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800 Romantic Deep Love Messages For Him (2023)

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. Even if God came down and asked me to leave you, I’ll deny it without a doubt because it’s you, and it will always be you.

2. In your love, I know no fear. In your love, I feel so safe. In your love, I’m whole and free. In your love, I want to be, always and forever.

3. Everyday I see you more beautiful than the last. I can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life with someone so wonderful.

4. It’s you and I against the world, darling. We’re a formidable team, nothing can break us apart. I love you so much.

5. Each time I look at you, I just smile to myself and think: “No one could ever compare to this man.” You are beyond perfection and I love you so much.

6. I’ll always be here for you, sweetie. Even when we are miles and miles apart, the love I have for you will always be as strong as it is today.

7. “Like the effulgence of light, you have filled my heart with your love, the brilliance has engulfed me as I cannot recover from it. Fill me more with your love.”

8. Since you came into my life, it’s been hard to think of anything else. You occupy my mind, all day, every day.

9. Whenever I’m with you, time seems to fly by so quickly. I never want to be without you because when we’re apart I miss you terribly.

10. “The beauty of a daily sunrise lingers in my mind, whenever I think of your love for me, it’s as perfect as that sight continually.”

11. “What will I do without you? You are the knight that holds my light in my night, my paths are clear with you and all I can do is to love and cherish you.”

12. Your kind of man, with your type of heart, is very rare. I’m glad I found you in time. I love you, always and forever, baby.

13. I love you like I have never loved anyone else before. I love you with all that I am, and all that I will ever be.

14. God has blessed me with many things, but you are the best among those. I wish to see you every day and want to spend my entire life loving you.

15. I love you so much and will always be here with you, no matter what. Your smile is my warmth; your hug is my place of comfort, and your love is my life.

16. You turned all my imperfections into perfection just by the power of your love. I love you for all the great things you have done for me.

17. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. My life is better with you in it, my love.

18. Whenever I tell you not to do something, it's because I care a lot for you. I always want you to be happy and cheerful. Love you loads, darling!

19. Everyday that I wake up, I know that you’ll be there. I can’t ask for much more than that. You complete me and I love you.

20. I love you for all the great things that you did for me, on this day remember that you are lovely and worth being with.

21. “A million stories cannot tell the originality of your love to me. You are an immortal gem of honor that has eternal value.”

22. “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim

23. You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Whenever I look into them, it’s as if I am falling into an abyss and never returning.

24. Rise and shine sleepyhead, I made you some of your favorite coffee and breakfast so you have plenty of energy for today. Good morning, baby!

25. “You are so important to me that when you call at any hour of the day, I will answer, even in the middle of the night, I will run out of bed to hold tight to you.”

26. Only you can kiss me a thousand times a day and each kiss would feel like it’s the first kiss I ever had in my life.

27. “Just as heaven is one with the earth, sharing an ever-established fellowship, I will forever share my love with you even when the heavens and the earth pass away.”

28. I know that you will always be by my side not only for the good times, but the hard times as well. I love you more than anything.

29. I always hear people say that long-distance relationships don’t work. It makes me happy to know we’re proving them wrong!

30. You are the best of all the guys I’ve ever met. There’s none like you, and none I like than you. I love you, darling.

31. When I am with you, the rest of the world just melts away. All that matters is you and me because we are in this together! I love you now and forever!

32. Every day, I think about the last time we met. I hope to see you soon and give you the warmest hug! Come home soon, baby!

33. I know you are tired of listening to my ‘I love you’ hundred times a day, but now I think even that’s not enough.

34. Here’s to another great day together filled with lots of laughter and fun times, Cheers to us! Good morning!

35. My days are incomplete without thinking about you. Your thoughts are now in my head 24/7, and believe me, they will remain here until you come and meet me again.

36. It’s hard to find the words to tell you how much you mean to me. I love you more than words, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove it to you.

37. I belong to you and you belong to me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to honor this bond that we have created in all these years that we’ve spent together.

38. I’m happy that most girls don’t see the real you but a part of you. My love for you goes beyond your body it is way more than my feelings for you.

39. Just want to count my many blessings and name them one by one. 1. You, 2. You, 3. You… 100. You. Should I continue? Love you loads, darling.

40. When you left, you took my heart with you but I know you’ll both be back someday and I’ll again feel complete.

41. You are the most amazing person I know. You have this ability to make me feel happy even on the worst of days.

42. Nothing in this world could ever replace you. You are the yin to my yang, the shine to my sparkle, and the droplet to my ocean. Good night, my one and only!

43. Why does the morning have to start so soon? I need more time to dream about the guy who gives me weak knees every single day (aka you).

44. Amidst all the pain and heartbreaks in the world, you found me, and I found true love in you. You’re the best ever, honey.

45. “I’ve heard people say they became fools because of love. However, your love has made me wiser because I now recognize true love!”

46. “You might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant.”– Rupi Kaur

47. “When I think about your unfailing love and your unending faithfulness, I pray not to lose you day by day my love.”

48. You bring out the best in me. Whenever you’re around, everything feels right with the world. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Good morning, honey!

49. This is the start of a brand new day. Another chance for us to grow closer and strengthen our bond even further. I can’t wait to see what we make of this day.

50. “I think we take it for granted that if you are with your husband after 30 years, then he is the love of your life.” – Sue Townsend

51. I tell this to you every day and will do it today too: you are the most handsome man I know, inside and out, and I love absolutely everything about you.

52. You’re an outstanding example of what I man should be, what a husband should be, and what a father should be. And I’m grateful for you.

53. You make all my dreams come true. When I’m with you I feel like anything is possible. I love you beyond words.

54. Your presence makes me feel complete. You are the source of my joy and the answer to all my questions. Love you a lot!

55. Thanks for being the answer to my prayer for a godly and loving man. I’m eternally grateful for the gift of you. I love you dearly.

56. My love, you are the best thing ever to me. Our love has blessed me, and I can’t imagine my life without you.

57. Can you feel me close to you, hear my heartbeat, let’s seize the moment, and go far away together. Make the moment memorable. I long for your love.

58. Hey handsome, I hope you know I love you more than the word love itself. In fact, far more than life. You’re my everything.

59. I really can’t do without you, darling. My heart has become intertwined with yours, and nothing’s ever going to put us apart.

60. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because I know that you’ll always be there for me when I need you the most.

61. You fill my life with all of you, and I really don’t know what I’ll do without you. I love you eternally, my darling.

62. You have a way of making every day feel exciting, and that’s something I never knew I was missing until now. I love you more than anything! Have a good night, prince!

63. I didn’t have a life before I met you. I was merely existing, then you came, and set my heart soul on fire. I’m bound to you forever, love.

64. You’ve managed to make me feel loved every single day we’ve been together. I never thought that was possible.

65. I feel so happy to know that you’re mine, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure your heart is always happy.

66. You are my soulmate and the very air I breathe. You make me happy in a way no one else ever could. I love you with all my heart.

67. You have introduced me to the many beauties of love since day one. I want to reciprocate that love! I want to make you just as happy, baby!

68. My love for you outnumbers the stars in the sky and the drops of water in the ocean. It’s immeasurable, unconditional, and eternal.

69. “I never believed in soulmates until I met you. You understand me in a way that no one else ever could, and I feel so blessed to have you by my side.”

70. People ask me why my life shines so bright, and I tell them I have one or the brightest stars living in it. I love you loads, dear.

71. Our love will last long after the sun and the moon have died. I promise you that, because your happiness and well-being is all I want in life. Good night, sleep tight!

72. I want us to be together not just today or tomorrow but for all eternity. You’re my soul mate and I love you.

73. Love is what I feel for you, it’s what you feel for me, it’s what you and I were made for. Love you forever, honey.

74. I don’t know what I would do without your love. I love you and I want us to make this work let’s make our dreams come true together.

75. We may have nothing in this world, but we have each other and that’s all we’ll ever need. I promise to love, honor, cherish, and be faithful to you for all of eternity.

76. Our relationship is one of a kind. It has grown from something small to something big, and will continue to grow stronger as time goes on.

77. Trust me when I say this, your love is more than a simple word to me. It’s so real that it is part of who I am. It’s so intense that I can’t get enough of it.

78. I don’t even want to think about tomorrow because today is special. I wish the best for you every day. I love you more than I show.

79. “I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you’d been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: Since I met you, you’ve never left.”

80. Sweetheart, I can’t ignore this magical love. It feels great being in love with someone so handsome, kind, and loving.

81. Your presence brings me so much joy I cannot get enough of you. Every day seems to get more beautiful and sweet.

82. I love you deeply in my heart. I simply cannot tell how much I love you because there aren’t enough words in the world to express my feelings.

83. I can’t get enough of your love, it is the best thing that has shaped my life for the better I love you with the whole of my heart and soul.

84. Everywhere I look around me, there’s only one thing that I’m sure of and that is your love which shines brighter than the brightest diamond. Good morning, my everything!

85. I love your eyes, I love your smile, I love your face. I love your hair, I love your hands, I love your body. But most of all, I love your heart.

86. “You are that special someone who makes me go crazy. The craziest part is, I don’t want to be sane anymore. I want to be lost in insanity with you.”

87. “Your kisses make me forget the world, your touch makes me lose touch with reality. How is that even possible?”

88. “When I think of you, I am refreshed. When I think of what you have done for me, I discover that I can’t keep on living without you.”

89. I wake up every morning with your lovely texts, but today I have been trying not to sleep and text you first in the morning.

90. You are my shining star. My guiding light in times of despair. You make me feel complete. You make everything in life worthwhile.

91. You captured my heart with your great love, and now, I’m bound forever. I’m never going to be able to love any man as much as I love you.

92. From now until the end of time, you’ll always be with me. No matter what happens. I’ll never forget the first day we met.

93. I want to wake up with you every morning and fall asleep with you every night. I want to grow old with you because I love you.

94. “Take my hand, take my whole life too.” These words couldn’t be truer, for I can’t help but fall deeper in love with you every day.

95. I really want to be old and gray with you. I know that sounds kind of gross, but I really do. I have never been this happy before, and I don’t ever want this to end.

96. Since I met you, everything has become easier for me. Your presence in my life makes me happy. I love you a lot!

97. You are my shining star, I will adore thee with all my life. You make the world a better place just by being in it. I love you.

98. “My song, my melody, no matter how sonorous my voice is, without your tune, my singing is useless. I love you my dearest.”

99. We were meant to be together. You’re the other part of me I’ve been searching for all this time, and I’ll never let you go.

100. Your purity of spirit inspires me to do some things that I wouldn’t normally do. I’m glad that you’re in my life.

101. “My heart sings without my permission, I try to figure it out, then I discover that you indiscriminately have filled my heart with your love.”

102. I’ve seen a lot of things in my life, but you are the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. I love you from here to the moon and back again.

103. “I’m completely attracted to you as the insects are attracted to flowers. You are my petals and the scent from my pollen grain. You are all I desire, my love.”

104. You have a quality that is rare to find these days, and that is a willingness to see good in people. I’m thankful that you see the good in me.

105. I was thinking about you this morning and I couldn’t help but feel grateful. Grateful that I get to know you, love you, and do life with you.

106. Everyday, I grow fonder of you. The more I know you, the more I love you. You are the one for me and I will always make your happiness my priority.

107. We are bound to have our differences from time to time. Let us learn from each other and continue to move forward in life. I love you.

108. You have this ability to make my heart race. Whenever we’re close, it feels like my heart could explode out of my chest. I never felt this way before I met you.

109. I hope you know that I will always be there in your toughest times to support you. You mean the world to me. I love you.

110. The only thing I never want to stop doing is loving you. I fall in love with you deeper and deeper each day.

111. I cannot imagine myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else. I love you and want to grow old with you.

112. Whenever I am in pain, all I want is a hug from you. If I am a damsel in distress, I like you to be my superhero and make me laugh.

113. Asking me to stop thinking about you will be like you asking me not to breathe anymore you are the passion in me.

114. I want to spend all of eternity with you because you’re the one that I want to be with. Nothing can change that.

115. I want you to know that I’ll never leave your side. Where you go, I go. I want you to feel loved and adored tonight, so here’s to a night of sweet dreams!

116. You’ve won the right to be called king of my heart. Only you are my heart’s rightful owner, baby. I love you.

117. You’re priceless, no wonder I’m hopelessly in love with you. I’m addicted to you and I know you are my drug.

118. We are two different people with a lot in common and that’s why we work so well together. You balance me out and I hope I do the same for you.

119. My only concern is whether or not you’re happy and your only concern is my joy. With a mindset like this, we can love each other forever.

120. You are the most important person in my life. You always know how to make me smile when I am feeling down. You love me for who I am and I can’t ask for anything more.

121. I thought that I loved you when we first got together, but the more I’m with you, the more I realise that my love for you is endless.

122. I may not give you whatever you want but one thing is sure, you have my heart which is the most precious gift I can give.

123. I love it when you encourage me to improve. Thank you for having my back and motivating me to achieve the impossible!

124. I prayed to get a good man, and God answered. He didn’t simply give me a good man, but a very great one, and the best man ever. I love you so much, darling.

125. As long as I breathe, you have a place in my heart. You’ll always be my one and only love. I love you, baby.

126. “Loving you has been the most interesting thing I have experienced. I desire to love you continually till I am lost in you.”

127. You have this amazing understanding of me, and the ability to forgive is a quality that is severely lacking in today’s society. I love you even more for it.

128. There are hundreds of fish in the sea, but there is only one for me. And that is you. I will love you until the day that we die.

129. You may not be the bravest man in the world, but you’re definitely the bravest I’ve ever met. I know we’ll get through this together.

130. Thank you for sharing your love with me. Thank you for making my life worth living. Thank you for being there for me.

131. Without you, the world feels cold and empty. With you, the world is a beautiful place. I want you to know that you complete me.

132. My dear husband, you make my life so beautiful. Your love, your kindness, and the way you care for me melt my heart every single day.

133. When you hurt, I hurt. When you’re happy, I’m happy. My time with you has taught me what the Bible means when it says “the two will become one.”

134. If you weren’t with me right now, I don’t think that I would be able to deal with the struggles of life. You always make things better and I love you for it.

135. There are two moons in my life, one is in the sky, and the other is right next to me. Love you, darling! Good night!

136. Loving you makes every day an adventure. I never know what is going to happen next, but I know I’ll love every minute of it. Thanks for choosing me.

137. You are my proof that dreams do come true, sometimes, in ways beyond our expectations. I love you loads, darling.

138. I’ll never stop loving you, baby. From now until my last breath, you alone, will my heart cherish and adore.

139. I love the way you love me, baby. The way you hold me, hug me, kiss me, I love everything that happens when I’m all alone with you.

140. You’re my endless love. I never want our story to end! I love you endlessly, and I always will. Good night, my one and only true love.

141. I have seen so many beautiful things, I met good people but I’ve never seen a man that is as awesome as you are.

142. I will keep caring, adoring and loving you forever, during the easy times and the challenges we will face. We are in this together, and you are my partner for life.

143. You are perfect, and how I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Keeping you in my life makes me happier than anything else. I love you so much!

144. We don’t have to do everything together. But I do love an excuse to involve you in something important to me.

145. I have fell in love many times….never have I ever felt this way…what we have my dear is magical…and only you will ever hold my heart. You are the love of my life!!!!

146. As long as there is me, your heart will be the best it can ever be. To keep your heart unbroken is a promise I am willing to keep. I love you.

147. Your love, your touch, your smile, your everything, takes my breath away. I’m crazily in love with you, darling.

148. The only thing I’m sure of concerning the future is that I’ll be loving you into it, through it, and after it.

149. You are one good thing that has happened to me and I don’t hope to lose sight of you. I will not take you for granted. I am lucky I have you.

150. I wanted to write you a poem, but I couldn’t narrow it down to just one verse. You are too amazing and I love you for all eternity.

151. You have this magical quality that makes the world around you sparkle and shine. Whenever you’re with me, even the dullest moments turn into something special.

152. I don’t even know when my love has turned into an obsession for you, and now I am so obsessed with you like there’s nothing else on my mind.

153. “I don’t need to be known to the whole world, your warm hugs and kisses are all that I want. Keep loving me like this forever. I love you.”

154. In my life, before you, I never believed in soul mates. But now I know that when we find each other nothing will ever be the same again. I love you so much.

155. The way I feel when I’m with you, I’ve never felt it before, can’t explain it. But it’s the best feeling ever. I love you, darling.

156. Just between you and me, I hope we never have to say goodbye. Let’s meet up in the sky when we die, and spend forever drifting through space as shooting stars!

157. Your warm hugs always make my night wonderful. Make sure you sleep tight and get yourself ready for a busy day tomorrow.

158. Words can’t express how much you mean to me. Our life together is a dream come true for me and even on our hardest days, I’m grateful that I get to to do life with you.

159. Everyone knows that my love for you knows no bounds. You are the only person who makes every day of my life worth living.

160. “As gracious as the sun is, it cannot be compared to the graciousness of your love. It’s a spring of ever-flowing trust.”

161. You’re not just a boyfriend to me; you’re my best friend. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what time of the day it is. I love you, good night!

162. I will never forget your love, generosity, and kindness. You fill my heart with joy. I adore you and your kind soul.

163. All I want to do is stay with you forever. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.

164. I used to see love as foolish, but when we came together, I knew that all those other times were just practice for our real destiny. I love you.

165. The weather forecast said there’s a storm coming our way. I’m looking forward to cuddling up to you with a blanket and a mug of hot cocoa.

166. I never understood the true meaning of the word love until I met you. Now I know what it means to truly give all of myself to another person. I have no regrets.

167. “Ranging from the sky, measuring the length of an ocean, nothing can be compared to the love I have for you.”

168. There’s no better place to be than in your arms. A reserved parking space before I take the red carpet walk into your heart, and make a home there.

169. I’ve never known someone so special like you. Someone who makes me feel this way. You mean everything to me. My life would be empty without you.

170. “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.” – Ian McEwan

171. I love you more than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. Hope you’ll have a great day, baby!

172. Some days I think about how I got so lucky to have a person like you on my side and wish that every girl deserves a caring boyfriend like you.

173. Thank you for being with me when the whole world left me. I can say boldly that you are the man of my dreams and you’re my knight in shining armor.

174. What I feel for you is real, what runs through my heart is beyond what the eyes can see. I love you very much.

175. If all I have in this life is your love, then I won’t bother a bit, for I have all I need. I love you, baby.

176. I love you more than anything you can ever think or imagine. I look forward to every day because you are in my world. I love you so much.

177. “My dreams have been wonderful since the day I met you. Just like the Easter bunny that tickles my ear, I feel excited when I hear the sound of your voice.”

178. “Carrying thoughts about you gives me unimaginable peace, I am delivered from my continual trouble. You are very special to me.”

179. “Your love is to me a song hewed out of the most precious emotions, it’s forever a treasure I will hold with uttermost importance.”

180. My sweet love, I’ve kept my feelings for you contained for as long as I could. I am in love with you and it’s honest and true.

181. Let’s do this forever. Let’s always choose each other first, love each other deeply, and tackle life hand in hand.

182. Your love was my rebirth, and I’m never letting go of this new life I’ve found with you. Love you, forever.

183. Don’t be afraid to show someone that you care. There’s nothing more beautiful than loving and being loved back.

184. This feeling in my chest is the purest truth there is in this world. It’s the feeling of love that promises forever.

185. Every day that goes by is another day that I want to spend with you. You are the love of my life and I will be grateful for you until the day that I die. I love you.

186. I never have to worry about giving you my whole heart – you’ve proven that you’ll always take the best care of it.

187. “Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great.” — Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

188. As your wife, I will always support you, love you, and respect you. I know we will have good times and bad times, but we will face them all together. I love you.

189. As each day passes, my feelings for you grow stronger and stronger. Every day, I fall in love with you all over again.

190. “You know what, I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I’ll love you to eternity. There’s no changing that fact! I love you so much!”

191. “I never had a moment’s doubt that I loved you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one, my reason for life.” – Ian McEwan

192. This type of love you show to me is a rare kind of love. I’m so full of your love, and fully in love with you.

193. “When loneliness almost took my soul, you came around and preached your love, I was found and never again to be alone.”

194. When you’re around, the whole world seems to be brighter. All of my worries seem to disappear and are replaced by a happiness that I’ve never felt before.

195. I love the way you make me feel. I have never felt this way before, I never want you to stop loving me. I love you, babe.

196. I feel so close to you even when we’re apart, but the space between us is a reminder of how far we’ve come. I love you more than anything!

197. There are three things in this world that will always remain a constant: the sun will rise, the wind will blow, and I will love you.

198. I love you deeply all the time, whenever I see you, I am filled with so much joy because even when I close my eyes, the same picture of you shows up.

199. Baby, I swear to you that I will be there for you whenever and wherever you need me. I love you with all my heart.

200. I’ve never been happier than I am when I’m with you. I can’t wait until we can finally move in together and spend all of our time together.

201. If a genie grants me three wishes, I would ask for your happiness, success, and health! I love you a lot, darling!

202. Falling in love with you was not a choice but the destiny of my life. With every passing moment, I fall in love with you a little more.

203. The more years go by, the more I learn new things to love about you. You are the most amazing man to me. I love you and I always will.

204. Never forget how much I love you, no matter what happens some things will always remain constant, my love for you is one of those things. Good morning, dear!

205. “Your love for me brought out my heart from its hiding place. I am so grateful to you for making me see the real me through your pure love.”

206. You’re the most thoughtful person I know. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you in my life, but I promise to cherish you forever.

207. “I still haven’t figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do.” — William C. Hannan

208. “It is no longer news that the preciousness of your love has stolen my heart. I live for no one but you my love.”

209. The love and care you show towards me have brightened up my life. I can't help but fall in love with you repeatedly.

210. You never have to wonder if I’m thinking about you because the answer is simple, I think about you every moment of every day.

211. Mornings are for coffee and hugs! Hoping to see you tonight and shower you with lots of kisses and cuddles, love! Have a lovely day today!

212. I want you to know that if there’s anything in this world you need, just let me know. I’ll be there for you, always and forever. I love you more than anything.

213. When you’re around, everything just seems better. Your love is like a shining light and I’m always looking towards the future with you. Good morning, my love!

214. “Oh! Now I know that you are all that is true to me, finding you means finding life. Should I lose you, then I’ll die. I have decided to live, so you are mine forever.”

215. “The song of my heart is without rhythm, without the expression of your love. I am forever indebted to you, my love.”

216. I was out today and saw something that reminded me of you. I had to grab it because it made me think of you. I’ll never forget that moment when I first saw you.

217. Your love found me at a time I wasn’t seeking love, yet, it filled my life so much, that I began to realise how empty I had been. You’re amazing, sweets.

218. Each day we spend apart only makes me more excited to be reunited with you. In the meantime, know that you’re always in my thoughts (rent-free).

219. “I have a crush on your mind, I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a big bonus.” – Nicholas Sparks

220. The best thing I ever did was go into that coffee shop, and the second best thing I ever did was talk to you.

221. I want to stay by your side forever. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms and wake up next to you every morning.

222. “I want you to be my love, I want you to be the reason for my existence. I want you to be my everything baby!”

223. If all I get in this life and beyond is you, and your love in entirety, baby, then, I’ll be called the most blessed and privileged of all women. I love you deeply.

224. I used to admire the superheroes in movies and hoped to end up with one. I got my desire met in you, my darling, my own very special, real life hero.

225. “I know I’m in love with you because no sooner have I slept than I begin to see you in my dreams every time.”

226. I cannot wait to be an old lady with you on a rocking chair on our porch watching the sun set behind our beautiful mountains.

227. I might not be able to fully repay all you’ve done for me, but I want you to know that I love and adore you with all that I am.

228. “I never knew what true love was until I met you. You complete me in every way, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

229. I don’t care if it is cliche or sappy. I want to grow old with you. I want you to be by my side forever and always, because you are the one that makes me happy.

230. Do you know how wonderful it feels to go to bed each day and know that you are mine and I am yours? Loving you has been the most mesmerizing journey of my life.

231. You mean the world to me, you are my sun in the morning and my moon at night, you are my daisies in the grass and my butterflies, my everything.

232. “I’ve lived the honor of calling you my friend, now I drool under the golden delight of calling you my lover!”

233. There are moments in life when I feel like giving up, but the thought of being with you again keeps me going. I love you so much.

234. I don’t know what I did, to have been gifted with a great and priceless treasure like you. You’re the best man ever, my one and only heart rob and lover.

235. You’re everything I could have ever asked for in a partner. You’ve brought the best out of me and have shown me what it means to live life to the fullest.

236. I’m not letting anything or anyone come between us, darling. No matter what happens, I’ll keep fighting for our love. I love you deeply.

237. Something about you just drew me in. I think it was your smile. I’ve never seen such a beautiful smile before.

238. “The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know if they’ll miss you or forget about you.”— Nicholas Sparks

239. Grace is what brings a man like you into my life. I’m forever thankful and grateful to God for the gift of you, darling.

240. I never thought I could ever feel this happy. You came into my life and showed me what real love feels like. I will always be in your debt. Good night, my darling!

241. I can’t promise you that I will never hurt you. But I can promise that I will be there to make the pain go away whenever it happens.

242. If the way I love you is a spell cast on me, I still never want to be cured of it. I love loving you and want to love only you forever.

243. “I love how you take care of me. How you keep working to be a better man. Even on days, I fail to be a better woman.” – Unknown

244. I know you’re having fun with your friends, but make sure you get enough sleep too! I don’t want you to be too tired for work tomorrow. I love you.

245. The best feeling in this world is knowing that you belong to me and I belong to you. Every morning, when I wake up, that’s all I need to get out of bed and start my day.

246. You are the part of my life that I will never let go of, you have been with me through thick and thin. Thank you for never abandoning me. I love you so much.

247. I hope you have an excellent day, and remember even when things get rough, I’ll always be here for you. Good morning, sweetheart!

248. I was made to love you only, made to do your every bidding, made to ride on the wings of your love. You’re my destiny, honey.

249. I never thought I’ll find a man to love me just as I am. But, you came into my life and made me believe in the power of true love. I love you so much, honey.

250. My darling, without your love, I am miserable. Without your intimacy, I am not myself. Without you, life has no meaning for me anymore.

251. I want to give you every part of me. My heart, my soul and my body. You mean everything to me and I love you.

252. Love is like a cloud: soft, soothing, and gentle. And, when it disappears, it takes away all your pain and troubles with it.

253. “The day heaven opened its door for the first time on me is the day an angel came down on earth. That angel just happens to be you.”

254. The way your face looks when you’re doing something you love makes me want to etch that image of you into my mind forever.

255. You make my heart melt and it makes me want to do everything for you. So, let me love you unconditionally baby!

256. I knew from the start that you were meant to be mine, I’m just lucky that I was able to catch your eye as well.

257. Thanks for making my life so beautiful, and wonderful. You make all the difference in my life, sweets. I love you.

258. The entirety of my world is you. My hopes and dreams all make sense only in you. I love you, baby, I deeply do.

259. Loving you has been an unexpected journey of learning how to love someone more deeply than I ever thought possible.

260. “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” – Judy Garland

261. The sun is out, the birds are chirping happily, the morning breeze is cool and it’s gradually taking over, but the morning will be incomplete if my lover is still in bed.

262. Leaving you in the morning is the hardest part of my day. Coming home to your warm embrace is the best part.

263. I don’t know where I’d be today without you in my life. You are the other half to my whole and I love you for that.

264. The one thing in my life that keeps me going is your love. You are caring, loving, and understanding and always put my needs before yours. I love you so much, baby!

265. I choose you. And if I had to do it over again, I’d choose you every day and all day long. You’re my person.

266. No matter how much fun I have or exciting things I do, the day isn’t complete until I get to spend it with you. Good morning, my one and only!

267. My days are always brighter after I hear your voice. My nights are always warmer when you hold me tight. You’ve become the very air that I need to survive. I love you.

268. When life gets overwhelming, I’ll be there to help pick you up. When bad things happen, you’ll always have me to comfort you. I will always be your pillar of strength.

269. Everyday I wish for more moments with you. I could lay in your arms forever. You’re everything I could ever ask for and so much more.

270. I’m deeply in love with the most amazing man ever. He’s reading this now and smiling too. Oh, how charming you look when you smile.

271. I’ll always have you to thank for the many ways you have been a great blessing to me. You’re amazing, darling, so amazing. I love you really much.

272. I sit here and smile to myself because I am lucky enough to be able to call you mine. I love you, sweetheart. Miss you!

273. You are like candy that spreads sweetness. From within you have such a sweet soul and I’m glad you are in my world. Thank you for bringing some sweetness into my world.

274. They say you’re not supposed to rely on anyone because you’ll eventually be disappointed, but I’m glad I took a risk with you.

275. No matter what has happened, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what you will do I will always love you I swear it.

276. “Everyday with you is special, but my best day would still remain the one where I met you for the first time.”

277. No matter what comes your way today, remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. And I’ll be here cheering you on the entire way.

278. The best decision I made in my life was loving you and I will make that same decision every single day again! You deserve all my love and effort.

279. A sweet and loving man like you deserves nothing less than sweet and hot loving from an amazing woman like me.

280. “Why can’t you just magically pop into my room with me and just cuddle for the rest of the night and kiss my head when I start to fall asleep?”

281. Every night I fall asleep in your arms and wake up in them too. You’re my everything, and I love you to the moon and back.

282. “I never knew I would want someone so badly. The things you do to my heart are dangerously sweet. It makes me lose my mind all over.”

283. The best is yet to come, my love. We are going to have an amazing life ahead of us. I can’t wait for us to spend it together.

284. I know how much you toil to achieve your dreams. I hope you get all the success in the world because you truly deserve it!

285. I promise you today, that not matter what life has in store for us, you can count on me to be by your side experiencing it all. I love you.

286. Every day with you is a blessing. Your love fills me more than I ever thought was possible. Thank you for being you.

287. “I have a crush on your mind, I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a big bonus.” – The Notebook

288. Looking at you takes my breath away. Your eyes, your smile, the way you laugh. Everything about you is beautiful and I love you so much.

289. Thank you for forgiving me when I’ve let you down, for believing me when no one else did and for sticking with me through thick and thin. I will always love you.

290. Our life together has been long and prosperous and our wedding was certainly the highlight. I love you more than anything.

291. I don’t have any dreams or aspirations at this point in my life. I’ve found everything I need right now. You are my everything, and I love you so much!

292. We are far apart, but my heart beats for you. I know yours beats for me because each time I hear your voice over the telephone, I feel how much you miss me.

293. You are the one for me, my one and only. There is no other place I would rather be than in your arms. I love you with all of my heart

294. With you, I feel like the queen of the universe. With you, I feel like I can conquer anything and everything this world brings my way.

295. “It seems I’m desperate, don’t despise me, your love has consumed me totally and I’m thankful that you are the one to show me what true love is.”

296. I may not be the perfect girlfriend but I know how to love you like no one else and no one will ever do because I love you.

297. Tonight, I'm going to count stars when I am away from you. That's because I can't sleep without you in my arms.

298. I tried to count the stars to help me sleep tonight, but there are none when you’re not here next to me. Mostly because all my favorite stars are in your eyes.

299. “Like a river, my love for you flows from my heart from eternity to eternity. I know for sure that it would not run dry.”

300. “Can I say something special to you? You are everything to me, even the breath that I breathe is less important compared to you. You are awesomely special my love.”

301. You are the reason I wake up each day with a smile, you are the reason I strive to be a better person, you are the one who teaches me how to love and be loved in return.

302. “Even when I think I am not worthy of your love, you still give me reasons why you are the only one made for me.”

303. I was so used to seeing clouds that I forgot how deep blue sky would look like. I love you for bringing sunshine into my life.

304. I just want you to hold my hands, and I’ll be fine and calm. There’s a kind of peace I only get in your arms, darling.

305. I love you so much that words cannot begin to describe it. I want to spend all of eternity with you and never leave your side.

306. We make our own destiny, remember that. As long as we have each other, we can get through anything life throws at us. I’m going to be here for you forever and always.

307. “You and I, it’s as though we have been taught to kiss in heaven and sent down to Earth together, to see if we know what we were taught.” —Boris Pasternak

308. You are the bacon to my eggs, the PB to my J, and the French to my toast. I just wanted to say good morning to my soulmate.

309. We have grown old together and gotten wrinkly and gray, but we have also had a blast! You are my best friend, and I love you so much!

310. “I am completely sold out to you. Even when I’m offered to be delivered from you, I desire to stay with you forever my love.”

311. There are a thousand miles between us, but my heart is there for you. I’m always there because you are everything I need.

312. “Your love perfumes better than the scent of the beautiful daffodils, even when everything seems dry and hopeless, you’ve shown me that your scent can revive me.”

313. I have fallen for you, hard and I can’t get up! No matter what happens, just know that my feelings for you will never change. I will always love you.

314. Tonight, I wish for the sweet dreams of tomorrow to come true. Give me a sign that you get my message tonight.

315. “I love you inside and out. There is no part of you that I am not in love with. From your beautiful eyes to your caring heart, to your wonderful smile. You are my world!”

316. I don’t know what I would do without you. You make everything so much better with your presence. I love you beyond words.

317. When I think about the way I feel when I’m in your hands, I’m convinced it’s close to the feeling of being in heaven.

318. You came into my life when things weren’t going well and now they’re better than ever. Thanks for embracing me and loving all my flaws.

319. “If you are a prize, I’ll do anything to take you home. If you are Medal, I’ll work hard to earn you. If you are a flower, I’ll be watering you to grow beautifully.”

320. You make my heart flutter every time you come near me. Thank you for bestowing me with so much love and care, baby!

321. I have no single regret, saying yes to you. I bless God for making our paths cross. You’re the best ever, baby.

322. There’s no one else for me, but you. None can love and care for me as much as you do, darling. I love you uncontrollably.

323. You are the great blessing which I thank God for, every single day of my life. I love you so much, honey, thanks for being my super man.

324. “I love how you always know how to make me smile, even when things are tough. You are my light in the darkness, and I cherish you more than anything.”

325. When I look at you, I see all of the possibilities that life has to offer. You make me want to be the best that I can be.

326. “Distance seems small when feelings are deep. Love entwined us, so it doesn’t matter where we are now. I miss you!”

327. I thought I’ll never fall in love again, but, couldn’t help myself, couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with you. I love you so much, hun.

328. I asked God for a bit of happiness in my life, but he blessed me with you. I am so happy and blessed to have you and will love you eternally.

329. Magic is what happened the day I first met you, and magical is the tale of how far we’ve come. I love you, hun.

330. “My gaze is only to you, my observations are reserved for you because in you I find my joy, my strength, and my vigor.”

331. I never thought I could ever feel this way about another person. I’m so glad to have you in my life. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

332. No one will ever be able to come between us, because you are the love of my life. No one will ever tear us apart because we were brought together by fate.

333. I still see in you what drew me in from the beginning. It’s not only still there, but it’s only gotten better.

334. My heart always beats louder and faster whenever you’re around me. I love you with all that I am and have, dear.

335. I can’t believe how beautiful my life is with your presence in it. I can’t even think about losing you because I love you with all my heart, sweetheart.

336. It’s times like this when I really miss being with you. I can’t wait for the day when we can be together all the time.

337. Sometimes the night is way too long but knowing that I will wake up to another day to see my loved one makes it go past quicker.

338. You’re like an angel that descended from heaven, holding a special and deep love message of ‘I love you’, a message that’s meant for you.

339. I’ve been without you before. It was before I even knew. And now I’m without you again, and I know that love is true.

340. “If you listen to my breaths closely, you will hear the words ‘I Love You’ coming out with every single one. I am literally living with you, and only you. I love you.”

341. You’re such a perfect gentleman, honey. Thanks for always making me feel special and loved. I love you so much.

342. “You are more than a thousand rubies, a thousand gold, and even all the treasure chest ever discovered. You are worth more than treasures, my love.”

343. “I am so lost in the way that I love you that I don’t know the right words to express what I feel for you. No diction can describe my love for you!”

344. You are the only man that I will ever love, and the only person that I can see myself growing old and wrinkly with.

345. I don’t intend letting you slip from my grasp. You’re the one I want and need in my life, no one else will do. I love you loads, baby.

346. You’re the best partner any lady can wish for. I’m so happy I’m yours, and you’re mine, always and forever.

347. The thought of you gives me the strength to keep going. I can’t wait for the day when we can be together all the time because I need you in my life.

348. You are the reason why I believe in true love and soul mates. You are the most amazing person in the world, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

349. You are the most beautiful person in my life. I love the way you have made my life's journey so smooth and sweet. Thank you for everything, my love!

350. “You are the sweetest beginning of a never-ending love story. You are the prince charming, and I’m the princess in the tale.”

351. The smell of you, the expression on your face, the touch of your hand…it’s all right here in my mind every day.

352. You came in when I thought there was no one else for me but having you in my world is sweet I love you with all of me.

353. Your love is like heaven, it’s my haven. It’s only with you that I feel the kind of peace and safety that’s so soothing, yet inexplicable. I love you dearly, baby.

354. My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you

355. Sexy, miss you! I miss your sexy body. I miss your sexy laugh. I miss your sexy personality, boy! You are on my mind day and night.

356. The moon and the stars are up there creating a path of how you made me feel. You brighten up my darkest nights with your presence, I love you.

357. When I look into your eyes, I forget about all my problems. When I’m with you, nothing else matters to me besides you. You’re my everything, my world, my entire life.

358. No matter what life throws at us, just remember that I love you, with all my heart and soul. Good night, my one and only.

359. To the love of my life, I wish you the best out of today. Perfection in all you set your heart to do. Stay great and joyful. Love you!

360. For all of eternity, I want you and me to be joined as one because you are my other half. I want our souls and hearts to be intertwined so that it could never be broken.

361. I’m sending this message to the only reason I wake up in the morning. May we both drift off peacefully, only to awaken to the love of each other.

362. When you hold my hand, I feel safer than I ever have before. When you touch me, I feel warmer than anything else can make me feel. When we’re close, I feel like I’m home.

363. “Everyday I discover that I love you even more, and in this infinite universe I will love you till the ends.” – Alicia N Green

364. The moment I saw you, my heart leapt in a way I’ve never felt before. That feeling only gets stronger every day we’re together.

365. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride.” – Pablo Neruda

366. “Do you know that for everything you have done for me, I have made you a God of my life. To adore you is better than silver and gold my love.”

367. Since the day I met you I have not gotten enough of you. You keep showing me all the sides of love I never knew existed.

368. Just wanted you to know thoughts of you just crossed my mind, and I couldn’t help but smile. I love you, hun.

369. It’s no cliche when I tell you over and over again, how much I love, adore, and cherish all that you are to me. You’re the best, baby.

370. You are the reason I am happy. I can’t think of anything that makes me cry. I love you deeply. Please stay with me.

371. My love for you is timeless. When the kids are grown and so many things in our lives have changed, my love for you will remain the same.

372. If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I’d even be willing to work for free!

373. “I wouldn’t know what to do unless I find you around me, you have completely engulfed me with your love. I never want to stay an inch away from you my love.”

374. Today I celebrate you not just for who you are, but for who you’ve been to me. You’re an excellent partner, friend, lover, and I’m grateful that I get to be yours.

375. I’ll keep drinking from the river of your love, darling, till I’m drunk, and want no more. Yet, I’ll never stop. I love you eternally.

376. I have been sitting here thinking and realized that without you, I feel like a part of me is missing. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you again.

377. “You are the love of my life. You’re the only person in the whole world that can lift my spirits when I’m sad by giving me one single hug that means the world to me.”

378. Good Morning Baby! Have an amazing day ahead. I know it’ll be a success because you will always have my love to see you through it!

379. I just left home, and I already can’t wait to be back. Baby, you’re my satisfaction and the best type of high. Love you much.

380. Even if we’re apart, you’re always in my thoughts. I think about the future and I can’t wait to see what it holds for us. I love you so much.

381. “The expression of your love is like the attraction of a fish to the ocean. My attraction is overly towards you, my love and my best friend.”

382. I could write a novel celebrating all the reasons I love you. You are a genius, funny, and incredibly passionate. I would need a lifetime to describe how amazing you are.

383. “How can I not love you? To not love you is to not breathe and to not breathe is to be dead. I choose life!”

384. “The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love.” — Henry Miller

385. If the whole earth crumbles, and all comes down to nothing, baby, my love for you will still be standing strong, unshaken. Nothing can make me stop loving you, hun.

386. Loving you was the best decision of my life. Like the rays of the sun, you shine through my heart every day.

387. “The most important thing in my life is to learn how to give out my all love to you, and to let it come in.” — Morrie Schwartz

388. “Beyond the perception of the observation, my love for you transcends all dimensions of revelation. You are all I need, my love.”

389. Each time I look at you, I just smile to myself and think, “I certainly couldn’t be happier.” You are perfect just the way you are, my one in a million.

390. Tonight’s warm feelings won’t be because we snuggle up next to each other, but rather from the hugs enclosed in this sweet text.

391. Whenever I’m with you, time flies by so quickly. I never want our moments together to end. I love you more than you’ll ever know!

392. As darkness falls like snow and cloaks the skies, I pray to the Lord for your safety and dream of your beautiful eyes.

393. You’ve given me everything that I have ever dreamed of. A warm house to come home to, a warm hug that embraces me every day, soft kisses that promise me forever.

394. If I could choose all over again, I’d still choose you. The good times, the bad times, the joys, the triumphs – there’s no one I’d rather go through them with, but you.

395. Good morning to the most amazing boyfriend a girl could ask for! I hope that your day will be filled with happiness and good vibes.

396. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you, but I’m so glad that you’re in my life. You make everything worthwhile.

397. I love your flaws, and the fact that you have not let them overwhelm you. You are a beautiful person, both inside and out.

398. I admire you for your passion, honesty, bravery, and smile. I love you for who you are! Please be this way always.

399. I loved you as my friend, respected you as a colleague, and loved you as my boyfriend. You’ve become a part of every aspect of my life, and I love it that way.

400. I am so happy that I found my treasure; when you see me smile for no reason, just know I am not mad, I am thinking of our life together. I love you.

401. Every morning, I wake up and thank God for bringing you into my life. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I love you more than words can describe.

402. I’ll hold you close tonight, but just for a while, because your place is in among the stars tomorrow, and mine is here in your arms tonight.

403. To the very special man who puts up with all of my crap and still manages to make me laugh, thank you for everything.

404. What on earth did I do to get an amazing life partner like you? You make everything seem so easy, and I love you from the depth of my heart.

405. If fairy tales taught me anything, it’s that Cinderella’s prince thought only one woman could have a particular shoe size. You’re a definite upgrade.

406. Nothing in this world can ever keep us apart from each other. We’ll always be together, no matter where life takes us.

407. I’ll choose no other person than you, to walk down this love lane with. You’re my choice, today, tomorrow, always and forever, darling.

408. My heart flutters whenever I see you. Whenever you’re near, every problem seems to fade away, and I’m left with a feeling of tranquility.

409. “Since you came into my life, you changed me into a better person. I never believed love could be as sweet as this, baby, loving you is my greatest achievement in life.”

410. You’ve brought more joy into my life than you will ever know. I don’t ever want to lose you, so please stay with me forever. I love you.

411. I’m happy to see that our relationship is standing the test of time. The trial of distance is hard to conquer but I believe that we’ll be more than fine.

412. Baby, will you allow me to shower my love on you tonight? Only you are worth my deep love and affection, and only you will get it.

413. “What can I do without you? Nothing. You are all I can think of day and night, all I ever want to do is to spend all my days with you, my love.”

414. When I look at you I always know that we were meant to be together. Every moment we spend seems never to be enough.

415. Thank you for showing me what it really means to love and be loved. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

416. You always know what to say and do to cheer me up. I don’t know how you do it, but just being around you makes everything okay.

417. Some people don’t get the chance to grow old together, but I am lucky enough to fall in love with you and do just that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

418. You came into my life at the right moment. When I was about to give up you held my hand and showed me the way. Every day I love you more and more.

419. “You are my sunshine, sweet blessing and drop of joy. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without you. I love you.”

420. God is so gracious to me for sending you to me. I promise to always love you as long as my heart beats within me.

421. Whenever I look at you, I feel like the luckiest man alive. You have no idea how amazing you are. Good night, my one and only, forever and always!

422. You’re such a thoughtful person. You do things without any expectation of reward. I truly admire that about you. You always know what I need even before I do.

423. “I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had.” – The Notebook

424. With you I know I’ll conquer the world. I have no doubt in my mind that we are meant to be together, and I’ll never let anyone come between us.

425. I just want you to know that I’ve been thinking about you all day, and it’s really hard to fall asleep right now. I wish you were here, darling.

426. “Your love fills my heart. Your thoughts split my face and your gentle touch stills my soul. My darling, you make my heart skip a beat.”

427. I have so many good things to say about you, but I can’t think of any right now. So I just wanted to tell you that I love you and will always be there for you.

428. I want to grow old with you because you are the man that I have given my heart to. I love you now, and I will continue to love you forever and always.

429. We’ve had our ups and downs, but what matters at the end of the day is that we still have each other. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.

430. “All of me loves all of you.” I cherish every part of you – your curves, your edges, and your imperfections. Please give me your all, and I will give you mine.

431. Love shouldn’t be contained and kept quiet for this long which is why I’m letting you know how I feel about you.

432. You pamper me so much, and I just want to specially do same to you tonight. Get ready to be wowed, my love.

433. “Carry me on your journey, I am ready to follow you till all I know is you. You’ve bought me over by your love.”

434. Don't worry about the distance between us, darling, because it will strengthen our love with each passing day.

435. I love you not only for who you are now but for everything you have ever been as well as everything you will become.

436. Your love is the light that shines so bright in my life and makes every path and course clear. I love you, baby.

437. I didn’t fully understand what love was till you came and showed it to me, by showering me with unending love. I love you much more, darling.

438. I used to live an empty life waiting for someone who will love me but the moment you came, my life found new meaning because of your love.

439. Do you know how much I love you, and for how long I will? Love you more than life itself, and will do from now, ad infinito.

440. Your heart for me speaks volumes. And I only hope that I can make you feel as loved and wanted as you make me feel.

441. Today, tomorrow, and forever, I will love you. I want to grow old with you because I can’t imagine myself growing old with anyone else.

442. I would like to thank you for the incredible gift. You are such a great friend, and I’m glad we have found each other. I hope this message gets to you soon, girlfriend!

443. I want to hold your hand in old age because your hand is the only one that I want to hold. You are the man of my dreams, and there will never be another one after you.

444. Peace is being in your arms. Warmth is being held by you. Baby, I miss the peace and warmth only you give. I love you.

445. “I just want you to know that you’re very special… and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.” – Stephen Chbosky

446. Just a quick message to tell you I love you and am thinking of you (and us) right now. You’re my happy place.

447. It’s funny how we go through life, not knowing what love is. But this, this indescribable feeling I have never felt before…

448. “Many days have passed since I regretted heartbreak, but when I met you, the narrative changed. You are the reason for my living.”

449. “This is a thank you for every hour we have spent together, for every kiss, for every embrace and for every tear shed for one another.”

450. Life is tough enough, but when you are missing the person you want to share it with, that’s when things get really difficult. I love and miss you so much.

451. You’re always there supporting me in everything I do. Every time I fall, you’re there to pick me up. I can’t imagine life without you.

452. I will always be by your side. Whenever you feel down, I want you to look at me and know that I’ll make it all better.

453. “You’re always the first and the last thing on this heart of mine. No matter where I go, or what I do, I’m thinking of you.” – Dierks Bentley

454. We are a team. There is no me without you and there is no you without me. I want to grow old with you because your life is important to me.

455. Everyday I fall more in love with you, and there’s nothing that could change that. My heart is forever yours.

456. I don’t know what the future will bring for us, but right now, I know that my present is so wonderful. I love you, sweetheart.

457. I’ll always be there for you, through the good times and the bad. I’ll never leave your side because your happiness is what matters most to me. I love you.

458. We’ve been through a lot together, and we’ll experience much more in the future. There’s nowhere our relationship can’t go.

459. I love you becoming my husband. No matter what we get through, as long as we’re together, I know we will make it work somehow!

460. The truth is, my life is so much better because you’re in it. You help make me a better woman and I love the person I’ve grown into since you came into my life.

461. I don’t care how cliché this sounds but you changed my life the day I met you and I couldn’t imagine spending it with anyone else. I love you.

462. You are already an important part of my life and I want it to always be that way please don’t go away from me.

463. I’ll do anything always to keep you close to me not just physically but in my heart because I love you more than anything you can think of.

464. I can’t get enough of you, I like how we fit together, I like how we do things in common and how we make people see us.

465. Nothing can replace who you are in my life. I dream of you only when we are apart and even when we are together I cannot take my Eyes Off You.

466. I’ve never known anyone as selfless and caring as you are. You deserve the best in return, and that’s why I’m here, to love and cherish you.

467. No matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you, and I know you’ll always be here for me. You’re the person that I want to spend all of my tomorrows with.

468. You are the only person on this planet whose presence I don’t want to escape from. You are the only person whose presence I want to permanently escape with.

469. The most heart-touching moment was when you first told me you loved me. I will never forget that as long as I live.

470. There are times when I feel alone, but then I see your pictures or the gifts I have stored away and the memories come back. I love you so much and I miss you.

471. Darling, you’re the reason why I survive even the toughest of days, knowing I’ll be returning home to the most amazing man in the world.

472. Your love was my deliverance from every feeling of pain I’ve ever felt in the past. The only way I can repay you is to love you forever, my darling.

473. I do not know what life would have been like if you were not in my world. I am in love with you and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

474. Sure we have had our share of relationships before, but this is for life now. I want to be your last of everything.

475. You have a quality about you that is simply indescribable. I’m thankful that you’re by my side to make the journey of life easier.

476. My new set of hobbies include hearing your voice, seeing you, being held in your arms, and every other thing we do when together. I love you obsessively, darling.

477. I really wish you were here right now. I need you so much. There is no place I’d rather be than in your arms. Just hold me and tell me everything will be all right.

478. You’re an inspiration to me, and I draw a lot of my strength from you. You’re one of the reasons why I’m strong today.

479. “Like the rays of the sun, you have lightened my heart, you have shown me how true love can be. I love you, the sun of my life.”

480. My love for you is endless just like the road that goes on forever. We will always have each other to hold on to when the world gets a little too hard.

481. I’ll scream on the mountaintop if need be, I’ll do anything possible, just to let the whole world know I’m deeply and madly in love with you.

482. One look at you and I feel happy. One word from you and I feel lucky. One touch from you and I feel blessed. One love from you and I feel loved.

483. Babe, you’re the only one for me. Everyone else in this world doesn’t matter when we’re together, and I mean that.

484. You occupy the most sacred room in my life, and I’m just so blessed to house such an amazing gem as you in my heart.

485. You are the most loving, honest, caring, and thoughtful man I have ever met. I’m so lucky to have you by my side. I love you more than you’ll ever know!

486. That moment when I first saw your face, is burned into my mind. Like the stars that shine brightly every night, your face will forever be immortalized in my heart.

487. I love you more than you can comprehend. I want to spend every second with you and will forever. You are such a fantastic man, and I couldn’t be happier to call you mine.

488. “I love that you are my person and I am yours, that whatever door we come to, we will open it together.” — A.R. Asher

489. You are the love of my life and the desire of my heart. This is never going to change, not in this world, nor in the world to come.

490. I have never felt fear as intense as this. If there is anything I will be scared of on earth, it will be losing you to someone else.

491. The best feeling in this world is when I wake up next to you. The worst feeling is starting the day instead of staying and cuddling up to you.

492. “From your lips, to your hips, to your fingertips… I wanna kiss your body all over. From the goosebump on your skin, baby, you don’t have to say a word.”

493. “I am very indecisive and always have trouble picking my favorite anything. But, without a doubt, you are my favorite everything.”

494. The only thing that could make the world a better place is if everyone loved as much as I do. I love you forever and a day babe.

495. I wish it was possible for my heart to speak for itself, so it can explain how much I love, value and adore you. You’re my most precious gift, my love.

496. Hi baby, I know it’s too late, but I want to tell you how much I love and miss you right now. I just can’t stop thinking about you and can’t wait to meet you again.

497. I had no idea I could love someone this much until you came into my life. Loving you has been the greatest adventure and privilege I’ve ever had.

498. I’m definitely the luckiest girl ever. I’ve felt your love, see it, I have it, I own it. You’re the best ever, baby, I love you.

499. I didn’t know how to love or what love was until I met you in my life. You are the perfect definition of love, and I can’t wait to spend my whole life with you.

500. I was sitting here today and it hit me like a train. I need you so much. I can’t wait for the day when I can finally be with you.

501. Never believe that you must flatter me with worldly things. All I want is love because unlike earthly things, your love will not fade away.

502. I love it when you look at me. You’ve got this look in your eyes that tells me I’m the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen.

503. The moon is jealous of the sun because even though the sun is higher in the sky, it can’t begin to compare to the luminosity of your smile. Good night, my love.

504. It’s funny how you can go through life thinking you’re complete, until you fall in love. Now every time we’re apart, I feel incomplete.

505. Hi handsome, I miss you so much right now, and I wish you all the happiness in the world. I can’t express how much I love you, but time will tell.

506. You are my better half. Even if we spend a lifetime together, it still won’t be enough. You fill in the missing pieces of my heart and make our love complete.

507. You make me feel like a giddy schoolgirl. I never thought I would feel this way, but it’s like you’re my everything. You are the moon to my sun, the stars to my sky.

508. Take my heart and make it one with yours. There’s no one else I’ll rather give it to. I love you so much, sweets.

509. My life has been on a continuous change journey since you came into it. I love all that you are to me, darling.

510. I will always love you, no matter what the future holds for us. I can’t wait for the day that we will be together again.

511. “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” —Marilyn Monroe

512. I wish I could just teleport myself to where you are because I need to see you right now. I miss you so much.

513. No matter how bad the world gets, as long as I have you by my side, I will always have hope for a brighter future. I love you.

514. My day doesn’t end when the sun goes down, because I think about you and how much I love you. Good night, my handsome prince!

515. Like the great poets of our time, I have a hard time putting into words just how much you mean to me. Let’s just say, you’re my everything. Good night!

516. Of all the things I’ve achieved and all the good things that have happened in my life, being your wife will always be at the top of that list.

517. “When the reality of your love became obvious to me, I became obsessed with the fact that anything that is not you seems like hell to me.”

518. “Don’t ever forget how much I love you and if you do forget, I will be there to make you feel and witness the most powerful love you have ever seen.”

519. Let us begin this day with positive energy and a bright smile on our faces. Have a wonderful day ahead, baby!

520. I want you only, I live for you alone. I want only you, none else can do me like you do. I love you so much, hun.

521. You’re the reason I enjoy the taste of fine wine, the smell of fresh flowers, and the flavors of the best food. Life is good because of you.

522. Time spent with you is always amazing and refreshing, and I can’t wait to be in your arms again. I miss you, my love.

523. As I’m about to lay my head to sleep, I just want to tell you I’ll be dreaming about you alone all night long.

524. You know what I love most about you? Everything! You’re my perfect match in every way. I love you infinitely.

525. Love is powerful enough to make you achieve everything in life. Thank you for being with me through thick and thin and supporting me always.

526. “Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.'” – Erich Fromm

527. My life, since meeting you, has been brighter, happier, and full of more joy. Thank you for being the gift that keeps on giving.

528. There’s no one else in this world who could take your place. You’re irreplaceable to me, and you always will be. I love you with all of my heart and soul.

529. You are just right for me, the perfect one for me I couldn’t have asked for any better, cos you’re the best partner ever. I love you, darling boo.

530. “My love for you is like gold tested in the fire that cannot lose its beauty nor lose its preciousness. My love for you is eternal.”

531. I think I finally got bitten by a love bug. And I think the one I’m in love with is reading this right now. Love you.

532. You are my rock, and I adore you. I would never let you go or take you for granted. Our love is solid and trustworthy, a bond that lasts forever.

533. I found my voice only after you came into my life. I’ve found expression in your love, darling. I love you forever.

534. “Love is missing someone when you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in the heart.” — Kay Knudsen

535. I wish I could be with you even in my next life. Your virtues, ethics, and values make me want to keep you by my side forever.

536. Falling asleep next to you is pure bliss. The only thing that could make it better is getting to see you in my dreams.

537. Blissful love stories are hard to find these days. I am so lucky to have met you and created a beautiful love journey!

538. You might be tossing and turning in your sleep right now, but know that no matter what, I’ll always be there to hold you.

539. You make me feel like a kid again. You bring out the happiness in me that I thought was gone forever. Every day with you is like a dream come true.

540. “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” — Morrie Schwartz

541. I’ll always be thankful that you came into my life when you did. You make everyday an adventure for me. I love you!

542. Good night to the guy who makes my days bright. Sweet dreams to the guy whose love makes me burst at the seams.

543. “The moments we spend together are like honey, sweet and memorable. Without you, life wouldn’t be worth living.”

544. “Regardless of the obstacles that might hinder me from loving you, I will always find a path to love you. You are my gem forever.”

545. Your love in my heart casts out all fear. I’m just so full of love for you, and not a worry, nor fear, can abide in such an atmosphere.

546. “When trouble falls like rain and makes floods of water, I am sure that my love for you will remain like those eternal rocks forming the hills of my romance.”

547. I’m convinced you’re my God sent angel. Baby, only an angel can love me so perfectly. Thanks for showing me true love, I’m forever indebted to you.

548. I thought about what it would be like if you were here with me right now. It would make everything so perfect. I love you so much.

549. “There is always some madness in love with you. But there is also always some reason in madness. And that is you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

550. “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” – Jane Austen

551. My love for you is strong, my heart beats for you and I do not want you to leave my world please stay with me.

552. I love you, you are everything and more that I wished for and you make my life easy. You are my dream and I’m happy to have you.

553. I never thought I would find the one but I’m glad that fate put you in my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I really do love you.

554. I love you through every season of our life together. Our love transcends space and time. And I know that we were created specifically to love each other.

555. To have a husband as loving as you are, is something that every girl dreams of. I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have you.

556. “Before I met you, my communications were as dry as the desert sand, but my encounter with you has sharpened me. You are my intelligent hero, my love.”

557. I cherish how you make me feel good when I am sad. Thank you for inspiring me with your virtues and making me a better version of myself.

558. Even today when I look at you I still see the shy boy I fell in love with years ago. You’re all grown up now and still manage to take my breath away every single day.

559. Always remember that no matter what happens, I will always love you. You are the one person that I can see myself spending my whole life with.

560. My love for you is never-ending. I can’t get enough of you. I don’t know what I have given you in return for your unconditional love for me.

561. Your love keeps me going, gives me glory, makes me holy, and tell sweet stories. Baby, you’re my everything, I love you only.

562. You love me deeply, I love you silly. What more can a woman wish for than to have a rare gem as you, to be hers alone?

563. I can’t wait for us to be together again, the days seem so long and the nights even longer. I need you here with me. Good morning, baby!

564. When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and remember that’s where my fingers will always be.

565. You are the prettiest man I have ever seen. You are pretty inside out, baby! Just wanted to say, I love you beautiful!

566. “When you came, you were like red wine and honey, and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness.” – Amy Lowell

567. I will always be by your side no matter what happens in the future. I love you so much. Let’s stay together forever.

568. I wish I could be your soft pillow, as then you would look forward to seeing me every night, even if we fought. Good night, sweetheart!

569. Darling, you mean the world to me. Everything I do, I do it for you. You’re an important part of my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together.

570. Loving you is easy, like the Falling of Autumn Leaves. Every day with you is like a new adventure and I love you loads.

571. Your love is like a warm blanket that protects me from the misery and pain that engulfs the world. My knight, my protector, my provider, I love you.

572. “Loving you is my favorite thing to do! My love for you comes naturally and strongly. I have no control over it and it’s still intoxicating. You are intoxicating, babe!”

573. When we’re together, I feel like I can do anything. Thanks for being my pillar of strength and always being by my side no matter what.

574. You have an ability to make everyone feel comfortable. You are a natural-born leader and people admire you for that.

575. Hearing your voice, and seeing your face are the two perfect ways to start my day. I love you deeply, darling.

576. I hope you’re having an equally good morning as I am right now. Let’s make today a day to remember. Good morning, my love.

577. “No stronghold is strong enough to let you down, my love for you is permanent, an everlasting covenant and a continual pledge of faithfulness is accrued to you, my love.”

578. Nobody listens to me like you do, nobody understands me like you. You’re the only one for me, darling. I love you, I really do.

579. “Even when I try to sleep without your voice lulling me, I struggle, making me realize that sleep is worth nothing without you.”

580. We will remember the good times and forget the bad. We are in this for the long run. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

581. My dear, long-distance cannot destroy our relationship. If we communicate and trust each other, our relationship will grow stronger every day!

582. I’m so grateful to be the one you want to grow old with. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else.

583. You might not be a perfect man, but you’re my perfect man, perfect lover, and partner. I love you eternally.

584. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I feel so complete whenever I’m with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I’ll never stop loving you.

585. You are the treasure that I have been searching for all of my life. With you by my side, everything is possible.

586. “Touch me and put my soul on fire, there’s nothing I would want more than to be burned by the passion of our love.”

587. We may not have an extravagant or flashy relationship, but that’s what makes it so special to me. You’re the man I’ve always wanted and needed.

588. The world may leave you behind, but always remember that I love you forever and would never leave your side no matter what!

589. Everyday that we spend together is the best day of my life. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.

590. Rise elegantly like the king you are. Walk majestically to the bathroom and have a nice shower, make some warm coffee and smile brightly at the world.

591. I’ve loved someone nearby before and it didn’t work. I wanted to try something new so it’s a blessing to fall in love with. you.

592. I still sit back in amazement when I remember that out of the billions of people on the planet, God led you to me.

593. Your love for me is a testimony of God’s love for me. He knew all I’d need in this life, and because of that, He gave me you.

594. My love, I know this is just a stupid Facebook status, but I wanted to tell you in some way that I love you. Have a good night, and think about me as I think about you.

595. I was lost and hopeless but I kept praying for a savior to come into my life. God accepted my prayer and sent you.

596. I was very fine before I met you, or so I thought. Now, I can’t do without you. Not even a day without talking to, or seeing you.

597. Did you mean it when you said you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me? If yes, I’d be more than happy to spend it with you.

598. Everyday I wake up next to you is the greatest day of my life. I can’t wait for all the tomorrows we get to spend together. I love you.

599. “If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.” – DeAnna Anderson

600. I never liked complicated relationships before. Thanks to you, I’ve developed a surprising tolerance for it.

601. My deepest desire is to get to the depth of your heart, so, I can be sure nothing can ever snatch me from you. I love you eternally, baby.

602. You make this life worth living! Thank you for being a compassionate and kind partner and loving me through thick and thin.

603. I love you, my sweetheart, you have a beautiful heart and I’m in love with it. Our future will be the brightest thing in the world if we allow his love to grow.

604. You are in my thoughts constantly. I can’t wait for the day when we can be together because I need you in my life.

605. You are the only kinda sweet that’s good for me and with no side effects. I love you so much, darling, can’t get enough of you.

606. Sweetheart, look deeply into my eyes and see the truth. Reach my heart and touch my soul that is surrounded by the aura of love.

607. “Beyond life, there are a few things I care about, the first of which is love, and the second of which is you.”

608. “My laughter, my joy, and my excitement. I will love you with all I have no matter what comes my way. I will love you till my last breath.”

609. You need to know what you mean to me. Having you in my world and seeing you reminds me that true love exists because you have given me something to hold onto.

610. “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

611. If I could be anything, I would be your tears— so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips.

612. I never believed in soul mates until I met you. You are my other half and I cherish you forever. I love you.

613. Your love awakens me to a life I never knew existed. With you, it’s a life free from sorrow and pain, only full of bliss, joy, and happiness. I love you forever, baby.

614. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.

615. When I look into your eyes, I see everything I need. When I hold you in my arms, I feel like I am home. When I’m with you, time stands still.

616. “I thank God every day for bringing you into my life, and I promise to always be there for you and to always make you feel loved and appreciated.

617. To love is to risk not being loved in return. But it’s worth taking that risk, because not only do I love you, I’m loved in return. I’ll risk it every time.

618. I can’t even put into words how much you mean to me and each day I hope that I will open the door to your face.

619. You took a piece of my heart with you when you left. I hope to see you soon so that I can hug you, kiss you, and feel complete.

620. I just want to be with you tonight, and tomorrow, and all other days, for the rest of my life. I love you deeply.

621. Everyday we are apart, I lose a piece of my heart. Baby, come home soon so that you can put it back together again.

622. I’m not ashamed to declare that I’m an addict. Yea, I’m addicted to you, to your love, to your smile, to your touch, and everything you’re made of.

623. “The thoughts of your love revolve over me always like a fan. It keeps me cool even when I am feeling the heat.”

624. I’m a pretty strong person, but without you, I would be nothing. Without you, my life would have no meaning. I love you so much.

625. You’re the reason I haven’t lost all faith in humanity. You’ve shown me that there is still good out there.

626. Your love strengthens and emboldens me in unimaginable ways. Baby, I feel like a superwoman whenever I’m with you. Love you deeply.

627. “I don’t wanna close my eyes, I don’t wanna fall asleep, cuz I’d miss you babe and I don’t wanna miss a thing.” – Aerosmith

628. With you, I’ve come in contact with love in its purest form. Thanks for loving me truly, darling. You’re the world’s best lover.

629. “Your love is melodious to my heart, a piece of music to my soul, and comfort to my mind. I will savor you all the days of my life my love.”

630. Every day with you is like the first day of spring. You warm my heart and make me feel young again. I love you forever.

631. If there are problems, we’ll face them together. I don’t want you to ever forget that I’m here for you and I love you.

632. You’re just a big teddy bear to me. Even though we get into little fights sometimes, I know that I can always rely on you.

633. It may not be a big deal to most people, but to me it means everything. I want to grow old with you because I love you.

634. Having a life partner like you is no less than a blessing. I hope you have a sound sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated tomorrow morning. Good night, love!

635. I feel so blessed to have someone like you in my life. You bring out the best in me, and for that I’ll always be thankful.

636. You’re not just my boyfriend. You’re my best friend. I can always count on you to listen and to be there when I need you most.

637. I wish I could be there to hold your hand and look into your eyes as I tell you this, but until then just know that I will always love you. You are the only one for me.

638. When all I say or send to you is, “I love you”, it’s not because I’m short of words. It’s simply because I can never say it enough.

639. I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more. – Angelita Lim

640. Having you as my man, my crown, my love, my world, is the greatest of all possessions. When I want to count my blessings, I start with you.

641. Everyday I discover something new to love about you. You are such an amazing person and I’m glad you came into my life.

642. Your voice soothes my ears, and your touch, all ache and pain in my body. I just want you here, darling. I love you deeply.

643. “Like an ocean, I am overwhelmed, like the mountains, I am exceeded in height, like the trees, I am overgrown, just like your love, I am fully contained.”

644. If I were a teardrop in your eye, I would roll down onto your lips. But if you were a tear in my eye, I would never cry, as I would be afraid to lose you.

645. I love you, today, more than I did yesterday. And tomorrow, I’ll be loving you still, much more than I do now.

646. My love for you is more than you could ever imagine. I’m happier when I’m with you, and I feel safer than ever before.

647. “I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever.” – Rabindranath Tagore

648. I knew the first day I met you that we were destined to be together. You are the only one who truly understands me and I love you for everything that you are.

649. Your kindness and super care always make me wonder what life would have been without you. You are my hero and I love you eternally.

650. I promise to always treat you right for the rest of my life. I will love you as my life depends on it until the end of my days.

651. “If I ever did anything right in my life; it would be choosing you! You make me want to be a better person! I’m so lucky to have a man like you!”

652. “Your love has brought so much joy and happiness into my life. Thank you for being my partner, my confidant, and my forever love.”

653. I grow in love with you as the day goes by. With every passing minute, you mean so much to me, I dream of you day in and day out you are all that’s ever on my mind.

654. I have no doubt in my mind that we will make it past the finish line. We will grow old together and be a couple of happy old folks that everyone loves to be around.

655. At the centre of my heart, is you, and your deep love. I love you deeply, sweets, from the very core of my being.

656. You know that I’ll always have your back no matter what happens. You’re not just my girlfriend, you’re my partner in life.

657. I want to grow old with you. Not just mature, I mean really REALLY grow old. I never want to lose you. You’re the love of my life.

658. Sometimes I’m tempted to just look at you and I smile and think to myself that I did a good job picking you as my man.

659. “I can kiss you all day long and it simply doesn’t seem enough. My need for you grows every passing second.”

660. Good morning handsome! This is just a random reminder to tell you that I am so lucky to have you by my side in this beautiful world.

661. “I am the luckiest girl in the world because I have the best guy in my life. I am grateful to you for changing my life, I love you so much, you are my everything.”

662. Every day I wake up, I still can’t believe that you’re finally mine. I promise to make every day we have left together the best days of our lives. I love you.

663. My life is better because you’re in it. Have a great night of sleep, and remember how much I cherish you always.

664. You’re all I’ve been thinking about since you travelled, and I really can’t help it. I just want my baby to come home, and to be held in his loving arms again.

665. You’re the one person I can always turn to whenever life gets tough. I love you so much. You’re my one and only.

666. I love you today, tomorrow, yesterday, and always. You were my first thought when I woke up this morning and you’ll be the last before I fall asleep tonight.

667. No matter how bad our faults may be, I’ll always love you. No matter how much we argue, I’ll always be here for you. You’re my other half.

668. I thought I would feel lonely for the rest of my life until I met you. Now, you’re my whole world and I will never again feel alone.

669. I’m about to fall asleep and was just thinking of how beautiful you are. I must be the luckiest person alive to have you in my life.

670. Even as the years pass and we both get older, I promise you this… My love for you will grow stronger with each passing day for the rest of our lives.

671. “It’s always a big deal when it comes to doing other things, but when I see you I am strengthened to do all things.”

672. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met. You make me so happy and bright every day we are together. I love you so much. My love for you is boundless.

673. I can’t believe I ever doubted the existence of true love. You are proof it exists, and you’re mine. I love you so dearly, my amazing man and lover.

674. If I was a teardrop in your eyes I will roll down onto your lips but if you were a tear in my eyes I will never cry as I will be afraid and I do not want to lose you.

675. I have never loved someone as much as I love you. I adore you so much and I am lucky to have you in my life.

676. Thank you for your patience. I know I can be difficult at times, but you always manage to make me feel better.

677. When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I see you. There is nothing I can do without thinking of you.

678. I need you every minute of every day. I want to share everything with you, good times and bad, sickness and health. I love you.

679. “I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are kind, loving, and endlessly supportive, and I couldn’t ask for a better partner.”

680. My heart contains all the things I want to do with you. I can’t wait for the day I will sleep and wake in your arms.

681. “Then I realize what it is. It’s you. Something about you makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames.” ― Veronica Roth

682. I will always be your princess and you my prince charming. It’s never been more clear to me than it is now. I can’t wait to be in your arms again. I love you.

683. Last night I went to bed with a lovely smile because I know you fill every dream I have. However, this morning I woke up with a lovely smile because you were not a dream.

684. You are my sunshine, my heartbeat, and the happiness of every day. You are truly my everything and I love you.

685. “You are my breath of fresh air, my piquancy of good things, and the splendid of life’s grace, you are all I would desire, cherish, and worship.”

686. Loving you is worth all the risk there could possibly be in love. I love you with reckless abandon, darling.

687. From the moment we met, I knew we were destined to be together forever. I cannot wait for the day where we get to grow old and frail together. I love you.

688. I’m sending you this little SMS to remind you that even with my eyes open, I’m still dreaming of you. You’re always in my thoughts!

689. “Listen here, you cute little human being, I don’t like you anymore; I have officially fallen in love with you and I don’t plan on going back ever!”

690. I love you too much to let anything come between us. Baby, it’s you and me forever. I love you loads, irrespective.

691. When it’s cold, your love keeps my heart warm. When it’s hot, your love melts my soul and keeps me secure. I can’t help but love you forever.

692. I will never stop loving you. I have been dreaming of you for so long before I met you. I am happy that now you are in my world.

693. I want to grow old with you not just for this life, but for all of eternity. You can count on me being by your side until the very end. I love you.

694. You’re my one and only. I’m so glad we’re able to be together, and I want you to know I cherish every moment we spend together. Have a good night, sweetheart!

695. I feel so at peace when I’m with you. It’s like all my worries melt away when I look into your eyes. I love you.

696. “Does true love really exist Yes! You made me know that you are the pattern of all that is true and good. My gratitude exceeds the heights of the mountain.

697. Only you can make me feel this way. Baby, I’m on cloud nine, I just can’t stop thinking about you. I love you crazily.

698. “I will be forever in a coma without your breath to wake me from my very deep sleep. And I will wait patiently till you give it through my lips.”

699. “You do know your eyes twinkle when they look at new video games? Well, those twinkling eyes are the reason I have sleepless nights.”

700. “I am not known to be strong, but you have been my strength and my courage, my defense in times of fear. You are such a strong tower, my love.”

701. I see a future with you. I want to grow old with you and share everything, the good and the bad. I just want to be with you forever. I love you.

702. Your love has made me a stronger person. No matter what life throws at me, I know we’ll get through it together.

703. I’m the happiest woman in the world when I’m with you. Nothing matters as long as it’s you and me, together, against the world.

704. You have the mindset of a champion. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something because you most certainly can. I love you.

705. I appreciate how you work so hard to make our relationship work. I want you to know that I love you for that.

706. I know you’ll always be there to make me laugh when I need it most. I love how you always know what I need before I do.

707. Though we are miles apart, you will always be in my heart. You are the other half to my whole, my everything, I love you.

708. I always want to be at my best when I’m with you. But even when I’m not, I can always trust my heart with you.

709. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I thank my lucky stars every single day that you are mine.

710. My life wasn’t meaningful until you came and started rewriting a love story out of it. I love you truly, honey.

711. Hey lucky charm, I woke up this morning, all powered up, and ready to take on the day. You know why? Thoughts of your love strengthen me.

712. Your face is food to my eyes, your love is food to my heart, and your touch and warmth, food to my body and soul. I love all that you are a baby.

713. My heart yearns for you every day and night. I miss you more than you can imagine, darling! I love you a lot!

714. “The sun and the moon bear witness to my love for you, it resounds throughout seasons and times without end. I love you very much.”

715. It’s the way your gaze makes me feel. I love my name when you say it. Even my heart goes crazy for you when you touch it.

716. “I attest to the fact that loving you has been my greatest benefit in this life. When I incarnate, I will surely find love with you, my love.”

717. You might think I am in love with you because you are perfect. The truth is, baby, your imperfections make me love you even more!

718. Every time I look into your eyes, all my worries seem to go away. I know that with you everything is going to be all right.

719. I’m greatly blessed and highly favoured. I know, cos I have you in my life, as my sweetheart, always and forever.

720. It’s so silly how we got together, but I’m glad we did. I doubt if anyone else could put up with all my madness. I love you.

721. “Walls are barriers, mountains are obstacles, and oceans are limitations, but not enough to stop me from loving you.”

722. If they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, then I guess I really must love you, because I can’t even conceive a moment without you in it.

723. “My love for you is so real that it makes me want to do unreal things like jumping on the clouds and climbing the rainbow. I love you.”

724. Before I met you, I was lost and alone. But then, you came into my life and changed everything. I love you beyond the stars.

725. “No matter how raging the forces of the earth may rage against me, I will not lose the content of your love for me.”

726. “Your absence has not taught me how to be alone; it has merely shown me that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall.” — Doug Fetherling

727. With every beat of my heart, I love you more and more. You’re the rhythm that keeps me steady on the march through life.

728. Every single day that I spend being your wife, I realize how blessed I am to live an exciting life, and all because I have you. I love you, honey.

729. There’s no mountain we can’t climb together, no ocean we can’t cross together, and no goal we can’t achieve together.

730. I just remembered the first time you told me you loved me. There was a moment where I thought I was dreaming.

731. I’m the luckiest girl alive. I’ve got the greatest boyfriend in all the world, and I want to thank you for loving me.

732. What’s life going to be like, without you, ruling and rocking my heart and world? I never want to know the answer to that. I love you forever, baby.

733. You are irreplaceable, and your worth, immeasurable. I’ll trade your love for absolutely nothing in this world.

734. I was sitting here today and thinking about how much I love you and it hit me like a train. I can’t wait to see you again. I love you so much.

735. It is only for you that I will go through the heartache. I can bear the distance but can’t imagine my life without you.

736. My love for you is unconditional, and not bound by anything that happens. It’s always and forever, my darling.

737. You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re my best friend. My shoulder to lean on, the one I laugh with, and the one I share all of my secrets with. I love you.

738. Everyday that we are apart is a day that I will always remember. The day you came into my life is the day everything changed.

739. I’ve never known a love as strong as the love I have for you. You are the center of my world and I can’t imagine living without you.

740. I want to grow old with you. I want us to be together no matter what tomorrow holds. I want to experience everything with you.

741. I love you. Here’s to many more happy years of us together. This is getting cheesy, so I’ll end it with: I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, baby!

742. My love for you is like the ocean. It goes as far as my eyes can see and I’ll love you until the day that I die.

743. You know how to perfectly touch me in deep ways, and intricate places, without the use of your hands. Still, wonder why I’m so deeply in love with you?

744. Every day, you give me a reason to keep on living. From the moment we met, you’ve made my life happier and more fun. Thanks for making me feel so special every day.

745. You are the song I sing, even when all the music in the world stops playing. You’re my heart’s true song, darling. I love you.

746. All the men in this world could learn a thing or two from you. About being a husband, about being a lover, about being a great human being.

747. If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever. I miss you so bad.

748. I long to see your face again, darling, and be wrapped in your loving embrace. I’m so much in love with you.

749. Baby, your love is amazing, and it’s all I want and have ever needed. Don’t stop loving me, honey, I won’t survive it.

750. I want to be the one to take care of you and to show you that true happiness is within our reach. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving just that.

751. I know I’m in love. The words: tender, affectionate, handsome, strong and resilient are no longer a bunch of words. They are you.

752. I don’t know what the future holds, but, as long as you never stop holding and wrapping me in your loving embrace, the future will be just fine.

753. So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come.

754. When I look into your eyes, I see a reflection of myself. You’re my other half and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

755. Since I met you, I haven’t spent a single moment without thinking of you. You are in my thoughts, in my heart and my mind always.

756. Our hearts were made for each other, you and I, meant to be in love forever. I love you nonstop, my lovely husband.

757. Your love is my life’s light in this world full of darkness. Thanks for loving me unconditionally, darling. I love you, come rain, come shine.

758. You’re so precious I’d almost eat you up if it wasn’t for the fact that I know how much of a heart throb you are to everyone. I’ll just cuddle you close and never let go.

759. I know we’ve only known each other for a little while, but I feel like I’ve known you forever. It feels like you’ve always been there. I’m so glad that you have.

760. “I want us to build our love story in a way that our kids will look up to us. Let’s live our lives showing others what love really is.”

761. I was really afraid to lose you, but I see now that it would never work out between us because you are meant to be in my life forever.

762. I may not be your first love, first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything.

763. There’s no doubt that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’ve made me so happy and I want you to know that I really do appreciate all that you do for me.

764. We share the kind of romance that’s only possible in fairy tales, yet here we are! Together, we make everything majestic, baby.

765. “On my journeys, it’s obvious you are the fuel that powers my motion, without you I wouldn’t be able to move an inch. Such a wonderful boyfriend you are.”

766. I want to grow old alongside you. I want us to be together forever and always. You are my one and only and I will love you until the last breath leaves my body.

767. You’ve always been there in times both good and bad! I cherish this beautiful bond of togetherness! I love you!

768. “You’ve won my heart, your charms burn within me, I don’t know how to escape your snare, you have captured me. What will I do without you, my love?”

769. I love you. No act of God can take this away. We may be apart now, but no matter how far or where I go, please know that I am always with you in heart and mind.

770. Seeing you from afar made me think about what it would cost to have you. I’m glad you accepted me just as I am.

771. The touch of your affectionate hands, the smile on your face, the way you look at me, the way you cherish me all makes me love you more daily.

772. Your birthday is special to me for lots of reasons. Mainly because it’s the day God created the man who would change my life forever.

773. “I am determined to love you because you are all that has ever happened to me that needs to be considered true. I hold you in great esteem, my love.”

774. You’re the person I want to spend all of my tomorrows with. I love you, and may we have many more tomorrows together. Good night, sweetheart!

775. I may not be the perfect woman, there are times that I falter, but I sincerely love you from the bottom of my heart.

776. “What an inspiration you have become, your love has made me see, know and understand the realities of life’s expressions.

777. When you fall I will pick you up. When you are happy I will share your joy. When you need a friend I will be the first one there. I will always love you.

778. It is said that one doesn’t know what one has till it’s lost. But not with you, sweets. Your worth is immeasurable, and I love and value you greatly.

779. Your love taught me that it’s not only the face that’s capable of smiling but the heart too. Cos that’s what happens every time I think of you.

780. Most women have a certain degree of fear about growing old, as did I. However, as long as I get the opportunity to grow old with you, I know I’ll be just fine.

781. Honey, I just want you to know that I love you with my whole heart and life. And that’s never going to change.

782. You are the man of my dreams, the love of my life. You bring so much joy to me that I can’t stop smiling. I don’t know how you manage it, but I love you more every day.

783. I started living, the day I fell in love with you. You’re the number one best thing in my life. I love you irrevocably, hun.

784. Whenever I have a bad day at work, I think about the fact that I get to come home to an amazing man like you. I love you and I adore everything about you.

785. Hey honey! First of all, thank you for calling me beautiful every time you land your eyes on me. But you know what, it’s you that makes me feel beautiful.

786. You make me laugh, you kiss my forehead, you apologize and you make an effort. How am not supposed to love you so unconditionally?

787. I just want you to know that I’ve been thinking about you all day. It’s really hard to fall asleep right now.

788. Your love sets my heart ablaze, and your touch, makes me burn with holy fire. I love what you do to me love, I love you even more.

789. I never knew it was this romantic until I fell in love with you I saw love from an entirely different point of view.

790. The only song I want to sing for the rest of my life is of my deep love for you alone. I’ll sing of your love for eternity.

791. I miss you so bad, baby. You’re all I ever think about. You’re on my mind so much that it almost feels like we are together.

792. We have proven to each other that we truly are soulmates. I didn’t even think that it was possible to love someone as much as I love you.

793. Only you can make me blush while at a meeting as serious as the one I am in. Love you unapologetically, baby.

794. “My love and my heart, my sustenance, and my comfort, I cherish you forever ever, even in my greatest dilemma you remain my very own, you are my comforter.”

795. Make my heart your home, darling. Come to dwell and fill my heart with all of you, and all of your love. Nothing satisfies like you.

796. Everyday, I fall a little bit more in love with you. I want to grow old with you because I believe that our love is infinite.

797. Loving you has opened me up to a whole lot of things and they make me think of how beautiful our future together will be like.

798. “In all the world there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world there is no love for you like mine.” — Maya Angelou

799. My heart is ever flowing river of passion and desire. It will always be full for you to take all you want and give back all you can.

800. These past few months have been the happiest of my life. I never knew that love like this existed, and it’s all thanks to you.


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