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350 Perfect Quotes for Teachers Farewell (2023)

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. It is made from the excellent education imparted by teachers like you. Farewell.

2. My heart was always filled with happiness every time I see you grow. You’ve carved a special place in my heart and I promise to always pray for your success. I love you! Goodbye.

3. “The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves.” — Joseph Campbell

4. The future is good and colorful. cherish it, strive for it and dear student, I encourage you to always be a goal-getter. Good luck to you.

5. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier

6. May every dream you hold dearly in your heart come true. I wish every day of your life brings you the very best. Good luck.

7. I am happy that I met amazing, dutiful, and good individuals like you. I hope that your paths will be imprinted on the paths of legend. Goodbye.

8. You have done your best, I wish you all the best as you step into the new beginning in life. best of luck.

9. I wish you the best of luck, may success be there with you in every stage of your life. May all your hopes and aspiration come through and every single day of your life brighten you the best.

10. Thank you for being the greatest mentor that ever lived. You are not only our teacher but also a true leader whose example we should all follow. Farewell!

11. You have given me just that. Thanks, farewell.

12. You are a father, a hero, and my role model. All these years, you have given me inspiration, motivation, and the much-needed knowledge to excel in my chosen profession. All my best wishes are with you wherever you may go. Farewell!

13. Dear students, you have shown remarkable academic performance and achievements at different levels in this school. Thank you all for making us proud.

14. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward

15. Warmest wishes to you as you move on to the next phase in your life. I am so sure you will continue to have great success in all areas of life endeavors.

16. If I have the opportunity to teach again, I will choose you. You made my job easy and very impactful considering how successful you are today. Keep shining dear. Goodbye.

17. Your act of love when corrected will never be forgotten as it pushed out my passion to let you know what is right at the time. I am certain this principle will guide you on the path of life. I love you all.

18. My heart is filled with joy at the good news of your graduation from our school. Best of luck to you dear student.

19. Farewell to one such teacher.

20. My dear student, my message to you is single; stay focused and remain purposeful. With this, you will surely reach your goals. I love you.

21. Don’t let anybody place a limit on you, make the most of every life opportunity that comes your way, and never say no to any challenge. Farewell.

22. “It’s never crowded along the extra mile.” — Wayne Dyer.

23. I can’t tell you how much it hurts to say goodbye dear students. But I will have to go anyway. I will miss you all. You are all in my thoughts. Love you.

24. I love you, I believe in you and I trust you will put in your best in life to fulfill your aspirations. Once again, I love you.

25. As another important phase of your life starts now, never allow academic excellence to be a thing of the past. All the best dear students!

26. It is impossible for us, to say goodbye. As we bid you farewell, we can’t help but cry.

27. I wish above all that your dream will come to reality and you will find fulfillment in your ambitions. You have become part of my building process, I am forever indebted to you. Goodbye.

28. I love the smiles on your face. It is an expression of the joy that cannot be withheld as your result is astounding and amazing. I hope you will not give up but continue to be the best. My deepest wishes are that you prosper in every way. I love you all.

29. As you graduate from this college this time tomorrow, I may not be there to guide you, but I am so sure what you have learned will be with you forever. It is a note to say thank you, dear student!

30. Leaders like you are few and far between. Your knowledge, vision, wisdom, and efforts to turn this world into a place of hope and peace are of great importance to our generation. We promise to follow in your footsteps on the path to greatness. Goodbye!

31. Graduating from our school today is all for the betterment of your future studies, but we will miss your presence in this school. Farewell, dear student!

32. “You can. End of story.” - Cory Lewis.

33. “Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas.” — Charles Kettering

34. May you make the most of every life opportunity that comes your way. Wishing you all the best. Farewell.

35. As you move higher into the next stage of your life, don’t forget to always aim for the best. My greatest joy is to hear the news about your success in the years to come. I love you.

36. You have been a major source of inspiration and motivation in my life. Working under your leadership has been so fulfilling. I wish you endless happiness and success in your new role. Goodbye to the greatest mentor ever!

37. My gratitude goes to the best graduating class I ever taught. I became tough, I became a dove, I became your friend, I became your counselor, I became your motivator, I became your strength. Whatever I became made me better than I was yesterday. Above all, it made me love you unconditionally. You have carved a special place in my heart. I love you!

38. Everyone thinks they have strict limits," she said, "until they cross them. - Author: Jonathan Franzen

39. I wish you nothing but success and happiness in your new role. We will miss you so much. Goodbye, and I hope you will visit us often.

40. It is always an emotional moment when it comes to the end of the year. We all wish we could be together a bit longer because of the great moments we have had and the bond we have formed but just know that I will never forget any of you. Goodbye.

41. “When you study great teachers… you will learn much more from their caring and hard work than from their style.” – William Glasser

42. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot

43. I remember those times when you cried and said: “I can’t do it because I am not the best.” Those times tore my heart but they braced me to encourage and let you know “you can do it”. I remember how your smile chuckled with joy because you did it. Today, you have done it again and you will do it again. I am certain that this determination will help in your next Journey. Goodbye.

44. “It always seems impossible until it's done.” - Nelson Mandela best end of school year quotes

45. As much as the classroom materials meant a lot to us. Your presence was all I desired and your presence helped me to impact your positively. I wish you the best in your new phase of life.

46. Keep on spreading your river of knowledge around the fields of life that surround you as move on with your studies and career in life. Your stars in the sky will soon be seen by all and sundry, each displaying every uniqueness in you all. I will miss you!

47. I will always miss you, dear students, because I know you all are the finest ones I have ever met. Wishing you a great journey in the future ahead.

48. I will continue to remember those sweet moments. Lots of love dear student!

49. “You can. End of story.” — Cory Lewis

50. I pray for you all that you achieve a lot of success in your future, may your dreams come through as you make the most out of life. Farewell.

51. All the best to you dear students as you move on to the next chapter of your life. God bless you all.

52. I will always be with you every step of the way because my heart is keen on your growth and success. Be rest assured that I will always wish you the best. Goodbye.

53. Farewell, to one such teacher.

54. “Good friends never say goodbye, they simply say ‘See you soon.'” – Unknown

55. “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” — A.A. Milne

56. I am so happy to share your joy with you today. It reminds you of your struggle to get to where you are today. I cherish the moment of your grooming just as I cherish you. I will always miss you all.

57. “They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.” - Carl W. Buehner.

58. “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” — Oprah Winfrey best end of school year quotes

59. Congratulations on your retirement! Thank you for all your years of selfless service to our great country and for leading by example. May you continue to find success wherever you may be. Goodbye, my great mentor!

60. I am much fulfilled I was your teacher, and it is difficult to come to terms with the reality of this end. It hurt to see you go, don’t forget all the memory we shared, and always remember you are very special people. Much love.

61. “Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” - Michael Josephson best end of school year quotes

62. Don’t give up on life challenges, always try harder to get the best in life. All the best.

63. I shout at him to remind him of his duties. That does not mean that I do not trust him at all. - Author: Anuradha Bhattacharyya

64. I can’t but be happy about how successful you have all become today. My investment into your life count and I can’t but be proud of that. Your memories will always linger in my heart. Keep growing, bye!

65. I had always wanted to let the world know that you are a genius. The desire fueled my passion as your teacher towards your mental and emotional growth. I am happy the world would not recover from your Impact. Goodbye world’s best innovators.

66. You are the motivation for the inter-house school game and debate. More importantly, you are an integral part of the success our school has experienced thus far. We love you!

67. I pray for you today that your future will never be without blessing and the necessary help needed. All the best dear.

68. I pray that you will achieve a lot of success in your future career and may all your dreams come true. Farewell, dear student!

69. I just wanted to let you know how delightful and fascinating it was to work with someone like you. Thank you for the time and effort you spent helping me succeed as a professional. I will miss you and always remember you fondly.

70. It is my utmost desire that you face life with great courage and you never succumb to any challenge of life. I wish you a bright future full of fulfillment.

71. I had so much fun being your teacher, mentor, and also as your second family. All the best for your brightest future. Lots of love!

72. Our act of diligence and dedication has helped you to achieve this great and extraordinary result. I am grateful to the universe for giving me students who desire to pay the price to succeed. I urge you to continually value the act of diligence and dedication as it will help in the next phase of your life. I wish you well.

73. I can’t believe it is all over! You all have become part of me so much that I wish you will never have to go. I will miss your innocence and enthusiasm. I am happy to know your memories are always with me. Keep shining.

74. It was no doubt that I had an amazing time teaching you. I will miss every single moment I had instructing wonderful students like you. it was truly exciting being with you guys. Love you, goodbye.

75. I am sorry for the times I shouted, took your time, ensured that you read non-stop, and made test questions hard. I just wanted you to be at your best and I am happy you are one of the best today. Don’t stop being the best. I love you! Goodbye.

76. ‘Ends were new starts,’ you told us, teacher.’ I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that this chapter closes on a high note.

77. Thank you all for giving me the privilege to invest in your life. No doubt my impact is being felt in your life considering how successful you all are today. You are the best. Goodbye.

78. Dear students, There is a new phase waiting for you with a new career and dreams. My prayer is that you will all scale to your next level without much trouble. Lots of love! Farewell, dear student!

79. I promise to always look out for success. Whenever your heart is seeking an answer, keep calm, you will always hear my voice teaching and guiding you because you have become part of me. I’ll miss you all.

80. “At any given moment, you have the power to say, ‘This is not how the story is going to end.’” — Christine Mason Miller

81. The wisdom you have imparted to me is a treasure that will forever remain in my heart, and I vow to pass it on to my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

82. Dear students, it is with great joy to see you graduating to the next phase of your life. I have watched you grow into maturity in all spheres of life and I love those moments of grooming because they endeared me to love you unconditionally. I wish you all the best in life. I love you and I am missing you already. Continue to be the best you can be.

83. I know your future will be so bright and I look forward to hearing about your academic excellence. I am so happy for you. Wishing you all the very best in life.

84. Success is not for the faint-hearted. Reaching the top is not for losers, keep doing your best and the future will be yours. I wish you well.

85. Life is for the strong, you can only achieve your desired success when you strive and stay motivated. Don’t ever give up on your dreams, with your resilience, you will achieve them. I love you.

86. It was not the chairs, desks, whiteboard, and books that made my class interesting. Your presence made the difference. I love you and wish you the best in life.

87. It is the end of the year and we have to go but I want you all to know that you have a special place in my heart.

88. I wish you all the best in life. May your dreams come through. May success be your companion. Farewell.

89. Thank you for the knowledge you have imparted to me. Your passion for success has no end. Thank you for always being there for me; I will miss your kind words and encouragement. Goodbye!

90. Every leader started from being a student before attaining the position of greatness. I have always treated you like the great leader you will become. I did not see you as a student because you are the hope of a brighter future for me. As you move higher in your pursuit of success, it is my prayer that you will emerge as one of the greatest leaders of our time. I will miss you.

91. “Every child should have a caring adult in their lives. And that’s not always a biological parent or family member. It may be a friend or neighbor. Often times it is a teacher.” – Joe Manchin

92. .Because my teacher believed in me, I never gave up. Now I am flying towards my dreams.

93. If there is anything I will love to tell you all as I say my goodbye is that you should stay focused and remain purposeful. With this, you will surely reach your goals. I love you.

94. Your ideals and work ethic have changed many lives for the better. Thank you for your sacrifices and for showing us that a goal without a plan is a mere dream. It’s a pity knowing it might be difficult to find someone like you to carry on your good work. Still, we rejoice in your example and wish the best for you. Goodbye!

95. With your perseverance and endurance, you have inspired us to take pride in our work. May you continue to guide and inspire those around you! We appreciate everything you have done for the team, and all our best wishes are with you. Goodbye!

96. I faced every challenge during the period of learning because of the love I have for you. I was always happy to teach you and make you understand what I teach because I just wanted you to be the best and I wish you would always be the best.

97. We might be giving you a standing ovation, but from inside we are weeping tears that could fill an ocean.

98. I am so glad my desire to be a teacher was fulfilled when I see you guys graduating after thorough mental and emotional growth. I know the world will stand in ovation to celebrate you all. It hurt to say goodbye.

99. I pray to god to bless your future with health, joy, peace, and prosperity. I will miss you. all the best.

100. Farewell and good luck.

101. My greatest heart desire is to see you all at the top of your careers in the future going exceptionally well. I will not stop praying for you champ. Goodbye.

102. “Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Unknown

103. “Farewell is not the end of life. It’s just a goodbye to the time we spent together and a hope to meet again soon.” – Farewell Messages-Wishes-Quotes

104. “At any given moment, you have the power to say, 'This is not how the story is going to end.'” — Christine Mason Miller

105. I wish you had many more years to spend with us. You are special to all of us; we appreciate you, and we will greatly miss your words of wisdom and encouragement. Farewell!

106. It has been a great year for all full of work and fun. We have shared lasting memory and productive time learning and growing but it is the end of the year already, and we have to go. But don’t forget, you all hold a special place in my heart.

107. May you not lack in receiving wisdom even as you give so much to learning. You deserve to reap much more in the future ahead of you. Farewell, dear student.

108. I believe in your dreams and I am sure you will accomplish your goals. Just believe you can and you will see how greatly you have accomplished your goals and made your dream come true. You remain the best dearest students. Goodbye!

109. Don’t ever dream little in life; let it be registered in your mind that you can have it all.

110. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

111. Your journey with our school may stop here, but above all, it is the beginning of new heights for you. Continue to be dedicated to your work. I wish you a successful life.

112. If you can think it, you can achieve it. Best wishes for your bright future. Lots of love!

113. “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy — I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” — Art Williams

114. I am very glad to see how mature you have become and I am certain that you will make the best use of all you have been taught. I will miss you all. Farewell.

115. “Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.” - Matt Haig.

116. “Someone once told me not to bite off more than I could chew. I'd rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity.” - Unknown best end of school year quotes

117. “Let’s do what we love, and let’s do a lot of it.” — Marc Jacobs

118. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for giving me the privilege to sow seeds of greatness in you. Thank you for bearing the fruit of excellent results. My Joy today is your success. What greater reward can I ask for? You are my reward in the next year to come and I am glad to know you will not fail me. I love you tremendously.

119. “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.” — John F. Kennedy

120. As much as I wish you all the best in life, I must tell you to never give up because you have all it takes to do any work and succeed at it. Good luck as you follow your dreams.

121. “You don’t want to look back and know you could’ve done better.” — Unknown

122. You have inspired so many of us in the office to strive to do our jobs better by working as a team toward achieving the organization's goals. You have been an excellent mentor and have prepared us to continue in your footsteps. May you enjoy your retirement. All the best!

123. “When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” — Patrick Stump

124. A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship. - Author: J.R.R. Tolkien

125. “It’s never crowded along the extra mile.” — Wayne Dyer

126. Dear student, don’t stop believing in yourself and you will see all your dreams come through. May success be your companion. Farewell.

127. The time has come to prove to the world that you are a genius. This is one quality that will help make a change in your next phase of life. I love you and wish you a blissful farewell.

128. My life has been full of meaning being your teacher. You have taught me patience and made me a better person. May your future be bright and shining.

129. No doubt there is a glorious future waiting ahead of you, I pray that you fulfill your dreams without much difficulty. Best wishes.

130. It won't be the same here without a teacher like you. I hope your new job is a fun and rewarding adventure. Farewell, and thank you for being such an inspiration!

131. Dear students, I don’t have any doubt that you will all do well in life. I have taught you well and with hard work, diligence and commitment I believe you will reach the top. Goodbye. I love you all.

132. “Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.” – Aristotle

133. Your laughter, stubbornness, ignorance, enthusiasm, intelligence, and innocence will always linger in my memory. Your presence cheered my excitement when teaching and I will definitely miss everything about you. I love you!

134. May your future be all bright and very colorful. May all your dreams come through. Enjoy!

135. Life events will happen but never see yourself as a failure. The best of life opportunities are waiting outside there for you. Go grab them. You can succeed at everything you set your mind to and achieve all you want.

136. “We all learn by our experiences, but some must attend summer school.” — Peter De Vries

137. Don’t forget the 2 D’s diligence and dedication. It is your key to attaining success in every step of your life. I will be glad to hear about your success and impact. Goodbye!

138. I will keep those great memories we spent together forever. May your future journey be smoother and full of happiness. Cheers!

139. Thank you for the motivation, knowledge, and insight you have given to us and for always being there for us. We appreciate the time and effort you spent on us during your time at the company. Goodbye, and we hope to see you again soon!

140. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein.

141. Dear students, I know there were times I was hard on you, there was the moment I made the tests and exams tougher than expected. But all that was to make you better than your peers. Today I can say I am very proud of you all.

142. It looks like you have an exciting new role ahead of you, but we, your mentees, still can’t believe you’re leaving us. Although we wish you were sticking around, we are happy about your transition and know you will do tremendously well!

143. After the Volcker Fund collapsed, I got another grant from the Lilly Endowment to do a history of the U.S., which I worked on from 1962-66. The original idea was to take the regular facts and put a libertarian assessment on everything. - Author: Murray Rothbard

144. I must always pray for you and ask God to guide you through life and help you achieve the best in your chosen careers. I love you.

145. I am so glad I got the privilege to be your teacher. Every bit of the time we spent together was so special and spectacular to me. Though we also had a tough time it was to give you the best. I wish you all-round success in your life endeavors as you graduate today. Love you.

146. I wish you the very best for your next level of academic achievement. May you find happiness in your next future studies.

147. Be gful to the man who cares nothing for your remorse. You are his equal. - Author: Rene Char

148. Be strong as you strive for great success in life, the challenges you face on your way to success are nothing compared to the joy it brings. Good luck to you.

149. We join our colleagues in appreciating the knowledge you have imparted to us. We will always look up to you; your boldness and selflessness will always guide us. Rest assured that the wisdom you have passed on to us will leave a lasting impression.

150. Congratulations! Today is your special day and I am so glad to see that you have really grown in every area of your life, not just as a graduating student from our prestigious school, but as a young mind who has yielded to be equipped with the right mindset for the future ahead. All the best, dear student.

151. You are loyal and the most dedicated student of them all. Besides, it’s easy to mentor you on other important things in life. Thank you for being part of me, dear student. God bless you.

152. “What sculpture is to a block of marble; education is to the human soul.” - Joseph Addison best end of school year quotes

153. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” — Albert Einstein

154. I am very proud of you, being your teacher brought me much honor. I feel so fulfilled to watch you learn and grow. We had a great time working and also having fun.

155. “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” - Nora Ephron.

156. “Often, when I am reading a good book, I stop and thank my teacher. That is, I used to until she got an unlisted number.” – Author Unknown

157. The future doesn’t belong to the man doing it quickly but to the man doing it right. May you do everything in your future dear. Good luck!

158. There is a glorious future waiting ahead of you, I pray that you fulfill your dreams without much difficulty. You can do it.

159. Just like a dream, I have to say goodbye to you dear students. My time with you was one of the best moments of my life. I wish you the best in life. Goodbye!

160. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

161. “We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when, but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.” – Vera Lynn

162. “The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.” – Khalil Gibran

163. Moving on to a new sphere of career and dreams can be a challenging process but you will surely turn out well. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors.

164. Good luck to you in this next level of adventure and dreams. I wish you all the best in life. Congratulation!

165. In your journey in life, may you meet the most important people to your success; good friends, great spouses, nice bosses, and so on. I wish you all the best.

166. By emulating your example of sacrifice, motivation, courage, foresight, consistency, appreciation, and self-discovery, I know that I will always succeed wherever I may find myself. Thank you for the time and effort you spent mentoring me and others at the company. Goodbye!

167. In life, wisdom is the principal thing, never despise wisdom. And you will see yourself arrive at greatness. I love you so much. Goodbye!

168. Being your teacher, that, I will miss the memories we shared will be an understatement. I wish you all the best in your life endeavors.

169. Dear students, it is time to say goodbye. I wish you the best in life. Remain happy and purposeful. I will hold on to your memories forever. I love you all.

170. The ethereal beauty of the female semblance conceals that they really are dangerous like a great white shark in the most peaceful and deep water.

171. More than just being lucky, I wish you great success, joy, prosperity, and fulfillment in your future. Love you.

172. “Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas.” – Charles Kettering

173. I hope you’ll always remember all I have taught you. I hope you’ll always remember to build your potential. I hope you’ll remember that you are unique and different. I’ll always remember you and I’ll wait to hear your success story. Goodbye!

174. Learning comes with unique colors and fragrances. You have come with a combination of those colors and fragrances. With the colors, you make me a well-deserved teacher. With the fragrances, you make me receive honor all around me. Lots of love

175. It is always an emotional moment when it comes to the end of the year. We all wish we could be together a bit longer because of the good tie and the great bond we have formed but just know that I will never forget any of you. Goodbye.

176. “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” – Charles Dickens

177. Dear students, you all have brought the name of this prestigious school to the limelight through your academic performance. Thank you all. We wish you all the best.

178. My dear students, we have come to the end of the year, I feel so emotional to say goodbye. I want you all to know that I love you.

179. This is a piece of wisdom we’re all happy to follow. Farewell.

180. It is sad to bid you farewell, my world’s best student. I am happy you are graduating into your next phase of life as a better and more mature individual. I am happy to know that you have imbibed a good and quality attitude that will make you shine in your next phase of life.

181. “Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

182. May your place be with the great and success be with you always. Wishing you the very best in life.

183. Your voice will always linger in my heart. It will remind me of your outstanding qualities. You have your way of putting smiles on my face when I get angry at your laziness and indulgence. I am happy you learned to abhor laziness and indulgence which made me love your diligence and dedication. I will never let go of the memories I have with me. I wish you success as you go higher.

184. Moving on to a new phase in life can be quite challenging but I want you to know that the best is waiting ahead of you. I wish you good health and enough courage to achieve your goals. No doubt you will be great.

185. Good luck and warmest wishes to you. God bless you and keep you. This is my heartiest wish just for you.

186. I would love to be your teacher again and again. I am privileged to have tutored intelligent and brilliant students like you. I love you and I wish you the best in your endeavor.

187. The truth is that I took pleasure in your success; I will not cease to pray for you all that you strike the greatest possible height in life. That will be my fulfillment as your teacher. Goodbye.

188. The anchor for the mind is what it carries. Let me say to you that ‘you’ve learned what will strengthen your future while with me’ no doubt you will do well in life. Congratulations!

189. As you keep the right company and give your best to all of you, I don’t doubt that you will succeed greatly. I love you dearly.

190. “Just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined.” — Anonymous

191. “Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.” — Matt Haig

192. Big congratulation and all the best for your higher studies and continue to make us proud. Cheers!

193. Rest assured that I will be there for you whenever you need me. May you always find the wisdom to achieve your dreams and set goals in life. Congrats!

194. You have motivated me to invest in you and I am happy to see how much my investment has made you successful. I love you! Goodbye.

195. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela

196. “They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W. Buehner

197. My thoughts and ideas flourish daily. All these are in response to your love for knowledge over the years. I will always cherish you.

198. Never look down on yourself. You have what it takes to be a success in anything you set your mind on. I love you.

199. There were days you thought I was your enemy because of my desire to see you succeed. I am happy to know you value those moments of discipline and encouragement as it has helped you to this very stage of your life. As you proceed higher in your pursuit of success, it is my prayer that you will be successful in every facet of your life. I love you.

200. Such an irony, that it is even worse than all the long hours you made me spend in detention. We’ll miss you, goodbye.

201. “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” – G.K. Chesterton

202. “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” — T.S. Eliot

203. “The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves.” - Joseph Campbell.

204. It has been a long year of serious and intense work, teaching, learning, test, and exam has been rigorous exercise, even at a time you felt I was being unnecessary hard on you but I am so glad it all paid off, you are all graduating with good grades. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

205. You have proven yourself to be a very dedicated student who has the capacity to do great things in life. We are proud of you! Continue to dream big. Wishing the best in your new adventures.

206. I pray for you all that you will achieve a lot of success in your future, may your dreams come through as you make the most out of life. Farewell.

207. Our relationship as student-teacher has been so fantastic. I pray you all reach your goals and do great in life. I will miss every one of you.

208. I promise to give my unflinching support whenever you need them in your next phase of life. Your success is my greatest joy and reward. I love you.

209. May every step you take usher you into greatness. Good luck to you.

210. Dear student, I want you to know that your future is very bright and shining. Let nothing stop it. May you find purpose and live a very meaningful life. I love you.

211. Success is not for the faint-hearted or the ill-prepared, I pray you never miss out on any opportunity to succeed in life. Best wishes.

212. You have been so courageous and consistent in every area of your life. Wishing you the best in life. I love you all so much, dear student.

213. Dear students, Always desire to grow in wisdom. It will guide and direct your decisions in life. Remember, my heart will not fail to wish you well.

214. Thank you for the knowledge and skill you have given me and continue to give each day. Thank you for helping to prepare young leaders like me for the world of tomorrow.

215. “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” — Nora Ephron

216. Congratulations on the new heights to achieve more excellence in your future studies. You are going places in life, and I am so happy for you, dear student. Warmest wishes!

217. I am so lucky to have such fun-loving students that made a happy surrounding during class hours. Thank you all. I love you. Warmest wishes!

218. Don’t give up on learning, keep updating yourself, and make sure you don’t play down wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. They will guide you through life and give you great success. Goodbye.

219. “The greatest sign of success for a to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’” - Maria Montessori best end of school year quotes

220. “The two most joyous times of the year are Christmas morning and the end of school.” — Alice Cooper

221. Thank you for being there for us in this college. I wish you a great life ahead with lots of fun and opportunities. Blessings!

222. Became your friend and I am glad I did. our friendship became the sacred tree of diligence and dedication with which you tied your undiluted success. You deserve your success today because I have seen your work for it. I believe you would never give up the path to success in your next phase of life. Goodbye, dear students.

223. Dear students, it is time; I have to say goodbye. I want to employ you to always keep yourself happy, focused, and purposeful. I will always keep you all in my heart. Love you.

224. “Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” – Sidney Hook

225. You are all registered in my heart and I will not stop praying for you. my desire and joy is to see you all succeeding and doing great things in life. I love you all, goodbye.

226. It is not my eloquence that makes my farewell pleasing. It is your heart that makes my farewell golden to you. Thank you for allowing me to groom and nurture you to a path of success. Thank you for making me a part of your success story. I love you.

227. Dear students, I know there were times I was hard on you, there was the moment I made the tests and exams tougher than expected. But all that was to make you better than your peers. Today I can say I am very proud of you all. Goodbye.

228. It was fun to teach amazing students like you! I’ll miss the moments we spent together. It was fun. These memories would continue to linger in my heart. I love you! Soar higher than you have ever done.

229. Education is part of life, but sometimes to add more to it, we need to allow the next phase it brings to us. It is goodbye to you in the hope you learn more in life. Good luck, dear student!

230. As students, you have strived well to be excellent in your studies, and you have shown again and again that nothing is impossible when there is dedication.

231. I am happy I was your teacher. Every single moment we shared meant so much to me. I will continue to hold you dearly in my heart. Much love.

232. “Although no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.” — Carl Bard

233. Keep the right company; give your best to all you do in life, then success will be at your fingertip. I love.

234. Life is waiting for you out there, may you never miss the best of the opportunity available to you. I pray that every single day of your life brings you tangible success. Best of luck.

235. I did not regret giving my time to you because you made them count by achieving great and excellent results. I have no fear for your future because you have been trained to only be the best. I will miss you.

236. “So often you find that the students you’re trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you.” - Sean Junkins.

237. No mountain is insurmountable, with dedication and courage you will always reach your goals. Never no any challenge of life. I wish you the entire best dear.

238. Thought I have to say goodbye now, but I Want you all to know that you are dearly in my heart. The moment we spent together was really fun. Thank you for allowing me to make that lasting contribution to your lives. I will never stop loving you.

239. Thanks for everything, farewell.

240. Finding a knowledgeable and skilled teacher like you is not easy. I am incredibly lucky to have been given the chance to find you and connect with you. You have been my role model ever since I joined the team. Farewell, sir!

241. Don’t give up on learning, keep updating yourself, and make sure you don’t play down wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. They will guide you through life and give you great success. I love.

242. Not only have I enjoyed working with you, but I have also gained experience and the tools necessary to build a strong reputation and be an excellent, loyal employee. Farewell, and good luck!

243. “So often you find that the students you’re trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you.” — Sean Junkins

244. “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell

245. “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul.” — Joseph Addison

246. Don’t wait for life to happen to you, do your best, and work hard to reach your goals. I love you so dearly.

247. They will be called Inspiration, Motivation, Knowledge and Wisdom – because that is what you have given us all these years. Farewell, to my favorite teacher.

248. As your teacher, I so much believe in you, and I know there is a great future waiting ahead of you. I wish you all the best in your life endeavors.

249. Know the journey is laced with challenges to bring you down but I am certain that you will bravely face all challenges until success becomes your name. Goodbye!

250. I would have loved to give you gifts and trophies for your great success but I discovered that you owe yourselves the greatest gift by making great success in a dynamic and outstanding manner. You have done that today! I am glad you.

251. I wish you success, progress, and all the best in your future. I pray nothing stops you from reaching your greatest height. I love you.

252. May you continue to be happy and prosperous as you move to the next phase of your life. You have been wonderful to me. Thank you for being part of my experience. I love you.

253. The way you’ve learned from me and the people that come around you, makes me know you will come to the limelight in no time. You have been so stable, bringing stability to every area of your life. I love you forever, dear student!

254. The end of the year comes with so much of emotional feelings; saying goodbye after we have shared great memory and fun is not always easy. Thank you for giving me the privilege to impact you. I love you.

255. I was always happy to teach you because you welcomed my excesses and made the best use of them. Words cannot express how happy I am to know you. I wish you all the best in life. Goodbye.

256. Dear students, this is just to say goodbye, but you will always remain special to me as you start the bright future ahead of you. God bless!

257. I can’t forget the great memories we have shared. I wish you great success and prosperity in your future endeavors.

258. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

259. The thought of letting you go make me sad but I have to come to term with reality. You are special kids, you make teaching easy and pleasant for me. I will miss you all.

260. What an emotional moment it is for me right now to know the end of the year is here and we all have to part. I will miss you all. Best wishes.

261. This is the beginning of your success. I will always pray that it will not be the last but the beginning because your success is my joy and pride for being your teacher. Goodbye.

262. Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have given me during my time as the regional manager of our company. Even though I’ll miss my colleagues and this wonderful company, I’m looking forward to this new role and to starting a new phase of my career. Goodbye!

263. “You don’t want to look back and know you could’ve done better.” - Unknown.

264. My wishes for you are that you find the best of friends, the greatest happiness possible, love as deep as the ocean, and the highest level of success. Enjoy!

265. One thing you should never be in doubt of is your ability to achieve anything in life. You have all it takes to achieve greatness and be the best in any field. I wish you all the best my dear.

266. Good things don’t come easily; you have all worked hard and endured so much to make it to the end-of-the-year graduation. Please don’t stop fighting for the best, always give your best. I love you all.

267. The end of the year is always difficult, saying goodbye after we have shared great memory and fun is not always easy. Thank you for giving me the privilege to impact you. I love you.

268. My times with you guys were precious times full of joy and fulfillment. I am very glad that I had the opportunity to be part of your developmental process in life and destiny. I will see you all at the top. Best of luck, dear.

269. “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” — Oprah Winfrey

270. How time flies! I wish the times we spent together could come again without fading out. The days are gone but the memories of your peculiarity will never elude my mind because they were the reason my passion lingered. I wish you success in your next phase of life.

271. May your future be bright and shining. May you find purpose and live a very meaningful life. I love you.

272. Your dreams brought us together and I am happy that you allowed me to groom you to achieve a part of your dream. Never give up on your dream. My utmost joy is to see your dreams come to reality. Goodbye students.

273. Don’t wait for life to happen to you, do your best, and work hard to reach your goals. I wish you all the best.

274. Your dream to change the world through your childhood ambition should not die. My desire is to see you fulfill your dream and accomplish great success. This is my goodbye message to you.

275. “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” — Taylor Swift

276. Go in this strength of dedication and do the impossible. All the best.

277. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” — Thomas Edison

278. “Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful.” ― Beau Taplin

279. But for us, learning from a teacher like you was nothing less than a once in a lifetime experience. Farewell.

280. “Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” — Michael Josephson

281. May new opportunities be opened to you wherever you go to accommodate more success as you have always been a successful student in our school. Adios!

282. Being mentored by you has been a great pleasure. You are a beacon of strength and knowledge. If there were more people like you, the world would be a much better place. We are who we are today in no small part thanks to your efforts as a leader. Goodbye, and I hope to see you again soon!

283. “Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful.” — Beau Taplin

284. Farewell, to our favorite teacher.

285. The school is now going to feel, boring and blue. Most importantly, learning will never be the same without a teacher like you. Goodbye.

286. Moments with you have taught me to love unconditionally. I am happy to know you have learned something positive from me. I am confident of your success in the nearest future. This is not a goodbye; it is a moment that will help you to stay focused, knowing your teacher wishes you nothing but success.

287. Thank you for giving heed to everything you have been taught. Thank you for becoming better day after day. Thank you for rewarding your teacher with excellent results. As you move to your next phase in life, may you achieve extraordinary success!

288. Wishing you the very best for all the new endeavors that life has in store for you.

289. Make new friends, but do not forget the old ones who always love you. Wishing you all the blessings of life.

290. “Let’s do what we love, and let’s do a lot of it.” - Marc Jacobs.

291. School is an essential part of life and I am happy you have allowed it to have the impact that is needed in your lives. May you all achieve success in your future studies.

292. “The greatest sign of success for a teacher … is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’” — Maria Montessori

293. I wish you the best of luck for success to be your companion life, may every step you take be guided and well directed toward the fulfillment of every dream in your heart. Best of luck.

294. I became used to the questions you asked me. You have to believe me, they made me a better person day by day. I am excited to know it made you who you are today. Go with your heads held high and answer the question the universe throws at you. I will always love you.

295. “Although no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.” - Carl Bard best end of school year quotes

296. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” - Robert Collier.

297. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts

298. I will miss the relationship we share, I will miss your sincerity, I will miss your smile, and I will miss everything about you because the best of everything that ever existed in my class is you. I am indebted to loving you.

299. “Someone once told me not to bite off more than I could chew. I’d rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity.” — Unknown

300. Farewell.

301. “So often you find that the students you’re trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you.” — Vicky Davis

302. It has been a great year for all full of work and fun. We have shared lasting memory and though we may be parting because the year has come to an end but you all hold a special place in my heart.

303. I have mixed feelings right now because I may never see some of you again but I also feel gratitude because it is for the better. I pray life delivers the best to you and may all your hopes and aspirations be fulfilled.

304. I wish you success, progress, and all the best in your future. I pray nothing stops you from reaching your greatest height. I love you, bye.

305. As I depart my dear students, I will love to leave you with this important counsel; never give up on yourself. I will keep you in my prayers. Goodbye.

306. As your teacher, I will really miss the memories that we have shared together in this institution. Congratulations to you.

307. May you continue to be relevant as you have always been with us in this school and achieve greater heights in your future education. Good luck, dear student.

308. Thank you all for making me proud as your teacher. I gave all my best in impacting you with knowledge and you put in the hard work to birth excellence. Best wishes in your future endeavors.

309. Set your goals, and learn to turn the impossible situation around. The odds are in your favor. You will reach your goals.

310. What an emotional moment it is for me right now knowing we have come to the end of the year and I have to part with you. I will miss you all. Best wishes.

311. To my esteemed friend, colleague, and mentor—I have treasured your guidance and encouragement so much. Now it's time for us to part ways; we are moving onward and upward. Goodbye, and I hope to see you soon!

312. You have given me the best gift a teacher desires. I celebrate your astounding performance and I am forever indebted to your success as my heart will always wish you nothing but success in your next phase of life. I love you all.

313. I wish you greater heights in the next stage of your life. I am certain that you are ready to face and amaze the world. My heartfelt wish to you as go is that you succeed. Goodbye.

314. You are not one in a billion to me. Your comparison as my amiable student is to a population. So I’ll say ‘you’re one kind in a lifetime to me. Go and make all of us proud.

315. Wishing you all the best for the future, may you succeed at everything you set your mind to and achieve all you want.

316. It hurts to say goodbye but I have to say goodbye to you today! I know you are going out to do exploits and make your teacher proud. I’ll miss you all.

317. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. My joy is that you succeed in every aspect of life. I love you.

318. As I say my goodbye champs, I wish you the greatest success possible. Don’t ever give up on your dreams, with your resilience, you will achieve them. I love you.

319. “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.” - John F. Kennedy.

320. Thanks a lot and farewell.

321. Dear student, it is my desire and joy to see succeed and do great things in life. But this will only be possible when you put in your best. Don’t ever be mediocre.

322. I welcome you to the world of success you have always wished for. I am happy to know you will make your dreams come to reality. I wish you success in all areas of your life. Goodbye.

323. Your confidence is one thing I can’t trade for mere words. I am sure you have the confidence to outgrow every fear and challenge life throws at you in your next phase of life. You are bold, beautiful, and handsome. I wish that you get the best out of life. My best wishes to you.

324. “When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” – Patrick Stump.

325. It has been a great pleasure working with a mentor like you. I know you will be just as successful in your new role as you have been here. May you have a marvelous, enjoyable experience abroad!

326. In my next world, if I have to be a teacher, I will still choose you as my student. You are a young, courageous, brilliant, and hard-working champ who has made me proud of my work. Best wishes as you graduate,

327. You are moving to a new stage in life, no doubt you will face new challenges but never give up because they are meant to reveal the greatness within you. I wish you all the best.

328. In life, there are wrong turns, may you never turn the wrong turn in life, and may your future be full of great success and fulfillment.

329. May you do amazing things in life and come out with flying colors as move on to the next stage of your life. All the best.

330. We were incredibly lucky to be among those trained during the time of an icon like you. We will truly miss your mentorship! Farewell!

331. Wishing you great success. Keep up the good work and never stop aspiring to be the best in life.

332. My wish for you is that you find the greatest success possible and that you soar in your chosen field of life. I love you.

333. I am proud to have taught the leaders of tomorrow and I am certain that you will put all you have been taught into practice. I believe you, I love you and I will miss you all.

334. Never forget the passion and commitment you have given to learning and studying in this school. Therefore, always make sure the same dedication guides your further studies and career. Farewell, I will miss you.

335. “Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.” - Martin Luther King Jr best end of school year quotes

336. “The hardest part of loving someone is saying goodbye.” – Unknown

337. If you look behind you will see great memories, before is a great dream, and around you are people who so much cherish you and within you is all you need to succeed in life. Best wishes on your graduation dear.

338. I am proud to know you became an integral part of success through your adherence to discipline, rigorous study, and learning activities. I am certain you will remain a success and achieve the greater feat in your dream career. Goodbye dearest student.

339. We became a family for the purpose of achieving great things. Classroom activities became easy when we all made up our minds to achieve great results. Here we are today! The result of that decision has brought undiluted Joy and happiness. I am the happiest person because I am proud of your success. It pains me to say goodbye but I will have to bid farewell to my dearest students.

340. “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.” – Unknown

341. The world may not understand the relationship I share with you. It is beyond a teacher-student relationship, it is the relationship that siblings share. Today, it seems it is the end but it is the beginning for me as my desire to see you grow in all aspects of life will keep you close to my heart. Goodbye!

342. May every single day of your life be filled with great joy, happiness, and fulfillment. I will you all rounds success as you begin a new journey of life.

343. “What I remember most about high school are the memories I created with my friends.” — J.J. Watt

344. You are more than a student to me. You do more than learn in my class. You are a reality of life in every aspect, dear student. You’re worth all my time and efforts to make the best in life.

345. “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne best end of school year quotes

346. “In teaching, you cannot see the fruit of a day’s work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.” – Jacques Barzun

347. Goodbye, all your students are going to miss you.

348. The truth is that I took pleasure in your success; I pray for you to strike the greatest possible success in life. That will be my fulfillment as your teacher. Goodbye.

349. Thanks.

350. I may forget the pranks I played in class and I may forget all the tests in which I failed. But I will never forget the reassuring words of my favorite teacher. Goodbye.

351. “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” - T.S. Eliot best end of school year quotes

352. “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

353. God’s favor is with you now and always. May you shine like a star dear student. Wishing you good luck.

354. Words cannot express how saddened we were to hear you were retiring. You have been an inspiration to all of us in the department and a mentor we have always looked up to. We wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. Goodbye, my mentor!

355. Dear student, Looking at the way you have been consistent in your education over the years with us, I am persuaded that the learning you have acquired here would help you in your future studies. Good luck to you!

356. We are all special and very pleasant people. Having to let you go at this time makes me very emotional. Just know that you are all great people. Much love.

357. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. I am delighted to know that every little effort you exerted into your academics yielded a great excellent result. I wish you consistent success in the next phase of your life.

358. I may no longer be around you guys, but don’t forget my counsel. Life only responds to the diligent and dedicated. I love you so much. Goodbye.

359. I wish that you prosper in all your life endeavors and may success be yours always. Never give up, you have all it takes.

360. Goodbye.


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