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750 Inspirational Quotes About Effort (2023)

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. Even small positive shifts in thinking, create huge results if you are consistent in your efforts.”― Nanette Mathews

2. … if you put the time and effort into a relationship, it will last forever.”

3. “When a gifted team dedicates itself to unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to climb. ” —Patanjali

4. If you are not willing to put in the effort, don’t expect it in return.”

5. “Doing well takes hard work, doing right takes time, but being kind takes no effort at all.”

6. “We must help them to learn how to walk without assistance, to run, to go up and down stairs, to pick up fallen objects, to dress and undress, to wash themselves, to express their needs in a way that is clearly understood, and to attempt to satisfy their desires through their own efforts. All this is part of education for independence. ”

7. “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”— Jesse Owens

8. To my incredible boss, thanks a lot for your gift. Thank you for appreciating my efforts and hard work. I can’t wait to work even harder to make you proud.

9. Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

10. "When I find something I value, I systematize it into my daily habits. Then I live by my values freely and effortlessly.” – Joshua Spodek

11. “Be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”

12. In a relationship, no amount of extra effort on your part can make up for a lack of effort on theirs.”

13. If you want to be in my future, make an effort to be a part of my present, or all you will ever be is someone from my past.”

14. “The child does not follow the law of the least effort, but a law directly contrary. He uses an immense amount of energy over an unsubstantial end, and he spends, not only driving energy, but intensive energy in the exact execution of every detail. ”

15. Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” — Bill Blackman

16. “Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It meets a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself but poverty itself is romanticized by fools.” — J. K. Rowling

17. You should date a man who’s willing to put in the effort for you, not a guy who makes you wonder if you should make the first move.” – Unknown

18. “Running is an effort to escape from comfort zone.”― Tumpal Sihombing

19. "Peace is such hard work. Harder than war. It takes way more effort to forgive than to kill.” ― Rae Carson, The Bitter Kingdom

20. “Everything one does is just another effort to be understood by someone a little bit more.” Vatsal Surti

21. “This is our responsibility, not to spoil the great laws of nature and the effort which is in each child. The teacher must be the servant of nature. The highest thing she can do is to serve. The best she can do is to be a perfect servant, to show respect and care, and be humble. Her plan must be to nurture life, which is a force, a force full of wisdom and power. ”

22. Marathon Quotes for Instagram Captions. Strength is not the amount of weight you can lift, but the effort you can put forth after using all your strength. ~Author Unknown

23. “People stand in front of an officiant and say ‘I do' but that shouldn't mean ‘I'm done' when it comes to putting time and effort into growing their relationship.”

24. Relationships end too soon because people stop putting in the same effort to keep you, as they did to win you.

25. “If I could I would always work in silence and obscurity, and let my efforts be known by their results.” Emily Bronte

26. “It’s effortless to let go of self-absorbed people. It’s challenging to let go of someone you care about and it’s exceedingly difficult to let go of an ideal and a belief in someone because what exacerbates the disappointment of finding out they weren’t who they presented themselves to be, is the betrayal of it.” – Donna Lynn Hope

27. “The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate ‘apparently ordinary’ people to unusual effort.” — K. Patricia Cross

28. “Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than before.” – Polybius

29. I’m wishing you a wonderful third month’s birthday. My baby boy, I wish you the best of luck in all of your efforts. Amen.

30. “Although this method bears my name, it is not the result of the efforts of a great thinker who has developed his own ideas. My method is founded on the child himself. Our study has its origins in the child. The method has been achieved by following the child and his psychology. ”

31. “A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding.”

32. I appreciate you for your tremendous effort, sacrifice, and the role you play to help me overcome my struggle in walking in the faith.

33. They say it’s ideal when your coworkers become your family. This Labor Day, I want you to know that I’m proud to call us a team and a family. Thank you for your extraordinary effort this past year and your outstanding teamwork. Have fun this weekend!

34. “When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse.”-Unknown

35. “The success you will achieve tomorrow depends much on the effort you put into the things that you do today. So wipe that sleep from your eyes, go into the world and make a better life for yourself.”

36. “Life turns out to be the best for those who give their best effort whatever they do and enjoy the abundance of life with love and gratitude.” – Debasish Mridha

37. No matter how much effort you put in, some people just won’t appreciate it.”

38. “”All you do is smoke”. First of all, who putting in more effort to make sure I’m good? You or this blunt?”– NBA YoungBoy

39. “And the truth is that there is some satisfaction when you figure out that your effort worked out.”

40. “The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.” – Helen Keller

41. This Labor Day, I want to say how much I appreciate the effort you all have put into your work. I hope it brings you as much satisfaction as it does me. Let’s conquer this industry together!

42. “Procrastination may not take up a lot of effort physically but without you knowing it, it takes over the mind.” Stephen Hall

43. Always remember that someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you.” – Unknown

44. “Despite your best efforts, not everyone wants to be helped. Make a difference where you can and be at peace with the rest.” – Gary Hopkins

45. “The only thing that has kept me around is my effort. ” – Will Smith

46. No matter what anyone says you are good enough. You are smart, beautiful and strong. Make an effort to believe it and not let your life be run by insecurity.

47. You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort, and money into training.

48. You know what’s attractive? Efforts. When someone actually puts in the effort to see or talk to you, that’s attractive.” – Unknown

49. “The effort to separate the physical experience of childbirth from the mental,

50. “It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go.”— Daniell Koepke

51. ‘It is not madness. It is an effort to transcend the rigidities and the patterns made by the rational mind.’ – Anais Nin

52. “As much as talent counts, effort counts twice.” – Angela Duckworth

53. You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training. — Tom Hopkins, sales leader

54. “If you found that one person who is really worth the sacrifices, pain, and hardships, then your efforts will not go to waste.”– Anna Agoncillo

55. “Neil and Buzz, I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Office at the White House, and this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made. Because of what you have done, the heavens have become a part of man’s world. As you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to Earth. ” — President Richard M. Nixon

56. “An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves.” - Lydia M. Child, abolitionist

57. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated in and out.

58. “Sometimes just lie in bed, don’t make an effort to rush off into the morning, listen to the earth rouse from sleep and you’ll understand how perfect life is designed to be.” — Anonymous

59. If you’re making a conscious effort… someone should be meeting you on the same page.”

60. “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

61. “Your body provides you with constant feedback that can help improve your running performance while minimizing biomechanical stress. Learn to differentiate between the discomfort of effort and the pain of injury. When you practice listening, you increase competence in persevering through the former and responding with respect and compassion to the latter.” – Gina Greenlee

62. They’re sporadic in their efforts, and you can often pin bursts of efforts to when you either told them to beat it or they felt in danger of losing you.

63. “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment.” – Mahatma Gandhi

64. “When I find something I value, I systematize it into my daily habits. Then I live by my values freely and effortlessly.” – Joshua Spodek

65. You must put in the effort to get the life you want.” – Andrew Tate. . You must put in the effort to get the life you want.” – Andrew Tate.

66. Be proud of this moment — you deserve it for all the effort and dedication you invested. Congratulations.

67. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” -Robert Collier with faded blue and green gradient

68. Relationships end too soon because people stop putting in the same effort to keep you, as they did to win you.” – Unknown

69. “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”

70. Thank you, boss, for always recognizing and rewarding my efforts. I genuinely appreciate it.

71. “It’s effortless to let go of self-absorbed people. It’s challenging to let go of someone you care about and it’s exceedingly difficult to let go of an ideal and a belief in someone because what exacerbates the disappointment of finding out they weren’t who they presented themselves to be, is the betrayal of it. ” —Donna Lynn Hope, author, in Willow

72. The further the reward from the effort, the thinner the competition. Patience is the gatekeeper. - Johnny Uzan

73. “Do not let your good ideas to spend your brain energy, do it with all the effort because the shadow of the success can become a reality only with hard work.”

74. “All efforts to make politics aesthetic culminate in one thing, war.” – Walter Benjamin

75. “You can't save a relationship unless both people are equally invested. It takes a joint effort to make it work. One person trying will never be enough. — Tony Gaskins

76. “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. ” – Mahatma Gandhi

77. Taking the high road is hard work — walking uphill requires strength and effort. Anyone can take the low road — walking downhill is easy. Rachel St. John Gilbert

78. "Slight persistent effort can move you successfully forward in anything you do."— Kelli Wilson

79. “Why do we do this? To feel something. To move ourselves, to ensure that we don’t get stuck. And most of all, we do this to be a part of something. To insert our individual effort into a sea of human energy and force out the other side, hopeful that somehow we’ll be different. Changed in some way.”

80. “If someone believes you are worth the effort they will make the effort.”

81. “God is limitless in his love, and asks that we at least make the effort to be limitless in ours.” – Marianne Williamson

82. “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

83. “At birth, the child has to make an enormous effort to adapt. It is the birth of a spirit with mysterious potentialities, of a being who must adapt himself to the environment. ”

84. “Honey, give me the chance to make it up to you. I know where I got it wrong, and I am determined to do better next time. Please give me the chance to show you my efforts to become a better man.”

85. “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” —Franklin D. Roosevelt

86. Relationships take time and effort; they’re not always like the fairytale they start as. Finding your soulmate isn’t the hard part; staying together is.” – Neha Yazmin

87. Charity is a supreme virtue and the great channel through which the mercy of God is passed on to mankind. It is the virtue that unites men and inspires their noblest efforts. – Conrad Hilton

88. “The key is the revelation of the psychology of the young child, the psychology of man in the first phase of his development. An effort must be made to direct this energy into something real, accessible to everybody. When this happens, I believe mankind will have ceased to be a victim of circumstance. ”

89. Continuous effort -- not strength nor intelligence -- is the key to unlocking our potential. –Winston Churchill

90. “I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough. that I am worthy of love without effort. that I am beautiful. that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves. the size of my lips. the color of my skin. and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay.” – Tracee Ellis Ross

91. It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.” – Jillian Michaels

92. “The relentless demands of caring for a child with special needs can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. So when, for some miraculous reason, parents are able to carve out time for one another, they’re often too tired to make an effort to connect. Or like us, they get a babysitter, go to a movie, and one of them falls asleep during the opening credits. When, year after year, couples are too exhausted to invest in one another’s emotional needs, the glue that holds them together weakens, and they break apart.” – Gary Chapman & Jolene Philo

93. “Make every effort matter, and always make the following effort better than the last one.”

94. Thank you for your effort

95. Love is not really a mystery. It is a process like anything else. A process that requires trust, effort, focus, and commitment by two willing partners.”

96. “A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.” – Walt Disney

97. There’s nothing worse than putting all your effort into doing everything right for someone you love, and having it end up all wrong.”

98. Taking the high road is hard work-- walking uphill requires strength and effort. Anyone can take the low road--walking downhill is easy. - Author: Rachel St. John-Gilbert

99. “A strong man cannot help a weaker unless the weaker is willing to be helped. and even then the weak man must become strong of himself; he must. by his own efforts. develop the strength which he admires in another. None but himself can alter his condition.” ― James Allen

100. "It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort.” – Jillian Michaels

101. When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort, not an excuse.”

102. “It's a beautiful feeling when you know that someone is making an effort just to make you smile.”

103. “I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.” –Charles Schwab

104. Stop putting effort into those who show no effort towards you. There’s only so much you can do before you are wasting your energy and time.” – Unknown

105. “The child realises that through his own efforts he can be independent and achieve things he has set his mind to. And gradually we educators are confronted with a simple but important fact: that to help the child is not what he needs, and indeed that to give help is an impediment for the child. Therefore he must be allowed to act freely on his own initiative in this free environment. ”

106. With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything

107. “Be with someone who won’t make poor excuses for their lack of effort.” – Kristie May

108. Until an effort is made to satisfy that wish, the sense of uneasy waiting for something to start which has not started will remain to disturb the peace of the soul. - Author: Arnold Bennett

109. “God hates visionary dreaming; it makes the dreamer proud and pretentious. The man who fashions a visionary ideal of community demands that it be realized by God, by others, and by himself. He enters the community of Christians with his demands, sets up his own law, and judges the brethren and God Himself accordingly. He stands adamant, a living reproach to all others in the circle of brethren. He acts as if he is the creator of the Christian community, as if his dream binds men together. When things do not go his way, he calls the effort a failure. When his ideal picture is destroyed, he sees the community going to smash. So he becomes, first and accuser of his brethren, then an accuser of God, and finally the despairing accuser of himself.”

110. People with an attitude of success make a special effort to stay on top of the things that are going on in their field of interest. Bob Roth, College Success

111. Experience proves that in this life peace and satisfaction are had, not by the listless but by those who are fervent in God’s service. And rightly so. For in their effort to overcome themselves and to rid themselves of self-love, they rid themselves of the roots of all passion and unrest. – Saint Ignatius

112. A stepmom might have to put in more effort and handle difficult situations so that everything goes smoothly and to make everyone feel at ease. It is one of the best gifts she could give.” – Anonymous

113. “Love is a seed that has to be watered with effort and consistency. Lack thereof will cause the fire that once existed between two souls to burn out.”

114. “The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of your individual goals and you can’t let yourself be beat because of lack of effort." – Michael Jordan

115. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. ” —Theodore Roosevelt

116. “The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focussed on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts.”

117. “Trust the timing of your life. Keep focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. be kind. and follow your heart. Doors will open effortlessly. but first. you have to be ready to walk through.”

118. “Make a conscious effort to let go of fear and act from a sense of consciousness that will empower and protect you. You are strong. You are greater than the fear!” ― Les Brown

119. The falling in love part is easy. It’s the keeping it together part that takes consistent choice day after day. To do the work. To show up for your partner and yourself. It’s not that relationships are hard; it’s that they require effort. Choose to make one.” – Mark Groves

120. “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” —Robert Collier

121. “Some times just lie in bed, don’t make an effort to rush off into the morning, listen to the earth rouse from sleep and you’ll understand how perfect life is designed to be.” — Anonymous

122. In today’s world, options are everywhere. It takes a great effort to stay faithful, continue to honor your commitment, and do the work it takes to keep your relationship strong.”

123. Many people believe that once compatibility exists in relationships, everything else will flow naturally since being in love doesn’t require anything strenuous, but that’s when the trouble begins. A good lasting relationship comes from effort and working through differences because everything in the natural state of life is prone to change.” – Tee Thomas (Fearless Lines)

124. “Dream after dream comes true—or rather is made true by persevering effort.”– L.M. Montgomery

125. Treasures are always hidden, gold is always mined, yet this gem-friend shows up effortlessly whenever I need someone by my side.”

126. “Love is not really a mystery. It is a process like anything else. A process that requires trust, effort, focus, and commitment by two willing partners. ” — Elizabeth Bourgeret

127. “Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work.” — Vince Lombardi

128. “Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts.” - Erskine Bowles

129. Thank you for using your amazing talent and limitless energy to progress our shared goals. This company would not be where it is without your committed and focused effort. Happy Labor Day to the best team!

130. Small daily efforts multiply into weeks, months and years of effort. Change takes time but does happen over the course of time. Kathy Henn, Daily Inspiration

131. Sometimes, when you stop putting in the effort, a relationship or friendship just ends, and you realize it was just you alone, trying to make it work.” – Unknown

132. Don’t be tired of doing the same things every day, when success knocks your door you will remember it was worth the effort. - Anonymous

133. As I turn 18 today, may God always crown my efforts with good success. Happy birthday to me in a grand style.

134. Dreams in your life are like light bulbs that brighten your room. But having them on the ceiling is just not enough; you got to make an effort by pressing on the switch and there it goes taking away the darkness! - Author: Israelmore Ayivor

135. “When a gifted team dedicates itself to unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to climb.” —Patanjali

136. “Ladies, a man that is truly interested in you will never leave you guessing about the role he intends to play in your life. Good men pursue the women that they want with upfront communication, genuine intentions, and consistent effort.”

137. “Travelers, it is late. Life’s sun is going to set. During these brief days that you have strength, be quick and spare no effort of your wings.”

138. If you put the time and effort into a relationship, it will last forever.” – Unknown

139. “This child who stands before us with his marvellous hidden energies must lead our efforts. When we say that the child is our teacher, we mean that we must take his revelations as our guide. Our starting point must be the revelation of the characteristics of the human individual. ”

140. “Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself.” ― Denis Waitley

141. ” Unwearied ceaseless effort is the price that must be paid for turning faith into a rich infallible experience “

142. “I decided to put as much effort into contacting you as you do with me—that’s why we don’t talk anymore.” – Anonymous

143. The effort we give to help and aid others’ happiness, lifts us.

144. “Writing is a complex act which needs to be analysed. One part of it has reference to motor mechanisms and the other represents a real and proper effort of the intellect. ”

145. “Everything one does is just another effort to be understood by someone a little bit more.”

146. You must continue taking in even the shallowest of breaths, continue putting forth even the smallest of efforts to sustain your dreams. Don't ever, ever, ever give up. - Richelle E. Goodrich

147. “Parents of children with special needs love their kids and want to do everything they can to encourage their healing, reduce their pain, and improve their quality of life. When parents fail this calling, despite their best efforts, they often struggle with feelings of guilt and grief.” – Gary Chapman & Jolene Philo

148. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error.” – Theodore Roosevelt

149. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.” – Theodore Roosevelt

150. You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.” Tom Hopkins

151. Good Morning Quotes – “Make every effort in life just like this: Whenever you want to stop, tell yourself to try just one more time; maybe this time, you might succeed.”

152. “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”

153. I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough, that I am worthy of love without effort, that I am beautiful, that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves, the size of my lips, the color of my skin, and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay. – Tracee Ellis Ross

154. We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. – Jesse Owens

155. “When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse.”

156. “To like many people spontaneously and without effort is perhaps the greatest of all sources of personal happiness.”

157. If you put efforts into anything you shall see the results. Hard work always gives results.

158. “Children of three or four will concentrate for an hour at a time without effort, and we are careful not to destroy this new power by the arbitrary demands of a fixed timetable. ”

159. We stopped trying to get pregnant because our efforts have already been successful!

160. “Achievements are a result of hard work, determination and constant efforts with positive attitude.” ~ Invajy

161. “Respect your efforts. respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt. that’s real power.”

162. “Mothers, especially single mothers, are heroic in their efforts to raise our nation’s children, but men must also take responsibility for their children and recognize the impact they have on their families’ well-being.” – Evan Bayh

163. “Admire the efforts of a failure like you admire the beauty of a sunset.”― Amit Kalantri

164. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” —Robert Collier"

165. “...whenever possible, the child has a tendency to render himself independent of the help of others, especially of the adult. Then, in acquiring this independence, he seeks for the personal effort. This means that he learns to function by himself. If he cannot acquire this independence he does not exist as an individual – for the characteristic of an individual is one who can function by himself. ”

166. “You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.” Tom Hopkins

167. “The darker dynamics of narcissism imply that one person in the relationship gives just about everything, and the other (the narcissist) just takes. If the relationship is reciprocal, compromise is effortless. The more challenging disappointments are the lack of empathy, the lack of connection, the lack of support.”

168. “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” — Herm Albright

169. Even if I had more all your efforts to be with me useless, I want you to know that I do want you in my life. I regret my actions, and I wish to make it right.

170. Every morning comes with this promise give the wings of effort to your drams and your life will be full of bliss. Happy Saturday.

171. Cruising effortlessly through the water – thanks, jet ski!

172. “In her duty of guiding a child in using the material, a teacher must make a distinction between two different periods. In the first she puts the child in contact with the material and initiates him in its use. In the second she intervenes to enlighten a child who has already succeeded in distinguishing differences through his own spontaneous efforts. It is then that she can determine the ideas acquired by a child, if this is necessary, and provide him with words to describe the differences he has perceived. ”

173. “Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.” ~ Jim Rohn

174. “The easiest way to gain someone's trust is to deserve it. This should be pretty easy, assuming you're just being you and being real. Minimal effort too. ” — Ashley Lorenzana

175. “Working hard becomes a habit, a serious kind of fun. You get self-satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit, knowing that all the effort is going to pay off.” – Anonymous

176. “Peace is such hard work. Harder than war. It takes way more effort to forgive than to kill.” ~ Rae Carson

177. “Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.” – Jim Rohn

178. “People stand in front of an officiant and say ‘I do’ but that shouldn’t mean ‘I’m done’ when it comes to putting time and effort to grow their relationship.” – Beth Ehemann

179. “If you want to be in my future, make an effort to be a part of my present, or all you will ever be is someone from my past.”

180. Everyone knows how much effort you exert as a manager and a leader. I wanted to thank you for your efforts with us, boss. You’ve always been supportive of us.

181. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. ”- Theodore Roosevelt

182. “Love includes fellowship in suffering, in joy and in effort.” – Albert Schweitzer

183. “The only thing that has kept me around is my effort.” – Will Smith

184. “I think most people know when they’re in a toxic relationship – it requires an enormous amount of effort to keep it going, and you don’t get what you want from it.” — Joanna Coles

185. In today’s world, options are everywhere. It takes a great effort to stay faithful, continue to honor your commitment, and do the work it takes to keep your relationship strong.” – Jane Greer

186. “People with an attitude of success make a special effort to stay on top of the things that are going on in their field of interest.” — Bob Roth

187. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. ” —Theodore Roosevelt, former U. S. president

188. “Camping is a humanitarian effort to help feed hungry mosquitoes.” – Melanie White

189. “Thank you for all the efforts you have made to make me happier and more confident. I feel extremely blessed by God for bringing you into my life. You have truly changed my perspective and my view towards the entire world.”

190. The right person will pursue you with clear intentions, have upfront communication, consistent effort, and never would lead you on.”

191. “If one is to be called a liar, one may as well make an effort to deserve the name.”

192. Even a friendship needs an effort from both sides. How can we expect a relationship to work from the effort of one!” – Unknown

193. When you feel overwhelmed and defeated, remember that you are not alone. And the strength you need lies within you – simply tap into it. The efforts you make will grow your child’s self-confidence, independence and ability to thrive in the world.

194. We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” ― Jesse Owens

195. Generous and authentic leadership will always defeat the selfish efforts of someone doing it just because she can. How - Author: Seth Godin

196. “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier

197. “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.”

198. “You can put all your effort in trying to make someone happy… but there comes a time when we become tired of trying to fill a bucket that is leaking from the inside.”

199. “Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you. ” – Arnold Palmer

200. Chasing a dream requires efforts, passion and hard work. You are now in the half way. Keep up your good work and continue to strive. Congratulations!

201. “If you put the time and effort into a relationship, it will last forever.”

202. “Those who belong to the clan of achievers live the idea that inspires them to dedicate their existence. efforts. and soul to its execution.” ―Dr Prem Jagyasi

203. “If you’re going to do something, go all the way. Nothing great will be accomplished with a half-hearted effort.” — Duke Ellington

204. “If you're making a conscious effort… someone should be meeting you on the same page.”

205. “When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse. ”-Unknown

206. “Love is a lot like flowers. With enough effort and time, it can blossom into something beautiful and unforgettable. But with neglect and dispassion, it can die and be lost forever.” – Jocelyn Sanchez

207. “I make a concerted effort to go watch the sunset a few days a week, have a glass of wine, and take a moment to feel fortunate and grateful for the view and for my life.” ― Andi Dorfman

208. “Happy 24th birthday! Keep your creativity active, and you will see that your youthful spirit will be present in all stages of your life, and you will achieve great things without much effort.”

209. “Relationships are like cooking, don’t waste effort on bad recipes!” — Unknown

210. “If you are not willing to be putting effort in, don't expect it in return.”

211. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” – Napoleon Hill

212. “Make an effort to touch the lives of persons around you. While you may not rid the world of all wrongs, you can contribute by making someone’s life amazing.”

213. “Everything must be taught, and everything must be connected with life; but this does not mean that the actions which children have learned to perform and to integrate with their practical lives should be suppressed or directed by us in every detail. This integration of his actions is one of the highest efforts that a child can make. ”

214. “Let's just say it and be done with it. Racing hurts. But here's another truth: having put in the effort to prepare for a race and then not giving it your all hurts even more. The first kind of hurt goes away in hours or a day. The second kind of hurt can last a lifetime.” – Larry Shapiro

215. If someone believes you are worth the effort, they will make the effort.” – Kevin Darné

216. It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.

217. You must put in the effort to get the life you want. ― Andrew Tate

218. “A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” Liberty Hyde Bailey

219. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.”- Theodore Roosevelt

220. “That is the mistake women make – you should not see your makeup. We do not want to look like we have made an effort.” – Lauren Hutton

221. Harness the power of love to create spontaneous success with effortless ease. - Author: Debasish Mridha

222. “When a gifted team dedicates itself to unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to climb.” – Patanjali

223. Being a nice person is hard. You put so much effort into it and yet. You’re taken for granted.

224. “Those whom nature has fitted to care for children see a change in them every day, almost every hour. They see these small changes as admirable. This is an art which cannot be acquired without effort. To encourage is to rejoice, so that the child sees that you are rejoicing. ”

225. Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.

226. “Don’t allow someone not worth it to have the power to occupy your thoughts. If they don’t find you worth the effort or the time, why should you waste yours?” — Donna Lynn Hope

227. Just keep moving. Someone said this to me a long time ago. It's a Buddhist saying, I think: 'There is no wasted effort.' — Lauren Graham

228. You’ve given every effort, and you’ve earned my deep respect.

229. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.”– Robert Collier

230. How to tell if somebody is genuinely interested in you? If you removed all of your effort from the equation would any communication remain between you? If not, there is nothing there, and you deserve better.”

231. “Your efforts have all been worth it”

232. “At one year of age the child says his first intentional word...his babbling has a purpose, and this intention is a proof of conscious intelligence...He becomes ever more aware that language refers to his surroundings, and his wish to master it consciously becomes also greater....Subconsciously and unaided, he strains himself to learn, and this effort makes his success all the more astonishing. ”

233. “It follows that at the beginning of his life the individual can accomplish wonders - without effort and quite unconsciously. ”

234. The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy. - Henri Nouwen

235. Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. – Vince Lombardi (Click to Tweet!)

236. “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.” – John Ruskin

237. “Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.”

238. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment.

239. "Mothers – especially single mothers – are heroic in their efforts to raise our nation’s children, but men must also take responsibility for their children and recognize the impact they have on their families’ well-being.” – Evan Bayh

240. “I might like you a lot but, if the effort don’t match mine then ima fall back.”– NBA YoungBoy

241. I never cared about the material things a man could give me. I cared about his time, attention, honesty, loyalty, and effort. Those gifts mean more than anything money could buy.” – Unknown

242. “The success you will achieve tomorrow depends much on the effort you put in to the things that you do today. So wipe that sleep from your eyes, go into the world and make a better life for yourself.”

243. If you found that one person who is really worth the sacrifices, pain, and hardships then your efforts will not go to waste.” – Anna Agoncillo

244. “Love is not really a mystery. It is a process like anything else. A process that requires trust, effort, focus, and commitment by two willing partners.”

245. “Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.” – George Eliot

246. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.

247. “All the sleepless nights make it worth the effort when you are rewarded with a baby’s adorable smile.” – Unknown.

248. “Taking the high road is hard work; walking uphill requires strength and effort.” — Rachel St. John Gilbert

249. “Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.”

250. “Loving is effortless.. while relationships, they require your time and patience… the two things we all lack..” – Unkown

251. “I may not be happy everyday but I make an effort to smile everyday.”

252. “Most champions are built by punch-the-clock workouts rather than extraordinary efforts.” — Dan John

253. “All things are created twice. There is a mental (first) creation, and a physical (second) creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint. If you don’t make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life, then you empower other people and circumstances to shape you and your life by default.” - Stephen Covey

254. “I once heard a sober alcoholic say that drinking never made him happy, but it made him feel like he was going to be happy in about fifteen minutes. That was exactly it, and I couldn’t understand why the happiness never came, couldn’t see the flaw in my thinking, couldn’t see that alcohol kept me trapped in a world of illusion, procrastination, paralysis. I lived always in the future, never in the present. Next time, next time! Next time I drank it would be different, next time it would make me feel good again. And all my efforts were doomed, because already drinking hadn’t made me feel good in years.”

255. “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” — Bill Blackman

256. “Making a conscious effort to allow and even orchestrate opportunities for your son to accomplish tasks away from your watchful eye will allow him to develop his courage and his ability to make decisions. allow and even orchestrate opportunities for your son to accomplish tasks away from your watchful eye will allow him to develop his courage and his ability to make decisions.” — Rhonda Stoppe

257. “And in putting effort, you double the value of the things that you do, it is going to be okay too.”

258. “Through my friends I discovered what it was to love people. There was an art to it … which was not really all that different from the love that is necessary in the making of art. It required the effort of always seeing them for themselves and not as I wished them to be.”

259. “I never cared about the material things someone could give me. I care about time, attention, honesty, loyalty and effort. Those gifts mean more than anything money could buy.”

260. "People with an attitude of success make a special effort to stay on top of the things that are going on in their field of interest.” — Bob Roth

261. You are an Achiever. Keep up the effort. You have made us proud. Congratulations on completing your studies. All of your hard work has paid off.

262. “To all the musicians who are making reggaeton, let’s put some more effort into it and bring something new to the people!”

263. Life and love generate effort, but effort will not generate them. Faith-in life, in other people, and in oneself-is the attitude of allowing the spontaneous to be spontaneous, in its own way and in its own time. - Author: Alan Watts

264. “I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough, that I am worthy of love without effort, that I am beautiful, that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves, the size of my lips, the color of my skin, and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay.” – Tracee Ellis Ross

265. “Mothers – especially single mothers – are heroic in their efforts to raise our nation’s children, but men must also take responsibility for their children and recognize the impact they have on their families’ well-being.” – Evan Bayh

266. “Blue-collar women are too often overlooked for their hard work and major contribution to society. They should be celebrated for their dedication and commitment, and their efforts to make the world a better place.” – Michelle Obama

267. “No matter what anyone says you are good enough. You are smart. beautiful and strong. Make an effort to believe it and not let your life be run by insecurity.”

268. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier

269. “Immediately is the day to acknowledge and have a good time the superb efforts of all the employees who’ve given their sweat and blood in constructing our nation an incredible land…. Allow us to honor their efforts and salute their exhausting work…. Heat needs on Labor Day to you.”

270. “[Sprezzatura ("unstudied nonchalance"):] Employ in everything a certain casualness which conceals art and creates the impression that what is done and said is accomplished without effort and without its being thought about. It is from this, in my opinion, that grace largely derives.”

271. “Stop putting in an effort into those who show no effort towards you. There’s only so much you can do before you’re wasting your energy and time.” – Unknown

272. “It is through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. ”– Theodore Roosevelt

273. I am not ignoring you. I am just waiting for you to make an effort to talk to me first.”

274. We don’t get any marks for effort like in ice-skating.

275. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. – Robert Collier

276. “The true warrior understands and seizes the moment by giving an effort so intense and so intuitive that it could only be called one from the heart.”- Pat Riley

277. “The old soul is more inclined to be a lifelong learner, constantly feeding his thirst for insight through his own persistent efforts.” – Aletheia Luna

278. “The only thing that has kept me around is my effort.” – Will Smith

279. Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music. – George Eliot

280. “You should not be hovering in the background, inflating the drama. Simply envelop him in love and affection and let him know that you will support his efforts, whatever they are.” – Amy Dickinson

281. “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort.” – Jillian Michaels

282. “If you put the time and effort into a relationship, it will last forever.” –Moses Gazman Mukhansi

283. “All the sleepless nights make it worth the effort when you are rewarded with a baby’s adorable smile.”

284. “A little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn into a glorious success.” – Elbert Hubbard

285. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.”– Robert Collier

286. “What are you facing right now? Where do you need a way out? A thought pattern you just can’t break free of? A compulsion or addiction that’s killing your joy? A character flaw that leaks out in embarrassing ways, despite your best efforts to nip it in the bud?”

287. “With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything. ” – Antoine Griezmann

288. “Without putting in some effort, everything that you do will just be some futile thing, my dear.”

289. “A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. ” Liberty Hyde Bailey

290. Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt

291. “Without putting in some effort, everything that you do will just be some futile thing, my dear.” – Unknown

292. “But when through exceptional circumstances work is the result of an inner, instinctive impulse, then even in the adult it assumes a wholly different character... Such is the work of the inventor or discoverer, the heroic efforts of the explorer, or the compositions of the artist, that is to say, the work of [those] gifted with such an extraordinary power as to enable them to rediscover the instinct of their species in the patterns of their own individuality. This instinct is then a fountain that bursts through the hard outer crust and rises, through a profound urge, to fall, as refreshing rain, on arid humanity. It is through this urge that the true progress of civilisation takes place. ”

293. “Effort is a two way thing. If someone wanted to put in effort, they would, so there’s no point chasing.” – Unknown.

294. “It is a mind endowed with special psychic powers, which we lose later, because whatever we adults want to acquire we have to acquire with effort and fatigue. ”

295. You must make an effort to appreciate what you have, who loves you, and who cares for you because you’ll never know how much they mean to you until the day they are no longer beside you. Spend lots of quality time with the people you love. Someday you will either regret not doing so, or you will say, I’m glad I did.” – Melchor Lim

296. You can't always control the circumstances - only how you react to those circumstances; you can always control your attitude and your effort. — Jennie Finch

297. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

298. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” –Napoleon Hill

299. "Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking shortcuts.” – Roger Staubach

300. All natural results are spontaneous. The diamond sparkles without effort, and the flowers open impulsively beneath the summer rain. And true religion is a spontaneous thing,

301. It’s not the length of time we were in a relationship that matters. What does matter is that we took the time and made an effort to make it work. – Unknown

302. All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.

303. “To me, at one time, depression made me feel like I was trying to move through a foot-deep layer of peanut butter. The simplest things took enormous effort. Getting up. Brushing my hair. Putting on makeup was the worst. Maybe that was because I was trying so hard to look normal when inside I felt like I was dying. When I was told depression was caused by bottled-up anger, I was horrified! Me? angry? I was never allowed to be angry. And then the dam burst and anger flowed out in every direction. Then came the task of learning how to manage this powerful force that I was turning on those around me. Someone who’s never been depressed cannot possibly understand. Others just want you to act normal, perform normally, not rock the boat. Medication can help. It helped me. But it’s not the whole answer. Eventually, depression and anger introduced me to my true self in exchange for exposing and discarding the false self I’d been wearing for so many years…a gift!” – Nancy Landrum, MA, Author and Relationship Coach

304. "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” —Robert Collier"

305. “You should not be hovering in the background, inflating the drama. Simply envelop him in love and affection and let him know that you will support his efforts, whatever they are.”

306. “Some people undermine the importance of confidence in employees. You should realize that confidence attracts investments, effort, commitment and loyalty. ” — Daniel Brush

307. “There is no better life than a life spent laboring at love – exerting effort not because we have to, but because we believe that what we are bringing into being is valuable and we want it to exist. Yet because our culture tends to misunderstand the nature of labor and of love, we undervalue both.”

308. “If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.”- Pat Riley

309. When a gifted team dedicates itself to unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to climb. – Patanjali

310. “No relationship works without making an effort. That goes without saying. But you should never overcompensate.” Sonam Kapoor

311. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.” — Theodore Roosevelt

312. Continuous effort -- not strength nor intelligence -- is the key to unlocking our potential. - Winston Churchill

313. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” —Robert Collier"

314. “I’m definitely a romantic, I don’t think life is really worth all the pain and effort and struggling if you don’t have someone that you love very much.” Chet Baker

315. “Every morning comes with this promise — give the wings of effort to your dreams and your life will be full of bliss.” —Lisa Lieberman-Wang

316. “Honey, give me the chance to make it up to you. I know where I got it wrong, and I am determined to do better next time.. please give me the chance to show you my efforts to become a better man.”

317. “Stop putting in an effort into those who show no effort towards you. There's only so much you can do before you're wasting your energy and time.”

318. Working hard becomes a habit, a serious kind of fun. You get self-satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit, knowing that all the effort is going to pay off. - Anonymous

319. "Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.” – George Eliot

320. Lord, Jesus, here I am again, asking You to do what only You can do in my life. Scripture tells me that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are the God who performs miracles! So do a miracle in me! Heal me through and through! Deliver me from my tendency toward anxiety and worry. Show me how You fight for me. Give me a vision for what a healthy-healed-me looks like, and help me to go after that girl with tenacity and purpose. Take my efforts and multiply them, Lord. My soul waits for You to do what only You can do. I love You, Lord. Amen. - Susie Larson

321. “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens.”- Jillian Michaels

322. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” —Robert Collier

323. “There is no better life than a life spent laboring at love – exerting effort not because we have to, but because we believe that what we are bringing into being is valuable and we want it to exist. Yet because our culture tends to misunderstand the nature of labor and of love, we undervalue both.” – Moira Weigel

324. “If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal.” – Unknown

325. “The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate ‘apparently ordinary’ people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people.”

326. “The only thing that has kept me around is my effort. ” – Will Smith

327. “Work for a child must possess some variety within itself. A child does not have to know the reasons for sowing or reaping to have his interest aroused. He will readily undertake very simple actions which have an immediate end or which permit him to use some special effort. He will for example, gladly pluck weeds from paths or furrows, sweep up dried leaves or carry away an old branch. In a word, to have a field of activity and occasion for new experiences bring satisfaction to the animating spirit which prompts a child to make its way in the world. ”

328. “In today’s world, options are everywhere. It takes a great effort to stay faithful, continue to honor your commitment, and do the work it takes to keep your relationship strong.” – Jane Greer

329. “I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.” – Og Mandino

330. People stand in front of an officiant and say ‘I do’ but that shouldn’t mean ‘I’m done’ when comes to putting time and effort to grow their relationship.”

331. “Success is dependent on effort.” – Sophocles

332. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. ” — Theodore Roosevelt

333. My days of chasing people are over. If you are not making an effort to stay in my life, don’t get upset when I start doing things without you.”

334. If someone really wanted you, they’d actually put some effort into getting your attention and making sacrifices for you. They wouldn’t just tell you they want you; they would show you in every little way possible that they want you.” – Unknown

335. “We all naturally want to become successful… we also want to take shortcuts. And it’s easy to do so, but you can never take away the effort of hard work and discipline and sacrifice.” – Apolo Ohno

336. Some mornings, waking up is the easiest thing ever. Other days, it can take a little bit more effort.

337. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."— Robert Collier

338. “The grace and dignity of their behaviour and the ease of their movements are the corollaries to what they have gained through their own patient and laborious efforts. In a word they are “self-controlled,”and to the extent that they are thus controlled they are free from the control of others. ”

339. “I have no shame or embarrassment with this experience. I want to be a part of the effort to normalize miscarriage and remove the stigma from it.” — Hilaria Baldwin

340. “If we wish to make the effort of unifying human society, we must acknowledge the individual and consider the human being as such from birth. ”

341. “Hustling is putting every minute and all your effort into achieving the goal at hand. Every minute needs to count.” - Gary Vaynerchuk

342. Always remember that someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you.”

343. “People put so much effort into starting a relationship and so little effort into ending one.” Marina Abramovic

344. “Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.”

345. “Love was never enough, not without mutual respect and a great deal of drudgery and effort.” – Penny Reid

346. “We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” – Jesse Owens

347. There is no flawless relationship. There will always be struggles. You just have to pick who you want to struggle with, and who you want to put an effort for.” – Unknown

348. “What was it called, that symbol of the serpent eating its own tail? It probably signified infinity, endlessness, timelessness. But for me it would mean the effort to love well going on and on, round and round, always imperfect and always forgivable. The best we could ever do for each other.” – Patricia Gaffney

349. There is no trying; there is only doing or not doing. Yoda believes that if you decide to do something; you should give it one hundred percent of your effort. Trying is a good start, but it usually not good enough.

350. Cloud is the zero-effort photography.

351. “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. ” – Calvin Coolidge

352. “He has also acquired in a natural way many practical skills. His body is attuned to musical rhythms, and he is ready for gymnastic exercises. Music is no longer a simple stimulus to his efforts, but it becomes an inner guide of his movements, which have become obedient to its rhythms. ”

353. “Before such attention and concentration have been attained, the teacher must learn to control herself so that the child's spirit shall be free to expand and show its powers; the essence of her duty is not to interrupt the child in his efforts. ”

354. I am worth being loved, I am worth being cherished, I am worth an effort. I am worth being somebody’s everything.”

355. Never beg for a friendship or a relationship with anyone. If you don’t receive the same efforts you give, cut them off

356. “Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort.” – Charles Givens

357. “We forget that every good that is worth possessing must be paid for in strokes of daily effort. We postpone and postpone, until those smiling possibilities are dead. ” – William James

358. It still takes a serious commitment and honest effort for your goals to come to fruition. – Alex Altman

359. “Without equanimity, we might give love to others only in an effort to bridge the inevitable and healthy space that always exists between two people.”

360. I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism. - Charles Schwab

361. And adding a personal birthday message to a birthday greeting card for someone is an awesome way to make them feel amazing on their special day. It’s funny how you never realize just how much your little bit of extra effort is worth until you hear the person who received your card tell you what a surprise it was and how happy it made them. Here’s a tip: your message doesn’t have to be lengthy; just sincere. You can never go wrong with simply jotting down a line or two about the person or telling them you hope they enjoy their day. It’s so much more meaningful to someone than just seeing a name scrawled at the bottom! Check out our short & sweet birthday messages below to help you get started on what to write in a birthday card.

362. “No man on earth is perfect, but when he shows the effort in keeping you happy, acknowledge it!” – Unknown

363. “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.”— Calvin Coolidge

364. “It also takes conscious effort and decision to choose to love.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

365. “If someone really wanted you, they’d actually put some effort into trying to get your attention and make sacrifices for you. They wouldn’t just tell you they want you; they would show you in every little way possible that they want you.”

366. “There will be no new arcadian age. There will always be new burdens, new problems, new failures, new beginnings. And the glory of man is to respond to his harsh fate with zest and ever-renewed effort.” — Samuel Florman

367. “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”

368. It’s a beautiful feeling when you know that someone is making an effort just to make you smile.”

369. “And in putting effort, you double the value of the things that you do, it is going to be okay too.” – Unknown

370. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” –Robert Collier

371. “Every act of life, from the morning toothbrush to the friends at dinner, became an effort. I hated the night when I couldn’t sleep, and I hated the day because it went toward night.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald

372. “We don't learn to love each other well in the easy moments. Anyone is good company at a cocktail party. But love is born when we misunderstand one another and make it right, when we cry in the kitchen, when we show up uninvited with magazines and granola bars, in an effort to say, I love you.”

373. Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.

374. “At 26, the sort of life you envision will not be in the hands of just anybody but only yourself. Do your best to keep it at its pace and exert much effort towards it. Have an incredible 26th birthday.”

375. “For me, love is magic; it’s about trust and understanding. It’s putting the other person before you effortlessly. ” – A. R. Hydari

376. I miss the way you could make me smile without any effort at all.

377. “Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort. time and energy needed to develop yourself.”

378. “You can’t save a relationship unless both people are equally invested. It takes a joint effort to make it work. One person trying will never be enough.” — Tony Gaskins

379. “He [the child] climbs upstairs and on chairs. He does not climb on chairs in order to sit on them, but just for the sake of climbing. We may wonder why he should make such a great effort if he does not want to enjoy sitting in an armchair once he has got up and into it. But no, he climbs onto the seat of the chair, across the arms and down on the floor again. It is a cycle of activity, an effort which brings a special coordination of movement. His purpose is to train himself and not to enjoy himself. ”

380. “The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.” – David Foster Wallace

381. “No matter how much effort you put in, some people just won't appreciate it.”

382. “At each age one must seek for the opportunity for the greatest effort, and the greatest social experience one can reach actively. ”

383. A no-effort relationship is a doomed one, not a great one. It takes work to communicate accurately, and it takes work to expose and resolve conflicting hopes and beliefs. It doesn’t mean there is no. they lived happily ever after,” but it’s more like. they worked happily ever after.” – Unknown

384. “It’s hard work to make a four-minute program look effortless and elegant. ”

385. “It is so helpful to a child when we try to understand his efforts. The child truly suffers when he cannot make himself understood and this suffering has great consequences. ”

386. Love and translation look alike in their grammar. To love someone implies transforming their words into ours. Making an effort to understand the other person and, inevitably, misinterpret them. To construct a precarious language together.” – Andres Neuman

387. Peace is such hard work. Harder than war. It takes way more effort to forgive than to kill.

388. “I’m not high maintenance. You’re just low effort.”

389. “The easiest way to gain someone’s trust is to deserve it. This should be pretty easy, assuming you’re just being you and being real. Minimal effort too.” — Ashley Lorenzana

390. “Mental health clinicians need to address the issue of stigma, which is so often attached to mental illness. They need to support efforts to prevent mental ill health and promote health, wellness and resilience. Clinicians need to support the rights of people with mental illness, and enable them to participate meaningfully in society.”

391. “They keep on replying, “But I tell you the man broke a most solemn promise.” Exactly: that is precisely what you have to forgive. (This doesn’t mean that you must necessarily believe his next promise. It does mean that you must make every effort to kill every taste of resentment in your own heart—every wish to humiliate or hurt him or to pay him out.)”

392. “One is happy as a result of one's own efforts once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self-denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience.” ―George Sand

393. Give yourself a break on a Sunday – make a concerted effort to do something fun. Watch your favorite movie, cook your favorite dish, or read a good book that you have no time to read during the weekdays. Do whatever makes you happy and you’ll see the great golden clasp in life is the impact that does what you like will make on your happiness.

394. ″ A democracy with this effort by its people must and can face its problems. that it must show patience. restraint. compassion. as well as wisdom and strength and courage. in the struggle for solutions which are very rarely easy to find.”

395. “If parents want to give their children a gift. the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges. be intrigued by mistakes. enjoy effort. and keep on learning. That way. their children don’t have to be slaves of praise. They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence.”

396. “Friendship takes work. Finding friends, nurturing friendships, scheduling face time, it all take a tremendous amount of work. But it’s worth it. If you put in the effort, you’ll see the rewards of positive friends who will make your life extraordinary.”

397. I think to make any relationship work it just takes a tremendous amount of effort and accepting of one another.”

398. “A smile costs nothing in money, time, or effort but it is literally true that it can be of supreme importance in one’s life.” – Emmet Fox

399. “I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.” Charles Schwab

400. Good memories are most often created without conscious effort. These are the memories that result from those unselfish acts or behaviors that give of our time, talents or gifts without any due regard for repayment. Byron R. Pulsifer

401. “The love, respect, and confidence of my children was the sweetest reward I could receive for my efforts to be the woman I would have them copy.”

402. “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” – Calvin Coolidge

403. "Some times just lie in bed, don’t make an effort to rush off into the morning, listen to the earth rouse from sleep and you’ll understand how perfect life is designed to be.” — Anonymous

404. “Improvement starts within you and depends on your efforts. So. make the effort.” – Remez Sasson

405. “The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focused on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts.” – Roopleen

406. “The right person will pursue you with clear intentions, have upfront communication, consistent effort, and never would lead you on.”

407. “With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything.” — Antoine Griezmann

408. “Hate is infectious, but so is love, the difference between the two is one takes effort and the other one doesn’t.” – Dave Guerrero

409. #87 “Anything you choose to do behind your partner’s back without them knowing is cheating. There’s no thin line here, or blurred boundaries, fuck that… If you’re sneaking behind someone’s back to give attention and effort to someone else you’re a fucking cheater.”

410. “There is only one situation I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. It is when they are in love and reading a love letter.” – Mortimer Adler

411. “If you found that one person who is really worth the sacrifices, pain, and hardships then your efforts will not go to waste.” – Anna Agoncillo

412. Love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy the effort, and keep on learning. - Carol Dweck

413. “Whenever possible, the child has a tendency to render himself independent of the help of others, especially of the adult. Then, in acquiring this independence, he seeks for the personal effort. This means that he learns to function by himself. If he cannot acquire this independence he does not exist as an individual – for the characteristic of an individual is one who can function by himself. ”

414. “If this little child [the newborn] has a psychic life, his birth must be a very impressive experience, a very difficult experience. He has to make a tremendous effort. He has come into a life which contrasts in every aspect with the easy life he has led. ”

415. ”Many people are afraid to fail, so they don’t try. They may dream, talk, and even plan, but they don’t take that critical step of putting their money and their effort on the line. To succeed in business, you must take risks. Even if you fail, that’s how you learn. There has never been, and will never be, an Olympic skater who didn’t fall on the ice.” – Donald Trump

416. Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

417. If you found that one person who is really worth the sacrifices, pain, and hardships then your efforts will not go to waste.”– Anna Agoncillo

418. Small daily efforts multiply into weeks, months and years of effort. Change takes time but does happen over the course of time. Kathy Henn

419. I’m practicing non-attachment. Accepting what comes and allowing it to leave when it’s time. What’s for me will be for me effortlessly

420. Labor Day is a great opportunity to honor all American workers and show them how appreciated their efforts are. Thank you for your continued outstanding work. Happy Labor Day!

421. “Words can be twisted into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean nothing. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying natures, when ninety-nine percent of the time the totality of the reality is an entirely different beast. The wisest man is the silent one. Examine his actions. Judge him by them.”

422. “Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy.” ~ Gretta Brooker Palmer

423. I will text you first, keep the conversation going, make plans, but if I’m the only one putting in the effort then I’m not going to keep trying.”

424. “Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.”

425. “Self-help is the best help”. Every word of the saying is true. Self improvement is not easy and it does not happen overnight. It is the result of continuous efforts and time we invest in ourselves. to improve ourselves morally. intellectually. and. physically.

426. “If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal.”

427. You can put all your effort in trying to make someone happy… but there comes a time when we become tired of trying to fill a bucket that is leaking from the inside.”

428. “I love the way you follow me everywhere I go, nurturing me with your love and always putting in that extra effort to make it work. I love you no matter what comes our way.”

429. “I love that our effortless friendship fits perfectly with my laziness.”

430. “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” — Winston Churchill

431. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.”– Deborah Day

432. “... the child of seven years must have other kinds of social experiences. We can say that up to seven years the experiences have been in a small house that belonged to him. Now he must go out from it and make greater efforts. ”

433. “Love is not really a mystery. It is a process like anything else. A process that requires trust, effort, focus and commitment by two willing partners.” – Elizabeth Bourgeret

434. “To create a garden is to search for a better world. In our effort to improve on nature, we are guided by a vision of paradise. Whether the result is a horticultural masterpiece or only a modest vegetable patch, it is based on the expectation of a glorious future. This hope for the future is at the heart of all gardening.” — Marina Schinz

435. “…economic independence...would result in a "valorization" of his personality, in making him feel himself capable of succeeding in life by his own efforts and on his own merits, and at the same time it would put him in direct contact with the supreme reality of social life. We speak therefore of letting him earn money by his own work. ”

436. “Each of us has our own dreams and ambitions. Only through a concentrated effort can a person realize one’s own dreams, hopes and ambitions.” — Maggie Thompson, Codepency

437. “It is not what life brings to us but to whom we belong that determines Christ’s heart of love for us. The only thing required to enjoy such love is to come to him. To ask him to take us in. He does not say, “Whoever comes to me with sufficient contrition,” or “Whoever comes to me feeling bad enough for their sin,” or “Whoever comes to me with redoubled efforts.” He says, “Whoever comes to me I will never cast out.”

438. You have worked so hard and deserve to be praised for your outstanding effort. Let us celebrate your achievements from this past year and look forward with excitement to what we can do together in the coming year! On this day when we celebrate American labor, we celebrate you. Happy Labor Day!

439. “Winning has nothing to do with racing. Most days don't have races anyway. Winning is about struggle and effort and optimism, and never, ever, ever giving up.” – Amy Burfoot

440. “We don’t learn to love each other well in the easy moments. Anyone is good company at a cocktail party. But love is born when we misunderstand one another and make it right, when we cry in the kitchen, when we show up uninvited with magazines and granola bars, in an effort to say, I love you.” – Shauna Niequist

441. “Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.” ―Aeschylus

442. A beautiful Tuesday as this beckons on you to intensify your urge to get the best and to keep doing what you know how to do effortlessly until you get the result youve been yearning for. Happy Tuesday. Have a lovely day.

443. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt

444. I have no shame or embarrassment with this experience. I want to be a part of the effort to normalize miscarriage and remove the stigma from it.” — Hilaria Baldwin

445. All the efforts and hard work you invested to bring out the best in us can never be repaid in mere words. We can only feel grateful for having a teacher like you!

446. Making an effort is hard. Doing nothing is hard. Choose your hard.

447. "Continuous effort—not strength or intelligence—is the key to unlocking our potential."— Winston Churchill

448. “Victory isn’t defined by wins or losses. It is defined by effort. If you can truthfully say ‘I did the best I could I gave everything I had’ then you’re a winner.”- Kai Green

449. “We are very much what others think of us. The reception our observations meet with gives us courage to proceed, or damps our efforts.” –

450. “It also takes conscious effort and decision to choose to love.”

451. If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal.”

452. I wanted to believe in your promise, love each other, and be cheerful together. But that means you and I will have to work too hard for each other. The efforts needed for me to not let you go and your efforts to protect me.” – Unknown

453. “Happiness is a choice,” observes psychotherapist Jennifer Tomko, owner of Clarity Health Solutions in Jupiter, Florida, which is why these wise words of Carlos Castaneda resonate with her. Self-care isn’t only about taking time for yourself. It’s also about choosing to look at things positively, even when that takes effort. You can assume the best or the worst of other people, but “assuming the best is an investment in my own well-being,” Tomko adds. (This is what optimistic people do every day.)

454. “Our grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends — and hardly ever our own grown children.” — Ruth Goode

455. “Relationships take time and effort; they’re not always like the fairytale they start off as. – Neha Yazmin

456. It’s not the beauty alone, but the small beautiful efforts taken for each other.” – Unknown

457. When you have to act or put effort, know that life is short. When you realize life is short, procrastination falls away. When you are expecting a result, know that life is eternal.”

458. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.”

459. “No relationship works without making an effort. That goes without saying. But you should never overcompensate.” – Sonam Kapoor

460. “I’m not high maintenance, you’re just low effort.”

461. “Life and love generate effort, but effort will not generate them.” – Alan Watts

462. “Mindset change is not about picking up a few pointers here and there. It's about seeing things in a new way. When people change to a growth mindset. they change from a judge-and-be-judged framework to a learn-and-help-learn framework. Their commitment is to growth. and growth take plenty of time. effort. and mutual support.”

463. We are no longer trying to get pregnant, the efforts are already successful.

464. “The absorbent mind is indeed a marvellous gift to humanity! By merely 'living' and without and conscious effort the individual absorbs from the environment even a complex cultural achievement like language. If this essential mental form existed in the adult, how much easier would our studies be! ”

465. ¨ Selfish people often mistake selfishness for strength It takes no talent, no intelligence, no self-control and no effort to sacrifice other people for your ego. ¨- Unknown

466. Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

467. Position yourself to succeed first by building good relationships with the right people; and then put your effort and expertise behind that!” – Garrison Wynn

468. “Good memories are most often created without conscious effort. These are the memories that result from those unselfish acts or behaviors that give of our time, talents or gifts without any due regard for repayment.” – Byron R. Pulsifer. “Good memories are most often created without conscious effort. These are the memories that result from those unselfish acts or behaviors that give of our time, talents or gifts without any due regard for repayment.” – Byron R. Pulsifer

469. “I know, despite all my best efforts and deepest desires, that I can’t guarantee a happy, healthy, and successful path for my children; still, once in a while, I feel the tide touching my toes.” – D’Anne Burwell

470. “Knowledge is real knowledge only when it is acquired by the efforts of your intellect, not by memory.”

471. “No matter what your ability is, the effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.” — Carol Dweck

472. “I tried to reach out of the bed to shake her shoulder, but I couldn’t, and I felt exhausted by the effort. At the same time I was exhilarated by the seriousness of my pain, like it might change my life in an unforeseen way.”

473. The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.

474. “To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread.”

475. “Your objective is to avoid being on a string. The first step, I think, is to get over the fear of losing a man by confronting him. Just stop being afraid, already. The most successful people in this world recognize that taking chances to get what they want is much more productive than sitting around being too scared to take a shot. The same philosophy can be applied to dating: if putting your requirements on the table means you risk him walking away, it’s a risk you have to take. Because that fear can trip you up every time; all too many of you let the guy get away with disrespecting you, putting in minimal effort and holding on to the commitment to you because you’re afraid he’s going to walk away and you’ll be alone again. And we men? We recognize this and play on it, big time.”

476. “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” — Jesse Owens

477. “A birthday is one day in the entire year when you get preferential treatment without any effort. So enjoy it while you can, my dear. Happy 24th bday to you.”

478. "No matter how difficult and distracting life is, our job is to focus, to work through it, to keep our eyes and our efforts where they belong.”

479. Watching you walk across a room is the greatest gift. The way you move is so graceful and effortless. The way you smile makes me feel at peace. Knowing you’re walking towards me is a feeling so hard to describe. It’s like coming home, a comfort; only the home is coming to me. I will never know such love, such peace, as you. You’re my home.

480. “What matters in life is what you care about and what you will continue to make effort towards caring about it.”- Nokwethemba Nkosi

481. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier

482. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work

483. “Keep the faculty of effort alive in you by a little gratuitous exercise every day.” – William James

484. The work of my hands is blessed. My efforts to prosper shall always prevail. The love of God shall distinguish me amongst many. Happy birthday to me.

485. I want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for all of the positive birthday wishes. It means so much to me that you all made the effort to wish me a happy birthday. I feel very blessed to have all of you as my friends.

486. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer

487. “An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves.” – Mrs. Lydia Maria Child

488. “People who neglect to make efforts or who don’t take any actions at all are always the ones who dream that someday they will suddenly become wildly successful.”

489. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier

490. “A stepmom might have to put in more effort and handle difficult situations so that everything goes smoothly and to make everyone feel at ease. It is one of the best gifts she could give.” —Unknown

491. I am not going to wait around for you forever, so either start making an effort or be prepared to lose me.”

492. “It’s only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy, and resolute courage , that we move on to better things. ” – Theodore Roosevelt

493. “Make it a joint effort. Doing a workout with a partner or trainer can motivate you to reach your goals.”

494. "That peace that we’re after lies somewhere beyond personality, beyond the perception of others, beyond invention and disguise, even beyond effort itself.”

495. “Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”— Og Mandino

496. “If one is to be called a liar, one may as well make an effort to deserve the name.” ~ A. A. Milne

497. Pastor, I acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of your leadership in the church and the community.

498. “If you found that one person who is really worth the sacrifices, pain, and hardships then your efforts will not go to waste.”

499. It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage; that we move on to better things.”– Theodore Roosevelt

500. “I do make a conscious effort to bring energy every day. Have fun, keep stuff light, all of that stuff.” ― Will Compton

501. If you want to get different results from what you are getting now, you must change something. Change requires taking risks by stepping out into the unknown. And that requires courage. The best leaders take risks and develop the courage to do so. Once you develop that habit of courageously trying the unknown, you will most often find the experience is not as bad as you feared it would be and the results are worth the effort.

502. “Things sometimes go our way and sometimes they don’t. All we can do is apply ourselves to our profession, giving our very best effort but emotionally letting go of the outcome. Why? Because if we obsess about an outcome, we cannot possibly honour the present moment.” – Christopher Dines

503. “You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset. ” Tom Hopkins

504. Here are the best hard work motivational quotes to read from famous people that will surely inspire you. Life is not easy, no doubt about that. But by practicing a strong work ethic and putting a great deal of endurance or effort into everything you do, it will surely pay off with good things for you. May these hard work inspirational quotes help you get the positivity you need to work hard, get things done, and achieve the desired success that you deserve. Hard work beats talent, and keep that in mind. Share these hard work pays off quotes with your friends, family, and loved ones to inspire them as well

505. “I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.” Queen Elizabeth II

506. “There is no replacement for effort.”

507. “Happiness can be measured by how much effort you gave and how much it has paid off then.” – Unknown

508. Hold firm. Hold fast. Be unmovable. All of your efforts will not be in vain.

509. We are the fruits of your labour and we thank you for putting in so much efforts in making this life so easy for us. Happy Labour Day to you mom.

510. “The rush of the river was a voice, a presence. Water flowed in different to the heave and plunge of the sun, the shrouded moon, and the slow spin of the stars. The sound reached them in a song without words, and all effort to grasp its meaning was hopeless, for, like the water itself, one could not grasp hold of sound. The flow was ceaseless and immeasurable and just as stillness did not in fact exist, so neither did true absolute silence.” ― Steven Erikson

511. "Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” ― Napoleon Hill

512. “Equal efforts.” – Unknown

513. Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.” – Jim Roh

514. “All the efforts and hard work you’ve invested to bring out the best in us can never be repaid in mere words. We can only feel grateful for having a teacher like you! Happy Teacher’s Day.” ― Unknown

515. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” —Robert Collier

516. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort. ” – Deborah Day

517. “Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.”

518. Things won’t work unless you put in the effort

519. To my incredible boss, thank you for all your efforts. May God bless you and your heart. I wish you a wonderful future and a happy retirement.

520. “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” -Franklin D Roosevelt, president

521. “If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort. eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.” – Pat Riley

522. “If you’re just interested in average results, there’s no need to put that much effort into it.”

523. Most champions are built by punch the clock workouts rather than extraordinary efforts. - Dan John

524. “Pain is not wrong. Reacting to pain as wrong initiates the trance of unworthiness. The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat the pain.”- Tara Brach

525. “Education used to concern itself mainly with the separate training of Attention, or the power of reasoning in order to grasp what is taught, and Will, the voluntary effort to learn, and the mind was looked on as superior to the vital instincts, to be impressed and trained from without. Today the mind is thought of as one whole, not as separate mental faculties, and vitally connected with the whole personality; thus modern psychology forms a complement to our method of education. ”

526. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in, and day-out. – Unknown

527. A deep emotional relationship cannot be built overnight. It takes time, patience, and a lot of effort. But once you have found that special someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with, it will all be worth it.

528. “Love includes fellowship in suffering, in joy and in effort.”

529. “I decided to put as much effort into contacting you as you do with me – that’s why we don’t talk anymore.”

530. “Without some goals and some efforts to reach it, no man can live.” – John Dewey

531. “What will seduce a person is the effort we expend on their behalf, showing how much we care, how much they are worth. Leaving things to chance is a recipe for disaster, and reveals that we do not take love and romance very seriously.” – Robert Greene

532. “We expect professional and financial success to require time and effort. Why do we take success in our relationships for granted? Why should we expect harmony to come naturally just because we are in love?” – Eknath Easwaran

533. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” ― Napoleon Hill

534. “Admire the efforts of a failure like you admire the beauty of a sunset.”

535. “I love that our effortless friendship fits perfectly with my laziness.” — Unknown

536. You get the best efforts from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within. - Bob Nelson

537. “The easiest way to gain someone’s trust is to deserve it. This should be pretty easy, assuming you’re just being you and being real. Minimal effort too. ” – Ashley Lorenzana

538. Creaking doors take time to open because they have been cracked, broken, and unmaintained for quite some time. Opening them is irritable when you have to push them through the squeaking. There is a reluctance on the part of such doors to be opened again. But you have to keep on making efforts, pushing them but handling them with carefulness, oiling them, and doing maintenance work to bring the essence back to normalcy.” – Unknown

539. “It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go.” – Daniell Koepke

540. If someone really wanted you, they’d actually put some effort into trying to get your attention and make sacrifices for you. They wouldn’t just tell you they want you; they would show you in every little way possible that they want you.”

541. “Forget trendy designer labels. Jeans, a sweater or a t-shirt worn under a jacket that seems welded to you. When it’s just right, when you don’t see the effort, it’s irresistible.” — Emmanuelle Alt

542. “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” – Herm Albright

543. Successful investing takes time, discipline, and patience. No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time: You can't" produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.”

544. “If someone believes you are worth the effort they will make the effort.” –Kevin Darné

545. Being positive in Life doesn’t mean that things won’t happen. It just means that you choose to not let the challenges affect your inner peace and that your happiness is worth the extra effort too look for the good and let. go of what. you. cannot. change.

546. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage that we move on to better things.” – Theodore Roosevelt

547. “Human kindness has no reward. You should give to others in every way you see. expect absolutely nothing from anyone. It should be your goal to love every human you encounter. All human suffering that you’re aware of and continues without your effort to stop it becomes your crime.” – Louis C.K

548. Work uplifts the workers as it keeps them productive, providing opportunities to learn and flourish in a changing economy. It takes great effort and sacrifice, but the work you do becomes part of your reward package. Enjoy everything you have this Labor Day.

549. “In a relationship,no amount of extra effort on your part can make up for a lack of effort on theirs.” – John Mark Green

550. “Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

551. L’Oreal’s slogan ‘because you’re worth it’ has come to epitomize banal narcissism of early 21st century capitalism; easy indulgence and effortless self-love all available at a flick of the credit card. – Geoff Mulgan

552. “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems. but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.”- Herm Albright

553. We praise you for your efforts, and send good wishes too, for a future filled with happiness and your fondest dreams come true.

554. "The peace that we’re after lies somewhere beyond personality, beyond the perception of others, beyond invention and disguise, even beyond effort itself.” – Jim Carrey

555. “It is not those who commit the least faults who are the most holy, but those who have the greatest courage, the greatest generosity, the greatest love, who make the boldest efforts to overcome themselves, and are not immediately apprehensive about tripping.” – Saint Francis De Sales

556. It’s natural to want to walk the path of least effort, but the path of least effort bears bitter fruits.” – Sayed H Fatimi

557. “Not having to pretend simplifies our life. On the other hand, pretending day after day to be someone you are not, requires enormous effort.” – Piero Ferrucci

558. If someone believes you are worth the effort they will make the effort.”

559. “No matter how much effort you put in, some people just won’t appreciate it.” – Unknown

560. Relationships end too soon because people stop putting the same effort to keep you as they did to win you.” – Anonymous

561. The Good News: Your faith and your sincere effort to live according to God’s principles will grant you peace.

562. You’ve always been so supportive of me. You helped me develop many good skills, boss. For that, I thank you so much, boss. I truly appreciate your efforts.

563. To me, skating should look effortless even when you’re doing the hardest of elements.

564. My lovely hubby, although I love you crazy and I’m wishing you the best, but on this day, I want to see your efforts and how muscular you are. So, do you ready for your craziest b-day ever? I’m waiting to see you. Happy birthday, love!

565. You redefined the whole meaning of companionship when we met. I still marvel at how you effortlessly stay awesome in our marriage. Happy birthday, dear husband.

566. “[Working out] really did make me feel better and kind of saved me. It gave me a bit of sanity . . . I’m serious about my exercise. I don’t just doodle around. I see people at the gym talking on their cell phones. If they think their bodies are really going to change . . . I mean, you’ve got to put in the effort!” ~ LeAnn Rimes

567. “Do you really love me? means: Will you accept me in the process? Will you embrace what is different about me and applaud my efforts to become? Can I just be human? Strong and vibrant some days, weak and frail on others?”

568. Comparing one’s progress in recovery to that of others will only distract you from improving your life. Make an effort to congratulate yourself and recognize your progress. Or, if your loved one is in recovery, support them by letting them know how proud you are of their bravery and progress. Try and recognize their accomplishments, no matter how small rather than focus on the negative. Sometimes a few positive words can go a long way.

569. “Men give me credit for some genius. All the genius I have lies in this; when I have a subject in hand, I study it profoundly. Day and night it is before me. My mind becomes pervaded with it. Then the effort that I have made is what people are pleased to call the fruit of genius. It is the fruit of labor and thought.”

570. “Patience is the key that connects efforts to success. Good Morning”

571. Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the Earth. Helen Caldicott

572. “A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making the first effort.” – Sydney Smith

573. “It’s easier to make an excuse than it is to make an actual effort. And when all you get are excuses, it’s a red flag that something is going downhill in your relationship.”

574. “Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.”

575. “The single biggest mistake that most beginners make is putting 100% of their effort into the positive (concentric) part of the rep, while paying no attention to the negative (eccentric) segment.”

576. “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. ” - Calvin Coolidge

577. We don’t learn to love each other well in the easy moments. Anyone is good company at a cocktail party. But love is born when we misunderstand one another and make it right, when we cry in the kitchen, when we show up uninvited with magazines and granola bars, in an effort to say, I love you.” – Shauna Niequist

578. “You’ve added different flavors of joy, happiness, and colors into my life. How can I not appreciate your kind efforts, my best friend!”

579. "Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results.” – James Allen

580. If he makes you laugh. Kiss your forehead. Says he’s sorry. Makes an effort. Holds you hand. Works Hard. Attempts to understand you. then, believe it or not, he’s quite perfect.

581. “It’s only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy, and resolute courage , that we move on to better things.” – Theodore Roosevelt

582. “To all the musicians who are making reggaeton, let’s put some more effort into it and bring something new to the people!” – Bad Bunny

583. It’s effortless to let go of self-absorbed people. It’s challenging to let go of someone you care about and it’s exceedingly difficult to let go of an ideal and a belief in someone because what exacerbates the disappointment of finding out they weren’t who they presented themselves to be, is the betrayal of it. – Donna Lynn Hope

584. “The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate ‘apparently ordinary’ people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people.” K. Patricia Cross

585. The most attractive thing to me is effort. Someone who really wants to talk to me, wants to see me, wants to make me a part of their day.”

586. “Recently, as I was teaching this concept, a CFO—who deals with numbers all the time—came up to me and said, “This is fascinating! I’ve always seen trust as a nice thing to have, but I never, ever, thought of it in terms of its impact on economics and speed. Now that you’ve pointed it out, I can see it everywhere I turn. “For example, we have one supplier in whom we have complete trust. Everything happens fast with this group, and the relationship hardly costs us anything to maintain. But with another supplier, we have very little trust. It takes forever to get anything done, and it costs us a lot of time and effort to support the relationship. And that’s costing us money—too much money!” This CFO was amazed when everything suddenly fell into place in his mind. Even though he was a “numbers” guy, he had not connected the dots with regard to trust. Once he saw it, everything suddenly made sense. He could immediately see how trust was affecting everything in the organization, and how robust and powerful the idea of the relationship between trust, speed, and cost was for analyzing what was happening in his business and for taking steps to significantly increase profitable growth.”

587. “The individual great spirit and great efforts create a great team.” – Lailah Akita

588. “Make every effort matter, and always make the following effort better than the last one.” – Hermann J Steinherr

589. “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. ”

590. Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.

591. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.” – Deborah Day

592. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. – Mahatma Gandhi (Click to Tweet!)

593. The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort. ~Chanakya

594. “It had been obvious to me from a young age that my parents didn’t like one another. Couples in films and on television performed household tasks together and talked fondly about their shared memories. I couldn’t remember seeing my mother and father in the same room unless they were eating. My father had “moods.” Sometimes during his moods my mother would take me to stay with her sister Bernie in Clontarf, and they would sit in the kitchen talking and shaking their heads while I watched my cousin Alan play Ocarina of Time. I was aware that alcohol played a role in these incidents, but its precise workings remained mysterious to me. I enjoyed our visits to Bernie’s house. While we were there I was allowed to eat as many digestive biscuits as I wanted, and when we returned, my father was either gone out or else feeling very contrite. I liked it when he was gone out. During his periods of contrition he tried to make conversation with me about school and I had to choose between humoring and ignoring him. Humoring him made me feel dishonest and weak, a soft target. Ignoring him made my heart beat very hard and afterward I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. Also it made my mother cry. It was hard to be specific about what my father’s moods consisted of. Sometimes he would go out for a couple of days and when he came back in we’d find him taking money out of my Bank of Ireland savings jar, or our television would be gone. Other times he would bump into a piece of furniture and then lose his temper. He hurled one of my school shoes right at my face once after he tripped on it. It missed and went in the fireplace and I watched it smoldering like it was my own face smoldering. I learned not to display fear, it only provoked him. I was cold like a fish. Afterward my mother said: why didn’t you lift it out of the fire? Can’t you at least make an effort? I shrugged. I would have let my real face burn in the fire too. When he came home from work in the evening I used to freeze entirely still, and after a few seconds I would know with complete certainty if he was in one of the moods or not. Something about the way he closed the door or handled his keys would let me know, as clearly as if he yelled the house down. I’d say to my mother: he’s in a mood now. And she’d say: stop that. But she knew as well as I did. One day, when I was twelve, he turned up unexpectedly after school to pick me up. Instead of going home, we drove away from town, toward Blackrock. The DART went past on our left and I could see the Poolbeg towers out the car window. Your mother wants to break up our family, my father said. Instantly I replied: please let me out of the car. This remark later became evidence in my father’s theory that my mother had poisoned me against him.”

595. The best things in life are free. The rest cost nothing but takes effort.

596. I advise that you should put the best of your effort into whatever you are doing, soon or later you will find everything easy. Welcome to Tuesday.

597. “But you don’t get the girl until you’ve gotten the girl. And even then you have to put in the effort every single day to keep her. You don’t win before you’ve won. You keep playing, and fighting for love every day.” – Lauren Blakely

598. Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”

599. “One of the best things a father can do for his daughter is let her know that she has met his expectations. My father did that for me, and no amount of effort on my part can fully repay the debt.“ – Lisa Wingate

600. “Much effort, much prosperity.” – Euripides

601. “Do you see how the sky holds the sun? In a powerful but effortless way that shows off her beauty and strength? That’s how a King holds his Queen.”

602. “The one thing that matters is the effort.” – Antoine De Saint-Exupery

603. “Do you really love me? means: Will you accept me in the process? Will you embrace what is different about me and applaud my efforts to become? Can I just be human? Strong and vibrant some days, weak and frail on others?” – Angela Thomas

604. “The child’s conquest of independence begins with his first introduction to life. While he is developing, he perfects himself and overcomes every obstacle that he finds in his path. A vital force is active within him, and this guides his efforts towards their goal. It is a force called the ‘horme’. ”

605. A cordial greeting to my Boyfriend who never gets tired of giving their best effort for the welfare of their children, may they have a great day.

606. [Working out] really did make me feel better and kind of saved me. It gave me a bit of sanity . . . I'm serious about my exercise. I don't just doodle around. I see people at the gym talking on their cell phones. If they think their bodies are really going to change . . . I mean, you've got to put in the effort! — LeAnn Rimes

607. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort”

608. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier

609. “Genetics doesn’t ensure love, or even like, time and effort do.” – Kim Holden

610. As much as talent counts, effort counts twice. — Angela Duckworth, a MacArthur Genius Award-winning psychologist, author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.

611. “If you're always the one putting in less effort then don’t expect the relationship to last.”

612. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” -Robert Collier

613. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."— Robert Collier, author

614. I’m in love with you and all your little things and efforts. Sending you this beautiful rose on Rose Day, baby!

615. “I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.” – Charles Schwab

616. “I’m not even upset, angry or hurt anymore. I’m just tired of putting more effort than I receive. I’m tired of holding on for nothing. I’m tired of believing all of your lies. I’m tired of you proving me wrong every time. I’m tired of getting my hopes up and being disappointed again.”

617. “A child learns to adjust himself and make acquisitions in his sensitive periods. These are like a beam that lights interiorly or a battery that furnishes energy. It is this sensibility which enables a child to come into contact with the external world in a particularly intense manner. At such a time everything is easy; all is life and enthusiasm. Every effort marks an increase in power. Only when the goal has been obtained does fatigue and the weight of indifference come on. ”

618. I don’t want perfection, but I do expect effort.”

619. You can't achieve major goals with minimal effort. - Rob Liano

620. You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins. – Jim Stovall (Click to Tweet!)

621. “Those who show lack of effort with themselves, will not be capable of making any extra effort for you.”

622. “If I could I would always work in silence and obscurity, and let my efforts be known by their results.” – Emily Bronte

623. “Constancy in love is a good thing; but it means nothing, and is nothing, without constancy in every kind of effort.”

624. “Dreams are free. Goals have a cost. Time, effort, sacrifice, and sweat. How will you pay for your goals?”- Usain Bolt

625. “Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self

626. The grass will always appear greener on the other side of the fence just because of one type of metaphorical fertilizer – effort and consistency. If one would put no work, time, or consideration in their efforts, it is but natural that their

627. “If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay.” — John Spence

628. “He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts.” – Samuel Johnson

629. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out. ~Robert Collier

630. “It’s just my aesthetic: to want to feel a bit undone, effortless but not without style.” – Yigal Azrouel

631. “Satisfaction lies in the effort. not the attainment; full effort is full victory.” — Mahatma Gandhi

632. If I could I would always work in silence and obscurity, and let my efforts be known by their results.” – Charlotte Bronte

633. “I once heard a sober alcoholic say that drinking never made him happy, but it made him feel like he was going to be happy in about fifteen minutes. That was exactly it, and I couldn’t understand why the happiness never came, couldn’t see that alcohol kept me trapped in a world of illusion, procrastination, paralysis. I lived always in the future, never in the present. Next time, next time! Next time I drank it would be different, next time it would make me feel good again. And all my efforts were doomed because already drinking hadn’t made me feel good in years.” - Heather King, author

634. “If teaching is to be effective with young children, it must assist them to advance on the way to independence. It must initiate them into those kinds of activities which they can perform themselves and which keep them from being a burden to others because of their inabilities. We must help them to learn how to walk without assistance, to run, to go up and down the stairs, to pick up fallen objects, to dress and undress, to wash themselves, to express their needs in a way that is clearly understood, and to attempt to satisfy their desires through their own efforts. All this is part of an education for independence.” Maria Montessori

635. “I realize that taking extra effort in contacting my father means nothing to him – that’s the reason we stopped talking.” – Unknown

636. “For the last few minutes Jill had been feeling that there was something she must remember at all costs. And now she did. But it was dreadfully hard to say it. She felt as if huge weights were laid on her lips. At last, with an effort that seemed to take all the good out of her, she said: ‘There’s Aslan.‘”

637. You’ve exerted so much effort in this job. You’ve been a great help to this company and us, boss. Thank you for your uncountable services, and thank you for your excellent work. Have a wonderful retirement life.

638. “There has never been another you. With no effort on your part you were born to be something very special and set apart. What you are going to do in appreciation of that gift is a decision only you can make.” – Dan Zadra

639. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”- Robert Collier

640. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”- Napoleon Hill

641. “We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit. It is the teacher's joy to welcome the manifestations of the spirit answering her faith. Here is the child as he should be: the worker who never tires, the calm child who seeks the maximum of effort, who tries to help the weak while knowing how to respect the independence of others, in reality, the true child. ”

642. “Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.”- Arnold Palmer

643. ”Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

644. “Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.” – Aeschylus

645. “Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt.” – José Ortega

646. “Falling in love, finding your way into a new relationship is one of the best feelings in life. At first it’s all so effortless. But as time goes by, remember that love is a verb and that you have to put continuous effort into it to keep it blossoming and not slowly wither.”

647. “If someone really wanted you, they’d actually put some effort into trying to get your attention and make sacrifices for you. They wouldn’t just tell you they want you; they would show you in every little way possible that they want you.” – Unknown

648. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier

649. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.”

650. “A surplus of effort could overcome a deficit of confidence.” —Sonia Sotomayor

651. “It takes less effort to smile than to frown.”

652. Effort is a two-way thing. If someone wanted to put in the effort, they would. There is no point in trying to chase.”

653. On Labor Day, we salute our employees. Your contribution to the success of this company is hard to overestimate, and we thank you for your efforts. Happy Labor Day.

654. “Life is like a river. The way of life is to flow with the current. To turn against it takes effort, but the current will carry you if you let it.” – Anonymous

655. “I know, despite all my best efforts and deepest desires, that I can’t guarantee a happy, healthy, and successful path for my children; still, once in a while, I feel the tide touching my toes.” ~ D’Anne Burwell

656. No relationship works without making an effort. That goes without saying. But you should never overcompensate.” – Sonam Kapoor

657. Stop putting effort into those who show no effort toward you. There is only so much you can do before you are wasting your energy and time.”

658. “The newborn must make a great effort to adapt to the external world. He is not yet conscious. Consider for a moment this sudden change of environment. His eyes have never seen light; his ears have never heard any noise; nobody, nothing has ever touched his skin. He has lived in an even temperature. There has been no winter or summer, no change of place, no contact with air, with oxygen, and his birth was an almost suffocating experience. Birth is a passage to a completely new and different environment. ”

659. “With all the craziness and chaos that come with motherhood, despite your best efforts, you must remember to forgive yourself every single day, and strive to be better the next day.”

660. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in & day out.

661. Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven. Rabindranath Tagore

662. “One of the most effortless ways to dress up a casual look is with a sharp leather sneaker.

663. “The child’s type of mind is an absorbing mind; it absorbs whatever is around it. An adult’s mind elaborates. We call the child’s mind the absorbent mind. It is a mind endowed with special psychic powers, which we lose later, because whatever we adults want to acquire we have to acquire with effort and fatigue. ”

664. Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy. – Gretta Palmer, Author and Editor

665. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated.” —R. Collier

666. “Working hard becomes a habit, a serious kind of fun. You get self-satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit, knowing that all the effort is going to pay off. ” Anonymous

667. "With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything.” — Antoine Griezmann

668. Relationships are a daily effort, not an occasional observance.” – Vishwas Gautam

669. “The question is to bring about a radical change in the way we view human relations, endeavouring to influence men’s consciousness by giving them new ideals, fighting indifference and incomprehension; to awaken in man’s spirit a sense of gratitude towards other men. This can also be done with children. In fact, these endeavours should begin with the children, giving them the opportunity to reflect on the social value of work, on the beauty of labour carried out by others, whereby the common effort enriches the life of all. ”

670. “Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” — Vince Lombardi, American football coach and executive in the National Football League.

671. “Skin care is like dieting. You have to invest time and effort. There is no instant miracle cure.” – Karen Grant

672. Be a light to anyone you meet along the way. Inspire others by being a good communicator and setting a good example. This applies to whoever you go whiter that be work, school, or church – make an effort to be happy and shine light upon others.

673. If you ignore me, I will ignore you. If you don’t start the conversation, we won’t talk. If you don’t put in the effort, why should I?”

674. "Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.” – Liane Cardes

675. “Grit, in a word, is stamina. But it’s not just stamina in your effort. It’s also stamina in your direction, stamina in your interests. If you are working on different things but all of them very hard, you’re not really going to get anywhere. You’ll never become an expert.” – Angela Duckworth

676. If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges. — Pat Riley

677. Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts. - Erskine Bowles

678. It shouldn’t require a special occasion to praise someone’s hard work, and so on this Labor Day, it is vital that you know that it is your talent, your teamwork, your drive, and your commitment that make this company what it is. The company is you. Thank you for your amazing efforts and please enjoy Labor Day with your families.

679. "Don’t allow someone not worth it to have the power to occupy your thoughts. If they don’t find you worth the effort or the time, why should you waste yours?” – Donna Lynn Hope

680. The secret to life; one can only see clearly with the heart. Anything that is essential is invisible to the eyes. How much time and effort you’ve spent on someone or something is what makes them so important.” – Michael Krol

681. “When you are tired, speaking gently will take effort. But I can assure you that the peace it brings to your home is well worth it.” — Pavan Choudary

682. “Compassion for yourself is fundamental, since if you don’t care how you feel and want to do something about it, it’s hard to make an effort to become happier and more resilient. Compassion is both soft and muscular. For example, studies show that when people feel compassion, motor planning areas in the brain begin preparing for action.” – Rick Hanson

683. I think of relationships as having a safe place with someone where you are, and making an effort to show up every day to see them and feel seen, especially as an actor when you’re already pretending to be other people all the time. It’s an incredible gift to feel seen by one person: a culture of two.” – Maggie Grace

684. “Love is a seed that has to be watered with effort and consistency. Lack thereof will cause the fire that once existed between two souls to burn out.” – Pierre Alex Jeanty

685. “Never follow your dreams. Follow your effort. It’s not about what you can dream of. That’s easy. It’s about whether or not it’s important enough to you to do the work to be ready to be successful in that business.” – Mark Cuban

686. “Excellence without effort is as futile as progress without preparation.”

687. “Constancy in love is a good thing; but it means nothing, and is nothing, without constancy in every kind of effort.” – Charles Dickens

688. “In a relationship, no amount of extra effort on your part can make up for a lack of effort on theirs.”

689. Grit, in a word, is stamina. But it’s not just stamina in your effort. It’s also stamina in your direction, stamina in your interests. If you are working on different things but all of them very hard, you’re not really going to get anywhere. You’ll never become an expert. – Angela Duckworth

690. This Christmas may all your efforts turn into achievements. May you be rewarded in hundred fold. Merry Christmas to you my dearest one!

691. “If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.”

692. “When we come from an authentic. genuine place in ourselves. our efforts to connect with people work to their fullest. Our relationships develop more easily and last longer. and we feel better about the people”

693. “I might like you a lot but, if the effort doesn’t match mine then I will fall back.” – NBA YoungBoy

694. “You’re born and you keep getting older and grayer and sicker, and no matter what efforts you make to reverse the process, you die, every single time. To repeat: worse, worse, worse, and then death. I have a long way to go before the worst. This is only the beginning.”

695. “Effort is a two way thing. If someone wanted to put in effort, they would, so there's no point chasing.”

696. “If you can’t excel with talent, triumph with effort.” – Dave Weinbaum

697. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.” ~ Deborah Day

698. If you put the time and effort into a relationship, it will last forever.” – Moses Gazman Mukhansi

699. “You can put all your effort in trying to make someone happy… but there comes a time when we become tired of trying to fill a bucket that is leaking from the inside.” – Steve Maraboli

700. “We expect professional and financial success to require time and effort. Why do we take success in our relationships for granted? Why should we expect harmony to come naturally just because we are in love?”

701. “Hate is infectious, but so is love, the difference between the two is one takes effort and the other one doesn’t.”

702. “To make any relationship work, it just takes a tremendous amount of effort and accepting of one another.” –Rebecca Romijn

703. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ” – Theodore Roosevelt

704. The roar after a kill says how much effort was put into the hunt.

705. “I hate how we’ve drifted apart, but then again, if you won’t make an effort to keep me in your life, why should I?” — Author Unknown

706. "All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” – Calvin Coolidge

707. “Mothers – especially single mothers – are heroic in their efforts to raise our nation’s children, but men must also take responsibility for their children and recognize the impact they have on their families‘ well-being.”

708. “We cannot with our efforts, create a man. That is the task of the child himself, and it is the most important side of the whole educational question: what the child himself accomplishes of his own power and not what adult man can do for him. ”

709. "You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training."— Tom Hopkins, sales leader

710. “We are here not because we are law-breakers; we are here in our efforts to become law-makers.” — Emmeline Pankhurst

711. “Girls and women of our race must not be afraid to take hold of business endeavour and. by patient industry. close economy. determined effort. and close application to business. wring success out of a number of business opportunities that lie at their doors.” - Madam CJ Walker

712. “Through [my friends] I discovered what it was to love people. There was an art to it … which was not really all that different from the love that is necessary in the making of art. It required the effort of always seeing them for themselves and not as I wished them to be.” – Lucy Grealy

713. This quote has become quite popular in 12-step and recovery communities, and for good reason. Although it is difficult to track down who exactly Lacey L is, her insight helps explain why so many cling to their addictions. Those who haven’t dealt with addiction struggle to understand why simply stopping is so challenging.If you love an addict, you may be frustrated by their self-destructive behavior. Despite best efforts, they continue to use.

714. I appreciate you, Pastor, for all your efforts that you are always making for the management and progress of this church.

715. “I'm attracted to the rag & bone aesthetic - classic and effortless with an edge.” - Haley Bennett

716. “It is only through one's own efforts to turn toward life on its own terms and to develop a wiser relationship to what's there through mindfulness and compassion that make freedom from addictive patterns possible.” (Noah Levine)

717. “No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.”

718. “Success is the peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made an effort to become the best of which you are capable.” – John Wooden

719. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” — Napoleon Hill

720. The good relationships are the ones where you have two people with mutual feelings putting in mutual effort with a mutual goal in mind.” – Unknown

721. I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.” Queen Elizabeth II

722. “People put so much effort into starting a relationship and so little effort into ending one.”

723. “And in these qualities of the child, she sees man as he ought to be: the worker who never tires, because what drives him on is a perennial enthusiasm. She sees one who seeks out the greatest efforts because his constant aspiration is to make himself superior to difficulties; he is a person who really tries to help the weak, because in his heart there is the true charity which knows what is meant by respect for others, and that respect for a person's spiritual efforts is the water that nourishes the roots of his soul. In the possession of these characteristics, she will recognise the true child, who is father of the true man. ”

724. “Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results. ” – James Allen

725. “People talk about ‘service, effort, love, knowledge’. But with knowledge you know what love is, and what it is not. Love is the extra effort we make in our dealings with those whom we do not like and once you understand that, you understand all.” – Quentin Crisp

726. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier

727. “For me, love is magic; it’s about trust and understanding. It’s putting the other person before you effortlessly.”– Aditi Rao Hydari

728. “There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment.”

729. “It is only through labor and painful effort. by grim energy and resolute courage. that we move on to better things.” – Theodore Roosevelt

730. Labor Day is the perfect time to show gratitude for the incredible job you do every day. Please know that your efforts are always noticed and appreciated. Keep up the great work!

731. Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort. — Deborah Day

732. "All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work."— Calvin Coolidge

733. No man on earth is perfect, but when he shows effort in keeping you happy, acknowledge it!” – Unknown

734. You teach with love and effort and energy that draws in every student.

735. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.” — Deborah Day

736. "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.” – Mahatma Gandhi

737. “No word can express the effort, dedication and sacrifices a teacher put into teaching. Happy teachers day Sir with immense respect and gratitude!” ― Atlas Gondal

738. A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success. - Elbert Hubbard

739. “Admire the efforts of a failure like you admire the beauty of a sunset.”- Amit Kalantri

740. “Life is the ongoing effort to live. Some people make it look easy. Chickens do not.”

741. “A surplus of effort could overcome a deficit of confidence.” ―Sonia Sotomayer

742. Love is not enough to keep the relationship going. It takes a lot of effort and patience to make the commitment stronger.”

743. “Just keep moving. Someone said this to me a long time ago. It’s a Buddhist saying, I think: ‘There is no wasted effort.’” ~ Lauren Graham

744. “We don’t get any marks for an effort like in ice-skating.”

745. “People with a growth mindset believe that they can improve with effort. They outperform those with a fixed mindset, even when they have a lower IQ, because they embrace challenges, treating them as opportunities to learn something new.” — Travis Bradberry

746. “You don’t have to lie to be a liar. Half truths. Twisted truths. Omitted details etc. Any effort to deliberately deceive- is a lie.”

747. “Treasures are always hidden, gold is always mined, yet this gem-friend shows up effortlessly whenever I need someone by my side.”

748. “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” ~ Herm Albright

749. People put so much effort into starting a relationship and so little effort into ending one.” – Marina Abramovic

750. There is a tendency for pessimism to infiltrate our financial plans, yet you don’t have to work hard to seek money….Spirit has an effortless way.” – Elle Sommer

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