600 Inspirational Quotes About Servant Leadership (2023)
1. “The person of faith looks up to God, not at him or down on him. The servant assumes a certain posture, a stance. If he or she fails to take that posture, attentive responsiveness to the master's commands will be hard.”
2. Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts. —Erskine Bowles
3. “Pink is the color of confidence 💪”
4. “Lead from the back – and let others believe they are in front.” - Nelson Mandela
5. “Prayer in action is love, love in action is service.” - Mother Teresa
6. “Crisis reveals character.”
7. “ We must learn before we can prepare, We must prepare before we can serve, We must serve before we can lead.”
8. “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” – Ronald Reagan
9. “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”
10. “It’s not about trying to find something to help you be a more effective leader. It’s about trying to be a better person. The other will follow.”
11. “The servant leader believes that ‘my success is your success.'”
12. “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one’s capacity to lead is severely limited. ” -Robert Greenleaf
13. “You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too.” – Sam Rayburn, former speaker of the House
14. “The best leaders are servant leaders – they serve those they lead. ” — Tony Hsieh
15. “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one’s capacity to lead is severely limited. ” – Robert Greenleaf
16. “All my jobs have been with food in one way or another since 1948. My parents were in the hotel business, and I just loved the warm-hearted people who worked so hard with such good humor.” - Graham Kerr
17. “In the wired world of the 21st century, advancing shared values creates value. ” -James M. Strock inServe to Lead
18. “I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master. ” — David Rockefeller
19. “I probably felt more resentment for what I personally was to suffer than for the wrong they were doing to anyone and everyone. But at that time I was determined not to put up with badly behaved people more out of my own interest than because I wanted them to become good people.”
20. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” - Mother Teresa
21. “Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth. ” – Shirley Chisholm
22. A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. —Max Lucado
23. “And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
24. You manage things; you lead people. —Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
25. Do what you feel in your heart to be right–for you’ll be criticized anyway. —Eleanor Roosevelt
26. “Power is to be used in the service of others and only secondarily, if at all, for the benefit of oneself.”
27. “If every citizen should recite their national anthem daily, you will develop love to serve your country better.” – Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!
28. “Worry not that your child listens to you; worry most that they watch you.” - Ronald A. Heifetz
29. I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. –Dr. Maya Angelou
30. “True leadership lies in guiding others to success. In ensuring that everyone is performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well.” – Bill Owens
31. “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”– President Ronald Reagan
32. “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one's capacity to lead is severely limited.” — Robert Greenleaf. “ ...
33. “Serving others prepares you to lead others. ” ― Jim George
34. “Headship is the divine calling of a husband to take primary responsibility for Christ-like, servant leadership, protection, and provision in the home.”
35. “Just trying to add a little humor to the world’s pinkest day 💕”
36. “The servant-leader is the servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. ” ― Robert K. Greenleaf
37. “A noble leader answers not to the trumpet calls of self promotion, but to the hushed whispers of necessity.”
38. “Sacrifice is the giving of self so that I don’t die in the service of self.”
39. To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less. —Andre Malraux
40. “Dreamy in dusty rose 🌸”
41. “Leadership is made for service.”
42. “Each life experience poses this question: how do you want to be changed because of me?”
43. Leadership is influence. —John C. Maxwell
44. “Success is about leaving a legacy of generosity and kindness rather than a trail of destruction.” ~Crystal Eisinger
45. “Sacrifice is my illumination,
46. I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. —Ralph Nader
47. “Good things come in pink packages 💕”
48. “Twenty-first-century leadership relationship dynamics are from the bottom up rather than the top down; from the outside in, rather than the inside out.”
49. “Service is the very purpose of life. It is the rent we pay for living on the planet.” — Marian Wright Edelman
50. “A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others see.” – Leroy Eimes, author and leadership expert
51. “Servant leadership always empathizes, always accepts the person, but sometimes refuses to accept some of the person’s effort or performance as good enough. ” — Robert K. Greenleaf
52. As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. —Bill Gates
53. “Money is in some respects life’s fire: it is a very excellent servant, but a terrible master. ” — P. T. Barnum
54. “I’ll lift you and you’ll lift me and we’ll both ascend together.”
55. Servant leadership John Maxwell
56. “The companies that survive are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world–not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. ” -Charles Handy in The Search for Meaning
57. “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. ” -John C. Maxwell
58. “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” ― John C. Maxwell
59. “The best way to lead people into the future is to connect with them deeply in the present.”
60. A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. —John Maxwell
61. “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus” — Martin Luther King Jr
62. “If leadership serves only the leader, it will fail. Ego satisfaction, financial gain, and status can all be valuable tools for a leader, but if they become the only motivations, they will eventually destroy a leader. Only when service for a common good is the primary purpose are you truly leading.”
63. “Your value lies not in status or title, but in the roots of your character and depth of your compassion.” - Mollie Marti
64. “It's been said that everything rises and falls on leadership, and the best type of leader is a servant leader. For me, my life as a kingmaker includes serving.” - Cary Hokama
65. “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” – Albert Schweitzer
66. “Bosses push, Leaders pull. Real leadership is servant leadership. ” — Dave Ramsey
67. “Forever in love with pink 💘”
68. “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
69. What you do has far greater impact than what you say. —Stephen Covey
70. “What you do has far greater impact than what you say.” — Stephen Covey, author, businessman and speaker
71. “Girly in rose 💁♀️”
72. “Leadership is not an affair of the head. Leadership is an affair of the heart.”
73. Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. —John F. Kennedy
74. If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing. —Benjamin Franklin
75. “I was born to be fabulous and pink 💕”
76. “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”
77. “People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives.” – President Theodore Roosevelt
78. “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ― Rabindranath Tagore
79. “The servant leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve.” – Robert K. Greenleaf
80. “The miracle is this–the more we share, the more we have. ” -Leonard Nimoy
81. “We must be silent before we can listen. We must listen before we can learn. We must learn before we can prepare. We must prepare before we can serve. We must serve before we can lead.”
82. “A life without a cause is a life without effect. ” – Paulo Coelho
83. “I stand here before you not as a prophet, but as a humble servant of you, the people. ” — Nelson Mandela
84. …you cannot separate the health of the individual from the health of the community and of society.
85. “The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.”
86. “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
87. “True leadership is servanthood. Put the interests of others at the center of your decisions.”
88. “Let’s be real, pink is always the answer 💕”
89. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to high sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. —Peter Drucker
90. “Let others see their own greatness when looking in your eyes.” - Mollie Marti
91. “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist, poet and philosopher
92. Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth. -Shirley Chisholm
93. “Why so serious? Let’s put on some pink and have a laugh 🎭”
94. “Good leaders must first become good servants.” – Robert Greenleaf
95. “It has generally been my experience that the very top people of truly great organisations are servant-leaders.”
96. “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker Washington
97. Great leaders are not defined by the absence of weakness, but rather by the presence of clear strengths. —John Zenger
98. The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly. —Jim Rohn
99. “If God is going to be all that He is, I must reach a point where I am emptied of all that I am. It’s only then that the fullness of God has space in the emptiness of me.”
100. “Servant leadership always empathizes, always accepts the person, but sometimes refuses to accept some fo the person’s effort or performance as good enough.” ~Robert K. Greenleaf
101. “Hilarious in hot pink 💕”
102. “If you can’t handle others’ disapproval, then leadership isn’t for you.”
103. “Identify your divine gift and use it to serve humanity.”
104. “A true natural servant automatically responds to any problem by listening first.”
105. “The only test of leadership is that somebody follows. ” — Robert K. · 2. “Servant leadership is easy for people with high self-esteem. ” — Ken
106. “A lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back - but they are gone. We are it. It is up to us. It is up to you.” - Marian Wright Edelman
107. “Rosy outlook 🌸”
108. “You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right.” ~Aung San Suu Kyi
109. “Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period.” — Tom Peters
110. “Pink and giggly, just the way I like it 💕”
111. “The author sees Luke's loyalty to the apostle Paul "depicted architecturally in the great church at Rome known as St. Paul Outside the Walls. There, a statue of Luke holding a writing stylus commemorates not only his work as a Gospel author but his faithfulness to Paul.”
112. “The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When you come to look back on all that you have done in life, you will get more satisfaction from the pleasure you have brought into other people’s lives than you will from the times that you outdid and defeated them. ” – Rabbi Harold Kushner
113. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
114. “A pop of pink, a burst of happiness 💕”
115. “If you think you are leading and turn around to see no one following, then you are just taking a walk.” – Benjamin Hooks, former director of the NAACP
116. “A noble leader answers not the trumpet call of self promotion, but to the hushed whispers of necessity.” ~Mollie Marti
117. “The words ‘I Love You’ kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second.” - Aberjhani
118. “True leadership is servanthood. Put the interests of others at the center of your decisions.” ~Dave Ramsey
119. “Even if you are retired, you still have a responsibility to be a servant leader in society. Your talents are needed in the community. Live on purpose. Thrive, give back, and make a difference where you are.”
120. Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. —Peter Drucker
121. “The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.” – Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State
122. The greatest leaders mobilize others by coalescing people around a shared vision. —Ken Blanchard
123. “Pink is a mood 💕”
124. Servitude leadership by Laozi
125. Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them. —John C. Maxwell
126. “Pink is the color of happiness 💕”
127. “Blushing beauty 💗”
128. “Servant leadership is all about making the goals clear and then rolling your sleeves up and doing whatever it takes to help people win. In that situation, they don’t work for you; you work for them. ” -Ken Blanchard
129. “Servant leadership propels organizational success. ” — Ken Blanchard
130. Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. -Harriet Tubman
131. “You take people as far as they will go not as far as you would like them to go.”
132. “The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people. ” ― Woodrow Wilson
133. “The role of the leader is to create the environment in which people can thrive.” – Simon Sinek
134. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – President Abraham Lincoln
135. “We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.” - Dave Ramsey
136. “I don’t go by the rule book. I lead from the heart, not the head.” ~Princess Diana
137. To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult. —Friedrich Nietzsche
138. “If leadership serves only the leader, it will fail. ” — Sheila Murray
139. “Make a commitment to serve the needs of the ‘least of these’ and give voice to the voiceless.”
140. “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one's capacity to lead is severely limited. ” –
141. “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.
142. “We don’t create value in the world, except by serving. ” — John Stahl-wert
143. Quotes on servant leadership by Sheila Murray Bethel
144. “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. Serve and thou shall be served.”
145. “True leadership is servanthood. Put the interests of others at the center of your decisions. ” — Dave Ramsey
146. “A story untold could be the one that kills you.” - Pat Conroy
147. I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? —Benjamin Disraeli
148. ...it’s not nice to talk about people behind their backs, but that’s not to say that gossip doesn’t have any social value. In fact, it has plenty. Gossip is the foundation of our species’ survival...
149. “Funny and fabulous in fuchsia 💖”
150. “The more believers are willing to leave their own comfort zone and be genuinely comfortable with people from diverse backgrounds, the more the Lord can use them to minister to others.”
151. “Sacrifice makes one king or queen, not bloodline.”
152. “A true natural servant automatically responds to any problem by listening first.”
153. “Blushing in pink 🌸”
154. “Servant leadership is not about rank or position. It’s about having the humility to put the needs of others first and helping them succeed.” – Unknown
155. “Bubblegum dreams come true 💗”
156. “The led must not be compelled. They must be able to choose their own leader.” – Albert Einstein, physicist
157. “You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.” - M. Scott Peck
158. “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. ” -Winston Churchill
159. Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position. —Brian Tracy
160. “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.” — Mahatma Gandhi
161. Earn your leadership every day. –Michael Jordan
162. “Those who try to lead the people can only do so by following the mob.” – Oscar Wilde, writer and poet
163. The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men, the conviction and the will to carry on. —Walter Lippman
164. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” — Bill Gates
165. “Make sure you’re not just waiting for someone else to fix things, or hoping that things will improve … Figure out what’s going on and make a plan to improve things.” – Kenneth W. Thomas, author
166. A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible. —Polybius
167. What is servant leadership?
168. A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. –George Patton
169. Humble leadership quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr
170. “I believe in servant leadership, and the servant always asks, ‘Where am I needed most?’” — Mike Pence
171. “The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are.” – John C. Maxwell
172. “Coaching is the most important servant/leadership element in helping people accomplish their goals. ” — Bill Hybels
173. “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” – Jack Welch, former GE chairman and CEO
174. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill
175. “Servant-leadership is more than a concept, it is a fact. Any great leader, by which I also mean an ethical leader of any group, will see herself or himself as a servant of that group and will act accordingly.”
176. “Life’s too short to not laugh in pink 💕”
177. “Listen for the call of your destiny, and when it comes, release your plans and follow.” – Mollie Marti
178. “A leader … is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind.” ~Nelson Mandela
179. “The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.” - Tom Peters
180. “Happy thoughts and pretty in pink 💕”
181. “Leadership is the capacity to transform vision into reality.” – Warren G. Bennis, founding chairman of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California
182. A great person attracts great people and knows how to hold them together. —Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
183. Whatever you are, be a good one. —Abraham Lincoln
184. “To lead is to serve. Conversely, to serve is to lead. And if either of these elements are removed from the equation, we’ll soon find that we’re doing neither.”
185. “Pink passion 💕”
186. Famous servant leaders
187. “Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge. ” — Simon Sinek
188. “A true natural servant automatically responds to any problem by listening first. ” -Robert Greenleaf
189. “Relationships are never about power, and one way to avoid the will to power is to choose to limit oneself—to serve.” ― Wm. Paul Young
190. The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority. —Kenneth Blanchard
191. “I devoted myself to the task of welfare of my countrymen—not as a ruler but as a servant. ” — Sheikh Hasina
192. “If every citizen should recite their national anthem daily, you will develop love to serve your country better.”
193. “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” – Gen. Colin Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State
194. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
195. “The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.” – James Buchanan
196. “Pink is the new black…or is that just my cheeks?”
197. “Your rewards in life will be in direct proportion to the value of your service to others.”
198. “The greatest among you shall be your servant.”
199. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you.” - Max De Pree
200. …even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines it’ll shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something even if you were too small to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand, I know now folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going because they were holding on to something.
201. Servant hearted leadership quotes by M. Scott Peck
202. “Good leaders must first become good servants. ” — Robert K. Greenleaf
203. “Where there is not community, trust, respect, ethical behavior are difficult for the young to learn and for the old to maintain.”
204. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”
205. “Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice.”
206. “In the wired world of the twenty-first century, advancing shared values creates value.” -Serve to Lead
207. “Always seek to learn: The leader is always learning new things and gaining new insights.” - Artika Tyner
208. Progress doesn't happen all at once; it's a slow grind. But a commitment to serving as an agent of positive change will bring us closer one step closer. -Mitzi Miller
209. Winston Churchill’s quotes about service and leadership
210. Followership vs servant leadership
211. “Your best servant is the person who does not attend so much to hearing what he himself wants as to willing what he has heard from you.”
212. “A pop of pink, a dash of humor 💕”
213. “You do not lead by hitting people over the head. That’s assault, not leadership.” – President Dwight D. Eisenhower
214. “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
215. Verses about servant leadership by James A. Autry
216. “A faithful servant may be wiser than the master, and yet retain the true spirit and posture of the servant. The humble man looks upon every, the feeblest and unworthiest, child of God, and honors him and prefers him in honor as the son of a King.”
217. “I may be wearing pink, but my humor is bold and bright 💁♀️”
218. Service leadership quotes by Robert Greenleaf
219. …it’s easier to hold to your principles 100% of the time than it is to hold to them 98% of the time.
220. “Servant-leadership is more than a concept, it is a fact. Any great leader, by which I also mean an ethical leader of any group, will see herself or himself as a servant of that group and will act accordingly. ” ― M. Scott Peck
221. “A leader is a dealer in hope.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, military leader
222. “Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth.” - Shirley Chisholm
223. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. —John Maxwell
224. … The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant-first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The best test, and difficult to administer, is: Do those served grow as persons? … [and become] more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?
225. “Serving others prepares you to lead others.” - Jim George
226. “And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.”
227. Education is the mother of leadership. —Wendell Willkie
228. “Life’s most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” -Martin Luther King Jr
229. He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. —Aristotle
230. “Laughter is the best accessory, especially when you’re in pink 💁♀️”
231. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”
232. He who has learned how to obey will know how to command. —Solon
233. 15 Servant leadership quotes
234. “For your own good, for the good of your family and your future, grow a backbone. When something is wrong, stand up and say it is wrong, and don't back down.” - Dave Ramsey
235. “Our hearts of stone become hearts of flesh when we learn where the outcast weeps.”
236. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves”
237. “Too much pink? Never! But maybe a little too much humor… 🤣”
238. Ken blanchard servant leader quotes
239. “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
240. “The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves. ” -J. Carla Nortcutt
241. “If you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them. If you want to lead the people, you must learn how to follow them.” ~Lao Tzu
242. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.”
243. I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training ground for leadership, but raising children isn't. —Dee Dee Myers
244. “Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” ~Michelle Obama
245. “Pink is my signature color 🎨”
246. Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. —Publilius Syrus
247. Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership. —Colin Powell
248. “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain. ” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
249. “Leadership is an opportunity to serve. ” — J. Donald Walters
250. “In Love's service, only wounded soldiers can serve.”
251. “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. ” — Winston Churchill
252. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. —Warren Bennis
253. “There is great joy in leading with authority, which is serving others by meeting their legitimate needs. ” — James C. Hunter
254. “Trust is earned in the smallest of moments. It is earned not through heroic deeds, or even highly visible actions, but through paying attention, listening, and gestures of genuine care and connection.” ~ Brené Brown
255. “Leaders don’t create more followers, they create more leaders.”
256. “The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When you come to look back on all that you have done in life, you will get more satisfaction from the pleasure you have brought into other people’s lives than you will from the times that you outdid and defeated them. ” -Rabbi Harold Kushner
257. “The Inclusive Leader” is a Living Now Book Award Winner
258. “Never work just for money or for power. They won't save your soul or help you sleep at night.” - Marian Wright Edelman
259. “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.” – Douglas MacArthur
260. “The servant leader believes that ‘my success is your success.’” – Anonymous
261. A cowardly leader is the most dangerous of men. —Stephen King
262. “Pink is the new black 💕”
263. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
264. “In a servant leadership culture we learn by choice or example that if we want to be great, we have to serve others respectfully. ” ― Vern Dosch
265. “I'm always friendly and encouraging on set. I want people to be at their best creatively.” - Mark Wahlberg
266. “It always seems impossible, until it is done.” - Nelson Mandela
267. “Pink paradise 🌸”
268. You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case. —Ken Kesey
269. A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit. —John Maxwell
270. “Every day is a good day for pink 💕”
271. “Servant Leadership begins with self-examination. ” — Cheryl Bachelder
272. The supreme quality of leadership is integrity. –Dwight Eisenhower
273. “In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” – President Harry Truman
274. “Be good to people, even if it goes unnoticed, unappreciated, or ignored, but share the love anyway. By raising others, we will rise.”
275. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
276. “Pink paradise 💕”
277. “Micromanagement is the destroyer of momentum.” - Miles Anthony Smith
278. . . “Leadership is made for service. ” “Leadership must first and foremost meet the needs
279. “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” - Harry Truman
280. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ” - Martin Luther King Jr. “The simple act of paying positive attention
281. “Serving people means growing their capacity and implies that everyone can contribute. ” ― Juana Bordas
282. “Pink perfection 💕”
283. “You manage things; you lead people.” – Grace Murray Hopper, U.S. Navy rear admiral
284. “Power is meant to be shared with the goal of empowering others. Hoarded power weakens others and exalts oneself. Power, when grounded in biblical values, serves others by liberating them. It acknowledges that people bear the image of God and treats them in a way that will nurture the development of that image. In so doing, we honor their Creator.”
285. “It has generally been my experience that the very top people of truly great organizations are servant-leaders. ” ― Stephen Covey
286. The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then
287. “My research debunks the myth that many people seem to have. . . that you become a leader by fighting your way to the top. Rather, you become a leader by helping others to the top. Helping your employees is as important as, and many times more so than, trying to get the most work out of them. ” -William Cohen in The Stuff of Heroes: The Eight Universal Laws of Leadership
288. No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. —Abraham Lincoln
289. “You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want.” -Zig Ziglar
290. “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. ” -John Wooden
291. True leadership lies in guiding others to success. In ensuring that everyone is performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well. —Bill Owens
292. “Sweet in salmon 🍣”
293. “Acts 10:38 says, “See how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good.” He just got up every day and did good. Everywhere he went, even though he had a purpose and he was headed somewhere, he let himself be interrupted by the needs of people. So often we study the steps of Jesus. Maybe we need to study the stops of Jesus. The things that he stopped for, the things that interrupted his plan, where he would alter his plan and help somebody here and there.”
294. “The amount of time we give to something indicates its importance to us.” - Jim George
295. “Twenty-first-century leadership relationship dynamics are from the bottom up rather than the top down; from the outside in, rather than the inside out.” – James M. Strock in Serve to Lead
296. “Good leaders must first become good servants. ” · 2. “The servant leader is servant first. · 3. “Servant leadership always empathizes, always accepts the
297. “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
298. …while everyone’s focusing on keeping the boss happy, who’s focusing on keeping the customer happy?
299. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~Maya Angelou
300. “Feeling rosy, but not too serious 😜”
301. “One of the best ways I can show my son to be a servant leader is to serve my wife. ” — Matt Tenney
302. “Make A Name (The Sonnet)
303. “Your rewards in life will be in direct proportion to the value of your service to others. ” -Brian Tracy in The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success
304. “Servant leadership is all about making the goals clear and then rolling your sleeves up and doing whatever it takes to help people win. In that situation, they don’t work for you; you work for them. ” ― Ken Blanchard
305. Servant leadership quotes
306. My responsibility is getting all my players playing for the name on the front of the jersey, not the one on the back. –Unknown
307. “The servant leader serves the followers, and in so doing creates a better world for all.” – Robert K. Greenleaf
308. “Not sure where I would be had I not been blessed with a praying mother and grandmother.”
309. The nation will find it very hard to look up to the leaders who are keeping their ears to the ground. —Sir Winston Churchill
310. “Leadership is not an affair of the head. Leadership is an affair of the heart. ” -James Kouzes and Barry Posner in The Leadership Challenge
311. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” ~Bill Gates
312. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. —Margaret Mead
313. “Servant leadership is easy for people with high self-esteem. ” — Ken Blanchard
314. “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”
315. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
316. “Pretty in pink and ready to twirl 💃”
317. “Pink and punny 💁♀️”
318. “Become a faithful servant. Cultivate wisdom, courage, faith, and resilience.”
319. “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.” ~Sheryl Sandberg
320. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”
321. He who has great power should use it lightly. —Seneca
322. “We must serve before we can lead. ” — William Arthur Ward
323. “Leadership is not about you; it's about investing in the growth of others.” - Ken Blanchard
324. “Gratitude, warm, sincere, intense, when it takes possession of the bosom, fills the soul to overflowing and scarce leaves room for any other sentiment or thought.” - John Quincy Adams
325. “I want to sleep for eternity with a broad smile on my face. I want those who remain behind to say, ‘This man has done his duty. ’” – Nelson Mandela
326. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” – Lao Tzu
327. “Servant leadership teaches us that you have to lay your cards on the table. ” — Warren G. Bennis
328. “There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.” - Tony Hsieh
329. A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. —Douglas MacArthur
330. “The true heroes of the new millennium will be servant leaders, quietly working out of the spotlight to transform our world. ” ― Ann McGee-Cooper
331. When I give a minister an order, I leave it to him to find the means to carry it out. —Napoleon Bonaparte
332. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. ” — Max De Pree
333. “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” - John Maxwell
334. “A leader should be visionary and have more foresight than an employee.”
335. John Adams quotes on leadership
336. “The utmost form of respect is to give sincerely of your presence.”
337. A ruler should be slow to punish and swift to reward. —Ovid
338. “The only test of leadership is that somebody follows. ” — Robert K. Greenleaf
339. “The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.”
340. “Immortality is cosmic heirloom of the mortal who is martyred for humanity.”
341. “Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.” ~Simon Sinek
342. We can say ‘Peace on Earth. ’ We can sing about it, preach about it or pray about it, but if we have not internalized the mythology to make it happen inside is, then it will not be. -Betty Shabazz
343. The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That's nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born. —Warren Bennis
344. “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” – Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker
345. “Feeling tickled pink and ready to giggle 💁♀️”
346. “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” – Gen. George S. Patton
347. “Servanthood transcended all that it was thought to be and became what it was never imagined to be.”
348. “Paint the town pink 💗”
349. “It’s not about trying to find something to help you be a more effective leader. It’s about trying to be a better person. The other will follow. ” -James A. Autry in Practicing Servant Leadership
350. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. ” — Lao Tzu
351. “Making the world a funnier place, one pink outfit at a time 💁♀️”
352. “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” – Arnold Glasow, humorist and author
353. “Before we too can move mountains, we must learn to walk the daily grind, one quiet step at a time. We must learn to serve before we can lead.”
354. “I’m a pink dreamer 💕”
355. “Blooming in pink 🌸”
356. “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
357. “Integrity is a powerful force, keeping you alive to others long after you’ve left their presence.”
358. “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people. ” — Mahatma Gandhi
359. “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one’s capacity to lead is severely limited. ” — Robert Greenleaf
360. Put the interests of others at the center of your decisions. ” – Dave Ramsey, author of the Total Money Makeover
361. Leadership cannot just go along to get along. Leadership must meet the moral challenge of the day. —Jesse Jackson
362. “The quality of a true warrior is that he is in service to a purpose greater than himself; that is, to a transcendent cause.” ― Robert Bly
363. …the best leaders are servant leaders – they serve those they lead.
364. The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. —Harvey Firestone
365. “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.”
366. “Authority: the skill of getting people to willingly do your will, because of your personal influence. ” -James C. Hunter in The Servant
367. “Serving others prepares you to lead others.”
368. “Pink never goes out of style 💖”
369. “Pink and funny, just like me 💁♀️”
370. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”
371. “A true natural servant automatically responds to any problem by listening first.” - Lyssa Adkins
372. I am reminded how hollow the label of leadership sometimes is and how heroic followership can be. —Warren Bennis
373. Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. —Stephen Covey
374. “Good leaders must first become good servants.”
375. “The real power lies in service to others. ” — Cheryl Bachelder
376. “Feeling rosy in pink 💕”
377. You don’t need a title to be a leader. –Multiple Attributions
378. “A true natural servant automatically responds to any problem by listening first. ” ― Robert Greenleaf
379. If you can’t feed one hundred people, then just feed one. -Mother Teresa
380. “In the pink of style 💁♀️”
381. “We are to be generous not just in the results of our work, but also IN our work.”
382. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
383. “Don’t let your values change with society; instead let your values change society.” - Tony Gaskins
384. “Here’s to all things pink and pretty 💕”
385. “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.” – Walter Lippmann, writer, reporter and political commentator
386. “Service is the very purpose of life. It is the rent we pay for living on the planet.” ― Marian Wright Edelman
387. “Peachy keen in pink 🍑”
388. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs, co-founder and former CEO of Apple
389. “The chief means of resisting manipulation is humility – knowing who we really are and facing it. You can only serve by love. You can only love by choice. True love cannot be the result of decree, force or manipulation. Jesus always kept his strength to make loving choices. He calls us to make loving choices necessary to be the servant of all." "Humility permits me to own my feelings – and to admit them. Now I'm free to say, ‘I'm angry’. I'm free to admit what I am reacting to. I am free to ask if anger is what the person wanted to produce in me, and to ask for help in changing if my reaction is inappropriate.”
390. “Servant leadership is all about making the goals clear, and then rolling your sleeves up and doing whatever it takes to help people win.” ~Ken Blanchard
391. The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes. —Tony Blair
392. “The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” – John Wooden
393. It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself. —Latin Proverb
394. “The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.”
395. “A leader takes people where they would never go on their own.”
396. “True leadership lies in guiding others to success. In ensuring that everyone is performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well.”
397. There are three essentials to leadership: humility, clarity and courage. —Fuchan Yuan
398. “Listen for the call of your destiny, and when it comes, release your plans and follow.”
399. “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one’s capacity to lead is severely limited.” -Robert Greenleaf
400. “An ounce of patience is worth more than a tonne of preaching.” - Mahatma Gandhi
401. “Leadership is about being a servant first. ” — Allen West
402. “Who then is the greatest leader? The one who has served the most.” - James Hunter
403. “I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” - Albert Schweitzer
404. We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity. —Marco Rubio
405. “You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. ” -Zig Ziglar
406. A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. —Lao Tzu
407. “A pop of pink is all you need 💕”
408. “The servant leader believes that ‘my success is your success. ’” ― Unknown
409. “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.”
410. “Exercising adaptive leadership is about giving meaning to your life beyond your own ambition.”
411. “Of all the things that sustain a leader over time, love is the most lasting. The best-kept secret of successful leaders is love: staying in love with leading, with the people who do the work, with what their organizations produce, and with those who honor the organization by using its work.”
412. “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
413. “Let your light shine as an inspiration to humanity and be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people. ” – Germany Kent
414. Servant leader quote by Max DePree
415. No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it. —Andrew Carnegie
416. Servant leader quotes by J. Carla Nortcutt
417. “Leadership is not about your ambition. It is about bringing out the ambitions of your team.” - Cheryl A. Bachelder
418. “Servant-leadership is more than a concept, it is a fact. Any great leader, by which I also mean an ethical leader of any group, will see herself or himself as a servant of that group and will act accordingly.” ― M. Scott Peck
419. “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi
420. “Don’t take life too seriously, especially when you’re in pink 💕”
421. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish. —Sam Walton
422. Never give an order that can't be obeyed. —General Douglas MacArthur
423. Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems. —Brian Tracy
424. According to Robert K. Greenleaf, who coined the term servant leadership, this exercise of
425. Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better. —Bill Bradley
426. “Servant leadership is the foundation and the secret of Sam Walton’s ability to achieve team synergy. ” — Michael Bergdahl
427. “I ask you not to chant my name,
428. “The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves.” – Carla Nortcutt
429. “You are either supporting the vision or supporting division” - Saji Ijiyemi
430. Don't necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership. —Donald Rumsfeld
431. Humility leadership quotes by Booker Washington
432. “Real victory is based on surrender to the right things, while failure is based on the unwillingness to surrender to anything.”
433. “He who is not a good servant will not be a good master. ” — Plato
434. Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. —Vince Lombardi
435. “We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
436. “As a leader, it’s a major responsibility on your shoulders to practice the behavior you want others to follow.” ~Himanshu Bhatia
437. “The leaders who offer blood, toil, tears and sweat always get more out of their followers than those who offer safety and a good time. When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic.” – George Orwell, author [Read Related Article: 5 Tips for Guiding Your Team Through a Rough Patch]
438. Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. —Jack Welch
439. “To lead people, walk beside them.” – Lao Tzu
440. “In a servant leadership culture we learn by choice or example that if we want to be great, we have to serve others respectfully.”
441. “A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” – Rosalynn Carter, former first lady of the United States
442. “Add a little pink to your life 💕”
443. “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” ~Jim Rohn
444. “Sweet as candy and pink as can be 💕”
445. “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one’s capacity to lead is severely limited.”
446. “Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”
447. “Life’s most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”
448. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” - Lao Tzu
449. “Lovely in lavender 💖”
450. “The servant-leader is the servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.”
451. You don’t lead by hitting people over the head—that’s assault, not leadership. –Dwight Eisenhower
452. …most leaders get sucked down into the weeds and they spend too much of their valuable time majoring in the minors.
453. “Servant leadership is all about making the goals clear and then rolling your sleeves up and doing whatever it takes to help people win. In that situation, they don’t work for you; you work for them.”
454. “Serving people means growing their capacity and implies that everyone can contribute.”
455. “The miracle is this–the more we share, the more we have.”
456. “A thousand years from now, there'll be no trace of your millions of followers. But my words will keep burning bright as the sun, lighting the course of assimilation generation after generation.”
457. “Be the breeze, be the water, be the serene shade of a heartful tree. In character be an elephant, gentle, unafraid and forever free.”
458. “Shocking in fuchsia 💖”
459. “My heart beats for pink 💕”
460. “Sugar and spice and everything pink 🍬”
461. “A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible.” – Mark Yarnell
462. “Life is too short to wear boring colors 💕”
463. · I'll lift you and you'll lift me and we'll both ascend together. · Servant leadership
464. “To be a leader, you must first be a servant.” – Unknown
465. “Sweet like candy in this pink getup 🍬”
466. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward, author
467. “If leadership serves only the leader, it will fail. Ego satisfaction, financial gain, and status can all be valuable tools for a leader, but if they become the only motivations, they will eventually destroy a leader. Only when service for a common good is the primary purpose are you truly leading. ” -Sheila Murray Bethel in Making a Difference: 12 Qualities That Make You a Leader
468. “Pink and proud 💕”
469. “Pink is my signature color 💕”
470. “Servant leadership is easy for people with high self-esteem. Such people have no problem giving credit to others. They have no problem listening to other people for ideas. They have no problem in building other people up.”
471. “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
472. “Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek
473. One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency. —Arnold Glasow
474. Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand. —General Colin Powell
475. “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” -Lao Tzu
476. “Allow the way to your great work to be guided by your service to others.”
477. “Always do right. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” – Mark Twain, author
478. Where there is no vision, the people perish. —Proverbs 29:18
479. “A leader’s job is not to do the work for others, it’s to help others figure out how to do it themselves, to get things done, and to succeed beyond what they thought possible.” – Simon Sinek
480. “The Inclusive Leader” is a Finalist in IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards
481. To have long term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way. —Pat Riley
482. “True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not to enrich the leader.” — John C. Maxwell
483. “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
484. Lead and inspire people. Don’t try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed but people must be led. —Ross Perot
485. “…When you choose the paradigm of service, looking at life through that paradigm, it turns everything you do from a job into a gift. ” – Oprah Winfrey
486. “Serving people means growing their capacity and implies that everyone can contribute.”
487. “Life is short, wear pink and have fun 💕”
488. “Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.” - Albert Schweitzer
489. “It's the servants of the people who rule the world, not the rulers.”
490. “People often ask me, "you are not a believer in the common sense of the term, then why don't you call yourself an atheist", I tell them, "that's because atheists place all importance on facts, I place all importance on people". As a scientist, I am very much aware of the value of facts, but facts are never more important than the people, in fact, they are only valuable so long as they serve the welfare of people - in circumstances where facts go against the welfare of the people, a civilized human must always choose people over facts.”
491. Whatever our dreams, ideas or projects, we plant a seed, nurture it and then reap the fruits of our labor. -Oprah Winfrey
492. “It’s not about trying to find something to help you be a more effective leader. It’s about trying to be a better person. The other will follow.” – James A. Autry in Practicing Servant Leadership
493. “Paint the world pink 💕”
494. “…when you choose the paradigm of service, looking at life through that paradigm, it turns everything you do from a job into a gift.” — Oprah Winfrey
495. “Bold in blush 💁♀️”
496. “It’s not about trying to find something to help you be a more effective leader. It’s about trying to be a better person. The other will follow. ” ― James A
497. A leader is a dealer in hope. —Napoleon Bonaparte
498. “Don’t we see that men’s rightful task is to go out to work and wear themselves out trying to accumulate wealth, as though they were our factors or stewards, so that we can remain at home like the lady of the house directing their work and enjoying the profit of their labors? That, if you like, is the reason why men are naturally stronger and more robust than us — they need to be, so they can put up with the hard labor they must endure in our service.”
499. “Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.”
500. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell
501. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
502. Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. —General George Patton
503. “To lead people, walk beside them. As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence … When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!’” – Lao Tzu, philosopher
504. “The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.” – John Buchan, novelist, historian and politician
505. “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” - John Maxwell
506. “Treat employees like they make a difference and they will.”
507. “It has generally been my experience that the very top people of truly great organizations are servant-leaders.”
508. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – President John Quincy Adams
509. “Fuchsia fabulous 💖”
510. “The heart of the leader is manifested through service to others. ” ― Artika Tyner
511. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. —General Dwight Eisenhower
512. Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. —Harry S. Truman
513. “The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When you come to look back on all that you have done in life, you will get more satisfaction from the pleasure you have brought into other people’s lives than you will from the times that you outdid and defeated them.”
514. A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops. —John J Pershing
515. “Some would define a servant like this: 'A servant is one who finds out what his master wants him to do, and then he does it.' The human concept of a servant is that a servant goes to the master and says, 'Master, what do you want me to do?' The master tells him, and the servant goes off BY HIMSELF and does it. That is not the biblical concept of a servant of God. Being a servant of God is different from being a servant of a human master. A servant of a human master works FOR his master. God, however, works THROUGH His servants.”
516. “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. ” -John Ruskin
517. “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” – Arnold H. Glasow
518. “The servant-leader is servant first, it begins with a natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first, as opposed to, wanting power, influence, fame, or wealth.” - Robert Greenleaf
519. I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is: Try to please everybody. —Herbert Swope
520. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. — General George Patton
521. “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”
522. “The world can never heal unless a handful of bravehearts are ready to bleed.”
523. “The first servant-leader in any successful organization is its founder.”
524. “Forever fuchsia 💖”
525. All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership. —John Kenneth Galbraith
526. “I’m a pink addict 💕”
527. “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”
528. “Listen for the call of your destiny, and when it comes, release your plans and follow.” · “Integrity is a powerful force, keeping you alive to others long after ...
529. “A shade of pink that’s oh so right 💕”
530. My own definition of leadership is this: The capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence. —General Montgomery
531. “The best and only way to minister supernaturally is by being yoked to Jesus, just making yourself into His servant, walking in His ways and imitating Him. Allow Him to change you!”
532. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” – Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft
533. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. —John Quincy Adams
534. “Trust is earned in the smallest of moments. · “Leadership is not about being in charge. · “Serving people means growing their capacity and implies that everyone ...
535. “Anybody can live in flesh and blood, but to live on long after the flesh has dissipated into nature – that’s the life I always wanted.”
536. “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
537. “The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves.”
538. “The most formidable way to lead is to serve. And while the perplexing oxymoron of such a grinding statement absolutely cripples us, it birthed a Savior.”
539. In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. —Thomas Jefferson
540. “Life becomes a dilemma when you are living a purposeless and goalless life” - Sunday Adelaja
541. Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing. —Tom Peters
542. Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. —Norman Schwarzkopf
543. Service based leadership by Mahatma Gandhi
544. “Authentic leadership is the full expression of ‘me’ for the benefit of ‘we’.” - Henna Inam
545. “Leadership is a combination of strategy and character. If you must be without one, be without the strategy.” – U.S. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
546. Leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise. —Woodrow Wilson
547. “In the simplest terms, a leader is one who knows where he wants to go, and gets up and goes.” – John Erskine, author
548. People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. —John Maxwell
549. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. ” -Max DePree
550. “It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service.” — Albert Einstein
551. “Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period. ” — Tom Peters
552. “Everything is better in pink 💕”
553. “If you want to lead the people, you must learn how to follow them. ” — Lao Tzu
554. It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. —Nelson Mandela
555. A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be. —Rosalynn Carter
556. …leaders who do not hold their people accountable to a set standard are, in effect, thieves and liars. Thieves because they are stealing from the stockholder who pays them to hold people accountable, and liars because they pretend that everything is OK with their people when in fact everything is not OK.
557. “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” – Ralph Nader
558. “Ben seni rahat etmeye gelmedim,
559. You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. —Eleanor Roosevelt
560. “One of the topics I’m most passionate about is servant leadership—the greatest leaders recognize that they’re here to serve, not to be served. ” — Ken Blanchard
561. “A noble leader answers not to the trumpet calls of self promotion, but to the hushed whispers of necessity.”
562. Subservient leadership quotes by James M. Strock
563. “There is no such thing as a minor lapse of integrity” - Tom Peters
564. “Be nice to people... maybe it'll be unappreciated, unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love anyway. We rise by lifting others.”
565. “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. ” – Martin Luther King Jr
566. “We must be silent before we can listen. We must listen before we can learn. We must learn before we can prepare. We must prepare before we can serve. We must serve before we can lead. ” -William Arthur Ward
567. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. ” – Bill Gates
568. If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. —Maya Angelou
569. “Just a girl, standing in front of a camera, in pink, asking for a funny caption 📷”
570. “Where there is love, distance doesn't matter.” - Mata Amritanandamayi
571. “Serving people means growing their capacity and implies that everyone can contribute.” ~Juana Bordas
572. “Leadership must first and foremost meet the needs of others.”
573. “And they said to him, “If you will be a servant to this people today and serve them, and speak good words to them when you answer them, then they will be your servants forever.”
574. Not the cry, but the flight of a wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow. —Chinese Proverb
575. “If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader.” ~Dolly Parton
576. “Authority is always built on service and sacrifice. ” — James C. Hunter
577. “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world, is and remains immortal.”
578. The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. —Theodore Roosevelt
579. “The best way to lead people into the future is to connect with them deeply in the present.” – James Kouzes and Barry Posner
580. “Genuine love is self-replenishing. The more I nurture the spiritual growth of others, the more my own spiritual growth is nurtured.” M. Scott Peck
581. …When you choose the paradigm of service, looking at life through that paradigm, it turns everything you do from a job into a gift.
582. “Pink power 💪”
583. “Being efficient is the easy part. Suppressing one's ego completely for hours at a time is really hard.”
584. “The leader’s job is to provide the vision and the resources to bring about positive change.” – Unknown
585. “The servant leader is servant first … It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. The conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead … The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant—first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served.” ~Robert K. Greenleaf
586. Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out. —Stephen Covey
587. “Life is a beautiful shade of pink 💕”
588. “Pink is always in style 💗”
589. “Not everybody can be famous. But everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service. ” – Martin Luther King, Jr
590. “You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” - Shirley Chisholm
591. “Of all the things that sustain a leader over time, love is the most lasting. The best-kept secret of successful leaders is love: staying in love with leading, with the people who do the work, with what their organizations produce, and with those who honor the organization by using its work. ” -James Kouzes and Barry Posner in The Leadership Challenge
592. “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires but in his integrity and in his ability to affect those around him positively.”
593. The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet. —Reverend Theodore Hesburgh
594. “The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.”
595. “The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say ‘I’. They don’t think ‘I’. They think ‘we’; they think ‘team’.”
596. “But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant.”
597. “Leadership must embody servanthood, for without it leadership will become the embodiment of our selfish agendas. And leadership of that sort will lead us to places that none of us want to go to.”
598. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. —Max DePree
599. So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. —Peter Drucker
600. “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” — Albert Schweitzer
601. If you don't like the way the world is, you change it. You have an obligation to change it. You just do it one step at a time. -Marian Wright Edelman
602. “A leader’s job is not to do the work for others, it’s to help others figure out how to do it themselves, to get things done, and to succeed beyond what they thought possible.”
603. “Citizens in the Kingdom of God are exhorted to serve and anointed to rule.”
604. “Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy built on the belief that the most effective leaders strive to serve others, rather than accrue power or take control. The aforementioned others can include customers, partners, fellow employees and the community at large.”
605. “Who says you can’t be serious and silly in pink? 💁♀️”
606. “When you walk in obedience, integrity and sincerity, you become a vessel who brings light to others.”
607. “The true heroes of the new millennium will be servant leaders, quietly working out of the spotlight to transform our world.”
608. “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority. ” — Ken Blanchard
609. “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. ” – Theodore Roosevelt
610. “Rosy cheeks, rosy outfit 🌸”
611. I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change… I’m changing the things I cannot accept. -Angela Davis
612. “Twenty-first-century leadership relationship dynamics are from the bottom up rather than the top down; from the outside in, rather than the inside out. ” -James M. Strock in Serve to Lead
613. The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist. —Eric Hoffer
614. “The time is always right to do what is right.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
615. A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say:
616. “A leader … is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind.”
617. “But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.”
618. “Earn your leadership every day.” – Michael Jordan, former NBA basketball player
619. “I started off as a scientist, but the needs of the society turned me into a reformer.”
620. “The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve him, but the number of people he serves.” – John C. Maxwell
621. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
622. “The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.”
623. “People will resist change when it's done to them, not with them.” - Ken Blanchard
624. “Blushing beauty 🌸”
625. “If I am not a servant to others, by process of elimination I am then a servant to myself. And that serves no one.”
626. “[The] insistence on the absolutely indiscriminate nature of compassion within the Kingdom is the dominant perspective of almost all of Jesus' teaching.
627. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.” — Max De Pree
628. “Magenta magic 💜”
629. True happiness. . . is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. -Helen Keller
630. “Seek justice: Make a commitment to serve the needs of the ‘least of these’ and give voice to the voiceless.” - Artika Tyner
631. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” - Winston Churchill
632. “Ego can’t sleep. It micro-manages. It disempowers. It reduces our capability. It excels in control.” - Robert Greenleaf