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900 Best Quotes About Being Nice And Kindness (2023)

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “Being nice is a good thing. But sometimes being too nice is dangerous. Know the difference.”

2. “It’s funny how you’re nice to my face. It’s hilarious how you talk shit behind my back.

3. “The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.”

4. Sometimes being nice gets on my nerves, but it’s always better than getting upset.

5. I am sick of being nice. I’m not a celebrity that needs someone to dote over me, but I do need someone to respect me while they’re here.

6. There is nothing wrong with having nice things, but when you are trying to buy nice things to be happy, you are going to hurt.” — Dave Ramsey

7. I’m sick of being nice. I’m tired of people taking advantage of me. If you think my kindness is the same as weakness, then you don’t know me.

8. “Never give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, you can never go wrong. Have a nice Thursday!”

9. I’m sick of being nice. I’m taking it into my own hands to stop being taken advantage of

10. “It was nice growing up with someone like you – someone to lean on, someone to count on… someone to tell on!”

11. I am tired of being nice. I want to be seen and heard.

12. I’m tired of being nice. I want to be heard, and I don’t appreciate your condescending tone

13. The funny thing is, the people who work really hard, they work really hard so they can sit on their ass – they just want to sit on their ass in nicer surroundings.” – Karl Pilkington

14. “The nicest thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from.” —Ken Olsen

15. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of being a doormat. I want to be me not some watered-down version of who I used to be.

16. “Misanthropes have some admirable if paradoxical virtues. It is no exaggeration to say that we are among the nicest people you are likely to meet.”

17. “I was too nice. I didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, or say anything that might hurt or upset my partners. ”—Aziz Gazipura

18. “Women who pay their own rent don’t have to be nice.” ~ Katherine Dunn

19. “Each new day brings me a wonderful opportunity to make you a little bit happier than you were yesterday. That is what the best friends do. I will always be on your side, buddy. Good morning and have a nice day!”

20. “The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” — Andy Rooney

21. “I want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my head, too.” – Laurie Halse Anderson

22. This cheese board is as nice as can brie.

23. Be nice and smile to everyone you meet. You don't know what they are going through, and they may need that smile. And treasure it.

24. “I’m actually quite modest. All I want is a nice car. All I want is a drink at midnight on Sunday night and I’ll be a very happy man.” ― Gavin Friday

25. “My biggest regrets in life are being too damn nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and making unworthy people a priority in my life.”

26. “I don't know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice.”

27. “Good Morning Relationship with a nice person is like sugarcane; You break it; Crush it; Squeeze it; Even beat or grind it; Still you will get only sweetness.”

28. A few nice words can help a person a lot more than you think

29. “It doesn’t matter how nice you are, once you leave the room,

30. I’m tired of being nice. I’ve been taking care of so many people for so long, and if it wasn’t for me, they would be lost and alone instead of with their loved ones.

31. “I really think I am a nice person. [But] this is not going to be an election on niceness. This is going to be an election on competence.”

32. I am sick of being nice. I want to be myself, and treat people the way they deserve to be treated.

33. “I haven’t taken my Christmas lights down. They look so nice on the pumpkin.”

34. “One of the nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” – Luciano Pavarotti

35. “Do something nice for you, you deserve it”

36. “You can wear anything as long as you put a nice pair of shoes with it.”

37. “It takes so much energy to be mean. It takes much less to be nice.” — Leah Thomas‍

38. Guidance or just a little hint from time to time would be nice

39. “Just about the worst thing an artist can do is to try and be a nice person.” ― Amanda Craig

40. “Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home.” – Phyllis Diller

41. “Now there's a girl I don't want to mess with' — or at least, that's what I would think if I had a chronic fear of freakishly nice people.”

42. “Don’t be too nice you’ll be taken for granted.”

43. “Talking nice about sun and wind and green jobs is just greenwash.” ― James Hansen

44. The biggest difference between your 20s and 30s is that your body doesn’t bounce back as quickly, so be nice to yourself! Happy 37th Birthday!

45. “A day is going to end again. It’s nice to have a friend like you, making my every day seem so great. Good night and sweet dreams.” – Unknown

46. . I’m not a nice person but I am a decent human being. I’m sick of being nice and people taking advantage of me.

47. “My mother told me that niceness and kindness goes a long way.” ― Mr. T

48. Life is good when you’re on vacation and your bathroom is this nice.

49. Tired of being nice. Tired of always saying yes, even when I don’t want to. Tired of playing the role that people expect from me.

50. “Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice but because you are.” Roy T. Bennett

51. “Atticus, he was real nice.” “Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.”―Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

52. “I’m a nice guy to anyone I meet, until they show me they don’t deserve niceness. I’ll turn very quickly. But I’m pretty pleasant overall.”

53. “You don’t do oysters and red wine together. That’s a no-no; you just don’t do that. I love a nice white wine with oysters.” – Grace Jones

54. Sometimes, it feels like we’re all saying the same thing and nothing is changing. I’m sick of being nice. I am sick of being nice.

55. “It doesn’t cost nothing to be nice to people” – Don Meyer

56. “One of the nicest things about new friends is they haven’t heard your old stories yet.” — Michael Brickey

57. The goals of American Christianity are often a nice marriage, children who don't swear, and good church attendance. Taking the words of Christ literally and seriously is rarely considered. - Author: Francis Chan

58. The nicest thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.'—Margaret Carty

59. “I get to go to all these beautiful places, so it's nice being able to take pictures of it.” ― Vanessa Hudgens

60. “The more he drank the nicer he became; wine revealed his charity.” – Jeet Thayil

61. “A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity.”- Alexander Pope

62. “Being too nice is a crime today. Fake friends are every where around you. They will use you and when you are of no use, throw you away like a wrapper .” ― Shizra

63. “I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”

64. “Things can go away just like that. You got to be always respectful and nice and positive.~Rich Brian

65. “If you expect something in return for being a nice person, you aren’t a nice person.”

66. “People tell me I’m too nice, but they never turn away when I am nice to them”

67. “Neighbor: the nicest enemy you will ever get”

68. “At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far. ”

69. “The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile.” —Ed Sheeran

70. “Sometimes, you let go because you are too tired of being nice to them when from inside you have lost the battle long ago to make things alright. You let go because you have already lose them from heart.” – Vidya

71. “Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy but being kind, in my opinion, is important.” – Dwayne Johnson

72. “It’s such a nice change to get to play a wretched, shallow, mergers-and-acquisitions woman. My true colors come out.”- Sigourney Weaver

73. “I discovered that being nice can make us secretly less loving and more burnt out over time as we stray further and further from our authentic selves.”—Aziz Gazipura

74. The nice thing about being a celebrity is that, if you bore people, they think it's their fault.

75. I’m tired of being nice. I’m done—for good this time.

76. “The nicest thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” – Margaret Carty, Politician

77. “Because we tend to be nice to other people when they please us and nasty when they do not, we are statistically punished for being nice and rewarded for being nasty.” ― Daniel Kahneman

78. “I should stop being so nice cause some people just seem to take it the wrong way.”

79. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of trying to look “good” for everyone else. So I’ll be honest, this is the most me I’ve ever been.

80. “You look awfully nice tonight. Hmm? Maybe don’t wear a bra next time. No, I was talking to you. No, not her. I don’t know her name. What is it? Lanolin. La—Lanolin? Like, like sheep’s wool?” – Ron Burgundy

81. “Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down.” ― Wilson Mizner

82. “At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.” ~ Muhammad Ali

83. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.”

84. “The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.” —George Will

85. “It’s really nice to wake up in the morning realizing that God has given me another day to live. Thank you God.” —Anonymous

86. “Did your mom ever tell you, ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything’? She was right–and talking nicely also applies when you’re talking to yourself, even inside your head.” - Victoria Moran

87. Well, you know what they say: If you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me.

88. “Recall the old story of the rather refined young man who preferred sex dreams to visiting brothels because he met a much nicer type of girl that way.”- Vivian Mercer

89. “Little girls are the nicest things that happen to people. They are born with a little bit of angel shine about them, and though it wears thin, sometimes there is always enough left to lasso your heart.” – Alan Beck

90. “Friendship formed in the glamour industry comes with mutual benefits, which is nice, but it is not the real deal.” —Mohit Chauhan

91. “Don’t mistake niceness for weakness.”

92. “The thing that’s nice about an unplanned pregnancy is that in the end, you have a little baby, a joy of life.”

93. “You know how ESPN works; they'll throw themselves into a frenzy over Tebow's white bread lame ass niceness and then vilify Johnny Football just 'cause he rages now and then.” ― Dabo Swinney

94. “Be nice to your children, for in the end they will choose your rest home”. – Phyllis Diller

95. “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.'” - Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country

96. “It was nice growing up with someone like you — someone to lean on, someone to count on… someone to tell on.”

97. I'm an extremist, and I hope to be remembered that way: noncompliant and an artist. I do not want to be remembered as a nice guy. I want to be the slayer of Bambi. - David Dearth

98. I made my money the old-fashioned way. I was very nice to a wealthy relative right before he died.” –Malcolm Forbes

99. “Life is hard for everyone. That’s why there’s such a nice reward at the end of it.” ~ Aidan Quinn

100. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of being silent when things are not right. I am tired of feeling like a victim or a bystander all the time.

101. “Even nice things don’t make you happy when you’re tired.” — Jo Brand

102. “The one nice thing about me, I have never tried to be nice to anyone”

103. “It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.”

104. It’s nice to have an escape from reality every now and then, especially after a long week of work.

105. “One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it’s such a nice change from being young.”- Dorothy Canfield Fisher

106. “Niceness is an overrated quality. Being nice is how a man pays his way into a party if he hasn’t the guts to be tough or the class to be brilliant.”

107. “Being too nice is a crime today. Fake friends are everywhere around you. They will use you and when you are of no use, throw you away like a wrapper .” ― Shizra

108. People are nice when you are of use to them

109. “Being nice isn’t necessarily the same as being kind.” ― Anthony T. Hincks

110. I love dark chocolate. Because it has a nice taste of death.

111. Nothing good ever happens when you’re nice all the time!

112. “Listen to the trees talking in their sleep,' she whispered, as he lifted her to the ground. 'What nice dreams they must have!”

113. “The nicest thing about quotes is that they give us a nodding acquaintance with the originator which is often socially impressive.” — Kenneth Williams

114. “As a day is about to end again, it’s nice to remember that I have a friend like you. Let’s make life great again tomorrow. As for now, let’s go to the dreamland. I hope we can meet there.” – Unknown

115. I am sick of being nice. I want to be kind, but I don’t know how. if you could please help me out, I would really appreciate it.

116. “We hope you have a nice, relaxing Christmas!”

117. “Be honest, be nice, be a flower not a weed.” – Aaron Neville

118. I am tired of being nice. I want to be angry and make changes. You never said anything about the problem, only my feelings

119. I’m sick of being nice. I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s time to start acting like it.

120. “Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are.”― Roy T. Bennett

121. “A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.” — Ralph Lauren

122. “Many people do not understand that people can actually be nice.”

123. I am sick of being nice, I am sick of smiling, I am sick of trying to fit in and not getting the best from life… I am sick of being told to be positive and smile even when times are tough.

124. I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.

125. “I’ve turned into a bitch because I’m tired of being nice to people that are just going to take advantage of you.”

126. Being too nice is almost a crime nowadays, fake friends are everywhere.

127. “You can wear anything as long as you put a nice pair of shoes with it.” –Taylor Momsen

128. “Cakes and gifts are nice but having you in the family is the nicest thing God has given us! Happy Birthday Bro.”

129. Remember to have fun today and laugh. It’s Monday and a new week to have fun and just be nice.

130. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of letting people treat me like shit and not saying anything back.

131. “I clean up real nice, I don’t got a maid.” – Lil Baby, Song: Sold Out Dates, Album: Sold Out Dates

132. “If you want children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.” —Dr. Haim Ginott (January 1970)

133. “Stop being too nice to people who don’t even deserve it….!!!” – Tharini R

134. “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”- L.M. Montgomery

135. It is nice that I met someone like you, may you find endless peace that will last with you and me forever.

136. Being nice is not enough to win the battle. You have to be willing to get down and dirty when the time comes.

137. “A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world-and might be even more difficult to save.”

138. “It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.” Brigitte Bardot

139. “I love it when they drop the ball in Times Square. It’s a nice reminder of what I did all year.”

140. “Do something nice for you. Because you deserve it.” – Unknown

141. “A beard won’t define you as a man. How nicely you treat her will.”

142. “I don’t know why my smile has become a signature pose. I think it’s a nice change. I think people want to see happiness, so a smile is what can bring that. I didn’t make it my trademark on purpose.” – Arizona Muse

143. "Not all girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice. I'm made of sarcasm, wine, and everything fine.

144. “Sometimes I regret being too nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and making unworthy people a priority in my life.”

145. “‘Love’ is supreme and unconditional; ‘like’ is nice but limited.” – Duke Ellington

146. You claim to be heartless but you're always doing nice for other people? You're just a sweetheart that's afraid to get hurt again.

147. Always be nice to people who have a big jacuzzi.

148. Even the nicest people have their limits

149. “I don’t tolerate liars. I’m a nice person, not a stupid one.”

150. My niceness got me no more. Actually a lot of people has taken that for granted. So with that being said don't speak to me at all

151. “If you can’t think of anything nice to say, you’re not thinking hard enough.” – Robby Novak

152. I'm tired of being a nice guy, I've been poor all my life, but don't know quite why. - Author: Tupac Shakur

153. “Feminism has to fight 'the tyranny of niceness'. It is, and has always been, one of the most potent forces holding women back.”

154. “It’s a nice day for you to start minding your own business.” -Unknown

155. “Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Some girls are made of sarcasm, wine, and everything fine.”

156. “The biggest mistake I made in life is trusting one person who has betrayed me multiple times. I wish I wasn’t this nice.”

157. “You taught me to be nice, so nice that now I am so full of niceness, I have no sense of right and wrong, no outrage, no passion.” ― Mort Walker

158. I can’t wait to shop at Zara, I’m just so excited! This is my treat to me for being so nice today. *feeling of shopping pleasure*

159. “Being too nice literally increases your chances of being hurt, used and or taken for granted.”

160. I’m sick of being nice and it’s not working. I am sick of people taking advantage of me… I don’t know what to do anymore.

161. It’s so nice outside that I had to come inside and soak for a while.

162. When we love somebody, we show it by doing something nice. [In a relationship] learn to serve: find a need and fulfill a need. Surprise people with a good deed they hadn’t planned on.” —Russell M. Nelson

163. I am tired of being nice. I want to be herself.

164. “The thing that’s nice about an unplanned pregnancy is that in the end, you have a baby, a joy of life.”

165. “Pronoia — the opposite of paranoia — is the delusional belief that other people are plotting your well-being, or saying nice things about you behind your back. If you’re a giver, this belief may be a reality, not a delusion.”

166. You don't win wars with niceness, doctor. You win wars with guts.

167. “If you are a stepparent, rush right out and get yourself a dog. Because it’s very nice to have someone in the house that loves you.”

168. I am sick of being nice. Be yourself. Be authentic. Be courageous. Be angry. Be who you are and do what you want

169. Tired of being nice. Being polite. Being polite doesn’t help people out of the pits of hell. It just gets them in them to a whole stack deeper

170. “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”― L.M. Montgomery

171. “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” - Luciano Pavarotti

172. “Mean people don't bother me. Mean people who disguise themselves as nice people bother me a lot.”

173. When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.. – Erma Bombeck

174. Please don’t treat me like an option. I am not only a nice person to have around. I am a person with feelings and thoughts of my own, and if you can’t see that, then I don’t want to be around you.

175. I am tired of being nice, I am so over it. I mean sweet talkin’ and “yes ma’am” ing and smiling all the time. You can be your own person and not everyone needs to know you by your title.

176. “I, for one, would far rather be a nice guy, working with great people, having fun with a small successful business, than a miserable guy heading up a hugely profitable multinational mega-corp.”

177. “One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it’s such a nice change from being young.” – William Feather

178. “When you see someone driving a nice car, you rarely think, “Wow, the guy driving that car is cool.” Instead, you think, “Wow, if I had that car people would think I’m cool.” Subconscious or not, this is how people think.”

179. “Be nice to each other. You can make a whole day a different day for everybody.” — Richard Dawson

180. Don't be a dick, just be nice. it's that easy

181. “The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.” - Eeyore

182. I am sick of pretending to be good enough. I am tired of being nice. I am not weak because I am angry, bitter, or sad, or frustrated. It is time that I start acting like it.

183. I am going to stop being nice and speak the truth.

184. “A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.” ― Dave Barry

185. “There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.” — attributed to Bernard-Paul Heroux

186. “You’re every nice word I can think of.” – Unknown

187. Work hard and be nice

188. “You’re never too important to be nice to people”

189. “I really think I am a nice person. [But] this is not going to be an election on niceness. This is going to be an election on competence.” ― Donald Trump

190. “Wednesday is a nice day because it’s the middle of the week and the weekend is so close!”- Unknown

191. It’s your birthday… and if you think you’re getting a card saying how terrific you are and how nice it is to have you in the family… …You’re absolutely right! Happy birthday son.

192. “Be nice to geek’s, you’ll probably end up working for one.” – Bill Gates

193. “The difference is too nice – where ends the virtue or begins the vice.” – Alexander Pope

194. “I hate people when they pretend to be nice to you and later leave you because you have no use to them.” – Unknown

195. I am tired of being nice to people. I am tired of being a good person. I want to be me, the worst and most selfish version of myself.

196. “Every once in awhile try to do something nice for somebody you don't know, even if it's just leaving an opening in traffic for them to merge into, small things like that give people hope that we're not all assholes.”

197. It is not enough to be nice; you have to be good. We are attracted by nice people; but only on the assumption that their niceness is a sign of goodness.

198. I’m tired of being a nice little girl, so I’m going to dress like a bad girl and drink like one too.

199. “You will never regret being nice.” – Unknown

200. ‘Read a nice poem or watch grey sunrise, both are the same thing!’― Mehmet Murat Ildan

201. “Being too nice may not gain you enemies, but it’ll surely gain you users and abusers. Don’t allow this to happen; learn to say no and turn away when you must.”

202. Just like taking a nice warm shower cleanses our bodies, we need to detoxify and cleanse our minds as often and as consistently as we can. Dane Krauss, The Meditation Guidebook For Beginners

203. "A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

204. “Treat others as you wish to be treated. Don't just be nice, but be kind to other people. That can be so rewarding.” ― Mary Lambert

205. “You're extra nice. With everyone. You go out of your way to make everyone feel special."

206. “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”

207. I am tired of being nice because I want people to see me for who I am. I want them to know what I’m about and how genuine my love is.

208. “You are not too nice. You are just too afraid to say no and honor your boundaries.” — Xavier Dagba

209. Time to stop being so nice thinking about everybody else's happiness and start thinking about mine… in other words time to start becoming a cold hearted bitch

210. Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn't do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life

211. It would be nice to spend billions on schools and roads, but right now that money is desperately needed for political ads.

212. I’m tired of being nice. I’m just not that into it anymore.

213. “I’m far too nice to everyone. I always end up getting walked all over.”

214. “You have to be able to set boundaries, otherwise the rest of the world is telling you who you are and what you should be doing. You can still be a nice person and set boundaries.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

215. I am sick of being nice. I’ll show them what a real woman is made of, with my positivity, confidence and ambition

216. Being nice isn’t the same as being thoughtful.

217. I’m tired of being nice, I’m tired of being the good girl. I want to be wild and free.

218. “It’s nice to be with someone, but I don’t think you need to be in a relationship to feel complete. That would be really sad.” –Kristin Davis

219. “Why can’t people just sit and read books and be nice to each other?”

220. If I have to wish you something, I would have to say have a very nice day.

221. “It’d be nice if fans thought I was the sexiest Lois Lane” – Erica Durance

222. The biggest difference between your 20s and 30s is that your body doesn’t bounce back as quickly, so be nice to yourself! Happy 30th Birthday!

223. There's nothing more valuable in life than someone who's nice to you and means it.

224. I am sick of being nice and letting people walk all over me. I’ve had enough! Let’s start being ourselves.

225. “It's a commonly expressed and rather nice, romantic notion that we are all "sisters" and "brothers."

226. "Everything that happens is nicer with you. – Sandol Stoddard

227. Be nice to everyone you meet, they are fighting a battle you know nothing about

228. I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge? - Douglas Adams.

229. “To follow Jesus, especially in the Western world, is to live in that same tension between grateful, happy enjoyment of nice, beautiful things, and simplicity. And when in doubt, to err on the side of generous, simple living.”

230. “Fear and niceness, the handmaids of all women, or more truly, woman its pretty self.” ― William Shakespeare

231. “There is, you will concede, a limit to the niceties a man is obliged to fulfill when his wife is dead and not yet cold.” ( Heartless Selfish Quotes )

232. “I would rather date a guy who’s cute, can make me laugh, and has a nice personality than a guy who’s popular, and just has a nice six pack.“

233. “It’s always a nice day above the clouds.” ― James Stoddah

234. “The nicest things come in small packages, wrapped in joy, filled with goodness, and sent with love. We are proud to announce we are expecting.”

235. “I may not be there to wake you up with a sweet kiss, I am always here ready to grab my phone and send you my sweetest wish. “Good Morning! Have a nice day my love.”

236. “Never trust a southerner. No, I'm kidding. They're wonderful. You want to believe in his niceness and his charm, but he's an evil kind of crazy man who's righteous. Fear the righteous.” ― Nathan Fillion

237. Tulips are a cool and casual way to say ‘have a nice day’ 👋

238. “Stop being nice if it breaks you.”

239. Dear son, it’s so nice to see you all grown up and smart. I wish you a lovely 70th birthday celebration. Best wishes for the day.

240. “Read a nice poem or watch the sunrise, both are the same thing!”- Mehmet Murat Ildan

241. “The nicest thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from.” – Ken Olsen

242. “I'm not super-conservative, but a bit of tradition is nice.” ― Josephine de La Baume

243. “You just try to be nice to everybody and treat them all the same. Treat them how you would want to be treated.” – Tim Tebow

244. “Right now I'm just delighted to be alive and to have had a nice long bath.”

245. “It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.” — Brigitte Bardot

246. Do goofy stories make people nice? What if, in their goofiness, these stories somehow inspire that in the right way. Is that a social good? - Author: Matt Stone

247. I am so sick of being nice. It’s time to get real, honest and forward.

248. “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery

249. “It is not enough to be nice; you have to be good. We are attracted by nice people; but only on the assumption that their niceness is a sign of goodness.” ― Roger Scruton

250. You know, for an actor to come into the midst of that, it’s – It can either be difficult and somewhat unnerving, or it can be very embracing and like, kind of stepping into a nice hot tub.

251. I am sick of being nice. All I want is for people to see me for who I am, and not what they think I should be.

252. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of spending my life putting others first, only to end up resenting them after all is said and done.

253. “It’s strange how a nice pair of shoes can make our head feel much better, even if we are wearing them at the opposite extremity of our body.”

254. “I want people to be nicer to each other. I guess that’s pretty ambitious.” – Taylor Swift

255. You don’t have to be nice to someone. You are who you are and you make your own decisions

256. “It’s so nice to come home and have solitude with me and my daughter.” — Mindy Kaling

257. “Being able to kick back on your couch, bed, or porch with a nice book and a cup of coffee is something you would be hard-pressed to complain about.” ― Daniel Lancaster

258. I’m sick of being nice. I want to feel good again. It’s time to be a little selfish and stop being so afraid of hurting people’s feelings. Start being honest even if they don’t like it.

259. “I can’t stand inconsiderate people. I’m about to stop being nice and just return the gesture. I’m tired of people. I swear.”

260. I am sick of being nice. I’m sick of putting up with people who don’t have my best interest at heart. I just want to be heard and treated fairly.

261. “It would be very nice to have a friend again. I would like that even more than a date.”

262. I’m sick of being nice. I’m tired of being nice. I’m ready for some honesty, some truth and some realness.

263. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of doing the right thing because I want to be liked. I am tired of being told that “I am always at my best when you smile”

264. “Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are.”

265. I am sick of being nice. I want to speak my mind and point out what I really mean.

266. “Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they’re nice, but because you are.” – Roy T. Bennett

267. I am tired of being nice because it never gets me what I want.

268. ″‘Money,’ he said, ‘is a terrible nuisance. But it’s nice not to have to worry.‘”

269. Sister, you are such a star. Star is the nicest way I could think of to phrase bossy diva, so you’re welcome! Just kidding. May your special day be brilliant, shiny, and luminous.

270. "Why can't people just sit and read books and be nice to each other?” ― David Baldacci, The Camel Club

271. I am sick of being nice. I want to be mean, I want to be snarky and I want to show people up for what they are.

272. “I think everyone dreams of that nice romantic wedding.” ― Lance Bass

273. “Be nice to people even if your own heart is breaking, because there’s no need to break theirs too.” – Unknown

274. “The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.” — Eeyore

275. “So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts?” ― Gerard Way

276. “I don’t care if you hate me now. I already know you only treat me nicely when you think I am useful to you. ”

277. “Today is Thoughtful Tuesday. Try doing something nice for someone else whether it is a kind gesture or a positive remark.” – Anonymous

278. “Be nice to people and the world will reward you for it.”

279. “Don’t feel guilty about driving somewhere nice to run. If people can drive to a park to eat hot dogs, you can drive there to run.” – Bill Rodgers

280. “Be nice to people. We’re all battling something.” – Unknown

281. It is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice

282. “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” ~ Douglas Pagels

283. I’m sick of being so nice, and it’s like I’ve been wearing a sign that says “please don’t hurt me!”

284. “The thing that’s nice bout unplanned pregnancy is that in the end, you have a baby of joy of life.”

285. “When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.” ~ Erma Bombeck

286. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of being polite. I am sick of not letting my opinions be heard. I am sick of people thinking I should be nice and polite to them when they are far from it.

287. “A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world and might be even more difficult to save.” —C. S. Lewis

288. “Oh, that’s nice. I like getting compliments where I don’t have to make eye contact with the person.”

289. “My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. ”

290. “Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they’re nice, but because you are.” ― Roy T. Bennett

291. I am sick of being nice. Not for my own sake, but for yours. If you’re going to take me, take me for what I am: a heart that feels, an honest mind and a body that aches to be touched.

292. "Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? ”

293. My mother always told me: If you do not have anything nice to say, then you better say it sarcastically.

294. I’m sick of being nice. It’s not my job to keep everyone happy, and it’s my job to give them what they want.

295. I am tired of being nice to people who make me feel invisible, unimportant and unimportant. I am tired of being nice to people that have no faith in me and don’t even try to see the good in me.

296. “Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.”

297. I think we all know that one bathroom that is so nice you almost don’t want to use it.

298. “The nicest thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” — Margaret Carty

299. “The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.” George Carlin

300. “Don’t worry about the mistakes of yesterday, instead, place them under your feet and make miles out of it. Have a nice day!”

301. I enjoy my own company, it is a nice chance to think. To think about what I’ve done, And where I’m going.

302. Liberals don’t have to emerge from the hot tub and start attending NASCAR races or – God forbid – church, but it would be nice if they’d stop lying all the time. – Ann Coulter

303. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of being kind. I am sick of always trying to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

304. “It's nice to engage with the people that support you so much.” ― Rozonda Thomas

305. “The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.” — A.A. Milne

306. “Tired of being nice to people who don’t give a shit about me.”

307. “Don’t become so nice in this world where all are wearing a mask on their face to fool you.” – Unknown

308. To my surprise, my 70s are nicer than my 60s and my 60s than my 50s, and I wouldn't wish my teens and 20s on my enemies. — Lionel Blue

309. “Please don’t treat me like an option. I am not only a nice person to have around. I am a person with feelings and thoughts of my own, and if you can’t see that, then I don’t want to be around you.”

310. I’m so sick of being nice. I don’t want to be a super nice person, but all I do is smile and say, “yes.”

311. “You can only find comfort in being nice when you expect nothing in return.”

312. “It’s funny how you’re nice to my face. It’s hilarious how you talk behind my back. And it’s downright comical that you think I’m unaware.”

313. “Every time I wake up and know I have a trusted friend in my life, all my worries seem to disappear. Have a nice day ahead!”

314. “Don't mistake niceness for weakness.” ― Jennifer Granholm

315. “The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.”~ Andy Rooney

316. I’m sick of being nice, and people take advantage of me. If you want something, then give it to me, whether it is yours or not.

317. Sun of a beach that’s a nice sunset!

318. “I got you a nice hat for your gift this year, you know, to cover up all the grey hair! Have a nice birthday, old man!”

319. I’m tired of being nice, I want to feel. Being a bitch is fun.

320. I’m so sick of being for a long time I was being nice, and as a result, I lost myself. Now, I am not being nice anymore. I will be honest, I am sick of it.

321. “Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life.”

322. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of making excuses, I am tired of not speaking up, I am tired of giving the benefit of the doubt to those who don’t deserve it, and most importantly I am tired of being afraid.

323. I am tired of being nice because it is not real. I am sick of being polite and restrained. I am fed up with pretending that everything is all right when it’s really not.

324. I am sick of being nice. Being a nice person has turned me into an empty shell of my former self and I’m done with it.

325. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice and show some humanity, care and dignity.

326. “Sometimes you have to be kind to others, not because they’re nice but because you are.” – Unknown

327. To enjoy coffee at its best, you need to be a bit of a geek! From the moment you open your eyes in the morning until you close them at night, there’s nothing more satisfying than sipping a nice cup of coffee.

328. “Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen.” ― David Levithan

329. Always be nice to people who have a hot tub.

330. 💗 I can’t wait to make my big announcement. Today I got all the details about my pregnancy and I found out I was pregnant. Have a nice day

331. “We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors. But, they all fit nicely into the same box.”

332. To Retirement! It's nice to get out of the rat race, But you have to learn to get along with less cheese. Gene Perret

333. “Be honest, be nice, be a flower not a weed.” ― Aaron Neville

334. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, just post it on Instagram”

335. “Doing something nice for myself is not selfish.”― Christine Morgan

336. “If people were more concerned with how they looked on the inside than on the outside, the world would be a nicer place to exist.” — David Walsh

337. “Not nice enough. Not pretty enough. Not thin enough. Not talented enough. Not stable enough. Not calm enough. Just not enough. ” — Unknown

338. If nice people are the winners and selfish people are the losers in this world, then I want to be selfish one day.

339. I am sick of being nice. I get tired of people being so sweet to me but never saying anything in return. They don’t appreciate what I do. It’s always nice to hear from you but it doesn’t feel like you really care.

340. I am sick of being nice… people take advantage of me. I am so tired of trying to be what everyone wants me to be.

341. I’m so sick of being nice. I want to be honest, real and authentic with the people I love—all while remaining vulnerable and transparent. So here I am.

342. I am sick of being nice. I want to be noticed for who I am and not for what I do for other people.

343. “Her fingers are cold against his flushed skin. It's nice. He hopes she won't take them away.”

344. “If you want your children to improve. let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.” – Haim Ginott

345. I am sick of being nice. It’s time to put up or shut up. I have had enough of being nice. If you want something, then ask for it. If you are not going to say please, then don’t expect me to continue to be nice to you.

346. “A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity.” – Alexander Pope

347. “The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.” —George Will, columnist

348. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of this facade that makes people think I am fake. I am becoming more hard on myself and my situation, but I must be honest. Maybe then I will be able to determine what to do next.

349. “It would be quite nice if you stopped jumping down out throats, Harry, because in case you haven’t noticed, Ron and I are on your side.”

350. I’m sick of being nice. Being nice is not enough anymore. I need to be loved and taken care of right now.

351. “Be nice to everyone, always smile & appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow.” – Cory Monteith

352. Now you'll get to see how I can really run a building, darlin. Not even a cracked knee to hold me back, yeah? What a nice birthday present. - Author: Marie Lu

353. Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice but because you are.

354. “I don’t know if I should thank you or whoever made you such a nice person.” –Unknown

355. “Society values cooperation over independence, obedience over individuality, and niceness above all else.”

356. “Being too nice, too often will get you hurt! Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and don’t let others push you around!”

357. “The price of being a nice guy is too high – much too high – in terms of the system of justice.”- Jed S. Rakoff

358. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of people taking advantage of me. I know I have to take care of myself first and foremost, but I hate that it’s become such a big thing.

359. “My favorite place in the whole world is Nashville because it’s my home, it’s a music city. It’s like, everybody there is so artistic and so creative and nice! Everybody’s really friendly.” – Taylor Swift

360. “Sometimes it would be nice to just have some red wine with dinner, but it’s not worth the risk. I have a great life, a great situation. Why would I want to risk self-destructive behaviour?” – Kristin Davis

361. Nothing is nicer than having someone who appreciates you in the smallest things. Accepts you in times of hardships, comforts you when you are troubled, loves you no matter what and is simply happy for having you in their life.”

362. Sometimes those opinions won’t be very nice.

363. I’ve been nice for so long and doing nothing is much worse.

364. “I made my money the old-fashioned way. I was very nice to a wealthy relative right before he died.”

365. I’ll spare you the smiley face. I’m tired of being nice. I just want to be PISSED.

366. “You are the nicest, sweetest person in my life, birthday girl. Thank you for always being there for me and watching over me! Happy Birthday!”

367. I am tired of being nice. I want to be pissed off and loud, I want to be a rockstar in the room. And so do you.

368. “It's easy to be nice to people who don't mean that much to us. But if something matters to us, we will fight to make it work in our favour. Do we even know what is in our favour?”

369. “It’s nice to know someone thinks of you as a person, not an opportunity.”― Chelsea Sedoti

370. I am tired of being nice. I want to be loved, liked and appreciated for who I am.

371. “If there are nice rabbits on the ground and if you want to catch one, just focus on one.”

372. Have a nice day.” – Calin

373. “I am blessed to have met such a nice and beautiful soul. Best birthday, my dear sister-in-law!”

374. It’s always nice to have someone else who can carry your weight.

375. Good Morning Quotes – “The minute you think of giving up any relation, think of the reason why you held it so long. Have a nice day!”

376. “I literally think it’s impossible to be nice without being taken advantage of.”

377. “You have to enjoy life. Always be surrounded by people that you like, people who have a nice conversation. There are so many positive things to think about.” ― Sophia Loren

378. “Everybody usually wants to be famous so they can rock nice jewelry and all that. Man, I already got a macaroni necklace. I got valuable shit.” – Dave Chappelle, comedian

379. I am sick of being nice. I want to be taken seriously because I am sick and tired of being ignored.

380. “Being too nice can be a dangerous thing sometimes.”

381. Money’s awfully nice to have. In fact, all things considered, I think, ‘Rene, that it’s even worth the price.”

382. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of feeling awkward, of thinking about how people perceive me when I do not fit their expectations.

383. "A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.” — Ralph Lauren

384. Be nice to the environment. Be nice to animals. Be nice to people. If you do that, you will leave a mark on the world.

385. “If you can’t say anything nice about yourself. practice.”

386. I don’t need to be nice anymore. Nice people always get taken for granted and forgotten.

387. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one. Bill Gates

388. “I don’t know why my smile has become a signature pose. I think it’s a nice change. I think people want to see happiness, so a smile is what can bring that. I didn’t make it my trademark on purpose.” —Arizona Muse

389. “It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur.” – Nelson Mandela

390. “Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen.”

391. I’m sick of being nice. People take advantage of me, and I will no longer be so easy to please.

392. Happy Friendship Day! I’m wishing my best friend a beautiful life and every nice thing in the world.

393. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.”

394. I’m too hard on myself, I just want to stop being nice and start being honest.

395. “Happy Birthday to the nicest brother ever! You are so mature and considerate at this young age; I can see you growing up into a wise adult soon!”

396. Nice to be here? At my age, it’s nice to be anywhere. – George Burns

397. “Being accommodating can be nice. Auto-accommodating is just exhausting. ” – Terri Cole

398. “You can’t always be nice. That’s how people take advantage of you. Sometimes you have to set boundaries.”

399. “Gotta hand it to you, nice scheme. Costumes a bit theatrical, but hey, who am I to talk?”

400. It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen. Brigitte Bardot

401. “There’s way more power in being nice than fighting nastiness with anger.” – Unknown

402. I am sick of being nice and nice is no longer an option. I’m raising my voice and expressing myself the way I want to be heard.

403. Each time I remember how nice you were, I break down wondering why great people like you leave the world. Rest well. Till we meet again. I miss you.

404. “I don’t know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice.” – Roland A. Browne

405. I don’t want to deal with your shit anymore. I am sick of being nice.

406. It doesn't cost anything extra to be nice

407. There’s nothing like a nice cup of coffee to start your day. Make the most of every day by waking up, sitting down and enjoying the simple pleasure of a cup of coffee.

408. “Dear brother, you are someone to lean on and someone to count on. It was nice growing up with someone like you.”

409. "May you receive blessings and the energy to keep moving this beautiful day. Have a nice day ahead!”

410. Aspire to be a superhero. Not a normal person with a bigger house and nicer car.” – Andrew Tate

411. “Trust me, my body is tired. The next step in my life is hopefully meeting a nice guy and getting married. “

412. I am tired of being nice. I’m tired of smiling when I don’t feel it or pretending to care when I don’t think they do either.

413. Sometimes, all you need to clear your head is a nice long walk in Chicago.

414. “I keep telling myself that I’m a human being, an imperfect human who’s not made to look like a doll, and that who I am as a person is more important than whether at that moment I have a nice figure.” — Emma Watson

415. “Be nice to yourself. It’s hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all the time.” – Christine Arylo.

416. “What’s wrong with being too nice? People will always try to take advantage of it until you aren’t very nice at all.”

417. “I like to look nice, but I'm not marketing being beautiful.” ― Bethenny Frankel

418. I can’t wait to make my big announcement. Today I got all the details about my pregnancy and I found out I was pregnant. Have a nice day

419. “Be nice to yourself, it’s hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all the time.” – Unknown

420. “The nicest people I meet in life are those who work hard for everything they have.” – Ken Poirot

421. "If you can't tell someone they look nice without making it about their size, then baby, please don't say nuthin at all."— Tess Holliday

422. I am tired of being nice, I hate it! I’m sick of this!

423. It’s so nice and warm here! But where’s my towel?

424. "Don’t worry about the mistakes of yesterday, instead, place them under your feet and make miles out of it. Have a nice day!”

425. “You don’t like hot rod racing or driving late at night, you just want to park where it’s nice and dark.” – Elvis Presley

426. “Be nice to people... maybe it'll be unappreciated, unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love anyway. We rise by lifting others.”

427. “You are the beautiful song of my life. I wish to be your music! Have a nice day! Happy Morning my dear.”

428. “I’m a very nice guy, but don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. ” – Robert Herjavec

429. “Be a nice human.”

430. Marriage? It has a nice ring to it.

431. “Sometimes being too nice is dangerous, you have to show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt.”- Ziad K. Abdelnour

432. “The nice thing about egotists is that they don’t talk about other people.” —Lucille S. Harper

433. I’m tired of being nice and I’m tired of being mean. It’s time to stop being nice and start being honest.

434. It’s your birthday—time to make everyone do everything you want, like a boss. Of course, I know you’re nice enough not to take it too far…

435. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.” ~ Akiroq Brost

436. “I look like myself and I think at the end of the day as nice as pretty is authenticity is more important.”

437. Good morning, my love. I know, I know, I wish I could have stayed in bed with you, too. But my coffee was calling. It’s nice and steamy — just like us!

438. “Too involved. Too pleasing. Too nice. ”—Aziz Gazipura

439. “I have a nice smile, pretty lips, and big round cheeks. They help me look like a teenager.” ― Gabourey Sidibe

440. “I don't feel like I have to be nice and apologetic all of the time. I'm trying to be strong and fierce.” ― Emma Mackey

441. “It’s good to be nice. Stop being too nice. Otherwise be ready, to be taken as granted….” – Ritisha

442. “You claim to be heartless but you’re always doing nice things for other people? You’re just a sweetheart that’s afraid to get hurt again.” – Sonya Parker

443. “The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.” ∼Eeyore

444. “You seriously have no idea what people are dealing with in their personal life. So just be nice, it’s that simple.” – Unknown

445. “What’s the use of having nice things if you don’t ever get to enjoy them together?”

446. “A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.” – Ralph Lauren

447. I am sick of being nice. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is be nice. But it helps other people in a huge way and we should all try.

448. I’ve been nice for long enough. It’s time for me to get real.

449. With international niceness

450. “A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you my friend lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.” – Unknown

451. I’m sick of being nice, and I am sick of being a good person. I’m done with the approval of others, the compensation for it, or the compromises I make.

452. “Be nice to strangers. Be nice even when it doesn’t matter.” — Sam Altman

453. Isn’t it nice to be there? At my age, it’s nice to be anywhere.

454. “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery

455. no matter how nice you are,

456. “Not all girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice. I’m made of sarcasm, wine, and everything fine.”

457. I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of being a friend. I want to be more than that.

458. “Why can’t people just sit and read books and be nice to each other?” ~ David Baldacci

459. I don't care what it takes. I'm tired of being pretty and nice ... I want to DO something. - Author: Brandon Sanderson

460. “On this lovely Sunday, remember to take a deep breath and relax. Enjoy your family, your friends, and indulge yourself in a nice cup of coffee.” ~ Anonymous

461. I am tired of being nice—like a good little girl or boy. I want to be wild and free, like the wind.

462. Human beings need to watch out for reasonless niceness too. It's never reasonless and its reason's not usually nice.

463. “It’s a lot easier to be mean than to be nice. So mean people, on top of being jerks, are also lazy and univentive.” – Casey Neistat

464. “As long as you understand that you find happiness through family, friends and love, then money is just a nice bonus.” – Ioan Gruffudd

465. “Be nice to geeks; you'll probably end up working for one.” -Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft

466. “Don’t think of how am I going to become a multimillionaire. Think of your short term goals. Make sure your mother works less. Buy some nice clothes. Move to a nicer apartment.”

467. “I feel like (success and) money makes you more of who you already are. If you’re an asshole, you become a bigger asshole, if you’re nice, you become nicer.”

468. “Today is Thoughtful Tuesday. Try doing something nice for someone else whether it is a kind gesture or a positive remark.” ~ Unknown

469. “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” – L.M. Montgomery

470. I have learned over the years that the nicest thing I can do is to just say to myself, “It’s a good day to have a good day.”

471. “Be nice to yourself. It’s hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all the time.” — Christine Arylo

472. I’m sick of being nice. I don’t like fake people, and I don’t like phoney people. I’m not a fan of liars or cheaters. So if you think you can use me, please do it your way.

473. “I am an earring person, so I like wearing just nice big earrings.” — Neelam Kothari

474. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of people taking advantage of me. I have had it up to here with being nice and positive all the time.

475. “Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Some girls are made of sarcasm, wind, and everything fine.”

476. “I love it when someone insults me. That means that I don't have to be nice anymore.” ― Billy Idol

477. “You just try to be nice to everybody and treat them all the same. Treat them how you would want to be treated.”

478. “Another year older, but still looking sharp. Guess I know where I got my good looks from! It’s nice to know I’ll age well. Happy birthday, dad!”

479. “I don’t care if you’re black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. Simple as that.” ― Robert Michaels

480. You're never too important to be nice to people.

481. I’m sick of being nice! I’ve had it with people taking advantage of me, so now I don’t do anything but get defensive.

482. “A Killer Compliment is not ‘I like your tie’ or ‘You’re a very nice person.’ It’s more like ‘What exquisite eyes you have’ (very specific) or ‘You have a wonderful air of honesty about you’ (very personal).”

483. “Right now I’m just delighted to be alive and to have had a nice long bath.” – Richard Branson

484. My mother taught me to be nice to everybody. And she said something before I left home. She said, 'I want you to always remember that the person you are in this world is a reflection of the job I did as a mother.' —Jason Segel

485. “Right. A nice guy with something going for him and not any of these knuckleheads running around here with drama and what not”

486. “You claim to be heartless but you’re always doing nice things for other people? You’re just a sweetheart that’s afraid to get hurt again.” ― Sonya Parker

487. “The thing that’s nice about an unplanned pregnancy is that in the end, you have a little baby, a joy of life.” — Unknown

488. Being nice doesn’t fix anything. It just makes everything worse. Be honest with yourself and with others. I am sick of being nice.

489. “Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out.”

490. Pooh bear from hundred acre woods often says the nicest thing. Classic winnie, from the bottom rail of a bridge, listening to Pooh stories if all else fails. Get inspired by a fictional teddy bear - the inspirational winnie.

491. “Hoping today is as nice as can brie.”

492. “Did your mom ever tell you. ‘If you can’t say something nice. don’t say anything’? She was right–and talking nicely also applies when you’re talking to yourself. even inside your head.” – Victoria Moran

493. “Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you – not because they are nice, but because you are.”

494. “It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.” – Brigitte Bardot

495. “Doing something nice for myself is not selfish.” – Christine Morgan

496. “There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.” – Bernard-Paul Heroux

497. When you have a bad day, it’s nice to know that the world is a better place with good music 🎧😎

498. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

499. Come on, stop being nice. Be kind. Be honest. Be your own person.

500. Gee, thanks Dad. I promise to be a good boy and play nice with the other kids.(Kyrian)

501. “Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice… some girls are made of adventure and wine and all things fine.”

502. Right now I’m just delighted to be alive and to have had a nice long bath.

503. “Being nice to everybody, saying hello to everyone in the room, signing every autograph; it was instilled in me at a very young age that this was what I was suppose to do.” – Brooke Shields

504. “I'd be more willing to accept religion, even if I didn't believe it, if I thought it made people nicer to each other but I don't think it does.”

505. “Treat others as you wish to be treated. Don’t just be nice, but be kind to other people. That can be so rewarding.” — Mary Lambert

506. “Success is a nice by-product but what I really want is work.” ― Juliette Lewis

507. If you expect something in return for being a nice person, you aren't a nice person

508. Most people are nice when you finally see them.

509. “Being a little bit nicer in each interaction can result in a network of broad and strong connections over time.”

510. I could care less about being nice anymore. I am sick of it all, tired of being told that if I don’t smile and act surprised, people will think I am stupid or fake.

511. “Dear EX,just because I'm nice to you, doesn't mean I want you back. We broke up for a season.”

512. “Treat everyone with politeness and kindness. not because they are nice. but because you are.”

513. “Nice words and nice appearance doesn't conclude that someone is nice, I believe that the nicer you look, the more deceptive you appear.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson

514. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of putting myself last. I’m sick of feeling guilty for being happy, getting my way, and keeping my cool.

515. “I'm very nice. I'm nice to everyone who deserves my niceness. -Emmy” ― Robin Benway

516. “We’re not all nice, and there are a lot of levels of ambition and niceness.”

517. You may not be the nicest person in this world. But to me, you are the most wonderful person and the most amazing best friend in this world. Wishing you all the best on this occasion.

518. I am sick of being nice and polite. I’m done with people who have no idea how to treat me.

519. Everything that happens is nicer with you.” – Sandol Stoddard

520. “So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts?”

521. “The world is full of nice people. If you can’t find one, be one.” ―Nishan Panwar

522. “I don’t believe in bodybuilders using steroids. If a man doesn’t have enough male hormones in his system to create, a nice hard, muscular body, he should take up ping pong.” ― Steve Reeves

523. #6. “Being too nice is a crime today. Fake friends are everywhere around you. They will use you, and when you are of no use, throw you away like a wrapper.” ― Shizra

524. “You claim to be heartless but you’re always doing nice for other people ? You’re just a sweetheart that’s afraid to get hurt again.”- Sonya Parker

525. “Other people are promoted ahead of you, other people are chosen for opportunities, and other people get dates and find love. You are waiting on the sidelines, being nice, and playing by the rules.”—Aziz Gazipura

526. The biggest mistake I made in life is trusting one person who has betrayed me multiple times. I wish I wasn’t this nice

527. "It’s always good, I think, in general, to have different energies on screen—like, it’s nice to have different characters go at different speeds, just like different people work at different speeds.”

528. "May joy and happiness accompany you throughout day and night! Wishing you a very nice Thursday!”

529. “I keep telling myself that I’m a human being who is imperfect and not made to look like a doll. That as a person I’m more important whether I have a nice figure.” -Emma Watson

530. “May you receive blessings and the energy to keep moving this beautiful day. Have a nice day ahead!”

531. “Neighbor: the nicest enemy you will ever get.” ― Bangambiki Habyarimana

532. I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of being a good girl, doing what’s expected of me. I don’t want to be that girl anymore.

533. “I’m too nice to people and that’s how I get hurt.”

534. Dear son, it’s so nice to see you all grown up and smart. I wish you a lovely 14th birthday celebration. Best wishes for the day.

535. “don’t always feel like being nice and pleasant, but I can choose to in order to honor God.”

536. “If I were the commissioner of all sports media, the one change I would make is to sprinkle a little niceness and civility across our industry. Just a touch.”

537. “Negative self-talk costs more than even the richest person can afford. So be nice to yourself whenever possible and know that it is always possible.” – Dough Pedersen

538. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of being polite. I’m sick of being perfect—all the time.

539. People treat you nice when they are going to use you

540. I am sick of being nice…people take advantage of me, so I’m done putting myself out there.

541. “Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home.” — Phyllis Diller

542. “I’m sending you a nice warm hug from my heart, a wonderful kiss just to brighten up your day, and a sweet good morning to start your day! Morning!”

543. “The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” – Margaret Carty

544. I hate it when you have to be nice to someone you really want to throw a brick at

545. “Rain with an umbrella while holding hands with your lover is damned sure nice.” – Carew Papritz

546. “It is nice to be playing, being on the pitch, and contributing to the team.” ― Jordan Henderson

547. We clean up nice.

548. I’m sick of being nice. I have enough to deal with, so why should I put up with people who are just looking for an easy way out.

549. “Society values cooperation over independence, obedience over individuality, and niceness above all else.” ― Sue Grafton

550. “[Empathy] is not about being nice or agreeing with the other side. It's about understanding them. Empathy helps us learn the position the enemy is in, why their actions make sense (to them), and what might move them.

551. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of people taking advantage of me. I want to know what it feels like to be treated with respect and dignity.

552. “Work hard and be nice to people. ” Anonymous

553. There's nothing nicer than coming back to your village, where people like my mum's friends take the mick out of me. I prefer that to the craziness of Hollywood. - Author: Jeremy Irvine

554. “Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.”

555. I enjoy my own company. Sometimes it is nice to be alone. I like to be surrounded by my thoughts, and by my memories.

556. Being Nice isn’t an end goal, it’s a means to an end. Why do people keep trying to be nice when it does nothing for them or their situation?

557. I am tired of being nice because I want to be seen for who I really am.

558. “Did your mom ever tell you, ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything’? She was right–and talking nicely also applies when you’re talking to yourself, even inside your head.” – Victoria Moran

559. I don’t believe in bodybuilders using steroids. If a man doesn’t have enough male hormones in his system to create, a nice hard, muscular body, he should take up ping pong.” - Steve Reeves

560. Chicago, great people, nice food, a colorful city, and quality time made here.

561. “Dear EX,just because I’m nice to you, doesn’t mean I want you back. We broke up for a season.”

562. “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” – Luciano Pavarotti

563. “A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.” ― Caitlin Thomas

564. “Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.” – Jimmy Durante

565. being nice is a waste of time. being nice will get you nowhere.

566. It’s always nice to pay your respects to the majesty of death and mortality in your life.

567. Be nice to me my wife is pregnant – Unknown

568. “Every time he came back, apologetic, contrite, he’d start off being real nice. But he was as predictable as rain. Nobody knew when he’d go off, but at some point everybody knew he would. Again, and again, and again.”

569. “It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash took itself out.” — Karen Salmansohn

570. A person who is nice to you but is not nice to the waiter is not a nice person

571. “My mother told me that niceness and kindness goes a long way.”

572. “I no longer think she’s just being nice. She’s being kind. Which is much more a sign of character than mere niceness. Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen.”

573. “I’m being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No.”

574. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

575. I am sick of being nice. It’s not that I don’t want to be kind. I just want people to know how I really feel…

576. “We’ve been trained since kindergarten: Be nice, be kind, share, put on a smile. So we’re conditioned to squash our natural selfish instincts, and that’s the right thing for society.” —Bryan Cranston

577. Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy but being kind, in my opinion, is important.

578. “The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” – Andy Rooney

579. It’s better to be nice and wrong rather than stubborn and right. If you haven’t made a mistake yet, you’re not doing anything, but accept your mistakes, so you learn from them.

580. "Never give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, you can never go wrong. Have a nice Thursday!”

581. “I’m a damsel, I’m in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day!” – Walt Disney Company

582. If you can't think of anything nice to say, you're not thinking hard enough

583. I don't care what happens to the world, and I don't play nice with others!. — Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe

584. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.” -Akiroq Brost

585. I am sick of being nice and getting taken for granted. I want someone who is willing to get in my face, hold me accountable, and take no prisoners with their arguments.

586. “It is so nice to come home and have solitude with me and my daughter.” – Mindy Kaling

587. “It’s funny how you’re nice to my face. It’s hilarious how you talk shit behind my back. And it’s downright comical that you think I’m unaware.”

588. Happy 26th birthday son, it’s so nice to see you growing into such a fine young man.

589. The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going. — George Carlin

590. Here’s a nice but short little wish for two people who are already parents.

591. “It costs nothing to be nice.” – Unknown

592. When you’re nice, people expect you to be nice. When you’re mean, they think you will stay that way. But I am sick of being nice.

593. “Friendship is two-sided. . That’s a nice person. There’s friendship when you do for each other. It’s like marriage – it’s two-sided.” – John Wooden

594. “It doesn’t matter how nice you are, once you leave the room, someone always starts a conversation about you.”

595. “Be nice to yourself. It’s hard to be happy when someone is always mean to you all the time.” – Christine Arylo

596. “A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.” —Ralph Lauren

597. “Show it in depth, show it with passion and expect nothing in return. Kindness is not just about being nice: it’s about recognising another human being who deserves care and respect.”

598. “The nicest place to be is in someone’s thoughts. The safest place to be is in someone’s prayers. The best place to be is in God’s Hands.” -Unknown

599. I am tired of being nice. I have had it with the fake smile and the please-say-please.

600. “I have a very hard time with confrontation in my own life, and I end up being way too nice.”- Missi Pyle

601. “I always try to be nice. I never want to be that person that anyone perceives as being rude or disrespectful, 'cause that's not me at all.” ― Khalid

602. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be. -Winnie The Pooh

603. “The method of political science is the interpretation of life; its instrument is insight, a nice understanding of subtle, unformulated conditions.” ― Woodrow Wilson

604. Being nice is not the same as being kind, and I am so over being nice.

605. I am sick of being nice. I am tired of people taking advantage of me. I’m tired of people thinking that I owe them something because they are nice to a person.

606. I am sick of being nice. Nice people are always taken for granted. It’s time to speak up and say what I really think. Now is the time to be honest, not polite or diplomatic.

607. You always have been a superb brother in law and it feels so nice to see that you also make such a loving dad…. Wishing you a blessed and Happy Father’s Day.

608. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.”―Akiroq Brost

609. I’m sick of being nice. I want to be disliked and feared by the people who are mean and hurtful instead of just tolerated for the sake of politeness.

610. One of the finest things you can be and one of the nicest things you can have is a forever friend.

611. “I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.”

612. “Dreamers dream about things being different. Visionaries envision themselves making a difference. Dreamers think about how nice it would be for something to be done. Visionaries look for an opportunity to do something.”

613. “What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?” – Anthony Bourdain

614. “I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldn’t be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year’s resolution is not to bark back.” ~ Tucker Carlson.

615. When one sees something especially wonderful, it's always nice to have someone to share it with.

616. I’m tired of being nice, I just want to be. So if you need to talk about something that isn’t going well in your life, let’s do it.

617. (Kindness) is much more a sign of character than mere niceness. Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen.

618. “It’s easy to be nice to people who don’t mean that much to us. But if something matters to us, we will fight to make it work in our favour. Do we even know what is in our favour?”

619. “Don’t you be so nice to me; I fall in love so easily.” —Waylon Jennings

620. I am sick of being nice. There are so many great people out there that deserve to be loved and cherished, but they always get overlooked.

621. “Friendship is two-sided. It isn’t a friend just because someone’s doing something nice for you. That’s a nice person. There’s friendship when you do for each other. It’s like marriage – it’s two-sided.” —John Wooden

622. “I promise I am a lot nicer than my “resting gym face.””

623. I'm so tired of being appreciated for my intellect." She leaned back and stretched her arms over her head. When will I be able to find a nice boy who just wants me for my body? - Author: Patrick Rothfuss

624. “Louisa? Oh, you know. She was nice. I didn't dream about her at night.”

625. “Be nicer to your customers than your competitors.” -Richard Reed, Co-Founder of Innocent Drinks

626. “Happy birthday to one of the nicest people I have ever met. May this year be even more wonderful and blessed.”

627. “Most people are nice when you finally see them.” — Harper Lee

628. “We're not all nice, and there are a lot of levels of ambition and niceness.” ― Heather Donahue

629. “Because we tend to be nice to other people when they please us and nasty when they do not, we are statistically punished for being nice and rewarded for being nasty.”

630. “You’re never too important to be nice to people.” – Unknown

631. I’m tired of being nice. I’m done pretending to be someone else because it doesn’t feel like me.

632. “Be nice to yourself. for you deserve everything that you want!” — Anuranjita Kumar

633. “The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” ― Andy Rooney

634. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person

635. “Running’s a pain in the ass. But it sure gives me a nice one.”

636. Summit up nicely.

637. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of people who know what it is to be down but won’t lift a finger to help another human being get back up. The world needs more kindness, not just in others’ hearts but in theirs too.

638. “Sugar and spice and everything nice. Oh my gosh! It happened twice!” ― Author unknown

639. I will be mad if you try to be nice at me. Good day.

640. “There's people making babies to my music. That's nice.” ― Barry White

641. “I know it's sappy, but I bet there's a market for civility and niceness out there that, while probably not as titillating as a junkyard scrap between shirtless adversaries, it'd sure be healthier.” ― Steven Weber

642. “Sometimes being nice isn’t always the best thing because everyone knows that it’s so easy to hurt nice people.”- Abhishek Tiwari

643. “Nick can do a pretty good nice, but it's not the real deal. His is a thin, watery nice, a niceness-au-jus drizzled over a great big asshole sandwich.” ― Melissa DeCarlo

644. “I don’t tolerate liars. I’m a nice person, not a stupid one.” – Anonymous

645. “I haven’t taken my Christmas lights down. They look so nice on the pumpkin.” — Winston Spear

646. “Hiding how you really feel and trying to make everyone happy doesn't make you nice. it just makes you a liar.”

647. “Cathy's a nice person, in a forceful sort of way. She makes you notice her niceness.”

648. “I’ve never understood why someone would go out of the way to hurt people by being rude. It takes little to be nice, isn’t it?”

649. “For most nice people, anger is an unacceptable, undesirable, and generally bad emotion. If one is nice, one shouldn’t feel angry, irritated, or upset with others. ”—Aziz Gazipura

650. "Most people are nice when you finally see them."—Harper Lee

651. It's nice to have boundaries, because as long as we have them, we can cross them a bit, and that's what perks interest. If you have full freedom, what do you do?

652. “Society values cooperation over independence, obedience over individuality, and niceness above all else.” —Sue Grafton

653. “Be kind. Be nice to yourself. You miss a shot, it’s OK.” ― Sue Bird

654. “Don’t become so focused on status that you aren’t also nice to other people, because that’s the kind of popularity that pays off for decades to come.”– Mitch Prinstein

655. Happy First Friday of the month, you soulful shopper. Go get yourself something nice 🙂 #fridayfeels

656. “You can’t have anything nice if you don’t set boundaries.”

657. “One of your hugs would be nice right now.” — Unknown

658. “Even the nicest people have their limits.”

659. “If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody come sit next to me.”

660. Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice... some girls are made of adventure and wine and all things fine. - Unknown

661. “If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.”

662. “I thought we were both adults but clearly, I was wrong. Have a nice life.”

663. “Have a nice life. I’m done trying to be in it.” — Author Unknown

664. “I haven’t taken my Christmas lights down. They look so nice on the pumpkin.” ~ Winston Spear

665. “I should really stop being nice, I should just not care about certain things…”

666. “Treat others as you wish to be treated. Don’t just be nice, but be kind to other people. That can be so rewarding.” – Mary Lambert

667. Happy 70th birthday son, it’s so nice to see you growing into such a fine young man.

668. I’m not a bath person, but this is nice.

669. “And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.” – Kurt Vonnegut

670. No person in the world ever lost anything by being nice to me.

671. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels.

672. I made my money the old-fashioned way. I was very nice to a wealthy relative right before he died.”

673. Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.

674. I am sick of being nice, I want to be one of those girls who drives you crazy and makes you forget about what she looks like.

675. “A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.”

676. The nice guys are all over there, in seventh place. — Leo Durocher.

677. “Mean people don’t bother me. Mean people who disguise themselves as nice people bother me a lot.” – Cindy Cummings Johnson

678. “Daisy! How nice to see you." Madison's voice grated over her nerves, pulling her out of the moment. Her defenses slammed back into place and she jerked away.

679. “When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.” – Erma Bombeck

680. I’m sick of being nice, and it’s exhausting and inconvenient. I’m fed up with the people who take advantage of me because they know how to manipulate me.

681. “There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.” – Bernard-Paul Heroux

682. The biggest problem with being nice is that it’s not a solution. It’s just a way to avoid conflict and have relationships.

683. If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.

684. “You can’t always be nice. That’s how people take advantage of you. Sometimes you have to set boundaries. ” – Ritu Ghatourey

685. I am sick of being nice; people ask why I don’t show up, that I am passive-aggressive and rude. I’m not an angel but one thing I will never be is nice!

686. I’m sorry, Flynn,” I said. We say that a lot to each other. You and me. It’s always I’m sorry. I’m tired of being sorry. Why can’t we just be nice to each other so we don’t have to say it all the time?

687. “The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile.” ― Ed Sheeran

688. “Stay nice, not rude.”

689. “True love may come with a nice hot beverage beforehand.”

690. If people were more concerned with how they looked on the inside, then on the outside, the world would be a nicer place to exist.” – David Walsh

691. I’m sick of being a nice person. The nice ones always get taken for granted and it’s time I start taking care of myself.

692. “A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world-and might be even more difficult to save.” ― C. S. Lewis

693. A Gym with Real Fighters is always shitty [grimy] because Fight Gyms don’t make money you either Sell Out with a nice Big Dojo or you have Fight Gyms that Produce Dangerous Men.” – Andrew Tate

694. “Be kind. Be nice to yourself. You miss a shot. it’s OK.” — Sue Bird

695. “I haven’t taken my Christmas lights down. They look so nice on the pumpkin. — Winston Spear

696. “I’m too nice to people who don’t deserve it and that’s why I keep getting hurt.”

697. “It’s relatively easy to act nice and normal in front of a crowd, or in public. The tricky part is doing it in private.” – Robert Black

698. “A cold hamburger can be reheated quite nicely by strapping it to an exhaust pipe and riding forty miles.”

699. Babies are such a nice way to start people. - Liesl Vazquez

700. “Comfort zone is a nice place, but nothing grows there. Take the leap today and start your business!"

701. “You taught me to be nice, so nice that now I am so full of niceness, I have no sense of right and wrong, no outrage, no passion.”

702. “Wine pairs nicely with good friends.”

703. “Human beings need to watch out for reasonless niceness too. It’s never reasonless and its reason’s not usually nice.”

704. “The minute you think of giving up any relation, think of the reason why you held it so long. Have a nice day!”

705. I’m so sick of being nice. I want to do my own thing, but keep getting robbed by people who always ask for more than they deserve.

706. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of being the one who always puts others first. I’m sick of having to be perfect all the time.

707. It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

708. “Joel: I had a really nice time last night.

709. “I keep telling myself that I’m a human being, an imperfect human who’s not made to look like a doll, and that who I am as a person is more important than whether at that moment I have a nice figure.” Emma Watson

710. It’s nice to have an employee who is always up for a challenge!

711. “Be nice to strangers. Be nice even when it doesn’t matter.” – Sam Altman

712. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of people not hearing me, sick of my words falling through their fingers like sand.

713. Sometimes being too nice is dangerous, you have to show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt

714. It’s nice to just embrace the natural beauty within you

715. Don't mistake my niceness for a weakness… it's Strategy

716. I’m sick of being nice. Being nice doesn’t change anything, and I’m tired of being taken for granted.

717. “Friendship is two-sided. It isn’t a friend just because someone’s doing something nice for you. That’s a nice person. There’s friendship when you do for each other. It’s like marriage – it’s two-sided.”

718. “I don't need nice. I don't need myself to be it, and I don't need anybody else to be it at me.”

719. You could be the most famous person in the world, still, be nice to the little man with nothing.

720. It’s exhausting to be nice, you know? It’s nice to want and sometimes the best thing is not to wait for someone else to make that decision for you.

721. Happy birthday. I guess I’ll have to be nice since it’s your birthday!

722. “Being nice gets you no where. I’m tired of people taking my kindness for weakness..”

723. “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be”

724. Good morning to you! The surest way to win in all spheres of life is to never doubt yourself. Welcome aboard and have yourself a tremendously nice day. We are all happy to have you with us!

725. “I will go to a nice restaurant in Miami, and no one sitting at the tables will notice me or even know who I am. Then everyone in the kitchen comes out and wants to take a picture.” – Jorge Ramos

726. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of people taking advantage of me and keeping their cards close to their chests.

727. “Looking through the lens of a coward, passive withdrawal from dating seems like the easiest and nicest route… until it’s done to you.” 3

728. Tired of being nice. Being a nice person has gotten me nowhere. Being honest and speaking up for myself gets me further every time.

729. I am tired of being nice…i just don’t have time to be nice anymore.

730. “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.”

731. "Every time I wake up and know I have a trusted friend in my life, all my worries seem to disappear. Have a nice day ahead!”

732. “Read a nice poem or watch the sunrise, both are the same thing!”

733. I'm not saying it was your fault. I'm saying it wasn't nice.

734. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.” – Akiroq Brost

735. “Let’s face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people: it does for me.” ― Audrey Hepburn

736. “We try to be real nice and friendly to people, but sometimes they take advantage of that.”

737. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” — Don Herold

738. Being nice to everybody, saying hello to everyone in the room, signing every autograph; it was instilled in me at a very young age that this was what I was suppose to do.

739. A great way of saying thank you to customers is by rewarding them. The idea of including a coupon or voucher inside thank you notes could be a nice idea. Business success is only possible due to admired customers.

740. I’m tired of being nice. I don’t feel like a nice person anymore.

741. Cheers to the best deliveries and the nicest consumer dairies.

742. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break. ” ― Akiroq Brost

743. I’m tired of being nice, so why should I be? I’m tired of people being nice to me. So why should they be?

744. “It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. ”

745. ‘Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?’ ― L.M. Montgomery

746. “Little girls are the nicest things that happen to people. They are born with a little bit of angelshine about them, and though it wears thin sometimes there is always enough left to lasso your heart.” – Alan Beck

747. Sick of being nice, sick of being polite. I am off to do something I love with someone I’m crazy about.

748. “Remember, all con men are nice people. If they were not being nice by telling you what you want to hear, you would not listen to them.”

749. I am so sick of being nice. I want someone who will stand up for me instead of taking advantage of me and then love me because they like what I have to offer.

750. “Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for them. We all could.” — Charles J. Sykes

751. “Be nice, else you’ll spend the rest of your life fighting and competing and you’ll never trust anyone and you will end up just not being very happy and stuff.” – Unknown

752. Your curiosity inspires me, your daring emboldens me, and your love warms me. Happy birthday to a truly superb daughter. May your birthday be filled with everything nice in the world.

753. You are nice intelligent and funny – Yet you’re destined to forever be “That weird that that’s really nice but just isn’t my taste” to every single woman that you will ever get along with.

754. “If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.” – Haim Ginott

755. Always be nice to those people who have a big jacuzzi in their homes.

756. I’m sick of being nice. I’ve got too much on my list anyway. I just want to be honest and truthful with people, for once.

757. “The world is filled with nice people, if you can’t find one be one.” – Unknown

758. “I had a nice time with you. The connection you and I have isn’t the connection that I am looking for. Take good care.”

759. “Comfort zone is a nice place, but nothing grows there.” – Caroline Cummings, CEO of Varo Ventures 2015-Present

760. “There is a deeper reason as to why some nice guys are frequently judged the weaker, and that is because niceness is weaker than love.”

761. The moon's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. — John M. Grunsfeld

762. “Money doesn't change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice.” ― Tim Ferriss

763. I think you’re a star! This would be cute paired with a couple of Starburst candies. These biodegradable paper treat bags are a nice way to package small items.

764. “If I win, it's nice. But even if I don't win, I will keep smiling.” ― Simona Halep

765. “May joy and happiness accompany you throughout day and night! Wishing you a very nice Thursday!”

766. At home I am a nice guy: but I don't want the world to know. Humble people, I've found, don't get very far. - Author: Muhammad Ali

767. “You are not too nice. You are just too afraid to say no and honor your boundaries.” – Xavier Dagba

768. Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.— Akiroq Brost

769. I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of pretending that everything will be okay, just because it all seems so good on the surface. I am sick of being nice.

770. “There is no faster way to feel rich than to spend lots of money on really nice things. But the way to be rich is to spend money you have, and to not spend money you don’t have. It’s really that simple.”

771. “Do goofy stories make people nice? What if, in their goofiness, these stories somehow inspire that in the right way. Is that a social good?”

772. “I’m a normal. nice person. A good person. I don’t have any bad intentions. And my past has to stay in the past.”

773. I am sick of being nice. I’m not going to be a pushover anymore. I need to stand up for myself and do what’s best for me.

774. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of being your friend, I am tired of being polite, I am tired of being patient, I am tired of being understanding, I am tired of listening to your problems and trying to solve them.

775. I’m sick of being nice. I want to do something…so I’m going to start doing it!

776. “Be nice to everyone, always smile and appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow.” – Ed Sheeran

777. You taught me to be nice, so nice that now I am so full of niceness, I have no sense of right and wrong, no outrage, no passion.

778. “The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” Margaret Carty

779. “I'm a nice guy to anyone I meet, until they show me they don't deserve niceness. I'll turn very quickly. But I'm pretty pleasant overall.” ― Noel Clarke

780. Always be nice to those people who have a big jacuzzi.

781. “Wealth is the nice cars not purchased.”

782. “Being too nice is almost a crime nowadays. Fake friends are everywhere.”

783. “You don’t buy a nice car and get rich you get rich and buy a nice car.” – Anonymous

784. “The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.” ~ George Carlin

785. I am tired of being nice. I have been nice for so long that it is now my default setting, and yes it can be good but also pretty exhausting.

786. Even people who believe they deserve to be happy and have nice things often don’t feel worthy once they have them. – Oprah Winfrey

787. I am sick of being nice. I want to be heard, and I want my voice to count. I am fed up with being nice.

788. “The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” — Margaret Carty, American author and executive director of MLA.

789. “Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“ – Unknown

790. I am tired of being nice. I am sick of being liked or having people tell me how great a person I am. I want to be good. And when I am good, I will be loved.

791. "It’s nice to finally get scripts offered to me that aren’t the ones Tom Hanks wipes his butt with.” – Jim Carrey

792. I am tired of being nice. I am going to be selfish and start doing things that benefit me.

793. It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash took itself out.” — unknown

794. Nice days and nice people are fine, but what i really like are things that that can be described as ferocious. Lightning storms and loud, booming thunder. People who don’t apologize for being unique

795. “Being nice gets you no where. Im tired of people taking my kindness for weakness..”

796. “Be present. And if you’ve had trouble with this in the past? That’s okay. That’s the nice thing about the present. It keeps showing up to give you a second chance.”

797. I am not here to keep score, only to make space for myself. I am tired of being nice while people walk all over me.

798. “Being too nice gets you used and being too mean pushes people away. You should be nice but you should also put your foot down if you have to.”

799. “Just saying no prevents teenage pregnancy the way ‘Have a nice day’ cures chronic depression.” ~ Faye Wattleton

800. “Read a nice poem or watch the sunrise, both are the same thing!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

801. “Good girls may be made of sugar and everything nice. But, the interesting girls are made of whiskey and ice.”

802. “Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out.” – Frank A. Clark

803. When life gets too hectic, I’ve always found that a nice, hot bath can solve most problems.

804. Always be nice to people who have a pool.

805. “I just want this week to get better. Please let today be a good day. I’m tired of being disappointed and hurt, I’m a nice girl, WTF!”

806. “I belong on a beach. A nice, quiet beach. I wanna hear the water. That’s it.”

807. When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.

808. “Like most people I can be lazy, so it’s nice to have a goal or deadline or reason to work out. I feel better when I get to exercise, or when I’m outdoors. I like to hike, swim and run, and I love to play soccer.”

809. “One thing I do know for a fact is that the nicer we are to our fellow human beings, the nicer the universe is to us.” ~Joe Rogan

810. When was the last time someone showed some confidence in you? I’m sick of being nice.

811. I’m sick of being nice. I’d rather be honest and have hard conversations with people who have a problem instead of being fake with them.

812. “If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.” -Alice Roosevelt Longworth

813. Your Dad was such a nice man. It saddened us when we heard he passed on. Rest in Heaven.

814. I’m sick of being nice. It’s time for me to stop being so polite, and start demanding what I want.

815. It is nice finding that place where you can go and relax.

816. “The thing that’s nice about unplanned pregnancy is that in the end, you have a baby, a joy of life.” – Unknown

817. I’m sick of being nice, I’m sick of being normal. I want to be weird and cool and trashy.

818. Nice is not a virtue, it’s the easy way out. Let’s be honest with ourselves and admit that being nice is often just another form of self-centeredness.

819. “A psychological study found that people who are generally ‘too nice’ are also the ones to get hurt the most.”

820. The moon's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. —John M. Grunsfeld

821. “A nice day begins with a nice mindset.”- Unknown

822. “Winners understand that there’s a time and a place for not being nice. It’s when you’re being taken advantage of.”

823. A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.

824. I am tired of being nice. I am ready to get on with my life and be happy.

825. “The light of your heart is visible on your face, it’s nice to see you happy. We want to celebrate with your friend. Happy 35th birthday.”

826. “Good intentions might sound nice, but it’s positive actions that matter.” – Tim Fargo

827. I am tired of being nice, of doing things behind people’s backs. I’m trying to communicate and I hope that you understand.

828. The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.

829. Listen, I’m a nice person. So if I’m a b*tch to you, you need to ask yourself why.

830. “Happy birthday, you son of a really nice lady who deserves respect!”

831. You can’t be nice or pretty forever. You’ve got to be yourself, and then watch what happens.

832. “In fact, most of us have certain areas where we’re more likely to overdo it when it comes to being nice.”— Brash Fran Hauser

833. “It’s all about people. It’s about networking and being nice to people and not burning any bridges.” – Mike Davidson

834. I am sick of being nice, and I am sick of people taking advantage of me, so here’s to say no.

835. “I no longer think she's just being nice. She's being kind. Which is much more a sign of character than mere niceness. Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen.” ― David Levithan

836. “I love my nice things, but I'm still the Welsh family girl.” ― Bonnie Tyler

837. I cherish your every kiss, hug, and nice word. Every day I fall in love with you a little bit more. Do you know why? Because you’re the best boyfriend in the world!

838. “Time to stop being so nice thinking about everybody else’s happiness and start thinking about mine…in other words time to start becoming a cold hearted bitch.”

839. “Daddy’s a lot nicer than you are Mommy.” “That’s probably due to all of the extra rest he gets, sweetheart.”

840. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of people taking advantage of me and treating me like I’m a doormat.

841. “If I were the commissioner of all sports media, the one change I would make is to sprinkle a little niceness and civility across our industry. Just a touch.” ― Bob McKenzie

842. “Motherhood is not a competition to see who has the cleverest kids, the cleanest house, the healthiest dinners, nicest clothes, newest car, or most holidays. Motherhood is your journey with your children.”

843. Sugar and spice and everything nice.

844. “It’s nice to just embrace the natural beauty within you.” —Victoria Justice

845. #18. “You can’t always be nice. That’s how people take advantage of you. Sometimes, you have to set boundaries.” ― Ritu Ghatourey

846. It was nice growing up with someone like you – someone to lean on, someone to count on... someone to tell on! - Anonymous

847. Being a nice person is hard. You put so much effort into it and yet. You’re taken for granted.

848. “The light of your heart is visible on your face, it’s nice to see you happy. We want to celebrate with your friend. Happy 70th birthday.”

849. Do something nice for someone today.

850. I’m sick of being nice. I want to be loved. I want to be appreciated for being me, not what someone else thinks I should be.

851. “I’ve turned into a bitch because I’m tired of being nice to people that are just going to take advantage of you. “

852. Pumpkin spice and everything nice! Baby (Insert Last Name) Due (Insert Year)

853. “I don’t care if you’re black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. Simple as that.”

854. “Being extra nice to someone can be a form of manipulation--kindness is an exercise of power in its own right.” ― Wang Anyi

855. “Never give up. Trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, you can never go wrong. Have a nice Thursday!”

856. “I don’t care if you’re black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. Simple as that.” – Robert Michaels

857. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of being taken for granted. I don’t want to be a good Christian anymore, I want to be a good person. I am sick of being nice and getting taken for granted.

858. “You can be a pretty face, but if you’re not a nice person, it just doesn’t work. I’m not traditionally a beauty, but apparently people think I’m all right. If you’re a nice person, it definitely helps.” —Kate Moss

859. “I know we have a love/hate relationship. Since it’s Valentine’s Day, I’ll try to be nice to you today.”

860. I’m sick of pretending that I don’t mind when people treat me like shit. If you can’t be nice to me, then I’m not going to waste my time being nice to you.

861. “The worst memories stick with us, while the nice ones always seem to slip through our fingers.”

862. “Nice is a pallid virtue. Not like honesty or courage or perseverance. On the other hand, in a nation notably lacking in civility, there is much to be said for nice.”

863. “Agreeable people are warm and friendly. They're nice; they're polite. You find a lot of them in Canada.”

864. “You won’t burn in hell. But be nice anyway.” – Ricky Gervais

865. “It takes so much energy to be mean. It takes much less to be nice.”

866. Being nice is boring. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of not being myself. And I don’t know how to be that person again.

867. I am tired of being nice. I’m tired of being a good friend. I’m tired of being 50% of someone else’s life.

868. “It’s difficult to gauge that. With a bad guy you just know you’re bad. To play a nice guy is harder — unless you are a very nice person like me of course.”

869. “One thing I do know for a fact is that the nicer we are to our fellow human beings, the nicer the universe is to us.” – Joe Rogan

870. “Did your mom ever tell you, ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything’? She was right–and talking nicely also applies when you’re talking to yourself, even inside your head.”

871. Give People A Piece Of Your Heart Rather Than A Piece Of Your Mind. Life is too short to be talking about spent people and stirring up trouble that has no substance.Instead get caught up in being way nicer than necessary.

872. “Swimming gave me my start, but my pal Tarzan did the real work. He set me up nicely.” ― Johnny Weissmuller

873. I am tired of being nice. I am sick of doing what others want me to do so that they will like me.

874. “I don’t drink coffee. I like nice wines with dinner.” – Jeff Greene

875. “It'd be nice to be what they call a Renaissance man.” ― George Takei

876. “Be honest, be nice, be a flower not a weed.” — Aaron Neville

877. For many, the bathroom is a place of relaxation and escape. A place to be utterly yourself. And if our bathrooms are this nice, imagine what our bedrooms are like?

878. “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.” — Akiroq Brost

879. I am not nice. I am a human, and it’s time for me to be treated like one.

880. “Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find it out.” —Frank A. Clark

881. I’m tired of being nice. I want to be heard, I want people to see me and know me for who I am.

882. You can only find comfort in being nice when you expect nothing in return.

883. I’ve been nice, but it’s time to be real.

884. “Cathy's a nice person, in a forceful sort of way. She makes you notice her niceness.” ― Paula Hawkins

885. “One of the nicest things you can do is to speak kind words about someone behind his or her back.”

886. “You can wear anything as long as you put a nice pair of shoes with it.” ― Taylor Momsen

887. “There’s one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor’s.”

888. ”The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.” – Eeyore

889. Most people are nice when you finally see them. —Harper Lee

890. “It is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.” ― John Templeton

891. There’s nothing better than waking up on a Tuesday morning and enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

892. I made my money the old-fashioned way. I was very nice to a wealthy relative right before he died.” – Malcolm Forbes

893. “I don’t care if you hate me now, I already know you only treat me nice when you think I am useful to you.”

894. I am sick of being nice. I am sick of having to smile at the wrong people and always being polite. I am sick of feeling like a fraud. Nobody wants my good intentions, yet they want results.

895. “Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice… some girls are made of adventure and wine and all things fine.” – Unknown

896. If people were more concerned with how they looked on the inside than on the outside, the world would be a nicer place to exist.” —David Walsh

897. It’s time to stop being nice and push away the people trying to steal my light.

898. Be nice or else you'll spend the rest of your life fighting and competing and you'll never trust anyone and you will end up just not being very happy and stuff

899. “Just because I say hi doesn't mean that I want to sleep with you I'm just trying to be nice.”

900. “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”

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