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800 Inspirational Quotes From Grandmother to Granddaughter

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. All ghouls and goblins know that you’re the best granddaughter ever, and I love you so! Happy Halloween!

2. ‘There is no distance that can lessen the love of a grandma and her granddaughter.’

3. “There no other reasons for my happiness except having you for a granddaughter.”

4. “Some people do not believe in superheroes. Then they have not met me, your grandfather.”

5. ‘A granddaughter is a gift of love.’

6. ‘My precious granddaughter, no matter how far apart we are, you’ll always be with me, like a handprint on my heart.’

7. “I want you to follow in my footsteps and then take a different path and go much ahead than I ever have.”

8. “Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.”

9. “Dear granddaughter, I had loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow and forever.”

10. “Grandchildren complete life’s circle of love.”

11. “My granddaughter’s laughter is my favourite sound. The sound of her sleeping is a close second.”

12. “Grandparents are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re there.”

13. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning. - Thornton Wilder

14. “A grandma can figure out quicker than a mother if something is bothering her grandkids.”

15. When she smiles, the lines in her face become epic narratives that trace the stories of generations that no book can replace. — Curtis Tyrone Jones

16. “Even when my grandchildren are not in my arms, on my lap or in my home they are in my heart and will stay there forever.”

17. ‘Grandchildren are loving reminders of what we’re really here for.’ — Janet Lanese

18. “The joy of grandchildren is measured in the heart.”

19. Granddaughter, you take us all to a new height of happiness with your contagious smile and carefree spirit. Happy 18th birthday my dearest love.

20. “Grandchildren are the reward you get for keeping their parent alive.”

21. “A mother becomes a true grandmother the day she stops noticing the terrible things her children do because she is so enchanted with the wonderful things her grandchildren do.”

22. “Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak. Whispers the o’er fraught heart and bids it break.” – William Shakespeare

23. “Something magical happens when parents turn into grandparents.”

24. “My grandchildren may not have everything they want in this world, but they have a grandma who loves them more than anything in the world.”

25. I never wished to have a longer life, but now I do, so that I can spend more time with you.

26. “Life will not always be easy, my granddaughter, but never forget that I will always be there for you, if not in real but via prayers.

27. “There is no one like a granddaughter to brighten your days and make the world a better place.”

28. Sorrow makes us all children again - destroys all differences of intellect. The wisest know nothing. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

29. “Granddaughters fill your world with love.”

30. “Your smile is charming, your laughter is infectious. You are a stunning woman and above all, you are my granddaughter.” – Unknown

31. “There is no other love that’s as special as the love of a grandma. / So warm and fuzzy, so calm and sweet, so cheerful and joyful.”

32. Have a batty time this Halloween, Granddaughter! It’s all about having a high-flying day!

33. “At one point in your life you have to decide whether you want to become a sachem or a solitary.”

34. “Are you an angel? Yes, you are, for angels are often disguised as granddaughters.”

35. “For no soul can ever be replaced, and death claims a beauty and a magnificence that will always be missed.” —Jocelyn Soriano

36. “We should all have one person who knows how to bless us despite the evidence, Grandmother was that person to me.” — Phyllis Theroux

37. “I don’t intentionally spoil my grandkids. It’s just that correcting them often takes more energy than I have left.” — Gene Perret

38. “A granddaughter is a beautiful reflection of yesterday and a joyful promise of tomorrow.” ~ Anonymous

39. “Twinkle, twinkle little star – my dearest granddaughter how precious you are.”

40. “Grandchildren fill a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.”

41. “I don’t want my granddaughter to follow in my footsteps. I want her to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible.” – Unknown

42. “Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a grandmother and her granddaughter.” – Unknown

43. “If we care about the children, the grandchildren, the future generations, we need to make sure that they do not become the cannon fodder of the future.” – Helen Thomas

44. “Having granddaughter means having the world.” ~Anonymous

45. “Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.” — Marcy DeMaree

46. “Granddaughters: A beautiful reflection of yesterday, a joyful promise of tomorrow.” – Unknown

47. “Dear granddaughter, you will never be able to make everyone happy. Remember to be yourself and be kind.”

48. ‘A granddaughter is someone you can laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.’

49. “Dearest granddaughter, you are a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.”

50. “Your smile lights up my day and makes me forget the worries and pains I have. Your smile is magical, and you are special.”

51. Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. Edna St. Vincent Millay

52. “Simple moments with your grandchildren often become the most priceless memories.”

53. “I hope my granddaughter always believes in herself as much as I believe in her.” – Unknown

54. “With baked cookies and lots of money, your grandma is waiting for you to visit.”

55. “My grandma once said that grief is the price we pay for love.” —Prince William

56. “Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby granddaughter.”

57. “Your laughter is infectious, your smile is lovely. My granddaughter is the best and only one among many.”

58. “It is a great privilege and owner to call you my granddaughter. In my eyes, your light shall never stop shining as bright as a diamond.” Proud of you.”

59. Follow your dreams; I am always there at your back, my lovely grandchild.

60. “The earth is incomplete without the love of granddaughters. You have taught us the meaning of love.”

61. “My Dearest, you fill spaces in my heart I never knew existed. Happy Granddaughter Day.”

62. ‘You’ve been a blessing from the start, I love you my granddaughter with all my heart.’

63. “I don’t want my granddaughter to follow in my footsteps. I want her to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible.” ~ author unknown

64. “Granddaughter, through you I see the future. Through me, you’ll see the past. In the present, we’ll love one another as long as these moments last.”

65. “Dear granddaughter, if you could only see yourself through my eyes, you would see how precious you are to me. You are the most precious being in the whole world.”

66. “Rest In Peace” Grandma Quotes for a Final Goodbye

67. Blessed are those who spoil and snuggle, hug and hope, pray and pamper, for they shall be called grandparents.

68. ‘A granddaughter fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.’

69. “I never knew how much love my heart could hold until my dearest granddaughter called me grandpa.”

70. Nobody can complement your beauty and wisdom like your grandchild.

71. “To my granddaughter, I love you so much. You are very special; I hope you know.”

72. “Grandparents and granddaughters from the start are best friends forever from the heart.”

73. “Being grandparents sufficiently removes us from the responsibilities so that we can be friends.” — Allan Frome

74. ‘My beautiful granddaughter, no matter what happens in life, I will always be here to love and support you. You will never lose my love and affection.’

75. “Why do grandparents and grandchildren get along so well? They have the same enemy—the mother.

76. “My favorite book is ‘Go Away Big Green Monster.’ I wrote it for my granddaughter Adrian, who was in the third grade at the time.” – Ed Emberley

77. “Nothing is purer than the love of grandparents for their granddaughter. They give love and expect nothing in return except a hug and kisses.”

78. “There’s no place like home—except grandma’s house.” —Unknown

79. ‘A granddaughter is an immeasurable blessing.’

80. “Being blessed with a granddaughter brought life to a part of my heart that I never knew existed.” – Unknown

81. “A granddaughter is the reflection of the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the promises of the future.”

82. “When you have a grandchild, it fills a space in your heart that you never realized was empty.” — Unknown

83. “I dreamt of a miracle. It came in the form of my granddaughter.”

84. “There is nothing more wonderful than the love and guidance a grandparent can give his or her grandchild.” — Edward Fays

85. “My beautiful granddaughter, I never knew what my heart was missing till I met you.”

86. ‘No matter how much I tell my granddaughter I love her, I always love her more than that.’

87. “A granddaughter is someone you can laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.” – Unknown

88. “As I gazed in awe at my newborn granddaughter, all I could think about was the wonder of God’s handiwork.” — Margaret Lang

89. “Congratulations a new granddaughter, how chuffed I bet you are, a beautiful lovely baby girl, a wonderful little star.”

90. “If I had known granddaughters were this much fun I would have had them first.” – Unknown

91. “this loss feels like an ache between my ribs / it’s sad and scary / but soft and steady” —Emmy Marucci

92. “I know you’ve loved me since I was born, but I’ve loved you my whole life.”

93. “The grandchildren should not bear the debts of the grandparents.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

94. ‘To my granddaughter, I am so proud of you.’

95. “Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.”

96. “I fell in love with your grandmother and then your mother. When I thought I couldn’t love anyone else more, you came along.”

97. “In order to influence a child, one must be careful not to be that child’s parent or grandparent.” — Don Marquis

98. “Grandparents make the world a little softer, a little kinder, and a little warmer.”

99. “For my own dear girls, my granddaughters, I would tell them to seek out work that you love doing. It will fill your soul.” – Linda Landsman

100. “When my arms can’t reach my granddaughter, I hug her with my prayers.” – Unknown

101. ‘What an honor it is watching your granddaughter grow into a strong, loving, and beautiful woman.’

102. “A grandma and granddaughter always share a special bond, which is engraved on their hearts.” – Unknown

103. ‘I hope my granddaughter always believes in herself as much as I believe in her.’

104. Today she dances with angels.

105. “I love her chubby cheeks, I love her smile, I love her little fingers and toes. But most of all, I love that she is my granddaughter.”

106. “An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again. Anything longer than that, and you start to age quickly.” — Gene Perret

107. “I wouldn’t change my grandchildren for the world. But I wish I could change the world for my grandchildren.” – Unknown

108. “Grandparents are a treasure in the family. Please, take care of your grandparents: love them and let them talk to your children!” — Pope Francis

109. “Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent.” Donald A. Norberg

110. ‘My beautiful granddaughter, I never knew what my heart was missing till I met you.’

111. “Before We Begin

112. “One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather.” — Joy Hargrove

113. “You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” —Proverb

114. “One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given is my granddaughter.” – Ace Frehley

115. “If I could give you only three things, I would give you the confidence to know how unique you are, the strength to always be true to your dreams, and the love to never feel alone.”

116. ‘A granddaughter is in your thoughts and always in your heart.’

117. ‘A smile from my precious granddaughter makes life worth living.’

118. ‘I love my granddaughter with all my heart. Forever and always.’

119. “I thought grandmothers had to like you. It’s a law or something.” — Mary E. Pearson

120. ‘Granddaughters are the sparkles of life.’

121. “I’ve been given this blessing, which is my granddaughter. You’re no longer just you. You suddenly fit into the chest of drawers of life.” — Joanna Lumley

122. “The songs I sing with my granddaughter fill my very soul with love.” ~Anonymous

123. “Grandchildren are called ‘grand’ for a reason” – Unknown

124. ‘Dear granddaughter, wherever life takes you, make sure you walk proud.’

125. “When my arms can’t reach my grandchildren, I hug them with my prayers.”

126. Hope your Halloween’s one hairy, scary good time!

127. I would love to go back and travel the road not taken, if I knew at the end of it I’d find the same set of grandkids. — Robert Brault

128. “A granddaughter is one the greatest blessings in the world.” ~Anonymous

129. ‘Your smile is charming, your laughter is infectious. You are a stunning woman and above all, you are my granddaughter.’

130. “There is no distance that can lessen the love of a grandma and her granddaughter.” – Unknown

131. ‘A granddaughter is born to brighten the days of everyone around her.’

132. “Every house needs a grandmother in it.” —Louisa May Alcott

133. “Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.” -Mary H. Waldrip

134. Always in our thoughts. Forever in our hearts.

135. ‘I love my granddaughter with all my heart.’

136. “Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric.” -Pam Brown

137. ‘There is a place in my heart only my granddaughter can fill.’

138. Generous of heart, constant in faith.

139. “Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild and or a grandparent.” — Donald A. Norber

140. “Dear granddaughter, you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. And everyone’s not going to be yours. And that is totally okay. Just be kind.” ~ anonymous

141. “There is no greater achievement than being a grandfather who tells fairy tales to grandchildren.” — Eraldo Banovac

142. “A grandparent’s love knows no distance. Wherever you might be, we will always love you.”

143. “There is one day that is more special than any other day to me. That was the day when you were born.”

144. “Life will not always be easy, my granddaughter, but never forget to look for the beauty in it.”

145. “Never have children, only grandchildren.” – Gore Vidal

146. “It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace.” —Christopher Morley

147. ‘Welcome to the world, my precious granddaughter. We are beyond excited you are here!’

148. “Deep down inside we always seek for our departed loved ones.” —Munia Khan

149. “Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another.” — Richard Garnett

150. “My granddaughter’s laughter is my favorite sound. The sound of her sleeping is a close second.” – Unknown

151. “Children brought up by their grandparents are generally spoiled.”

152. “Behind every granddaughter who believes in herself is a grandparent who believed in her first.”

153. ‘I wouldn’t change the world for my granddaughter, but I wish I could change the world for my granddaughter.’

154. “Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies.”

155. “As you are now so once were we.” — James Joyce

156. “There are no words to describe the happiness in holding your baby’s baby.”

157. “Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next, you are all-wise and prehistoric.” —Pam Brown

158. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.

159. “Grandma and Grandpa, tell me a story and snuggle me with your love. When I’m in your arms, the world seems small and we’re blessed by the heavens above.” — Laura Spiess

160. “Granddaughters hold our hands for a while but hearts forever.”

161. “Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.” — Joyce Allston

162. “The smart, kind, beautiful child must have got it from their grandparents.”

163. “All grandchildren are brilliant and beautiful, and obviously take after their grandparent.”

164. ‘I thought I had lived a full life, then my granddaughter came along and showed me the best is yet to come.’

165. Happy Halloween, Granddaughter! Hoping that your day bursts with happiness and yummy treats!

166. “If your baby is ‘beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time,’ you’re the grandma.”

167. “You are not my granddaughter; you are grand mini-me. Have a bash on your day. happy GD Day.”

168. “When you were born, a part of my heart I never knew existed opened up with love for you.”

169. “Granddaughters are born princesses, and grandmas teach them how to become Queens.” ~Anonymous

170. “From the first moment you hold your granddaughter in your hands, you realize that your life is about to change. She will make your world bigger and your life better by being in it.”

171. Life is not forever, but love is.

172. “Grandmas don’t just say ‘that’s nice’—they reel back and roll their eyes and throw up their hands and smile. You get your money’s worth out of grandmas.” —Unknown

173. “Elephants and grandchildren never forget.” — Andy Rooney

174. “When I lift you onto my shoulders, all my worries melt away, and I feel light as a cloud. I hope I can carry you for many more years.”

175. “A smile from a granddaughter makes a grandparent’s life worth living.”

176. “My grandchildren are always in my heart, in my prayers and on my mind.”

177. ‘My granddaughter is going to be surrounded with more love than she could ever want for.’

178. There is no distance that can lessen a grandparent’s love.

179. “No spring, nor summer hath such grace. As I have seen in one autumnal face.”

180. Grandparents are voices of the past and the door to the future. They provide us with the wisdom from a lifetime of experience that should never be undervalued.

181. “Stopping by with a kiss and a hug to tuck you in tight and to wish a Beary good night.”

182. “Most grandmas have a touch of the scallywag." — Helen Thomson

183. ‘Happiness is having you for a granddaughter.’

184. “You better arm yourselves to answer your children’s and grandchildren’s questions… no matter what the question is… without being judgmental.” – Josh McDowell

185. Like many men and women who make egregious and irretrievable mistakes with their own children, she would redeem herself by becoming the perfect grandmother. — Pat Conroy

186. “I wouldn’t change my grandchildren for the world. Bit I wish I could change the world for my grandchildren.” – Unknown

187. “What happens at your grandparent’s place stays at your grandparent’s place.”

188. “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

189. “Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.” — Alex Haley

190. “My granddaughter’s laughter is my favorite sound. The sound of her sleeping is a close second.” – Anonymous

191. “Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers.” — Lewis Mumford

192. “The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives.” —Rob Liano

193. “It’s funny what happens when you become a grandparent. You start to act all goofy and do things you never thought you’d do. It’s terrific.”

194. “Granddaughters are more magical than rainbows and unicorns!” ~Anonymous

195. “When parents turn into grandparents, something magical happens.” — Unknown

196. “I wouldn’t change the world for my granddaughter, but I wish I could change the world for my granddaughter.” ~ Anonymous

197. Granddaughter rock!

198. “Side by side or miles apart, grandchildren are always close to the heart.”

199. “My grandfather was a wonderful role model. Through him, I got to know the gentle side of men.” — Sarah Long

200. ‘My beautiful granddaughter, I pray you always believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.’

201. “If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first.” -Lois Wyse

202. “No distance is too much for the love of a grandma for her darling granddaughter.”

203. “When you aren’t close to me, I hug you with my thoughts. I am always thinking of you, my princess.”

204. “Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained.” —Jonathan Harnisch

205. “Granddaughter, baking cookies with you is my most favorite thing.” I miss you on this Granddaughters Day.

206. “A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.”

207. “Never the spirit was born, the spirit shall cease to be never. Never was time it was not, end and beginning are dreams.” —Bhagavad Gita

208. “I wouldn’t change my grandchildren for the world. But I wish I could change the world for my grandchildren.”

209. “My grandmother would say, ‘Make sure you look good. Make sure you speak well. Make sure you remain that Southern gentleman that I’ve taught you to be.’” —Jamie Foxx

210. “Grandchildren: my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.”

211. “Have children while your parents are still young enough to take care of them.” — Rita Rudner

212. “Grandchildren are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.” – Unknown

213. “To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms but absolutely terrified of the word “boo.”

214. Happy first double digit birthday girl.

215. “Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next, you are all-wise and prehistoric.”

216. “Grandchildren are God’s reward for not killing your kids.” — Tony Campolo

217. “Sons, they have their own plans but a daughter or granddaughter will love you forever and take care of you in your old age.”

218. “The reason grandchildren and grandparents get along so well is that they have a common enemy.” – Sam Levenson

219. “Grandchildren don’t stay young forever, which is good because Pop-pops have only so many horsey rides in them.” -Gene Perret

220. “A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.” —Unknown

221. ”A granddaughter fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.”

222. “The only thing I love about being old is now I have my grandchildren with me.”

223. “Grandparents enjoy most the company of their grandchildren. For with them, they experience the miracle of being 10 again.”

224. “They say genes skip generations. Maybe that is why grandparents find their grandchildren so likeable.” ― Joan McIntosh

225. “Grandmother and granddaughter from the start. Best friends forever from the heart.” – Unknown

226. “A garden of love grows in a grandmother’s heart.” —Unknown

227. “It is such a grand thing to be a parent of a parent. Hence, they are called grandparents. We love you!”

228. “Dear granddaughter, you bring joy to my heart and light to my eyes. You are so precious, and I thank you for being an amazing addition to our family.”

229. “My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.” — Ellen DeGeneres

230. “I always give my grandkids a couple of quarters when they go home. It’s a bargain.” -Gene Perret

231. “There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson.”

232. “When you were a baby, your gummy smile would make my day. Nothing has changed except that you got teeth.”

233. “This tiny bundle of joy, my granddaughter, is loved by all.”

234. “There is nothing like the birth of a granddaughter to renew your spirit, brighten your days, and make the world a better place.”

235. “Her grandmother, as she gets older, is not fading but rather becoming more concentrated.” — Paulette Bates Alden

236. “Dearer than our children are the children of our children.”

237. “God’s angels couldn’t be everywhere, so he sent granddaughters to fill our hearts with happiness and love.”

238. Grandchildren are medicine for the aching souls.

239. “The only duties of a grandfather are to love you unconditionally and fix things. So next time you feel short of love or break something, you know where to come.”

240. “I used to think I was too old to fall in love again. Then I became a grandma.”

241. “Grandchildren fill a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

242. “As I gazed in awe at my newborn granddaughter, all I could think about was the wonder of God’s handiwork.” – Margaret Lang

243. ‘Dear granddaughter, if I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me.’

244. “One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given is my grandchildren.”

245. “Granddaughters are angels sent from above to fill our hearts with never ending love.” ~ Anonymous

246. ‘Granddaughters are angels sent from above to fill our hearts with never ending love.’

247. Kisses, cuddles, cookies, and treats, days spent with our grandparents are always so sweet.

248. “Your smile is charming, your laughter is infectious. You are a stunning woman and above all, you are my granddaughter.” Happy 18th birthday

249. “To my grandkids… I may not see you everyday or talk to you every day but I think of you and love you every day!” – Unknown

250. “We measure the joy of grandchildren in the heart.” — Unknown

251. “Grandchildren are angels without any wings. Blessing our lives with the most precious things.” – Unknown

252. “When you count your blessings, count your granddaughters twice.” – Unknown

253. “Good night, sweet dreams!”

254. “My granddaughter is a princess and I will turn her into queen one day.”

255. With love that is almost joy I remember them. – John Hall Wheelock

256. Dear special granddaughter, why fit in when you are born to stand out?

257. A house needs a grandma in it. Louisa May Alcott

258. “The future is in the hands of granddaughters. They will be mothers in the future and will teach their children how to be kind to others.”

259. “There will never be a day like the day your granddaughter was born.” ~ unknown

260. “Grandkids make everything so much better.”

261. ‘When my arms can’t reach my granddaughter, I hug her with my prayers.’

262. “With your own children, you love them immediately – and with grandchildren, it’s exactly the same.” – Kevin Whately

263. ‘The best feeling in the world is knowing that you are the one that made your granddaughter smile.’

264. “They say genes skip generations. Maybe that’s why grandparents find their grandchildren so likable.” — Joan McIntosh

265. ‘Dear granddaughter, I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.’

266. “Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” —Michael Pollan

267. “Grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.” – Gene Perret

268. You will never look back on life and think, ‘I’ve spent too much time with my grandchildren.’

269. ‘Life will not always be easy, my granddaughter, but never forget to look for the beauty in it.’

270. “The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.” — Sam Levenson

271. “What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars worth of pleasure.” —Gene Perret

272. “Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap.” -Doug Larson

273. “A grandchild’s hug lasts long after they let go.” – Unknown

274. “I love granddaughter” quotes

275. “Distance will never decrease my love for my grandkids”

276. “Blessed are those who get the opportunity to snuggle, hug, spoil, pamper, boast, and brag about their granddaughters.”

277. “You don’t have to be dead to leave a legacy.”

278. ‘The love between a grandmother and her granddaughter is forever.’

279. “You can never feel proud of being silly unless you become a grandparent of an awesome granddaughter.”

280. How do I bond with my granddaughter?

281. “Just knowing that you are the lucky grandparent that gets to play such an important part in your grandchild’s life can bring a smile to your face.” ~ anonymous

282. “Grandmothers love their granddaughters. It is an unsaid rule of life.”

283. ‘To my granddaughter, collect moments, not things.’

284. My precious granddaughter; always believes in good things because one day, you become what you believe.

285. There will never be a day like the day your grandchild was born.

286. “A grandmother thinks of her grandchildren day and night, even when they are not with her. She will always love them more than anyone would understand.” —Karen Gibbs

287. ‘I may not see my granddaughter every day, but every day I think of her.’

288. “A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.”

289. Dear granddaughter, no matter how bad things get, something good is out there, over the horizon.

290. “If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first.” — Lois Wyse

291. “There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go.” – Unknown

292. “My dear granddaughter, be proud of who you are. You are beautiful, strong, and most of all the woman of honor.”

293. “A granddaughter is a treasure whose worth you cannot measure except by the love in your heart.” – Unknown

294. “The best place to be when you’re sad is Grandpa’s lap.”

295. “A Grandmother thinks of her grandchildren day and night, even when they are not with her.She will always love them more than anyone would understand.”

296. “They say genes skip generations. Maybe that’s why grandparents find their grandchildren so likeable.”

297. ‘A hug from my granddaughter put everything into perspective.’

298. “A grandma is warm hugs and sweet memories. She remembers all of your accomplishments and forgets all of your mistakes.” — Barbara Cage

299. “Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric.” — Pam Brown

300. ‘Angels are often disguised as granddaughters.’

301. “The man who attempts Christianity without the church shoots himself in the foot, shoots his children in the leg, and shoots his grandchildren in the heart.”

302. “Angels are often disguised as granddaughters.” ~Anonymous

303. “A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead of the television.”

304. “A grandparent is a parent, a teacher, and a best friend all in one.” — Unknown

305. “Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.” – Emily Dickinson

306. “A grandmother is a safe haven.” — Suzette Haden Elgin

307. “Grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.”

308. ‘If I had a flower for every time my granddaughter made me smile, I’d have a garden to walk in forever.’

309. “It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace.” — Christopher Morley

310. Happy 10th birthday granddaughter, the most amazing part of your life has just begun. No matter what, I will still there be with you.

311. Here lies [Name]/ Age 102/ Only the good die young.

312. “A grandmother will tell you everything good about her granddaughter and nothing bad.” – Unknown

313. “A granddaughter is one of the greatest blessings in the world. I am so happy I got you in my life.”

314. A hug from grandma makes everything better.

315. “Perfect love sometimes does not come until grandchildren are born.” – Welsh Proverb

316. “Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.” – Unknown

317. Today the family is completed once again, thank you for completing us my dearest baby granddaughter.

318. “A granddaughter is someone you can laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.” ~ Anonymous

319. “Grandpas always have time for you when everyone else is too busy.”

320. “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” – William Shakespeare

321. “Granddaughters are the sparkles of life.”

322. “A grandmother is God’s gift to her granddaughters.” – Unknown

323. “Whenever you feel you cannot talk with your parents about something, you know your grandpa is always here to listen to you.”

324. “I love my daughter, but you, my granddaughter, are something else. My love for you transcends all boundaries.”

325. “Posterity is the patriotic name for grandchildren.” — Art Linkletter

326. ‘When I see my granddaughter, my eyes turn into little hearts.’

327. “Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while…but our hearts forever.” —Unknown

328. “If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first.” —Lois Wyse

329. “Our greatest blessings call us Grandma and Grandpa”

330. “When my arms can’t reach my grandchildren, I hug them with my prayers.” – Unknown

331. Pumpkins are orange and kittens are too. Granddaughter, I hope this Halloween is extra great for you!

332. My heart is full of love for my granddaughter, but each time she smiles, it becomes fuller.

333. “You never know the love of a grandparent until you become one.”

334. “For their holidays: the rich’s kids travel the world; the poor’s kids roam around their grandparents’ yard.”

335. “The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.” – Sam Levenson

336. “Grandparents are the best kind of grownups.”

337. ‘A granddaughter is a beautiful reflection of yesterday and a joyful promise of tomorrow.’

338. “Never underestimate the power of love of the grandmas have for their granddaughters.” ~ Anonymous

339. “An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again. Any longer than that, and you start to age too quickly.”

340. What a joy it is to have a beautiful and wonderful granddaughter like you to have.

341. “I couldn’t spend much time with my children, but now I can pamper you all I want. I have the time and the love to give you endlessly.”

342. “Your dad will teach you how to eat fish. Your grandpa will teach you how to catch a fish.”

343. “Granddaughters are God’s way of filling your life with happiness and laughter.”

344. ‘I don’t want my granddaughter to follow in my footsteps. I want her to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible.’

345. “If I had a flower for every time my granddaughter made me smile, I’d have a garden to walk in forever.” – Unknown

346. “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection.” —The Book of Common Prayer

347. “If I had known grandchildren were this much fun, I would have had them first.” – Unknown

348. “Teach your daughters, teach your granddaughters, everybody has to have something that they’re good at where they can earn a living.” — Judy Sheindlin

349. “My grandmother taught me everything except how to live without her.” —Unknown

350. What is there to do when people die — people so dear and rare — but bring them back by remembering? ~ May Sarton

351. “God gave us loving grandchildren (granddaughters) as a reward for all our random acts of kindness.” ~ Anonymous

352. “I adore her smile, I cherish her hugs, I admire her heart but most of all… I love that she is my granddaughter.” – Unknown

353. “Granddaughters are nothing but a reflection of the beauty of the past and the promise of the future.”

354. “I’ve been given this blessing, which is my granddaughter. You’re no longer just you. You suddenly fit into the chest drawers of life.” – Joanna Lumley

355. Grandparents are the perfect blend of love, laughter, and happy memories.

356. “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu

357. “Grandma serves kisses, counsel, and cookies daily.”

358. “Dream sweetly, sleep peacefully, wake up happily. Good night!”

359. “Your children are your rainbows and your grandchildren are your pot of gold.”

360. “It’s such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother — that’s why the world calls her grandmother.”

361. “Granddaughter, seeing the world through your eyes is such a joyful experience. I Love you!”

362. ‘Being blessed with a granddaughter brought life to a part of my heart that I never knew existed.’

363. ‘I love my granddaughter more than I have ever found the words to say.’

364. “Granddaughters fill a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

365. “Your love shines through for all to see. I feel so proud that you are a part of me.”

366. “A granddaughter is the special memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.”

367. “Uncles and aunts, and cousins, are all very well, and fathers and mothers are not to be despised; but a grandmother, at holiday time, is worth them all.” — Fanny Fern

368. “Granddaughter, through you I see the future. Through me, you’ll see the past. In the present, we’ll love one another as long as these moments last.” – Unknown

369. “Grandchildren don’t make a woman feel old; it’s being married to a grandfather that bothers her.” – Anonymous

370. “I have held many titles and positions, but none have ever meant to me so much as “Grandpa” to my loveliest granddaughter.”

371. “Grandparents are a delightful blend of laughter, caring deeds, wonderful stories and love.”

372. “A granddaughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.” ~Anonymous

373. “Being an exceptional grandfather is not about changing your grandkids. It is about changing yourself.” ~ Eyre Richard.

374. “My granddaughter is a little kid with a big heart.”

375. When the child you love has a child you love with all that is within you, only then will you know just how grand being a grandparent truly is.

376. ‘A grandma and granddaughter always share a special bond, which is engraved on their hearts.’

377. “For myself, one of the sweetest words I have ever heard is ‘Nana.’” —Zelda Rosenbaum

378. “The reason grandchildren and grandparents get along so well is that they have a common enemy.” — Sam Levenson

379. “Grandchildren are called ‘grand’ for a reason”

380. “Your children are your rainbows and your grandchildren are your pot of gold.” – Unknown

381. ‘My granddaughter is so special. She reminds me of all the good in the world.’

382. “You are the sun, Grandma, you are the sun in my life.”

383. “Granddaughter, your rambunctious ways may drive your parents crazy, but they make me feel young and carefree again! I hope that you never lose your taste for adventure.” – Unknown

384. “I loved their home. Everything smelled older, worn but safe; the food aroma had baked itself into the furniture.” — Susan Strasberg

385. To a special granddaughter, special wishes, on her 18th Happy birthday my girl.

386. “A granddaughter is one of the greatest blessings in the world.” ~ Anonymous

387. Grandchildren make the world a little softer, a little kinder, and a little warmer.

388. Happy birthday to my favorite granddaughter! Yes, I know you are my only one, but still! This just means you get all my affection, adoration, and love all to yourself.

389. “A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world.” -Charles and Ann Morse

390. ‘To my granddaughter, never forget that I love you. No matter where you go or what happens in life. You are loved. Forever and always.’

391. A grandparent is old on the outside, but young on the inside.

392. “Do you know why children are so full of energy? Because they suck it out of their grandparents.” – Gene Perret

393. What A Joy It Is to Have a Wonderful Granddaughter Like You. Happy Birthday

394. “They say genes skip a generation. Maybe that’s why grandparents find their grandchildren so likable.” – Joan Macintosh

395. “There will never be a day like the day your granddaughter was born.” – Unknown

396. “Granddaughter, through you I see the future. Through me, you’ll see the past. In the present, we’ll love one another as long as these moments last.” — anonymous

397. “No one who has not known that inestimable privilege can possibly realize what good fortune it is to grow up in a home where there are grandparents.” — Suzanne La Follette

398. “Parent-child relationships are complex. Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love.” — Janet Lanese

399. “The old are the precious gem in the center of the household.”

400. “My grandmother once told me, “There is a special place in heaven for women, just because we’re women.'” — Amanda Gale

401. “As a subconscious attempt to add meaning or purpose to their life: The unemployed pray for a job; the retired pray for grandchildren.”

402. ‘May my granddaughter always know she is strong, capable, and loved.’

403. “There is no greater achievement than being a grandfather who tells fairy tales to grandchildren.”

404. “Our faces will become works of art that our grandchildren will treasure.”

405. “Grandfathers are just antique little boys to play with granddaughters.”

406. “Truth be told, being a grandma is as close as we ever get to perfection. The ultimate warm sticky bun with plump raisins and nuts. Clouds nine, 10, and 11.” — Bryna Nelson Paston

407. ‘My granddaughter, life is short, enjoy it.’

408. “A granddaughter is one of the greatest blessings of the world.”

409. “The world is in me and you are not even in the world yet.”

410. “As I learned from growing up, you don’t mess with your grandmother.” —Prince William

411. “With every day that passes by, you are the twinkle in my eye.”

412. “She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.” – George Eliot

413. An inspiration to all.

414. “A man’s maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child, at play.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

415. “Instead of writing epitaph on your grave ; more beautiful and memorable is to leave some hand written letters to your wife, sons and daughters and grandchildren.”

416. “What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars worth of pleasure.” — Gene Perret

417. Grandparents’ love lasts, ever than forever.

418. “If you’re lucky enough to still have grandparents, visit them, cherish them, and celebrate them while you can.” —Regina Brett

419. “Grandfathers are the best of kinsfolk. They will love you and hug you and spoil you and then send you home to your parents.”

420. “The best necklace a grandparent can ever wear is the arms of their granddaughter around their neck.”

421. She walked in beauty.

422. “We wish grandparents would remember these two truths about grandchildren: 1. They are NOT your children; 2. They ARE your grandchildren.

423. “Do you know why grandchildren are always so full of energy? They suck it out of their grandparents.” -Gene Perret

424. “Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.”

425. “If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.”

426. Remember by Christina Georgina Rosetti

427. “Two things I dislike about my granddaughter — when she won’t take her afternoon nap, and when she won’t let me take mine.” – Gene Perret

428. I hope that this upcoming year will be as phenomenal as you are. May it be prosperous and full of nothing but joyous moments. Happy birthday to my amazing granddaughter!

429. “A grandparent thinks about their grandchild every day and night and will love them in a way they will never understand.”

430. “My granddaughter and I are inseparable. She keeps me wrapped around her little finger.” – Gene Perret

431. “Grandparents bring a little more wisdom, happiness, warmth, and love to their granddaughter’s life.”

432. “Grandmothers are a gift not to be taken lightly."

433. “Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.” — Mary H. Waldrip

434. “Grandchildren complete’s life’s circle of love.” – Unknown

435. “Grandchildren are precious gifts given to parents from their children.” – Unknown

436. Death is Nothing at All by Henry Scott Holland

437. “Dear granddaughter, it is up to you, and only you, to create a life you want to live. Find what makes you happy and whole and surround yourself with it.”

438. “My granddaughter I love you, today, tomorrow, and every day.”

439. “Dear granddaughter, I love you more than my words could ever convey.”

440. “While we try to teach our grandchildren about life, our grandchildren teach us what life is all about.” – Unknown

441. “No one … who has not known that inestimable privilege can possibly realize what good fortune it is to grow up in a home where there are grandparents.”

442. ‘Just when you think you have experienced all that life has to give, a granddaughter comes along to remind you just how much more love, joy, and life there left to live.’

443. “I want you to know how amazing you are and deserve all the happiness in the world. I am proud of you.”

444. “Every girl looks at her father as the first superhero. I want my granddaughter to know that her grandpa is a hero who will protect her all her life.”

445. “It’s such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother—that’s why the world calls her grandmother.” —Unknown

446. “When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window.”

447. “The best parents get promoted to grandparents.”

448. “Granddaughter, your loving light brightens my day!” ~Anonymous

449. I'm a flower, poa, a flower opening and reaching for the sun. You are the sun, Grandma, you are the sun in my life. – Kitty Tsui

450. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.' – Revelation 14:13

451. “You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” -Proverb

452. “One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather.”

453. “Side by side or miles apart, grandchildren are always close to the heart.” – Unknown

454. “No cowboy was ever faster on the draw than a grandparent pulling a baby picture out of a wallet.”

455. “Granddaughters are angels sent from above to fill our hearts with never-ending love.” – Unknown

456. My granddaughter let me big stuff and makes me feel like I am young again.

457. ‘My granddaughter leaves a little sprinkle of joy in my heart every time I see her.’

458. If children are the rainbow of life, then grandchildren are the pot of gold.

459. “The love between a grandmother and granddaughter begins the moment the granddaughter is born and lasts forever.”

460. “Every house needs a grandmother in it.” — Louisa May Alcott

461. “God couldn’t be everywhere, so he created parents. But parents become tired, so he created grandparents. We love you, baby”

462. No one spread more love in one lifetime.

463. “Someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of the most beautiful chapters.” ~ Anonymous

464. “Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.”

465. “When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window.” – Ogden Nash

466. “A grandfather’s love for his granddaughter is a treasure whose worth you cannot measure. The love in your heart is all you have got.”

467. “A peaceful death is the greatest gift that life can give us.” —Saim A. Cheeda

468. ‘A granddaughter is a gift from above to cherish and love.’

469. “A granddaughter is one the greatest blessings in the world.” – Unknown

470. “Granddaughter, always remember you’re special. You’re unique. You’re beautiful. You’re wanted. You’re someone nobody can replace. And always remember, you’re in my heart.” – Unknown

471. “Being pretty on the inside means you don’t hit your brother and you eat all your peas—that’s what my grandma taught me.” —Lord Chesterfield

472. “A granddaughter is in your thoughts and always in your heart.”

473. “Your grandpa wouldn’t change anything in the world, but for you, darling granddaughter, I would change everything.”

474. “When I count my blessings, I count my grandchildren twice.”

475. ‘My granddaughter, you are so very special to me. I love you with all my heart.’

476. “My granddaughter makes me smile like no one else ever did.”

477. “I may not see you every day. But I think of you every single moment, my little girl.”

478. “Grandmothers are simply antique little girls.” — Unknown

479. Happy 10th birthday granddaughter, you are amazing and awesome.

480. “Each time you call my name, a big smile spreads deep in my heart. Can’t wait to see you, come soon.”

481. ‘The most precious jewels you’ll every have around your neck, are the arms of your grandchildren.’

482. “Grandchildren: my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.” – Unknown

483. “What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars’ worth of pleasure.”

484. “A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead of the television.” —Unknown

485. “Death is not the end. Death can never be the end. Death is the road. Life is the traveler. The soul is the guide.” —Sri Chinmoy

486. “She leaves a sparkle wherever she goes. She is my granddaughter, everybody knows.”

487. ‘A granddaughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.’

488. “Granddaughters are special gifts of divine.”

489. ‘Grandmother and granddaughter from the start. Best friends forever from the heart.’

490. “A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world.” — Charles and Ann Morse

491. “We should all have one person who knows how to bless us despite the evidence, Grandmother was that person to me.” -Phyllis Theroux

492. “My grandkids are more than just my grandkids. They’re the greatest blessing in my life”

493. “Grandchildren restore our zest for life, and our faith in humanity.” – unknown

494. “Grandparents are a treasure in the family. Please, take care of your grandparents: love them and let them talk to your children!”

495. “Grandchildren: the only people who can get more out of you than the IRS.” — Gene Perret

496. I’m going to be your grandpa! I have the biggest smile. I’ve been waiting to meet you for such a long, long while. — Billy Crystal

497. ‘My granddaughter’s first breath took mine away.’

498. “I am so proud of being your grandmother. You have always brought happiness to the family, and I cannot express how special you are to me.”

499. “A grandchild is a gift from above, one to cherish and to love.” – Unknown

500. “Two things I dislike about my granddaughter – when she won’t take her afternoon nap, and when she won’t let me take mine.” – Gene Perret

501. ‘Words cannot express the joy of having a granddaughter to call your own.’

502. Should his heart break and the grief pour out, it would flow over the whole earth, it seems, and yet, no one sees it. – Anton Chekhov

503. Your daughters are your rainbows your granddaughters are your pots of gold.

504. “Bless my granddaughter now, I pray. Love her, bless her through night and day.”

505. “Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild and or a grandparent.”

506. “Love each other. Love our children. Love our children’s children.”

507. “May every new morning bring you new states of happiness and joy. Good night my precious child.”

508. ‘Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a grandmother and her granddaughter.’

509. ‘To my granddaughter, whenever you feel week, remember the things that made you strong. Whenever you start to doubt yourself, remember those that believe in you.’

510. “Dear granddaughter, wherever life takes you, make sure you walk proud.”

511. “A granddaughter is a treasure whose worth you cannot measure except by the love in your heart.” ~ Anonymous

512. “A granddaughter is a treasure whose worth you cannot measure except by the love in your heart.”

513. “I hope my granddaughter always believes in herself as much as I believe in her.” ~ anonymous

514. “If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.” —Italian Proverb

515. “Grandfathers know a lot. I know this because I am a grandfather and I feel like I know a lot of things, and frankly I’m rarely wrong.” – Blaine Pardoe

516. “Grandparents are the best walking companions for a granddaughter. They walk slowly, they wait for her to catch up, they let her ask questions, and they make her feel grown-up.”

517. “Sometimes our grandmas and grandpas are like grand-angels.” — Lexie Saige

518. “A granddaughter is the reflection of the happy memories of the past, the precious moments of the present, and the promises of the future.”

519. “My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle!” — Henry Youngman

520. “Distance will never decrease my love for my grandkids” – Unknown

521. The ghouliest of goblins, the ghastliest of ghosts wish they were as cool as you the kid that we all love the most! Happy Halloween!

522. “My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She’s 97 now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.” —Ellen DeGeneres

523. “Sometimes our grandmas and grandpas are like grand-angels.” – Lexie Saige

524. “I love your peacefully sleeping face, I wish you peace forever. I love you, good night.”

525. “I want my grandchildren to know love shouldn’t have borders of biology and that love has no bounds or limits. They should just love.” — Scarlett Harris

526. “The greatest love story is not Romeo and Juliet who died together, but Grandma and Grandpa who grew old together.” —Unknown

527. “The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren.” — Doug Larson

528. “A garden of love grows in a grandparent’s heart. All the flowers are full of love for their granddaughter.”

529. ‘Every day my granddaughter makes my world better.’

530. “For the sake of our health, our children and grandchildren and even our economic well-being, we must make protecting the planet our top priority.” – David Suzuki

531. “Being a grandparent means you can be as silly as you want to be.”

532. ‘Her smile makes me smile. Her laugh is infectious. Her heart is pure and true. Above all, I love that she is my granddaughter.’

533. Why are grandchildren so special?

534. “Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another.”

535. “May you always be in the protection of God, good night, my sweet child.”

536. “Grandmothers are voices of the past and role models of the present. Grandmothers open the doors to the future.” —Helen Ketchum

537. “A granddaughter is God’s way of reaching your heart with laughter, blessing your life with happiness, and filling your world with love.”

538. “I wouldn’t change the world for my granddaughter, but I wish I could change the world for my granddaughter.”

539. Grandparents are like magicians. They can create wonderful memories for their grandchildren out of thin air.

540. “Going to see my grandparents was the highlight of my childhood summers. I was doted upon, admired, entertained and overfed. I was never more content and happy.” — Carolyn Anthony

541. “This little girl wraps my heard wrapped around her little finger.” ~Anonymous

542. ‘A granddaughter is one the greatest blessings in the world.’

543. “You may be outnumbered by your problems and facing hopeless circumstances, but God has a divine plan to bring you into restoration - and you don’t have to suffer any casualties.”

544. “Grandchildren make the world a little softer, a little warmer, a little kinder.”

545. “Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.” — Margaret Mead

546. “Nobody can love granddaughters more than grandparents, but no person can love and older adults more than their granddaughters.”

547. “Grandchildren are their grandparents' toys.”

548. “A grandma is warm hugs and sweet memories.” —Barbara Cage

549. “The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy.” —Sam Levenson

550. “Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.” – Alex Haley

551. “We may not be rich and famous, but our grandchildren are priceless.” – Unknown

552. ‘So tiny, so small, my granddaughter is loved by all.’

553. “Grandchildren don’t make a man feel old; it’s the knowledge that he’s married to a grandmother.” — G. Norman Collie

554. ‘What an honor it is to be given a precious granddaughter like you.’

555. “A grandchild reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” – Unknown

556. “My grandma used to say, ‘Be good … and if you can’t be good, be smart.’ It had many applications!” — Dana Naparty Hirdt

557. “The joy of grandchildren is measured in the heart.” – Unknown

558. “A granddaughter is a gift from above to cherish and love.” ~Anonymous

559. “Fortunately, my granddaughter has no idea how much power she has over me.” ~Anonymous

560. “Grandchildren give us a second chance to do things better because they bring out the best in us.”

561. Dear grandchild, “there’s nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. In the same way, nothing can stop you from being who you are meant to be.

562. “A grandparent has silver in their hair and gold in their heart.”

563. “Just when you think you know all that love is… along come the grandchildren.” ~ Anonymous

564. “It’s impossible for a grandmother to understand that few people, and maybe none, will find her grandchild as endearing as she does.” — Janet Lanese

565. “Granddaughters let us do fun things that we couldn’t do as parents.”

566. “Sometimes our grandmas and grandpas are like grand-angels.”

567. “Dear granddaughter, I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.” – Unknown

568. ‘Granddaughters touch your heart with love.’

569. “Going to see my grandparents was the highlight of my childhood summers…. I was doted upon, admired, entertained and overfed. I was never more content and happy.”

570. ‘Looking at my granddaughter makes me realize that I have done something very beautiful with my life.’

571. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

572. “Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done, she becomes a grandmother.” — Edward H. Dreschnack

573. “Your loving nature and your heart of gold. You will always be my baby, even when I am old.

574. “If you’re lucky enough to still have grandparents, visit them, cherish them and celebrate them while you can.” — Regina Brett

575. Anyone who tells a story speaks a world into being. – Michael Williams

576. “I’ve always enjoyed seeing the world through the eyes of my grandchildren.” — Neil Sedaka

577. The Ship by Bishop Brent

578. ‘Welcome my precious granddaughter! I promise to love you with all that I have.’

579. “Having grandkids is a blessing. Helping to shape their lives is an honor.”

580. “Never have children, only grandchildren.” — Gore Vidal

581. “Angels are often disguised as granddaughters.”

582. “It is well with my soul.” —Horatio Spafford

583. “I love spending time with my granddaughter.” ~Anonymous

584. “When my arms can’t reach my granddaughter, I hug her with my prayers.” ~Anonymous

585. “Grandchildren. my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.” – Unknown

586. “To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age.” — Thomas Bailey Aldrich

587. “If your baby is ‘beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time,’ you’re the grandma.” — Teresa Bloomingdale

588. “Granddaughters are like sparkling gems in a grandparents’ eyes.” ~Anonymous

589. “Uncles and aunts, and cousins, are all very well, and fathers and mothers are not to be despised; but a grandmother, at holiday time, is worth them all.” -Fanny Fern

590. “When I thought I was too old to fall in love again, you came into our lives. Becoming a grandfather has been one of the best things of my life.”

591. “I am proud of many things in my life, but nothing beats being a grandma.”

592. “Grandfathers are people who will take delight in the simplest things. Like their granddaughters breathing into the phone.”

593. “Granddaughters are the sparkles of life.” – Unknown

594. “A granddaughter completes the life’s circle of love. You have shown us what it means to love another person unconditionally.”

595. “If our children are a blessing, then our children’s children must be a gift from God.”

596. ‘Granddaughters are like flowers that fill the world with beauty.’

597. “Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap.” – Doug Larson

598. Good night, sleep tight.

599. “Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.”

600. “Grandmas hold their granddaughter’s tiny hands once, but they hold their hearts forever.”

601. In a world of such beauty as birds in flight, surely I can come to feel at home again, even after my loss. – Martha Whitmore Hickman

602. “You are the angel of my eyes. When my tired hands hold you, you give them the energy to work more just to see you happy.”

603. “My granddaughter’s birth has made me want to create things she will love.” – Billy Crystal

604. “Grandfathers are for loving and fixing things.”

605. “To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” —J.K. Rowling

606. ‘One of the greatest gift I’ve ever been given is my granddaughter.’

607. ‘To my precious granddaughter, always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know.’

608. ‘Dear granddaughter, learn to embrace the storms of life for even flowers need rain to grow.’

609. “We should all have one person who knows how to bless us despite the evidence. Grandmother was that person to me.” —Phyllis Grissim-Theroux

610. “The joys of my life are my granddaughters. They are beautiful. You don’t have to believe me. You can ask my wife. She’ll tell you.” – Dom DeLuise

611. ‘Happiness is holding your granddaughter in your arms for the very first time.’

612. “Nothing made me happier than being a grandma. I love you and proud of having you. Happy Granddaughter Day.”

613. Wishing you a screamin’ good time this Halloween! Happy Treat Day, Great-Granddaughter!

614. Granddaughter, here’s wishing you a Halloween full of surprises!

615. “I didn’t know my heart could be so full of love until I saw my granddaughter for the first time.” ~ Anonymous

616. “I feel like my grandparents and parents gave me a tremendous amount. And if I can pass some of that on, then I’ll be very happy.” — Caroline Kennedy

617. “When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window.” -Ogden Nash

618. “When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window.” — Ogden Nash

619. “Grandchildren are a gift from above: one to cherish and to love.”

620. ‘Dear granddaughter, you’re special to me in every way. Thank you for being who you are.’

621. The song is ended but the melody lingers on . . .

622. ‘Dear granddaughter, you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. And everyone’s not going to be yours. And that is totally okay. Just be kind.’

623. “I love my granddaughter with all my heart. “

624. “If God had intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn’t have given us grandmothers.” — Linda Henley

625. “If God had intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn’t have given us grandmothers.” —Linda Stewart Henley

626. ‘The day my granddaughter came into my life, I knew my purpose was to love her with everything I have.’

627. “If I had a penny for every time my granddaughter makes me smile, I’d be a billionaire.”

628. ‘My granddaughter, I will always be here cheering for you.’

629. “Who needs a fairy godmother when you have a wonderful grandmother (like me)?”

630. “Granddaughter is life’s most precious gift.”

631. “God gave us loving grandchildren as a reward for all our random acts of kindness.” – Unknown

632. “There is nothing more wonderful than the love and guidance a grandparent can give his or her grandchild.”

633. Grandparents hold our hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.

634. ‘I adore her smile, I cherish her hugs, I admire her heart but most of all…I love that she is my granddaughter.’

635. “Granddaughters are called ‘grand’ for a reason.” – Unknown

636. “A granddaughter is sometimes in your thoughts and always in your heart.”

637. “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature / But beautiful old people are works of art.” — Marjory Barslow-Greenbie

638. “When you smile and laugh, we are happy. Your kindness and love make us proud grandparents.”

639. “I wouldn’t change my granddaughter for the world, but I wish I could change the world for my granddaughter.” – Unknown

640. “Granddaughters: a beautiful reflection of yesterday, a joyful promise of tomorrow.”

641. Congratulations, you are a one decade old now. Happy birthday my little bundle of joy.

642. ‘Behind every granddaughter who believes in herself is a grandma who believed first.’

643. Grandparents are, without a doubt, some of the world’s best educators. — Charles W. Shedd

644. “Words cannot express the joy of having a granddaughter you can cuddle and love.

645. “The smart, kind, beautiful child… must have got it from their grandparents.”

646. “Here’s to the most beautiful young lady I know. May your life forever be as bright as your lovely smile. Happy birthday, my sweet granddaughter.”

647. ‘My granddaughter means more to me than she’ll ever know.’

648. “Elephants and grandchildren never forget.” – Andy Rooney

649. “My granddaughter will be always surrounded by love more than she could ever ask for.”

650. She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron

651. I hope that you have a blast on your birthday because you are dynamite! Hopefully, the only explosions will be ones of laughter though. Happy birthday to my little firecracker!

652. ‘God really did something special when He blessed me with a granddaughter like you.’

653. Whenever I think about you being my granddaughter, I’m filled with overwhelming pride and gratitude. ~Anonymous

654. “Only through love will we find our way to create a world worthy of our children and our grandchildren.”

655. “A baby granddaughter’s is small enough to hold in arms, yet big enough to fill hearts with happiness.”

656. “I hope my granddaughter believes in herself as much as I believe in her.”

657. ‘There is nothing I would not do for my granddaughter. She is so very special to me.’

658. “I love my daughter, but there’s a certain feeling, a certain emotion when you get a granddaughter, you know?” – Bernie Mac

659. “If I had a flower for every time my granddaughter made me smile, I’d have a garden to walk in forever.” ~ Anonymous

660. “I’m about to become a grandparent and I want to tell my grandchild, ‘Have love and respect for your family, and your friends but above all, yourself.'” — Maxine Tracey Gilbert

661. “They say genes skip generations. Maybe that is why grandparents find their grandchildren so likeable.” – Joan McIntosh

662. “My Grams used to tell me, ‘Be sure to marry a man that loves you more than you love him.'” — Heather Mann

663. “Grandchildren are loving reminders of what we’re really here for.” – Janet Lanese

664. “If you want to know how angels feel in heaven, just have a granddaughter.” ~ Anonymous

665. “Nothing makes you prouder than watching your baby grandchildren turning into women and men.”

666. “They say genes skip a generation. Maybe that’s why grandparents find their grandchildren so likeable.” – Joan Macintosh

667. Most of our childhood is stored not in photos, but in certain biscuits, lights of day, smells, textures of carpet. Alain de Botton

668. “No spring, nor summer hath such grace. As I have seen in one autumnal face.” — John Donne

669. “Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it 'opportunity.'” — Charles J. Sykes

670. “There’s nothing like a grandchild to put a smile on your face, a lump in your throat and a warm feeling in your heart.”

671. “Grandchildren make the world a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer.” – Unknown

672. “Grandchildren don’t stay young forever, which is good because Pop-pops have only so many horsey rides in them.” ― Gene Perret

673. “The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.”

674. “For our daughters and our granddaughters now, the sky is the limit.” – Nancy Pelosi

675. “Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they’re already asleep.”

676. “Granddaughters do not remain young forever. This is good because grandpas cannot always give them horse rides.”

677. “A granddaughter is a precious gift for us to love and cherish.”

678. ‘My sweet granddaughter, we welcome you into the world and straight into our hearts.’

679. I am so happy to have grandkids that are super sweet. Hope your Halloween is an awesome, amazing treat!

680. “Parent-child relationships are complex. Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love.” – Janet Lanese

681. “To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms but absolutely terrified of the word ‘boo.’” ~ Robert Brault

682. “Your grandma is your guardian angel. She will take you under her wings. She watches over you every time. And she will give you anything to make you happy.”

683. “Every parent knows that children look at their grandparents as sources of wisdom and security.” —David Jeremiah

684. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal.” —Unknown

685. “I love my daughter, but there’s a certain feeling, a certain emotion when you got a granddaughter, you know?”

686. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. – Reinhold Niebuhr

687. “A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.” – Unknown

688. “Grandfathers are just antique little boys.”

689. ‘Someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of the most beautiful chapters.’

690. “A grandchild is someone who reaches your hand but touches your heart.” ~ Anonymous

691. “What song is not about love? Whether it’s about love from man to woman or parent to child, or grandmother to granddaughter… It just goes on and on.” ~PJ Harvey

692. “A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world.” – Charles and Ann Morse

693. “Never think that you have to please everyone. Just be yourself and remember to be kind. That is all you need.”

694. “If becoming a grandmother was only a matter of choice, I should advise every one of you straight away to become one. There is no fun for old people like it!” —Hannah Whitall Smith

695. ‘My granddaughter is my greatest inspiration.’

696. “To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms but absolutely terrified of the word 'boo.'” — Nicholas Brault

697. When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. – Joyce Brothers

698. “Your blessings are called grandma and grandpa, dearest granddaughter.”

699. “You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.”

700. “There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson.” — Victor Hugo

701. “A baby has a way of making a man out of his father and a boy out of his grandfather.” — Angie Papadakis

702. “A granddaughter is a gift from above to cherish and love.” – Unknown

703. Until we meet again.

704. “Behind every granddaughter who believes in herself is a grandma who believed first.”

705. “Truth be told, being a grandma is as close as we ever get to perfection. The ultimate warm sticky bun with plump raisins and nuts. Clouds nine, ten, and eleven.”

706. “A grandma is someone who’s dear in every way. Her smile is like the sunshine that brightens each new day.”

707. ‘There is nothing like the birth of a granddaughter to renew your spirit, brighten your days, and make the world a better place.’

708. “My grandmother would say, ‘Dear, there is nothing that you can say that will shock me.” — Catherine Lunn

709. ‘A granddaughter has a special way of reaching your heart with laughter, blessing your life with happiness, and filling your world with love.’

710. ‘I used to think I was too old to fall in love again. Then my granddaughter was born.’

711. “My grandmother used to say, ‘You’re only as old as you feel.'” — Victoria Rae Baggett, Markesan

712. “What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars’ worth of pleasure.” -Gene Perret

713. “Being blessed with a granddaughter brought life to a part of my heart that I never knew existed.” ~Anonymous

714. “My granddaughter is the adventurous co-conspirator I’ve always wanted.” ~Anonymous

715. “Unconditional positive regard is rarely given by anyone except a grandparent.”

716. “When a child is born, so are grandmothers.” —Judith Levy

717. “Grandchildren don’t make a woman feel old; it’s being married to a grandfather that bothers her.” – Unknown

718. Happy Birthday to My Cherished Granddaughter. You are so precious to me. I hope today is full of sweet surprises and wonderful memories.

719. “Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric.” – Pam Brown

720. There is nothing like grandchildren in your arms to put a smile on your face, a lump in your throat, and a warm feel in your heart.

721. “I am proud of you for everything you have done and everything you are about to achieve. You are destined for great things, darling granddaughter.”

722. “It is one of nature’s ways that we often feel closer to distant generations than to the generation immediately preceding us.” — Igor Stravinsky

723. “A grandma and a granddaughter always share a special secret bond only they know in their hearts.”

724. “Grandfathers are there to help their granddaughters get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.”

725. “Dear granddaughter, we are proud of you.”

726. “My granddaughter has shown me that my heart can hold an infinite amount of love.” ~Anonymous

727. “When it seems the world can’t understand, your grandmother’s there to hold your hand.” — Joyce K. Allen Logan

728. “I loved their home. Everything smelled older, worn but safe; the food aroma had baked itself into the furniture.”

729. ‘My granddaughter is the miracle I have been dreaming of.’

730. “It’s impossible for a grandmother to understand that few people, and maybe none, will find her grandchild as endearing as she does.” —Janet Lanese

731. “Good night, my princess; I love you to the moon and the back and back with all my heart.”

732. Their love will last an eternity.

733. ‘I feel so incredibly blessed to have a granddaughter like you.’

734. ‘There will never be a day like the day your granddaughter was born.’

735. “Good night my sweetie tweetie.”

736. “My granddaughter and I don’t need instructions; we prefer delving into the unknown together.” ~ Anonymous

737. “Grandchildren restore our zest for life, and our faith in humanity.”

738. “A granddaughter is one with whom you can laugh, share secrets, and be best friends.”

739. When my granddaughter smiled at me for the first time

740. “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your grandchildren.”

741. “A granddaughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.” – Unknown

742. “To my grandkids… I may not see you everyday or talk to you every day but I think of you and love you every day!”

743. ‘A granddaughter is a treasure whose worth you cannot measure except by the love in your heart.’

744. “Grandma and Grandpa, tell me a story and snuggle me with your love. When I’m in your arms, the world seems small and we’re blessed by the heavens above.”

745. ‘A granddaughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.’

746. “Dear Grandkids, when I close my eyes I see you. When I open my eyes I miss you.”

747. “I’ll love you forever. I’ll like you always. As long as I’m living, my grandbaby you’ll be.”

748. “Who do you think your grandpa is? He is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.”

749. “Tears are God’s gift to us. Our holy water. They heal us as they flow.” – Rita Schiano

750. ‘I hope my granddaughter always know that she was wished for, prayed for and that she is forever loved.’

751. “Being grandparents sufficiently removes us from the responsibilities so that we can be friends.”

752. ‘Rest in Peace, Grandma’ Quotes to Share on a Death Anniversary

753. “A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world.”

754. “Some of our greatest blessings call us 'grandma' and 'grandpa.'”

755. Safe in the arms of Jesus.

756. “To all of the grandmothers who make the world more gentle, more tolerant, and more safe for our children: Never doubt your importance.” —Mary-Lou Rosengren

757. “Parent-child relationships are complex. Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love.” —Janet Lanese

758. “You’re all the good things I believe about life. Happy Granddaughter Day 2023.”

759. “Your sons weren’t made to like you. That’s what grandchildren are for.” – Jane Smiley

760. “Our dead are never dead to us until we have forgotten them.” —George Eliot

761. Forever in Our Hearts

762. “Nothing is as special as being in old age except being the granddad.”

763. No matter how big you get, you are still that small little girl who used to go with me on a walk in her childhood. Happy 18th

764. “Being grandparents sufficiently removes us from the responsibilities so that we can be friends.” -Allan Frome

765. “Grandparents can be very special resources. Just being close to them reassures a child, without words, about change and continuity, about what went before and what will come after.”

766. “My grandmother had a lot of wisdom, but her best was, ‘Never let them see you sweat. You can cry at home with loved ones, but always be tough on the outside.'” — Kari Bentley-Quinn

767. “A granddaughter leaves sparkle in my eye and a sprinkle in my heart every time she meets me.”

768. “You are the sun, Grandma, you are the sun in my life.” — Kitty Tsui

769. ‘Dear granddaughter, it is up to you, and only you, to create a life you want to live. Find what makes you happy and whole and surround yourself with it.’

770. “Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.” — Lois Wyse

771. “When the story of my life comes to an end, the pages that contain your name will be the most beautiful ones.”

772. “A granddaughter is God’s way of reaching your heart with laughter, blessing your life with happiness, and filling your world with love.” – Unknown

773. “Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.” – Lois Wyse

774. “I am the mother of your mother. Your life is a joy to me. As I watch you, I see myself in you and wish you go much ahead than me in life.”

775. “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” —Thomas Campbell

776. “Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.” -Welsh Proverb

777. “My sweet granddaughter, we welcome you into the world and straight into our hearts”

778. “Dearer than our children are the children of our children.” – Unknown

779. ‘A grandmother’s treasure is her granddaughter.’

780. “A granddaughter is a gift of love.”

781. “Grandchildren give us a second chance to do things better because they bring out the best in us.” – Unknown

782. “Parents know a lot, but grandparents know everything.”

783. “A grandchild’s hug lasts long after they let go.”

784. “With your own children, you love them immediately― and with grandchildren, it’s exactly the same.” – Kevin Whately

785. “I never thought I had done enough good deeds until God sent you to us. Dear granddaughter, you are the greatest gift in our lives.”

786. “Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap.” — Doug Larson

787. “A grandmother’s greatest treasure is her granddaughter.”

788. “Angels are often disguised as granddaughters.” – Unknown

789. “Having a granddaughter in your life is one of life’s greatest treasures.” ~ Anonymous

790. “Behind every granddaughter who believes in herself is a grandma who believed first.” – Unknown

791. “Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.”

792. “Granddaughters and Grandmas have a special bond that can’t be broken.” ~Anonymous

793. “I may not see my granddaughter every day, but every day I think of her.” – Unknown

794. “A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween.” — Erma Bombeck

795. “My grandkids believe I’m the oldest thing in the world. And after two or three hours with them, I believe it, too.” -Gene Perret

796. “Dear granddaughter, you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. And everyone’s not going to be yours. And that is totally okay. Just be kind.” – Unknown

797. “Have children while your parents are still young enough to take care of them.”

798. “A grandmother is God’s gift to her granddaughters.”

799. “If I don't let Manu sleep with me, though I regard it as essential that she should," he announced, "wouldn't that be a sign of weakness in me?”

800. “I never knew there was a space in my heart until you came and filled it with love and laughter.”


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