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191 Best Pinky Promise Quotes: Do You Swear? (2023)

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1.  I want you to fucking pinky promise me you won't do it. No fan of mine will kill themselves. Don't do it, for me. I love you. - Author: Alex Gaskarth

2. “I pinky promise… that we’ll still be best friends when we’re old and in nursing homes chasing each other around in our mobile chairs. ”

3. “I love you to infinity and beyond. That’s a pinky promise. ”

4. “There are three things that should never be broken: a toy, a heart and a pinky promise.” – Unknown

5. “Promise me, you won’t forget our laughs, our jokes, our smiles, our conversations, our plans, our tears, our memories, our experiences, our friendship. ”

6. “She stretched out her arm and locked her little finger around mine to signify the most solemn vow a six year old could make. ‘I won’t tell anyone. Pinky-promise.’” – Tammy Blackwell

7. “I pinky promise to love, cherish and support you for the remainder of our days.” – Unknown

8. “i pinky promise to annoy you forever”. Image. 1:27 PM · Apr 19, 2023. ·. 3,623. Views. 39. Retweets · 2. Quotes.

9. “From TV. Now do it. Give me your pinky swear, hayati.” — Jaid Black, Subjugated, 2010

10. “There had been a computer he had also built himself on the farthest corner of the room, but he had sold that a couple of months ago to buy me a necklace. I wore it then, it was two silver hearts linked as one. That’s what he and I were, we we’re one.” 

11. “Maybe you too are busy sorting out your problems and making yourself the best for me or just making your dreams come true… I know it will be hard for you to handle me as I am too crazy but, I swear that I will try to be the best girl I can… Today, it’s my pinky promise to you, the love of my life…” – Jyoti Dixit

12. “Rain or shine, I’ll always be there. Pinky promise.”

13. “Staring at my outstretched pinky questioningly his perfect lips twitched into a smile. Pinky promise?” – Natalie Valdes

14. “We started our relationship based on pinky promises, where we linked our pinkies and kissed our hands to demonstrate that we cannot lie and break that bond. Because like little kids a pinky promise means a lot more.”

15. “I pinky promise… that we’ll still be best friends when we’re old and in nursing homes chasing each other around in our mobile chairs.”

16.  My good fellow," said Mesnil, stopping, "ever since the creation of the world there have been men like me specially intended to astonish men. . . men like you. - Author: Jules Barbey D'Aurevilly

17. “i pinky promise to annoy you forever”

18. “Mom, I was 10 when you let me chop onions. I had hurt my finger. Today I am 20, and I realize knife could never hurt my pinky finger the way promises do.” — Subiya Hussain

19. “Good times… Bad times… through them all I’ll be right here. Pinky promise.. with a kiss.”

20. “Still in this fake world, she will always be my pinky promise.”

21.  She stretched out her arm and locked her little finger around mine to signify the most solemn vow a six year old could make. I won't tell anyone. Pinky-promise. - Author: Tammy Blackwell

22. “Don’t respect someone for making a pinky promise, respect them for keeping it.” – Unknown

23. “I want to be the kind of boy who would never break a pinky promise.” – Unknown

24. “A pinky is small, but the secrets it holds are huge.”                                                                                                             

25. “I’ll never ever leave you. Pinky promise.” – Unknown

26. “I want you to f*****g pinky promise me you won’t do it. No fan of mine will kill themselves. Don’t do it, for me. I love you.” — Alex Gaskarth

27. Nonverbal communication

28. “Dear Soulmate, even if we don’t work out in this lifetime, just pinky promise me, we will try harder in our next. ”

29. “Every moment we have together is all we need to make it through the day, knowing that our friendship will last forever. That’s a pinky promise.” – Unknown

30. “I love you to infinity and beyond. That’s a pinky promise.”

31. “I pinky promise we’ll always be best friends through whatever. Best friends forever.” – Unknown

32. ‘Pinky promise’ is here to stay, it has been around through many childhoods and gets renewed with each of the new generations. You may still ‘pinky promise’ your friends, co-workers, siblings, parents, or maybe now you even ‘pinky promise’ your own child(ren).

33. “Pinky promise. This shit is legit.”                                                                                                                                     

34.  I went every Sunday to church when I was growing up, and I think that music had an affect on me before my memory can recall. - Author: M. Ward

35. “Pinky promise” was derived from the Japanese word, Yubikiri which translates to “finger cut-off”. Believed to have started by the Yakuza, the Japanese mafia, should a member break a promise, the punishment would be to get his finger cut off.

36. “I pinky promise to be a good mom.” I will not succeed—I will make mistakes, but just know that I did my best.

37. “Pinky promises are still used as a legitimate foundation of trust.” – Unknown

38. “Tears flooded her eyes. ‘Do you promise to love me forever?’ His blue eyes went dark with desire and love as he nodded. ‘Forever and ever.’ ‘Pinky swear?’ He smiled and wrapped his little finger around hers. ‘Pinky swear’ She leaned in to kiss him. ‘Then you’ve got yourself a deal.’” – Marie Force

39. “I pinky promise that I will never hurt you.” – Unknown

40. “I pinky promise to always be here for you.” I will not succeed—one day I will leave this world and you with it, but I will always be in your heart.

41. “Still in this fake world, she will always be my pinky promise.” – Unknown

42. “Dear Soulmate, even if we don’t work out in this lifetime, just pinky promise me, we will try harder in our next.” – Unknown

43. “I want you to f*cking pinky promise me you won’t do it. No fan of mine will kill themselves. Don’t do it, for me. I love you.” – Alex Gaskarth

44. “Happiness is… a pinky promise.”                                                                                                                                           

45. “We started our relationship based on pinky promises, where we linked our pinkies and kissed our hands to demonstrate that we cannot lie and break that bond. Because like little kids a pinky promise means a lot more. ”

46. “I pinky promise to make sure you always have what you need.” I will not succeed—sometime you will need something I can’t give you, but I will show you where to find it.

47. “I pinky swear. Irrevocably in love.”

48. “I believe in pinky promise.” – Unknown

49.  E shall get on famously. . . and be capital friends forever. - Author: Thomas Bailey Aldrich

50. “Pinky, pinky bow-bell,

51. Talk to the hand

52. “Pinky promises, this sh*t is legit.” – Unknown

53. Three-finger salute (pro-democracy)

54. “Dear Soulmate, even if we don’t work out in this lifetime, just pinky promise me, we will try harder in our next.”

55. “Parenting: always being there to pick you back up again..pinky promise.”

56. “I pinky promise today, tomorrow, always.”

57. “I pinky promise that we’ll make up for lost time we didn’t spend together.” – Unknown

58.  Good things don't always lead to bad ones, Crick. - Author: Deb Caletti

59. “These little hands stole my heart. These little feet ran away with it.” 

60.  The player had almost as much fun as the parent and coaches. This league is well worth the time the professionals put into it. I would encourage any professional to host a team. - Author: Casey Barnes

61. Chinese number gestures

62. Articulatory gestures

63. “I pinky promise you that i will stay forever as a best friend of you.”

64. “Good things are coming your way! I pinky swear on that. – Karen Salmansohn

65. “Rain or shine… I’ll always be here, pinky promise.” – Unknown

66. “I pinky promise to protect you from this cruel world.” I will not succeed—you will live your life and there will be bumps in the road, but I will show you how to pull through.

67. “Happiness is… A pinky promise.” – Unknown

68. “I love you to the moon and back, I pinky promise.” – Unknown

69. “I’m f*cking serious about my pinky swears!” – Unknown

70. “I pinky swear. Irrevocably in love. ”

71. “I want you to f*****g pinky promise me you won’t do it. No fan of mine will kill themselves. Don’t do it, for me. I love you. ” — Alex Gaskarth

72. “Let’s swear each with our pinky. We’ll be the best of friends until we are old and wrinkly. ”

73. “He’s mine forever. We pinky promised. ”

74. “I can’t promise you a perfect relationship without arguments over our differences and trust issues. However, I pinky promise you that as long as you’re trying, I’m staying.” – Unknown

75.  “Do you really love me?”

76. “Mom, I was 10 when you let me chop onions. I had hurt my finger. Today I am 20, and I realize knife could never hurt my pinky finger the way promises do.” – Subiya Hussain

77. “Did you know? Pinky promise originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise must cut off their pinky finger.”

78. “Staring at my outstretched pinky questioningly his perfect lips twitched into a smile. Pinky promise?” — Natalie Valdes, “Pinky Promise?”, 2011

79. “Your pinky may be the smallest finger but it’s capable of holding the biggest secrets. ”

80. “Pinky promise is a sign of loyalty and trust.” – Unknown

81. “Goodnight, my love. I will be here when you wake, I pinky promise.”

82. Life time Print Warranty

83. “I promise to support you in whatever you choose to do. I promise not to judge you. I promise to be silly and laugh with you. A lot. I promise to be honest with you. I promise to remind you every day how much I care about you. I promise to never break your heart. My only request, is your promise too. ”

84. “Yes.”

85. “You’ll get through this, pinky promise.” – Unknown

86. “Will you pinky promise me that no matter where the world takes us, we will always be best friends?” – Unknown

87. “Pinky promise: the most sacred vow anyone can swear to. If broken you must suffer serious consequences.”

88. “Remember back when the pinky promise meant everything?” – Unknown

89. All right. Our first customer is a man named Vector. →

90. “I pinky promise to always keep you safe.” I will not succeed—you will stumble, and you will fall, but I will be there to pick you up again.

91. “I pinky swear… I will love you forever. And you can’t break a pinky swear.” – Kerrigan Lyga

92. “Do you really love me?” “Yes.” “Do you promise?” “Yes.” “Pinky swear?” “Pinky swear?” She chuckled. “Where on earth did you learn that?” “From TV. Now do it. Give me your pinky swear, hayati.” — Jaid Black

93. “Staring at my outstretched pinky questioningly his perfect lips twitched into a smile. Pinky promise?” 

94. Liberian snap handshake

95. “I deleted your number. Although I know the tired digits by heart, scout’s honor, pinky promise.I am trying to talk myself out of every emotion I’m having, and of course, it is failing to a fault. I’m still sad, I’m still mad, I’m still heartbroken, I miss you.” – Elizabeth Brooks

96. “He’s mine forever. We pinky promised.”

97. “A pinky promise is forever, I intend to keep this pinky promise forever.” – Unknown

98.  Do you really love me?" 

99. “I can’t promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you that you won’t have to face them all alone. “

100. “After all… We pinky swore.” – Unknown

101. “Their pinky fingers are still waiting for one another, to come and hold, to make again a promise… Just a ‘pinky promise’.” – Unknown

102. “Let’s swear to each other with our pinky. We’ll be best friends even when we are old and wrinkly.” – Unknown

103. “I pinky promise that I will love you to infinity and beyond, stay by your side in times of trouble… I will worship our love by trusting you in every stage of my life and to lend myself to you forever and ever” — Omaima Khan

104. Hand-in-waistcoat

105. “I pinky promise to save you from heartbreak.” I will not succeed—some boy will come and shatter your heart into a million pieces, but I will be there to wipe your tears and hold you tight.

106. “Pinky swear?” She chuckled. “Where on earth did you learn that?”

107. ‘Pinky promise’ might seem childish, but as all other promises, a ‘pinky promise’ is to be taken seriously because you don’t want to break that trust you have with that person. ‘Pinky promises’ are sometimes referred to as “pinky swears.” A  promise and a swear is basically the same thing, you don’t want to break them no matter what they are called.

108. “Did you know? Pinky promise originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise must cut off their pinky finger.” – Unknown

109. Sign of the cross

110. “Good things are coming your way, I pinky swear on it.” – Unknown

111. “The kind of boy who would never break a pinky promise.”

112. Sample rate. Channels

113. “I pinky promise that I won’t tell a soul, you have my pinky and my word.” – Unknown

114. Sign of the horns

115. “Their pinky fingers are still waiting for one another, to come and hold, to make again a promise… Just a ‘pinky promise’. ”

116. “Your pinky may be the smallest finger but it’s capable of holding the biggest secrets.”

117. “A pinky promise on this friendship day that you are truly amazing friend of only mine.” – Chandu Chandana

118. “Still uses pinky promises as a legitimate foundation of trust. ”

119. “Jace and I had been like that, two towers, soaring through the sky side by side, looking and feeling indestructible while we were together.” 

120. “Mom, I was 10 when you let me chop onions. I had hurt my finger. Today I am 20, and I realize knife could never hurt my pinky finger the way promises do. ” — Subiya Hussain

121. “I pinky swear I will love you forever… and you can’t break a pinky swear.” – Kerrigan Lyga

122. “He sets his fork down and holds out his pinky. "Promise?" 

123. “A pinky is small, but the secrets it holds are huge. ”

124. “Pinky promise is a sign of loyalty and trust.”

125. “Pinky, pinky bow-bell, Whoever tells a lie Will sink down to the bad place [sic] And never rise up again.” — Dictionary of Americanisms

126. “I pinky promise that I will love you to infinity and beyond, stay by your side in times of trouble… I will worship our love by trusting you in every stage of my life and to lend myself to you forever and ever” — Omaima Khan

127. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye”.

128. “I believe in pinky promises. ”

129. “I pinky promise that we will make up for the lost time we didn’t spend together.”

130. “We started our relationship based on pinky promises, where we linked our pinkys and kissed our hands to demonstrate that we can not lie or break that bond. Like little kids a pinky promise means a lot more.” – Unknown

131. “Pinky promises are meant to be taken very seriously, I am putting my trust into you that you will keep your word. Please treat our pinky promise seriously.” – Unknown

132. “I can’t promise to fix all your problems but I pinky promise you that you won’t have to face them all alone.“ – Unknown

133. “I will always find you, protect you, and won’t let you down. I pinky promise.” – Unknown

134. “A pinky is small, but the secrets it holds are huge.” – Unknown

135. “I pinky promise to be your best friend.” I will not succeed—at times you will hate me, but just know that I did what was best.

136. Thumb/index-finger ring

137. Three-finger salute (Serbian)

138. “Pinky swear?”

139. “I pinky promise that we will make up for the lost time we didn’t spend together. ”

140. “If I pinky promise you, that means I love you.” – Unknown

141. “My pinky finger is for my best friend to make promises that I’ll never break.” – Unknown

142. “You’ll get through this. Pinky promise.”

143. “I pinky promise that we’ll still be best friends when we’re grey and old in our nursing home. Chasing each other around the halls in our mobile chairs.” – Unknown

144. “I pinky promise to always be close to you.” I will not succeed—someday you will move away from home, but I will only be a phone call away.

145. “I pinky promise we’ll always be best friends through whatever. Best friends forever.”

146.  Everyone in the South has no time for reading because they are all too busy writing. - Author: William Faulkner

147. “I believe in pinky promises.”                                                                                                                                                 

148. “Did you know? Pinky promise originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise must cut off their pinky finger. ”

149. “I pinky promise you that we will always be friends till the end.”                                                                                           

150. “If you’re going to pinky promise me, I might bring back the original punishment for breaking that promise.” – Unknown

151. “Dear future hubby, I know it’s stupid writing to someone who hasn’t even reached yet, but, you do deserve this stupidity, too. Cause, you are going to handle every stupidity of mine… I am waiting for you wholeheartedly but won’t force you to come fast. Cause, maybe you too are busy sorting out your problems and making yourself the best for me or just making your dreams come true… I know it will be hard for you to handle me as I am too crazy but, I swear that I will try to be the best girl I can… Today, it’s my pinky promise to you, the love of my life…” — Jyoti Dixit

152. “I can’t promise you a perfect relationship without arguments over our differences and trust issues. However, I can promise you that as long as you’re trying, I’m staying. ”

153. “It is only s pinky promise if it is sealed with a kiss.”

154. “I deleted your number. Although I know the tired digits by heart, scout’s honor, pinky promise. I am trying to talk myself out of every emotion I’m having, and of course, it is failing to a fault. I’m still sad, I’m still mad, I’m still heartbroken, i miss you.” – Elizabeth Brooks

155. “I pinky promise we’ll always be best friends through whatever. Best friends forever. ”

156. “Cross my heart and pinky swear.”                                                                                                                       

157. “Pinky promises aren’t just for kids, they aren’t childish, they are for everyone who is willing to trust someone that much.” – Unknown

158. Scout sign and salute

159. “Rain or shine, I’ll always be there. Pinky promise. ”

160. “If you really mean it, I want you to pinky promise me that you’ll be with me forever.. And then I don’t want you to break that promise.” – Unknown

161. “I pinky promise that I will love you to infinity and beyond, stay by your side in times of trouble… I will worship our love by trusting you in every stage of my life and to lend myself to you forever and ever” – Omaima Khan

162. “I pinky swear. Irrevocably in love.” – Unknown

163. “I pinky promise today, tomorrow, always. ”

164. “It is only a pinky promise if it is sealed with a kiss.” – Unknown

165. “I pinky promise today, tomorrow, always.” – Unknown

166. Two-finger salute

167. Manual communication

168.  They think my mother's ashes are marijuana. - Author: Graham Greene

169. “Dear future hubby, I know it’s stupid writing to someone who hasn’t even reached yet, but, you do deserve this stupidity, too. Cause, you are going to handle every stupidity of mine… I am waiting for you wholeheartedly but won’t force you to come fast. Cause, maybe you too are busy sorting out your problems and making yourself the best for me or just making your dreams come true… I know it will be hard for you to handle me as I am too crazy but, I swear that I will try to be the best girl I can… Today, it’s my pinky promise to you, the love of my life…” — Jyoti Dixit

170.  I deleted your number. Although I know the tired digits by heart, scout's honor, pinky promise

171. “I pinky promise I will love you forever.”

172.  Jace and I had been like that, two towers, soaring through the sky side by side, looking and feeling indestructible while we were together. - Author: Natalie Valdes

173. “Let’s swear each with our pinky. We’ll be the best of friends until we are old and wrinkly.”                                                                                                                                                           

174. “I pinky swear… I will love you forever. And you can’t break a pinky swear. ” – Kerrigan Lyga

175. “Do you promise?”

176. “Cross my heart and pinky swear.” – Unknown

177. “I pinky promise to always keep you safe.” I will not succeed—you will stumble, and you will fall, but I will be there to pick you up again.

178. “Remember back when a pinky promise meant everything?”

179. “A pinky promise on this friendship day that you are truly amazing friend of only mine.” – Chandu Chandana

180. “People that still use pinky promises are my type of people.” – Unknown

181. “I pinky promise that I will always love you, until my very last heart beat.” – Unknown

182. “Staring at my outstretched pinky questioningly his perfect lips twitched into a smile. Pinky promise?” — Natalie Valdes, “Pinky Promise?”, 2011

183. “A pinky promise to forever.”                                                                                                                               

184. This article about a tradition is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

185. “Their pinky fingers are still waiting for one another, to come and hold, to make again a promise… Just a ‘pinky promise’.”

186. “A friend’s promise: If you need to need to talk, I’ll listen. If you need to cry, I’ll hold you. If you feel lost, I’ll help guide you. If you need to be angry, I’ll let you. If you’re feeling afraid, I’ll comfort you. If you’re feeling attacked, I’ll be your defense. If you need to lean awhile, I’ll give you a shoulder. If you’re feeling unsure, I’ll be your confidence. If you’re feeling alone, I’ll be the friend who won’t leave you. If you need to learn to trust again, I’ll prove to you that you can. ”

187. “This secret will be kept between us, I pinky promise.” – Unknown

188. “I deleted your number.Although i know the tired digits by heart, scout’s honor, pinky promise. I am trying to talk myself out of every emotion I’m having, and of course, it is failing to a fault. I’m still sad, I’m still mad, I’m still heartbroken, i miss you.” — Elizabeth Brooks

189. “Pinky promise. I promise that i will be there for you when no one else will be. I promise to understand you when everyone is busy to judge you. I promise to hold your hand till my last breath. Dear, always feel free to talk to me. Anytime when you need me the most. I’m always for you. That’s my pinky swear.” – Unknown

190. “Still uses pinky promises as a legitimate foundation of trust.”

191. “I don’t always pinky promise someone but when I do, I fully intend on keeping that sacred promise.” – Unknown

192. “All good friendships and relationships use pinky promise.” – Unknown


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