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700 Inspiring Sobriety Anniversary Quotes: Addiction Recovery

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “I understood, through rehab, things about creating characters. I understood that creating whole people means knowing where we come from, how we can make a mistake, and how we overcome things to make ourselves stronger.” – Samuel L. Jackson

2. “It will go anywhere, anytime, in any weather. An off-roading beast, recovery vehicle and badass big kids toy!” — Unknown

3. “In a moment of clarity, out of nowhere, I saw that when I believed my thoughts I suffered, and when I questioned my thoughts I didn’t suffer, and I have come to see that this is true for every human being. – Bryon Katie

4. Everyday Power ⋅ Inspirational Quotes ⋅ Sobriety Quotes About Recovery and Addiction

5. “Recovery is something you have to work on every single day, and it’s something that doesn’t get a day off.” — Demi Lovato

6. “Narcissists are consumed with maintaining a shallow false self to others. They’re emotionally crippled souls that are addicted to attention. Because of this they use a multitude of games, in order to receive adoration. Sadly, they are the most ungodly of God’s creations because they don’t show remorse for their actions, take steps to make amends or have empathy for others. They are morally bankrupt.”

7. Family Addiction Treatment Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health

8. “My name must be addictive because these people can’t live without my name in their mouths.”

9. “The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics are wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope.” — Russell Brand

10. Sobriety Quotes To Encourage Addicts Through The Recovery Journey.

11. “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” —Ernest Hemingway

12. “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”– C.S. Lewis

13. “The Angel gave me this hair,” replied Matthew. “It’s one of the Shadowhunters’ gifts. Like the Mortal Sword.”

14. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison

15. The thing is, if I don't have sobriety, I don't have anything. -Matthew Perry

16. “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” – Peter Drucker

17. Hope the doctors will be quick so that you can recover faster. Best wishes for your Surgery.

18. You’ve been blessed with an opportunity to share the message of recovery and hope with others.

19. “Addiction recovery is more than stopping drinking or using. It’s an ongoing process of growing and healing – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.” (LVR)

20. ‘Sober is the new cool’

21. I’m gonna have to face it, I’m addicted to Lush.

22. “To be justified is to be declared righteous in the sight of God, fully legally exonerated in the divine court, based entirely on what another (Jesus) has done in our place. But our hearts are wired in such a way that we constantly drift from a moment-by-moment belief in this full exoneration. That heart resistance to complete acquittal before God based on what Christ has done became codified in medieval and then Roman Catholic theology. The Reformers such as Luther and Calvin recovered and rightly recentralized the doctrine of justification, and every generation since then has had to rediscover this doctrine afresh for themselves. It is the most counterintuitive aspect of Christianity, that we are declared right with God not once we begin to get our act together but once we collapse into honest acknowledgment that we never will.”

23. When it’s “one day at a time”, it can be hard to realize the full scope of everything you’ve accomplished. Remind your sober friends and family members of everything they’ve achieved since becoming sober, and all the reasons they have to keep staying the course.

24. Chicago is my addiction.

25. One of the best things about getting sober is how quickly you start to see positive changes in your health and life,” Dr. Heinzerling says. Within weeks you will likely see lower blood pressure and heart rate, improved blood sugar regulation, better sleep, clearer skin, fewer headaches, less chronic pain, a better sex life, mental clarity, more energy and focus, and less anxiety and depression, he says.

26. “For me, it’s not necessarily interesting to play a strong, fearless woman. It’s interesting to play a woman who is terrified and then overcomes that fear. It’s about the journey. Courage is not the absence of fear, it’s overcoming it.” – Natalie Dormer

27. "Every morning I thank the world for giving you to me. You are my sweetest addiction, I can’t live without you.”

28. “If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following—anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.”

29. “With time the pain eases, the body recovers and the brain figures out new ways to go on.“

30. For gin, in cruel sober truth, supplies the fuel for flaming youth.

31. “First, Resolve upon, and daily endeavour to practise, a life of seriousness and strict sobriety.”

32. I was a sober as the next guy. The only problem is the next guy was Dean Martin

33. Many celebrities, like Demi Lovato, have been very forthcoming about their addiction. When struggling to get sober, it helps to know that addiction can affect even the best of us. The journey of these celebrities are often inspiration for those in recovery.

34. “Happy Soberversary! One quarter of a year has gone by in your sobriety. You are so deserving of a happy and healthy life. Congratulations on your sustained sobriety! Keep working those steps, and I’ll keep cheering you on.” (13)

35. Addiction recovery quotes from “8 years of sobriety: Observations and lessons”

36. “My goal is to make something special and pure, and that keeps me going, keeps me busy on the path of sobriety.” ― Ariel Pink

37. Addiction Helpline (855) 505-1991

38. “With time the pain eases, the body recovers and the brain figures out new ways to go on.” —Federico Chini

"39. I made a commitment to try sobriety, developed a strong spiritual practice, and eventually found yoga. I decided not to let my relationship with alcohol affect my ability to be social or have fun. I started feeling and looking better—along with my bank account, might I add. After a year, I accepted sobriety as a lifestyle, and I’ve been on a mission ever since to show people that sober is the new cool.” —Carly Benson, 36, sober for nine years

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‘I wouldn’t trade all the shit I endured over the years for what I have today'

“As far back as I can remember, I had two elements of mental illness: a low level of constant anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. These chemical imbalances were the perfect breeding ground to foster a binge-drinking problem.

To quiet my mind and shed my once pervasive ‘nerd’ identity, alcohol was the perfect antidote. I didn’t realize that not everyone partook in underage (and then, of age) drinking—and that my behavior wasn’t considered the norm. As many of my peers in recovery say, first it was fun, then fun with problems, and then just problems. All the ‘peace’ and confidence drinking provided in the moment would be completely erased the next day, as my body and mind would be wrecked by the physical and emotional ravages of the night before. Losing phones, breaking bones, ambulance rides to the hospital for safekeeping. These weren’t normal rites of passage."

40. “The gaining, or maintaining, of some reputations was, or is, made possible by the loss of sobriety.”

41. tags: addiction, identity, recovery, sobriety3 likesLike

42. Meth Addiction

43. Recover By The Sea

44. Your sobriety shouldn’t be defined by what you no longer do but by what you’re currently doing to make yourself healthier, stronger, and more confident.

45. Even though every addict has a different story, there are certain commonalities; one that is critical is the desire for acceptance.

46. “My name must be addictive because these people can't live without my name in their mouths.”

47. “An important part of emotional sobriety is the ability to think about what we are feeling, to translate emotions into words so that we can make sense of them, so that we can bring anxieties and fears into a more balanced place through reasoning them through.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

48. "Please don’t be like me. Don’t waste your life. Don’t waste your precious time and your joy. Run towards recovery. Block: mute: delete: repeat ANYTHING OR ANYONE that makes you feel bad about the body you are meant to have."— Jameela Jamil

49. I will remember and recover, not forgive and forget

50. Gambling Addiction

51. I’m a hot tub addict.

52. “Pain is unrelenting. It will get our attention. Despite our attempts to drown it in addiction. to physically beat it out of one another. to suffocate it with success and material trappings. or to strangle it with our hate. pain will find a way to make itself known.”

53. getting sober

54. “Realise that narcissists have an addiction disorder. They are strongly addicted to feeling significant. Like any addict they will do whatever it takes to get this feeling often. That is why they are manipulative and future fakers. They promise change, but can’t deliver if it interferes with their addiction. That is why they secure backup supplies.”

55. Staying sober is given more importance today than anything else, because of the increasing cases of addiction. Quotabulary has listed some inspirational quotes and sayings about sobriety that will surely help someone who wishes to quit.

56. Inspirational quotes from “The alcohol detox diet I used to get sober”

57. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” – Japanese proverb

58. “One thing you must realize is that: you either kill your addiction or your addiction will eventually kill you.”― Oche Otorkpa

59. “Happy Sobriety Anniversary! I truly look up to you so much, Mom! You’re such a BADASS. How lucky am I to have a mom as great as you. Love you big.”

60. one year sober quotes

61. Sobriety quotes to guide you through recovery

62. “Never underestimate a recovering addict. We fight for our lives every day in ways most people will never understand.” — Unknown

63. “What progress, you ask, have I made? I have begun to be a friend to myself.” – Hecato

64. Sponsors play a key role in one’s sobriety – they’ve been through it all and are there to help you through it too. So don’t forget to celebrate their sobriety anniversary as well! It’s also the perfect time to let your sponsor know how much you appreciate them and their contributions.

65. “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” — Confucius

66. No one likes surgery, it keeps one worried if it will be successful or not. I am happy to hear yours went on successfully. Sending you love and good wishes on your time of recovery!

67. Ocean Recovery Centre

68. “Sobriety itself is today’s high, for it is ultimately in the most centered consciousness that we find our power to transcend the world.” ― Marianne Williamson

69. “I lived to be forgotten because I’d forgotten how to live” – Joseph Meyering Sr

70. “There is no question that sobriety has made me a better actor, made me a better person.” ― Edie Falco

71. “The fact that you woke up this morning is proof that this day has already been a success…”

72. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis

73. Addiction Treatments

74. It's the first tournament I've won on the PGA Tour in a sober manner, so it's a great feeling knowing I can do it sober. I don't think two years ago I could have pulled this off.

75. Related: How To Achieve Emotional Sobriety? (+FREE Emotional Sobriety Worksheets)

76. Family-addiction-mental-health

77. “Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking of what we want to become. Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking about who we don’t ever want to be again.” – Shane Niemeyer

78. “Yoga is a path that leads to true healing, happiness, and a successful thriving life.” – Tommy Rosen

79. Quotes to motivate your sobriety

80. Addictions Treated

81. Portions of this article were adapted from the book Emotional sobriety, © 2007 by Tian Dayton Ph.D. All rights reserved.

82. ‘How could I have a problem if things were going so well?’

83. “every day

84. Lord, please heal my broken heart. Fill me with the peace and joy I know can only come from You during this hard time. Walk closely beside me during my journey to healing and recovery that I know is possible through Your power alone. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. - Tracie Miles

85. I’m a coffeeholic on my road to recovery. Just kidding, I’m on the way to the coffee shop.

86. Sobriety Anniversary Quotes for Challenging Times

87. “Healthy ways of depending are part of emotional sobriety. Relationships are key to our emotional balance. Countless studies correlate strong relationship networks with physical health, reduced doctor visits, and longevity.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

88. “It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” – Joseph Campbell

89. “I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.” ― Winston Churchill

90. This day of celebration means as much to me as it could mean to anyone. I have benefited greatly from your sobriety and your help over the years.

91. We aren’t addicted to oil, but our cars are. – James Woolsey

92. Dear God, thank You so much for your blessings and protection. The surgery went well and without any complications. Even when there were complications, thank You for guiding the doctor’s hands and giving them wisdom. As my body recovers, I pray for your continuous guidance. Your Presence, Lord God, soothes me and alleviates my fears and worries. Reminding me of the frailty of life, I will take care of myself to the best of my knowledge and ability from this point onward as I live according to Your will and purpose. Amen.

93. John Gillen - Director at Ocean Recovery

94. “The truth is that almost two-thirds of Americans have friends or family members who have struggled with addiction. – William Cope Moyers

95. “We believe that a mental health system that was fully supporting recovery would look different in language, assumptions, theory base and working practices. It would have a natural focus on strengths.”

96. ‘There is no shame in beginning again, for you get a chance to build bigger and better than before.’

97. “Recovery is an ongoing process, for both the addict and his or her family. In recovery there is hope. And hope is a wonderful thing.” — Dean Dauphinais

98. Dr Anshul Swami named lead consultant for addictionsLATEST NEWS

99. “I wanted a drink. There were a hundred reasons why a man will want a drink, but I wanted one now for the most elementary reason of all. I didn't want to feel what I was feeling, and a voice within was telling me that I needed a drink, that I couldn't bear it without it.

100. Breaking free from the chains of drug and alcohol addiction is not easy—but it’s not impossible either. As someone burdened with addiction, remember that countless others were in the same state of despair and guilt, but they turned their lives around. A little inspiration might help, so here are some inspiring substance abuse quotes that can help you on our journey to recovery,

101. “Addiction is just a way of trying to get at something else. Something bigger. Call it transcendence if you want, but it’s like a rat in a maze. We all want the same thing. We all have this hole. The thing you want offers relief, but it’s a trap.” – Tess Callahan

102. “Congrats on 7 years! I know this has been, undoubtedly, the hardest of those and I am in awe of your resilience and strength. Cheers to the light at the end of the tunnel and to your example staying sober through everything. Can’t wait to see you soon!”

103. “If it wasn’t for that rehab center, I probably wouldn’t have been here. In terms of recovery, it has been very important for me to be a part of a recovery community, to actively be around my people because they understand me. They get it.” – Macklemore

104. Get help for drug and alcohol addiction at Nightingale Hospital

105. I’m addicted to the way I feel when I’m thinking about you.” – Fall Out Boy

106. tags: addict, addiction, dr-asa-don-brown, mental-health, mental-illness, recovery, sober, sobriety, stigma, the-sober-world-magazine2 likesLike

107. “Sunday is your best day. You know you had an amazing week. Time to recover and think how you gonna kill the next one.” ~ Anonymous

108. “Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimize the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.”

109. “I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you’ve done.”

110. “Work is my hobby, staying sober is my job.” ― Christian Slater

111. “It’s a great advantage not to drink among hard drinking people.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald author of The Great Gatsby

112. “Emotional sobriety encompasses our ability to live with balance and maturity. It means that we have learned how to keep our emotions, thoughts, and actions within a balanced range.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

113. Living with addiction at Christmas: how to get help

114. I hope you enjoyed this collection of 30 days of sobriety quotes, 5 years of sobriety quotes, and 100 sobriety anniversary quotes. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. The very first step towards recovery is to seek help.

115. AA Sobriety Anniversary Quotes

116. Read more from Exploring Sobriety

117. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker

118. “I’m pretty confident about my sobriety, but I don’t want to get too confident because that’s when I’ll crash.” ― Mary Docter

119. “Perfectionism is a self destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimise the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.” – Brené Brown

120. “It’s okay to outgrow your old self.” – Wild Faith

121. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

122. “The strength to sustain recovery can only come from the addict understanding and defining his circle of influence, from recognising that there are factors over which he can exert authority and control, and from taking responsibility for the outcome of his actions.” (Morteza Khaleghi)

123. “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort

124. “The road to sobriety is not easy and rehabilitation and the recovery process are not to be taken lightly.” — Drew Pinsky

125. On what getting sober taught her:

126. “I know these past few months have been challenging, but you are so strong and have handled yourself with so much grace through it all. I’m thankful for you and your sobriety and I am so proud of you and the progress you have made in such a short amount of time. I love you tons.”

127. You can’t keep today’s hour for tomorrow – we all know that, but still tend to procrastinate. Benjamin Franklin warns that time is a scarce resource, and if it’s wasted, it cannot be recovered later. This is why mindful planning and work on productivity are so important.

128. Tears have a wisdom all their own. They come when a person has relaxed enough to let go and to work through his sorrow. They are the natural bleeding of an emotional wound, carrying the poison out of the system. Here lies the road to recovery.

129. “What is broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how hard it gets, the sun will rise again.” – Unknown

130. tags: abstinence, sobriety, socrates71 likesLike

131. “This card is for my amazing husband, an amazing father, and my best friend. I couldn’t be more proud of you for being such a strong man and giving your demons a big F U! I can’t curse since this is also from the kids. We love you! Happy 4 years sober, babe.

132. “You need to be bold enough and strong enough to let your loved one’s recovery unfold or not unfold as it is meant to, not as you want it to.” — Carole Bennett

133. “Every experience in your life is being orchestrated to teach you something you need to know to move forward.” – Brian Tracy

134. “You kicked ass and took names this past year by staying sober. Wow, 7 years is amazing! I am so proud of you and your success. Keep reaching for the stars. I love you very much.”

135. “Blind, broke, jobless, and frustrated, Kevin found it difficult to get through the following few months. But he had one big thing going for him.

136. “Para hablar de mi te sobra lengua pero para ser yo te faltan huevos”: To talk about me you will use up all your words, but for me, you do not have a shadow.

137. “Employment gives health, sobriety, and morals.” ― Daniel Webster

138. How my fellow alcoholics have kept me motivated. — I quit drinking at the very end of 2016. My first year sober was rough. I often felt like there was no way I could actually stick with it — as if relapse was right around the corner. I remember that during one particularly rough week, I logged into Facebook…

139. “In recovery, your shape changes. For you to fit back into the rest of the puzzle, your life, the other pieces of the puzzle must also change their shapes to accommodate you.” – Augusten Burroughs

140. Inspired by these alcoholism quotes? You can seek help and recovery for addiction to get your life on track.

141. “You are truly inspiring to others who are struggling with addiction.”

142. “I think it’s important for me to show the world that sobriety hasn’t made me soft. I’m on a mission to prove I’m still a nutcase.”― Steve-O, television personality

143. “I’ve never met an alcoholic in recovery who doesn’t believe that this is the best thing they have ever done.” – Adam Clayton

144. “To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.” – Sister Mary Lauretta

145. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking that they don’t have any.” — Alice Walker

146. [Name], I wish you a swift recovery. Take your time, rest, and heal, and don’t be afraid to ask me to bring you some goodies! [Name], I hope you’re feeling well soon!

147. “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

148. “It’s okay to bleed on someone who didn’t cut you. Don’t wait until you’re scarred over to ask for help. Healing starts when the wound is still new.” ― Toni Sorenson

149. “The hardest thing about depression is that it is addictive. It begins to feel uncomfortable not to be depressed. You feel guilty for feeling happy.” ―Pete Wentz

150. Sobriety quotes from “How to socialize and have fun sober”

151. Getting sober is the most wonderfully fulfilling experience in the world. Of course, just like any other experience, it cannot be all good. You will experience ups and downs when you get sober, and sometimes you might need an extra dose of inspiration to stay on the right track and keep yourself positive. We have compiled a list of 10 motivational quotes for staying sober, geared towards getting you through even the toughest of times. Remember – if you are ever struggling and need additional support, you can give us a call at any time. At Absolute Awakenings, we are always standing by to help in any and every way that we can.

152. “There are women succeeding beyond their wildest dreams because of their sobriety.” ― Mary Karr

153. This love and addiction quote is true on many levels. It is common for addicts to struggle with multiple addictions–for instance, polydrug abuse. Some may be able to curb their substance abuse, but without fully addressing their underlying issues, they develop another addiction such as pornography, gambling or overeating. In essence, the new addiction becomes just another way to avoid core issues.

154. “Do not take an overdose, whether that relates to wisdom, motives, any tricks, or other objects and subjects that bring you down to only humiliate you.” ― Ehsan Sehgal

155. “I was out of my mind a lot of the time, but I had a good reputation.”

156. “Sometimes you just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you.” – Dr. Phil McGraw

157. “Getting sober is a radically creative act.” – Meredith Bell

158. Ending a long-term relationship is extremely tough, and recovering from the issues you’ve had in the relationship is even tougher and takes time.” – Jyoti Patel

159. Whenever I talk to addicts, I hear a similar story

160. Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

161. My heart might be bruised, but it will recover and become capable of seeing beauty of life once more. It's happened before, it will happen again, I'm sure. When someone leaves, it's because someone else is about to arrive. I'll find love again.”

162. There are people with a shitty personality when both sober and drunk. These people are assholes, but they don’t have problems. If you’re cool when you’re sober but you’ve lost friendships while intoxicated, you have a drinking problem.

163. Today, As Every Day Of Sober Living, We Have A Choice

164. I’m gonna have to face it, I’m addicted to Lush

165. “You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” – William Faulkner

166. “What makes pornography so addictive is that more than anything else in a lost man’s life. it makes him feel like a man without ever requiring a thing of him. The less a guy feels like a real man in the presence of a real woman. the more vulnerable he is to porn.”

167. “I wanted a drink [because] I didn’t want to feel what I was feeling, and a voice within was telling me that I needed a drink, that I couldn’t bear it without it. But that voice is a liar. You can always bear the pain. It’ll hurt, it’ll burn like acid in an open wound, but you can stand it. And, as long as you can make yourself go on choosing the pain over the relief, you can keep going.” ― Lawrence Block, author of Out on the Cutting Edge

168. I am a jeepaholic on the road to recovery. Just kidding. We don’t need roads.

169. We offer a free telephone consultation to determine if addictions treatment would be right for you, or a loved one. Complete the form below and a member of our expert addictions team will be in touch to arrange an appointment.

170. “Sobriety diminishes, discriminates, and says no; drunkenness expands, unites, and says yes. Not through mere perversity do men run after it.” ― William James

171. “We are always falling in love or quarreling, looking for jobs or fearing to lose them, getting ill and recovering, following public affairs. If we let ourselves, we shall always be waiting for some distraction or other to end before we can really get down to our work. The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions never come.”

172. “Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.” – Bucky Sinister

173. Tea! thou soft, sober, sage and venerable liquid;

174. “It’s not about the people who hurt you. it’s about how you recover from that and take something positive from that and make yourself a better person.” – Demi Lovato

175. Addiction doesn’t hurt you nearly as much as it hurts the ones who love you because you numb your pain, they don’t

176. “Recovery is not simple abstinence. It’s about healing the brain, remembering how to feel, learning how to make good decisions, becoming the kind of person who can engage in healthy relationships, cultivating the willingness to accept help from others, daring to be honest, and opening up to doing.” – Debra Jay

177. ”Moderation is like sobriety: you would like to have some more, but are afraid of making yourself ill.” ― Francois de La Rochefoucauld

178. “Could man be drunk for ever

179. On this Valentine, I want you to know that you are my addiction. We are entangled, and we will never be disentangled. You are the air I breathe, and I have never felt more alive than this.

180. “At first, addiction is maintained by pleasure, but the intensity of the pleasure gradually diminishes and the addiction is then maintained by the avoidance of pain.” — Frank Tallis

181. “The initial journey towards sobriety is a delicate balance between insight into one’s desire for escape and abstinence from one’s addiction.”

182. sobriety Quotes - Harmonyrecovernc

183. Sobriety Quotes To Run Your Life Smoothly

184. ‘One day at a time,’ just like how you have to approach your friendship with me.​

185. They slipped away briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

186. When you’re in the thick of addiction, it feels like there’s no way out. You’re stuck in a cycle of using and feeling terrible about yourself, then using again to try and make the pain go away.

187. “With boundaries, it comes down to this, that you don’t support the illness, you support recovery.” — Christopher Kennedy Lawford

188. “The hardest thing about depression is that it is addictive. It begins to feel uncomfortable, not to be depressed. You feel guilty for feeling happy.” -Pete Wentz

189. “For several days, I slept. Whether this was a necessary part of physical recovery or a stubborn retreat from waking reality, I do not know, but I woke only reluctantly to take a little food, falling at once back into a stupor of oblivion, as though the small, warm weight of broth in my stomach were an anchor that pulled me after it, down through the murky fathoms of sleep.” ― Diana Gabaldon

190. If you are looking for the best quotes of sobriety to enhance your daily recovery, you need look no further than here.

191. “Perfectionism is a self destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimise the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.”

192. “Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn’t mean you have to stay there.” – Robert Downey Jr.

193. “Dedicating some time to meditation is a meaningful expression of caring for yourself that can help you move through the mire of feeling unworthy of recovery. As your mind grows quieter and more spacious, you can begin to see self.

194. “Imagine trying to live without air. Now imagine something worse.” — Amy Reed

195. Do not say that faith in Christ alone can save you, for this is not possible if you do not attain love for Him, which is demonstrated by deeds. As for mere faith: "The demons also believe and tremble" (James, 2:19). The action of love consists in heartfelt good deeds toward one's neighbor, magnanimity, patience, and sober use of things.

196. “People with good emotional sobriety tend not to create unnecessary conflict in their lives; it is simply too costly to their own peace of mind. They understand that their inner peace is their responsibility, and that if they lose it, only they can get it back.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

197. Recovery is an ongoing process that can be hard at times, but the end result is beyond imagining.

198. “I sought treatment and began the process of getting myself healthy and in return could make healthier decisions concerning my child. Self-care is critical and must not be neglected.” – Sharon LeGore

199. “… being sober delivered almost everything drinking promised.” ― Anne Lamott

200. “The whole point of apprenticeship is to model all of your life after Jesus. And in doing so to recover your soul. To have the warped part of you put back into shape. To experience healing in the deepest parts of your being. To experience what Jesus called “life…to the full.”

201. “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth

202. “My story may be rooted in trauma but it is not my only story.”

203. “Liberty, once tasted, is an incurable addiction.”

"204. In addition to addiction, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, which I had been self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. I was prescribed an antidepressant to treat my depression appropriately. After leaving detox, I threw myself into recovery. I took the antidepressant religiously. I went to outpatient rehab and immediately started going to 12-step meetings. I became willing to do whatever it took to not pick up a drink. Part of my recovery included writing a memoir, Girl Walks Out of a Bar, about my struggles and journey in sobriety.

Still, as a lawyer, I feared telling anyone at work about my struggle or even my recovery because of the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health disorders. However, when my memoir was coming out, I had to come clean at work. I was thrilled by the understanding and compassion I received. The process of telling people made me realize that these issues touch everyone, whether it’s through their own experience or those of family or friends. Now I advocate publicly for smashing the stigma I once feared. Today, sobriety has given me a life beyond my wildest dreams, and I could not be more grateful.” —Lisa Smith, 51, sober for 13 years"

205. DMT is a hallucinogenic drug causing powerful hallucinations. Using DMT with other hallucinogens like LSD or shrooms can make an already strong trip even more intense. Read more about the different treatment options for you or your loved ones struggling with DMT addiction.

206. “You should be addicted to bettering yourself.”

207. “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

208. ‘If it wasn’t for that rehab center, I probably wouldn’t have been here. In terms of recovery, it has been very important for me to be a part of a recovery community, to actively be around my people because they understand me. They get it.” – Macklemore

209. Sex and love addiction

210. “Which is recorded of Socrates, that he was able both to abstain from, and to enjoy, those things which many are too weak to abstain from, and cannot enjoy without excess. But to be strong enough both to bear the one and to be sober in the other is the mark of a man who has a perfect and invincible soul.”

211. “Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.” ―Anthony J. D’Angelo

212. tags: hope, hope-quotes, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, life, sober, sobriety, sobriety-courage32 likesLike

213. You will feel things like worry, struggle, boredom, anger, and even grief on your journey to recovery.

214. “It’s an addiction… and addiction is something I should know something about.” — Keith Richards

215. Happy Soberversary!

216. “Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

217. “Once you start to see results, it becomes an addiction.”

218. “I’m pretty confident about my sobriety, but I don’t want to get too confident because that’s when I’ll crash.”

219. "Yes, I'm drunk. And you're beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I'll be sober but you'll still be beautiful.. – The Dreamers

220. “In my life, I find that in sobriety, I feel much more. And I have much more depth.” ― Jeffrey Tambor

221. “Dear Baddest Bitch, Get out of your own way and make sobriety your bitch this time! You are meant for far greater things than addiction. Your soul is rooting for you!”

222. Main Address: Ocean Recovery, 94 Queen’s Promenade, Blackpool, FY2 9NS

223. Sober (worm) - previous Sober variants. Sober is written in Visual Basic and only runs on the Microsoft Windows platform. Sober.L Sober.T Sober.X Sober.Y Sober.Z CME-681

224. The sober comfort, all the peace which springs from the large aggregate of little things.

225. “A lot of people think that addiction is a choice. A lot of people think it’s a matter of will. That has not been my experience. I don’t find it to have anything to do with strength.” –Matthew Perry

226. “You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use substances. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.” — unknown

227. The latest trend in the recovery world took me by surprise. — I had a TikTok account for exactly one day. After hearing so much about the app, I downloaded, uploaded a couple videos of my cat, and then spent the next four hours watching videos of other people’s cats. I quickly realized that the app was way too addictive for me…

228. “You can’t legislate sobriety.”

229. “I understood, through rehab, things about creating characters. I understood that creating whole people means knowing where we come from, how we can make a mistake and how we overcome things to make ourselves stronger.” — Samuel L. Jackson

230. “Nobody stays recovered unless the life they have created is more rewarding and satisfying than the one they left behind.” – Anne Fletcher

231. “Trauma affects the internal world of each person, their relationships, and their ability to communicate and be together in a balanced, relaxed, and trusting manner. It affects their emotional sobriety or ability to self-regulate.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

232. It was a terrifying time when I got sober, but I made it through. I wish someone warned me about the emotional and mental challenges I’d face when I quit drinking.

233. “Above anything else—above family or job—the main thing is staying sober. That’s because without being sober, I don’t have a family or a job.” — William Regal, former professional wrestler and author

234. “I really mean when I say my biggest fear in early recovery was that I would never have fun again. The beautiful truth is that recovery has given me freedom and the confidence to go out in the world and leave my own mark.”– Tom Stoddart

235. “Learn to listen, sit, contain, and just be with your children.” – Brad Reedy, PhD

236. Addiction Recovery

237. “Not knowing what normal is can lead to emotional deregulation and problems with emotional sobriety. We lose our sense of what represents balanced “normal” behavior.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

238. “I really mean when I say my biggest fear in early recovery was that I would never have fun again. The beautiful truth is that recovery has given me freedom and the confidence to go out in the world and leave my own mark.” – Tom Stoddart

239. Pessimism is a product of our civilization. It is not natural to the savage; he feels pain, or discomfort, and suffers from these palpable conditions, but when he recovers from wounds he forgets the torments, and when he is well fed he is joyous in the light of day.” Arthur Lynch

240. The best thing about a sober life is that it is a good life.

241. “I believe the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.” – Joyce Meyer

242. “Someone who is trying to be sober is often trying to work out deeper emotional issues and is attempting to undo years of habitual behavior. When you reduce recovery to just abstinence, it simplifies what is really a much more complex issue.” ― Sasha Bronner

243. Sobriety Anniversary Quotes: You’re Not Alone

244. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson

245. My recovery must come first so that everything I love in life doesn't have to come last.

246. “There is no better high than discovery.”

247. Renowned Addiction Centers. Serene Private Facilities. Inpatient rehab programs vary.

248. tags: religion, sobriety750 likesLike

249. “To sober up seems to many like making life “so serious,” as if seriousness precluded joy, warmth, spontaneity, and fun. But there can be a delusional, blind quality to non-sober festivities. To have our eyes open soberly with all our senses and memory intact allows some of the most rewarding, soul-nourishing, and long-lasting pleasures possible.” – Alexandra Katehakis

250. “Addiction, at its worst, is akin to having Stockholm Syndrome. You’re like a hostage who has developed an irrational affection for your captor. They can abuse you, torture you, even threaten to kill you, and you’ll remain inexplicably and disturbingly loyal.” -Anne Clendening

251. tags: hard-hearted, sobriety71 likesLike

252. “One thing you must realize is that: you either kill your addiction or your addiction will eventually kill you.” – Oche Otorkpa

253. Gibson does a great job of explaining how the rush of drug abuse can go from enjoyable to a full blown addiction that controls a person’s waking thoughts and actions. Just like in a bad relationship, at the beginning, using drugs and alcohol may feel good. Love and addiction can have this in common. However, at a certain point, it becomes difficult to achieve the same initial high. As the body builds up a tolerance, increasing amounts of the substance are needed to feel the desired effects. At the same time, many begin to develop dependence, meaning without the drug, they will feel negative physiological and physical effects. These factors combined can lead to addiction. Things can quickly turn destructive as getting drunk or high becomes a priority.

254. On a daily basis, sobriety is everything.

255. “The journey towards recovery is a rocky one, but with the constant love and support from your friends and family, you will reach your destination!”

256. Sunday is your best day. You know you had an amazing week. Time to recover and think how you gonna kill the next one.

257. “What is an addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood.” – Alice Miller

258. Anonymous sobriety quotes and sayings

259. “It’s not the drugs that make a drug addict. It’s the need to escape reality.” — Unknown

260. “An alcoholic without a sponsor is like leaving Dracula in charge of the blood bank.” — Unknown

261. “Genius is the recovery of childhood at will.” — Arthur Rimbaud

262. “The hardest thing you can do is smile when you are ill, in pain, or depressed. But this no-cost remedy is a necessary first half-step if you are to start on the road to recovery.” – Allen Klein

263. Search substance abuse recovery sources, mental health & other topics

264. Not all of us are great with words, and that’s okay! Sometimes, we need a little help figuring out what to say. Whether you say them aloud or write them down on a card, here are some great ways to communicate your support to a friend who is celebrating a sobriety milestone:

265. John is one UK’s leading professionals in the addiction recovery industry. Pioneering new treatment techniques such as NAD+ and ongoing research into new therapy techniques such as systematic laser therapy, John is committed to providing the very best treatment for people throughout the UK and Europe. During his extremely busy schedule, John likes to regularly update our blog section with the latest news and trends in the industry to keep visitors to our site as well informed as possible on everything related to addiction treatment.

266. “I got sober. I stopped killing myself with alcohol. I began to think: ‘Wait a minute – if I can stop doing this, what are the possibilities?’ And slowly it dawned on me that it was maybe worth the risk.” ― Craig Ferguson

267. “People on a spiritual path – personal growth, spiritual practice, recovery, yoga and so forth – are the last people who should be sitting out the social and political issues of our day.” – Marianne Williamson

268. What Are The Stages of Addiction? (Recovery and Treatment)

269. “Part of recovery is relapse. I dust myself off and move forward again.” – Steven Alder

270. I think that many people don’t realize how much their substance abuse is affecting them until after they quit. Samuel L. Jackson was already a very well-respected actor with a great professional reputation, even before he got sober. However, after he quit, he was able to make a leap forward in his acting ability.

271. “My Recovery must come first so that everything I love in life does not have to come last.” — Unknown

272. Recovery is an ongoing process, for both the addict and his or her family. In recovery, there is hope. And hope is a wonderful thing. – Dean Dauphinais

273. “Prohibition kills, education saves lives” ― Dominic Milton Trott

274. “I got sober. I stopped killing myself with alcohol. I began to think: ‘Wait a minute. If I can stop doing this, what are the possibilities?’ And slowly it dawned on me that it was maybe worth the risk.” – Craig Ferguson

275. Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising up every time we fall.”- Oliver Goldsmith

276. “Relapse doesn’t have to be part of recovery any more than return has to be part of cancer.”

277. World-class High-Quality Addiction & Mental Health Rehabilitation Treatment

278. “Emotional sobriety is tied up in our ability to self-regulate and to bring ourselves into and maintain our balance.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

279. “People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, and even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.” – Ramona L. Anderson

280. To call yourself an alcoholic or a drug addict is a badge of honor, because the secret — the shameful secret — is the reason that it is such a pervasive illness.

281. “I could not be more proud of the sister, daughter, aunt and, most importantly, mother that you have become. 5 years ago I could not dream we would be here today but you are one of my most favorite people in this world. Happy 4 years sober!”

282. "Complimenting someone on their weight loss can be as harmful as complimenting someone on their weight gain in regards to talking to someone in recovery from an eating disorder."— Demi Lovato

283. However, what if I told you that everything you know about alcohol, addiction, and sobriety is a lie?

284. Keep a gratitude journal and write a list of blessings that have come from getting and staying sober. Reread your list when you’re feeling weak, Dr. Heinzerling suggests.

285. “If no sober day was wasted, then nobody could take one from her. Even if today brought a slip, the total would stay the same. All that would happen wag that she would not be adding to it. It was like money in the bank. If you missed a deposit, that didn't mean the sum grew smaller.”

286. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” — Henry Ford

287. “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” — Muhammad Ali

288. Sobriety quotes from “How to know if you have a drinking problem”

289. “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” — Vincent Van Gogh

290. “There are people who are addicted to sadness the way others are addicted to coffee or cigarettes.”― Marty Rubin

291. Drug Addiction AssessmentDrug Addiction

292. One of the most dangerous myths surrounding depression is that it is a life sentence, when in reality, if you seek the right help and keep on fighting, you CAN recover, and live a happy, healthy, depression-free life.

293. Don’t forget to also check out these recovery and addiction quotes to help you heal.

294. “Breakthroughs don’t get planned, they are prepared for.” ― Goitsemang Mvula, South African author and artist

295. Just a reminder: it is NOT selfish to put your recovery first. Rather, it’s necessary in order to make sure that everything else doesn’t come last.

296. “If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.” -- Brené Brown

297. tags: aa, alcohol, alcoholic-anonymous, drugs, drunk, rehab, rehabilitation, reputation, sober, sobriety0 likesLike

298. “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

299. “Don’t fear solitude: If you are never alone, you cannot know yourself. But don’t get too attached to it – it may become an addiction.” – Paulo Coelho

300. psychology-today-2

301. Sobriety is a great way to clean your social house.

302. “Getting sober was one of the three pivotal events in my life, along with becoming an actor and having a child. Of the three, finding my sobriety was the hardest thing.”

303. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you found these sobriety quotes helpful and inspiring.

304. Recovery is hard, but you are stronger than you think

305. “Sometimes you have to clear out the junk. And then you realize what’s most important.”

306. tags: alcohol, fun, sobriety2 likesLike

307. “ you think if you died drunk you’d sober up before you met Jesus?”

308. “It wasn’t until I met the right people and started going to meetings — that’s when it really stuck for me. After that, I didn’t want to go back.”

309. “Breakthroughs don't get planned, they are prepared for.”

310. “Your addiction to daily distraction denies you of effectiveness.”~ Bernard Kelvin Clive

311. This quote highlights the pain of wanting to be free from addiction, but feeling unable to control the urge to abuse substances. Of course, no one chooses to be addicted to drugs or alcohol. For many, dependence develops as a coping mechanism that allows users to numb their negative feelings and escape traumatic memories temporarily. When they stop using, these feelings and symptoms of conditions like PTSD may return. So, despite the many negative consequences, addicts and alcoholics can feel trapped, believing they need substances to cope with their underlying conditions. This is one way that the addict part of the mind distorts a person’s thinking. Treatment programs like Liberty Ranch’s helps participants manage and address their underlying conditions in healthier, more productive ways. Moreover, treatment helps clients deconstruct current ways of thinking and learn healthier ways to respond to difficulties, while providing structure and support.

312. ‘It began to feel as if I were living two lives—only one of which I could remember'

313. Courage isn't having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength.

314. “I look at autism like a bus accident, and you don’t become cured from a bus accident, but you can recover.” — Jenny McCarthy

315. Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside. — Unknown

316. staying sober quotes

317. “Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside.” — Unknown

318. Sobriety Quotes To Give You Confidence

319. “Something exceptionally positive can come from our experiences. Your contribution to the growing momentum of this cause has great power. Perhaps you’ll reach someone before they have to know the glass monster room at all.” – Jody Lamb

320. “Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.” – William James

321. Feelings aren't facts.

322. Happiness is the hedonistic highway to addictions.” – Andrew Tate

323. Many people don’t realize that they have an addiction to a substance until they try to quit. One of the harshest realities is to acknowledge that you have an addiction. While this chapter in your life may be scary, know that you’re not alone. Plenty of others have gone through the same process, and know what you’re going through. Check out the following addiction quotes that describe what an addiction is.

324. “There is no despair so absolute as that which comes with the first moments of our first great sorrow, when we have not yet known what it is to have suffered and be healed, to have despaired and have recovered hope.” — George Eliot, Middlemarch

325. This quote reminds us that as humans, we all fall down sometimes and experience failure. But it is how we choose to move forward that matters. Making the decision to participate in a recovery program in itself is a perfect example of how a person can rebound from a fall. Yet, even when a person gets sober, they will likely struggle with failure.

326. These days, there are more celebrities than ever going public with their sobriety. I think that it’s a great way for them to help fight the stigma around addiction and to inspire other addicts to get sober.

327. “When I got sober, I thought giving up was saying goodbye to all the fun and all the sparkle, and it turned out to be just the opposite. That’s when the sparkle started for me.” - Mary Karr, poet

328. I really think a champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.

329. “I will live my life from now on, I will not perform it.”

330. Addiction is not something you can get over with ease. It stays with you for your life, which is why relapse prevention is critical in your journey to sobriety. Take a look at these recovery inspiration quotes to keep yourself motivated and on the right track. “Recovery from addiction requires hard work, a proper attitude, and learning skills to stay sober, not drinking alcohol or using other drugs. Successful drug recovery or alcohol recovery involves changing attitudes, acquiring knowledge, and developing skills to meet the many challenges of sobriety.” — Dr. Dennis Daley “I used drugs to feel better. I quit drugs to be better.” — Unknown “Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles, and you have to change it.” — James Lee Curtis “Recovery: It will be challenging. It will be worth it. You will relapse, and that’s ok, as long as you keep fighting.” — Unknown “There is no shame in beginning again, for you to get a chance to build bigger and better than before.” — Unknown “Recovery is not for people who need it. It’s for people who want it.” — Unknown “Never underestimate a recovering addict. We fight for our lives every day in ways most people will never understand.” — Unknown “There’s not a drug on earth that can make life meaningful.” — Unknown “Recovery is a process. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes everything you’ve got.” — Unknown “Be stronger than your strongest excuse.” — Unknown “It’s a beautiful day to be sober.” — Unknown “Someone once told me, ‘I heard you finally got rid of your addiction.’ I smiled and said, ‘No, addiction doesn’t work like that. Once you have it, you will always have it. I just choose not to feed it.” — Unknown “You don’t get over an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.” — Unknown “If you chased your recovery like you chased your high, you would never relapse again.” — Unknown “Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven.” — Donald Lyn Frost “It’s gonna get harder before it gets easier, but it will get better. You just gotta make it through the hard stuff first.” — Unknown “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging.” — Unknown “It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.” — Unknown “Recovery didn’t open the gates of heaven and let me in. Recovery opened the gates of hell and let me out.” — Unknown “Recovery is about progression, not perfection.” — Unknown “I am not defined by my relapses, but in my decision to remain in recovery despite them.” — Unknown “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” — C.S. Lewis “I understood myself only after I destroyed myself. And only in the process of fixing myself, did I know who I really was.” — Unknown “It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.” — Richard Evans “The goal isn’t to be sober. The goal is to love yourself so much that you don’t have to drink.” — Unknown “My recovery must come first, so that everything I love in life does not have to come last.” — Unknown “I’m not telling you it is going to be easy. I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” — Unknown “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” — Confucius “No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.” — George Chakiris Don’t just rely on traditional methods of getting sober. There are plenty of new approaches that hold promise in treating addictions. Know when to seek extra help, and know how to control and cope with cravings for long-term success. Addiction is becoming an epidemic in the U.S. 40 million Americans aged 12 and up are addicted to nicotine, alcohol or other drugs. These numbers are on the rise. It’s time for society to recognize and acknowledge the pain, chaos, and turmoil that addiction causes. Addiction can be deadly. In Washington State, 15 per 100,000 people die from drug-related causes. However, getting sober is not easy. Addiction often has a stronger hold on an addict’s lives than they’d like to believe. There are plenty of ways for staying motivated when getting sober. Find strength within the following addiction quotes and recovery saying. They offer inspiration for those in recovery.

331. ” ~ Pythagoras

332. When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. —Jean Shinoda Bolen

333. “Not all addictions are rooted in abuse or trauma, but I do believe they can all be traced to painful experience. A hurt is at the center of all addictive behaviors.“ – Gabor Mate, doctor and addiction expert

334. We know that children who grow up with absent fathers can suffer lasting damage. They are more likely to end up in poverty or drop out of school, become addicted to drugs, have a child out of wedlock, or end up in prison. Fatherlessness is not the only cause of these things, but our nation must recognize it is an important factor. – George W. Bush

335. Active Recovery

336. “Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.” ― Bucky Sinister author of Get Up: A 12-Step Guide to Recovery for Misfits, Freaks, and Weirdos

337. “Getting sober was one of the three pivotal events in my life, along with becoming an actor and having a child. Of the three, finding my sobriety was the hardest thing.” – Gary Oldman

338. “And that’s what it’s like for me in recovery at times. Afraid to take on responsibility, new sponsees or something, or allowing myself to stand up and shine… I’ve got new tools, I’ve got new hope, new love, new respect for myself.” – James Hetfield

339. I am addicted to jeeps. The way I drive and the way they handle is a perfect combination.

340. “Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.” ― Anthony J. D’Angelo

341. People experiencing alcoholism or drug addiction often fail to recognize the benefits of sobriety. Committing to a better life without alcohol or other drugs is difficult, but many people find inspiration from others who have become sober.

342. “We must desperately desire recovery with the same passion with which we pursue drugs.” – Mary Cook

343. “You need to be bold enough and strong enough to let your loved one’s recovery unfold or not unfold as it is meant to, not as you want it to.” – Carole Bennett

344. Lord I come before you today I need your healing power to heal my loved one – that he may recover from a successful surgery. I beg for your mercy oh Lord to give him the patience and endurance to surpass all the pain he is having right now. I pray to you most gracious and almighty God that he may get better and will be back on his normal life. In your name I pray amen.

345. Many of us suffer from low self-esteem, which, in turn, perpetuates the cycle of addiction. But struggling with an addiction doesn’t mean we’re incapable, weak, or unworthy. And it certainly doesn’t mean we can’t change our lives around and move past the disease that has been holding us back. We are all worthy of being happy and of living our lives to the fullest. Embrace your worth as a human being and never settle for anything less than the healthy, happy, and sober life you deserve

346. “The best gift you can give, besides your unconditional love, is to be strong for them when they are present and stronger for yourself when they are not!” – David Cooke

347. To be “clean and sober” is increasingly becoming uncommon these days. It seems like everyone is either into alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. The reasons vary widely―from peer pressure to sheer curiosity―but it is commonly seen that the habit is picked up in the younger years.

348. Is Prozac Addictive?

349. “Even though a number of people have tried, no one has yet found a way to drink for a living.”

350. This decision often comes about because of an addiction that is negatively affecting their lives.

351. I feel sad for not being there on your surgery day. Everyone here misses you a lot. We pray for your recovery so that we can be together soon.

352. “The challenge of emotional sobriety is to learn to seek and respect moderation and to value the experience of being poised in flight from where we can see clearly in all directions, from where we can steer a fruitful path and respond to the elements without being unnecessarily overtaken by them.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

353. In my experience, and in the experience of most people I have talked with, the family’s recovery often coincides with or precedes the recovery of the addicted individual. -Beverly Conyers

354. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt

355. “I’m cheering you on and know you’ll do big things! You’re one of the most strong, positive people I know. You are magical like a unicorn, and everyone knows unicorns can do anything! Congratulations on this very important 23 years sober anniversary.”

356. “Your sobriety shouldn’t be defined by what you no longer do but by what you’re currently doing to make yourself healthier, stronger, and more confident”

357. It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. —Joseph Campbell

358. “When I had the kite free. I needed a minute to rest. To recover before starting down. So instead of looking at the ground below me. I held on tight and looked out. Out across the rooftops.

359. “I've always believed clear-eyed sobriety was for the harder hearted.”

360. Sobriety Anniversary Quotes

361. “He had known on some level, even if he couldn't articulate it clearly at the time, that the problem, the thing that kept him from being loved, was his tendency toward excess, the big hunger inside of him, the same force that had made him drink and drug that had mutated in sobriety to other things - mostly food and validation- and he stuffed the emptiness however he could. His need was bottomless.”

362. a8ed929d5c3b1b81624981b75cd81096_sobriety-anniversary-quotes-50.webp

363. “One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.” – Demi Lovato

364. Sobriety quotes can compliment a persons sobriety but they are not enough on their own to keep a person sober, or indeed to help them to get sober from alcohol.

365. “You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious.” — Joel Osteen

366. Nobody stays recovered unless the life they have created is more rewarding and satisfying than the one they left behind. -Anne Fletcher

367. “My mind may be sober, but my confidence is high!”

368. I wish you a fast recovery after successful surgery and may you have good health forever!

369. Gaming Addiction

370. tags: broms-the-poet, courage, poetry, quote, recovery, sobriety2 likesLike

371. Sober Up - "Sober Up" is the third single from AJR's second studio album The Click and features Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo, although some radio stations play a

372. tags: drunkbeth, riddle, sobriety1 likesLike

373. “Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” – Aristotle

374. Self-love is not a feature of alcohol and drug abuse. Part of the real work in sobriety is learning to love ourselves.

375. I got sober. I stopped killing myself with alcohol. I began to think: ‘Wait a minute – if I can stop doing this, what are the possibilities?’ And slowly it dawned on me that it was maybe worth the risk.” ― Craig Ferguson

376. With God, everything is possible. That’s why I believe your surgery will be a success and soon you will recover and we will be on our way for that great adventure. Good luck with the surgery!

377. Father, you can heal us in a heartbeat. We pray for Your miraculous healing today. From depression, life-long disease, sudden failures, addictions and massive handicaps. We pray for miraculous healing because we know you are as capable of fixing our physicalities as you are to hold the oceans in place as the earth spins around. Through Your Son’s death on the cross, we have the opportunity to be healed spiritually. By believing in Jesus we are connected straight to You in prayer and presence. Bless our hearts to believe in You beyond our heart’s capacity. Strengthen our faith where it is weak and strengthen our resolve to linger in Your presence a little longer each day.

378. “Your addiction to daily distraction denies you of effectiveness.”― Bernard Kelvin Clive

379. The first part of getting sober, or helping someone else be sober, is understanding what sobriety is.

380. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

381. It hurts & then it heals

382. Not everyone will struggle with addiction but everyone has something in their life that they are trying incredibly hard to get through. You’re not alone. Give yourself grace as you figure it out.

383. “Let people doubt your sanity. Let them think you’re nuts. Be the mad scientist. the wise fool. the adventure addict who makes others question there own aliveness.”

384. “People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.” – Ramona L. Anderson

385. It is never easy seeing a dear friend undergo a hard time. Finally, I can smile a little, your surgery was okay and now I look forward to seeing you recover fully.

386. “I live in negotiation with a shadow side that has to be respected. There is a wound. I believe that this is more than a characteristic of addiction. I think it is a part of being human, to carry a wound, a flaw and again, paradoxically, it is only by accepting it that we can progress.” - Russell Brand, comedian and actor

387. “I’m here if you ever need anything.”

388. I look to you for inspiration all the time, and this anniversary of your sobriety is no exception. Congratulations on your huge milestone!

389. “Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don’t give up.” — Anne Lamott

390. It’s good to hear everything went well as planned. Wish you all the best and a quick recovery.

391. “We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” – Rick Warren

392. A different way to get sober

393. b4de1c1e2f029f20d28720a783d81873_sobriety-anniversary-quotes-26.webp

394. The hardest thing about depression is that it is addictive. It begins to feel uncomfortable not to be depressed. You feel guilty for feeling happy. – Pete Wentz

395. tags: alcohol, connection, drugs, happiness, incubus, intimacy, party, partying, random, sex, sex-appeal, sober, sobriety, soul, soulmates, spiritual, spirituality, strangers, time32 likesLike

396. Kit Harington’s Advice for Sobriety

397. “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.” – John Wayne

398. These are the types of people that you’ll be able to talk with about the unique feelings and challenges you face, not just in developing a sober social life, but in being sober, in general.

399. “Welcome to the beautiful Sinclair family. No one is a criminal. No one is an addict. No one is a failure.”

400. “All good people read good books

401. “Pessimism is a product of our civilization. It is not natural to the savage; he feels pain, or discomfort, and suffers from these palpable conditions, but when he recovers from wounds he forgets the torments, and when he is well fed he is joyous in the light of day.” Arthur Lynch

402. ‘Sometimes when in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, when actually you’ve been planted.’ – Christine Caine

403. “Every morning I thank the world for giving you to me. You are my sweetest addiction, I can’t live without you.”

404. Alcohol Addiction

405. “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” – Ernest Hemingway

406. All the pathos and irony of leaving one’s youth behind is thus implicit in every joyous moment of travel: one knows that the first joy can never be recovered, and the wise traveler learns not to repeat successes but tries new places all the time. – Paul Fussell

407. Sobriety Quotes to Keep You Motivated

408. “Congratulations on making it another year and being so persistent. You are a bright light to new comers coming into the program. The service you provide within the program does not go unnoticed. Grateful for how much you have helped me.”

409. “My worst days in recovery are better than the best days in relapse.” - Kate Le Page

410. stimulant addictionIs Cocaine a Stimulant or Depressant? What Type of Drug is Cocaine?

411. “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” – Carol Burnett

412. Inspirational sobriety quotes

413. A familiar thought―it was a bedtime mantra, a grace note on which to end her days. No sober day is wasted, meaning that whatever else she'd done or failed to do on any given day, there was always this achievement to reflect on in the violet hour.”

414. “Addiction brings apathy. Break the apathy, and you break the addiction.” – Mango Wodzak

415. “Addiction doesn’t hurt you nearly as much as it hurts the ones who love you because you numb your pain, they don’t.” ― Toni Sorenson

416. Technology addiction

417. “The initial journey towards sobriety is a delicate balance between insight into one’s desire for escape and abstinence from one’s addiction.” — Debra L. Kaplan

418. The Grammy-winning singer has no trouble putting sobriety first.

419. “She goes from one addiction to another. All are ways for her to not feel her feelings.” – Ellen Burstyn

420. People drink after a hard day. They also drink to celebrate. This ritual inadvertently breeds addiction. You have now hijacked your “emotional tolerance.”

421. “Recovery is taking all twelve steps…over and over and over and over…” – Toni Sorenson

422. Recovery presents its own challenge, mostly because there is no obvious finish line. “There isn’t a point where you say, ‘That’s it! I’m done! I’m sober!'” Dr. Heinzerling says, adding that it requires a lot of small choices every day that add up for the rest of your life.

423. sobriety quotes 6

424. “Sobriety was the greatest gift I ever gave myself.” — Rob Lowe

425. “When trust is broken, there is not any medicine to recover that again, as it was before, even you try hard to gain back. ” – Ehsan Sehgal

426. “Every noble work is at first impossible.” – Thomas Carlyle

427. When I got sober, I thought giving up was saying goodbye to all the fun and all the sparkle, and it turned out to be just the opposite. That's when the sparkle started for me -Mary Karr

428. “Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.” - Bucky Sinister, author

429. Nelson Mandela truly understood the importance of facing insurmountable odds head-on. As an addict, the disease of addiction may seem unconquerable, but you will never truly know what you are capable of until you actually try. Although your drug of choice may have caused you a great deal of pain, the thought of not having it may seem even scarier. Addiction creates physical and psychological dependence. The body now requires drugs or alcohol in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Many individuals do want to quit, but struggle with the painful symptoms.

430. Sober living

431. “Sobriety is concern for one’s health – or limited capacity.” ― Francois de La Rochefoucauld

432. “There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself.” – Eckhart Tolle

433. “Your addiction is not your identity, but you won’t know that until you’re in recovery; that’s when the two separate.” ― Toni Sorenson

434. “If I focus on the problem, the problem increases. If I focus on the answer, the answer increases.” — Big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

435. “It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.” – Richard Evans

436. ‘If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten’ – Tony Robbins

437. “I'm like a recovering perfectionist. For me it's one day at a time.”

438. “Before you can break out of prison, you must realise you are locked up.” – Anonymous

439. “Life is a series of relapses and recoveries.” – George Ade

440. “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller

441. I’m a writer, competitive chess player, Army veteran, physicist, and former professional heavyweight boxer. My work focuses on self-development, realizing your potential, and sobriety—speaking from personal experience, having overcome both poverty and addiction.

442. sobering quotes

443. “I once heard a sober alcoholic say that drinking never made him happy, but it made him feel like he was going to be happy in about fifteen minutes. That was exactly it, and I couldn’t understand why the happiness never came, couldn’t see the flaw in my thinking, couldn’t see that alcohol kept me trapped in a world of illusion, procrastination, paralysis. I lived always in the future, never in the present. Next time, next time! Next time I drank it would be different, next time it would make me feel good again. And all my efforts were doomed, because already drinking hadn’t made me feel good in years.”

444. Reasons for becoming sober are very individual but regardless of why you did it, the important part is that you stopped drinking—and that’s a huge accomplishment. “Lots of people will say, ‘Oh, I can stop drinking anytime I want’ but then go back when it turns out to be harder than they thought,” says Dr. Heinzerling. But you’ve already overcome that first hurdle of getting sober and have moved into the recovery phase.

445. “Movies, novels and books have sensationalized and downplayed stories of addiction to the point that the truth is now mostly lost with many viewing addiction as cool and just a rite of passage.” – Rachel Meyers

446. “Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.” ~ Bucky Sinister

447. The recovering addict cannot stay sober without changes at a deeply personal level.

448. “Gollum [from Lord of the Rings] is entirely based on the notion of addiction. The way that the ring pervades him, makes him craving, lustful, depletes him physically, psychologically and mentally.” – Andy Serkis

449. “Sobriety is wealth.” ― Petra Hermans

450. “The priority of any addict is to anaesthetize the pain of living to ease the passage of day with some purchased relief.” — Russell Brand

451. “If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.” — Brené Brown

452. “Sleep allows our body and minds the time it needs to recover and rejuvenate.”

453. “You don’t like me? That’s a shame. I’ll need a few minutes to recover from the tragedy.”

454. Addictions we treat

455. “Realize that narcissists have an addiction disorder. They are strongly addicted to feeling significant. Like any addict they will do whatever it takes to get this feeling often. That is why they are manipulative and future fakers. They promise change, but can’t deliver if it interferes with their addiction. That is why they secure back up supply.” ~ Shannon L. Alder

456. “Getting sober is a radically creative act.”

457. “What is addiction really? It’s a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It’s a language that tells about a plight that must be understood.”—Alice Miller

458. I personally believe this: We have only today; yesterday’s gone and tomorrow is uncertain. That’s why they call it the present. And sobriety really is a gift… for those who are willing to receive it. – Ace Frehley

459. “Emotional sobriety also means that we have learned how to tolerate our intense emotions without acting out in dysfunctional ways, clamping down and foreclosing on our feeling world, or self-medicating.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

460. “Get your loved one the help they need. Our substance use disorder program accepts many health insurance plans, this is our residential program.”

461. Sobriety was not just about drugs and alcohol. I had to detox from anger, fear, resentment & hate.

462. “Hit the bottom and get back up; or hit the bottle and stay down.” – Anthony Liccione

463. One of the things about my drinking is that I wasn’t addicted to booze, per se. I was more addicted to the ritual and the partying surrounding it.

464. Ford inspiration quote for addiction recovery

465. “Sunday is your best day. You know you had an amazing week. Time to recover and think how you gonna kill the next one.” — Unknown

466. “Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn't end there.”

467. “People with good emotional sobriety tend to avoid unnecessary conflict, but they do speak up where necessary.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

468. "It's very important to seek treatment early for eating disorders. People with eating disorders often have other mental disorders such as depression, or anxiety, or problems with substance use. Importantly, complete recovery from eating disorders is possible. Treatment plans are tailored to individual needs and may include one or more of the following: individual, couple, or group psychotherapy, family-based treatment, medical care and medical monitoring, nutritional counseling, and also medication."— Cynthia Bulik, PhD

469. “If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford

470. We have seen God’s hand working, may you recover faster after this successful surgery.

471. A pitfall that many struggle with while in recovery is feeling like they are not where they want to be. However, addiction cannot be solved in one day and becoming sober is just one step in the recovery process. The urge to simply “get better” can create feelings of shame, hopelessness, and even result in dry drunk syndrome or a relapse. Some even begin to resent others who don’t struggle with addiction. It is easy to focus on what you haven’t achieved or how far from your goal you are. But rather than judge yourself for a lack of progress, think about how far you have come.

472. How Does Forgiveness Play a Role in Recovery?

473. Life in Recovery

474. Tagged inspiring addiction quotes, motivational quotes for recovery and sobriety, recovery quotes

475. "I still struggle. Daily. There are periods of time where I forget about my food struggles and other times it’s all I think about. Still. But that is what [eating disorder] recovery looks like for some people and I still have hope that someday I won’t think about it anymore."— Demi Lovato

476. You’ve taken one day at a time and made it to the next day! Now do it again!

477. Addiction Reports

478. Being in recovery has given me everything of value that I have in my life. Integrity, honesty, fearlessness, faith, a relationship with God, and most of all gratitude. -Rob Lowe

479. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, help is available.

480. “I am pregnant which means I am sober, swollen and hungry. Approach with caution.”

481. “Nobody stays recovered unless the life they have created is more rewarding and satisfying than the one they left behind.” - Anne Fletcher, addiction specialist

482. Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.

483. Copyright © 2023 Harmony Recovery NC | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Notice of Privacy Practices | Terms Of Service | HTML Sitemap

484. The only thing harder than wedding planning is wedding recovery.

485. “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra

486. I don’t claim to be an expert on recovery. I’m just a guy who took things one day at a time and tries to help others. Getting sober was the best gift I’ve ever given to myself, so it’s my responsibility to give something back to everyone who is struggling.

487. My recovery from drug addiction is the single greatest accomplishment of my life

488. More than any other American sport, baseball creates the magnetic, addictive illusion that it can almost be understood. — Thomas Boswell.

489. Nobody stays recovered unless the life they have created is more rewarding and satisfying than the one they left behind. – Anne Fletcher

490. With alcohol no longer an option, you’re forced to deal with all of these emotions — good and bad. And ultimately, you’ll be stronger because of your sobriety.

491. “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop” – Confucius

492. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

493. living sober quotes

494. Meaningful Sober quotes

495. “Addictions … started out like magical pets, pocket monsters. They did extraordinary tricks, showed you things you hadn’t seen, were fun. But came, through some gradual dire alchemy, to make decisions for you. Eventually, they were making your most crucial life-decisions. And they were… less intelligent than goldfish.” – William Gibson

496. “We’re all addicted to something that takes away the pain.”― Boys Like Girls

497. Overcoming the all-consuming power of addiction is no easy feat. You will often most likely awake to good days, or days filled with temptation and struggle. Somedays, you might lack the motivation to continue to fight.

498. “Plotting the course away from booze is every bit as hard as leaving an abusive lover – take it from me. In some ways I would even argue it can be harder.... But that safety is not real. The love of your life is a snake in your bed. He offers you escape from all the big meanies and scaries, while he quietly tightens the noose around your neck and the bindings on your wrists and ankles.

499. “We know that children who grow up with absent fathers can suffer lasting damage. They are more likely to end up in poverty or drop out of school, become addicted to drugs, have a child out of wedlock, or end up in prison. Fatherlessness is not the only cause of these things, but our nation must recognize it is an important factor.” – George W. Bush

500. “I hate having feelings. Why does sobriety have to come with feelings? One minute I feel excited, the next I feel terrified. One minute I feel free and the next I feel doomed. I think about lobotomies. Are they like nose jobs, can you just go and have one? Or do you need a doctor's recommendation?”

501. “I’ve always believed clear-eyed sobriety was for the harder hearted.”

502. “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” – C.S. Lewis

503. “Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go.” — Spencer Johnson

504. Sobriety is no walk in the park and it takes a real BADASS (or a tenacious sparkle unicorn) to kick addiction’s butt. Pump up your sober brother or sister by letting them know just how much they SLAY and are straight up FIRE. It’ll give them fuel to keep kicking butts and taking names!

505. “Just as others pray daily, you should think to yourself daily about what you can do to be closer to this Ideal Image. Think: "What can I do today to make my life better?" "What can I do to become more like my Ideal Image?”

506. Some try to recreate the feeling of the first time they used, struggling to recognize the level of control that alcohol and drugs now has over their lives. On a personal level, the costs of addiction are steep. Losing relationships, financial stability, personal freedoms, loss of custody of children, overdose and even death can be common outcomes for many. The societal costs of substance abuse are great at over $532 billion a year. This estimate includes costs from disease, premature death, lost productivity, theft, violence, law enforcement, prosecution, incarceration, and probation.

507. Sobriety Anniversary Quotes: “This day of celebration means as much to me as it could mean to anyone. I have benefited greatly from your sobriety and your help over the years.”

508. Good morning my sweetest addiction! I can’t live without you.

509. “Every day is a new day. No need to dwell on the past. Look straight ahead.” – Saint Charlotte

510. “To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself.” – Søren Kierkegaard

511. “Love is a mutual self-giving which ends in self-recovery.” —Fulton J. Sheen

512. tags: alcoholism, drinking, sobriety108 likesLike

513. Opioid Addiction

514. “So much was lost - names, faces, ages, ethnic identities - that African Americans must do what no other ethnic group writ large must do: take a completely shattered vessel and piece it together, knowing that some pieces will never be recovered. This is not quite as harrowing or hopeless as it might sound I liken it to the Japanese art of kintsugi, repairing broken vessels using gold. The scars of the object are not concealed, but highlighted and embraced, thus giving them their own dignity and power. The brokenness and its subsequent repair are a recognized part of the story of the journey of the vessel, not to be obscured, and change, transition, and transformation are seen as important as honoring the original structure and its traditional meaning and beauty.”

515. “Drunkards have a problem, not with sobriety, but with reality.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

516. Where are these inspirational quotes about addiction recovery from?

517. Addiction Types

518. “I think your resources are feeling. Your resources are depth. Your resources are learning. Your resources are touching and feeling. And for me, sobriety helps and aids all of that.” ― Jeffrey Tambor

519. “Now I’m sober and I realize, I didn’t drink to escape the world, I drank to escape myself” – Phil Volatile“To sober up seems to many like making life “so serious,” as if seriousness precluded joy, warmth, spontaneity, and fun. But there can be a delusional, blind quality to non-sober festivities. To have our eyes open soberly with all our senses and memory intact allows some of the most rewarding, soul-nourishing, and long-lasting pleasures possible.” – Alexandra Katehakis

520. Fill out the form below and a We Level Up admissions advisor will call you within minutes to help you or your loved one start on the path to long-term sobriety.

521. If you’re working on getting your life right and free from the grips of alcohol or substance abuse, you will have some tough days. You’ll need a quick pick-me-up or reminder of why you’re doing this. That’s why I put together these inspirational quotes to get recovering addicts through the tough days.

522. I knew well enough that one could fracture one's legs and arms and recover afterward, but I did not know that you could fracture the brain in your head and recover from that too.

523. “I’m pregnant, which means I’m sober, swollen, and hungry. Approach with caution.” — Unknown

524. Our addiction treatment multidisciplinary team (MDT) consists of leading consultant psychiatrists, nurses and therapists who are all specially trained in addiction. They are supported by clinical psychologists, trauma therapists, counselling psychologists and psychotherapists ensuring that we deliver specialised, evidence-based treatments.

525. Missing you is not just a habit; it is a deadly addiction. Missing you is not just a compulsion; it is a painful desperation. I miss you, girl.

526. It takes true grit, determination, and an almost superhuman strength to battle addiction and come out on top. Don’t let your sober loved ones forget just how strong they are – that inner strength has been their lifesaver and it deserves to be acknowledged.

527. “Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life. Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it's often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life paralysis.” – Brené Brown

528. “As we approach your 8 months of sobriety… just wanted to let you know how proud of you I am! I believe in you and can’t wait to do more life with you. I love you!” (33)

529. “People are not addicted to alcohol or drugs, they are addicted to escaping reality.” ~ Anonymous

530. Inspiring Addiction Quotes that Describe Addiction

531. Sober quote Drunk words are sober thoughts

532. tags: alcohol, drinking, sobriety1439 likesLike

533. “Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life. Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it’s often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life paralysis.” – Brené Brown

534. I once shook hands with Pat Boone and my whole right side sobered up.

535. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

536. Sex Addiction

537. “I personally believe this: We have only today; yesterday's gone and tomorrow is uncertain. That's why they call it the present. And sobriety really is a gift... for those who are willing to receive it.”

538. I hope you enjoyed these quotes as much as I did. You can read more about any of the celebrities by clicking through to the articles about them, or check out this giant list of posts about sober celebrities.

539. Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

540. Lord I come before you today I need your healing power to heal my loved one - that they may recover from a successful surgery. I beg for your mercy oh Lord to give her the patience and endurance to surpass all the pain she is having right now. I pray to you most gracious and almighty God that she may get better and will be back on his normal life. In your name I pray amen.

541. Sobriety is freedom

542. “Sobriety and health is the greatest thing.” ― Jeff Bridges

543. “The only honest measure of your success is what you are doing compared to your true potential.” – Paul J. Meyer

544. Getting sober is scary. It can feel like losing a piece of yourself. Likely, you have experienced many negative consequences as a result of your addiction, but there also might have been something seemingly positive that drugs and alcohol provided. For example, if you suffer from anxiety, maybe drugs and alcohol helped to quiet those anxious, self-deprecating thoughts. Studies show an important link between generalized anxiety and substance abuse. Abusing substances might have allowed you to feel more comfortable around others and release your inhibitions. In fact, many subconsciously believe that they need to be high or drunk to be accepted by others. Some even feel like being “the drunk or high person” is part of their identity.

545. Heroin Addiction

546. Dealing with the problems that you have been avoiding is difficult, but worthwhile and necessary. Although the thought of recovery may seem daunting, don’t let that hold you back. Instead, recognize your fears and address them through treatment. A good recovery program will provide therapy, family counseling, life skills training, and other services to help you through this process. It is important that both the individual dealing with the addiction and their loved ones participate in this process. Treatment provides an opportunity for the addict and their families to move beyond their fears and learn how to address painful issues and conflict in a healthier way.

547. “Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life. Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it’s often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life paralysis.”

548. Getting sober quote

549. “The thing is, if I don’t have sobriety, I don’t have anything.” ― Matthew Perry

550. “Solitude is dangerous. It’s very addictive. It becomes a habit after you realise how peaceful and calm it is. It’s like you don’t want to deal with people anymore because they drain your energy.”

551. tags: courage, do-the-right-thing, sobriety2 likesLike

552. “I can take care of myself!” vs “ There is something bigger than me.”

553. “When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” ~ Jean Shinoda Bolen

554. I know you’re tired, I know you feel like giving up, but you’re not going to. You know why? Because you are strong, and when you’re survived through all the shit your addiction has but you through, you can survive recovery.

555. “When you can stop, you don’t want to, and when you to stop, you can’t.” — Luke Davies

556. “Travel is the healthiest addiction”

557. “At the core of emotional sobriety is the ability to bring our emotions into balance so what we’re feeling is within a manageable range.” – Tian Dayton Ph.D

558. Free 24-hour Addiction Support Hotline

559. “Trust patterns, not apologies.”

560. When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.

561. One of the things that can positively impact your mental health and overall well-being and help your addiction treatment is reading motivational quotes.

562. “It goes without saying that moderation and sobriety are of the very essence of vow-taking.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

563. The recurring message here is that people struggling with addiction can find solace and encouragement in sobriety quotes.

564. Giving up drugs and alcohol is one of the most difficult things a person can do when they are physically and emotionally dependent on substances. However, recovery is about much more than just getting clean and sober. In recovery, participants work to develop personal capacities, build life skills and confront challenges head on. Each day in recovery, one’s commitment and capacities are tested. Participants in recovery programs learn to break large goals down into small, achievable actions; to focus on change they can affect; to recognize when they need support and to ask for help when necessary. Inner strength accessed during this process serves a person in all facets of life. The persistence, commitment and resilience practiced in recovery can be applied to achieve one’s personal, educational and professional goals.

565. “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

566. Gracious God, My heart grieves for my friend but I am also so saddened for her family and friends who are deeply impacted by the magnitude of this heart-wrenching situation. As these family members navigate their own pain and suffering, please remind them that you are near to comfort them as well. When they are overcome by sadness and fear, provide them with the reminder that you do not sleep, or even take a nap; instead, you are always alert and available to provide the strength they need. You are the only true source of healing and recovery. As they provide practical care and faithfully serve, please strengthen them when they are discouraged. As they lift their eyes to you, remind them of your love and that the empowering presence of your Spirit is available to them at every moment of each day. Amen. - Lisa Samra


568. “Since beginning my work in areas like addiction, for example, I have seen time and time again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood are almost always present in unresolved childhood challenges.” – Kate Middleton

569. “Don’t pick up a drink or drug, one day at a time. It sounds so simple. It actually is simple, but it isn’t easy—it requires incredible support and fastidious structuring.” ― Russell Brand

570. Ask yourself, “What do I get out of drinking with people that you don’t get from spending time sober with them?”

571. Sweet dreams, my dear girlfriend; it is time the angels come down from heaven to decorate your dreams and watch over them. You are an amazing person, full of energy and goodness, and therefore you deserve to have a good rest and recover. I love you so much. My life is much more beautiful since you are in it. I thank life for sending you to make my days happier. You are my motivation, and I want you to know that I will always be by your side to take care of you and love you. I adore you, do not ever forget that.

572. “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” — Babe Ruth

573. “Me encantan los rumores sobre eyelid, me entero de cosas que ni yo sabía, que había hecho”: I love rumors about me – things I didn’t even know I did.

574. Addictions treatment telephone consultation

575. Sometimes the hardest part on the sobriety journey is just getting started. Making the decision to get help, to make real changes, and to commit to those changes is never easy. Acknowledge this important step and thank your sober friend or family member for making that life-changing decision.

576. Numerous amazing drug addiction support quotes by anonymous people inspired others to maintain their dedication to sobriety. Although your past behaviors shape who you are, it does not define who you will be. This is determined by your actions and behavior, not your past addiction. What you did in the past does not decide who you will be in the future.

577. “No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.” – George Chakiris

578. “The initial journey towards sobriety is a delicate balance between insight into one's desire for escape and abstinence from one's addiction,” Debra L. Kaplan, therapist

579. “We fall. We break. We fail. But then, we rise. We heal. We overcome.” – Unknown

580. “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” — Carl Bard

581. being sober

582. By Leba Sable|September 1st, 2020|Addiction, Inspirational, Recovery, Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Offon 10+ Inspiring Quotes for Addicts and Those Who Love Them

583. All Time Top 20 Addiction Recovery Quotes

584. “You don’t get over an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.” — Unknown

585. “Rehab isn’t what finally got me sober. It was nearly losing everything and finally seeing that whatever benefit I thought alcohol gave me was outweighed by what it would cost me… ‘You’re removing the capacity to be present, not just in the bad moments.’ You’re numbing the good feelings. You’re numbing everything. It’s profoundly selfish.” – Elizabeth Vargas, television journalist

586. Coaching, Recovery & Personal Development Events

587. “There are women succeeding beyond their wildest dreams because of their sobriety.”

588. Jamie Lee Curtis on the “Shameful Secret” of Addiction

589. Alcohol abuse and sobriety can affect you for the rest of your life, but both for very different reasons. When I decided to get sober, I knew it would be worth it, but I didn’t quite know what to expect on my recovery journey. I’m fortunate that it was relatively simple, but I know that’s not the case for everyone.

590. “It is 10 years since I used drugs or drank alcohol, and my life has improved immeasurably. I have a job, a house, a cat, good friendships and generally a bright outlook. The price of this is constant vigilance because the disease of addiction is not rational.”

591. “We can fall out of love at second sight.”

592. tags: creativity, sobriety, writing0 likesLike

593. Benzodiazepines Addiction

594. “We want ecstasy as a way of life, not a liver-poisoning alcoholiday from it.”

595. “The goal isn’t to be sober. The goal is to love yourself so much that you don’t need to drink.” ~ Anonymous

596. Given love and opportunity, every child and adult can recover. All who know this and have the capacity to help others should assist as they can. – Dallin H. Oaks

597. “All the sobriety which’ religion needs or requires is that which real earnestness produces.” ― Henry Ward Beecher

598. “I’ve never met an alcoholic in recovery who doesn’t believe that this is the best thing they have ever done.” — Adam Clayton

599. “Learning to set healthy personal boundaries is necessary for maintaining a positive self-concept and for managing issues of recovery.”

600. Love & Addiction Quotes on Self-care and Avoiding Codependancy

601. “By out-talking or bad-mouthing people, some get hoisted by their own petard, ultimately. When their sense of shame makes them crawl back to the open, they can only recover through a convalescing remedy of humbleness. After an exhausting journey throughout the scorching desert of disgrace, they come to know how to be reborn from themselves. This rebirth allows them to recognize their true selves and to become relatable again. ("Waiting for emancipation")”

602. Over 20,000 People Have Received Our Addiction Treatment. Why Can’t You?

603. ‘Hope is a good thing, maybe even the best of things, and good things never die.’ – Stephen King

604. Quotes for Sobriety Anniversary

605. “I don’t want Christmas season to end, because it’s the only time I can legitimately indulge in on particular addiction: glitter.” — Eloisa James

606. Another study suggests that positive messages can counter and help reduce people’s tendency to hang onto negative experiences, such as the challenges of addiction and withdrawal. Research even goes on to show that meaningful sobriety quotes for addiction recovery and self-affirmations can promote pro-social behavior, boost well-being, and even improve problem-solving under stress.

607. Addiction treatment is about rising from where we were and constantly reaching for higher.

608. tags: recovery, sobriety117 likesLike

609. ‘You’re not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Just relax. Master the day. Then just keep doing that every day’

610. Drinking too much can have a lot of negative effects on your life, harming your mental and physical health, your relationships with others, your financial stability, and your self-esteem, says Keith Heinzerling, MD, an internist and addiction medicine specialist at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute and the medical director of the UCLA Center for Behavioral and Addiction Medicine.

611. Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise. – H. G. Wells

612. Exploring Sobriety

613. “Addiction brings apathy. Break the apathy, and you break the addiction.” ~ Mango Wodzak

614. “A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.” — Serena Williams

615. “People still question my sobriety, my commitment to the program, and that hurts. I take things day by day, and sometimes I take them minute by minute, but I honor my commitment to stay sober.”

616. “One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.”—Demi Lovato

617. What eight years sober means to him.

618. As an addict, I spent so much time in my own head. Negative self-talk lead to relapse after relapse, and plenty of other problems in my life. Hopkins identifies how we can turn this habit around.

619. On how sobriety improved his acting:

620. This collection of sobriety quotes is here to offer some comfort. These quotes are written by people who have been where you are now, and they understand what you’re going through. Reading these words can help remind you that there is another way, and that there is hope for your future.

621. Sobriety quotes from celebrities

622. If you’re struggling with an addiction, no one needs to tell you it’s tough – you’re living it day in and day out. There may be times that you could benefit from a few motivating words, however, to remind you that you’re not alone and that recovery is really possible. Moreover, here are 50 sobriety quotes, each intended to shine a little light when life looks bleak.

623. Here, Delamere list the best top 20 sobriety quotes of all time, as we see them.

624. “My recovery from manic depression has been an evolution, not a sudden miracle.” – Patty Duke

625. tags: alcohol, anniversaries, celebrations, commemorations, drinking, poem, poetry, sobriety0 likesLike

626. “Sobriety was the best gift I ever gave myself.” — Rob Lowe

627. “It’s a beautiful day to be sober.” — Unknown

628. “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” — Lyndon B. Johnson

629. The way I am feeling is like I am the one undergoing Surgery. I wish you a quick recovery.

630. When we become sober, for the first time in a very long time, life becomes worthwhile.

631. “The initial journey towards sobriety is a delicate balance between insight into one’s desire for escape and abstinence from one’s addiction.” ― Debra L. Kaplan

632. “Happy 10th Sobriety Birthday! You are a charismatic and tenacious sparkle unicorn who goes out there and conquers without looking back. I am proud of all you accomplished and all you will achieve. You’re an amazing sister, and an even better aunt!”

633. Sunday is your best day. You know you had an amazing week. Time to recover and think how you gonna kill the next one.”

634. During recovery from addiction, there are often times when we need a boost to start our day or give us motivation to keep on going. During these times, we may turn to spiritual practices or sobriety quotes for some inspiration.

635. World-class, Accredited, 5-Star Reviewed, Effective Addiction & Mental Health Programs. Complete Behavioral Health Inpatient Rehab, Detox plus Co-occuring Disorders Therapy.

636. “Recovery didn’t open the gates of heaven and let me in. Recovery opened the gates of hell and let me out.” — Unknown

637. Sober quote Maybe we should all get drunk and tell each other everything we're too afraid to

638. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” — Japanese Proverb

639. Gain insight into the benefits and challenges of recovery through these 15 quotes about sobriety:

640. The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker

641. “Your addiction is not you, but it feels like you because you’ve spent so much intimate time together.”~ Toni Sorenson

642. There are several celebrities who did overcome their addiction. Stars like Robert Downey Jr, Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Angelina Jolie, Demi Lovato, and Daniel Radcliffe went to rehabs or found out their own ways to get sober. Not only that, they have stayed sober after that.

643. “Suffering isn’t ennobling, recovery is.” — Christiaan Barnard, South African scientist and author

644. “For me, recovery and self-care are inextricably connected. My recovery from abuse, addiction, and a suicide attempt required dump truck loads of self-care.” – Steve Austin

645. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you should seek help immediately. We offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatment in the form of counseling, behavioral therapy, and group support. Our programs are offered in inpatient, partial hospitalization, and outpatient formats. Our professional medical and mental health staff specialize in addiction and give clients the tools they need to succeed at recovery and maintain sobriety and wellness for the rest of their lives. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process, but you don’t have to do it alone – we can help.

646. Shopping Addiction

647. “By changing the way I interact with my drinker, I will help him come to the decision that entering treatment will improve his life.” – Robert Meyers, PhD

648. It’s challenging to help a loved one struggling with addiction. Sometimes a direct, heart-to-heart conversation can start the road to recovery.

649. Preventing an addiction relapse at Christmas

650. “Character is much easier kept than recovered.” ~ Thomas Paine

651. "Mental health is something that we all need to talk about, and we need to take the stigma away from it. So let’s raise awareness. Let’s let everybody know it’s OK to have a mental illness and addiction problem.” — Demi Lovato

652. “Where there is life there is hope.” – Ron Grover

653. Other Drug Addictions

654. “Push up your sleeve, then, there’s a good fellow,” Thomas said, seating himself on the arm of Matthew’s chair. “Let’s wake you up and James can tell us whatever mad thing he has planned.”

655. When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. — Jean Shinoda Bolen

656. “People still question my sobriety, my commitment to the program, and that hurts. I take things day by day, and sometimes I take them to minute by minute, but I honor my commitment to stay sober.” ― Tom Arnold

657. Staying sober

658. This post encourages you to stop and meditate for a while on these recovery and addiction quotes that we consider worthy of your attention. These quotes renew your motivation to stay drug and alcohol-free, and also inspire you to live your life productively and actively.

659. You need to be bold enough and strong enough to let your loved one’s recovery unfold or not unfold as it is meant to, not as you want it to

660. “I didn’t even know I was addicted until I tried to stop.” — Unknown

661. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.” ~ Anne Lamott

662. If you’ve been looking for motivational quotes to help you with drug or alcohol addiction, these sobriety quotes can offer inspiration.

663. I miss you as much as a recovering alcoholic misses his booze.

664. “Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, but much more rewarding.”

665. “Addicts are addicted to their drugs, and their families are addicted to hope.” – Fredrik Backman

666. “Sometimes he knew it was best to believe the stories you told yourself in order to get through a day. After all, didn't the cornerstone of sober living preach getting through life one day at a time?”

667. I don’t care if you’re kicking drug addiction, an eating disorder, alcohol, or even just trying to get your social media addiction under control. My demon was alcohol addiction, but anyone going through any type of addiction recovery can find inspiration and daily reminders in these recovery quotes.

"668. When my alcohol misuse began to impact my work, I knew things had gone too far. When I couldn't keep it to the weekends, when I couldn't keep it to a social activity but instead took to drinking alone to calm my racing mind, I knew I had to seek change. From my doctor, I got the name of a therapist who specialized in addiction issues. It was the first time in my life that a professional had stated clearly—and without an ounce of hesitancy—that I had a problem. Something about that—the expert acknowledging what I'd known to be true for so long—changed the way I saw my alcohol-focused life. Something about the words she used and the hope she had for me made me realize that I didn't have to keep drinking.

Every day it's a choice—and many days it's not an easy one. But, for me, it's always proven to be the right one. I never wake up with regret. I never wake up wondering where I am or who I might have been the night before. As I often say to those struggling at the beginning of sobriety: It gets easier, but it's never easy. Seven years in and there are still difficult days, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Sobriety changed every aspect of my life for the better and, had I never given it a try, I never would have known the woman I have come to be.” —Dani D., 34, sober for seven years"

669. The actor shares his thoughts on recovery in a recent interview with the Guardian.

670. tags: delusion, non-sober, seriousness, sober, sobriety, soul-nourishing36 likesLike

671. “We honor ourselves when we speak out for recovery. We show the world that recovery matters because it brings hope and peace into the lives of individuals and their loved ones.” – Beth Wilson

672. “I knew well enough that one could fracture one’s legs and arms and recover afterward, but I did not know that you could fracture the brain in your head and recover from that too.” -Vincent Van Gogh

673. “When people see their behavior as inconsistent with their self-image or goals, their motivation to change can increase.” – Carrie Wilkens, PhD

674. Three Great Hobbies for Staying Sober

675. “My brother is one of my true heroes. Steady and sober where I am impulsive and emotional.” – Anonymous

676. Any damn fool can navigate the world sober. It takes a really good sailor to do it drunk.

677. “What are you facing right now? Where do you need a way out? A thought pattern you just can’t break free of? A compulsion or addiction that’s killing your joy? A character flaw that leaks out in embarrassing ways, despite your best efforts to nip it in the bud?”

678. At We Level Up inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facility in NJ, we know that recovering from addiction can be challenging. As the year comes to an end, it can be challenging to stay sober. However, these 101 Sobriety Quotes may be able to help. Read them aloud or put them somewhere where you will see them frequently. These alcohol addiction quotes can significantly impact your path to recovery.

679. “I wrote this book to show you that a cure is entirely possible because I’ve seen it happen over and over again.”

680. “In alcohol's defence, I've done some idiotic shit sober.”

681. tags: indigenous, inspirational-quotes, sobriety, trauma3 likesLike

682. tags: coping, gender, lgbt-authors, sobriety, transgender0 likesLike

683. “There is no medicine in this world to recover from the damage done by the failure of trust in relationship” ~ Invajy

684. “It’s a great advantage not to drink among hard-drinking people.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

685. “Recovery is hard. Regret is harder.” Take a look at our inpatient program.

686. “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Tony Robbins

687. “I had no idea what time I’d left, how I’d gotten home, who’d been up here, and how long he, she, or they had stayed. Another night, added to the hundreds that had gone before, shrouded in mystery. Really, when you thought about it, it was creepy. My own life was a secret to me.”

688. These are just a few of the major changes that sobriety brings.

689. Home » 25 Best Sobriety Quotes To Help You Stop Substance Abuse

690. “Think of recovery as Double D’s: deciding and doing. Deciding to recover is only a mindset. Doing the recovery is the real miracle.” ― Toni Sorenson

691. “Asking for help is really the beginning of any sort of recovery process.” - Marc Maron, comedian

692. Jane Lynch on Sobriety and Why She Relapsed

693. Sober Resources

694. Sobriety quotes on recovery and other quotes for recovering addicts empower and imprint positive messages in our subconscious minds. An American study published in the Journal of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience highlights “neural processes associated with successful self-affirmation, and further suggests that key pathways may be amplified in conjunction with prospection.”

695. “When I got sober, I thought giving up was saying goodbye to all the fun and all the sparkle, and it turned out to be just the opposite. That’s when the sparkle started for me.” — Mary Karr, American poet

696. “At 38, I had what looked like an enviable life. I worked at a prestigious law firm in New York City, lived in a great apartment, and had a tight set of family and friends. But I also had an awful secret—an alcohol and cocaine addiction that had worsened to the point of drinking and using around the clock. I was what’s known as a high-functioning addict, looking like a relatively normal person to the outside world.

697. “Sometimes you’ve just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you.” – Dr. Phil

698. “Everything must be carried out in extreme sobriety.”

699. One thing you can do to make the day-to-day process of recovery easier is to keep a consistent schedule, Dr. Heinzerling says. “Go to bed and get up at the same time, exercise every morning, meditate every night,” Dr. Heinzerling says. Sticking to a schedule can help you stay busy, avoid falling back into bad habits, and give you things to look forward to.

700. Thomas nodded and approached Matthew cautiously, as one might approach a stray cat on the street. Some time ago James had discovered that healing runes sobered Matthew up: not entirely, but enough.


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