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185 Best Razor Ramon Quotes: The Bad Guy (Scott Hall)

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “If people are offering you help, swallow your pride and accept it because people who care about you want to help you. ”

2. “Say hello…to the BAD GUY!”

3. “I am not a Bret Hart fan. To me Bret’s really selfish, if you watch, there’s points in that match where I’m hitting Bret with what’s regarded as a hell of a working punch. ”

4. “Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don't last, but BAD GUYS do. ”

5. “You think you can outsmart Razor Ramon? Think again, amigo.”

6. “I had success in Japan, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, but nothing in the U. S. where it really matters. ” – Scott Hall

7. “Everybody knows you can’t have a party on ‘Raw’ without the bad guy. ”

8. “My life is like driving down a road. I occasionally glance in the rearview mirror, but I’m not focused on the past or looking back anymore.”

9. “You don’t get any better unless you’re around guys who know more than you. ”

10. “You mess with the bull, you get the horns. And the Razor’s Edge.”

11. “Powerbombing someone on the apron or into the turnbuckle, those are not moves Sting and I grew up with.”

12. “Survey says: one more for the bad guys.”

13. “All I’ve ever done is work in bars and be a wrestler; I often wonder if I’d have pumped gas, would I have been a womanizer and had addiction problems?”

14. “Be positive. Keep grinding. Stay positive.”

15. “My message is, if you need help, ask for it.”

16. “You can try to imitate Razor Ramon, but you’ll never duplicate my greatness. I’m one of a kind!”

17. “I would consider myself one of the highest-paid job guys in history. ”

18. “You want some of this? Come get it. ” – Razor Ramon

19. “NOBODY messes with ‘The Bad Guy’!”

20. “Chico, I don’t need some armchair quarterbacking, some bookworm, telling the bad guy how to fight. ” – Razor Ramon

21. “Take a look at Razor Ramon. I come from the gutter. No education. And look at me now. I’m the main man in the WWF. ” – Razor Ramon

22. “Be positive. Keep grinding. Stay positive. ”

23. “When the fans spend money, you normally leave the audience happy. ” – Scott Hall

24. “Say hello to the bad guy, ’cause Razor Ramon’s here to stay!”

25. “Survey says: one more for the bad guys. ”

26. “Hey, chico, I’m Razor Ramon, the baddest hombre in this squared circle!”

27. “I’m a big Kevin Sullivan fan. ”

28. “I’m Razor Ramon, and I ooze machismo.” – Razor Ramon quotes

29. “I had been successful in Japan, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, but nothing in the U. S. where it really matters. ”

30. “Chico, I’m like a steel razor cutting through the competition.”

31. “I would love to help guys transition from ‘NXT' to ‘Raw. ”

32. “I always find it really flattering when people are going to line up and wait in line for hours to tell you how cool you are and to take a picture with you. I always have time for that. It makes you feel good. ”

33. “Chico, I don’t need some armchair quarterbacking, some bookworm, telling the bad guy how to fight. ”

34. My life is like driving down a road. I occasionally glance in the rearview mirror, but I’m not focused on the past or looking back anymore. -Scott Hall

35. “I walk the aisle with style and profile, and I leave a trail of victims behind.”

36. “All you’ve done so far is talk, man.”

37. “I’ve always said it ain’t ‘Show Friends.’ It’s ‘Show Business.’”

38. “All you’ve done so far is talk, man. ”

39. My most important legacy is being a good father to my two children. -Scott Hall

40. If Ya Smell What the Rock Is Cookin’

41. “Hey yo!” – Razor Ramon

42. “When I'm in the ring, I'm doing great. As Razor Ramon or the ‘Bad Guy,' I don't have a care in the world. But when I come back through the curtain, reality is there waiting. ”

43. “I'm a big Kevin Sullivan fan." — Scott Hall/Razor Ramon

44. “I ooze machismo, chico. It’s a gift from the gods!” – Razor Ramon quotes

45. Keep grinding. Stay positive. –Scott Hall

46. “I tell my kids this, ‘I can’t tell you not to drink and do drugs, they are fun. It’s fun. They work. ’”

47. “Kick him when he's down, he's easier to reach. ”

48. “You don’t impress me, chico. ” – Razor Ramon

49. “Bad times never last. In the end, everything turns out to be for the best. You just have to hold on until then without ever giving up. ”

50. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of All Ages…

51. “For me, I was really struggling because I was Scott Hall in the gym and Scott Hall in the grocery store and in the ring. Until I got a gimmick, a look, and got to be a character, that's when I started making strides. As Scott Hall, I didn't have a gimmick, so I didn't know what to do. ”

52. “There’s got to be some reason that I’m still here, I should have been dead 100 times. I should have been dead 100 times. ”

53. “Hey yo! Say hello to the bad guy!”

54. “My most important legacy is being a good father to my two children. ” – Scott Hall

55. “My life is like driving down a road. I occasionally glance in the rearview mirror, but I'm not focused on the past or looking back anymore. ”

56. “My daughter is on an academic scholarship at the University of Central Florida. I feel so blessed. ”

57. “I’m cooler than the other side of the pillow, and twice as dangerous.”

58. “I was kind of like the Tito Santana of my era.”

59. “If you have any talent, you can’t be held back, and you can’t be held down. ”

60. “I've always said it ain't ‘Show Friends. It's ‘Show Business. ”

61. “I was Razor Ramon, and I started the nWo.”

62. If I had to do it all over again, I’d probably live the same way. –Scott Hall

63. “I’m the epitome of cool, and I’ve got the gold to prove it.”

64. “If I could leave anybody with anything, it’s this – if you need help, ask for it. ”

65. “Nobody struts like Razor Ramon, and nobody can match my style.” – Razor Ramon quotes

66. “I don’t want to die, but I’m not afraid to.”

67. “Nobody does it better than the Bad Guy, and nobody ever will.”

68. “It comes back to what Chief Jay Strongbow told us years ago, ‘In this business you can make friends or you can make money'. And I remember lookin at Kev and X-Pac and going, I already got some friends, I'd like the money. ”

69. “Say hello to the baddest hombre to step foot in the squared circle.”

70. I occasionally glance in the rearview mirror, but I’m not focused on the past or looking back anymore. -Scott Hall

71. “If I had to do it all over again, I’d probably live the same way.”

72. “When I hit you with the Razors Edge, it’s lights out, and you’ll know who’s the real boss.”

73. “My most important legacy is being a good father to my two children. ”

74. “I’m not just a wrestler; I’m a force of nature. Fear the bad guy, for I’m unstoppable!”

75. “What I want to do is bring back managing in the wrestling business. ” – Scott Hall

76. “I’m the baddest dude to ever step foot in this ring, and I’ll prove it every time I compete!”

77. “Kick him when he’s down, he’s easier to reach.”

78. Look at my life. I almost died. I almost died several times. My shoulders were down, man. But I kicked out. I kicked out again. -Scott Hall

79. To Be the Man, You’ve Got to Beat the Man

80. “God has blessed me many times. I had some great genetics.”

81. “No matter how many times you fall, you can’t stay down forever. You need to get back up on your feet and carry on. “

82. “I want the other riches in life; I want to get married. ”

83. “Oh, yeah, let’s get it on!” – Razor Ramon

84. “Everybody's going to have their own tolerance toward ribbing or bullying or whatever. If somebody's more sensitive, then you can't rib them as much. ”

85. “Chico, I’m not just the bad guy; I’m the guy that the bad guys are scared of.”

86. “My life is like driving down a road. Occasionally glance in the rearview mirror, but I’m not focused on the past or looking back anymore. ” – Scott Hall

87. “You see this toothpick? It’s a symbol of my dominance, my swagger, and my confidence.”

88. “I’m like a hurricane in that ring, leaving destruction in my wake. You can’t escape the Razor’s Edge!”

89. “If I had to do it all over again, I’d probably live in the same way. ” – Scott Hall

90. Be positive. Keep grinding. Stay positive. –Scott Hall

91. “I’ve got the gold around my waist, and I ain’t lettin’ go.”

92. “I don’t need a script; I’m a natural-born showstopper, chico!” – Razor Ramon quotes

93. “If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably live the same way. ”

94. “When you’re in the ring with Razor Ramon, you’re playin’ with fire, chico.”

95. “I was Razor Ramon, and I started the NWO. ”

96. “For me, the only thing I had to look forward to was the ring because my personal life wasn't doing that great, so my fake life was what I was holding onto. ”

97. “Razor Ramon doesn’t need luck. I make my own luck, and it’s always bad for my opponents.”

98. “Don't sing it, bring it. ”

99. “Whether they cheer or whether they boo really doesn’t bother me as long as they’re paying attention. ”

100. “You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. ”

101. “I don't work any different in Japan than I do in the U. S. Some guys do, but if you're entertaining, you're entertaining, and if you're not, you're not, and that plays worldwide. ”

102. “God has blessed me many times. I had some great genetics. ”

103. “Anybody who shows love for my kid, I got love for. ”

104. Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do. -Scott Hall

105. What!?

106. “Powerbombing someone on the apron or into the turnbuckle, those are not moves Sting and I grew up with. ”

107. “I'll go on record and say it's way more fun riding in front of a cop car then riding in the back cuz you can get out if you want to. ”

108. “What sucks is when you want to quit and you can’t, and pretty soon you alienate or you hurt everyone around you. It’s a family disease and then you can’t keep a promise to anybody. What sucks the most is when you can’t even keep a promise to yourself. ”

109. I had the inability to ask for help when I needed it. People offered to help me, but I refused. -Scott Hall

110. “I’m happy for anybody who gets an opportunity or a break in the wrestling business. ”

111. “Chico, I’m the gold standard of professional wrestling. Nobody shines brighter than me!”

112. “What I want to do is bring back managing in the wrestling business. ”

113. “I’m Razor Ramon, and I’m the reason why the ladies love the bad boys.”

114. Oh Yeah!

115. “My most important legacy is being a good father to my two children.”

116. “Once you learn how to work inside the ring – once you learn how to tell a story – then you can come to a big company like the WWE and learn the extra stuff, like the video, the pyro, the music, and that adds to everything you can do. ”

117. “Now, that’s what I thought there, Dean. You’re all bluff and no stuff. ” – Razor Ramon

118. “I don’t just win matches; I leave my opponents lying in a heap of broken dreams.”

119. Whatcha Gonna Do When Hulkamania Runs Wild on You?

120. “I want the other riches in life; I want to get married.”

121. People offered to help me, but I refused. -Scott Hall

122. “I don’t want to die, but I’m not afraid to. ”

123. “When you’re the best, you can’t mess with the rest.”

124. “Look at my life. I almost died. I almost died several times. My shoulders were down, man. But I kicked out. I kicked out again. Someone upstairs obviously likes me. So maybe I should, too. ”

125. “When guys leave NXT and go to the main roster, those guys are already over. ”

126. “I don’t work any different in Japan than I do in the U.S. Some guys do, but if you’re entertaining, you’re entertaining, and if you’re not, you’re not, and that plays worldwide.”

127. “Survey says: one more for the bad guys. ” – Razor Ramon

128. “I was kind of like the Tito Santana of my era. ”

129. “I always wanted to be a main eventer in pro wrestling. I lived my dream, but the excess of the '80s and the huge money of the '90s became a great temptation for many of us. ”

130. “I don't even know what a gluten is, bro. ”

131. Yes! Yes! Yes!

132. “Now, that’s what I thought there, Dean. You’re all bluff and no stuff. ”

133. “I had the inability to ask for help when I needed it. People offered to help me, but I refused. They'd ask ‘How are you?' and I'd answer, ‘Better than you. ”

134. “I never really thought about the fact I wasn’t world champion. It’s all fake, so having a belt really means having extra weight in your luggage. ”

135. “Say hello to Razor Ramon. Check out my ride, man. It’s custom, just for Razor. ”

136. “Shawn Michaels really helped me a lot. We helped each other. It was a good partnership. ”

137. “When I came in, there wasn't a bunch of women wrestlers. There was maybe one or two who came in a couple months a year. ”

138. “When I’m in the ring, I’m doing great. As Razor Ramon or the ‘Bad Guy,’ I don’t have a care in the world.”

139. “Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do.”

140. Shawn Michaels Feud

141. “The NWO, yeah, we're a bunch of outlaws, thugs, whatever you want to call us, but… we do what we want, when we want. And we're having fun doing it. ”

142. “I’m the man of the hour, the tower of power, too sweet to be sour!”

143. “One of the biggest insurance mistakes boat owners make is endorsing their boats onto their homeowners policies, which may not cover their losses from a major storm. ”

144. “Mental illness is real, and I got them. I don’t know if it’s the multiple concussions or the lifestyle choices. ”

145. “Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do. ” – Razor Ramon

146. “Hard work pays off, dreams come true.”

147. “You want a fight, compadre? Step up, and I’ll show you the meaning of pain!”

148. “Obviously, I’m against bullying, but it does happen. ”

149. Hard work pays off, dreams come true. -Scott Hall

150. “Thanks to Vince, his wife Linda, Stephanie, Shane and Paul. Thank you for helping me. It’s hard to ask for help. It’s even harder to accept it, when people offer it.”

151. “The only thing that I'm sure of is I don't know, but I know that positivity works. ”

152. “When the fans spend money, you normally leave the audience happy. ”

153. “Everybody knows that Razor Ramon—he wear the gold. ” – Razor Ramon

154. “All I've ever done is work in bars and be a wrestler; I often wonder if I'd have pumped gas, would I have been a womanizer and had addiction problems?”

155. I almost died. I almost died several times. My shoulders were down, man. But I kicked out. I kicked out again. -Scott Hall

156. “I never really thought about the fact I wasn’t world champion. It’s all fake, so having a belt really means having extra weight in your luggage. ” – Scott Hall

157. “Say hello to the bad guy!” – Razor Ramon

158. “Razor Ramon doesn’t play by the rules; I make my own rules and break ’em whenever I please.”

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160. “The Bad Guy doesn’t just win; he conquers!”

161. “Hard work pays off, Dreams come true. Bad times don’t last but Bad Guys do” - Scott Hall AKA Razor Ramon RIP 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 #RIPScottHall

162. Hey Yo!

163. “I have been to rehab nine times. They were high dollar and some of the best ones around. Vince has picked up the tab the last couple of times. If you ever work or worked for WWE, if you ever need help, he will give it to you. He is really cool. Thanks to Vince, his wife Linda, Stephanie, Shane and Paul. Thank you for helping me. It's hard to ask for help. It's even harder to accept it, when people offer it. ”

164. “I had the inability to ask for help when I needed it. People offered to help me, but I refused.”

165. “I’m the measuring stick, and everyone else falls short.” – Razor Ramon quotes

166. “I think the best thing I can do for me is to show up places and be clear-headed. Because when I'm clear-headed, my phone rings. I get opportunities. ”

167. “I feel like I couldn't have screwed up that bad as a dad, because I have a pretty good relationship with both of my kids. ”

168. “Oh, yeah, let’s get it on!”

169. When I’m in the ring, I’m doing great. As Razor Ramon or the ‘Bad Guy,’ I don’t have a care in the world. -Scott Hall

170. What sucks the most is when you can’t even keep a promise to yourself. –Scott Hall

171. Excuse Me!

172. “Chico, I don’t need some arm chair quaterbacking, some bookworm, telling the bad guy how to fight.”

173. “I’m hitting Bret, and he’s not even moving, he’s not even registering it. It was what it was, he was the new champion, and he needed a win, which he got. ”

174. “I’m the heartbeat of this business, and I make it look easy.”

175. “You can't control the weather, but there are definitely things you can do to protect yourself and the investment you've made in your boat. The key is to get started early so you have the supplies you need and you have a plan for what you're going to do with your boat. ”

176. As Razor Ramon or the ‘Bad Guy,’ I don’t have a care in the world. -Scott Hall

177. “Look at my life. I almost died. I almost died several times. My shoulders were down, man. But I kicked out. I kicked out again.”

178. “I'm working on a cooking show; I'm going to do some of it at Dallas Page's performance center. I'm going to do a cooking show called ‘Dude Food,' where I show young guys how to eat good and clean, cheap. ”

179. “I think by now, people know Razor likes nothing better than a good fight. ” – Razor Ramon

180. “What I'm doing with the NWO is for me, for my family, so I can leave a legacy for my kids. ”

181. “When you step in the ring with me, you’re gonna feel the toothpick slap of the Bad Guy!”

182. “Step into my world, and you’ll experience a level of pain you’ve never felt before. The Bad Guy always delivers!”

183. “What sucks the most is when you can’t even keep a promise to yourself.”

184. “Hey! You people, you know who I am. But you don’t know why I’m here. Where is Billionaire Ted? Where is the Nacho Man? That punk can’t even get in the building. Me? I go where I want, whenever I want!”

185. “All you’ve done so far is talk, man. ” – Razor Ramon

186. The Best There Is, the Best There Was, the Best There Ever Will Be


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