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800 Romantic Long Texts to Make Her Feel Special (2023)

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you was out of my control.

2. I can’t wait to see you again. These times when we’re in separate places just make me appreciate you more. I love you so much.

3. Everyday I feel blessed that you agreed to be with me. I will always be thankful for the love that you give me and I will never take it for granted.

4. I will always treasure you as long as I live.

5. “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams”. – Dr. Suess

6. I want to hold you forever. I want to feel your touch deep within my soul. I want to be with you always. I want to smell your hair, feel your skin, and let your scent consume me. For without you, I am nothing.

7. You are the light that guides me down the path in life. I want to make sure that your path is just as bright. I love you.

8. You make me a better person and without you, I don’t think I could ever be myself. You always bring out the best in me and I love that about you.

9. I love the way you look at me. It makes me feel like I am the most important person in your life. You are so sweet and beautiful.

10. Our relationship is a living proof that dreams come true.

11. You have brought so much joy to my life, I don’t know where I would be without you. You illuminate my days and brighten up all the dark spots. I love you.

12. “You’ve always loved me like no one else could, and you still love me like I’ve never been loved before. In return, I promise to make your happiness my top priority for the rest of my life. I promise to never stop loving you, and to you, I vow my last breath.”

13. “My world was so empty and dark that it all seemed so meaningless to me. But when I met you, suddenly it felt like the sky over me has lightened up by a thousand stars. I love you!”

14. I want to be the reason you feel loved, the reason your heart beats and the reason why you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

15. You’re the queen of the kingdom of my heart, as you rule my heart, my life and my world with your care and love. With you, my life is full of adventures and expectancies, and my heart is always and forever filled with gratitude, love and happiness. I love you so much, sweetheart.

16. Every day I fall deeper in love with you. Every day I admire and appreciate you more. It’s just impossible not to. You are the love of my life, baby. I wish you a good night.

17. I’ve seen the most beautiful places in the world, but you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. You’re amazing.

18. You are my everything, my entire world. I love your smile, your eyes, and the sound of your voice. You are the one for me and I will never let you go.

19. “Let’s savor this happy relationship so treasured by humans and ordained by God. This love is the best thing that can happen to any man on earth. You have made me the happiest man on planet earth, and I am so grateful for the sweet and amazing memories we are creating.”

20. “I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.” — Unknown

21. There is no one else I would rather be with. You are amazing and I want to grow old with you.

22. Every night, before I fall asleep, we hold each other and tell each other how much we love one another. That’s all I need to get a good night’s sleep because when I’m with you, I know I’m safe from everything.

23. I just want to say that, even though I’ve said it a million times, I will always love you. You’re the best thing in my life, and you’re the one I want to be with.

24. I love our play dates together. Whenever I’m with you, the time always goes by so quickly. I never want these moments to end.

25. You are my whole world and without you, I am nothing.

26. Every time I am with you, it is like heaven to me. I hope that we can stay together forever and keep making each other happy. You make me very happy.

27. “God has really been gracious to me for blessing me with someone as beautiful and special as you are. We both know that I don’t deserve you nor your love, yet He gave you to me. I’m the luckiest man on earth because I have you. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.”

28. Every day you occupy my mind, there is no room for anyone else. I want no one but you. I need no one but you.

29. You’re my heaven sent, my everyday joy and happiness. A day with you is better than a thousand days elsewhere. And every time you’re around, happiness is always within reach. I’m glad to call you mine forever and I will always cherish every moment with you. I love you forever, sunshine.

30. My nights are lonely and dark without you. Your radiant presence is the only thing that brings light to my world. I love you, good night.

31. You’re amazing, caring and loving, and wherever you are, there will my heart always be, because you’ve stolen my heart from the moment you came into my life and I’m glad you did. You know I love you right? Well, I do. And I will forever love you.

32. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.

33. I love the time we spend together. It’s not enough. I want to be with you all the time. Burn the clocks and let time stop. I just want to be in your arms where I can finally find peace and happiness.

34. “The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love, and that’s that”. – Woody Allen

35. I love you today more than I did yesterday.

36. My life was empty until you came along. You fill the emptiness in my heart and I don’t think I could live without you.

37. When I’m with you, everything feels right in the world. You are my better half and I love you for that.

38. I know that we will take on whatever life throws at us because we will always have one another. I want to grow old with you and live a long happy life with you by my side.

39. When you look at me, you give me strength. When you talk to me, you lift me up higher and higher. When you’re near me, I feel like I can conquer the world. You’re every reason, every hope and every dream I’ve ever had.

40. I have never felt as comfortable with anyone else before I met you. You are the only one that can really understand me and I love that about you.

41. When I’m with you, the world around me just melts away and it’s just you and me.

42. You are such an important part of my life.

43. I still remember the day we first met. It was love at first sight. I hope that every day we grow older and older, our love for one another only grows stronger and stronger. Good morning, sweetie!

44. I’ve been through a lot of relationships and dealt with a lot of pain. When I met you, I feared that our relationship would suffer the same fate. Instead, you healed my heart and made things right.

45. Everyday we grow closer and closer and I don’t see that ending any time soon. I want you in my life forever.

46. I look at you and I do not see someone with flaws or imperfections, I only see the woman I fell in love with. You are beautiful inside and out to me and I do not care what anyone else says. To me, you can do no wrong. You are perfect to me.

47. Hey beautiful, I want to be the reason why you feel butterflies in your stomach. I want to be the person who can make you happy, no matter how bad of a mood you’re in.

48. “Love of my life, you are the first thing I think of when I wake up, and I’m looking forward to a life where I will wake up next to you, not needing to imagine you because you will be sleeping right there next to me, and then cuddling with me in the morning.”

49. “A love like ours could never die/As long as I have you near me, bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky/I know this love of mine will never die” – “And I Love Her” by The Beatles

50. I think we have something really special, and I know that sounds cliche, but it’s true. You know that too.

51. You make me the happiest person in the world.

52. I feel happier and complete every time I see you.

53. I will always be by your side, through the good times and bad times. I want you to always know that you can lean on me when you need it because I want only happiness for you.

54. I don’t want the world. I just want you to be mine.

55. You are the most beautiful creature ever to have lived in this world, your eyes are like the night sky, your lips as sweet as candy, and your voice is more melodic than any song ever written. You are simply perfection itself and I love you.

56. Every night I think about you before I sleep. I imagine your face and the beautiful smile that I love so much. You’re the only one that makes me feel this way. I love you, darling.

57. “This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls”. – Aberjhani

58. “A day without you is like a thousand years without my eyes.”

59. “There is a madness in loving you, a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless.” — Leo Christopher

60. You are my life now and I want to grow old with you. You are the one that keeps me going every day. I love you.

61. You are and will always be my one and only.

62. I want to grow old with you and watch our children grow up together. I love you, baby!

63. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

64. You bring out the best in me.

65. It’s a new day that allows me to show you how much I love you. Like the endless stretch of the sea, my love for you has no end. Sweet dreams, dear.

66. “Yes, it’s true that we are not perfect — but I’m sure that true love will make us perfect. And that’s the kind of love we share. There are a few things I care for beyond just living — one is love and the other is you.”

67. I think about you, as I lay my head down on the pillow. I think about you, as I feel myself drifting off to sleep. I will think about you all through the night, sweetheart. Good night.

68. “To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.” — Valerie Lombardo

69. When I wake in the morning, you’re the first thing on my mind. I can’t wait to come home and be with you again, my love. Good morning!

70. If I didn’t have you in my life, I would be miserable.

71. “I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you”. – “Dirty Dancing”

72. Thanks for loving me like no other, and in return, I will always and forever make your joy and happiness my number one priority each and every day. I will always cherish every moment with you and make you feel special every time. And to you, I vow my last breath. I love you tenderly.

73. “You’re my definition of true love. You’re my everyday happiness, inspiration, joy, motivation, and strength. Your love is like the air that I breathe, and without you, there is no me. You know I love you, right? Well, I do. And I will never stop loving you.”

74. You’re my woman and my everything. The right woman for me and I will always cherish you, respect you, and love you like you’ve never been loved before. I’m happy whenever you’re happy, and I vow to make your happiness my goal for the rest of my life. I love you tenderly.

75. I don’t ever want to leave your side. You are the only one on my mind during the day and the last one on my mind before I fall asleep at night. I wish you were here with me now. I miss you so much. Have a good night, my one and only true love.

76. You are the center of my universe. The air that I breathe. The beat of my heart. You are everything to me. I love you more than anything, baby. Have a good night, my only love.

77. When I see your lovely face, I can’t help but fall deeper in love with you.

78. “Good morning to the queen of my heart. You are the food to my soul and the one I will always love. I can’t stop thanking God for making it possible for our paths to cross. Thanks for giving me unmeasured doses of merriment I can’t find anywhere in the world.”

79. I’ve never been so sure of something in my life. You’re amazing, and you make me happier than I ever thought possible.

80. “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” — Leo Christopher

81. You’ve made me the man whom I’m proud of today. You’re my everyday strength, courage and motivation, and you’re the best and sweetest part of my life and no matter what, I will always love you more than you know. I love you more than love itself.

82. “Love me tender, love me true/All my dreams fulfill/For my darling’, I love you, and I always will” – “Love Me Tender” by Elvis Presley

83. “Love is a promise, love is a souvenir; once given, never forgotten, never let it disappear” – John Lennon

84. You are the only one I want to spend my time with. Everything else just fades into the background when I am with you.

85. We may have a few bumps along the way, but at the end of the day I know our love will carry us through. I love you and I always will.

86. I don’t ever want to lose you. You are the most important part of my life. You always will be and I’m thanking the Lord for giving you to me. No words can express how much I love you. Just know that whatever happens, I’m just here to love and protect you.

87. You’ve given me joy like a river from the moment you came into my heart, my life and my world. With you, my heart is and will always be filled with gratitude, my life is full of gaiety and my world is filled with great tidings and new possibilities. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

88. You are the first thing that I think of when I wake up and the last thing that I think of before I fall asleep. You are on my mind constantly. There is no escape from the fact that I love you.

89. When I think of how blessed I am with you in my life, words will fail me to completely describe how grateful I am to have someone as beautiful and amazing as you are. You’re indeed the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much, my sweetie pie.

90. “I want to hold you high and steal your pain away” – “Broken” by Seether

91. These words aren’t enough to express how I feel about you, but I hope that these words will help you understand how much you mean to me.

92. You are my soul mate, my one and only. I want to be with you for all of eternity. I will love you until the end of time.

93. There is no one else in this world that I would rather spend the rest of my life with than you. You are my everything, my whole entire world. I love you beyond words.

94. You are the only woman I have ever truly loved and I promise you, I will be the last. There will never be anyone who will love you as much as I do or make you feel as special and beautiful as I do. You mean everything to me and I can’t see myself living life without you by my side.

95. I will always have you close to my heart, to cherish and love you. And have you right next to my arms, to protect you during the stormy weather and the uncertainties of life. With you, my life is full of adventures and I’m blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much, my princess.

96. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want you to know that I will never stop loving you. You’re my one in a zillion, and even if I searched through all eternity, I’m sure I would still never find another like you. I love you so much, my princess.

97. “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet”. – Plato

98. “I love you” just cannot cut it anymore. You are one of life’s greatest gifts. I love you more and more each day, and will continue to do so until my last breath.

99. I want to cherish every moment that we have together. You are the one that keeps me happy. I love you so much, baby!

100. You’re more than just a girl to me, you’re my friend, my lover and soon to be my wife. I want this more than anything, because with you everything is going to be perfect. I love you.

101. Our relationship has completely changed my life. I feel like a whole new person who wants to do so many more things in life. Thank you for that, my darling. I hope you continue to change my life for the better. Sweet dreams.

102. You’re my definition of real and true love. You’re my everyday happiness, inspiration, joy, motivation and strength. Your love is like the air that I breathe, and without you, there is no me. You know I love you right? Well, I do. And I will never stop loving you.

103. I could try to describe how much I love you, but the words could never do justice. I will forever love you, until the end of time.

104. I can’t wait for tomorrow to come, just so I can see your beautiful face and spend the day with you. I love you.

105. You’re my very own special lady and I will always treat you especially. You’re the best part of my life, and I will always respect you, adore you, cherish you and love you like you’ve never been loved before. I love you so much, my woman and my everything.

106. I have been lucky enough to fall in love with an angel. You are kind, beautiful and the most wonderful person I know. Look at the time! It is late. I should sleep now, baby. Good night.

107. You make me feel very loved and cared for. There is nobody else like you and I’m glad you came into my life. I will always love you.

108. My heart is always yours and only yours. You deserve it because you are an amazing person.

109. For you, I would do anything. I would walk a thousand miles. I would swim a raging river. I would climb to the highest mountain and jump off just because you were asked me to.

110. As I look at you standing there, I see a beautiful woman that has proven herself to be a loving and dedicated partner. You have captured my heart like no other. You are my love, my best friend, the mother of my children and the future wife of my dreams.

111. You are pure perfection. Every time I am around you, my heart skips a beat. I feel so happy and safe with you. You are everything I’ve ever wanted.

112. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I hope you have sweet dreams tonight thinking about our future together. Good night, darling.

113. My love for you is stronger than ever before.

114. “‘I love you’ may be the most comforting words for lovers these days, but each time I say it to you, I want you to believe me because every inch of my body agrees that you are special. My body believes in love, the same way my heart beats for you. I am so ready to love you forever.”

115. I wish you were here with me right now. I hope you’re having a good morning, because it certainly isn’t as good as it would be if you were here with me.

116. I know we’re far away from each other, but you are here in my heart, and that’s all that matters. Sleep tight, my darling.

117. You have brought the best out of me and made me a better person. You can always count on me, just like I can always count on you. I love you.

118. I’m definitely not the smartest guy in the world, but I know that I love you and you will always be the one for me no matter what happens in our lives. You are the light of my life.

119. No distance can ever reduce the way I love you. I’ve loved you from the moment you came into my life, I still love you twice as much and no matter how far you are from me, I will always love you more than ever before. I love you forever, my sweetie pie.

120. I promise you right now that we will be together forever. Wherever you go, I will always be by your side. Our love is stronger than any other force in the world.

121. Let us love each day as if there was no tomorrow because today is the day I have found you. You are the one that I want to be with from here on out.

122. You give me comfort and strength when I need it most.

123. I want to be wrapped in your arms forever as we look upon the stars together. Just you and me.

124. I remember being aimlessly drifting from one place to another, for I was bereft of a cause in my life. Then, along came you, and from that day forth, everything changed.”

125. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.” — The Notebook

126. “Good morning to my angel. You are my addiction because you are the first thing that comes to my heart when I open my eyes in the morning. If there is one thing I want to do for the rest of my life, it is showing you how much my world revolves around you.”

127. “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope”. - Maya Angelou

128. “If you are my star, I’ll be your sky/You can hide underneath me and come out at night/When I turn jet black, and you show off your light, I live to let you shine” – “Boats and Birds” by Gregory and The Hawk

129. “You are consuming love. A robust and reckless expression of humankind and desires have always marked our relationship, and trust me, I don’t want to drop that. I love you.”

130. Every time I see your face, I cannot help but feel so blessed that you have graced me with your love. You are my dream come true and I will always cherish you forever.

131. You have brought a new meaning to my life. I never thought I could love someone so much. You are the one for me and nobody else.

132. I want to cherish every moment I have with you. Every hug, every touch, and every smile you give me puts me one step closer to heaven.

133. “I keep hearing the soft sounds of the love song with the light tender music of heartbeats singing to the melody of our love.”

134. I may not always be with you but know that you’re always in my thoughts. Sweet dreams, my love.

135. Hey beautiful, every time I look into your eyes, my heart skips a beat. You make everything in life worthwhile. I love you.

136. I could swim the deepest ocean just to be with you again and again because happiness, love and joy are always within reach whenever you’re around. You’re indeed sweet and special, and special you will always and forever be. I love you so much, beautiful.

137. “The greatest fantasies I have ever experienced are the ones that start with you and end with you. I am deeply and truly in love with you.”

138. “Good morning my sweetheart! Sending you lots of kisses and love.”

139. I get a special feeling in my heart when I see you. It’s a feeling that I can’t explain but I know that I truly love you.

140. “I’m eternally grateful to my good Lord who brought a beautiful woman like you as a gift to my life, you are more than words can express to me, I love you with every pulse of my heart.” — Unknown

141. Everything was fine without you in my life, but ever since you came along, everything has been better. You have added a spark to my life that I sorely needed. You make my life full and complete, and I love you for it.

142. “I want you to be my candlelight for lovely and romantic dinners. For the cold nights, be my burning fireplace. I wish our love lasts until my dying day. I love you.”

143. I wish you were here with me tonight. I miss you so much. I want to be with you forever. You are the only one for me, darling. I love you so much, good night.

144. When I wake up in the morning, the world looks a lot brighter because I know you’re in it. Good morning, my angel.

145. You know I hate saying this type of thing, but I just want you to know that I care about you a lot and I love being in your life.

146. You are my heart and I am your soul. Without you, I would cease to exist. I love you beyond words.

147. I want to be the guy who inspires your dreams. I want to be that special someone whose presence makes you feel safe and secure. Without you, my nights are empty. I miss you. Good night.

148. You’re the one that I want by my side, you’re the one that I want to grow old with, you’re the one that I want to laugh with, you’re the one that is my best friend, you’re the one that is my lover, you’re the one that’s perfect for me in every way. I’m thankful for you. I love you.

149. I don’t care what happens as long as I have you, my love.

150. You’re the essence of my existence and your love is like the air that I breathe, and the blood running through my veins and arteries. Without you, I’m incomplete. Stay with me, and I will always and forever cherish, respect and love you. I love you forever.

151. “The first day I met you and all the days after until my last one: it is all about You.”

152. “Every time I see you the butterflies come out. I think about you constantly, and I mean it when I say you are my best friend. Every morning when I wake up with your arms wrapped around me, I feel so happy. Life is good because of you, thank you.”

153. Every day that we get to spend together is more special than the last one. I hope we have many more wonderful days ahead of us. Good morning!

154. You are the most amazing woman that I have ever met. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

155. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You’ve brought so much joy into my life, and you continue to do so every single day. I want you to know that I’ll always be here for you no matter what.

156. In the beginning, I loved you when we were friends. At the end, I will love you until the end of time. Through everything in between, I will always and forever cherish our love. Good night, my one and only true love.

157. It’s little moments with you that make everything alright. The way you brush your hair from your beautiful eyes or the way you laugh when I do something silly, those are moments I could live off of.

158. You’re the best, sweetest and cutest part of my life. For you, I live and breathe, and I will always cherish and love you with every single breath in me in every special way with each passing day. I love you so much, beautiful.

159. With all of my flaws and shortcomings, you still love me just the way I am and I want you to know that I’m grateful for everything, and thanks for not leaving me to my ruins. I promise to never stop loving you, and to you, I vow my last breath. I love you so much, sweetheart.

160. You are my dream come true. You are my everything. Without you, my life would have no meaning at all. Without your love, I would be nothing at all. I love you so much, good night.

161. I can’t wait for the day we can fall asleep and wake up in each other’s arms. Good night, my love.

162. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever”. – Alfred Lord Tennyson

163. I want you to be happy today and everyday. You can count on me to do everything in my power to make your dreams come true.

164. “In all my dealings with women, none has taken hold of my heart that way you have done it. I have this sense of freedom whenever I see you smile; every touch of yours captures me and keeps me in a land of fun. You are the love of my life. You are my all and all. I love you dearly.”

165. I know our love will last an eternity. I want to grow old with you and watch our children grow up to be responsible and caring adults.

166. You’re the reason why I get out of bed in the morning. You’re the one who inspires me to be a better person. I love you, and I want to be with you forever.

167. You are my shining star, my beautiful angel, and my amazing queen. You are the most wonderful person that I have ever met and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I cherish you always.

168. Hey beautiful, I love you so much. I’m the luckiest man in the world for having a girlfriend as wonderful as you.

169. “Here’s to us, here’s to love” – “Here’s To Us” by Halestorm

170. I adore you, and I will always and forever love you. You’re my everyday happiness and without you, my heart feels like a void. You complete me and I’m blessed to have you in my life. With you, my world is perfect and beautiful, just the way you are. I love her so much, my one and only.

171. I’m looking at your picture and the desire to have you in my arms right now is overwhelming. I don’t want to live a day without you, let alone a night. I love you to the moon and back.

172. I can’t think of a life without you in it, because you are my life. I want to grow old with you.

173. I will never forget the first moment we met and the effects you had on me.

174. I’ll love you until the world stops turning, until the sun falls, and until the rivers run dry. Until the day I die and even after that. I’ll love you always. Good morning, baby!

175. “I won’t hesitate more, no more/It cannot wait I’m sure/There’s no need to complicate, our time is short/This is our fate, I’m yours” – “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz

176. Having, cherishing and loving you makes each and every day beautiful, amazing and special. With you, my world feels awesome and perfect, and my life is full of adventures and expectancies with you, and that’s why I’m glad to call you mine forever. I love you so much, sunshine.

177. I don’t want this night to end. I want to lie in bed beside you forever and forget the world. You’re the other half of my soul. Words can’t describe how I feel about you. Can’t wait to be in your arms again, good night.

178. “I won’t ever promise you everything on the planet, but I will guarantee you everything my heart brings out because you possess my heart.”

179. My life was gray and colorless before I met you. Things were dull and boring. That has all changed ever since you came along. I love you so much, there are no words to express it. Good morning!

180. I don’t know where I would be if you weren’t in my life. Probably a lot darker place. You give me hope and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

181. You will always be the queen of my heart and the other half of me. No matter what, I want you to know that I am here for you and I will always love you.

182. When I look at the stars, I think about how lucky I am to have you in my life. You’ve made everything better. You’ve made everything brighter. I love you more than anything, baby. Have a good night.

183. I will love you until the stars no longer shine in the sky. I will love you as each new day dawns. I will love you until the end of time itself.

184. I want to thank you for loving me even though I didn’t always make it easy for you. I want to be the man you deserve and I promise you that my efforts will not go unrewarded.

185. You are the most caring woman I have ever met. I appreciate all that you do for me and our family. Thank you for all that you do, baby. I love you.

186. My dearest, I don’t know where I would be without your love. You bring out the best in me and give me strength when I am feeling low. You are everything that is right in this world. I love you.

187. You make me a better person, and you’re the only one that can put up with me. I love you more than anything in this world.

188. “I miss you, my dear angel, the treasure of my heart, the one I wish to spend the rest of my life with. Holding you is the best feeling ever!”

189. Thank you for not leaving me to my ruins, but most importantly, thank you for loving me for who I am. I want you to know that I’m honoured to be cared for and loved by you, just as much I’m blessed to have you in my life. I love you more than you know.

190. Sometimes I have my doubts about this relationship because life is full of challenges. But when you hold me in your arms, all of those things disappear and I know I made the right choice.

191. You have no idea how lucky I feel to have met you. There is nobody else in the world who can take your place in my heart.

192. I have a confession to make: I’m addicted to you. I think about you all the time and how our relationship has grown stronger. I can’t wait to see where our future together will take us. Good night, darling.

193. You’ve affected every aspect of my life positively from the time you came into my life. The gentleman whom I am today is all thanks to you and your never-give-up spirit on me. You’ve helped me to be a better person, a caring friend and an amazing lover. I love you beyond words.

194. I will always cherish every moment we spend together.

195. You make me feel like unique with the way you respect, cherish and love all of me, and I’m honoured to be cared and loved by someone as special and beautiful as you are, just as much as I’m glad to call you mine forever. I love you beyond words.

196. When you are with me, all my worries disappear and I know that everything is going to be alright as long as you are by my side. I love you.

197. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other”.- Audrey Hepburn

198. Good morning, honey! It’s going to be a great day, for I get to spend it with the one I love. I’m planning on telling the world how beautiful you are inside and out.

199. “I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never love you any less than I do, right this second”. – Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia

200. Everyday we spend together is like a dream come true. I will never take you for granted because I cherish every moment we have together.

201. Our life together has not been an easy one, but I know that we will make it through everything as long as we are together.

202. “Your love is the source of my joy. Whenever I think of you, I get so emotional. Please never leave me alone. I cannot imagine a single day without your presence.”

203. If loving you is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. You make every day seem so wonderful and magical. I love you with all of my heart. Good morning, honey.

204. You are an angel sent from heaven above. Your eyes shine brighter than a full moon and your skin has the radiance of freshly fallen snow. I love you, baby. You’re my everything.

205. Everyday we’re together is another day I know I can get through anything. You are my life, my love, and my entire world. I love you more with each passing day. Good morning!

206. In your eyes I see something special, a unique kind of light that draws me in and it’s probably been there right from the start.

207. “Love is the greatest refreshment in life”. – Pablo Picasso

208. You’re so much more than what I imagined and I’m glad to call you mine forever, just as much as I’m honoured to be cared and loved by someone as special and amazing as you are. With you, I never want anyone else but you. You’re smart, sweet and special. I love you more than you know.

209. I was put on this earth to adore you. Your love makes me a better person and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

210. I want to spend all of my tomorrows with you. You make each day so much better than it would be without you. Good morning, love!

211. I will never forget the day we met. It was the best day of my life because I knew that you were going to be mine. You make me so happy, and I can’t wait to see what our future holds.

212. I love you so much, and I will never stop loving you, nor stop cherishing every moment with you because I will be loving you forever and always. Even until the end of time, as you happen to be the best part of my life. I love you so much, my cuppy cake.

213. Just the thought of you makes me smile. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met. You are an angel.

214. I want to grow old with you. I want us to be together not just today, tomorrow and the next day, but for the rest of our lives.

215. Even when I tried loving you less, I end up loving you even more than ever before. And I want you to know that I’m truly, madly and deeply and passionately in love with someone that’s beautiful, intelligent, smart and unique and that someone is you, my love. I love you so much, damsel.

216. I’m the luckiest person on earth because I have you in my life. You’re the one who’ll always make my heart skip a beat.

217. I never thought I could ever find someone as amazing as you. ________, from the moment we locked eyes, my whole world shifted a bit, tilting just enough so that you would forever be in my life. I’m glad it did, because no one else makes me feel as loved and cared for as you do.

218. I see your face when I lay down to sleep, and I see it when I wake up in the morning. I can’t wait till we’re together again. Sleep well, my only love.

219. As long as there’s breath in me, I will always cherish every second of every minute of every day with you, just as much as I will never stop loving you. And just so you know, you’re the best, cutest and sweetest thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much, my one and only.

220. You are the sun that brightens up my day, the wind that calms me, and the waves that rock me to sleep. Last night I fell asleep dreaming of you. You’re the love of my life. Good morning, sweetie.

221. “I love you” messages for her

222. Everyday I want to be with you. You’re someone I want to spend all of my time with and never let go. I love you very much.

223. “I am so thankful and grateful that I get to call you mine

224. “Our love is heaven. Our meeting was divine. Giving you my heart was the best decision I’ve ever taken because I’ve never had a single regret about it. I will show you the world and how beautiful true love is. Have an awesome day, baby girl.”

225. “You are my perfection. You have clothed me with your love and showered me with the kind of care I can’t find anywhere in the world. The thought of being your man for the end of my life is enough inspiration to have a fantastic day. I love you, baby.”

226. I want to hold you tight, feel your body next to mine as we look upon the night sky. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms and wake up with you by my side.

227. My life has been amazing ever since the day that I met you. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I just want to tell you that I truly love you.

228. Every day, I want to be the best version of myself so that you will always stay with me.

229. All I want to do is make you happy. You deserve the world, my dear. I hope you have a great day.

230. Everyday, I want to be with you. I need to be with you. You’re the other half of my heart. You’re the other half of me.

231. My dreams are full of you. They’ve gotten better now that you’ve appeared in them.

232. You are like the sun that melts away my doubts and fears. You are like the wind that keeps me cool on a hot day. You are like rain that quenches my thirst. You are like a rainbow that brightens up my world. I love you.

233. There is nobody else in this world that I would rather spend the rest of my life with. I love you so much. You are my best friend, my lover and my soul mate.

234. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t ever want to lose you. You make me laugh, you make me smile and I can’t wait to wake up next to you every morning. I am so in love with you it is almost hard to express in words.”

235. I’ll be right here by your side for the rest of your life. My heart will always be filled with nothing but adoration and love for you, my dear wife.

236. Whether we’re brushing our teeth, cooking breakfast, or watching the sunrise, I want to spend all of it with you. I love you more than anything.

237. My feelings for you are like a roller coaster. My heart beats fast when we’re together, and drops when we’re apart. I love you to the moon and back. I wish you a good night, my love.

238. I wish I could be in two places at once because I’d start the day with you and end it with you. All of me loves all of you. Good morning!

239. I want to ride off into the sunset with you. Just you, just me, and the open road. We can travel the world and see everything there is to see. Let’s leave all our troubles behind and just be together. I love you so much, honeybuns. Good night.

240. “I will love you until the end of time” – “Blue Jeans” by Lana Del Rey

241. “In the days when I have not met you, I use to visualize you at noon and dream of you at night, and the first time I set my eyes on you, I know you are my missing ribs, thank God I found you.” — Unknown

242. I want to hold your hand and spend time with you for the rest of my life, just like how we have been doing it for the past couple of years.

243. You are the only woman I have ever loved and the only person who has ever loved me. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

244. When I look at the stars, I imagine your beautiful face. The brightest one is you. Have a good night.

245. “I’m making your joy and happiness my goal each and every day because I just want to make you happy every single day and for the rest of my life. You make my world a better place with the way you love me, and I will always cherish every moment with you. I love you so much, sweetie pie.”

246. “You’re the light, you’re the night/You’re the color of my blood/You’re the cure, you’re the pain/You’re the only thing I wanna touch/Never knew that it could mean so much” – “Love Me Like You Do” by Ellie Goulding

247. I vow to be faithful and loyal to you for as long as we both shall live.

248. You are the sun that shines on my life. Even on the darkest of days, you will always be there to guide me and give me hope for the future.

249. “The longest distance ever is a step away from touching your face. The most annoying situation is missing to see your smile, and the most painful of all is not getting your love daily. My love for you is real, and there is no denying that I will love you for the rest of my life.”

250. You make me feel loved, wanted, needed, and desired. You are everything that I have ever looked for in another person. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you.

251. I want to honor you today and all the tomorrows to come, just as you have honored me on this day. You are my angel sent from heaven.

252. I want to wake up with you by my side for the rest of my life. I cannot imagine myself with anyone else. You are the love of my life, my one and only.

253. I can’t do without you and your love, because you’ve become a big part of my life. Not a day goes by without you in my thoughts. You’re every man’s dream; you’re second to none and I’m honoured to have you. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine, my princess.

254. Good morning, baby! I hope you have an awesome day and remember that I’m thinking about you each and every step of the way. I love you more than anything!

255. “I have a massive quantity of love for you, not just because I desire to, but I get directed to you by every good pointer. Except I want to catch fun and deceive myself, can I ever say that I don’t love you? I don’t think I can. I live for you, baby.”

256. “Your love is forever because you’re in my heart. At times I wonder how life would have been without you in it. Just like the morning sun, you brighten my life. I can’t wait to share the rest of my life with you. I love you, my angel, and will forever do.”

257. “You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.” — Gone With The Wind

258. Words will fail me if I decide to tell you how much you mean to me or how much I’ve come to love you. You mean everything to me and I love you beyond words, and no matter what it says on the alphabet, you and I will always and forever be together. I love you forever, sweetie pie.

259. The way you smile at me makes all my problems fade away. You are really an angel sent from heaven and I will always love you for being so kind to me.

260. You are my other half and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be the man that you deserve and I want to make all of your dreams come true. I love you.

261. I will always be by your side whenever you need me. If someone tries to hurt you, I will defend you until my dying breath. You are my soul mate and my love for you will never die.

262. You’re still asleep? Well, wake up! I have so much to tell you. Your hugs are the best part of my days. Good morning!

263. “‘Because you’re the one for me, and I’m the one for you, you take the both of us, and we’re the perfect two” – “Perfect Two” by Auburn

264. I’m so incredibly happy that you’re in my life. You make everything worthwhile. I love you with all my heart and soul. Good night, darling.

265. “I am so lost in the way that I love you that I don’t know the right words to express what I feel for you. No diction can describe my love for you!”

266. “I am living the life I prayed for because you are mine. I love you so much. Have a fulfilling morning that is rich with love. I will always make the world know how much you mean to me. Good morning love.”

267. My heart is safe with you just as much as yours will always and forever be safe with me. I will always treasure and adore it, and I will always cherish every moment with you. I love you to the moon and back.

268. I was lonely before I met you. I was lost and didn’t know what I was looking for. Then, you came into my life and changed everything. I will be forever thankful that you entered my life. You are the love of my life. My everything.

269. Everyday I fall more in love with you. I want this feeling to last forever, because you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

270. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. Your smile makes my day brighter. We compliment each other in every way. I cherish you always. Good morning, baby.

271. I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow.

272. You know, they say that the stars are just the suns atoms years later, when they’ve burnt out. I think that you and I are like the stars. From far away, we’re just two people. But up close, anyone can see that we’re much, much more.

273. “I can’t even express in words how much I love and adore you. You are stronger than you know and I am forever changed for the better because of you. I depend on your strength, even when things get tough. You’re amazing and my life is better with each passing day because of you.”

274. Everyday I fall more in love with you. I never thought I could ever feel this way, but I know I want to be with you forever.

275. When you melt in my mouth, I get dizzy. When you rub on me, I get excited. And when you enter me, I can hardly contain myself.

276. I’ll be dreaming about you until our next meeting. Sleep well, my love. I can’t wait to be in your arms again.

277. I think of you as an angel that has been placed on this Earth just for me. You make everything bad in my life disappear whenever you smile at me.

278. I am so in love with you that there are times my heart aches with pain. You have totally conquered all of me and there is no more to give. You own my heart and soul.

279. Your love is like the blood pumping in my heart, and that’s why my heart beats for you alone. You’re my irreplaceable and you will always and forever be in my heart and on my mind. You know I love you right? Well, I do. Always have and always will.

280. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I’m with you.

281. Marriage is a big step but when it’s with the right person, it’s so worth it. I think you are the right person for me. I love you. Will you marry me?

282. “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.” — Atonement

283. I never believed in true love until I met you. Now I see that there is an absolute, never-ending love out there. It’s beautiful. I want you to be my partner in crime.

284. I’m not scared to dream new dreams or set new goals because you’re my dream come true and with you, every dream, goal and aspiration is achievable. And I want you to know that I’m blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much, my angel.

285. If I could choose between breathing and loving you, I would choose to love you, because without you, I wouldn’t be able to live. You are everything to me.

286. “Don’t search for me anywhere because I am always in your heart. Put your hand on it, and you will feel me. Please never leave me and never ever let me go because I will never find a more beautiful place to live. Please be with me till the end of your life.”

287. When you are with me, I feel like I can take on the world. I will always be by your side because your happiness is my priority.

288. I love waking up to you every morning. You bring a joy to my life like no other. You’re the perfect lover that every man wants and every woman wants to be. Good morning!

289. Coffee doesn’t taste as good without you by my side. I want to grow old with you. All of my love, forever.

290. Good morning, sweetie! Just wanted to let you know that I’m really glad you’re a part of my life. I love you!

291. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were going to be special.

292. When I look at you, my heart flutters. When we embrace, all my worries disappear. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. You make everything more fun, and I love that about you.

293. You are not just my wife, you are my best friend. I love you more and more every year.

294. My heart is always full of joy, love and happiness, and it’s because I have you always and forever inside my heart and on my mind. A life with you is a lifetime of unending love, joy and happiness and peace of mind. I love you so much, damsel. Always and forever will.

295. I wouldn’t trade the love we have for anything in the world.

296. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to grow old and wrinkly together. I want to see you on my deathbed and be the last face that I see before I close my eyes for the last time. I love you, honey.

297. Your love has given me a new purpose in life.

298. The more time we spend together, the more I fall in love with you every day.

299. Life is too short to spend it alone, wishing that you have someone to cuddle with at night. I want to spend the rest of my life cuddling with you.

300. You are my whole world. Those three words are not enough to describe my love for you. There just aren’t enough words to describe how wonderful you make me feel.

301. Out of every day, in every way, I get better and better because you are always by my side. I love you.

302. “Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet”. – Katharine Lee Bates

303. I can’t wait for the day when we don’t have to say goodnight anymore. That day cant come soon enough. I miss you so much, baby. I wish you were here with me right now. I love you past the stars and back, darling. Good night.

304. You make my heart skip a beat. Whenever I think about you, I can’t help but smile from ear to ear. You are just so special to me.

305. What can I text a girl to make her smile?

306. You came into my life and gave me a reason to live and love again when I thought I was done with love. You taught me how to love like never before and I’m honoured to be cared for and loved by someone as special, sweet and beautiful as you are. I love you more than you know.

307. You are the only woman for me. I love everything about you.

308. I want to grow old with you. Even when we are wrinkled and gray, I know that you will still be the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

309. When you look at me with those beautiful eyes, I feel as if I am the center of your world and you were made just for me. You make me the luckiest person in the world. I hope you know that.

310. I know I don’t tell you enough, but you mean the world to me. We have been though a lot together and I hope that there is much more of this journey ahead of us.

311. You are my motivation, my muse, the one person I would never want to lose at any cost. I love you with all my heart because you have made life worth living every day.

312. I want you to know that you are my heart and my soul. I want to protect you from anything that may harm you. You are my other half and I will always love you.

313. I want to be with you not only for the best times of our lives but also for the worst. You’re my person, and I love you.

314. As you open your eyes today, I hope you realize how special you are. You’re the greatest gift that I’ve ever gotten and I’m grateful for you. Good morning, sweetie!

315. You are the first thing that comes to my mind when I wake up and the last one before I fall asleep. You are always in my heart.

316. No matter what happens to us in the future, I will always love you. Not just now, but forever. You’re my one and only. My everything.

317. You make every day an adventure and every night a fairytale. I love you.

318. You are the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of before I go to sleep. You are always on my mind, every second of every day. I love you.

319. I feel like the luckiest man on earth for finding you. My heart beats for you and my soul longs for you. I cherish you beyond words. Good morning, sweetie!

320. “I love you more than the sun loves the sky. More than water loves the shore. I love you more than any other words can say, I promise to love you always, my heart is yours.”

321. What we have is worth so much more than any material possession in this world. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.

322. Every day I spend with you makes me love you even more. You are the one for me and I can’t wait to spend the rest of eternity with you.

323. I can’t wait for the day when we are married. Just you and me, declaring our lives and our love for one another in front of everyone we know. No words can express how happy that would make me. I love you so much, baby. Good night.

324. Your loving words make every problem I have seem so small in comparison to our love.

325. “I knew the second I met you that there was Something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t Something about you at all. It was just you”. – Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

326. When I looked at you and saw you for the first time, it felt like my whole world lit up. I knew immediately that you were someone very special.

327. You have brought a brand-new meaning to my life.

328. “You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars”. – E.E. Cummings

329. I am the luckiest man in the world for finding you.

330. “Thanks for loving me like no other, and in return, I will always and forever make your joy and happiness my number one priority each and every day. I will always cherish every moment with you and make you feel special every time. And to you, I vow my last breath. I love you tenderly.”

331. You melt my heart in so many ways, ________. Whenever you smile at me, whenever you hold my hand, whenever you lean in to give me a hug, I just melt. I feel like putty in your hands and I love how I can be such a vulnerability around you. You make me feel safe.

332. You are the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You’re the one I want to grow old with and sit by a fireplace with. You’re the one I want to laugh with and share memories with. I want you, and only you.

333. I wish I could be there to hold you tight and caress your beautiful face. Just know that wherever you are, I am always wishing you safety and happiness. Good night, my darling.

334. Newsflash: you’re the best part of my life and the cutest thing that has ever happened to me in life, and I want you to know that I will be cherishing and loving you for the rest of my life. I love you so much, my cuppy cake. Always and forever will.

335. You’re my sunshine on a cloudy day. You bring light into my life in so many ways, and I can’t wait to spend this day with you, my love. Good morning.

336. There is nobody else in this world that I want rather than you. You mean the whole world to me. You are the love of my life and always will be.

337. I see a future with you. I see myself growing old with you and our children. I see you in my future, and I’m so happy that you’re in it.

338. I can’t wait to see you again, especially because it means I get to spend more time with you. You’re truly amazing.

339. I want you, I need you, I yearn for you, I lust for you, and most importantly I love you. You are the other half of my heart and the better half of my soul. You make me whole.

340. At the core of my heart, you will always hold a special place.

341. Our relationship is one of a kind and I thank the stars you are finally in my life. I love you!

342. “As long as I live and there’s breath in me, I will always put a beautiful smile on your face, and I will never stop loving you. And with each passing day, I promise to make your happiness my top priority. I love you more than you can imagine.”

343. Your eyes are beautiful, your smile is beautiful, just everything about you is so beautiful. You are one of a kind and nobody can compare to you, my love.

344. Hey beautiful, just letting you know that I love you and can’t wait to see you again. I’m counting the minutes!

345. Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on during rough times. You always know the right words to say and that’s why I love you.

346. I want nothing more than to be there for you during your times of need. Just know that I am always here for you, whether it is in person or in spirit. You are always in my thoughts, sweetheart. Good night.

347. “You worth more than a million, you just one in a million. Love you sweetheart.”

348. “Before you were a part of my life, everything seemed hopeless. I used to drift aimlessly and lurk in the dark. But since you came around, everything changed. You have given me more than I ever needed and reassured me of my value.”

349. We have something so special and unique. We have something others only dream of. You are an angel sent from heaven just for me. Have a good night, my princess.

350. You’re my soul mate. You’re the perfect woman for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

351. “When I see you, I still get butterflies. It’s just like the first day I saw you; love at first sight. I know that you have loved me since we met, and I know you will love me until I die, that’s why I love you even more.”

352. You’re the perfect one for me and you’re the one whom my heart beats for, and you’ll always be the one who I will forever cherish, respect, treasure and love like no other. And I vow to make your happiness my goal in life. I love you so much, my sweetie pie.

353. ‘Whаt wоuld уоu lіkе mе to wеаr to bеd tоnіght?’

354. My love for you will continue to grow stronger each and every day.

355. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever”. – “The Notebook”

356. I want to grow old with you. I want to be there for you and hold your hand when you’re old and can’t walk. I will care for you.

357. Your love has taught me how to start living, and I vow to spend the rest of my life expressing my gratitude for that gift.

358. “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” — Angelita Lim

359. When I look at you, I see someone that completes me. You are everything that I could ever want in another person. You’ve shown me that true love does exist, and that I can find it in myself to love another person. I love you, baby.

360. Dear, I love how adorable you are when you babble, when you chew on your lip and when you do that funny walk of yours. I fall in love with you every single day.

361. I want to make all your dreams come true and give you the world. You are my everything.

362. You are the most special person in my life and I want you to know that you are loved more than words can describe.

363. I want to stay with you forever and always. I want to hold your hand in the street. I want to sleep with you every night. I want to feel your lips on mine. You are the one for me. I love you.

364. “What I love about you is your smile, it’s like seeing myself in a Dreamland.”

365. I want to grow old with you and enjoy our grandchildren playing around us when we’re old.

366. With you, I can do anything. I love you not only for what you are, but for what we are when we are together. Please stay with me forever.

367. When you open your eyes tomorrow, I want you to think of me. I want your heart to beat a little bit faster when you think about me. I want you to smile when you think about me. I will always be here for you as long as you love me and I love you. Good night.

368. “I can’t wait to close my eyes and think about you. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face in my sleep. You are divine because I find myself loving you more and more as the day goes by. The nights are temporary, and I can’t wait to have you in my arms tomorrow.”

369. “Some people want diamond rings/Some just want everything/But everything means nothing if I ain’t got you” – “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys

370. Your unconditional love for me is like the air that I breathe and the blood pumping in my heart and running through my veins and arteries. Without you, my heart, my life and my world feel like a vacuum. I love you beyond the stars.

371. There is nobody in this world that I would rather spend my life with. I want to be your husband and spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much, sweetie.

372. “The day we met has remained the best day of my life. I’ve made a lot of friends, but none has meant what you are to me. You are the best thing that came into my life. I love you, honey.” — Unknown

373. I have nothing but your name in my lips, your taste in my mouth, your smell emanating from my skin, and the feel of your breath on certain areas of my body when I close my eyes.

374. Ever since you came into my life, I’ve been and I’m still and always will keep falling in love with you all over again and again. With you, each day comes with a reason to love you more than ever before. You know I love you right? Well, I do. Always have and always and forever will.

375. “Love can only be felt, it can’t be measured. You have used the colors of heaven to paint my life. As long as you love me, I don’t want anything else. I love you so much.”

376. You’re always in my heart and on my mind 24hours a day, 7days a week, 4weeks a month, and 365days a year, and you will always be there because that’s where you really belong. I love you more than you know, my woman and my everything.

377. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are everything to me.

378. Your presence in my life has made everything better. I promise to always love and take care of you, from now until the end of time.

379. I love you no matter what happens. I don’t care if we are old and gray, you will always be the one for me. You are the light of my life.

380. I want to grow old with you. I want to live the rest of my life by your side. You are the one that I want to share everything with. You are the one that I want to laugh with and cry with. You are the one that I want to love. Good night, my one and only true love.

381. “I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone, and all the times that I told myself I was falling out of love with you have turned out to be nothing but a lie. I hope you stay with me forever because with each passing day my love for you grows stronger.”

382. “You are my dream which came true. I haven’t met a more cute, intelligent, romantic, sweet, understanding, and kind girl than you. I still cannot understand why I deserve such happiness, but I thank God every day for you.”

383. Good morning, sweetheart. I hope you have an excellent day and that this day goes by really, really quickly, because I can’t wait to see you again.

384. I love you more than anything in this world, I don’t ever want us to be apart.

385. I want to grow old with you, just like we’ve grown old together. Let’s make the rest of our lives the best, just like how we have with the past years.

386. I can’t promise you everything will be perfect, but I can promise that I’ll love you unconditionally, forever and always.

387. I can’t imagine spending one day without you by my side. I need you with me.

388. I can’t wait to be with you. Let me wake up in your loving embrace. My life is meaningless without you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you beyond the stars!

389. I cannot wait until the day that I can call you my wife. That day is coming soon and I am going to make the happiest woman in the world because you are my everything.

390. We may have a lot of fights and arguments, but I know that we will always make up afterwards. You’re the one for me and I love you so much.

391. “No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star”. – For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund

392. I can’t believe that I was lucky enough to find someone like you. You are my dream come true.

393. “So many reasons are there to love you. Your cute smile, your sweet laugh, your innocence, and your kind heart make me love you.”

394. You are the one that keeps me going, the one that makes me happy more than anyone else in the world. I love you.

395. “It takes great luck to have someone like you. I feel blessed each day and each moment for this gift. I will love you till my very last breath no matter what life brings before us!”

396. Here’s to a great day with the person I love most in this world.

397. I’m so in love with you. When we’re married, I want to hold your hand, sleep next to you, share all of my thoughts and feelings, grow old with you and cherish you forever.

398. We have come a long way from where we started, but we have made it and that is all that matters. So much has changed, but you are still the same person I knew back then. You haven’t changed, because you lack any sort of flaws. You are perfect.

399. Eасh аnd еvеrу nіght I gо to bеd wіth hарріnеѕѕ in mу hеаrt knоwіng thаt I hаvе thе most bеаutіful wоmаn in thе unіvеrѕе.

400. When I am with you, I feel like I am in a beautiful dream. You are the one who makes everything seem so special and wonderful.

401. I feel so helpless and weak in front of you. You are the only one that can save me from myself. You are the strongest woman I know, and I admire that about you. I love you so much, baby. Good night.

402. When you smile at me, I forget about all of my worries. You are the air that I need to survive. You are my one and only. This is a fact that will never change as long as we’re together. I love you.

403. I promise that I will always be there for you, no matter what. You’re the most important person in my life, and I love you more than anything.

404. “True love words can bring us closer. It’s not easy for you to understand that your smile and happiness mean the whole world to me. I just hope you keep on smiling and feel my love!”

405. I’m going to tell you something, and I want you to know that I mean this with all my heart. No matter what anyone says, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. Good morning, dear!

406. “Cutie, I am falling for you every second. I can’t get my mind off you even for a minute. You have made every day of my life magical. I am happy to share my precious moments with you, and I can’t wait to do that for the rest of my life.”

407. My heart is filled with gratitude and love, my life is loaded with beautiful and amazing things, and my world is full of boundless happiness and great tidings, and it’s all because of you, my love. I love you so much, my woman and my everything.

408. “You are what love songs are written and sung about.”

409. ‘I lоvеd ѕlееріng wіth уоu lаѕt nіght.’

410. My life has changed so much since the day that we met. You have made me a better person and you always bring a smile to my face. I love you so much, sweetheart. Always know that. Good night.

411. I don’t want to think about a tomorrow where you are not by my side. There is no one else that can take your place. You are irreplaceable.

412. Even though you were a thousand miles away from me, you’ll always be right here with me where you belong – inside my heart and on my mind, always and forever. And I’m glad to call you, mine forever. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

413. “Sweetie, you are my shining star on a cloudy night, you are my rainbow on a stormy day, you are my blooming flower over the misting rain, and most importantly, you are my sun when I need you to brighten my day. I love you, my wonderful girlfriend.”

414. “I dream of a world where you and I would live for a million years to love each other. I know I’ll never be tired of loving you.”

415. “I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world” – “Your Song” by Elton John

416. We make a good team, you and me. You have brought new meaning into my life and for that I will always be grateful to you.

417. I have never believed in love at first sight. Love surely takes time to develop. And I’m happy that I chose to let my love for you grow every day. It’s worth the wait. I love you.

418. “I love you. You complete me”. – “Jerry Maguire”

419. “Until the world ceases to exist, I’m savoring this love so sacred. I love you.”

420. You make life fun, I don’t ever want to lose you. I love you now, I will love you forever.

421. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you sweetheart. Our wedding day is going to be the happiest day of my life. I love you so much, darling. Good night.

422. You’re the other half of my heart. My heart beats only because you’re in it. Good morning, baby!

423. Good night, sweetheart. My days may be long, but each one is empty without you. I can’t wait for the day when we can finally retire and spend all of our time together. Until that day, know that you are always in my thoughts.

424. “I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love”. – “The Vow”

425. “In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” — Pride And Prejudice

426. You are my heart, you are my soul, you are everything to me. I love you.

427. Yоur love hаѕ lаіd a bеаutіful ѕоng in mу hеаrt, whісh I hum in mу hеаrt wіth јоу аnd hарріnеѕѕ еасh аnd еvеrу dау. Yоu саmе іntо mу lіfе аnd mаdе mе whоlе, аnd wіthоut уоu I’m іnсоmрlеtе.

428. It’s still dark outside but I can’t wait to wake up by your side. You’re the light of my life, the reason why every day is great. I love you beyond the stars. Good morning!

429. “Would it be crazy for me to tell you within this sweet love message that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me or ever will? Because I look at where we are now and I just don’t know if I could ever feel this way for another. I love you.”

430. I may not tell you enough, but I truly feel blessed to have someone as amazing as you in my life. You’re an angel that brightens up every day. Good morning, dearie.

431. Your love gives me wings to fly. Your love is a ray of light in the darkness. Without you, my life would be incomplete.

432. “You’re perfect to me” – “Perfect” by P!nk

433. My heart beats only for you.

434. “Reaching for your hand brings me such joy and knowing that you are mine forever brings me peace.”

435. My beloved, you are the only one for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, care for you, comfort you, protect you and love you. With you, each day is like a new beginning to something great. I love you more than anything in this world.

436. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You have changed my life completely. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, loving you and putting you first in my life.

437. “However far away, I will always love you” – “Lovesong” by The Cure

438. “I’m so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you, and I sleep to see you in my dreams. Every day has seemed like a blessing since I met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all of my heart. Thank you for sharing your love with me.”

439. I never thought that I could ever fall in love like this again. You are so kind, so loving and so understanding. Your eyes show me the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to be with you forever, until the end of time.

440. I have loved you ever since I first set my eyes on you at the mall that day. You are all I have been thinking about and loving every day since then. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

441. Good morning, dear! Isn’t it a beautiful day? I’m sure it’s more beautiful because you’re in such a great mood. I love you!

442. Just hearing your voice makes everything alright even when things aren’t going well. You are my soul mate and I love you with all my heart.

443. Your love gives me wings to fly.

444. You shine brighter than a thousand suns. I am blessed to have you. You are the one that I want to share the rest of my life with. You are the one that makes me feel alive. You are the only one that matters.

445. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you. You’ve made me feel like I’m the luckiest man alive. You make my life complete and it all started with a simple hello. I love you more than words could ever say. As time goes on our love just grows and grows and I can’t see myself without you.”

446. My heart beats as one with yours. That’s the truth of this relationship: we’re in it together, and we always will be. Good morning, beautiful.

447. I love everything about you. I love your quirks, your habits and even the way you laugh. You’re everything to me, and I wouldn’t want to spend my life with anyone else.

448. I try to list your best qualities and still cannot do justice to your magnificence. You are the love of my life and my reason for everything that I do. I cherish you forever and always.

449. My day will always start and end with you in my heart and on my mind. No other person worth reminiscing about aside from you, my love. You’ve given my life a meaning and I promise never to stop loving you, and to you, I vow my last breath. I love you so much, my woman and my everything.

450. My heart is as blue as the ocean, because that’s where you are, my lovely.

451. The best feeling in the world is when you hug me from behind and rest your head on mine. That tells me that you love me more than anything else in this world.

452. Baby, you’re not only the love of my life but also the air that I need to breathe.

453. No matter what happens, I’ll always love you.

454. Every time our hands touch I feel a spark. Every time we embrace, I feel on top of the world. I love you.

455. I want to grow old with you and still be able to keep up with you.

456. I never thought someone like you would ever love someone like me, but I’m glad you do. You make me feel things I have never felt before and you make everything seem so much brighter.

457. “You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how”. – “Gone with the Wind”

458. You are the only one who knows how to touch my heart and you are the only one who is able to. I love you so much, my heart aches when we are apart.

459. We have our whole lives ahead of us, and I’m looking forward to spending all of it with you. I love you.

460. I can’t wait to start a new life with you. I love how you make me feel.

461. Nothing can ever separate the love I have for you. No matter how far away you are from me, I will only end up loving you more than ever before. You’re the best part of my life and I vow to make your happiness my goal with each passing day. I love you so much, sweetheart.

462. Your love gives me courage, strength and the will to carry on.

463. I love how we can sit in silence and just enjoy each other’s company. I love how you laugh at all my stupid jokes and how you know exactly what I need before I even have to ask. I love how, when I’m with you, all my stress just melts away. I just love you, ________.

464. I can’t wait to tell you all about my day when we meet again this evening. Until then, here’s a quick message to wake up to: I love you.

465. ‘Whаt wоuld уоu say іf I ѕuggеѕtеd ѕоmе ѕеx in рublіс?’7. ‘Whеn уоu gеt hоmе, lеt’ѕ wаtсh ѕоmе роrn, ѕеrіоuѕlу.’

466. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. Nothing would make me happier than that. I love you to infinity and beyond! Good morning!

467. You can always make me smile, even on my worst days. Just by being yourself, you can make any situation better.

468. With you, I can be myself. I don’t have to pretend or hide anything because I know you accept me for who I am.

469. A day is going to end again. But don’t be sad. Tomorrow is another day and you have another chance to meet. This is the last night I can say this, so I will say it tonight. I miss you. Goodnight, my love.

470. I want to tell you how special you are to me and how much I cherish you. I want to spend all of my days making you happy, because that’s how important you’ve come to me.

471. Dearest, you are my better half. I love you more than anything in this world.

472. I could spend a million years trying to come up with words that could even explain how much I love you, but it still wouldn’t be enough. You are the love of my life, my entire world and my whole entire purpose for being.

473. I’m deep, madly and completely in love with someone that’s amazing, caring and loving. Someone that’s special and beautiful. Someone that’s understanding and fun to be with always. And that someone is you, my love. I love you beyond the stars.

474. “You’ve given me a reason to live, even when I had no clue how to live my life in a world full of uncertainties. And with you, each and every day is worth living for. I love you so much, my woman, and my everything.”

475. “And all my life I’ve been waiting for someone like you to make me smile/You make me feel alive/And you’re giving me everything I’ve ever wanted in life/You make me smile, and I forget to breathe/What’s an angel like you ever do with a devil like me” – “Smile” by Sixx AM

476. Every time I think about you my heart skips more than a few beats. Your eyes, your smile, your hair, everything is beautiful to me. I want to hold you close each and every night when we go to sleep.

477. Your love has made me a better person.

478. If I ever lost you, I don’t know what I’d do.

479. Every day with you is an avenue not to only get to know you more than ever before, but also cherish and love you more than you can imagine. And I promise to love you for as long as there is a breath in me. I love you so much, my sweetie pie.

480. You make me feel like I can do anything. You are the only one for me and I will love you until the end of time.

481. There is no one else in this world that could make me happier than you do. You bring out the best in me and without you, I would cease to exist. I love you.

482. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage”. – Lao Tzu

483. You’re my dream come true and with you, every dream is definitely going to be a reality. You’re my everyday motivation and inspiration and happiness, and I’m blessed to have someone as special and beautiful as you are in my life. I love you so much, my one and only.

484. Every day I want to be with you. Every month I need to be by your side. Every year I yearn to hold you tightly in my arms. You are my world.

485. You make me feel good about myself. Whenever I’m around you, I forget about all of life’s troubles and feel nothing but joy.

486. I want you here so I can hug you, hold your hand and gaze into your beautiful eyes.

487. For you, my heart will always beat. You know why? Because your love is like the air that I breathe and the blood pumping in my heart. Just so you know, I will love you for the rest of my life. You know I love you right? Well, I do. Always and forever will.

488. I want to relive every single moment with you. From the first time I saw you to this very moment, my love for you has only grown stronger. You’re the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Good night, baby.

489. You are a gift to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you for it. You are my confidant, my partner in crime, my best friend and my lover. I want you to know that I will always be here for you because without you, there is no me.

490. I can’t wait to be in your arms tonight. My heart beats rapidly whenever you’re near. Thinking about you gives me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. You are the love of my life. Good night, darling.

491. Out of every girl I’ve ever met or seen, none of them compare to you. There is nobody like you, and I mean that in a good way. I love you.

492. “You’re always on my mind. I don’t bother remembering you because I find it hard to forget you. You are a goldmine, and when I found you, I found the part of me that was missing. You are my heartbeat and my jewel. I love you with every part of me.”

493. ‘I drеаmt thаt I wаѕ уоur {{ ѕеx }} ѕlаvе lаѕt nіght, іt wаѕ hot — vеrу hot’

494. You know, as long as we have one another, nothing else really matters. As long as we stay together, everything will always be alright.

495. I want to be old and gray with you. Just think, our love will last longer than even the strongest diamonds. I wish you were here with me right now. I love you to the moon and back, honeybuns. Good night.

496. “One day, I caught myself smiling without any reason, then I realized I was thinking of you. I love you.”

497. I love it when we spend the whole day together. I really enjoy your company and I look forward to these special moments together.

498. When I’m around you, time stops. The rest of the world just disappears. All that matters is you and me. I love you so much, dear. Good night.

499. “When I look into your eyes, I know I’ve found my perfect soul mate.”

500. Every day I spend with you is the best day of my life. Just by being with you, I become the richest man on earth. I love you more than anything, honeybuns. Good night.

501. You are my queen and I am your king. Let’s rule our lives together just like how we have ruled our hearts.

502. “I keep you with me in my heart/You make it easier when life gets hard/I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend/Lucky to have been where I have been/Lucky to be coming home again” – “Lucky” by Jason Mraz

503. I knew the very moment I saw you that we were destined to be together. You are the queen and I am your loyal servant. I could never love another woman as much as I love you.

504. All I want to do is love you until the day that I die.

505. I want you to know that I’m thankful for you and I love you, every day of my life. You make me feel like a man and you make me feel loved, which is something I never thought I’d experience. You are a blessing in my life and I want you to stay by my side forever.

506. Your voice is like an angel’s song. You are the most beautiful creature that I have ever laid my eyes upon. You are perfect in everyway. I love everything about you.

507. “You ain’t just one in a million, you are once in a lifetime! I’ll treat every day like it’s your birthday. I’ll light your candles and get you your favorite type of cake to celebrate these two hearts that met with the desire to spend eternity together. I love you, baby.”

508. I am blessed to have you as my woman.

509. You’re my everyday inspiration, my motivation and my strength, and with you in my life, every dream, every goal and every aspiration is possible to achieve. Thanks for being real, thanks for loving me just the way I am, and I’m blessed to have you. I love you more than you can imagine.

510. Sweetheart, I woke up next to the love of my life today. The only person who makes me feel complete. I want to grow old with you always and forever.

511. “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” — Hermann Hesse

512. Nothing in the world matters to me except for you. You are the center of my universe. My whole world.

513. You can always make me laugh no matter what mood I’m in. You can turn any bad situation into a good one with just your smile. You are one of a kind and I love you for it.

514. The world could be coming to an end all I care about is being with you.

515. We’ve been together through the best of times and worst of times, I want to spend even more time with you.

516. “Oh, won’t you stay with me? ’Cause you’re all I need” – “Stay With Me” by Sam Smith

517. I will always treat you like a queen because that’s exactly what you are.

518. My life would be so bland and flavorless without you in it. You bring the best out of me, and I love you for that. Good morning, beautiful.

519. “I have never known a love like this” – “Love Like This” by Ben Rector

520. I will love you until the day that I die.

521. I can’t wait to be with you, just you and me, and no one else. I want that so much. Just lay with me under the star-filled sky, holding each other all night long. I wish that could happen right now. I love you so much, baby. Good night.

522. I love you so much, my dearest and I will never stop loving you. Come rain or sunshine, I will always be by your side, to cherish and adore all of you. With you, the future holds beautiful and great things. I love you so much, my cuppy cake.

523. There is no one else in this world that could take your place.

524. You are the love of my life, and I promise to cherish you always. From the moment we first met, I knew our souls were destined to meet.

525. As long as I live and there’s breath in me, I will always put a beautiful smile on your face and I will never stop loving you. And with each passing day, I promise to make your happiness my top priority. I love you more than you can imagine.

526. I wish you were here with me. I miss you so much. Nighttime is the worst because that is when I feel your absence the most. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. Until then, good night, my one and only love.

527. “The only time I stupidly smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.”

528. My love for you is like the blazing sun. It will burn and be radiant no matter what. I will always love you. Good morning.

529. I want you to know that I’m grateful for accepting, cherishing and loving me just the way I am. In times of despair and sorrow, you’ve always been there for me and when I was at the edge of tapping out on life, you gave me a reason to live. I love you more than love itself.

530. I don’t know what I would do without you. You make life worth living. I love you and I will forever and always cherish the moments we have together.

531. Hey, beautiful! I just wanted to let you know that I love you and can’t wait to see you again. Have an excellent day! Good morning!

532. I love every little thing about you. I love your smile, your laugh, your touch, everything about you. I promise to be by your side forever.

533. My feelings for you grow stronger each day. I imagine us growing old together and wonder how I ever managed to survive without you in my life. You’re the definition of perfection. I love you beyond words, good night.

534. You’re not only my lover but also my best friend.

535. “We loved with a love that was more than love”. – Edgar Allan Poe

536. I will always be there for you. Wherever you go, whatever may happen, just know that my love is always with you.

537. There’s no point trying to explain how much you mean to me or how much I love you because I just can’t explain it. One thing I know for certain, I love you more than love itself and I will never stop loving you. I love you so much, beautiful.

538. You’re the best part of my life and there’s absolutely nothing that’s going to change the way I adore you, respect you, cherish you and love you. I want you to know that I’m blessed to have you in my life and I will always and forever be glad to call you mine. I love you so much, damsel.

539. For you, I live and breathe, and without you, I’m only a wayfarer. And I what you to know that I can’t survive a day without, because I need you each and every day just as much as plant need carbon dioxide to stay alive. I love you so much, my woman and my everything.

540. “Sweetie, the beautiful moment of my day is seeing the smile on your face when you see me. Not only is that the happiest moment of my day, but it is also the most important thing because it shows you love me, and I love you too.”

541. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. You’re in all my dreams in between. You have showed me that miracles do exist: and you are one.

542. You are the girl of my dreams and I’m happy that you are finally mine.I feel like you were made especially for me. No one else knows me better than you do and I love that about you.

543. “It is astonishing how little one feels alone when one loves”. – John Bulwer

544. I love you with all of my heart and I want to be with you not only today but every single day after that. You are the one for me and nobody else.

545. I saw a quote once that said ‘Deep breaths cause shallow thoughts’. I think deep thoughts cause shallow breaths. Whenever I think about you, I tend to forget to breathe. That’s how I know I’m head over heels for you.

546. I knew from the moment we met that you were someone special. Someone worth spending my whole life with. You are my heart beat and I wouldn’t know what to do without you.

547. You are my light in the dark. When you are around, I feel like anything is possible.

548. I can’t wait to see the day’s last light with you by my side as well. Have a great day, dear.

549. I never thought it would be possible to fall in love at first sight, but then we met, and now I know true love exists.

550. We have something very special and unique. I know that our love will last forever. I love you!

551. You are the part of me that is missing. Without you, my life is empty and gray. I need you in my life to make everything come together.

552. I want to tell you that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You make me feel things I never thought I would feel again.

553. ‘Wоuld уоu bе mаd іf I mаdе оut wіth a gіrl?’

554. Ever since you came into my life, nothing else matters so much to me anymore, because I’ve got all that really and truly matters – You. I know you know I love you, but I also want you to know that I will never stop loving you. I love you to the moon and back.

555. Whenever I miss your beautiful glowing smiling face, all I need to do is look up during the setting of the sun, because it reminds me of your beautiful face every time. As your face is as beautiful as the picturesque of the sunset. I love you beyond the stars.

556. “It’s funny how you can go through life thinking you were complete until you fall in love. Now every time we’re apart I feel so incomplete, my other half. I love you.”

557. I could continue to count down the reasons why I love you, but I know I’d never get to the end.

558. “There is a madness in loving you, a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless.” — Unknown

559. Thinking about you gives me butterflies in my stomach. I am a lucky man to have someone so beautiful and so talented in my life.

560. I can’t wait to hold you tight and feel your warmth next to me. I’m thinking about you, wherever you are.

561. Every day with you is a blessing. You’re the love of my life. I can’t wait to be with you forever and ever. Good morning, sweetie!

562. I knew from the moment that I saw you that we were destined to be together forever. Each passing day only confirms that belief even more. I love you more than ever, sweetie! Good morning!

563. When I see you, I am afraid to look away because I know that you will disappear if I do.

564. You are my one and only, I don’t want to be with anyone else but you. You’re irreplaceable to me. I love you.

565. You are the only person that can make me feel like a whole person. I love you not only for what you are, but for what you make me.

566. In your eyes, I see something that I’ve never seen before. It’s love and it’s looking directly at me. I will never hurt you, I will be there for you no matter what happens and I will always give you the support that you need and deserve.

567. I feel so happy when you’re around. I feel so at ease and content. I feel like everything’s going to turn out OK, as long as you’re with me. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you. You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet.

568. Every day, I hope and pray that we never have to part. I love you so much, dear.

569. “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within”. – James Baldwin

570. Someday, we will be together forever and forever. Until that day, I will love and cherish you until the end of time. I wish you a good night, my one and only true love.

571. If I had a flower for every time I thought about you, I would spend all of my days surrounded by flowers.

572. I want to grow old with you and experience everything life has to offer. It was fate that brought us together and I am grateful for it every day.

573. It is my heart’s desire to make you happy today and every day.

574. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.

575. “I don’t need to be known to the whole world, your warm hugs and kisses are all that I want. Keep loving me like this forever. I love you.”

576. You are the reason why I am here today and also the reason why I want to achieve more in life. I love you so much, my princess.

577. I will never stop loving you, every minute of every day, no matter what happens. I want you to remember that. You’re my everything, I love you.

578. When we are together, the days seem to fly by, and when we are apart, each second feels like an eternity. I can’t wait for the day when we are together all the time. Until that day, I’ll say goodnight to you each night, my one and only love.

579. You are the only person who knows how to keep me calm during stressful situations. Without you by my side, I would not be able to get through the day.

580. I’m so glad you came into my life. Without you, a song cannot be sung. A flower cannot bloom. Everything is dull and lifeless without you by my side. Good morning, my one and only.

581. I feel so excited whenever I’m with you because happiness and joy and love are always within reach whenever you’re around. With you right next to me, my dreams and goals will always come true. I love you more than love itself.

582. “Someone up there must be watching out for me, because they sent heaven’s most beautiful angel into my life.”

583. I thought I knew what true love was until I met you. You have a special place in my heart that no one else will ever have. You make my world a happier place just by being in it. I love you more than anything, sweetheart. Have a good night.

584. “Today and always, beyond tomorrow, I need you beside me, always as my best friend, lover, and forever soul mate.”

585. I want to be with you not because of convenience, but because I can’t see myself with anyone else but you.

586. “You’re my everyday inspiration, my motivation, and my strength, and with you in my life, every dream, every goal, and every aspiration is possible to achieve. Thanks for being real, thanks for loving me just the way I am. I’m blessed to have you in my life.”

587. You are my best friend and my lover. The best things in my life. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

588. “I’d like you to know that the fire you bring is what protects me from the cold world. I love you.”

589. “Your heart is filled with love and affection. Your hands are caring. I’m lucky to have you.”

590. I will always love you. Wherever you are, whatever happens, I will always love you. I promise you this.

591. Never before have I met someone like you, and I’ve met many in my life. You’ve given me so much joy, in fact, that I can’t see myself living without you.

592. “You know everything about me, the good and the bad. I feel so at peace when I’m with you. You are my best friend, my rock, my soulmate. I love you more than words could ever say.”

593. Hey beautiful, I know every guy gives you this line, but you are really one of a kind. You’re the finest gem on the market, so please accept this gift of eternal love.

594. I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.

595. I love you more than anyone could ever love another person. You are one of a kind and I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.

596. Every hour, every minute, every second that passes I love you more and more. I could spend a thousand lifetimes with you and still want more because your love is like a bottomless well. I can never get enough of you my love.

597. You make me believe in love, all over again. My heart skips a beat whenever I see you. You’re the one who completes me.

598. If you were to leave me, I don’t know what I would do with myself.

599. “It is as if you are my twin soul and we belong together for all eternity. I love you.”

600. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

601. I am always thinking about you, my darling.

602. I’m proud of the man that I am today and it’s all thanks to someone that’s special, amazing, beautiful, caring and loving, and that someone is you, my love. You know I love you right? Well, I do. Always have and always will.

603. I would walk through fire with you because your presence is all I need to feel warm and to be happy.

604. “Baby, you know I’m not great at expressing my feelings in person, so I thought I would let you know my feelings through this sweet text message. You are my best friend, my confidant, and my soul mate. I love everything about you. Have a fantastic day.”

605. I feel so safe when I am with you like nothing bad could ever happen to me when we are together.

606. “You make me feel like a man. You make me feel loved and needed. Your kind words and gentle voice give me the encouragement I need to keep going when things get tough. I love you more than anything in the world and I always will.”

607. “Everything changes, but beauty remains/Something so tender, I can’t explain/Well, I may be dreaming, but ‘till I’m awake/Can we make this dream last forever?” “A Moment Like This” by Kelly Clarkson

608. “You are the perfect match for me and I know it from the first time I saw your fine face. Love you with my everything pretty girl.”

609. “You came during the darkest days of my life. I was dispirited and broken inside. And when all was but a mess, Your love shone the brightest. Then I began to dream of a bright future with you. I love you. I surely do.”

610. Let’s run away together and leave all this behind. All we need is each other. I promise to love, honor and cherish you for as long as I live.

611. Swееthеаrt, I wаnt уоu to knоw thаt I wіll lіvе mу еntіrе lіfе gіvіng thаnkѕ to Gоd for blеѕѕіng mе wіth ѕоmеоnе аѕ bеаutіful, саrіng, dаrlіng аnd lоvіng аѕ уоu аrе.

612. You are the object of my desire, the answer to my prayers. You make me feel more alive than anything else and for that I will always love you.

613. My heart feels warm and fuzzy when I think about you. It’s like a giant ball of fluff that threatens to consume me. But at this moment, I don’t care because your love is what makes me feel alive. Good night, baby!

614. I want to be by your side forever. From now until the end of time. I will always be your loyal and dedicated protector. I love you with all my heart and soul. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Good night, honey.

615. You’re my one and only, the love of my life, the mother of our children… You get the idea. Good morning.

616. I am so happy that we met and I am grateful that you allow me to be a part of your life. You are an amazing woman and I love you more than anything in this world.

617. ‘Just ѕаw ѕоmеthіng rеаllу hot thаt mаdе mе thіnk оf уоu.’

618. I want to run my fingers through your hair as I fall asleep. I want to feel your body against mine. I want you here right now! Good night, my only love.

619. You are the most amazing woman in the world and I’m glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.

620. With you, each passing day comes with a new adventure, as every day with you is full of expectancies, laughter, happiness, joy and love. And you’re the missing piece of my heart, without you, my heart, life and world is like a void. I love you to the moon and back.

621. I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

622. I want to grow old with you. You are the person I want to spend all of my tomorrows with. I want to help you and support you for the rest of our lives.

623. “Grow old with me! The best is yet to be”. – Robert Browning

624. You’re my everyday happiness, my woman and my everything. My joy with each passing day will always be to put a beautiful smile on your pretty face and also make your happiness my top priority. I love you to the moon and back.

625. Waking up on the right side of the bed wouldn’t be the same without your face to wake up to. I love you more than words can express, baby!

626. You are everything I could have ever wanted or hoped for in a partner. I want to grow old and watch our grandchildren play together in the yard. I love you, my darling.

627. You have given me a new meaning to life. Before, my days were dull and bland, but now every day that we spend together is exciting and memorable. I love you.

628. I’m so glad that I met you. You’ve completely changed my life, and I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart.

629. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You helped me find myself and I will always be grateful for that.

630. Your love has lifted me up when I was down.

631. You are the only one that makes me happy. Without you, my life would be nothing. I love you more than anything.

632. I’m so glad you came into my life. You’re the queen of my heart! I’ll cherish every waking moment with you. Good morning!

633. I want to get old with you. I don’t ever want to lose you. You mean the world to me and I want to make you happy for the rest of your life.

634. I love you beyond words, and no amount of words will ever be enough to tell you how much I love you or how much you mean to me. You’re my woman and my everything, my everyday joy, motivation and inspiration and life support. I love you so much, sunshine.

635. “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone”. – “Lord of the Rings”

636. “I’m never ever giving you up, I’m never ever leaving you. Instead, I’ll forever and ever love and cherish you.”

637. I feel so blessed that you came into my life. I never want to lose you, you mean too much to me. I love you.

638. I can’t see myself without you. I don’t even want to try. Everything feels so wrong when you’re not around. I want you by my side forever.

639. I love your voice, your face, your hair, your eyes, and every single part of you. My love for you grows deeper each passing day. I long for your presence whenever we’re apart. Thinking about you before I sleep, sweet dreams.

640. “After all these years I still feel butterflies in my stomach when you are near. Every time I see your beautiful smile, I know that I have made a perfect choice. You are my best friend, my partner, my confidant, and now the love of my life.”

641. Thanks for always being there for me, most especially when I least expected it. Even if I was given a chance, I want you to know that there’s nothing I’d like to change about you, because I love everything about you, just the way you are. I love you so much, my princess.

642. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to hold on to that feeling for as long as I live.

643. I’ll always be there for you through good and through trying times. I’ll always be the one ready to give you the embrace you long for, the cuddle you wanna rest in.

644. “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” — The White Company

645. I want to fall asleep in your loving embrace tonight. Just knock once for yes and twice for no. Will you let me sleep with you tonight?

646. “Storm clouds may gather, and stars may collide, but I will be with you until the end of time.”

647. “Whenever I’m alone with you, you make me feel like I am home again” – “Lovesong” by The Cure

648. I want to be the one that makes all your tears disappear. I want to be the one that takes away all your pain and give you nothing but joy. I love you.

649. I was lost in a sea of nothingness until you found me. I want to give you everything you need and more. You deserve the best, and I hope I can be that person for the rest of your life.

650. You deserve the world.

651. Each time we say goodbye it feels like the end of the world. I don’t want you to leave ever because I never know what troubles you might get into without me around to help.

652. “You’re my heartbeat. Your voice is just like a beautiful melody. I love you, my everything.”

653. Through all of the fights, the late night talks, and everything in between. Our love will always be stronger than ever before. We are meant to be together.

654. How do I make her feel special with words?

655. “Every time you stare into my eyes, you soften my heart and make me fall in love all over again. I love being felt by you.”

656. I actually didn’t plan on falling in love with you, but now, I’m glad that I did. You know why? Because I would be a fool not to have fallen in love with someone as beautiful and special as you are. I love you so much, my woman and my everything.

657. When you smiled at me for the first time, I felt like I was flying higher than any bird. When you kissed me for the first time, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of pure bliss. When you embraced me for the first time, I felt truly blessed to have your love.

658. You make every day of my life a joy and a celebration.

659. We may have a lot of fights and arguments, but I want you to know that I still want to be with you because I love you. Nobody can ever replace you.

660. From the moment you came into my life, my thoughts are always beautiful, because there are all about you, my love. And no wonder, you’re always my thought of the day. I love you more than you can imagine, and to you, I vow my last breath. I cherish you forever, damsel.

661. I want you to know that you are appreciated. I love you so much and I hope that you realize just how lucky you are to have someone like me.

662. “No matter how high, I would climb a thousand mountains, no matter the number of miles, I would walk them, no matter the ocean, I would swim across it, no matter what type of surface, I would crawl a thousand yards, all to see your smile. I love you, my beautiful girlfriend.”

663. I want to be the one to brighten your day and make your nights rest easy. You are the only one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the center of my universe and I love you more than anything. Good night, sweetheart.

664. I want to be a person who makes you happy. I want to treat you like a princess, and I want to make all of your dreams come true.

665. My life was a dark tunnel before you came into it. Everything changed once I saw you for the first time. Now, each day is brighter and more colorful.

666. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and your name popped up on my phone… what a wonderful way to start a morning!

667. My life was meaningless before I met you. Every breath I took was counted until the day I met you. I knew right then that my life was going to change for the better because of you.

668. My heart has been missing something since the day I was born, my heart was empty until the day we met. You are the only one that can fill it completely. I love you.

669. Whether I’m working or playing, you’re on my mind. I can’t wait to tell you all about my day when I come home to you. Until then, here’s a message to wake up to… I love you.

670. Every day, I find myself needing you even more. My love for you will never fade.

671. Good morning, sweetie! I hope you’re up to have an awesome day with me. I love you truly and deeply! Remember that always.

672. I want to grow old with you, sit by the fireplace and and caress your face as we watch the snow fall outside our window. You are my everything.

673. “If you want to know how much I love and care for you, count the waves.” — Unknown

674. My heart aches for you always and never will it stop beating for you.

675. I can’t wait to see you again. Until then, know that I’m always thinking about you. Good morning, my one and only!

676. We’ve been through so much, and I know we can get through anything together. I love you.

677. I feel so alive when I’m with you. You make me feel so free and that’s why I love you.

678. “Life without love is like a tree without fruit”. – The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

679. I promise to always be by your side. Through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, ’til death do us part. I love you.

680. You’ve given me a reason to live, even when I had no clue how to live my life in a world full of uncertainties. And with you, each and every day is worth living for. I love you so much, my woman and my everything.

681. You’re the only person who has ever made me feel this way. You bring out the best in me, and I love you for that. I love you beyond words.

682. You are amazing and wonderful. You are kind and compassionate. You are smart and savvy. I can’t believe that you are all mine. I know that I don’t tell you enough, but I am glad that you are in my life. I hope you know that.

683. “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” — A. A. Milne

684. “All of me loves all of you/Love your curves and all your edges/All your perfect imperfections/Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you/You’re my end and my beginning/Even when I lose I’m winning/’Cause I give you all of me/And you give me all of you” – “All Of Me” by John Legend

685. I don’t need the whole world, as long as I have you, my life will be complete. You are the other half of my soul and I love you.

686. “There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved”. – George Sand

687. You bring out the best in me. You are the love of my life.

688. My love for you is deeper than the Marianas trench.

689. I’ll always be by your side whenever you need me. You’re my life, my lover, and my soul mate. I love you more than anything.

690. Each and every day is a beautiful day and my world is filled with beautiful things ever since you came into my life. You’re a rare gem and a day with you is a day well spent, and I want you to know that I’m blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much, my one and only.

691. I will never get enough of your kisses. I will never get enough of your hugs. I will never get enough of your loving touches. I want to feel you all of the time. I love everything about you, my one and only true love. Good night, baby.

692. I just want you to know that you’re the last person I think about before I go to bed and the first person I think of when I wake up in the morning.

693. “I slept off yesterday thinking about you, my love. This morning, I woke up crazy about you. Every passing night takes me deeper into your love. And every breaking day opens to me a new chapter of what we share. Can’t ever run out of love, baby. Good morning.”

694. We have been through a lot and we will probably go through even more in the future, but I want you to know that as long as we have one another, we can get through everything.

695. I love everything about you. Everything you do makes me want to be a better person.

696. For you, I can be brave any day. Your smile is all I need to chase away pain. You’re my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. Good morning.

697. Your love is a poem written just for me.

698. A thousand words cannot even begin to express how much I love you. There are countless numbers of words in every language but I don’t have enough words to tell you. I love you so much, sweetie! Good morning!

699. You’re the light at the end of the tunnel. You’re the peak of the mountain I’ve been climbing for decades. I want to spend every waking minute with you. Have a good night, sweetie. I love you.

700. The way you look when you sleep is amazing. I could watch you for hours, but I would never want to wake you up. You’re too precious to me.

701. You’ve touched my heart in a very special way and I’m honoured to be loved by someone as beautiful as you are, just as much as I’m blessed to have you in my life and call you mine forever. And I promise to make your happiness my everyday priority. I love you so much, beautiful.

702. I wish I could keep you in bed with me all day. Sadly, duty calls. Just know that I’m wishing you a great day and looking forward to coming home to you later, my love.

703. I thought that I was happy before I met you, but it was nothing compared to how I feel when you’re around. You make me feel alive, in a way I’ve never felt before.

704. “I am so thankful and grateful that I get to call you mine. I know that one day we will be together making our dreams come true and living our happily ever after.” I’ll hold you in my heart until I hold you in my arms. There is no distance that can truly keep us apart.”

705. You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up in the morning. You are always on my mind, everyday and every night. I love you.

706. “Loving you is the greatest thing that I have done in my whole life. Thanks for making my life wonderful.”

707. There’s no one else I’d rather wake up to and spend the day with. You’re my everything, and I love you.

708. I’m glad you walked into my life. I love you!

709. I want to adore and cherish all of you, and love you like you’ve never been loved before. Treat you like the princess you are and my queen in making. And I want you to know that I’m blessed to have someone as special, smart and sweet as you are in my life. I love you so much, beautiful.

710. I used to think that I was happy with you, but I didn’t know what happiness really was until I had lost you. Every day that we are apart is a day that my heart doesn’t beat. I don’t eat. I don’t sleep. I just wait for the day that we can be together again. You make me complete, _______.

711. I feel so complete when you’re in my arms. You’ve made me happier than I ever thought possible. My nights are lonely without you by my side. Can’t wait to see you again, my everything.

712. I don’t want a life without you in it. Each day I spend away from you is a torment. I need you by my side. I want you by my side. You complete me.

713. So many stars in the night sky, yet none as beautiful as you. So many dreams that could come true, yet none that I want to happen more than I want you in my life. I love you, darling. Have a good night.

714. No matter what else happens in this life, I’ll never forget the moments that we shared. You were always there for me when nobody else was.

715. “No matter how hard I try to fall asleep, it seems impossible because my mind is busy thinking about you. Whenever your thoughts settle on my mind, my heart melts. Since the day I met you, my life, which was once apart, fell into place. For the first time, things seem to be going my way.”

716. I must be the luckiest man alive for you to have agreed to go on this journey with me. You are the most amazing person that I know and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

717. I’m so glad you’re in my life. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, because I love you more and more each day.

718. I want to grow old with you and watch our children play. I want to experience everything life has to offer with you.

719. I wish I could see you right now, I would run to you faster than the speed of light, just to be able to hold you in my arms and imprint your scent on my mind forever.

720. You’re my dream come true. You’re my first thought in the morning and last thought at night. I love you, and I’ll love you until the end of time.

721. Each and every day with you is a day that’s filled with boundless happiness, unspeakable joy and unending love, and I want you to know that I’m blessed to have someone as beautiful and I as you are in my life. I love you so much, sweetie pie.

722. “You’re my heaven-sent, my everyday joy and happiness. A day with you is better than a thousand days elsewhere. And every time you’re around, happiness is within reach. I’m glad to call you mine, and I will always cherish every moment with you.”

723. “With the whole of my heart, I love you. I give everything, my all, to you. My life is attached to yours forever, and now you’re a part of me, I can always say I love you. And, not only say it but also prove it to you. You are the best.”

724. “I rejoice every moment of the way, knowing that your love is boundless.”

725. I look at you and the world melts away, the only thing that matters is you and me. I love every bit of you.

726. “You’re that Once in lifetime dream come true.”

727. I promise to always be here for you and to love you for the rest of my life.

728. You’re the first thing that comes to my mind when I wake up in the morning. You’re the last thing that comes to my mind before I fall asleep. There’s no place I’d rather be than by your side. Good morning, sweetie!

729. I will make your joy and happiness my top priority each and every day. And when your smile tends to fade away with the uncertainties of life, I will always be here to bring it back into the limelight. I love you forever, my woman and my everything.

730. I want to climb into your dreams tonight and be with you, holding you tight. Let me know when I get there. All I need is a yes or no.

731. You are the most important person in my life and I want to make you happy. You are the love of my life, and I vow to be by your side no matter what.

732. I want to be everything you ever need and more. You are the one I want to spend all of eternity with.

733. You are the one that I want to see first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. You are the only one on my mind during the day. You are the center of my universe. I love you to the moon and back, darling. Have a good night of sweet dreams.

734. ‘I dоn’t knоw іf thіѕ іѕ nоrmаl, but mу lеgѕ gеt wеаk whеn уоu kіѕѕ mе.’

735. I want you here so I can hold you close and never let you go.

736. My heart beats for you, my life depends on you and my blood flows because of you. I love you. Everything I am is because of you.

737. “You make me want to be a better man”. – “As Good As It Gets”

738. When I’m with you, it feels like the world is a better place. I never want to be away from you.

739. My life has never been the same since I met you. You are my everything.

740. I feel like I’m dreaming whenever I’m with you. You bring a whole new meaning to everything I thought was possible in this world. I love you.

741. When we’re together, time stands still and the rest of the world just fades away. You’re the air that I breathe, the drug that I cannot live without. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Good night, my everything.

742. The scriptures say that marriage is honorable among all and therefore ordained of God. I believe that this is true. Our love has grown alongside one another and led us to this moment. I love you, my darling.

743. I don’t feel so close to heaven when we are together. Just being in your presence makes me think I can touch the sky. You are the reason why I want to live life to the fullest.

744. ‘I dоn’t knоw whу, but аll I wаnt rіght nоw іѕ ѕеx.’

745. When you are happy, I am happy. When you are sad, I’m sad. When you are angry with me, I feel that I have wronged you. Forgive me. Know that I always love you no matter what, my dear.

746. “I don’t think anyone can be as special and beautiful as you are, my baby. Your unconditional love is out of this world. I love the way you smile; I love your beautiful eyes, pretty lips, and hot legs. In short, I love everything about you.”

747. I want to stay by your side forever. You are the other half of my heart and soul. I love you with all of my heart and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my sweetheart.

748. “When you kiss me, my world is a happier place. When you kiss me, my heart purrs lovingly.”

749. You have filled the emptiness in my heart. There was a time where I always felt sad about something but ever since we started dating, those sad feelings just went away.

750. You’ve brought meaning to my life. Before I met you, every day was dull and boring. But when I saw you for the first time, I knew that life was going to be a lot more fun from then on out. I’m glad you came into my life. I love you.

751. Happiness is always within reach whenever you’re around. With you, there’s no sadness nor sorrow. And I want you to know that I’m blessed to have you in my life, just as much as I’m glad to call you mine forever. I love you forever, my angel.

752. “To my significant other, I might run out of love text messages to send you, and I might run out of jokes too. My phone might run out of battery, but my heart will never run out of space for you. You light up my world.”

753. My nights are never complete without thinking about you. I love everything about you, starting from your beautiful eyes down to your adorable little feet. Sweetdreams, darling!

754. I am never letting go of you.

755. My heart skips a beat when you walk into the room. I feel like I am going to explode with happiness when you smile at me. You are the love of my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my days with you.

756. Our past experiences help make us who we are today. Without our pasts, we wouldn’t have met and fallen in love. Thank you for being in my life. I love you so much, sweetheart. Good night.

757. “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.” — Lord of the Rings

758. I miss you so much already. I wish you never had to leave. I never want to spend another night without you here with me. You are the center of my universe and the air that I breathe. I love you so much, good night.

759. “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you”. – Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

760. “With love in my heart and the divine attachment I have for you, I say a pleasant good morning to the girl who made my dreams come true. Loving you has been a wonderful experience that changed my life for the better. You are the spice my life has right now. Enjoy this awesome morning.”

761. “If you ask me to make a last wish, it would be to go on like this, holding your hands tight in mine, till my last breath.”

762. From the moment we met, I knew you would change my life forever. Little did I know that it would be for the better. Every day that we spend together is a blessing. I love you more than anything. I always have and I always will.

763. You are my special angel sent from up above. I love you.

764. I am so in love with every part of you. Your personality, your quirks, and everything in between.

765. “I am forever grateful for the happiness and joy you have brought into my life. You are an angel sent from heaven to make this world a better place, one smile at a time.” — Unknown

766. Our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it everywhere.

767. You’re my one and only, my muse, my confidant, my cheerleader, and the woman I will never stop cherishing and loving. And just so you know, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will always cherish every moment with you. I love you so much, damsel.

768. Whether I am here or elsewhere, as long as we are together then wherever I am is home. When I am with you, then the world is my playground. I love you so much, baby. Good night.

769. You’re the one who listens to all my problems. You’re the shoulder I cry on. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you beyond words.

770. My feelings for you continue to grow stronger and deeper.

771. I can’t go anywhere without thinking of you. You are in my thoughts all the time. I want to be with you always and hold you tight.

772. My dreams have come true because I am married to my best friend.

773. To the one that I love, I promise to always be by your side, to give you strength when you are weak and to love you when you feel unloved. I will comfort you when you are upset and encourage your dreams. I pledge to do this every day for the rest of my life.

774. I didn’t think that you could ever replace her in my heart, but then you came into my life and proved me wrong. You showed me that it is possible to heal and recover from grief and loss. You taught me that it is okay to feel happiness and gratitude for life again. I love you.

775. “Your sparkling eyes, beautiful smile, sweet lips, and your entire being just hypnotize me with feelings I adore.” — Unknown

776. “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

777. I want you to know that I think you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world. You have taken my breath away ever since I saw you for the first time.

778. Thank you for seeing past all my flaws, and for loving me when nobody else could.

779. When I think about the future, I can only see you by my side. You are the other half of my whole. I need you and I want you and I would be nothing without you. I love you everyday!

780. “The glow that you brought to my life is more radiant than a million sunrises. Thank you for being there for me in all my ups and downs; you mean a lot to me. Every moment I spent with you is unforgettable. Wish you a wonderful day, my love. Good morning and enjoy the day.”

781. “I love you, and I know this within my heart. I will love you forever. I only want you to know this because my heart is made up. I am ready to show you how it feels to be loved by someone. You have brightened my world in every aspect, and I can’t love you less.”

782. I have never been so sure of something in my life, just like I’m sure that I love you.

783. My heart is set on you. There is nobody but you. I love everything about you, and I want to be with you forever.

784. If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right. You make me so happy and I will always be by your side no matter what life throws at us.

785. I love every little thing about you. Even the bad things make me smile, because those are the things that make you who you are and I wouldn’t want to change a thing about you. You are an amazing person and I want to be with you forever.

786. “They say love can’t be seen; it can only be felt inside of you, But they were wrong. I have seen it a lot of times. I have seen true love for me in your eyes. And it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!”

787. I want to be with you not because I don’t like being alone, but because I love you. You are the most important person in my life, I want you to know that.

788. You are my favorite person in the whole wide world and I love you so much. You mean everything to me.

789. I love all the sweet and cuddly things you do for me. You’re always there to listen as I pour my heart out. You’re the one girl that’s caught my attention. I love you more than anything in this world. Good night.

790. “You give me the kind of feelings people write novels about.” — Unknown

791. When I am with you, every minute feels like a moment of bliss. I love you with all my heart.

792. Your love uplifts my soul and warms my heart. When I’m with you, every moment feels magical. Thanks for everything, darling. Good night.

793. I hope your day is full of joy because your joy is my joy. Have an awesome day, honey!

794. “Walking with your hands in mine and mine in yours, that’s exactly where I want to be always”. - Fawn Weaver

795. Everywhere I look, all I can see is you. You have my heart and nobody will ever take that away from me.

796. I will always be by your side.

797. Whenever I’m with you, everything feels right in the world. You brighten up my day. You make everything worthwhile, just by being you.

798. No matter what happens, just know that I will always think of you as the most amazing girl in the world. Sweet dreams, beautiful.

799. Though it was fate that brought you to me, it was a choice to fall in love with you, and I’m glad that I did. I want you to know that I’m blessed to have you in my life, and I’m glad our path crossed and you came into my life. I love you so much, damsel.

800. Your love has filled a hole in my heart that I didn’t know was there before you.


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