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950 Best Smile and Messy Hair Quotes and Captions

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “All those beautiful lies, with your beautiful eyes, through your beautiful smile. ” – Unknown

2. “A smile is often the key thing. One is paid with a smile. One is rewarded with a smile. One is brightened by a smile. ” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

3. “Life isn’t perfect but your hair can be”.

4. “A fake smile doesn’t make it to your eyes. A real smile is accompanied by smiling eyes. ” – Rupert Everett

5. “She was the most beautiful creature on Earth – her hair said so in that language only hair can speak.” (Gabriel Bá, Daytripper)

6. Blondes have more fun

7. “Your hairstyle defines your attitude. ”

8. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. ” – Thich Nhat Hanh

9. When she flips her hair. The world sees her shine

10. “When you look in the mirror & think, “did I really look like that all day?”

11. Go wild, for a while

12. You can’t control everything. Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that

13. It’s hard not to feel happy when you’ve made someone smile

14. “Laughter is higher than all pain. ” – Elbert Hubbard

15. I like my hair how I like my fries. Curly

16. All people smile in the same language

17. “Smile. Say a kind word. Believe in the goodness of strangers. ” – Cyndie Spiegel

18. Sure my life isn’t perfect, but my curls are!

19. “Another theory about hair, not from my mother, but from my best friend. A woman who cuts her hair drastically is set to make some decisions.” (Weike Wang, Chemistry)

20. “Long, beautiful hair is the key to drawing in a prince. It also makes for a handy ladder when you need to escape.”

21. “Make them stop & stare. Cut your hair.”

22. There is always a reason to smile. Find it

23. “Since a smile is a decision, why not make the choice?” – Lynn G. Robbins

24. “Salons are where the magic happens.”

25. “Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about. ” – Marilyn Monroe

26. “A word or a smile is often enough to put fresh life in a despondent soul. ” ― St. Therese Lisieux

27. “Use your smile to change the world; don’t let the world change your smile. ” – Chinese proverb

28. “Don’t hate your hair, hair is a very sweet part of your body coz it turns whatever we want to.”

29. “Gorgeous hair is the best revenge.”

30. “Curly hair is not a trend, it is a lifestyle.”

31. “Love yourself as much as I love my new hair.”

32. “Messy hair, uncombed, gel-free, un-styled and perfectly imperfect.” – Jasinda Wilder

33. “Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart. ” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

34. “A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities. ” – Herman Melville

35. “Even a smile is a good deed. ” – Shari Arison

36. “Her messy hair a visible attribute of her stubborn spirit. As she shakes it free, she smiles knowing wild is her favorite color.” – J. Iron Word

37. “By sharing a kind smile, a kind word, a kind hug, you are lifting up others and thus lifting up the world. ” – Carol CC Miller

38. “Some girls do a messy ponytail & look like a fairy princess. I do a messy ponytail & look like a founding father.”

39. “Happiness is a good hair day.”

40. “Hair color is just an expression of something different that you want to have, or something creative.”

41. Keep calm and carry on smiling

42. “Never underestimate the power of a good hair day.”

43. “Love is in the hair”.

44. “That’s why her hair’s so big, it’s full of secrets.”

45. “Life is more beautiful when you meet the right hairdresser.” – Peter Coppola

46. My mood depends on how good my hairs look

47. Smile. It intimidates those who wish to destroy you

48. “A new hairstyle is like a new relationship. ”

49. “Her smile is the simplest miracle that she can create anytime. ” – Tara Estacaan

50. “Smiling away your troubles requires a clear conscience that harbours no insincerity. ” – Paramahansa Yogananda

51. My hair had grown out long and shaggy - not in that sexy-young-rock-star kind of way but in that time-to-take-Rover-to-the-groomer kind of way. - Author: Jim Butcher

52. “Naturally curly hair is a curse, and don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.” – Mary Ann Shaffer

53. Messy bun and getting stuff done

54. If at first, you don’t succeed, fix your ponytail, and try again

55. “If someone tells you your hair is too big, get rid of them. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.” – Dolly Parton

56. A great hairstyle is the best accessory

57. “There will be those who love you for your hair and those who love the beauty of your mind and those who adore the warmth of your heart. but there will be those who will leave you for not conforming to their type of hair, mind, and heart. And there will be those who will live/die to see your bad hair days, derailed mind, and a broken heart. but what matters most is Who You Are.” (Goitsemang Mvula)

58. “Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches. ” – Richelle E. Goodrich

59. “I love my hair because it is a reflection of my soul.”

60. “Little girl with the press and curl.” – India. Arie Simpson, I Am Not My Hair

61. “We are messy girls. When we go home…our straightened hair goes up into messy buns. Our makeup faded or smudged so we take it off. The fake smile vanishes into how we really feel. Our brand new shirt changes into our favorite old T-shirt. Our skinny jeans are traded for sweat pants or pajamas. And our uggs are taken off to reveal our fuzzy socks. When we go home…You wouldn’t recognize us.” – Kajal Tiwari

62. “Growth of human hair is the absolute blessing for a barber.” (Munia Khan)

63. My hairstyle is called ‘I tried. ’

64. Fake smiles are better than no smiles

65. “And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.” – Shanti

66. “You can change your whole attitude by changing your hair color.”

67. “Brush your messy hair, embrace a bun & take on the world”

68. “You’re only as good as your last haircut.”

69. “If a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her.”

70. “I love having messy hair. I put in a lot of effort to have it look as messy as possible.” – Kristin Kreuk

71. “I can feel your hair. It is too stunning even when uncombed. ”

72. “Everything goes with short hair. It is bananas.” – Ginnifer Goodwin

73. Flip your hair like you just don’t care

74. “He liked her with long hair, so she cut it short.”

75. “Whatever comes my way, I take it with a smile. ” – Kubra Sait

76. “Bad hair day? Ain’t nobody got the time for that”

77. When in doubt. Messy bun

78. “Let your hair flirt with girls.”

79. “I’m a big woman. I need big hair.” – Aretha Franklin

80. Let’s smile; selfiiiie!

81. “Great, messy hair, whatever hair. I don’t care about first impressions.”

82. “What’s the good of having naturally curly hair, if nobody’s jealous.” – Freida

83. “Hair is a huge part of who I am and what I obsess over – I’ve had long hair my entire life.”

84. Be a smile on somebody else’s face

85. Messy hair does not care

86. “You are never fully dressed without a smile. ” – Annie

87. Guess who had messy hair all day

88. “What happens at the salon stays at the salon.”

89. “A smile, just like a moment of living consciously, can ripple out touching and changing everything in the universe. ”― Steve Leasock

90. “Today’s hairstyle is called, “and I didn’t brush my teeth either.”

91. “The people who make you smile from just seeing them, those are my favorite people. ” – Leonardo da Vinci

92. “Smiling is the best way to face any problem, to crush every fear and to hide every pain. ” – Unknown

93. Smile big, laugh often. Never take this life for granted

94. “The shorter the hair, the harder they stare.”

95. Thank you for giving me a reason to smile

96. By the way, I’m wearing the smile you gave me

97. “God’s first Smile was born the day humanity awoke to His Light. ” – Sri Chinmoy

98. Embrace your messy hair

99. An attractive man of the dark, messy hair variety came around a corner and stopped short. He stared intently at her, his dark blue eyes mesmerizing. Can I help you? He slid behind the desk and - Author: Cleo Peitsche

100. Thank you for being the reason I smile

101. Make the world a better place with your smile

102. “Hair loss is God’s way of telling me I’m human.”

103. Never underestimate the power of a smile

104. You’ve got a smile that can light up this whole town

105. “Let your hair down, let your heart out, let your light in.” – Bob Schneider

106. “A smile is the universal welcome. ” – Dr T. P. Chia

107. “You’ve got that smile that only God can make. ” – Aly Johnson

108. I love you. Your smile is the icing on the cake

109. “Even geniuses can get things wrong. Look at Einstein’s unfortunate choice of a hairdresser.” – Joss Stirling

110. “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose. ” – Tom Wilson

111. “I have a new hairstyle. It’s called I’m a free bird.”

112. “My hair make me feel beautiful.”

113. “I make hair contact before I make eye contact”

114. Bliss

115. “Keep a smile on your face and let your personality be your autograph. ” – Unknown

116. “Curly hair is so sexy whether combed or unkempt.”

117. “A heartfelt smile triumphs over a bad hair day.”

118. “Messy Hair, Don’t Care. ”

119. “Colors are the smiles of nature. ” – Leigh Hunt

120. Messy hair, stubborn spirit, and wild is her favorite color

121. “There is one thing about baldness: it’s neat. (Don Herold)

122. I love you but don’t touch my messy hair

123. “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. ” – Mother Teresa

124. People with dimples have a divine role in this universe: Smile!

125. “Every smile makes you a day younger. ” – Chinese Proverb

126. “Girls with curly hair don’t understand girls with straight hair problems.”

127. Saturdays. Big shirts, messy hair, music, and coffee

128. Wake up, flip hair, kick ass

129. No, you cannot touch my messy hair

130. “I whip my hair back and forth.” – Willow Smith, Whip My Hair

131. “Smile! It increases your face value. ” – Robert Harling

132. I don’t want to go out but my hair looks too good to stay in

133. “Who cares what color your hair or what shape your shape is? Who cares what religion you are or what language your language is? What is the color of your heart? That is all that matters!” (Mehmet Murat Ildan)

134. Smile big. Laugh Often. Never take life for granted

135. His smile was instinctive. A little bit apology, a little bit politeness. And a little bit of charm because, of all the things he'd expected to come from his trip to the market, meeting a cute girl with messy hair and dirty work gloves had definitely not been one of them. - Author: Marissa Meyer

136. I don’t need a stylist. My pillow gives me new hairstyles every morning

137. “Everyone smiles in the same language. ” – George Carlin

138. I don’t care what they think about my messy hair

139. Hair today, gone tomorrow

140. Let your hair be messy and life is full

141. For the girls with messy hair and thirsty hearts. - Author: Jodi Lynn Anderson

142. Smiling is the simplest meditation

143. “I smile like a flower not only with my lips but with my whole being. ” – Unknown

144. “Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself. ” – Hubert De Givenchy

145. “Embrace messy hair, darling.”

146. Happiness is a good hair day

147. “A child’s smile is the heart of heaven. ” – Unknown

148. Embrace messy hair, darling

149. Love is in the hair

150. “My goals include making my own money and perfecting my hair flip.”

151. “I’m proud of my short hair. I don’t think I will grow it long again.”

152. “Smile. It will either warm their heart or piss them off. Either way, you win. ” – Unknown

153. “Life is short enough. Make every hair flip count.”

154. “One may smile, and smile, and be a villain. ” – William Shakespeare

155. “It doesn’t matter if your life is perfect as long as your hair color is.” – Stacy Snapp Killian

156. “Messy Hair, Thirsty Hearts.”

157. “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. ” – Dale Carnegie

158. “Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. ” – Unknown

159. “You are cut above the rest”.

160. “Life is short. Make every beautiful hair flip count.”

161. I go to the gym a lot, and I see these guys, these young actors or models there, really punishing themselves - I mean, just killing themselves. And then I'll see one of them on a billboard, with the artfully messy hair, looking as though it's just natural and easy to have a body like that. - Author: Bronson Pinchot

162. “I’m feelin’ myself.” – Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé, Feelin’ Myself

163. “Inner beauty begins with a smile. ” – Unknown

164. “Ima sucker for the pretty girl with the curly hair.” – Jayoh Birch, Curly Hair

165. I miss your smile

166. “I will never be going to tell you a secret behind my good hair.”

167. Don’t touch my messy hair. Thank you

168. “A baby’s smile in the evening can turn your stressful day into a Sunday in heaven. ” – Unknown

169. I adore your smile

170. “I’m a big woman, I need big hair, that’s why I’m naturally curly.”

171. “A baby’s smile can give you power… enough to even struggle through tears. ” – Unknown

172. “Always keep your smile. That’s how I explain my long life. ” – Jeanne Calment

173. “If you can’t change your surroundings, change your hair color.”

174. Charming

175. “Beauty comes from the inside. And by inside I mean inside the hair salon.”

176. “The living should smile, for the dead cannot. ” – George R. R. Martin

177. It’s hard not to feel happy when you make someone smile. ” – Roy T. Bennett

178. “Smile, it’s better than a poke in the eye. ” – Douglas Horton

179. “My curls defined me; even my personality was curly, bouncy, springy, and playfully twisted.” (Elise Allen, Populazzi)

180. Turn that frown upside down!

181. “The longer the better.“

182. “Fabulous hair.”

183. “Tell me about my new exciting hairstyle.”

184. “Bad hair day? Ain’t nobody got the time for that”.

185. “A smile is a facelift that is in everyone’s price range!” – Tom Wilson

186. “This saloon is fueled by passion & hairspray.”

187. Her messy bun was too full and evenly greying to be her real hair; the way it splayed out behind her beak-nosed face made her look like a Polish chicken. - Author: Madison Key

188. Embrace your personality with those messy hairs

189. Remember to flip your hair and enjoy life

190. “Great hair doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment.”

191. Sending smiles to my love across the miles

192. “But he had the kindest face in the world, with big, dark eyes and buzzed-cut brown hair.” (S.C. Stephens)

193. Zip, Zap, zoom…my hair is whaboom!

194. “And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars. ” – Beth Revis

195. ‘People will stare. Make it worth their while. ”

196. “Beautiful hair isn’t hard to achieve. Just be yourself & you’ve got it.”

197. “Of all the medicines in the inner life, a smile is by far the best medicine. ” – Sri Chinmoy

198. “Let your hair be messy and your hearts be full. ”

199. I miss those days when my smile was real

200. You can change a hater’s mind with your smile

201. I have a new hairstyle. It’s called “I tried;

202. A real smile begins from your heart

203. You can change your whole attitude by changing your hair color

204. “Smile and let the world wonder why. ” – Minnie Mouse

205. “People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. ” – Lee Mildon

206. Sorry, I can’t hear you lover the volume of my hair

207. “I whip my hair back and forth.” – Willow Smith, “Whip My Hair”

208. Your smile may be the sunshine to someone’s day

209. “People always ask me how long it takes to do my hair. I don't know, I'm never there.”

210. “Hair is jewelry. It’s an accessory.”

211. “I love to smile, even through the pain. ” – Victoria Arlen

212. “The hair is the richest ornament of women.” – Martin Luther

213. “Showing up is like 90% of the battle, and just make sure your hair is really cute.” – William Belli

214. Real beauty comes with a smile

215. “Having long hair makes me feel like a princess.”

216. “Sorry, the old (your name) can’t come to the phone right now.” – Taylor Swift, Look What You Made Me Do.

217. “People always ask me how long it takes to do my hair. I don't know, I'm never there.”.

218. Your smile brightens up my day

219. Never give up on your hair! It’s the next thing people notice after your smile

220. She smiled, and I knew… I was in trouble

221. Tan skin. Salty hair. Flip flops, ocean air

222. “I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything. ” – Santosh Kalwar

223. “A new hairstyle is like new relationship: it makes you giddy, confident, & excited.”

224. “It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy. ” – Lucille Ball

225. “New hair, new me.”

226. Who needs plastic surgery when you can transform your face with a smile?

227. A smile is the shortest distance between two people

228. I watch her as she leaves. Everything about her is fluid as a river. Her messy hair, her xylophone voice, the strokes of her paintbrush. Even her camouflage army jacket hangs loose, flowing like ribbons. - Author: Lisa Ann Sandell

229. “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ” – Phylis Diller

230. I love having messy hair. I put in a lot of effort to have it look as messy as possible. - Author: Kristin Kreuk

231. Maddox is his polar opposite. He has just as many muscles, but on him they look huge and imposing. His brown hair is longer than Zeke's, sporting that messy look like he was running his hands through it all day - sex hair. - Author: Brooke Cumberland

232. “Keep walking and keep smiling. ” – Tiny Tim

233. Good hair speaks louder than words

234. “Straight hair me & curly hair me are two totally different people.”

235. “I’m as free as my hair” – Lady Gaga, Hair

236. “I think that the most important thing a woman can have- next to talent, of course- is her hairdresser.” – Joan Crawford.

237. In my baggy jeans and messy hair, I know I don't fit into this plastic palace. But I don't want to fit in. That's when no one notices you. You leave a longer impression when you're brave enough to stand out. - Author: Katie Kacvinsky

238. “A great hairstyle is the best accessory.”

239. “Your hairstyle defines your attitude.”

240. “Smile to the future and it will smile back to you. ” – Yoko Ono

241. “All the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile. ” – Chris Hart

242. A smile on the face is a sign that the heart is at home

243. I have a new hairstyle. It’s called I’m a free bird

244. “Life status: currently holding it all together with a single bobby pin.”

245. “Smile. Have you ever noticed how easily puppies make human friends? Yet all they do is wag their tails and fall over. ” – Walter Anderson

246. “Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence, and more than any other one thing a smile reassures them. ” – Andre Maurois

247. “Good hair does not stay in on a Friday night.”

248. “Invest in your Hair, it’s the crown you never take off”

249. “I love my long hair because it represents my strength & my patience with life.”

250. “You have a beautiful smile. It’s too bad you don’t smile enough. Let me try and change that. ” – Unknown

251. Be happy; it drives people crazy

252. “Smile is a good reply to the dark world. ” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

253. “Invest in your Hair, it’s the crown you never take off”.

254. “Peace begins with a smile. ” – Mother Teresa

255. “I’m gonna wash that man right outa my hair and send him on his way.” – Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers, I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair

256. “To make new something is style.”

257. “When someone tells you that long hair is more feminine, remind them that pop culture’s most iconic women, like Marilyn Monroe & Audrey Hepburn, had short hair.”

258. “Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life. ” – Roy T. Bennett

259. “Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile. ” – Unknown

260. “Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.” (Anonymous)

261. “A good hairstylist is a shear delight.”

262. Go on, gimme a smile you…smurf

263. “Love is in the hair”

264. “Nothing beats a great smile. ” – Karl Urban

265. “I wanted to make people feel beautiful, so I became a hairstylist.”

266. Life is too short to have messy hair

267. “If you smile when you are alone, then you really mean it. ” – Andy Rooney

268. “I think the most important thing a woman can have – next to her talent, of course, – is her hairdresser.” – Joan Crawford

269. “You are not fully dressed until you put on a smile. ” – Unknown

270. You are someone’s reason to smile

271. “A moment of silence for that one hair that is always left out of the braid.”

272. “Everywhere you go, take a smile with you. ” – Sasha Azevedo

273. Smile big. Laugh often. Never take this life for granted

274. “Back to my roots. Nappy hair, don’t care.”

275. “She’s got oceans tucked away in her hair and poems swim under her skin.” – Sanober Khan

276. “Don’t you be scared to run your hands through my hair, baby ‘cause that’s why it’s there.” – Ariana Grande, my hair

277. Don’t forget to smile today

278. You're stunning, Kyrie. Whether you're done up in Dior and jewels, or just woken up in a sundress and messy hair, you are, very honestly, the most lovely woman I've ever know. You don't need fancy hair and makeup to take my breath a way away, Kyire. You just have to be you. - Author: Jasinda Wilder

279. “Life is too short of having boring hair.”

280. “Style your hair as you want.”

281. Wear a smile- it’s one size fits all!

282. “Treat your hair like a joke, and it will leave your head like it’s funny.”

283. “There’s something about a messy-haired girl with a great smile that just makes my day.”

284. “I wake up every day with a smile on my face. ” – Henry Ian Cusick

285. “My hair doesn’t take well to instruction.” (Leigh Bardugo, Summer Days and Summer Nights)

286. “Successful people always have two things on their lips. Silence and smile. ” – Nishan Panwar

287. “I’m a queen, my hair is my crown”.

288. Who needs words when you can send a wink, give a nudge, and flash a smile?

289. Let your hair be messy and your life meaningful

290. Flip your hair like you don’t care

291. “Smile, it’s free therapy. ” – Douglas Horton

292. “When God takes a shower, waterfalls come to life around the world. When I take a shower, my hair usually clogs the drain.” (Anthony T. Hincks)

293. “Everyone looks so much better when they smile. ” – Jimmy Fallon

294. “It’s your hair, do whatever you want”.

295. “Most babies know how to win us over. We cannot help but smile at them and watch them smile back. ” – Madeleine M. Kunin

296. “That smile could move mountains. It could also break hearts. ” ― Kylie Scott

297. My messy hairs are the best

298. “The right hairstyle can make a plain woman beautiful, and a beautiful woman unforgettable.” – Sophia Loren

299. Dazzling

300. “I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile. ” – Goldie Hawn

301. Life isn’t perfect, so why should your hair be?

302. The right hairstyle can make a plain woman beautiful and unforgettable

303. “Smile, because you’re beautiful. Laugh, because you’re living life to the fullest. Stand strong, because haters can’t bring you down. ” – Unknown

304. Dean Holder? Messy brown hair? Smoldering blue eyes? A temper straight out of Fight Club? - Author: Colleen Hoover

305. “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. ” – Oscar Wilde

306. “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. ” – Mark Twain

307. “That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.”

308. Include a strong call to action

309. “The night crackled … Everything had turned to static electricity in the heat. I combed my hair to watch the sparks fly from the ends.” (Janet Fitch)

310. “Short hair, don’t care!”

311. When you start giving, instead of getting, you make a difference. You can always give a warm smile, a sincere hello, a positive vibe. Your attention, your time, your love, and kindness to those around you. ” – Unknown

312. “Short hair removes obvious femininity and replaces it with style.” – Joan Juliet Buck

313. Use emojis and have fun with them

314. Don’t ever waste a good hair day

315. “Unkempt bed. Messy hair. A good book. Cuddling pillow is a perfect Sunday deed!” – Suwarna Dwivedi

316. “Straight, wavy or curly, if it’s healthy, it’s beautiful”.

317. “You’ll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile. ” – Charles Chaplin

318. A smile makes any face beautiful

319. “There is no weapon in the feminine armoury to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile. ” – Dorothy Dix

320. A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life

321. “A messy, wild, imperfect hair and a perfect smile is a great combo for any girl.”

322. “Life is short. Take care of your hair.”

323. “One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger. ” – Unknown

324. “It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living. ” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald

325. Keep Smiling. Keep Shining

326. “If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is. ” – Chad Sugg

327. “People will stare. Make it worth their while.”

328. “I’m as free as my hair.”

329. “My hair is wilder than I am.”

330. “Always wear a smile sometime during the day, it makes you feel happier and younger. ” – Kylie Bax

331. My messy hair is cool

332. “Smile like a child who’s just been given candy, in a playground…on their way to see Santa. ” – Unknown

333. “I swear that girl was born with a pen in her hand, the moon in her hair, and stars in her soul.” (Melody Lee, Moon Gypsy)

334. “It’s not just a hair color, it’s a state of mind.”

335. “Long hair is hugging someone & getting your hair stuck in their armpit.”

336. One smile can’t change the world, but your smile changed mine

337. “You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it.” – Ariana Grande, 7 rings

338. “It doesn’t matter if your life is perfect as long as your hair color is.” (Stacy Snapp Killian)

339. “A smile is the best makeup a girl can wear. ” – Marilyn Monroe

340. I have a lot of looks but right now I'm really into grunge. Messy hair, black heels. I get Michelle Pfeiffer with it. - Author: Chloe Grace Moretz

341. “Which look is better this or this.?.”

342. Bad hair day? More like bad hair life

343. “A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears. ” – Anne Roiphe

344. “I don’t have grey hair; I have wisdom highlights”

345. Invest in your hair, you wear it every day

346. “My hairstyle is called “I Tried.”

347. A pretty smile. Bright eyes. Soft hair. A horrifying fear of dying alone

348. “If a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her.” – 1 Corinthians, 11:15

349. Hair doesn’t make a woman but good hair definitely helps

350. “Strong people are the ones who can smile for other peoples’ happiness. ” – Veronica Purcell

351. “Straight hair problems: Getting excited when your hair looks slightly wavy after a braid.”

352. A smile is the best defence against in an offensive world

353. “For a moment at least, be a smile on someone else’s face. ” – Dejan Stojanovic

354. “Her smile, I’m sure, burnt Rome to the ground. ” ― Mark Z. Danielewski

355. “A long sleeve, a fake smile, and everyone thinks you are fine. ” – Unknown

356. “Behind every girl’s smile is a best friend who put it there. ” – Ritu Ghatourey

357. “A smile doesn’t always stand for a perfect life. ” ― Faraaz Kazi

358. Your smile may be the sunshine of someone’s day

359. It’s all messy. The hair. The bed. The words. Life

360. “Yay, it’s Saturday! Oh wait, I’m a hairstylist.”

361. “When a woman is in her red hair phase, leave her alone, she’s going through some stuff.”

362. “Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs nothing. We should plague everyone with joy. If we are to die in a minute, why not die happily, laughing?” – Unknown

363. Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile and start again

364. “My hairstyle is called ‘I tried.’ “

365. “I don’t have grey hair; I have wisdom highlights”.

366. Tallboys with cute laughs, deep voices, and messy hair

367. Keep the smile on!

368. “The most beautiful makeup for any woman is her natural hair & natural beauty.”

369. “Man don’t need captions for their hairstyle.”

370. “You’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town. ” – Taylor Swift

371. “Good hair makes me feel like I can rule the world.”

372. “Smile at a stranger. See what happens. ” – Patti LuPone

373. “Tell me about my new hairstyle.”

374. “I never smile unless I mean it. ” – Donny Osmond

375. i'm not scared

376. “I love big hair and I cannot lie”

377. Today’s hairstyle is called ”And I didn’t brush my teeth either”

378. “Let your short hair do the talking.”

379. I don't really have the patience to do my hair, which is why it's always parted down the middle, slicked, in a low ponytail or a messy high bun. I'm too lazy to do my own hair, but I like doing my makeup. - Author: Gigi Hadid

380. “I’m crazy for hair color. Color embraces you. It wakes you up & keeps you present.”

381. Infectious

382. “Hair matters. Pay attention to your hair, because everyone else will.” – Hillary Clinton

383. “I woke up like this.” — Beyoncé, “Flawless”

384. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” — Coco Chanel

385. “I’m a Queen crowned in my curls.”

386. “I love my hair because it’s a reflection of my soul. It’s dense, it’s kinky, it’s soft, it’s textured, it’s difficult, it’s easy and it’s fun. That’s why I love my hair.” – Tracee Ellis Ross

387. “An intelligent person, looking out of his eyes and hearkening in his ears, with a smile on his face all the time, will get more true education than many another in a life of heroic vigils. ” – Robert Louis Stevenson

388. “I wanted to make people feel beautiful so I became a hairstylist”

389. “Having long hair is the most annoying and wonderful thing ever, all at the same time.“

390. “When people ask how you get your hair curly:

391. “A smile is so beautiful, yet so warm. When someone genuinely smiles at you, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. ” – Mandy Moore

392. Your smile makes me smile

393. You make my heart smile

394. “I have many problems in life. But my lips don’t know that. They always smile. ” – Charlie Chaplin

395. “I can hack your tears away but only if you give me the password to your smile. ” – Unknown

396. “I regret taking good care of my hair.” – Said no one ever

397. “If she changed her hair color after the breakup, you’re never getting back together.”

398. “Life is too short to have messy hair. ”

399. Some things are basic, but your messy hair shouldn’t be one

400. “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile could do. ” – Mother Teresa

401. “My mood depends on how good my curls look.”

402. “I like to create a lot of texture in my hair, and I like it a bit messy.”

403. Your smile is always on my mind

404. I don’t know what’s messier: My hair or my life

405. “Nobody needs a smile so much as the one who has none to give. So get used to smiling heart-warming smiles, and you will spread sunshine in a sometimes dreary world. ” – Lawrence G. Lovasik

406. Wake up. Flip hair. Kickass

407. “On a bad hair day, there’s always lipstick.”

408. I smile because I have no idea what’s going on

409. “Experiment with your hair. Live vibrantly.”

410. Sorry, I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair

411. “I don’t really have the patience to do my hair, which is why it’s always parted down the middle, slicked, in a low ponytail or a messy high bun. I’m too lazy to do my own hair, but I like doing my makeup.” – Gigi Hadid

412. He shakes his head. His dark messy hair has a few curls in it today.It's quite breathtaking,really.If there were an Olympics competition in hair, St. Clair would totally win,hands down. Ten-point-oh.Gold medal. - Author: Stephanie Perkins

413. “I love those who can smile in trouble. ” – Leonardo da Vinci

414. “My hairstyle was perfect, & then humidity said: Today I shall make you look like The Lion King.”

415. I am a queen crowned in my curls

416. “A girl who colors her hair is creative beyond measure.”

417. “If your hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get away with anything.” (Iris Apfel)

418. “Even if it’s not the look for you, you are right in trying. Be bold!”

419. “When things are difficult, smile by faith. Don’t wait until you feel better. ” – Unknown

420. “I do maintain that if your hair is wrong, your entire life is wrong.” – Morrissey

421. I love a strong brow and ChapStick with glowing skin and messy hair. I'm a minimalist at heart. - Author: Ariana Madix

422. Embrace those messy hairs

423. “Her smile put the sunflower to shame. ” – Jerry Spinelli

424. “If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. ” – Unknown

425. “New hair makes me feel like I can do anything.”

426. “Most smiles are started by another smile. ” – Frank A. Clark

427. They’re not gray hairs. They’re wisdom highlights

428. “Somethings are basic, but your hair shouldn’t be one! Live your life in color.”

429. And at the end of the day, your hair should be messy

430. “Only a best friend can see the pain behind a fake smile. ” – Unknown

431. It’s not just a hair color, it’s the state of mind

432. “My hair isn’t messy. It’s just erupting with awesome.”

433. “There’s nothing more pure than an innocent child’s smile. It’s just so radiant with unadulterated happiness. ” – Unknown

434. “If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own because no one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give. ” – Samson Raphael Hirsch

435. There is always a reason to smile, you just have to find it

436. “There is nothing more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears. ” – Demi Lovato

437. “A smile is a light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. ” – Denis Waitley

438. “If your hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get away with anything.” – Iris Apfel

439. “The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. ” – Mark Twain

440. “Dear hair, I’m sorry I cut you, burn you, & tie you up. But I will always love you.”

441. “My hair looks good: 3% at school, 7% at home, & 90% when I’m about to shower.”

442. Smile, because you never know who is falling for it

443. “Fools are those that believe smiles are a sign of happiness. ” – Unknown

444. “Smile. Be open and welcoming. ” – Ephraim Buchwald

445. “Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people. ” – Roy T. Bennett

446. “I don’t need a hair stylist. My pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.”

447. “Having a beautiful and long hair is an amazing and ridiculous thing at the same time.”

448. “Having long hair is the most annoying & wonderful thing ever.”

449. On my own I generally have very messy hair, wear jeans and sneakers. - Author: Jewel

450. If you are too busy to smile, you are too busy

451. “The hair is the richest ornament of women.” (Martin Luther)

452. The longer the hair, the harder they stare

453. If you can’t change your surroundings, change your hair color

454. Treat your hair like royalty, it’s the crown you never take off

455. “I’ll fake all the smiles if it stops all the questions. ” – Unknown

456. “During the day you see her smile, at night tears run down her face. ” – Unknown

457. “Invest in your hair. It is the crown you never take off.”

458. ‘I am the girl with the thirsty hair and the messy heart. ”

459. Smile – sunshine is good for your teeth

460. “I am looking classy in my new hairstyles.”

461. “Smile when you’re happy. Smile when you’re sad. Smile when you want to. Smile when you don’t. Just smile…it makes life worth living. ” – Unknown

462. Write several drafts first

463. “Sometimes, I love to keep my hair messy…not because of that I don’t want to keep them arranged…because I love to keep them messy…” – Pragati Jaiswal

464. “A laugh is a smile out of control. ” – Wyatt B. Pringle Jr

465. “Something about a woman with short care just screams power.”

466. Silence and smiles are two powerful tools

467. Never lose your smile

468. Play with my hair, not with my heart

469. “Black hair is like a black ocean. Bold and beautiful. ”

470. “Make today so beautiful that your yesterday is something you will smile about tomorrow. ” – Unknown

471. “Behind every fake smile is a broken heart. ” – Unknown

472. “Nothing shakes the smiling heart. ” – Santosh Kalwar

473. “A fake smile may fool the crowd but it never eases the pain. ” – Kelly Brook

474. “Nothing you wear is more important than your smile. ” – Connie Stevens

475. “I think that the most important thing a woman can have- next to talent, of course- is her hairdresser.” (Joan Crawford)

476. Life is short but your hair shouldn’t be

477. “A bad hair day: ain’t nobody got time for that!”

478. My hair is wilder than I am

479. “The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. ” – Robert Bloch

480. “You know you’ve made it when you can dye your hair blue.”

481. “Happiness is when someone compliments your hair.”

482. “My hair is really easy to manage,” said no curly-haired woman ever.

483. “Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ” – H. Jackson Brown Jr

484. “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.”

485. “A woman’s hair is her glory.” – Maya Angelou

486. He exhaled loudly and raked a hand through the sable brown hair he always kept stylishly messy. Look, Rose. You don't have to keep up with the hard-to-get thing. You've already got me. - Author: Richelle Mead

487. “If you ever need proof of man’s innate goodness, sit and stare at a new-born baby’s smile. ” – Unknown

488. “I’m a proud supporter of messy hair, no makeup and pajamas all day! Who’s with me?”

489. “Sure, my life isn’t perfect, but my hair is & that’s all that really matters.”

490. “Live Colorful.”

491. “A smile is something you can give away a thousand times and still keep for yourself. ” – Unknown

492. “Life is too short to have boring hair.”

493. Embrace messy hair and creative hearts

494. “Your hair is your best accessory.”

495. “But first, let me take a selfie.” – The Chainsmokers, #SELFIE

496. “Sorry I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair”

497. Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired

498. “People who keep stiff upper lips find that it’s damn hard to smile. ” – Judith Guest

499. “Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy. ” – Roy T. Bennett

500. “I love your hair! It’s kind of messy but like, done.” – Giuliana Rancic

501. “A smile is a light in the window of your face that tells people you’re at home. ” – Unknown

502. That smile of yours drives me crazy… in a good way

503. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.”

504. Your hair is 90% of your selfie

505. “You are banging. Get it? Banging? I love myself.” – Kris Jenner

506. “Your new hairstyle makes you look so much younger.”

507. When I was growing up, I always thought my hair was messy. - Author: Julia Louis-Dreyfus

508. “I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile. ” – Charles de Lint

509. “You can’t expect always to have a good hair day.”

510. “Can we have a moment of silence for all those good hair days where no one important saw you.”

511. “Smile is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart. ” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

512. “Her messy hair a visible attribute of her stubborn spirit. As she shakes it free, she smiles knowing wild is her favorite color.” – J Iron Word

513. “It’s your hair, do whatever you want”

514. “If I have a bad hair day, I don’t go out in public.”

515. Messy hair never cares

516. For the girls with messy hair and thirsty hearts

517. “Happiness is having short hair.”

518. Beautiful

519. “Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful. ” – Thich Nhat Hanh

520. “Her own hair was a glory of copper fire that morning, shining like a whisky still, long and loose in gentle flames down her back.” (Elizabeth Wein, The Pearl Thief)

521. People will stare. Make it worth their while

522. Treat a smile like a child does treats their favourite toy. Take it everywhere

523. Smiling is my favourite exercise

524. Mistakes are proof that you are trying

525. “Brush your messy hair, embrace a bun & take on the world”.

526. “You look the best when you wear your smile. There is no beauty like the one that comes from inside you. ” – Unknown

527. A new hairstyle is like a new relationship

528. Tan skin, salty hair, flip flops, ocean air

529. “The most beautiful curve on a woman’s body is her smile. ” – Bob Marley

530. I love my messy hair

531. Angus looked at Hamish. I hate it when Mom and Dad fight.

532. “A smile is the best way to get away with trouble, even if it’s a fake one. ” – Peace Pilgrim

533. “Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile. ” – Mother Teresa

534. “People change their hairstyle to change their look.”

535. “I just want to make people smile. ” – Julie Garwood

536. “When someone compliments my hair: “Thanks! I grew it myself!”

537. “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.” – Sophia Loren

538. “It hurts when you have to smile and you don’t want to smile, but the best thing to do is to smile. ” – Mary J. Blige

539. “The most precious sight, the smile of a child. The most precious sound, a child’s laughter. ” – Unknown

540. “Just one smile immensely increases the beauty of the universe. ” – Sri Chinmoy

541. “Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching. ” – Gracie Gold

542. When all else fails, smile

543. “Give a woman a compliment on her hair & watch her whole world light up.”

544. “Never underestimate the power of a good haircut.”

545. “People: Do you scrunch or curl it?

546. A bad hair day can ruin the entire mood

547. Smile. You’re beautiful

548. Smiling is the best example of how valuable things aren’t always expensive

549. “Allowing yourself to smile, takes 99% of the effort. ” – Simon Travaglia

550. Don’t forget to smile because smiling is infectious

551. Messy hair, uncombed, gel-free, un-styled and perfectly imperfect. - Author: Jasinda Wilder

552. Getting your hair done is like a mini-vacation

553. “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. ” – Mother Teresa

554. “As long as you live, keep smiling because it brightens everybody’s day. ” – Vin Scully

555. “A baby’s smile is a bit of sunlight wrapped in your arms. ” – Unknown

556. “The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back. ” – Bryant H. McGill

557. “Better call Becky with the good hair.”

558. “Maybe the hairs on my head were numbered” she went on with a sudden serious sweetness “but nobody could ever count my love for you”.” (O. Henry)

559. “Look, moon / I turned silver for you.” (Sanober Khan)

560. “Your hair is 90% of your selfie.” (Anonymous)

561. I love my hair because it’s the reflection of my soul

562. “Wrinkles should merely indicate where a smile has been. ” – Mark Twain

563. “I am the girl with the thirsty hair and the messy heart.”

564. “The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries or the way she combs her hair. ” – Audrey Hepburn

565. “Everyone should smile. Life really isn’t that serious. We make it hard. The sun rises. The sun sets. We just tend to complicate the process. ” – Unknown

566. “Sometimes hair grows with no care, like mine at the moment.”

567. “Smile, it is the key that fits the lock to everybody’s heart. ” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

568. “Hair, conditioner, leave in, hair.” – Leikeli47, Wash & Set

569. You can’t lose a smile. It’s right under your nose

570. “Instagram Captions for hairstyle is a girly thing.”

571. Messy Hair, Don’t Care

572. “Anyone can be confident enough with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man – there’s your diamond in the rough. ” – Larry David

573. “If I’m having a bad hair day, I pick something from my huge collection of hats.”

574. “Look back, and smile on perils past. ” – Walter Scott

575. “When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. ” – Unknown

576. “Long hair in simple style looks beautiful.”

577. “Life isn’t perfect but your hair can be”

578. “I’m a stylist, I make hair contact before eye contact.” (Anonymous)

579. “Hair is a beautiful form of self-expression.”

580. “Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear and to hide every pain. ” – Will Smith

581. It takes 26 muscles to smile, and 62 muscles to frown. Smile. You were designed to

582. “If my hair looks good, I can deal with anything.”

583. “Better call Becky with the good hair.” – Beyoncé, Sorry

584. “Before I met you, I didn’t know what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason at all. ” – Unknown

585. A smile is to a bad mood what the restart button is to a frozen computer

586. “Stiff smile just like I’m Aphex Twin. ” – Franck Ocean

587. A smile is the second-best thing you can do with your lips

588. “It’s not always the tears that measure the pain. Sometimes it’s the smile we fake. ” – Unknown

589. “What’s the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile, so pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, and smile, smile, smile. ” – George Henry Powell

590. “For best look hairstyle plays an important role. People love to cut the hair in different styles.”

591. “A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart. ” – Mother Teresa

592. “A baby’s smile teaches us to be happy without reasons. ” – Unknown

593. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life. ” – Coco Chanel

594. Sweet

595. “Don’t mess with the messy hair girl.”

596. “A girl looks 75% more beautiful when she lets her hair down.”

597. “Dear women – don’t be afraid to shine. Your hair is beautiful, & your skin is divine.”

598. “I keep my hair curly and natural because I really just wanna show who I am.” – Alessia Cara

599. “Beautiful hair can only come from a beautiful soul.”

600. Whatever happens. Keep Smiling

601. “Being happy with your hair never goes out of style.”

602. “When I’m bored with my life, I just change my hair. It keeps life more exciting!”

603. When I think of you, I smile

604. “Being happy never goes out of style.” — Lilly Pulitzer

605. A smile is the purest demonstration of happiness I know

606. I always like hair being a little messy because I think there's something appealing about the whimsy of putting on a gown with any hair or make-up - just stepping into it, and you're ready. - Author: Blake Lively

607. “Anyone can smile on their best day. I like to meet a man who can smile on his worst. ” – Lauren Graham

608. “Long hair, don’t care.”

609. Sunday=Bunday

610. “I love my hair because it’s the crown of my head.”

611. “Her smile dared me to fall in love with her. ” – Atticus

612. So what do we do?" Alec whispered.

613. “It takes a lot of energy to be negative. You have to work at it. But smiling is painless. I’d rather spend my energy smiling. ” – Eric Davis

614. Gratitude is the secret to never-ending smiles

615. “A woman with a beautiful smile is a beauty to behold. ” – Unknown

616. Breathtaking

617. “I think that the most important thing a woman can have- next to talent, of course- is her hairdresser.” – Joan Crawford

618. “Do take care of your hair, once they are gone, they will never come back.”

619. “To love one’s hair is to love yourself on all levels.”

620. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” (Coco Chanel)

621. “No one really cares if you are miserable, so you might as well be happy. ” – Nems

622. “Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better. ” – Unknown

623. “I have little hair just because I have such a big brain that it pushes all the hair out.”

624. “The prettiest thing that you can wear cannot be found in stores or in your closet. The prettiest thing that you can wear is a smile. ” – Unknown

625. Smiling is kryptonite to a bad mood

626. “People should be beautiful by their heart, not by their hair.”

627. “When life doesn’t allow you to change anything else, get a new hairstyle.”

628. “That’s why her hair’s so big. It’s full of secrets.” – Mean Girls

629. “Do take care of your hair, once they are gone they will never come back.”

630. “Whatever happens, keep smiling and lose yourself in love. ” – Rumi

631. Messy hair doesn’t care

632. “There’s nothing like new hair to make you feel confident & beautiful.”

633. Making you smile is my mission in life

634. “Early mornings, big shirts, messy hair, vogue and coffee.”

635. You know you’ve made it when you can dye your hair blue

636. My hair isn’t messy. It’s just erupting with awesome

637. “Happiness is more important than a smile because a smile comes from the lips, but happiness comes from deep down someone’s heart. So be happy forever. ” – Unknown

638. “New Monday. New week. New hair.”

639. “The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strengths from distress and grows brave by reflection. ” – Thomas Paine

640. You’re only good at your last haircut

641. “Too much busy day, not enough hairspray.”

642. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to make it new.”

643. My hair isn’t messy, it’s just erupting with awesome

644. “Your wrinkles either show that you’re nasty, cranky, and senile, or that you’re always smiling. ” – Carlos Santana

645. “Boys will never understand the struggle of long hair & lip gloss on a windy day.”

646. “My hairstyle is called ‘I tried.”

647. “As the violent wind blew, her dirty blonde hair became more entangled until it resembled a jungle.”

648. “Thanks, humidity. I always wanted to look like a lion.”

649. “If your hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get away with anything. ” – Iris Apfel

650. Good hair makes me feel like I can rule the world

651. “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be. ” ― Abraham Lincoln

652. “I make hair contact before I make eye contact”.

653. “Happy hair, happy life.”

654. “Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful. ” ― Rashida Jones

655. “A smile is a secret weapon and one can break many walls with just one genuine smile. ” – Gretka Milkovic

656. “Focus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply!” – Joyce Meyer

657. I've always had really messy hair. - Author: Ed Sheeran

658. A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear

659. “I think the most important thing a woman can have – next to talent, of course – is her hairdresser. ” – Joan Crawford

660. “Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. ” – Jim Beggs

661. “Straight hair problems: Your hair is flatter than a steam-rolled piece of paper.”

662. There’s nothing effortless about a messy bun

663. Thanks, humidity. I always wanted to look like a lion

664. “I love bald people. Just because you’ve lost your fuzz doesn’t mean you aren’t a peach.”

665. Smile more, worry less

666. “All you have to do in life is smile, look forward and ignore the bitch talking shit behind you. ” – Unknown

667. “Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself.” – Hubert de Givenchy

668. “Behind my smile is a story you would never understand. ” – Unknown

669. “Better call Becky with the good hair.” — Beyoncé, “Sorry”

670. Madeline Hatter. Her lavender-streaked teal hair exploded around her in messy curls. The polka-dotted, striped, and lacy layers of her skirt were bunched and fluffed. Her teacup hat tilted low over one ear. Whoops, - Author: Shannon Hale

671. “Good Hair” is defined by hair health, not hair texture.

672. Front-load the most important information

673. A smile that lights up the world

674. “A smile will even make the darkest of clouds shine. ” ― Anthony T. Hincks

675. “Don’t make me use my hairstylist voice!”

676. “Hair matters. Pay attention to your hair, because everyone else will.” – Hillary Rodham Clinton

677. Never underestimate the power of messy hairs

678. “Never lose hope for good hair.”

679. “Often times, for a woman, a new hairstyle is a new way to look at life.”

680. “Smile. It instantly lifts the face, and it just lights up the room. ” – Christie Brinkley

681. “I didn’t want to go out, but my hair looked too good to stay in.”

682. The world always looks brighter from behind a smile

683. Beaming

684. Let your hair do the talking

685. “Messy hair is a sign of success. ”

686. “Sometimes you have to smile by faith. If you’ll smile by faith, soon the joy will follow. ” – Joel Osteen

687. “Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. ” – John Ray

688. “Don’t mess with a hairstylist. We get paid to cut people.”

689. “Youth smiles without any reason. It is one of its chiefest charms. ” – Thomas Gray

690. “Look this gorgeous.”

691. She wrote love with her smile and magic with her eyes

692. “A friendly word, a pleasant smile. Help someone feel his day’s worthwhile. ” – Catherine Pulsifer

693. “Go wild, for a while. ”

694. “Behind my smile is everything you’ll never understand. ” – Unknown

695. “I like big messy buns, and I cannot lie.”

696. “My hair makes me feel beautiful.”

697. There’s nothing like new hair to make you feel beautiful and confident

698. “There are some styles I do not want to take credit for and usually these hairstyles are on the heads of customers who are only too happy to spread the word.” (Marlin Bressi, Blow Me: Hairy Adventures in the Salon Industry)

699. Gorgeous hair is the best revenge

700. “A beautiful smile without any reason is the smile of the existence!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

701. “Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace. ” – Christie Brinkley

702. I got the gloss on my lips

703. Happiness is a new haircut

704. “To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. ” – Albert Camus

705. “You ever have those bad hair days where you just look like a troll doll?”

706. “One can resist everything in the world except the smile of a baby. ” – Unknown

707. “Love yourself for who you are, and trust me, if you are happy from within, you are the most beautiful person, and your smile is your best asset. ” – Unknown

708. I’m a Queen crowned in my curls

709. Early sunsets. Warm tea. Messy hairs

710. “Hair that slays starts at the salon.” – Redken

711. “Chopped. Done and dusted.”

712. “A simple smile, a cheerful hello or a word of encouragement. It’s amazing what an impact you will have. ” – Unknown

713. “I didn’t want to go out, but my hair looked too good to stay home.”

714. “When in doubt, go to the salon.”

715. “Dear hair – if you cooperated in the first place, I wouldn’t have to do this the hard way.” – Sincerely, girl with flat iron

716. A smile is happiness you will find right under your nose

717. “A smile cures the wounding of a frown. ” – William Shakespeare

718. “I had short hair for a while & ended up loving it.”

719. “Straight hair problems: Your forehead looks huge because your hair is flat.”

720. “She’s got oceans tucked away in her hair and poems swim under her skin.” (Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos)

721. “A bad hair day ruins my entire mood any day.”

722. Smile and no one will see how broken you are inside

723. “I add a smile to everything I wear and that has worked great for me. ” – David White

724. “Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls, and just wanted to go to sleep forever?” (Bo Goldman)

725. “Surround yourself with beautiful hair, not negativity.”

726. “Inner beauty is great, but fabulous, healthy hair never hurt!”

727. “A baby’s smile is a language that can melt anyone’s heart. ” – Unknown

728. “And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars. ” – Beth Revis

729. Smiles happen in the eyes as much as the face and lips

730. “Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. ” – Paramahansa Yogananda

731. “Interviewer: ‘So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?’ / Frank Zappa: ‘You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?” (Frank Zappa)

732. “My hairs are more wilder me.”

733. “A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles. ” – William Hazlitt

734. “Sure, my life isn’t perfect, but my hair is.”

735. “I’ve never seen a smiling face that wasn’t beautiful. ” – Unknown

736. “We are all the same. Just one human race, so show a smile on your face. ” – Gretka Milkovic

737. “Well, in this world of basic stereotyping, give a guy a big nose and some weird hair and he is capable of anything.” (Frank Zappa)

738. “Smiling doesn’t necessarily mean you’re happy. Sometimes it just means you are strong. ” – Unknown

739. “Feeling Peachy.”

740. “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ” – Mother Teresa

741. “Let your hair be messy and your hearts be full.”

742. “I love my hair coz it’s a crown of my head.”

743. “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness hasn’t found the right beauty salon.”

744. “Never regret anything that made you smile. ” – Mark Twain

745. “Having straight hair means getting out of bed ready for the day without having to do anything to my hair.”

746. “It is impossible to persuade a man who does not disagree, but smiles. ” – Muriel Spark

747. “Light up the world with a smile, because you never know who might be stuck somewhere dark. ” – Unknown

748. “That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.” – Mean Girls

749. “When I saw you, I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew. ” – William Shakespeare

750. “I hope your day is as nice as my hair.”

751. “I’m too sexy for my hair. That’s why it isn’t there.”

752. Never underestimate the power of a new haircut

753. You smile. I smile. We all smile!

754. “Happiness is your baby’s first toothless smile. ” – Unknown

755. “Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things. ” – Kenneth Branagh

756. “An honest smile is an icebreaker. ” – Toba Beta

757. Life isn’t perfect, but your hair can be!

758. “Bad hair day? More like bad hair life.”

759. Braids, bouffants, and balayage … oh my!

760. No matter the trouble, greet it with a smile

761. “It seems to me that what we call beauty in a face lies in the smile. ” – Leo Tolstoy

762. “Stay strong, make them wonder how you’re still smiling. ” – Unknown

763. “You are somebody’s reason to smile. ” – Josephine

764. “She can kill with her smile, she can wound with her eyes. ” – Billy Joel

765. “Messy hair, messier life,” said brain. “Things go out of order to fall into right places,” said heart.” – Nimita Singh

766. “When you smile at a stranger, there is already a minute outflow of energy. You become a giver. ” – Eckhart Tolle

767. Smiling on a good day is easy. The true challenge is finding a smile in tough times

768. “Smiling is the beauty of the soul. ” – Lailah Gifty Akita

769. “You can change your hair, and you can change your clothes, you can change your mind, that’s just the way it goes.” – Hannah Montana, You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home

770. A smile can stop a forthcoming frown in its tracks

771. Embrace messy hair darling

772. “To carry this kind of hair, you need to get a good face first.”

773. Smiles are free but they are worth a lot

774. “If you don’t start out the day with a smile, it’s not too late to start practising for tomorrow. ” – Unknown

775. “Your toenails fall off and you peel them away and then you’re asked to dance again and keep smiling. ” – Unknown

776. Live your life in color

777. “Finally the lock clicked. And the door opened. And there Lucy stood. An angel with a halo of blonde frizz. He stared at what they both knew was an absolute disaster and said the only thing he could. “I love it.” (Jenny B. Jones, Save the Date)

778. Life is better when you’re smiling

779. “Your hair is 90% of your selfie. Take care of it.”

780. Smiles are contagious. Pass them one

781. “A simple smile. That is the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others. ” – Dalai Lama

782. “We all have our down days, but it’s not hard to smile and say, ‘Thank you. ” – Yvette Nicole Brown

783. Teeth aren’t pearly until you smile

784. “It is more fitting for a man to laugh at life than to lament over it. ” – Seneca

785. “When you have that long, flowing hair, you feel different.” – Natalie Dormer

786. “You can’t expect to always have a good hair day.”

787. Stressed but well-tressed

788. “More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgement. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate. ” – Roy T. Bennett

789. “But I like my big Afro. I also liked when my hair was longer and relaxed. I’m happy to have choices. They’re mine to make” (Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also a Star)

790. “Don’t hate your hair; hair is a sweet part of your body because it turns into whatever we want.”

791. “No matter how fleeting your smile is, your smile is the very beginning of your wisdom-light. ” – Sri Chinmoy

792. “Hair is jewelry. It’s an accessory.” – Jill Scott

793. “The lightest smile touched her lips. She sat in silence, feeling bliss. ” – Unknown

794. “Head up, stay strong. Fake a smile, move on. ” – Unknown

795. “Whenever we think our hair looks horrible, strangers tell us it looks amazing.”

796. “Learn to smile at every situation. See it as an opportunity to prove your strength and ability. ” – Joe Brown

797. “Learn to smile in every situation. See it as an opportunity to prove your strength and ability. ” – Joe Brown

798. “Hair doesn’t make me. Take my messy hair today, for instance.”

799. “The solution to a bad hair day is to wear a low-cut blouse.”

800. “What can a baby’s laughter do? It can cleanse your soul and scatter a smile in your sad heart. ” – Unknown

801. “I wanted to make people feel beautiful so I became a hairstylist”.

802. “It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. ” – Steve Maraboli

803. “Life is short, but your hair doesn’t have to be.”

804. “My hair is my glory. I don’t care about what you all say.”

805. “Hair is jewelry. It’s an accessory whether you style it or not.”

806. “Nothing like a bad hair day. Live colorfully.”

807. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ” – Leo F. Buscaglia

808. “Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other – it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. ” – Mother Teresa

809. “The face of a truly happy man seldom lacks smiles. ” – Ogwo David Emenike

810. “Love isn’t in the air, it’s in the HAIR.”

811. “Hair doesn’t make the woman, but good hair definitely helps!”

812. The only people for me are the ones who spill things, the ones who drop their cups sometimes, the ones who get dirty hands and messy hair, the ones who can go barefoot if they feel like it, the people who forget things, and can laugh at themselves every day ... - Author: C. JoyBell C.

813. A girl who colors her hair is creative beyond measure

814. Knight was walking to me; dark gray, drawstring pajama bottoms on, long-ish hair sexy messy from sleep, chest with its enticing array of dark hair bared, eyes on me. - Author: Kristen Ashley

815. My hair is like an ocean to me, whenever I see it, I fall

816. “Just because you’ve lost your hair doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful.”

817. “Happiness is a new haircut.”

818. I hope your day is as nice as my hair

819. “The worse the haircut, the better the man.” (John Green)

820. “I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favourite. ” – Buddy The Elf

821. “A fake smile can hide a million tears. ” – Ben Barnes

822. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. ” – Dr. Seuss

823. “I have a new hairstyle. It’s called “I tried”.”

824. “You know you do hair when Tuesday is the first day of the week.” – Brittany Bartages

825. Laugh louder, smile bigger, love longer

826. To me, what's sexy is when you look like you're having a good time. That, and when you look effortless and have messy hair, - Author: Kate Upton

827. “Smile at the obstacle, for it is a bridge. ” – Medusa

828. “The world is like a mirror; frown at it, and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too. ” – Herbert Samuel

829. “The right hairstyle can make a plain woman beautiful & a beautiful woman unforgettable.”

830. Treat your hair like royalty, it’s the crown you’ll never take off

831. Today do something for yourself

832. “One word can give someone the strength they needed at that moment or it can shred them down to nothing. A single smile can turn a bad moment good. ” – Unknown

833. Smile like you mean it

834. “If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work. ” – Thich Nhat Hanh

835. “Girls with colored hair are gypsy souls & free spirits.”

836. “If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. ” – Andy Rooney

837. We bleed, we tremble; we forget, we smile – The mind turns fool before the cheek is dry. ” – Edward Young

838. “If it doesn’t nourish your hair or your soul, let it go.”

839. “A happy and smiling child is worth more than all the money in the world. ” – Unknown

840. Messy hair is a sign of success

841. “Messy bun and getting stuff done.”

842. “Smiling resets your mood. ” – Joel Osteen

843. “Let your hair be messy and your life be meaningful.”

844. “Messy hair, don’t care.”

845. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” – Coco Chanel

846. “Everyone has a bad hair day. The trick is to not have it on picture day.”

847. “She wore a smile like a loaded gun. ” – Atticus

848. “To all the girls, whether your hair is curly, wavy, or straight, it’s beautiful.”

849. Smiling is therapy without the price tag

850. “I don’t know what’s messier: my hair or my life.”

851. “I love my hair the way it is. I don’t want to change it.”

852. “Her hair is troublesome and curly … It falls in long, black strands, but each strand has a gentle, complicated undulation traveling through it, like a mild electric shock or a thrill, hat gives it a life of its own; it is visually analogous to a tremolo on a musical note.” (Amit Chaudhuri, Afternoon Raag)

853. “Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous. ” – PG Wodehouse

854. “The greatest mathematician that ever lived couldn’t quantify the joy I get from seeing you smile. ” – Unknown

855. “If you’re not using your smile, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no chequebook. ” – Les Giblin

856. Who says I never smile in my selfie?

857. “Hide your craziness behind a beautiful smile. That’s all you need. ” – Paulo Coelho

858. I really like to rock it natural and let my hair go wild, but when I do style it, I slick all the hair over to one side with pins. It's either that or a messy bun. - Author: Tori Kelly

859. “Your hair tells a lot about you. Make sure it’s telling the right story.”

860. “Don’t let anyone decide your hairstyle.”

861. “Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life. ” – Yoko Ono

862. “It’s not just a hairstyle, it’s you, & it’s beautiful.”

863. “Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. ” – George Eliot

864. “Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that makes you smile. ” – Unknown

865. “No medicine in this world can replace my kid’s smile. ” – Franklin Raj

866. “Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. ” – W. C. Fields

867. “Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. ” – John Lennon

868. “Style your hair as you want. Let nobody tell you nothing.”

869. Radiant

870. “I can sing and dance. I can smile – a lot. ” – Chris Colfer

871. “I have a smile 24/7. ” – Candis Cayne

872. Be the reason someone else smiles today

873. “Her messy hair is a visible attribute of her stubborn spirit. As she shakes it free, she smiles knowing wild is her favorite color” (J. Iron Word)

874. “Sorry I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair”.

875. Sure, my life isn’t perfect but my hair is

876. “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. ” ― Albert Camus

877. “You’re only as good as your last haircut.” – Fran Lebowitz

878. “If you only have one smile in you, give it to the people you love. ” – Maya Angelou

879. Many of my smiles begins with you

880. “Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening. ” – Greta Garbo

881. “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. ” ― J. R. R. Tolkien

882. It’s ok to be a little obsessed with your hair

883. And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling. - Author: Shanti

884. He liked her with long hair. So she cut it short

885. “Life isn’t perfect, so why should your hair?”

886. If my hair looks good, I can do anything

887. Smile! You could be dead

888. “A smile remains the most inexpensive gift I can bestow on anyone and yet its powers can vanquish kingdoms. ” – Og Mandino

889. Pushing up onto my elbows, I stared at her from under the fringe of my messy hair. I wanted to lie down where you fucked, I said, interested in seeing her reaction.

890. “Never cry because you have mountains of problems in your hands to solve. Always smile because each problem will someday resolve. ” – Santosh Kalwar

891. “Curly girl: It’s more than just hair, it’s an attitude.” – Lorraine Massey

892. “Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you have been up to. ” – Ellie Goulding

893. You should wear your smile more often

894. I love your hair! It's kind of messy but like, done. - Author: Giuliana Rancic

895. “The simplest positive action is a smile. ” – Maxime Lagace

896. “Having straight hair is curling your hair & using four bottles of hairspray, only to have it fall out & be straight within an hour.”

897. Short hair, don’t care

898. “Give a girl a new hairstyle & see will conquer the world.”

899. “The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ” – William Shakespeare

900. “To be smiled at by a child is like stepping out of the shade into the sun; it warms you through. ” – Unknown

901. Turn a bad hair day into a perfect one

902. “Its nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile even when they’re not around. ” – Unknown

903. “Your smile is the ultimate golden dream. All the poems in the world are waking up from. ” – Sanober Khan

904. “A hairstylist is a person that touches more hearts than hair.”

905. “You are cut above the rest”

906. “Of course I have bad hair days. I’m human.”

907. Surround yourself with positive minds

908. “Life winked at her and she grinned back; it was time to play. ” – G. N. Berry

909. Soul on fleek

910. “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. ” – William Arthur Ward

911. “Let your hair do the talking.”

912. “A smile puts you on the right track. A smile makes the world a beautiful place. When you lose your smile, you lose your way in the chaos of life. ” – Roy T. Bennet

913. “When I look in your eyes, I don't want to look away. I smile at every word that comes out of your mouth and when you smile back, I melt. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without you, not understanding how I got by before. You wrap your hands around my waist and the whole world disappears. When our hands touch, it sends shivers up my spine, and when you lean in and your lips brush mine I never want to let you go.”

914. “Welcome every morning with a smile. ” – Og Mandino

915. “You can’t look like a gentleman without hair.”

916. Never forget something that once made you smile

917. “It’s all messy. The hair. The bed. The words. The heart. Life.” – William Leal

918. “I love big hair and I cannot lie”.

919. “Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. ” – Janet Lane

920. “You should never regret something that made you smile. ” – Mark Twain

921. A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break the ice with it

922. “A smile is a friend maker. ” – Bangambiki Habyarimana

923. My hair is messy to match my Quarantine life

924. “But you’re so busy changing the world. Just one smile can change all of mine. ” – Jack Johnson

925. My hairstyle is called ”I tried”

926. Wake up with a smile and go after life!

927. “The most beautiful face is a face with a smile. ” – Anurag Prakash Ray

928. Messy bun and getting everything done

929. Warm

930. 7 billion smiles and yours is my favourite

931. “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will. ” – Epictetus

932. “Straight, wavy or curly, if it’s healthy, it’s beautiful”

933. “Smile is the beauty of the soul. ” – Lailah Gifty Akita

934. “Always try to smile, because your smile can give other people a reason to smile too. ” – Unknown

935. “Smile at strangers and you just might change a life. ” – Masashi Kishimoto

936. Life is short. Make every hair flip fabulous

937. “Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. ” – John Spence

938. “You can’t control everything. Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that.”

939. “Worry less, smile more. Don’t regret, just learn and grow. ” – Mark Twain

940. “Smiling makes people feel good and positive, conveying a sense of good-will, rapport and trust. ” – Dr. T. P. Chia

941. There are a hundred languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all

942. “Never let anyone dull your curls.”

943. “When you have to work, work with a smile. ” – Kapil Dev

944. “Smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce your mind’s tearing tension. ” – Sri Chinmoy

945. “When you see a person without a smile, give them yours. ” ― Zig Ziglar

946. “People will stare. Make it worth their while.” – Harry Winston

947. “Don’t panic. Say, Hey, no problem. Run a hand through your hair like the white-boys do, even though the only thing that runs easily through your hair is Africa.” (Junot Díaz, Drown)

948. Limit yourself to 3-4 hashtags

949. Life is short. Keep smiling while you have teeth

950. “A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. ” – Clemmie Galati

951. My mood depends on how good my hair looks

952. “I’m a queen, my hair is my crown”


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