900 Inspirational Proud To Be A Nurse Quotes (2023)
1. Someone once told me that I couldn’t make a difference in nursing because I wasn’t a doctor. Thank goodness I didn’t listen to them.
2. You only need two things to be happy: something to do and someone who believes in you.
3. “Being organized is an absolute must as a nurse!” — Mentor Merlin
4. “Always thank your nurse! Sometimes they’re the only one between you and a hearse. ” — Warren Beaty
5. “Being a nursing student means always being a student, always learning, always growing.”
6. “Our job as nurses is to cushion the sorrow and celebrate the job, every day, while we are ‘just doing our jobs.'”—Christine Belle
7. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.”—Dag Hammarskjöld
8. “Nurses are always there, you care for us from the earliest years. You look after us in our happiest and saddest times. And for many, you look after us and our families at the end of our lives. Your dedication and professionalism are awe-inspiring. ” — Duchess Kate Middleton
9. Nurses are the backbone of our healthcare system and make life better for everyone. Nurses, thank you for all you do. #NationalNursesWeek
10. “Our job as nurses is to cushion the sorrow and celebrate the joy, every day, while we are ‘just doing our jobs. ’” — Christine Belle
11. Being a nurse is about compassion, commitment, and courage. Join us for National Nurses Week to celebrate the amazing nurses in our lives.
12. Being a nurse is more than a career. It’s a calling to care for others—which you obviously do. 💙 ❤️
13. “These nurses are the ones that comfort and care in exactly the right way, the ones that excel in the profession. ” — Mentor Merlin
14. “May your scrubs be comfy, your coffee be strong, and your Monday be short. ” — Unknown
15. Being a nurse practitioner is not the same as being a nurse. It’s about caring for yourself, your patients and their families.
16. “Nurses are there when the first breath is taken. Although it is more enjoyable to celebrate the birth, it is just as important to comfort in death. ” — Christine Bell
17. “As nurses, we accomplish great deeds for our patients. From offering a patient-level explanation of a medical procedure to restarting a stopped heart, we make a difference every single day. ” — Donald Wood
18. “God appoints our graces to be nurses to other men’s weaknesses. ” — Henry Ward Beecher
19. No matter what field you’re in, a nurse practitioner will always be there to help.
20. “Nursing is a profession where the smallest act of kindness can go a long way.”
21. “Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw.” – Dr. Jean Watson
22. “Nurses are the heart of healthcare.”
23. “Nursing school may be tough, but so am I.”
24. I am a nurse practitioner because I believe in the compassionate care that a nurse provides.
25. “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy; I am telling you it’s going to be worth it. ” — Art Williams
26. I believe that every life has infinite possibilities, and that we are all just moments away from the journey of our lives.
27. Nurses Squad
28. “A nurse will always give us hope, an angel with a stethoscope. ” —Carrie Latet
29. Some people are born to lead, and some people are born to follow. But everyone on earth is human.
30. They provide support and love to those who need it the most, are selfless and kind, have an enormous
31. “The character of the Nurses is as important as the knowledge she possesses.” – Carolyn Javis
32. Nurses are the heart of the hospital—helping to heal, comfort and care. We take pride in being #NursesForLife
33. “You know you work in healthcare when you can discuss puke and bowel movements at the lunch table, and no one flinches. ” — Unknown
34. “Nursing school is the foundation of my future as a nurse.”
35. “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. ” — Albert Einstein
36. “The character of the nurses is as important as the knowledge she possesses. ” — Carolyn Javis
37. “May your scrubs be comfy, your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”—Unknown
38. “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”—C.S. Lewis
39. “Panic plays no part in the training of a nurse.” – Elizabeth Kenny
40. “I attribute my success to this:—I never gave or took an excuse. ”–Florence Nightingale
41. . . To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do,
42. I’m so proud to be a nurse practitioner that I now want to do everything I can to empower my patients.
43. I work hard, I play it smart and I keep my patients smiling every day.
44. “Nothing will work unless you do. ” —Maya Angelou
45. As a nurse practitioner, my favorite part of my job is seeing the joy on people’s faces when they learn that there’s hope for their health.
46. Nurses are special people. And I’m proud to be one of them. 💯
47. “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”—Winston Churchill.
48. I love being a nurse practitioner because it’s part of my calling, not just a job.
49. “Nurses should be passionate about what they do, and strive to be the best. ” — Mentor Merlin
50. “Nursing is not for the faint of heart nor the empty of heart. ” – Unknown
51. “Wouldn’t it be great if we all grew up to be what we wanted to be? The world would be full of nurses, firemen, and ballerinas.” – Lily Tomlin
52. “It’s a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together. ” —Unknown
53. “If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything. ” — Win Borden
54. “The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking place beside the physician and the priest. ” — Unknown
55. Being a nurse practitioner is the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. It’s the best feeling when you know you’re making someone’s life better day by day.
56. “I may be a nursing student now, but I am already making a difference in the lives of my patients.”
57. “Be determined to handle any challenge in a way that will make you grow. ” — Les Brown
58. “We won't always know whose lives we touched and made better for our having cared, because actions can sometimes have unforeseen ramifications. What's important is that you do care and you act. ” — Charlotte Lunsford
59. “When you’re a nurse, you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours. ” — Anonymous
60. “I never dreamed about success—I worked for it. ” —Estée Lauder
61. “How can anybody hate nurses? Nobody hates nurses. The only time you hate a nurse is when they’re giving you an enema. ” —Warren Beatty
62. “My favorite time of day is shift change.”—Unknown
63. Nurses work tirelessly to provide the best care for their patients, often going above and beyond. This one’s for them! 😘
64. “Nurses are the backbone of healthcare.” – Donna Wilk Cardillo, nursing expert, and motivational speaker.
65. To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
66. I’m the type of nurse practitioner that embraces the skills of her profession and adds her own flair.
67. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.” – Dag Hammarskjöld, former Secretary-General of the United Nations.
68. “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. ” —Mother Teresa
69. “Be the nurse you would want as a patient. ” — Unknown
70. “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a Battle. ” — Plato
71. “Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, to serve, or to help. ” — Christina Feist-Heilmeier, RN
72. “I’m a nurse—nothing scares me. ” — Unknown
73. “Nurses are the hospitality of hospital.”
74. “By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity. ” — Robert A. Heinlein
75. Being a nurse means working in a variety of settings, embracing different challenges, and learning from all types of people. Hear what it takes to become one:
76. “It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly. ” — Stephen Ambrose, Author
77. “Every nurse is an angel with a key for healthy community!” — Alexsandar Radunovic
78. Nurses are the strongest, most powerful and most confident people on this planet. Nurses make it possible for us to get better!
79. I’m the person who touches people’s lives and changes them for the better.
80. “As nurses we know suffering. We are full aware of how precious each moment of life is. ” – Patricia Bratianu
81. Rejoice in your work; never lose sight of the nursing leader you are now and the nursing leader you will become.” — Sue Fitzsimons
82. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has. ” — Margaret Mead
83. I’ve become the nurse I wanted to be.
84. “Value what you do and add value by what you do. ”–unknown
85. “If you know your worth, no one can take it away from you.” 💪🏼
86. I would rather be a mediocre nurse than a great doctor any day.
87. “Nursing is not for everyone. It takes a very strong, intelligent, and compassionate person to take on the ills of the world with passion and purpose and work to maintain the health and well-being of the planet. No wonder we’re exhausted at the end of the day!” — Unknown
88. I believe in nursing. I believe in the power of care and compassion, and the ability to change lives.
89. “To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through; that is to be a nurse. ” — Rawsi Williams
90. “A nurse will know.” - Unknown
91. “Nursing is not for everyone. It takes a very strong, intelligent, and compassionate person to take on the ills of the world with passion and purpose and work to maintain the health and well-being of the planet.” – Donna Wilk Cardillo
92. Be the nurse practitioner that you want to see. Be the change you want to see.
93. Nurses are the superheroes of the healthcare system. And we are proud to wear the cape on National Nurses Week 💪🏽
94. Nurturing the future and protecting the present.
95. We give the best care to our patients because we care as much about them as they do. We are Nurses♥️
96. ” · “Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes. ” · “Be the nurse you would want
97. “A nurse is not what you do. It is what you are… I am a nurse. It’s not what I do, it’s what I AM. ”
98. “Speaking to numerous teachers and nurses, I am consistently struck by the sense of mission they have about their work. ” — Charles Kennedy
99. I’d rather be feared than loved. But I would rather love than be feared.
100. When you’ve done your best and it doesn’t turn out exactly the way you wanted, try to take a deep breath, count to 10 and say: “same shit different day.”
101. “Nurses are the heart of healthcare.” – Donna Wilk Cardill
102. In service, I am the gift that keeps on giving.
103. “Caring is the essence of nursing. ” — Jean Watson
104. “Nurses are the glue that holds the healthcare system together.”
105. “When I think about all the patients and their loved ones I have worked with over the years, I know most of them don’t remember me, nor I them. But I do know that I gave a little piece of myself to each of them, and they to me, and those threads make up the tapestry that is my career in nursing. ” — Donna Wilk Cardillo
106. “When I heard 2020 was going to be the year of the nurse, this is not what I expected…” — Unknown
107. Our nurses are some of the hardest working, most compassionate people on the planet. Today we celebrate you ✨
108. “No, I will not rub your feet. I am a nurse, not a masseur. ” — Unknown
109. I’m proud to be a nurse practitioner because I can care for people in a way that doctors cannot.
110. “Nursing school is an opportunity to learn, grow, and develop skills that will serve us for a lifetime.”
111. “Nurses are the hospitality of the hospital. ” — Unknown
112. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”—Leo Buscaglia
113. I’m a nurse practitioner. It’s my job to give you what you need, when you need it.
114. “Nursing is great for so many reasons, but there is one reason that means more than any poll results, amount of money, or job security: Nurses make a difference. ” — Brittany Wilson,
115. Nurses can do anything. Except, perhaps, fix a misplaced modifier.
116. I am proud to be a nurse 💕
117. “I am not a nurse. I am a nurse practitioner.” -Gerda Koppelmann
118. Nurses are the backbone of our health care system. #nursenurse
119. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs
120. I do what I do because I am passionate about helping people.
121. “Sometimes I have to remind myself around my non-nurse friends not to talk about bodily functions. ” — Unknown
122. The world is put back by the death of everyone who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality. – Florence Nightingale
123. “Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken. ” — Myrtle Aydelotte
124. “Bound by paperwork, short on hands, sleep, and energy….nurses are rarely short on caring.” – Sharon Hudacek
125. A nurse practitioner is a professional who can diagnose, treat and manage a broad spectrum of healthcare problems.”
126. “Nursing is one of the fine arts: I had almost said ‘the finest of fine arts.’”—Florence Nightingale
127. “Where there is love there is life. ” — Mahatma Gandhi
128. “The simple act of caring is heroic. ” — Edward Albert
129. “Nurses serve their patients in the most important capacities. We know that they serve as our first lines of communication when something goes wrong or when we are concerned about health.” – Lois Capps
130. “A nurse is one who opens the eyes of a newborn and gently closes the eyes of a dying man. It is indeed a high blessing to be the first and last to witness the beginning and end of life. ” — Unknown
131. “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”—Benjamin Spock
132. You taught me how to be a nurse, you cannot tell me how to be a patient.
133. Pushing yourself to be the best at what you do is the only way you’ll ever be great.
134. “There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver. ” — Rosalyn Carter
135. Be the first to know about consultations, job opportunities, and more. Stay up-to-date on the latest nursing trends and news.
136. “That’s Why I’m Proud To Be a Nurse” - Inspiring Stories and Quotes to Remind You Why You Became a Nurse In The First Place (Become a nurse, Become a registered ... school gifts, Nursing school books Book 4) Kindle Edition
137. Being a nurse practitioner is not a job that you do, it’s who you are.
138. I feel privileged to be a nurse and to have a platform to help educate the public on how the nursing profession has been grossly misrepresented.
139. Nurses are skilled professionals—so why do we call them ‘nurses’ instead of doctors?
140. “Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on Earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.” – Vincent Van Gogh
141. “Nursing is not for the empty of heart…nor the faint of heart. ” –unknown
142. I am the person who does not give up on the sick, even when all others have given up.
143. “The people who are on the front lines every day in hospitals, nurses, the people who are running clinics, the people who are taking care of your children, those are the people who are the lovers of the world, are the good of the world.” – Eve Ensler
144. “Panic plays no part in the training of a nurse.”—Elizabeth Kenny
145. “The longer I’m in the profession, the more experiences shape my life, the more amazing colleagues influence me, the more I see the micro and macro power of nursing.”
146. A nurse practitioner needs patience to nurture and compassion to heal.
147. Why be average when you can be the best. #nursepractitioner
148. “Nursing school has taught me to see each patient as a unique individual with their own story and needs.”
149. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ” –Leo Buscaglia
150. It’s not always about what you know, it’s more about who you are.
151. “As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the mind, soul, heart, and body of our patients. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”—Maya Angelou
152. “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” — Audrey Hepburn
153. “The nursing profession requires practitioners to develop leadership skills. ” — Mentor Merlin
154. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ” — Steve Jobs
155. Nurses, let’s work together to create a healthy future for our community. #RiseUpforHealth
156. It’s not just about what you do. It’s about who you are, how you do it and why.
157. Nurses help people; that’s why we do what we do. That’s how we roll.
158. “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”—Bishop T.D. Jakes
159. “Our job as nurses is to cushion the sorrow and celebrate the job every day while we are “just doing our jobs”. — Christine Belle
160. "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. ” — Shakespeare
161. I’m a nurse practitioner, not a nurse. NPs are the doctors of tomorrow. #nursesday
162. We wear a lot of hats, but these three are the most important: Nurse, Friend, Mother/Father.
163. “I was born to be a nurse, to hold, to aid, to save, to help, to teach, to inspire, it’s who I am, my calling, my passion, my life, and my world. ” — Unknown
164. I believe in nursing. The art, science and practice of caring for people in their homes, communities and health system settings.
165. Nursing is a calling. It’s an opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives every single day.
166. “Being a nurse is not all glamor and high fashion, but it is always rewarding. ” — Unknown
167. Our nurse leaders are proud to be among the ranks of nurses who have made such enormous contributions to health care.
168. “Nurses—one of the few blessings of being ill. ” —Sara Moss-Wolfe
169. I’m a nurse practitioner, not a nurse. And I’m proud to be the one who makes the difference in people’s lives every day.
170. Douglas Road, Suite 149
171. Real Men Marry Nurses
172. “Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts.”—Charles Dickens
173. “Being a nurse means to hold all your own tears and start drawing smiles on people’s faces. ” — Unknown
174. I’m a nurse practitioner. And I can prove it.
175. “Hardships often prepare people for an extraordinary destiny. ” —C. S. Lewis
176. My Heart Belong to My Patient
177. I am an RN, and proud to be one. I am the best at what I do. And even when things get hard, I still keep going and never give up.
178. “Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken.” – Myrtle Aydelotte, nursing leader and educator.
179. Nurses are proud to be a nurse quotes and captions for nurses.
180. “Doctors put a wall up between themselves and their patients; nurses broke it down.” – Jodi Picoult
181. “Good nurses greatly contribute to the success and stability of healthcare institutions and to the mental and physical wellbeing of their patients. ” — Mentor Merlin
182. “A nurse dispenses comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription. ” — Val Saintsbury
183. “Nursing is not just an art, it has a heart. Nursing is not just a science, but it has a conscience.” – Donna Wilk Cardillo
184. “Our job as nurses is to cushion the sorrow and celebrate the job, ever day, while we are “just doing our jobs”.” – Christine Belle
185. “The people who are on the front lines every day in hospitals, nurses, the people who are running clinics, the people who are taking care of your children, those are the people who are the lovers of the world, are the good of the world. ” — Eve Ensler
186. “Nursing is not just an art, it has a heart. Nursing is not just a science, but it has a conscience. ” — Unknown
187. “A nurse is compassion in scrubs. ” – Lexie Saige
188. “The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest. ” —Dr. William Osler, Canadian physician and founder of Johns Hopkins University
189. “Nurses are there when the last breath is taken, and nurses are there when the first breath is taken. Although it is more enjoyable to celebrate the birth, it is just as important to comfort in death.” – Christine Belle
190. #NursesUnite is a global event of nurses, for nurses, as well as a movement for affordable healthcare and safe staffing. Nurses Unite!
191. “Nurses: one of the few blessings of being ill.”—Sara Moss-Wolfe
192. “Being a nurse means being there for your patients during their darkest hours.”
193. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. ” —William Shakespeare
194. It takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself and speak your mind, but it’s even more courageous to stand up for others. #nursepractitioner
195. “A good adult nurse is also highly observant, able to assess patients and take responsibility for determining the best course of action for them. ” — Mentor Merlin
196. A nurse practitioner is the best kind of doctor because she sees both the patient and the whole person.
197. “Knowing is better than wondering, waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worse, beats the hell out of never trying. ” — Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
198. Nurses are an essential part of the healthcare system that is central to our society. They take care of us when we’re sick and heal us.
199. “Confidence is not ‘they will like me,’ confidence is “I’ll be fine if they don’t. ” Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don’t let these feelings stop them. ” – T. Harv Eker
200. “Nursing school challenges me to be the best version of myself every day.”
201. We don’t only provide care, we live it and breathe it. #NP
202. “You really can change the world if you care enough. ” — Marian Wright Edelman
203. “I am grateful for every mistake and success I have as a nursing student, as it prepares me for my future career.”
204. “I attribute my success to this—I never gave or took an excuse.”—Florence Nightingale
205. “You can either close your eyes to the pain in life or you can open them, and ease the pain for everyone else. ” ― Anthony T. Hincks
206. Being a nurse practitioner doesn’t hold me back, it makes me stronger.
207. “To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do in spite of all we go through; that is to be a nurse. ” — Rawsi Williams
208. “The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest.” - William Osler
209. “Whether a person is male or female, a nurse is a nurse. ” — Gary Veale
210. Being a nurse practitioner is not an easy job. It takes courage, strength and perseverance. Here’s to the nurse practitioners who go above and beyond for others!
211. Helping to make a positive difference in someone’s life is only made possible with the help of nurses like you.
212. “Nursing is a profession of selflessness. You give not to receive, but simply to serve those in need. ” — Unknown
213. “It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing.”—Mother Teresa
214. “Nurses may not be angels, but they are the next best thing.”
215. “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. ” —Maya Angelou
216. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. ” — Earl Nightingale
217. “Just so you know, doctors are here to diagnose, not heal. We heal. ” — Edie Falco in Nurse Jackie
218. Nurses are the backbone of our healthcare system, with the highest job satisfaction and the most opportunities in healthcare.
219. “Value what you do and add value by what you do. ” —Unknown
220. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. ” —Dag Hammarskjold
221. We were made to heal. Made to help. Made to serve.
222. Nursing is a work of heart, but it’s also a science. When you see someone who can pull this off, it’s an awesome thing to watch.
223. “An effective nurse is caring, understanding, non-judgmental, and has a strong ability to empathize with patients from all walks of life. ” — Mentor Merlin
224. Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts.” — Charles Dickens
225. Nurses, make healthcare a priority by embracing self-care. There is strength in numbers. Join the #NursesUnite movement today to get involved.
226. “No, I will not rub your feet. I am a nurse, not a masseur. ” —Unknown
227. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ” — Jim Rohn
228. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
229. Nurses are an important part of the healthcare team.
230. “I have always been impressed with a person’s hard work, that is the basis of their future success.”
231. “The character of a nurse is just as important as the knowledge she possesses. ” — Carolyn Jarvis
232. I am not just a nurse, I am a person who lives their values everyday.
233. “Nurses never tell you what they know. They’re hired for their cheeriness and the thickness of their hair. They need to look alive and healthy, to give the patients something to aim for.” – Jenny Downham
234. “There is no greater contribution than to help the weak.” - Walt Whitman
235. “A Nurse will always give us hope an Angel with a stethoscope.”- Terri Guillemets
236. “Nurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription. ” — Val Saintsbury
237. I am a nurse practitioner because I care about people. Because I want to make a difference in the world, not just for my family, but those around me too.
238. Nurses have a unique ability to comfort and heal. It is what nurses do.
239. “The 3 words most people want to hear: ‘I love you. ’ The 3 words nurses want to hear: ‘Alert, Oriented, and Ambulatory. ”–unknown
240. “Don’t mess with me — I get paid to poke people with sharp objects. ”–unknown
241. “How many nurses does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None! They delegate it to the nursing student. ” — Unknown
242. “Yes, I am a nurse. No, I don’t want to look at it.”—Unknown
243. Nurses see you at your best and worst moments. We rely on empathy and compassion in our career and so should you. #nursesareangels
244. Don’t aim for perfection. Aim for continuous improvement and health. Nurses have the power to change people’s lives.
245. “Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw. ” — Jean Watson
246. “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone. ” — John Maxwell
247. “Not all angels have wings…some have scrubs. ” — Unknown
248. “Nothing will work unless you do.”—Maya Angelou
249. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring; all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ” — Leo Buscaglia
250. Care is a state in which something does matter; it is the source of human tenderness. ― Rollo May
251. “It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing. ” —Mother Teresa
252. “It’s the new nurses who aren’t scared that worry me”–every nursing instructor ever (and they’re right!)
253. “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. ” – Benjamin Spock
254. “Nursing is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said the finest of Fine Arts. ” — Florence Nightingale
255. “The best way to succeed as a nursing student is to be passionate about the work we do.”
256. “It’s just like nurses in a hospital tend to know more than the doctors most of the time; if you really want to get the answers to a question about the court, you should spend more time buttering up the clerks than the judges. ” — Jodi Picoult
257. Nurses are the bridge between doctors and their patients, always willing to listen and provide compassionate care.
258. A nurse is a person who practices nursing and helps people to feel better.
259. Nurses don’t just take care of people. We take care of each other. That’s why we’re proud to be a nurse.
260. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ” —Dr. Seuss
261. “America’s nurses are the beating heart of our medical system. ” — Barack Obama
262. “Bound by paperwork, short on hands, sleep, and energy, nurses are rarely short on caring. ” — Sharon Hudacek
263. “Way back before you were born, God knew there was a need. So God picked your fertile heart and planted a caring seed. Then He waited and He watched. Knowing before too long, the desire in you to help others would continue to grow strong.” – Edwin C. Hofert, The Calling
264. Nurses are the reason why I’m proud to be a nurse.
265. Nurses are the best healthcare providers, because they can help you feel better and get back to your normal routine as soon as possible.
266. “Doing a little bit of good here and there makes everything a little bit better, everywhere. ” ― Richie Norton
267. Nurses Life
268. “Nurses: one of the few blessings of being ill. ” — Sara Moss-Wolfe
269. Being a nurse is more than a profession, it’s a calling.
270. “Doctors put a wall up between themselves and their patients; nurses broke it down. ” — Unknown
271. Future Nurse On Duty
272. “Nursing school is tough, but so are the patients who need us.”
273. What does it mean to be a nurse?
274. “Last year, I had a patient who spent a long time in our unit with a life-threatening illness. The patient and his family were determined to beat the illness, pushing for only the best outcome. I shared with them that we work for the best outcome and nothing less, but that the most important part of our work is about more than outcomes – it’s about those moments when the patient, family and care team are all working together seamlessly, dedicated to healing. This is why I come to work every day.”
275. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.” – Dag Hammarskjold
276. To be a nurse, you must be a doctor who never sees patients. To be a nurse you must have the heart of a nurse and the brain of a doctor.
277. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”—Earl Nightingale
278. “I never dreamed about success—I worked for it.”—Estée Lauder
279. I’m a nurse practitioner. I take care of people. And I love my job. The people that I work with, they’re the most incredible group of individuals ever!
280. I take pride in my work and I love what I do.
281. Nursing: The most satisfying feeling is when you find a solution to help someone else.
282. “There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver. ” — Rosalyn Carter
283. Nurses are a very important part of the healthcare team. Go, Nurses. 💯 #nursing
284. Nurses are the people who bring hope and comfort to people in pain.
285. “Nursing school is challenging, but the support and encouragement of our peers and mentors make it bearable.”
286. Every patient is a miracle, and every professional is an artist craftsman. # nursespreneurs
287. “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. ” — Maya Angelou
288. A nurse’s work is never done.
289. I don’t have time to breathe, I have time to make a difference. – Dr. Faith G. Harris
290. “To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do in spite of all we go through; that is to be a NURSE. ” — Rawsi Williams
291. Nursing leads the way in healthcare. This month, we’re celebrating how nurses change lives and save lives every day. #NursesWeek
292. “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it. ” —Art Williams, businessman and coach
293. The real heroes are the ones behind the 🛑. Nurses are #thebest ⚕️
294. “Being a nurse is weird: I can keep a poker face through trauma, but have a mental breakdown over losing my favorite pen. ” — Unknown
295. “I am a mom and a nurse. Nothing scares me.”—Unknown
296. “Panic plays no part in the training of a nurse. ” —Elizabeth Kenny, Australian bush nurse
297. “I’ve come to the realization that I’ll touch anything as long as I have gloves on. ” —Unknown
298. It’s what I do. It’s who I am. It’s my passion, my purpose, and I’m here to help you achieve yours too.
299. “It is not enough to be compassionate— you must act. ” — The Dalai Lama
300. Nurses, do you have what it takes to be one of the best? Take the quiz to find out: http://nurse.trustedsites.org/landing-page.html
301. “Being a nursing student means being a lifelong learner, committed to continuous improvement.”
302. “A nurse is compassion in scrubs. ” — Lexie Saige · 2. “Caring is the essence of nursing. ” — Jean Watson · 3. “Nurses are the hospitality of the
303. “Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s work. ” — Florence Nightingale
304. Don’t let other people’s opinions about you define who you are. Be an example to those around you, and always be there for your patients.
305. “The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe. ”–Florence Nightingale
306. Nurses Rock! Nurses save lives and change the world. Band together in October to recognize what nurses do.
307. “Nursing is a noble profession, filled with wonderful people, and with the support of each other, you can go on providing great care to vulnerable patients all over the world. ” — Mentor Merlin
308. “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. ” — Winston Churchill
309. “When you’re a nurse you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours. ” – Unknown
310. I am a nurse practitioner who lives to make a difference in people’s lives. While I am not perfect, I strive to have integrity and follow my heart’s passion.
311. “I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them. ” — Unknown
312. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ” —Nelson Mandela
313. “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can see. ” — Mark Twain
314. I wouldn’t change a thing about the way I am, because those are the things that help me to make you healthier and happier.
315. “Bound by paperwork, short on hands, sleep, and energy… nurses are rarely short on caring. ” — Sharon Hudacek
316. I am not just a nurse, I’m a fighter…a survivor…a warrior. I am unique and so are you. Be proud to be the best version of yourself.
317. “It’s okay to learn from every experience, and it’s okay to make mistakes. ”– Louise Hay
318. We change lives, just like we’re changing this healthcare system—one patient at a time.
319. Your health is your most valuable asset. To protect it, develop a plan and be proactive in taking actions that will preserve quality of life.
320. “Teachers and nurses get the best seats in heaven. ” — Arnold Schwarzenegger
321. “Nurses: one of the few blessings of being ill.” – Sara Moss-Wolfe
322. If a Nurse Practitioner can’t fix it, there is no hope for it.
323. “When you feel like quitting, remember why you started. ” —Unknown
324. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke
325. I’m proud to be a nurse. I follow my passion and don’t take no for an answer.
326. I was given a gift from God, the ability to take care of people.
327. “Save one life, you're a hero. · 2. “A nurse is not what you do. · 3. “Nurses are a unique kind
328. “I do know that I gave a little piece of myself to each of them, and they to me, and those threads make up the tapestry that is my career in nursing. ” — Donna Wilk Cardillo
329. I am a nurse practitioner, not a nurse. I care for people in their homes and communities.
330. We are what we do. We are the sum total of our actions. Got a good one for us? Tag us #nursepractitionerlife
331. Nurses are essential. Nurses are appreciated. Nurses rock!
332. “Forgive yourself, you are not perfect. Show yourself grace; you are still learning. Show yourself patience; you are on a journey. ”–unknown
333. You’re a nurse. You’re a problem-solver. You’re an advocate for patients. That’s how you roll.
334. Nurses are the heart and soul of healthcare. Here’s to an amazing team of nurses at Sinai Health System–Chicago.
335. I am a Nurse Practitioner because I love taking care of people. I can see their eyes light up and hear them say, “yes, that feels good” when they are no longer in pain.
336. “Nurses: one of the few blessings of being ill. ” — Sara Moss-Wolfe
337. “One of the most important nursing habits to maintain is respecting patients’ privacy. ” — Mentor Merlin
338. Every day, we hear about new breakthroughs in health care. But to see them play out in person is truly remarkable. That’s why I chose to become a nurse.
339. “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. ” —Chinese proverb
340. “Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on Earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. ” — Vincent Van Gogh
341. “Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes.”
342. “Diagnosis is not the end, but the beginning of practice. ” — Martin H. Fischer
343. “Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, to serve, or to help. ” — Christina Feist-Heilmeier
344. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. ” —Mahatma Gandhi
345. “When I think about all the patients and their loved ones I have worked with over the years, I know most of them don’t remember me, nor I them. But I do know that I gave a little piece of myself to each of them, and they to me, and those threads make up the tapestry that is my career in nursing. ” —Donna Wilk Cardillo, MA, RN, CSP
346. “Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes. ” — Unknown
347. “A nurse will always give us hope, an Angel with a stethoscope. ” — Terri Guillemets
348. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others – and that’s what nursing is all about.”
349. We’re honored to profile these inspiring nurses who aren’t just treating patients, they’re keeping families healthy.
350. “Power is the ability to do good things for others. ” — Unknown
351. I’ve been called a lot of things in my lifetime, but never “doctor.” I chose to be a nurse practitioner so that I could make a difference.
352. “If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything. ” – Win Borden
353. It is the lens through which we view the world. It is that sense of purpose that drives our passion to help others and experience new adventures.
354. “Yes, I am a nurse. No, I don’t want to look at it. ” — Unknown
355. “Nursing is a progressive art such that to stand still is to go backwards. ” — Florence Nightingale
356. “God appoints our graces to be nurses to other men’s weakness.” – Henry Ward Beecher
357. Nurses save lives. Empowering nurses requires enabling all nurses. .. ~ Jody Baker
358. You can have all the tools in the world but if you don’t genuinely believe in yourself, it’s useless.
359. “When a person decides to become a nurse, they make the most important decision of their lives. They choose to dedicate themselves to the care of others. ” — Margaret Harvey
360. From day one, you’ve been a nurse. Today, you get to celebrate with your peers. Congratulations on National Nursing Day!
361. A nurse practitioner is a nurse who is also a physician, who has earned advanced practice certification in the care of adults and older adults.
362. “Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day. ” – H. Jackson Brown Jr
363. “My inspiration for becoming a children’s nurse came from experiences from my childhood. My parents are deaf and from a young age I became a young carer for them, as well as helping to look after my younger siblings. I loved being able to do this and it sparked my passion for a caring career.
364. We must be the change we want to see. –Gandhi
365. “He Is A Teenager!” Watch Keepers Try And Fail To Wake Sleepy 22-Year-Old Anteater
366. We make a difference in lives because we have the courage to look them in the eyes and say, “I’m here for you.”
367. “All in caring for patients is part of nursing soul!” — Alexsandar Radunovic
368. “Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of the fine arts: I almost said the finest of fine arts.” - Florence Nightingale
369. “Being organized is an absolute must as a nurse! Remembering when to give patients medication is the foundation of the job, so keep track of everything and be on time. ” — Mentor Merlin
370. “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”—Mother Teresa
371. “When I heard 2020 was going to be the year of the nurse, this is not what I expected…”–unknown
372. “When you’re a nurse you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours.” – Author Unknown
373. “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation” — Aristotle
374. “A good adult nurse is also highly observant, able to assess patients, and take responsibility for determining the best course of action for them. ” — Mentor Merlin
375. “Remember, I’m a nurse. You’re going to have to say a lot to gross me out. ” —Unknown
376. “I am a nurse practitioner, not just a doctor. I care deeply about patients and their health, so I will always be there for you to help make your life better.”
377. I’m a nurse practitioner and proud to be one. I get to bring health, strength and hope to others.
378. “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy; I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”—Art Williams
379. “A nurse should be passionate about what you do and strive to be the best. ” — Mentor Merlin
380. “Nurses quietly go about their work in a noble profession, uncelebrated soldiers toiling through the days and nights in service to the sick, the injured, and the dying. ” — Steve Lopez
381. “A nurse is a compassion in scrubs. ” — Lexie Saige
382. “Being a nursing student means having the privilege and responsibility of caring for others.”
383. “Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, to serve, or to help. ” — Christina Feist – Heilmeier, RN
384. “Nurses are the heart of healthcare. ” —Donna Wilk Cardillo, MA, RN, CSP
385. The future of healthcare is in good hands.
386. Nothing is impossible when you have the right attitude, work ethic and support system.
387. Blessed Nurses
388. “There will always be a nurse who does more than they are supposed to. ” — Unknown
389. “I had always been interested in working with people with disabilities but knew I needed more than what being a support worker could offer me. Until a talk was given at my college, I didn’t know that learning disability nursing existed! The University has been a brilliant choice for me. I love listening to the lecturers tell stories about life as a nurse. It really inspires me to continue on my path, as I hope one day to be the nurse telling the stories to others.
390. “The doctors may be mapping out the war games, but it is the nurses who make the conflict bearable.” – Jodi Picoult
391. I am thankful for being a nurse practitioner, because I get to help people every day.
392. I’m proud to be a nurse. Nurses make the world a better place.
393. Nurses are the heart of our healthcare system, and they do it all selflessly. [7]
394. Nothing worth doing can be achieved without risk.
395. The joy of my heart. #nursingstudent #nursesareangels #nurseappreciationweek
396. “There is a sort of gratification in doing good which makes us rejoice in ourselves. ” — Michel de Montaigne
397. “I am among those who think that science has great beauty. ”–Marie Curie
398. “Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, to serve, or to help. ” —Christina Feist-Heilmeier, RN
399. “When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million empty words. ” — Unknown
400. “It’s just like nurses in a hospital tend to know more than the doctors most of the time; if you really want to get the answers to a question about court, you should spend more time buttering up the clerks than the judges.” – Jodi Picoult
401. “Our job as nurses is to cushion the sorrow and celebrate the job, every day, while we are ‘just doing our jobs. ’” —Christine Belle
402. Mom Wife Nurse
403. “I attribute my success to this—I never gave or took any excuse. ” — Florence Nightingale
404. “Nursing is a profession of selflessness. · 2. “A nurse is one who opens the eyes of a newborn and gently closes the eyes of a dying man. · 3
405. “Fill your mind with truth. Fill your heart with love. Fill your life with service. ” —Vaughn J. Featherstone, American missionary
406. “A nurse is one who opens the eyes of a newborn and gently close the eyes of a dying man. It is indeed a high blessing to be the first and last to witness the beginning and end of life.”
407. Nurses are the heart and soul of America’s healthcare system, working day in and day out to help heal others.
408. “I am inspired every day by the nurses who came before me and paved the way for my education and career.”
409. “An effective nurse is caring, understanding, non-judgmental and has a strong ability to empathize with patients from all walks of life. ” —Mentor Merlin
410. With a career in nursing, you can change lives every day. #happyinternationalnursesday
411. There is no greater reward than the respect and trust of a patient you have taken care of.
412. The world is put back by the death of everyone who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality. — Florence Nightingale
413. “Success comes to those who are too busy to look for it.”— Henry David Thoreau
414. When our nurses speak out against injustice, we stand with them. When they lead the way in new approaches to practice, we listen and learn.
415. “Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses…. we must be learning all of our lives. ” — Florence Nightingale
416. I believe in the power of positivity, I believe in the power of a smile and I believe in the power of kindness.
417. “Nurse: the first person you see after saying, ‘Hold my beer and watch this!’” — Unknown
418. An education in nursing is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself and your family.
419. “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For passion will lead you right into your purpose. ” —Bishop T. D. Jakes, evangelist
420. Be a nurse that makes a difference.
421. “It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly.” – Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist and cosmologist.
422. “Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts. ” —Charles Dickens
423. “Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts. ” — Charles Dickens
424. What we do is give people back their lives.
425. Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system. Nurses are the unsung heroes of the healthcare community. Nurses are the heart, soul, and spirit of healing.
426. “A nurse is not what you do. It is what you are…. I am a nurse. It’s not what I do, it’s what I am. ” —Unknown
427. Living That Nurses Life
428. Gratitude is the memory of the heart.
429. “Caring is the essence of Nursing.” – Jean Watson
430. “How very little can be done under the spirit of fear. ” —Florence Nightingale
431. Nurses represent the heart of our healthcare system. We’re honored to celebrate National Nurses Week. 👩⚕️
432. I’m a nurse. I’ve got all the answers. Yes, even to questions you didn’t ask!
433. “Every nurse is an angel with a key for healthy community! All in caring for patients is part of nursing soul!” – Alexsandar Radunovic
434. “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation.”—Aristotle
435. “The more love and support your child receives, the richer his or her life becomes, and nurses can certainly add to the circle of love surrounding your child.” – Charisse Montgomery
436. “God appoints our graces to be NURSES to other men’s weaknesses. ” —Henry Ward Beecher
437. “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.”—Marie Curie
438. Nurse Is My Duty
439. “Nursing is great for so many reasons, but there is one reason that means more than any poll results, amount of money, or job security: Nurses make a difference.”
440. “Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, to serve, or to help.” – Christina Feist-Heilmeier, RN
441. There is no better feeling than helping someone in need and knowing you were able to do it. Nurse ❤️
442. Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes.” — Unknown
443. “The 3 words most people want to hear: ‘I love you. ’ The 3 words nurses want to hear: ‘Alert, Oriented, and Ambulatory. ” — Unknown
444. “Save one life and you’re a hero, save one hundred lives and you’re a nurse. ” — Unknown
445. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. ” — Dag Hammarskjold
446. “Wouldn’t it be great if we all grew up to be what we wanted to be? The world would be full of nurses, firemen, and ballerinas. ” — Lily Tomlin
447. “No, RN does not stand for ‘Refreshments and Narcotics. ’” — Unknown
448. “Nurses are angels in disguise.” - Unknown
449. “Let’s start with the first benefit to nursing: Altruism – the unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness. Nurses help people. It’s that simple. In 2012, nurses once again appeared at the top of Gallup’s annual survey of “Most Trusted Professions.” The perception of our profession is that we care in many different forms of that word… Nurses help people. And in doing so, we receive the unmatched satisfaction of knowing that we have made a difference to patients and their families.”
450. “Don’t mess with me—I get paid to stab people with sharp objects. ” —Unknown
451. “Hardships often prepare people for an extraordinary destiny. ” — C. S. Lewis
452. A nurse practitioner is a caring and compassionate healthcare provider who has mastered the art of treating patients and managing their health care.
453. “It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly.” – Stephen Ambrose
454. The doctors may be mapping out the war games, but it is the nurses who make the conflict bearable. — Jodi Picoult
455. “Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible. ” ― Tia Walker
456. Nurses are #heroes who work tirelessly 24/7 to keep our loved ones safe and healthy. Thank you for your service!
457. “As nurses we know suffering. We are fully aware of how precious each moment of life is. We learn to live well.
458. Nothing is impossible. With hard work and determination we can achieve anything we want.
459. “Nursing is great for so many reasons, but there is one reason that means more than any poll results, amount of money, or job security: Nurses make a difference. ” — Brittney Wilson, RN, BSN
460. “Nursing school. One syllabus at a time. One class at a time. One exam at a time. One clinical at a time. Keep going…” — Unknown
461. “Happiness … consists of giving, and in serving others. ” —Henry Drummond, evangelist
462. We are proud to be a nurse. Nurses care for the most vulnerable and help heal those in need. Thank you to all the nurses out there who do this work so selflessly.
463. The most rewarding part of my #career is the opportunity to build relationships through trust.
464. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ” — Leo Buscaglia
465. “Sometimes I inspire my patients; more often they inspire me.”
466. Nurses always answer their calling—even if that means going into overtime.
467. “I know that nurses are not only the largest healthcare professions but are responsible for the delivery of most healthcare, and are often in the best place to be able to see the whole pathway of care.” – Andrew Lansley
468. Nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare. Learn how to become a nurse
469. The most important job in the world is to tend to your own health.
470. “Yes, I am a nurse. No, I don’t want to look at it. ” —Unknown
471. I am a nurse. I was born to heal, comfort, and care for others. I will offer compassion and empathy to all; inspire and be inspired by those around me.
472. Nursing means caring for people from all walks of life, from all over the world. Nurses are #nursemoms and #nursekids. Join us in our mission to help those in need.
473. “Save one person, you’re a hero. Save hundreds, you’re a nurse. ”–unknown
474. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
475. “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom. ” — Earl Shoaf
476. “You don’t build a house without its foundation. You don’t build a hospital without its nurses. ” — Unknown
477. “Who inspires me to be a nurse? Every nurse who doesn’t turn their back on nursing students, or graduate nurses, every nurse who acknowledges it’s okay and simply human to make foolish mistakes, every nurse who takes a moment of their time to help when you’re scared, and every nurse who remembers what it’s like to be a beginner.” – Anonymous Nurse
478. “Because nurses have the most direct patient care, they have much influence on serious treatment decisions. It is a very high stakes job. ” — Judy Evans
479. “Nurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription. ” —Val Saintsbury
480. “People who care about health and wellness, that’s what nurses do.”
481. “How can anybody hate nurses? Nobody hates nurses. The only time you hate a nurse is when they’re giving you an enema.”—Warren Beatty
482. “Remember: Nurses are like icebergs. At any one time, you are only seeing what they are actually doing. ” — Ian Miller
483. “You know you’re a nurse when your finger has gone places you never thought possible. ”–unknown
484. When you know your own worth, it is impossible to accept a paycheck that is less than what you deserve.
485. let’s eliminate the ‘us’ and ‘them’ when it comes to nurses—we are all one team with the same mission: to provide compassionate, quality care.
486. “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ” — Mark Twain
487. I don’t just give people medicine, I give them hope.
488. If you’re passionate about your profession, all the hours and long days are worthwhile. Take time to enjoy life and be proud of what you do!
489. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. ” —Dag Hammarskjöld, Swedish economist and diplomat
490. “Remember, I’m a nurse. You’re going to have to say a lot to gross me out. ” — Unknown
491. “I’m a nurse because ‘miracle worker’ isn’t an official title. ” —Unknown
492. Nursing is changing lives, one patient at a time.
493. “Nurses are there when the last breath is taken. ” — Christine Bell
494. “Nurses encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken.” – Myrtle Aydelotte
495. “Care for one…that’s love. Care for hundreds…that’s nursing. ” — Unknown
496. “Nurses don’t wait until October to celebrate “Make a Difference Day”. They make a difference every day!”
497. “Nurses are the heart of healthcare. ” — Donna Wilk Cardillo
498. “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. ” — E. E. Hale
499. In nursing, we rely on our colleagues and our patients to help us succeed, and there’s no better feeling.
500. The most important thing to a nurse is a sense of confidence and competence.
501. “Nurses serve their patients in the most important capacities. We know that they serve as our first lines of communication when something goes wrong or when we are concerned about health. ” — Unknown
502. Nurses have a unique ability to provide a sense of hope, comfort, and healing—in the short time they have with patients.
503. “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation. ” – Aristotle
504. “Sometimes I have to remind myself around my non-nurse friends not to talk about bodily functions. ” —Unknown
505. “I am among those who think that science has great beauty. ” ‘— Marie Curie
506. nurses are not just the backbone of the healthcare team, but also its soul.
507. “Nurses never tell you what they know. They’re hired for their cheeriness and the thickness of their hair. They need to look alive and healthy, to give the patients something to aim for. ” — Jenny Downham
508. One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested. — E. M. Forster
509. Bookmark the nurse practitioner, you’ll want to refer back to it all the time.
510. “It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing. ” — Mother Teresa
511. If a nurse declines to do these kinds of things for her patient, “because it is not her business,” I should say that nursing was not her calling. I have seen surgical “sisters,” women whose hands were worth to them two or three guineas a-week, down upon their knees scouring a room or hut, because they thought it otherwise not fit for their patients to go into. I am far from wishing nurses to scour. It is a waste of power. But I do say that these women had the true nurse-calling—the good of their sick first, and second only the consideration what it was their “place” to do—and that women who wait for the housemaid to do this, or for the charwoman to do that, when their patients are suffering, have not the making of a nurse in them. ”–Florence Nightingale
512. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”—Steve Jobs
513. ”—Donna Wilk Cardillo · “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as
514. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ” — Steve Jobs
515. A nurse practitioner has the education, skill and compassion to care for people holistically. #nurseswag
516. “The nursing profession requires practitioners to develop leadership skills. This enables staff to cope with the nature of responsibilities placed upon them. It is common for nurses to work long hours, including during weekends and holidays. ” — Mentor Merlin
517. Nurses Saving Lives One Patient at Time
518. “A caress, a smile, is full of meaning for one who is sick. It is a simple gesture, but encouraging, he or she feels accompanied, feels closer to being healed, feels like a person, not a number. ”– Pope Francis
519. “I know that nurses are not only the largest healthcare professions but are responsible for the delivery of most healthcare, and are often in the best place to be able to see the whole pathway of care. ” — Andrew Lansley
520. “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. ” —Anthony J. D’Angelo, educator
521. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”—Nelson Mandela
522. “Apprehension, uncertainty, waiting, expectation, fear of surprise, do a patient more harm than any exertion. ” —Florence Nightingale
523. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. ” — Mahatma Gandhi
524. We are proud to be nurses. That’s why we strive to deliver care that is safer and more effective than ever before.
525. “Night nurse, oh, the pain is getting worse!” — Gregory Isaacs
526. “When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million empty words. ”–unknown
527. “Learn from the mistakes of others.”—Eleanor Roosevelt
528. I’m proud to be a nurse. It’s why I’ve dedicated my whole life to helping others.
529. “Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.”—H. Jackson Brown Jr.
530. “America’s nurses are the beating heart of our medical system.”—Barack Obama
531. When you’re a nurse, you learn to think like a doctor and act like a patient. That’s the best of both worlds!
532. “It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly. ” — Stephen Ambrose
533. “The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm. ” — Florence Nightingale
534. “To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through; that is to be a nurse.” – Rawsi Williams
535. “For the sick, it is important to have the best. ” — Florence Nightingale
536. “Never underestimate the healing effects of beauty. ” — Florence Nightingale
537. includes tax, if applicable
538. “Nurses encompass an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken. ” — Myrtle Aydelotte
539. I’m a nurse practitioner and I can’t think of anything more rewarding than helping people.
540. “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.”—Salvador Dali
541. “How can anybody hate nurses? Nobody hates nurses. The only time you hate a nurse is when they’re giving you an enema. ” — Warren Beatty
542. I’m here to help you see and live a healthier life. I’m your nurse practitioner, and I look forward to seeing you next week.
543. “Save one life, you’re a hero. Save 100 lives, you’re a Nurse. ” — Unknown
544. “Nursing is not a career … it’s a post-apocalyptic survival skill. ” —Unknown
545. “I may be a nursing student now, but I am already a part of the nursing community.”
546. Being a nurse is the best job in the world. Touching people’s lives is something you don’t get paid for, but it’s the biggest payoff of them all.
547. “Forgive yourself; you are not perfect. Show yourself grace; you are still learning. Show yourself patience; you are on a journey. ” —Unknown
548. Being a nurse is an honor—and we’d like to recognize the people in our lives who make that special. Thank you for your compassion, insight, and hard work.
549. “As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul, and body of our patients, their families, and ourselves. They may not remember your name but they will never forget the way you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
550. “America’s nurses are the beating heart of our medical system. ” —Barack Obama
551. “Being a nurse is not all glamour and high fashion but it is always rewarding.”
552. “Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw.”—Jean Watson
553. “Nurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription.” – Val Saintsbury
554. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
555. “Don’t let anyone treat you like an expired 24 butterfly gauge. You are a #16 in the left forearm with excellent venous return!”–unknown
556. “The longer I’m in the profession, the more experiences shape my life, the more amazing colleagues influence me, the more I see the micro and macro power of nursing. ” — Joni Watson, MBA, MSN, RN, OCN
557. “Nurses – nurses, you’m all the same. Full of cheerfulness over other people’s troubles.” – Agatha Christie
558. I am a nurse practitioner and I know how to take care of myself.
559. Sometimes I’m asked why I became a nurse — and my question to them is, “Why wouldn’t you?”
560. Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. — William James
561. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. ” — Earl Nightingale
562. What we do, we do because it matters. What we say, we say because it’s true.
563. “Nursing is a work of heart.”
564. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.” - Dag Hammarskjold
565. “Nurses are the hospitality of the hospital. ” – Carrie Latet
566. I’m proud to be a nurse practitioner because in the end, it’s all about the patient. (…) It’s not about how smart we are, but how much we care
567. “A nurse is one who opens the eyes of a newborn and gently closes the eyes of a dying man. It is indeed a high blessing to be the first and last to witness the beginning and end of life. ” —Unknown
568. “The phenomenon of the nurse-patient relationship and its ability to affect the overall treatment of a patient is a central topic to the studying of nursing. The focus is usually on the ability of the nurse to impact the patient, but we often forget how much the patient can impact the nurse.”
569. “I’m a nurse because ‘miracle worker’ isn’t an official title. ” — Unknown
570. “Teachers and nurses get the best seats in heaven. ” — Arnold Schwarzenegger
571. She is one of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met – and one of my biggest inspirations. I’m so proud to be a nurse! #NationalNursesDay
572. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia
573. “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. ” — Unknown
574. “The perception of our profession is that we care in many different forms of that word… Nurses help people. And in doing so, we receive the unmatched satisfaction of knowing that we have made a difference to patients and their families. ” — Dawn Marino, RN, BSN, HNB-BC
575. “A nurse will always give us hope—an angel with a stethoscope. ” — Terri Guillemets
576. We’re nurses who believe in working hard and smart. We’ll walk through fire and break your heart to keep you healthy. Happy National Nurses Week!
577. “Don’t mess with me—I get paid to stab people with sharp objects. ” —Unknown
578. You’re only as strong as your weakest link. So when you do something, do it with joy because you are making a difference in someone’s life
579. To be a nurse practitioner is to choose a career that allows you to make a difference in the lives of others.
580. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. ” · 2. “America's nurses are
581. “When a person decides to become a nurse, they make the most important decision of their lives. They choose to dedicate themselves to the care of others. ” — Margaret Harvey
582. “Treat the patient as a whole, not just the hole in the patient. ” — Unknown
583. We make our patients better. We make their lives better.
584. “Being a nurse means long days that will sometimes have little or no breaks. ” — Mentor Merlin
585. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
586. “When you are a nurse, you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours. ” — Anonymous
587. “Save one life, you’re a hero. Save 100 lives, you’re a nurse.”
588. “It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing. ” — Mother Teresa
589. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. ” — Dale Carnegie
590. “It is a blessing to be a nurse and to be able to give. ” — Unknown
591. “I attribute my success to this:—I never gave or took an excuse. ” — Florence Nightingale
592. “The character of a nurse is as important as the knowledge she possesses.”—Carolyn Jarvis
593. When you’re a nurse, you don’t just deal with sick people. You deal with the whole person.
594. “Never underestimate the healing effects of beauty. ”–Florence Nightingale
595. A nurse practitioner is a patient’s best advocate, involved in every facet of healthcare from diagnosis to treatment.
596. Nurses will never be fully appreciated until everyone has a nurse.
597. It’s a powerful feeling to do what you do best for people who need you most.
598. “I am of certain convinced that the greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel. ”–Florence Nightingale
599. “Nurses encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken. ” — Myrtle Aydelotte
600. “Nursing is a truly inspiring and thoroughly rewarding career like no other; however, for all of the amazing things we experience on a daily basis, there are also tough parts to deal with, like stress, long hours, and struggling to make time for family. ” — Mentor Merlin
601. I find joy in being a nurse practitioner because I get to make a difference in people’s lives.
602. “Our fingerprints don’t fade from the lives we touch. ” – Judy Blume
603. “The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm. ”–Florence Nightingale
604. Nurses are the first line of defense for patients, and we need to be proud of that. 💪
605. . . No matter how difficult the days may get, don't forget the reason you became a nurse.
606. “3 AM: the time when you remember you forgot to chart that thing, bring that lady her water, or pass that med. ”–unknown
607. “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – that is to have succeeded.” – Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.
608. My nurse practitioner journey began with a doctor who cared about me and believed I could be more. I’m so grateful for him and everything he taught me.
609. “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ” — Mother Teresa
610. “When you are a nurse, you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours. ”
611. I am a nurse practitioner, so I get to do lots of things that other people don’t.
612. Nurses are true heroes, helping people every day – sick or healthy. 💪
613. Proud to be a nurse, inspiring one patient at a time
614. Nurses make all the difference in the world to me. They always care and are there for us when we need them most.
615. “Nurses don’t wait until October to celebrate Make a Difference Day; They make a difference every day!” — Anonymous
616. “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation. ” — Aristotle
617. “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom. ” -Earl Shoaf
618. “Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway. ” — Emory Austin
619. “While that’s correct… it’s not the most correct. This is nursing school. ” —Unknown
620. No matter how difficult the days may get, don’t forget the reason you became a nurse.” — Unknown
621. “Nurses are the hospitality of the hospital. ” — Anonymous
622. When someone says “you’re a nurse?” you say “yes.” And then show them how it’s done.
623. “Nursing is not for everyone. It takes a very strong, intelligent, and compassionate person to take on the ills of the world with passion and purpose and work to maintain the health and well-being of the planet. ” — Donna Wilk Cardillo
624. What would you do without nurses? Nothing, that’s what.
625. “One of the most important nursing habits to maintain is respecting patients’ privacy. Your patients will appreciate it immensely, and so will you, as you’ll form a bond that only exists in this wonderful career. ” — Mentor Merlin
626. It takes a special kind of person to choose the work that you do. Join our team.
627. It’s National Nurses Week, a time to celebrate the invaluable impact nurses have on patients, families, and communities. Thank you, nurses.
628. “Teachers and nurses get the best seats in heaven.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
629. Strength to you in all things, health to you in all things. #nursing
630. “Nurses are an integral component of the health care system, and it is important that we recognize the over 2. 7 million registered nurses for the significant work that they do. ” — Nathan Deal
631. “’Nurses are just second to doctors, they are just assistants and can’t function without doctors”. Yeah, yeah. That is the common notion of the public, however, as much as we rely on doctor’s orders for some interventions we need to perform such as medications and invasive procedures, we also have our INDEPENDENT roles, we also get to make our own NURSING DIAGNOSES. The negative perception is often due to some nurses acting like those: like robots waiting for a physician’s order to move. Instead of confirming the perception, let us prove to them that they are not right. Like doctors, we have served years of health education, and passed the boards to practice in this profession. We are professionals too, let us act like one.”
632. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. ” — William Shakespeare
633. “Knowing is better than wondering, waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worse, beats the hell out of never trying. ” — Grey’s Anatomy
634. Nurses are the most valuable asset to any healthcare organization.
635. “Kindness can transform someone's dark moment with a blaze of light. You'll never know how much your caring matters. Make a difference for another today. ” ― Amy Leigh Mercree
636. “A nurse is not what you do. It is what you are… I am a nurse. It’s not what I do, it’s what I AM. ” — Unknown
637. “Treat the patient as a whole, not just the hole in the patient. ” —Unknown
638. “Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your presence felt. ” —Grace Lichtenstein, Author
639. “Nurse: just another word to describe a person strong enough to tolerate anything and soft enough to understand anyone. ” —Unknown
640. “A nurse will always give us hope; an angel with a stethoscope. ” — Terri Guillemets
641. The best nurses are those who act as a trusted advisor, offering comfort and support.
642. “Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on Earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. ” — Vincent Van Gogh
643. “A nurse must be able to think quick on their feet and get decisions right — it could mean life or death for your patients. ” — Mentor Merlin
644. “Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s work. ”–Florence Nightingale
645. We are proud to be a nurse. And we are confident that you will be too.
646. “Doctors put a wall up between themselves and their patients; nurses broke it down. ” — Jodi Picoult
647. A nurse takes the hand of another nurse and whispers, “Thank you.”
648. I’m a nurse practitioner and I make my patients proud. ❤
649. If you’re willing to be yourself, that is the best self-care. -–Ranjini Rajendran
650. Nursing is a noble profession and it is also very rewarding. I love being a nurse!
651. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you outlive me.
652. On this Nurse’s Day, we salute the unsung heroes of our society. #WorldNursesDay
653. “Nursing is not a career … it’s a post-apocalyptic survival skill. ” — Unknown
654. “Be the nurse you would want as a patient. ” —Unknown
655. “How many nurses does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None! They delegate it to the nursing student. ”–unknown
656. You can’t be a nurse and be afraid to hurt people’s feelings.
657. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest complement, or the smallest act of caring; all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia
658. I will not be intimidated by my fears. I am a nurse practitioner, and I’m here to help.
659. “Some people think that doctors and nurses can put scrambled eggs back into the shell.” – Dorothy Canfield Fischer
660. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. ” — Dag Hammarskjold
661. “The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest. ” — William Osler
662. “Nurses must be able to think quick on their feet and get decisions right – it could mean life or death for your patients. ” — Mentor Merlin
663. “You treat a disease: you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you win—no matter the outcome. ” —Robin Williams in Patch Adams
664. I work hard, I make mistakes, I get up and keep going. That’s what being a nurse practitioner is all about.
665. I am a nurse and I am PROUD of what I do! I have the best job in the world! 💕 #nursesunite
666. The only difference between a man and an estrogen is the price of the hormone.
667. Nurses are the backbone of our healthcare system and we couldn’t do it without them. Congrats to all our nurses for National Nurses Week! #NationalNursesWeek
668. “Every nurse is an angel with a key for healthy community! All in caring for patients is part of nursing soul!” — Alexsandar Radunovic
669. Our nurses are at the heart of everything we do at Kaiser Permanente. Join us in thanking them for their compassionate work and dedication. #NursesDay
670. “Nurses quietly go about their work in a noble profession, uncelebrated soldiers toiling through the days and nights in service to the sick, the injured and the dying.” – Steve Lopez
671. “Good nurses greatly contribute to the success and stability of healthcare institutions and to the mental and physical wellbeing of their patients. ” — Mentor Merlin
672. A nurse practitioner is a physician and healthcare provider who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions that affect human beings.
673. A nurse practitioner is someone who sees the whole human condition, not just the medical part.
674. “Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strengths. ” — Corrie Ten Boom
675. I am proud to be a nurse. I work with people who teach me something new every day.
676. Being a nurse practitioner is about more than just practicing nursing—it’s about caring for people. That’s what drives me to do the best job I can, every day.
677. Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill
678. “The nurse should have the ability to explain complex information in an easy-to-understand manner is a key skill. ” — Mentor Merlin
679. I will change the world by being the nurse I was meant to be.
680. “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. ” -Winston Churchill
681. “If Christian scientists had more science and doctors more Christianity, it wouldn’t make any difference which you called in – IF YOU HAD A GOOD NURSE. ” — Finley Peter Dunne
682. Nurses do what’s right when it’s right—yesterday, today, and tomorrow, around the clock. #1Nurse
683. Nursing: there are no shortcuts or easy ways out.
684. “Nurses: one of the few blessings of being ill. ” — Sara Moss – Wolfe
685. “To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through… that is what it is to be a nurse.”— Rawsi Williams
686. “Effective nurses are reliable and responsible. ” — Mentor Merlin
687. In the hospital today. Nurse here…#nurse #healthcare #nursing #teamwork
688. “Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.” - Hippocrates
689. I’m proud to be a nurse who is focused on our patients’ health and well-being.
690. “They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel. ” — Maya Angelou
691. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. ” — Dag Hammarskjöld, Swedish Diplomat and Economist
692. “Save one life; you are a hero. Save one hundred lives; you are a nurse. ”— Anonymous
693. Nurses are a force to be reckoned with.
694. “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. ” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
695. Nursing is a calling, not a job.
696. United by the shared joys and challenges of our patients, we come together to carry on the tradition of nursing.
697. “There no longer has to be a difference between who you are and what you do. ” —Gary Vaynerchuk, entrepreneur and author
698. “America’s nurses are the beating heart of our medical system. ” — Barack Obama
699. “When I think about all the patients and their loved ones, I have worked with over the years, I know most of them don’t remember me, nor I them. But I do know that I gave a little piece of myself to each of them, and they to me, and those threads make up the tapestry that is my career in nursing.” – Donna Wilk Cardillo
700. Surprise them now!
701. “Nursing is a career that will never go out of style.”
702. Bridging the gap between knowledge and service is the highest calling of the nurse 💊.
703. “Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses…. we must be learning all of our lives. ”– Florence Nightingale
704. It’s not uncommon to be asked to compromise your integrity and judgment, but what is impossible to compromise is the love you have for others.
705. I want to be a nurse because this is the job where I can help people and be the one who makes their lives better.
706. My patients are my heroes. I am nothing without them.
707. “Being a learning disability nurse will give me the opportunity to work with some of our most vulnerable and overlooked in society, which I consider a great privilege. Nursing takes courage, and confidence and sometimes a thick skin! Nursing is not all about academic achievements, but rather your integrity and honesty. I never thought I would be where I am now, 35 years old and halfway through a degree but learning disability nursing has given me my voice and I’m loving every minute.”
708. It takes a nurse… to help give someone a voice. Be the voice of your patients.
709. “BE KIND, for everyone you meet is fighting a BATTLE. ” — Plato
710. “Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.” – Florence Nightingale
711. Nurse Practitioners are prepared to meet the individual needs of patients by providing comprehensive care.
712. Nurses: they’re the glue that holds it all together. Nurses Week is May 12-18—make sure to say thanks! #NursesWeek2022
713. “I am not just learning to be a nurse, I am learning to change lives.”
714. “Sometimes I inspire my patients; more often, they inspire me. ” — Unknown
715. “Care for one…that’s love. Care for hundreds…that’s nursing.”
716. “Nurses are the heart of healthcare.” - Unknown
717. “Nurses may not be angels, but they are the next best thing!” — Unknown
718. “Good nurses are able to follow directions without a problem and easily communicate with patients and families. ” — Mentor Merlin
719. “I’m a nurse. What’s your superpower?” —Unknown
720. It’s a cool and new day in Nursing.
721. “When you’re a nurse, you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours. ” —Unknown
722. I just love the feeling when you know you did everything you could to help someone. -Unknown
723. Nurses shine their light on the neediest in our society, and they have a true calling to serve.
724. “Good nurses are able to follow directions without a problem and easily communicate with patients and families. ” — Mentor Merlin
725. I’m proud to be a nurse, and I know you are too. Be the voice for the profession that you are passionate about!
726. “Nursing is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said he finest of Fine Arts.” – Florence Nightingale
727. It’s not about the number of patients you see, it’s about the number of lives you touch.
728. I knew when I was five years old that helping people and talking with them was what I was meant to do. I have worked in all critical care areas from emergency to the cardiovascular ICU to the general systems ICU; I now work in the post-operative care unit and have 10 years of experience flying with our air ambulance service in a helicopter. I get to make a profound difference every single day. That profound difference is different for every patient, depending on what they need from me at their time of need. That could be something simple like holding a hand, letting them cry on my shoulder, giving pain medications so their loved one is comfortable, or just reassuring them that we will take care of them!
729. Nursing is more than a job, it’s a calling and a champion to change the lives of others. Happy Nurses Day!
730. “I’ve come to the realization that I’ll touch anything as long as I have gloves on. ” — Unknown
731. To those who dedicate their lives to caring for others, we stand by you. Nurses Week is May 6-12.
732. “Nurses are an integral component of the health care system, and it is important that we recognize the over 2.7 million registered nurses for the significant work that they do.” – Nathan Deal
733. “It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly. ” — Stephen Ambrose
734. “Every time I step into the clinical setting, I am reminded of why I chose to become a nurse.”
735. “As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the mind, soul, heart, and body of our patients, their families, and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”—Maya Angelou
736. When you are a nurse practitioner, you can help people in new ways. I am proud to be a NP.”
737. “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. ” —Salvador Dali
738. “To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through, that is to be a nurse”. - Rawsi Williams
739. Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness. ― Harold Kushner
740. “A caress, a smile, is full of meaning for one who is sick. It is a simple gesture, but encouraging, he or she feels accompanied, feels closer to being healed, feels like a person, not a number. ” — Pope Francis
741. Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. — St. Francis of Assisi
742. A nurse practitioner is someone who sees the bigger picture. They don’t just do one thing, but they have the skills to do many different things!
743. Nurture your body and mind, so that you may nurture the world around you.
744. “If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.”—Win Borden
745. We are the only healers that can live your life, make you better and then pass it back to you.
746. “Not all angels have wings … some have scrubs. ” —Unknown
747. Don’t be afraid to stand out and be confident. We’re all nurses, we can make a difference in the lives of others!
748. We are not all nurses, but we are all nursing. 😊
749. “Nurses don’t wait until October to celebrate Make a Difference Day – they make a difference every day!” — Unknown
750. “I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them. ” — Clara Barton
751. “Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw. ” —Jean Watson, American nurse theorist and nursing professor
752. “The character of the nurse is as important as the knowledge she possesses. ” —Carolyn Jarvis
753. “I am a Nurse. I didn’t become a nurse because I couldn’t cut it in med school, or failed organic chemistry, but rather because I chose this. I work to maintain my patient’s dignity through intimate moments, difficult long term decisions, and heartbreaking situations. I share in the joy of newly born babies and miraculously cured diseases. I share in the heart break of a child taken too soon, a disease too powerful, a life changed forever. My patient is often an entire family. I assess and advocate. Sometimes I wipe bottoms, often I give meds, but that isn’t the extent of what I do. There are people above me, and people below. I work closely with both, without them, I could not do what I do well. I chose this profession and love almost every minute of it. I know I am not alone and I appreciate all of the nurses who work alongside me. Many of them have shaped me into the nurse I am. Someday I will shape others into the nurse they will be. This wasn’t my plan B, it was my plan A, and I would gladly choose it again.”
754. “The nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the unconscious, the love of life of the suicidal, the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, a means of locomotion for the newborn, knowledge and confidence for the young mother, a voice for those too weak to speak, and so on. ” — Virginia Henderson, RN
755. “To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can, in spite of all we go through, is to be a nurse. ” —Rawsi Williams, JD, BSN, RN, PhD
756. “Being a nurse means to hold all your own tears and start drawing smiles on people’s faces. ” — Dana Basem
757. “Being a nurse means long days that will sometimes have little or no breaks. To get through a day, a nurse must have outstanding physical and mental endurance. ” — Mentor Merlin
758. “As a child I was frequently in hospital due to a health condition. The care I received was always of a good standard. The staff knew how to comfort me, especially when I was nervous about what was happening. This inspired me to be a nurse and to provide care and comfort to the same standard. I was attracted to the adult branch of nursing as it exposes you to a variety of people and different illnesses. It also provides a wide range of career pathways, which is helpful as I am undecided on an area I want to work in. Regardless of which area I end up working in, I aspire to be a good nurse – someone that is aware of their limitations and boundaries but isn't afraid to challenge themselves.”
759. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle. ” —Plato
760. Being a nurse practitioner does not define me. It’s the people I care for, the patients I serve, and their families that make my heart sing.
761. 100+ years and counting. Nurses are the backbone of our hospital.
762. I’m a nurse practitioner, not a mind reader. I can only diagnose and treat if you tell me what’s wrong.
763. “It’s okay to learn from every experience, and it’s okay to make mistakes. ” — Louise Hay
764. “Caring is the essence of nursing. ” — Jean Watson
765. Nurses are true champions of healthcare—dedicated to improving the health of Americans. When you or a loved one is in need, we’re here.
766. “My caregiver mantra is to remember: The only control you have is over the changes you choose to make. ” — Nancy L. Kriseman
767. “That's Why I'm Proud To Be a Nurse” - Inspiring Stories ...
768. Nurses are vital to improving the health of our communities and strengthening them so they can thrive.
769. My camera is my tool – I use it to tell stories of people…of beauty, of love, and hope. My goal is to create photographs that celebrate the beauty in life.
770. I am a nurse practitioner, and I make decisions that affect patients’ health. There is no place on Earth where I feel more powerful than in my work as a primary care provider.
771. “Nursing is a progressive art such that to stand still is to go backward.”—Florence Nightingale
772. I am a nurse practitioner because I am strong. I can think for myself, make sound decisions and take action to improve my life and the lives of others.
773. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”—Mahatma Gandhi
774. If a nurse practitioner is what you want, you don’t have to be afraid to ask for it. Your doctor might need a reboot to get creative with medical care.
775. Modern medicine is the discovery of why people get sick, not the cure.
776. A nurse practitioner has the knowledge, skills, and motivation to provide high-quality care for patients.
777. “Be the nurse you would want as a patient.”
778. “Nurses are the unsung heroes of healthcare.”
779. Nurses make up the largest percentage of hospital staff across the nation and they are even more important to the people they care for.
780. “Nurses are the heart of healthcare.”—Donna Wilk Cardillo
781. “Nursing school is not just about getting a degree, it’s about becoming the best nurse I can be.”
782. “Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw. ” — Dr. Jean Watson
783. “The most rewarding part of being a nursing student is seeing the positive impact I can have on my patients’ lives.”
784. “Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community. ” — Anthony J. D'Angelo
785. It’s not about the numbers. It’s about the impact of our work on patients’ lives.
786. “No, RN does not stand for ‘Refreshments and Narcotics. ’” —Unknown
787. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ” —Unknown
788. “So never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small, for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard-seed germinates and roots itself. ” — Florence Nightingale
789. “Every patient I care for in a nursing school is preparing me for my future career.”
790. “I am of certain convinced that the greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel. ” — Florence Nightingale
791. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”—Pablo Picasso
792. “If love can’t cure it, nurses can. ” — Unknown
793. I wake up every day ready to work. I’m a nurse practitioner because I want to help people. That’s what I love about it—helping people.
794. Our nurses have an undeniable, remarkable impact on the quality of life for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.
795. “Nurses, midwives, and care staff are in a powerful and influential position to improve the experience of patients, the quality of care, and health outcomes across the range of health and care sectors. ” — Unknown
796. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.”—Maya Angelou
797. I’m a nurse practitioner, and it’s not about the title. It’s about the patient…each one of them is so unique, and there’s no one else like them in the world.
798. Nurses are the most trusted profession. We aim to give the best patient care. ✂💪
799. The road to the top of your game starts with the daily practice, passion and drive you put into your practice.
800. “Just so you know, doctors are here to diagnose, not heal. We heal. ” —Edie Falco in Nurse Jackie
801. “Being a nurse is not all glamour and high fashion, but it is always rewarding. ” — Anonymous
802. I am a nurse practitioner and I am proud to be one
803. “Nurse: the first person you see after saying, ‘Hold my beer and watch this!’”–unknown
804. “A nurse dispenses comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription. ” — Val Saintsbury
805. “The doctors may be mapping out the war games, but it is the nurses who make the conflict bearable. ” — Jodi Picoult
806. I’m a nurse, not a doctor. I make house calls, not hospital visits. I help people live better lives, not just treat disease.
807. “BE KIND for everyone you meet is fighting a BATTLE”. -Plato
808. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ” —Steve Jobs
809. “A nurse is not what you do. It is what you are…I am a nurse. It’s not what I do, It’s what I AM.”
810. “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and blind can see.” – Mark Twain
811. “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestation of strength and resolution. ” — Kahlil Gibran
812. “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. ” – Booker T. Washington
813. “Nursing school. One syllabus at a time. One class at a time. One exam at a time. One clinical at a time. Keep going…”–unknown
814. “If you’ve decided to become a nurse, it’s likely that you’ve been inspired by some wonderful and caring nurses that you have encountered throughout your life — we know we have. ” — Mentor Merlin
815. “The most important part of being a nursing student is remembering why we started and staying focused on our goals.”
816. “Who could stand 12 hours at a time, guarding against death, and risk having one’s own heart broken while wearing a smile? Only a nurse. ” —Unknown
817. “You know you work in healthcare when you can discuss puke and bowel movements at the lunch table and no one flinches. ” —Unknown
818. “From caring comes courage. ” — Lao Tzu
819. “The character of a nurse is as important as the knowledge she possesses. ” — Unknown
820. “Let us never consider ourselves finished, nurses. We must be learning all of our lives. ” —Florence Nightingale
821. “And what nursing has to do in either case is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him. ” — Florence Nightingale
822. “Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw. ” — Dr. Jean Watson, RN, Doctor, Author, and Professor
823. Nurses are always there to help. You don’t have to thank us, just know that we’re doing it out of love.
824. Happy Nurses Day!! Sending love and respect to all nurses. 💗
825. Nurses take care of everyone. Now it’s time to take care of yourself. Special savings on flights to your favorite vacation spot.
826. “It’s a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together. ” — Unknown
827. “To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we
828. “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”—John Maxwell
829. The great thing about being a nurse is that you can touch people’s lives and make a difference in the world.
830. We’re too busy saving lives to read the news.
831. “As a nursing student, I am constantly reminded of the trust patients place in us as healthcare providers.”
832. “I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. ” — Pablo Casals
833. “If you’ve decided to become a nurse, it’s likely that you’ve been inspired by some wonderful and caring nurses that you have encountered throughout your life – we know we have. These nurses are the ones that comfort and care in exactly the right way; the ones that excel in the profession. ” — Mentor Merlin
834. “As a nurse, you are a member of an amazing, supportive community that will be there whenever you need it. A problem shared is a problem halved, and when working in the nursing profession, you are never alone, so open up to the people around you and enjoy the incredible life-long relationships you will build over the course of your career. ” — Mentor Merlin
835. The best moments in life are when your whole heart is put into what you’re doing.
836. “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy. I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it. ” — Art Williams
837. “As nurses, we accomplish great deeds for our patients. From offering a patient level explanation of a medical procedure to restarting a stopped heart, we make a difference every single day. When my daughter was in high school, she often watched the TV show ER. After one particular episode, she announced to my wife and I that she was going to go to medical school and become a doctor. I have no problem with that at all. She followed that statement by saying that it must feel great to save someone’s life. I looked at my wife (also a nurse), and we smiled at each other. I said, “Yes, it is a great feeling.”
838. “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this something, at whatever cost, must be attained. ” —Marie Curie
839. Nursing: A love of caring, a desire to help, a feeling of responsibility, and a feeling of dedication.
840. “Every nurse is an angel with a key to a healthy community! All in caring for patients is part of nursing soul!” — Alexsandar Radunovic
841. As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou
842. The best part of my job is when I’ve had the opportunity to change a person’s life.
843. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow
844. There is more to being a nurse practitioner than just medicine. We help people live their best lives, every day of the year.
845. I am a Nurse Practitioner. That means I help people to get better by using my knowledge and skills to improve their health. This is what I live for!
846. “Nurses are there when the last breath is taken, and nurses are there when the first breath is taken. Although it is more enjoyable to celebrate the birth, it is just as important to comfort in death. ” — Christine Bell
847. “Nurses may not be angels, but they are the next best thing!”
848. “Nursing is going to become even more important in the coming years. That’s because health care systems throughout the world are gradually shifting attention towards models that do more to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases that are best dealt with in patients before they require hospitalization. Nurses will play an enormous role in these lower-cost, higher-touch, prevent-and-manage models, because the emphasis will be one more frequent bust less intense levels of care that call for coaching, outreach and simple patient self-measurements like blood pressure – routines that often don’t require much physician involvement. And as nursing continues to grow higher-level, more specialized branches, the way that physician practice has, nurses will increasingly take over many diagnostic and treatment tasks. It’s just one more reason to assign nursing such a high priority.”
849. “The phenomenon of the nurse-patient relationship and its ability to affect the overall treatment of a patient is a central topic to the studying of nursing. The focus is usually on the ability of the nurse to impact the patient, but we often forget how much the patient can impact the nurse. ” — Katy Katz, MBA
850. “Make the word better: Love a nurse. ” — Anonymous
851. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. ” —Earl Nightingale, American radio speaker and author
852. A nurse practitioner is someone who can take care of all your health needs, not just the physical, but also the emotional.
853. It takes a special kind of person to get up everyday, go to work, and take care of sick people. That’s why I’m so proud to be a nurse.
854. “To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through…that is what it is to be a nurse. ” – Rawsi Williams, RN
855. Don’t fear the future. It brings us opportunities we never dreamed of. It is the most dangerous place to visit.
856. Nurses are the backbone of healthcare. They are the first ones to see patients, and their compassion and expertise give them a unique perspective on patient care.
857. I have achieved my dreams and made them a reality. I am proud to be a nurse practitioner.
858. It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, but the man or woman who undertakes to help the faltering footsteps of the friend.
859. Nurses are the heart of medicine and health care. We are healers. We’re the quiet ones. We start conversations—with patients and families, with colleagues, and with each other.
860. “Nurses are the hospitality of the hospital.” – Anonymous
861. I am a nurse, and I love what I do. This is what nursing looks like.
862. “I attribute my success to this; I never gave nor took any excuse. ” —Florence Nightingale
863. “Caring is the essence of nursing. ” — Jean Watson
864. Being a nurse is not only a job, it’s a lifestyle. #nursinglife
865. “I am proud to be a nursing student, as I know I am part of a profession that is dedicated to helping others.”
866. “The nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the unconscious, the love of life of the suicidal, the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, a means of locomotion for the newborn , knowledge and confidence for the young mother, a voice for those too weak to speak, and so on. ”–Virginia Henderson, RN
867. Being a nurse is not a job, it’s a commitment to help those in need.
868. “Nurses are the heart of healthcare. ” — Donna Wilk Cardillo
869. “Nursing is a truly inspiring and thoroughly rewarding career like no other, however, for all of the amazing things we experience on a daily basis, there are also tough parts to deal with, like stress, long hours, and struggling to make time for family. ” — Mentor Merlin
870. “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead
871. “Being a nursing student means being part of a team that works together to provide the best possible care for patients.”
872. “When you are a nurse, you know that everyday you will touch a life or a life will touch yours. ” — Unknown
873. “The best part of being a nursing student is knowing that I am on my way to becoming a healthcare hero.”
874. I have the power to heal, I am a nurse practitioner!
875. I know I’m not alone when I say thank you for your service, @usairforce #military
876. Nurses are not only educated and trained but also have the heart to care:)
877. “May your scrubs be comfy, your coffee be strong, and your Monday be short. ” —Unknown
878. “Hand sanitizer has started to become your best friend. ” — Unknown
879. “Nursing is all about touching lives, and lives touching yours along the way. ” — Unknown
880. “Hand sanitizer has started to become your best friend. ” —Unknown
881. Nurses Both Queen and Angel
882. “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone. ”–John Maxwell
883. “No matter how difficult the days may get, don’t forget the reason why you became a nurse. ” — Unknown
884. Dedicated to making nurses’ lives easier, one daily task at a time.
885. I’m proud to be a nurse—because I’ve made the choice to help those who need it.
886. “Nursing is a noble profession, filled with wonderful people, and with the support of each other, you can go on providing great care to vulnerable patients all over the world. ” — Mentor Merlin
887. Nursing is a rewarding profession that empowers us to be the change we want to see in the world.
888. Being a nurse practitioner is the ultimate career choice. It’s not something you choose, it’s something that chooses you!
889. I am a nurse practitioner. I believe in giving people the tools they need to take care of themselves and the knowledge to empower them to do so.
890. I’m a nurse practitioner, not a doctor, but I will do everything in my power to make sure you get the best care possible.
891. “Nursing friendships are a different kind of love; like, ‘I’ll hold the butt cheeks while you clean the butt crack’ kind of love!”–unknown
892. 2016 Nursing Student of the Year #NurseTheFuture
893. “..the hours are long, the work hard, and the pay inadequate to the amount of concentrated energy required. A nurse, however, does not view her profession dispassionately. It is too much a part of her.” – Monica Dickens
894. I’m proud to be a nurse, but I was even more excited to become your mom. #nurseappreciationday #nursesunite
895. I’m not a nurse, I’m a nurse practitioner. Let’s do this!
896. “Nurses serve their patient in the most important capacities. We know that they serve as our first lines of communication when something goes wrong or when we are concerned about health. ” — Lois Capps
897. “As a nurse, you are a member of an amazing, supportive community that will be there whenever you need it. ” — Mentor Merlin
898. “Bound by paperwork, short on hands, sleep, and energy…nurses are rarely short on caring. ” — Sharon Hudacek
899. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. — Theodore Roosevelt
900. I don’t have the answers. I just have the questions, and I’m really good at asking them.
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