her, he seems capable of more human emotions than he will ever share with anyone else.” — Unknown

505. “Hatred makes you weak where else love makes you vulnerable. There’s a difference.” – Lisa Cander

506. “It took vulnerability to forge strength. the way true courage required fear.” — Martina Boone

507. “Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. Notice any labels you attach to crying or feeling vulnerable. Let go of the labels. Just feel what you are feeling. all the while cultivating moment-to-moment awareness.” — Jon Kabat-Zinn

508. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation. creativity and change.”

509. “If you feel like giving up, give up on that feeling and give into the realization there are endless possibilities waiting to be discovered before you.” – Tom Althouse

510. “The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.” – Ayn Rand

511. “A major betrayal can decrease our capacity to trust ourselves. Because it slams us over the head and pierces us at our core, we feel vulnerable and wounded.” — Dennis S. Reina

512. “Strong women don’t play victim. don’t make themselves look pitiful. & don’t point fingers. They stand & they deal.” – Mandy Hale

513. “We tell children their wellbeing is paramount. but we are also guilty of mollycoddling them. There’s a constant emphasis on their vulnerability. which is proving toxic.” – Claire Fox

514. “If you haven’t found it yet. keep looking.” – Steve Jobs

515. “Just look inside you, and you will realize that there is no competition, just life.” – Nitin Namdeo

516. “Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers. The antidote for a snakebite is made from the poison. and the thing that made you go backward is the same force that will push you forward.” — T. D. Jakes

517. “A lot of cheap seats in the arena are filled with people who never venture onto the floor. They just hurl mean-spirited criticisms and put-downs from a safe distance. The problem is, when we stop caring what people think and stop feeling hurt by cruelty, we lose our ability to connect. But when we’re defined by what people think, we lose the courage to be vulnerable. Therefore, we need to be selective about the feedback we let into our lives. For me, if you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”

518. “Of course. being open and vulnerable will lead us to. sometimes. experience pain. But what is pain? It is simply a feeling. It is not forever. If you get pain from some person or thing too many times. you can always walk away. To risk a lifetime without pleasure simply to avoid pain is ludicrous.” – Vironika Tugaleva

519. “There is a quiet transformation happening that is moving us from ‘turning on each other’ to ‘turning toward each other.’ Without question. that transformation will require shame resilience. If we’re willing to dare greatly and risk vulnerability with each other. worthiness has the power to set us free.” – Brené Brown

520. “As a vulnerability researcher. the greatest barrier I see is our low tolerance for vulnerability. We’re almost afraid to be happy. We feel like it’s inviting disaster.”

521. True safety was not in having armor. It was in vulnerability. — Jewel

522. “To be vulnerable is to heal yourself … just as much as it is to heal others” – Brittany Burgunder

523. “There’s things that I say that people wouldn’t say. And just putting across my vulnerability as a person in my music as well. A lot of people wouldn’t do that. everyone wants to be hard.” – Dizzee Rascal

524. “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone – but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy. ” – Walter Anderson

525. “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

526. “Sometimes we must yield control to others and accept our vulnerability so we can be healed” – Kathy Magliato

527. “What was it about relationships that made you feel so vulnerable? Oh. right. A relationship. In any relationship. you put yourself out there. You exposed all of your sensitive nerve endings and your heart and you just had to hope that you trusted the right person.”

528. “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” —Buckminster Fuller

529. “Be who you are and say what you feel. because those who mind don’t matter. and those who matter don’t mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch

530. “Narcissism is a grave condition of insecurity and desperately feeling unloved and unacceptable. An individual with Narcissistic Personality Disorder inherently believes they are ‘damaged goods’ and fears other individuals will discover the truth: that they feel powerless. Thus the narcissist invests a great deal of energy into ‘gaining the upper hand’, to hide feeling vulnerable, insecure, and broken. When they are getting what they want, the charm is flowing and plentiful. When the charm doesn’t work the intimidation begins. Narcissism is categorized as an unhealthy level of self-absorption and a lack of empathy regarding how their insecure, aggressive, and damaging behavior affects the world around them.” — Melanie Tonia Evans

531. “Meditate … do not delay. lest you later regret it.” – (Sallekha Sutta)

532. “Vulnerability is scary but pure. In it you can find bravery.” – Raquel Franco

533. Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. - Pelé

534. “If we’re wrapping ourselves up to conceal any vulnerability. whatever happens to us has to go through all those extra layers. Sometimes love doesn’t even reach where we truly live.” — Alexandra Katehakis

535. “Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate.” – Masaba Gupta

536. We have to wake up. We have to refuse to be a clone.

537. “We must become what we wish to teach.” – Nathaniel Branden

538. "I enjoy my life. The fame part of it freaked me out for a little while, and there are definitely times when it’s not so great to be special and known by everybody—you know, when you’re wearing the wrong thing, or just in a vulnerable place. But I’m good with my life now.”

539. “Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky, but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable.”

540. “It’s very hard to have ideas. It’s very hard to put yourself out there. it’s very hard to be vulnerable. but those people who do that are the dreamers. the thinkers and the creators. They are the magic people of the world.”

541. If we’re wrapping ourselves up to conceal any vulnerability, whatever happens to us has to go through all those extra layers. Sometimes love doesn’t even reach where we truly live. — Alexandra Katehakis

542. “When you live with the fear that you might be an imposter – no matter how deep down it lurks – you’ll do anything to stay under the radar and to avoid the shame it makes you feel. As a result, you’ve put in place certain coping strategies over the years to manage your life, stay safe and prevent others finding out the truth.” – Dr Jessamy Hibberd

543. “Confidence is not holding back the deck of cards of your weaknesses. Confidence is a comfort with vulnerability.” – Brendon Burchard

544. “Through my research, I found that vulnerability is the glue that holds relationships together. It’s the magic sauce.”

545. I would rather be a hot mess of bold action, a make-it-happen, learn-on-the-fly kind of person, than a perfectly organized coward.

546. “Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; it’s choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.” – Brené Brown

547. “To overcome fear is the quickest way to gain your self-confidence.”―Roy T. Bennett

548. “The core of authenticity is the courage to be imperfect, vulnerable, and to set boundaries.” – Brené Brown

549. “Vulnerability has a strength of its own” – William Zinsser

550. “To love at all is to be vulnerable”.

551. “I didn’t join films to become a great star. I wanted a change from my mother’s memory. I started believing in God after my mother’s death because then there is heaven and hell and I might meet her there. I think of her as a star. She is a solid point of reference in my life. And I figure if I’m in films. if I’m 70mm. it is easier for her to see me.” – Shah Rukh Khan

552. “We choose to heal and we choose to move forward by being brave and vulnerable enough to heal.”

553. “Water flows from high places to low places. That is the nature of gravity. Emotions also seem to act according to gravity. When in the presence of someone with whom you have a bond. and to whom you have entrusted your feelings. it is hard to lie and get away with it. The truth just wants to come flowing out. This is especially the case when you are trying to hide your sadness or vulnerability. It is much easier to conceal sadness from a stranger. or from someone you don’t trust. Hirai saw Kei as a confidante with whom she could share anything. The emotional gravity was strong. Kei was able to accept anything—forgive anything—that Hirai let flow out. A single kind word from Kei could cut the cords of tension that ran through her.”

554. “Jesus was trying to present value of a life of vulnerability in which one would have practical and needed experience of the same. It would be a life without baggage. so one would learn to accept others and their culture instead of always carrying along our own country’s assumptions and calling them the Gospel.” – Richard Rohr

555. “I tend to find characters who lack vulnerability dull.” — Trenton Lee Stewart

556. “If God created great things with a point of vulnerability. it would lie in the reality that great things die in the hands of great ignorance.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

557. “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” — Brene Brown

558. “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone — but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy. ” – Frank Crane

559. “Waking up every day and loving someone who may or may not love us back. whose safety we can’t ensure. who may stay in our lives or may leave without a moment’s notice. who may be loyal to the day they die or betray us tomorrow – that’s vulnerability.”

560. “You’re a light. Whoever wants to shine with you, let them come.”

561. “My one area of vulnerability was I didn’t know how to have a healthy relationship with a man.” – Carole King

562. “Self-confidence and a belief in yourself is a must. To instill confidence in others, you first must have confidence in yourself.” – Byron Pulsifer

563. The autism dad journey is not for the faint of heart. It requires you to be present, open and vulnerable with your son each step of the way. And yet it also requires that you embrace your role as a courageous warrior in the epic fight for compassion and understanding for children on the spectrum.

564. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.”

565. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable. but they’re never weakness.” – Brené Brown

566. “In a society that profits from your self doubt. liking yourself is a rebellious act.”

567. “Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself.” – Liberace

568. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable. but they're never weaknesses.”

569. Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.

570. “The only choice we have as we mature is how we inhabit our vulnerability. how we become larger and more courageous and more compassionate through our intimacy with disappearance. our choice is to inhabit vulnerability as generous citizens of loss. robustly and fully. or conversely. as misers and complainers. reluctant and fearful. always at the gates of existence. but never bravely and completely attempting to enter. never wanting to risk ourselves. never walking fully through the door.”

571. To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.

572. “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”

573. “Emotions are not problems to be solved. They are signals to be interpreted.” – Vironika Tugaleva

574. “There is no weapon in the feminine armory to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.” — Dorothy Dix

575. The more you love yourself, the less nonsense you will tolerate.

576. “Waking up every day and loving someone who may or may not love us back, whose safety we can’t ensure, who may stay in our lives or may leave without a moment’s notice, who may be loyal to the day they die or betray us tomorrow—that’s vulnerability.”

577. “Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.”– Eleanor Roosevelt

578. “I think the currency of leadership is transparency. You’ve got to be truthful. I don’t think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you’ve got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are, and not be afraid of it.” – Howard Schultz

579. “Tear off the mask. your face is glorious.” ~ Rumi

580. “In a healthy relationship. vulnerability is wonderful. It leads to increased intimacy and closer bonds. When a healthy person realizes that he or she hurt you. they feel remorse and they make amends. It’s safe to be honest. In an abusive system. vulnerability is dangerous. It’s considered a weakness. which acts as an invitation for more mistreatment. Abusive people feel a surge of power when they discover a weakness. They exploit it. using it to gain more power. Crying or complaining confirms that they’ve poked you in the right spot.”

581. “We need to trust to be vulnerable, and we need to be vulnerable in order to build trust.”

582. “We each joked to close friends that the secret to saving a relationship is for one person to become terminally ill. Conversely. we knew that one trick to managing a terminal illness is to be deeply in love—to be vulnerable. kind. generous. grateful.” – Paul Kalanithi

583. Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of. ” – Bob Vanourek

584. “Hatred makes you weak where else love makes you vulnerable.” — Lisa Cander

585. What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful. —​ Brene Brown

586. “It is simply a confession that with all that I've seen in the last few years. all the events I've been invited to. and all the people whom I've met. I am less and less impressed by "impressive" things or people who are presented as having things figured out. I am impressed by people who are honest and kind. I am inspired by moments of vulnerability. moments of confession and compassion. moments where someone makes it clear that they are a person in need of other people and someone else makes it clear that the first person is not alone.”

587. “Oversharing? Not vulnerability; I call it floodlighting. ... A lot of times we share too much information as a way to protect us from vulnerability. and here's why.

588. “Honestly is vulnerability. Sadly. not everyone can handle someone’s honesty. However. lying allows people to be comfortable.” — Shannon L. Alder

589. Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

590. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes. -Sally Field

591. “What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you.” -Unknown

592. Vulnerability is not weakness

593. “I loved the challenge of being able to take a character who could be thrown away as ‘crazy’ and making her identifiable to the audience – also. to give her a vulnerability that people would cheer for.” – Katee Sackhoff

594. “Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous. Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

595. “IT'S OKAY to be sad. IT'S OKAY to feel pain. IT'S OKAY to be vulnerable. We are made to have emotions. Don't be afraid to let it out.”

596. “People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”

597. Those who love themselves know to set limits and say no to activities and relationships that drain them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

598. “Yes. I certainly look for strong characters – whether that means they’re strong in their vulnerability or strong in the way they might be attractive to lots of blokes.” – Vicky McClure

599. “It’s okay not to be okay.”

600. “Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both; it’s engaging. It’s being all in” – Brené Brown; Daring Greatly

601. “Can you remember who you were. before the world told you who you should be?” ~ Charles Bukowski

602. “Vulnerability lets in light” – A.D. Posey

603. “Allowing yourself to be vulnerable makes you weak but also opens you to the nuances of beauty.” – John Geddes

604. “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance”

605. “She never minded admitting she didn’t know something. So what, she thought, I could always learn.” ― Louise Fitzhugh, Harriet the Spy

606. “Be who you are and say what you feel. because those who mind don’t matter. and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss

607. “Authenticity is also about the courage and the vulnerability to say. Yeah, I'll try it. I feel pretty uncomfortable and I feel a little vulnerable, but I'll try it!”

608. Self-esteem is a huge piece of my work. You have to believe it's possible and believe in yourself. Because after you've decided what you want, you have to believe it's possible, and possible for you, not just for other people. Then you need to seek out models, mentors, and coaches. - Jack Canfield.

609. “We are all broken by something. We have all hurt someone and have been hurt. We all share the condition of brokenness. even if our brokenness is not equivalent […] Our shared vulnerability and imperfection nurtures and sustains our capacity for compassion. We have a choice. We can embrace our humanness. which means embracing our broken natures and the compassion that remains our best hope for healing. Or we can deny our brokenness. foreswear compassion. and. as a result. deny our own humanity.”

610. “Vulnerability always comes with risk. but its rewards are deep.” — Aisha Mirza

611. “Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of” – Bob Vanourek

612. “Vulnerability has a strength of its own.” – William Zinsser

613. “Theres nothing more efficient than honesty and nothing more powerful than vulnerability because. vulnerability reveals everyone in your life who will abuse power immediately and almost irrevocably.

614. Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.

615. The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. — Ernest Hemingway

616. “Dare to be vulnerable, walk outside without your armor on and say yes to your heart” – Alaric Hutchinson

617. “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it. you will be lonely often. and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

618. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable. but they're never weakness.”

619. “Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. Notice any labels you attach to crying or feeling vulnerable. Let go of the labels. Just feel what you are feeling, all the while cultivating moment-to-moment awareness.” — Jon Kabat-Zinn

620. “Hire sales people who are really smart problem solvers. but lack courage. hunger and competitiveness. and your company will go out of business.” – Ben Horowitz

621. “Remember, you’re not half of anything, you’re twice of everything.”- Viet Thanh Nguyen

622. “Vulnerability is the essence of connection and connection is the essence of existence” – Leo Christopher

623. “Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done. really believe. your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”

624. “Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open. for wounding. but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty. Don’t mask or deny your vulnerability: it is your greatest asset. Be vulnerable: quake and shake in your boots with it. the new goodness that is coming to you. in the form of people. situations. and things can only come to you when you are vulnerable. i.e. open.”

625. Vulnerability is scary but pure

626. When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest. - Henry David Thoreau

627. “There’s nothing more unattractive than a man who blames predestination for his own failures and a woman who blames men for her own vulnerability. Blame thyself.” – Sanhita Baruah

628. “I define vulnerability as uncertainty. risk and emotional exposure. With that definition in mind. let’s think about love. Waking up every day and loving someone who may or may not love us back. whose safety we can’t ensure. who may stay in our lives or may leave without a moment’s notice. who may be loyal to the day they die or betray us tomorrow — that’s vulnerability.”

629. Having the confidence to believe in yourself and your abilities will go a long way in creating your successes and improving your view of yourself. - Raymona Brown

630. “Research tells us that we judge people in areas where we’re vulnerable to shame. especially picking folks who are doing worse than we’re doing. If I feel good about my parenting. I have no interest in judging other people’s choices. If I feel good about my body. I don’t go around making fun of other people’s weight or appearance. We’re hard on each other because we’re using each other as a launching pad out of our own perceived shaming deficiency.”

631. Heroes are higher than their vulnerability

632. “Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability. transparency. and integrity.”

633. True love is about vulnerability; allowing someone to see that you want and need them in your life, and trusting them not to hurt you

634. “The most beautiful things you can wear is confidence.” – Blake Lively

635. When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.” — Brené Brown

636. “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” – Theodore Roosevelt

637. “to be the person who we long to be—we must again be vulnerable. We must take off the armor, put down the weapons, show up, and let ourselves be seen.”

638. “The more you try to crush your true nature. the more it will control you. Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop.”

639. “Put yourself first. Self-love is not selfish at all. It means that you’re taking care of yourself, and like my mom reinforced to me, to make sure that I was safe and that I was healthy.” – Laurie Hernandez

640. “Heroes are higher than their vulnerability that is why they are heroes.” – Amit Kalantri

641. “We are valued in this world at the rate we desire to be valued.” – Jean De La Bruvere

642. “When you shut down vulnerability. you shut down opportunity” – Brené Brown

643. “True friends may only speak several times a year and visit even less. But when life’s challenges leave one of them vulnerable and in need of compassion. time and distance are no obstacles.”– Shane Eric Mathias. The Happiness Tree

644. Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging. - Joseph Campbell

645. “Sometimes divulging your vulnerabilities without any kind of filter can make you more human. but then again. it can also provide material that can be used against you.”

646. “We are all vulnerable in love. We are more emotionally naked with those we love and sometimes, inevitably, we hurt each other with careless words or actions.” — Sue Johnson

647. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weaknesses.”

648. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Eat pudding. Books are good. Eat pudding. If kids read a lot. Eat pudding. They'll get so they can think clearly. Eat pudding. And if enough kids read and think. Eat pudding. We will have world peace. Eat pudding. Thank you very much. Eat pudding. - Author: Daniel Pinkwater

649. “If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” — Jim Rohn

650. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.” – Brené Brown

651. “When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief, but not one you feel allowed to celebrate. Instead, the feeling of victory is replaced with anxiety that it will happen again, and with shame and vulnerability when you see how your illness affected your family, your work, everything left untouched while you struggled to survive. We come back to life thinner, paler, weaker … but as survivors. Survivors who don’t get pats on the back from coworkers who congratulate them on making it. Survivors who wake to more work than before because their friends and family are exhausted from helping them fight a battle they may not even understand. I hope to one day see a sea of people all wearing silver ribbons as a sign that they understand the secret battle, and as a celebration of the victories made each day as we individually pull ourselves up out of our foxholes to see our scars heal, and to remember what the sun looks like.” ― Jenny Lawson

652. “To love someone fiercely. to believe in something with your whole heart. to celebrate a fleeting moment in time. to fully engage in a life that doesn’t come with guarantees – these are risks that involve vulnerability and often pain. But. I’m learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy. gratitude and grace.”

653. Leaders goal: Don't be afraid of vulnerability & transparency, (without being pitiful). People respond to authenticity.

654. “If we’re wrapping ourselves up to conceal any vulnerability. whatever happens to us has to go through all those extra layers. Sometimes love doesn’t even reach where we truly live.”

655. Life … puts you in touch with people you need to meet — to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become. — Robert Tew

656. “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known. and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust. respect. kindness and affection.

657. “Fill yourself up first and give from the overflow. It is only then you can truly give” – Melissa Ambrosini

658. If you rely solely on medication to manage depression or anxiety, for example, you have done nothing to train the mind, so that when you come off the medication, you are just as vulnerable to a relapse as though you had never taken the medication.

659. “When we’re anxious. disconnected. vulnerable. alone. and feeling helpless. the booze and food and work and endless hours online feel like comfort. but in reality. they’re only casting their long shadows over our lives.”

660. “Finally. be kind to yourself and have a good support system.” – Nikki DeLoach.

661. “Spirituality emerged as a fundamental guidepost in Wholeheartedness. Not religiosity but the deeply held belief that we are inextricably connected to one another by a force greater than ourselves--a force grounded in love and compassion. For some of us that's God. for others it's nature. art. or even human soulfulness. I believe that owning our worthiness is the act of acknowledging that we are sacred. Perhaps embracing vulnerability and overcoming numbing is ultimately about the care and feeding of our spirits.”

662. “We are never so vulnerable as when we love.” – Sigmund Freud

663. Try your hardest to be confident in who you are. You are enough - you are beautiful.

664. “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone – but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.”– Walter Anderson

665. “Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure.” – Bob Marley

666. “The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” – Brene Brown

667. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right here. — Venus Williams (the only tennis player to have won a medal at 4 Olympic Games).

668. “Although the war in which you fought took place more than half-a-century ago, your courage, your sacrifice and your patriotism reaches through the decades and inspires us today.” – Mike Ferguson

669. “You cannot live when you are untouchable. Life is vulnerability.”

670. "When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.” ― Henry David Thoreau

671. “Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate” – Masaba Gupta

672. “You can’t find intimacy—you can’t find home—when you’re always hiding behind masks. Intimacy requires a certain level of vulnerability. It requires a certain level of you exposing your fragmented. contradictory self to someone else. You running the risk of having your core self rejected and hurt and misunderstood.”

673. “I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time. Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”

674. “We are all vulnerable but do not fear this. just revel in the chance to experience that & know & grow beyond.” – Jay Woodman

675. “The moment someone asks you to do something you don’t have the time or inclination to do is fraught with vulnerability.”

676. “What is the seal of liberation? No longer being ashamed in front of oneself.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

677. “Vulnerability is the portal to feeling” – Adrienne Posey

678. “Vulnerability is the strongest state to be in. How boring would it be if we were constantly dominant or constantly submissive?” — FKA Twigs

679. “Do not be afraid to color outside the lines. Take risks and do not be afraid to fail. Know that when the world knocks you down. the best revenge is to get up and continue forging ahead. Do not be afraid to be different or to stand up for what’s right. Never quiet your voice to make someone else feel comfortable. No one remembers the person that fits in. It’s the one who stands out that people will not be able to forget.” – Nancy Arroyo Ruffi

680. Make sure life the best story ever written through a journey filled with overcoming obstacles, taking risks, and continuing to develop. - Catherine Pulsifer

681. “When you shut down vulnerability, you shut down opportunity” – Brené Brown

682. “When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens. I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed. to be lovable. to belong. or to cultivate a sense of purpose.”

683. “Just because they disagree, doesn’t mean you ain’t right.” — Toba Beta

684. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.” – Brené Brown

685. “Our consciousness wants to connect through struggle and even pain. So in a funny sort of way, vulnerability is attractive” – Zoe Buckman

686. “To take the risk of loving. we must become vulnerable enough to test the radical proposition that knowledge of another and self-revelation will ultimately increase rather than decrease love.” — Sam Keen. To Love And Be Loved

687. To love at all is to be vulnerable.” – C.S. Lewis

688. “Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people might see or think.” – Brene Brown

689. Vulnerability is basically uncertainty

690. “Believe in yourself, push your limits, experience life, conquer your goals, and be happy.” – Joel Brown

691. “Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”

692. My one area of vulnerability was I didn't know how to have a healthy relationship with a man.

693. “What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful” – Brené Brown

694. “Stop comparing your life to everyone around you.” – Eric Thomas

695. “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one. not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket. safe. dark. motionless. airless. it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable. impenetrable. irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” — C.S. Lewis

696. Disconnection can trigger a vulnerability so emotionally painful that we'll do just about anything to avoid feeling it.

697. “Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat. it’s understanding the necessity of both; it’s engaging. It’s being all in.”

698. “I tend to find characters who lack vulnerability dull.” – Trenton Lee Stewart

699. "Apologies require vulnerability.” ― Jennifer Thomas

700. Don't get discouraged with your skin when it doesn't do what you want it to do... Give it some time. That's the only way to get to know yourself.

701. “Well. any love makes us vulnerable. Whatever we love will give the gift of pain somewhere along the road. But who would live sealed in spiritual cellophane just to keep from ever being hurt? There are a few people like that. I'm sorry for them. I think they are as good as dead.”

702. "To love at all is to be vulnerable."― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

703. “It’s only when someone really shows their vulnerability to another. and is accepted. flaws and all. can he or she really feel loved.” – Brownell Landrum

704. “Courage is vulnerability. Vulnerability is courage. Like shadow and light. neither one can exist without the other.” — Wai Lan Yuen

705. “I learned to be with myself rather than avoiding myself with limiting habits; I started to be aware of my feelings more. rather than numb them.” — Judith Wright

706. You are amazing. Remember that.

707. “When we were children. we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability… To be alive is to be vulnerable.”

708. “Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.” — Neil Gaiman

709. Sometimes we must yield control to others and accept our vulnerability so we can be healed. — Kathy Magliato

710. “When we were children. we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability… To be alive is to be vulnerable.” — Madeleine L’Engle

711. “It is not the strength of the body that counts. but the strength of the spirit.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

712. "Even if you are in strong recovery, major life stressors or transitions may make you more vulnerable to eating disorder thoughts. It's during these times when good self-care, healthy coping tools, and getting support is especially important. Take care of yourself."— Beth Pilcher, LISW-CP

713. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”

714. “Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.” – Bob Vanourek

715. “If you can find a place where money is moving and stand in the way, then the money is vulnerable.”

716. “I wanted the scream of the petrel in the storm. yet where was that in me that did not fear being lashed to a mast?” – Muriel Strode

717. “Sometimes. the only way to evolve is to open ourselves fully.” — Kamal Ravikant

718. “Shame derives its power from being unspeakable.”

719. “People learn how to treat you based on what you accept from them.”

720. “It’s always good to know that you have been the best even though deep inside you know you will never be better than that.” – Ana Claudia Antunes

721. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”

722. “I started having doubts right on top of my certainty.” – David James Duncan, The Brothers K

723. “The best people possess a feeling for beauty. the courage to take risks. the discipline to tell the truth. the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically. their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded. sometimes destroyed.” – Ernest Hemingway

724. Believe in yourself quotes with images.

725. “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.” – Brené Brown

726. “Don’t let others put thoughts into your mind that takes away your self-confidence.” ~ Katori Hall

727. “We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically. if we cannot trust. neither can we find love or joy.”

728. “Confidence is not holding back the deck of cards of your weaknesses. Confidence is a comfort with vulnerability. ” – Brendon Burchard

729. “I’d always tried to resist playing the supervirility thing. I liked showing the vulnerability of age.” – Clint Eastwood

730. I do feel that softness for the vulnerability and the innocence in our world

731. “Eviction reveals people’s vulnerability and desperation as well as their ingenuity and guts.” – Matthew Desmond

732. Vulnerability is scary but pure. In it you can find bravery. — Raquel Franco

733. “Be careful who you are vulnerable with. There are people out there who are waiting to use your vulnerability against you. ” –by Unknown

734. “They will always tell you that you can’t do what you want to do, but you can do what you want to do. You just have to believe in yourself. The system is to bring you down, but you can rise up.” – Bob Marley

735. “His gray suit makes him seem extra vulnerable. in the way of children placed in unaccustomed clothes for ceremonies they don’t understand.” — John Updike

736. “Vulnerability is not about winning or losing. It’s having the courage to show up even when you can’t control the outcome” – Brene Brown

737. “The worst thing that can happen to a man is to become civilized.” — David Goggins

738. “It’s tougher to be vulnerable than to actually be tough” – Rihanna

739. “Love is not love until love’s vulnerable.” – Theodore Roethke

740. It's not the lack of ability or opportunity that holds you back; it is only a lack of confidence in yourself. — Richard Monckton Milnes

741. “I have so much respect for the emotionally brave. The ones who put in the emotional work and take the real risks of being vulnerable and removing masks. It's easy to make chitchat. but it's hard to speak about what's really under the surface. It's easy to joke. but difficult to cry. It's easy to numb. but hard to feel.

742. “For me, vulnerability led to anxiety, which led to shame, which led to disconnection, which led to Bud Light.”

743. “Be vulnerable. Let yourself be deeply seen, love with your whole heart, practice gratitude and joy… be able to say ‘I am thankful to feel this vulnerable because it means I am alive,’ and believe ‘I am enough.’ You are worthy of love and belonging.” – Brene Brown

744. We can only experience the true beauty of vulnerability when we're courageous enough to crack open the fractures in our mask and allow the light to shine in. — Alicya Perreault

745. “I’ve finally stopped running away from myself. Who else is there better to be?” – Goldie Hawn

746. "Being vulnerable is actually a strength and not a weakness — that’s why more and more mental health is such an important thing to talk about. It’s the same as being physically sick. And when you keep all those things inside, when you bottle them up, it makes you ill.” — Cara Delevingne

747. “Our ability to be daring leaders will never be greater than our capacity for vulnerability.”

748. “Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.” — Mother Theresa

749. “Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure” – Stephen Russell

750. “The foundation of courage is vulnerability--the ability to navigate uncertainty. risk. and emotional exposure. It takes courage to open ourselves up to is probably the most vulnerable emotion we experience. We’re afraid that if we allow ourselves to feel lit. we’ll get blindsided by disaster or disappointment. That’s why in moments of real joy. many of us dress-rehearse tragedy...I call it foreboding joy. The only way to combat foreboding joy is gratitude.”

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