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277 Inspiring Graduation Quotes, Wishes And Messages (2023)

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

1. This calls for celebrating! Congratulations!

2. I know that things are difficult right now, but I hope that you can take a moment today to savor all of your hard work and this fantastic accomplishment.

3. Life is a grand adventure and now is the time for you to go live it. We are so proud of you on your graduation and we are so looking forward to seeing all that you will accomplish.

4. Here’s to the end of eating Top Ramen for the last four years. Kudos!

5. You are brilliant, able and ambitious. You shall always walk the glory road. Happy graduation. I bless you with all that you need to earn many more achievements and facts in life ahead. Congratulations and well done.

6. You worked so hard for this, but it is everything you learned that will propel you to success.

7. My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small and that you never need to carry more than you can hold. There is a lot that awaits you, congrats grad.

8. Life is a journey, and you’re the one holding the map.

9. Right from when you were a little kid and till today, you have only given us reasons to hold our heads up in pride. We are so lucky to have you in our life. Congratulations and best of luck for a successful career.

10. I believe you can fly! The sky is your limit. Spread out your wings and soar high. Congratulations and best wishes.

11. I can’t wait to hear your name horribly mispronounced at the ceremony!

12. You did it! Congrats!

13. May your hat fly as high as your dreams!

14. Congratulations, our sweet [daughter /son]. Aim for the stars because the sky is the limit!

15. Blessing and prayers on your graduation and for your future.

16. I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.

17. Congratulations! Now you can finally start getting paid to work, rather than having to pay to do it!

18. I hope my support and guidance has helped you over the years in any way. I’m so happy to watch you graduate and achieve your goals.

19. You have made your uncle/aunt proud, my dear nephew. I would like to congratulate you on the successful completion of your graduation.

20. Great results come from hard work. Well done!

21. Being a graduate doesn’t mean that you know everything — but you are better prepared to learn what life has in store for you.

22. The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations on your graduation.

23. May your future be full of happy coincidences, necessary failures, and all the success in the world.

24. Anything is possible – all you have to do is believe in yourself. Wishing you all the best in what lies ahead and good luck.

25. Do all the ambitious and important things in life, but as you do, err in the direction of kindness.

26. Remember that you can never cross the ocean till you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. Congratulations on your graduation!

27. Congratulations on your well-deserved success.

28. Congratulations on your graduation! Just remember the things may not always go the way you want them to, but life has a way of taking those new directions and turning them into opportunities. All the best and good luck for the future.

29. Congratulations and BRAVO!

30. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you will ever know.

31. My deepest condolences on the end of your college life.

32. Did you ever think this day would come? Neither did we!

33. As you graduate don’t forget to thank those who helped you get here: Google, Command F. and copy and paste.

34. Way to go, little star! Shine on!

35. School may be over, but life’s lessons are yet to be learnt. Keep an open heart and mind. Happy graduation, we love you.

36. Warmest congratulations on your graduation.

37. Sending you our prayers and well-wishes on your graduation day.

38. Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. And, before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. And, before you quit, try.

39. Congratulations for your achievement. And here is wishing you all the success and happiness the world has to offer. We love you.

40. The tassel was worth the hassle! Congratulations!

41. Let your dreams be your wings to carry you into the future.

42. After a magical learning journey, you are moving on to kindergarten! Way to go!

43. Go into the world and do well, but more important, go into the world and do good.

44. School may be over, but life’s lessons are yet to be learned. Keep an open heart and mind. Happy graduation!

45. Congrats on your outstanding achievement. Wishing you all the best for the future and all its challenges and opportunities.

46. Never forget how hard you worked to get here and how much further you’ll go. Congratulations!

47. You have made your uncle/aunt proud, my dear niece. I am so proud of your accomplishments and I know there is only more to come.

48. Nothing can stop you now. You have a ticket to your dreams come true. Congrats.

49. Missing your face so far away. Someday we will be able to celebrate our accomplishment — graduating law school! — together!

50. Call it graduation, a new beginning, or in your case, a miracle—congratulations!

51. Congratulations on your monumental achievement today, and best wishes for all your tomorrows.

52. Never stop growing, exploring, learning, and challenging yourself. Congratulations and best wishes for your future.

53. Great job, sweetie! We hope that you continue to work hard in school and get good grades. We are so proud to be your parents!

54. To a happy ending and a new beginning. Wishing you the best in your new chapter. Congratulations!

55. You’ve come a long way since you were that frightened little [boy /girl] on your first day of kindergarten. Look at you now! We are so proud of you.

56. It must be a very proud moment for you. All of the hard work you have put in has paid off. Congratulations Grad. Your reward lies ahead. Have a successful future.

57. Hope you know how relieved we are for you! Way to go!

58. I know you worked hard for this, but I think Google, Wikipedia, and YouTube deserve an honorary mention too… Congratulations!

59. We don’t know how you managed to get your degree with all the partying, drinking, socializing, and extracurricular activities, but we’re glad you did. Congrats.

60. What a fancy diploma you’ve got there! Congrats!

61. As you cherish the fruits of your hard work, I wish that success keeps following you in everything you do. Today and always, congratulations!

62. Despite losing my bet, congrats on your graduation.

63. Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one…

64. Although your graduation may mark the completion of your schooling, don’t ever stop pursuing knowledge. Wishing you all the best on graduation.

65. This is a time for celebrating all your achievements, preparing for a future, and embracing a world-filled possibilities. All the best.

66. Red Blue Traditional College Graduation Poster

67. May you always find yourself as happy and full of dreams as you are today! Congratulations.

68. You turned an itty-bitty bundle of joy into a kind, smart and courageous woman. We are so proud of you today and always. Congrats!

69. A comfort zone is a lovely place, but nothing ever grows there. Here’s to trying new things!

70. You are brilliant, able and ambitious. You shall always walk the glory road. Happy Graduation. I bless you with all that you need to earn many more achievements and feats in life ahead. Congratulations and well done.

71. All that hard work for a piece of paper? Congratulations on getting your piece of paper.

72. Congrats grad. Shoot for the moon because even if you miss it, you will land amongst the stars.

73. You are an achiever. You have made us all proud; keep up the good work. Congratulations on graduation.

74. You’ve worked so hard to get here. Remember to follow your dreams and stay true to yourself as one chapter ends and the next begins. I am so proud of you.

75. Here’s to the door to new opportunities that has just opened for you, our daughter. Enjoy your graduation, we are so proud of you.

76. Now you’re a step closer to your dream and will soon be reaping the fruits of your hard work. Congratulations!

77. You’ve made your mother/father so happy and I couldn’t be more proud of you!

78. Congratulations on this awesome milestone, and best wishes as you head to [college name].

79. To my dearest nephew, I can’t believe you’re so grown up. You’ve learned so much and I’m confident you’ll continue to reach your goals. Congratulations!

80. What a proud day! We couldn’t be happier for you!

81. Congrats graduate, you have really outdone yourself! Wishing you nothing but the very best.

82. It seems like just yesterday you were just a kid starting high school. Now, you’re a confident young man about to receive your diploma. It’s been our joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years.

83. It was just yesterday that your daughter was begging you not to leave her at preschool and now she’s saying goodbye to one chapter and hello to another. Congratulate her for the smart and courageous woman that she has become with personalized gift for her to remind her the hard work she has achieved. She’s worked hard and deserves to know it.

84. You worked so hard for this moment. You did it!

85. There is a lot of adventure that awaits a recent high school graduate. Between saying goodbye to hometown friends and packing up for the college dorms, your grad could surely use a hearty congrats (and maybe even a few wise words.) Help your grad decorate their new dorm room with personalized canvas prints of their favorite high school memories which will make their dorm feel more like home. Find some inspiration with some of our favorite ways to say just that.

86. There are few times in life when you’ll put as much work into a single accomplishment as you did for this. Be proud of yourself!

87. We’re all so proud of you. Now that you’ve got your degree, you’ll be buying the beer, right?

88. Kudos for completing this important life step. Remember to always keep climbing the staircase.

89. Wishing you loads of love and good luck as you graduate from preschool today!

90. To my dearest niece, never forget how hard you worked to get here and how much farther you’ll go. Congratulations on your graduation!

91. Congratulations to our little graduate. No matter where you go or how successful you become, never lose sight of yourself. Always be humble. Your parents think about you often.

92. You graduated from PreK! I am so proud of you!

93. Many wishes for you on your graduation. You have done the impossible my friend. Have a degree is an honorable thing. Congratulation graduate.

94. As you cherish the fruits of your hard work, I wish that success keeps following you in everything that you do. Today and always… Congratulations and Happy Graduation.

95. I hope you’re proud of your accomplishments! All the hard work you’ve put in has paid off, and your reward lies ahead.

96. We praise you for your efforts, and send good wishes too, for a future filled with happiness and your fondest dreams come true.

97. I know everything has been stressful lately. Just remember you are a beautiful genius who will get your diploma and you will have a celebration for your graduation. All of this stress will pass, and you will make it to the other side!

98. I wish you the best as you step ahead towards new challenges in life. Congrats and may all your other dreams be fulfilled.

99. Know what makes your graduation extra special? It’s having watched you grow up, having so many good memories of you and knowing all the challenges you’ve worked through to get to this day. I’m so proud of you.

100. I’ve always had faith in you, and I’m confident you can do anything you put your mind to. Wishing you a future full of success and happiness!

101. My wish for you is that this life becomes all you want it to be. May your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, and may you never need to carry more than you can hold.

102. Happy graduation. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know. Congrats we love you.

103. Congratulations on your brilliant success and achievement. Keep up the good work and many more great accomplishments will keep coming your way. We are so proud of you.

104. This degree is a stepping stone to help you realize your full potential. Congratulations!

105. Failure is inevitable in life, but the greatest successes come from making mistakes.

106. You make it look easy! Congratulations on a well-deserved graduation.

107. Today is just the start of all the wonderful things that life has in store for you.

108. Way to go! Have fun dressing up in a gown and silly hat!

109. May your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.

110. Never be afraid to carve out your own path. You have all the tools you need.

111. I wish I could see you in your cap and gown but know that I am so very proud of you. Today and always.

112. Being a graduate doesn’t mean that you know everything—but you are better prepared to learn what life has in store for you.

113. Congrats to myself for sitting through the entire ceremony!

114. The future holds no promises, but rather mysteries and surprises. What you’ve learned will prepare you for both. Congratulations and all the best for the future.

115. We are so proud that you are a graduate now. Congratulations dear.

116. Your father and I are so proud of you! You will do great things, we know it!

117. The journey of life brings both challenges and chances—may you snatch the chances and beat the challenges.

118. With love and patience, anything and everything is possible.

119. There’s no better feeling than watching my niece live out her dreams. Congratulations dear!

120. From my favorite baby niece to an intelligent and bright graduate, I am so proud of the woman you’ve become. Congratulations on reaching another milestone.

121. Congratulations my friend on being a graduate. I hope that this is just the foundation of many accomplishments to come.

122. If you’re wondering how the last four years went so fast, you should see how quickly the rest of life flies by. Enjoy this moment because you won’t get it back. Congratulations.

123. Take time to close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance—but simply because they led you nowhere. Now, look forward.

124. Orange and Black Modern Minimalist Graduation Invitation

125. The tassel was definitely worth the hassle. Congrats on all your hard work.

126. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. And you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go. Congratulations graduate.

127. Don’t spend all your graduation money in one place. Congrats!

128. It’s a beautiful thing, watching the daughter we’ve always loved growing up and getting one step closer to her dreams.

129. It doesn’t matter the hand you’re given—it’s about the way you play your cards, and you’ve played them exceedingly well.

130. I hope that your degree will unlock even more doors to the success you very well deserve. Congratulations!

131. Nothing can stop you now. You have a ticket to your dreams come true. Congrats!

132. Your future is bright. For all the times of late night studies, lack of sleep and sacrifice of enjoyment your reward is here. Congratulations to you.

133. Now it’s time to enter the real world. Don’t worry, none of us know what we’re doing here either!

134. Hard work, talent, drive, and vision outlast difficult times. I have no doubt that you are going to do amazing things in the future.

135. You are brilliant, able, and ambitious. You shall always walk the glory road. May you have all you need to earn many more achievements and facts in life ahead.

136. I still remember when your parents brought you home. Now I get the chance to remember this incredible milestone in your life. Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of you.

137. Chasing a dream requires efforts, passion and hard work. You are now in the half way. Keep up your good work and continue to strive. Congratulations!

138. To our daughter on her graduation, remember that obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. You have so much to be excited for. Every day is your day.

139. Now it’s time to enter the real world. Don’t worry, none of us knows what we’re doing here either!

140. Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! Looking back, it was all worth it. Wishing you the best in the wonderful career you have chosen.

141. Education is the secret to success—and the diploma helps too.

142. You were created to excel. Nothing can change that, not even you. Happy graduation day, darling.

143. Always remember: There’s no limit to what you can do if you believe in yourself.

144. Today is your day. Wishing you all the best for what life now has in store for you.

145. Congratulations on your graduation, and best of luck as you embark on your [teaching /law/engineering] career!

146. Take pride in how far you’ve come, and have faith in how far you can go.

147. My dearest niece, I am so happy to watch you achieve your goals. Congratulations on your journey to success.

148. Caps off to you, Graduate! Way to go!

149. Congratulations on getting to wear a funny hat!

150. It is so inspiring to see all your hard work come together to accomplish this goal—live it up and celebrate. It’s your time!

151. The tassel is worth the hassle!

152. Take a moment and savor your reward after all of those late nights of studying, the fun you missed out on, and lack of sleep. Congratulations!

153. Enjoy all of your achievements, my dear nephew. You’ve come a long way and I’m excited to watch you grow.

154. Look to the future. Express your happiness for the grad’s future and let them know you’re excited for their next chapter. Reassure them that their future is bright.

155. Congratulations Graduate. You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals and now you’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embark on who you are, embrace life with passion and keep reaching for your star. Go for it!

156. Mention specific accomplishments. Did they receive any honors or were they a sports team captain? Mention this in your letter!

157. We bet you feel like you can take on the world, and you can. But remember, we’ll always be here for you.

158. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Remember to go after what you want and to stay humble along the way. Congrats sweetheart.

159. Congratulations! It only took 5 years.

160. Graduation is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future.

161. Many dream, some try, but only a few achieve. You have achieved! Good luck and happy graduation!

162. Take lots of pictures. Take your time celebrating. Take it easy for a while. Then, take on the world!

163. School may be over, but life’s lessons are yet to be learned. Keep an open heart and mind.

164. Happy graduation, and welcome to the real world!

165. Understand that all paths forward are different. Always remember that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

166. Now that you are a graduate, use your freedom wisely. We are already so proud of you. Congratulations.

167. You can achieve whatever you want in life as long as you believe. And we believe in you! Congratulations, kid!

168. Remember that you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. Congratulations on your graduation sweetheart, we couldn’t be more proud. Good luck with what the future holds.

169. Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey, it is the beginning of a beautiful one. Start each day believing in yourself, and watch the magic happen.

170. Just remember that the process of learning never ends. Happy Graduation, son.

171. The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you carry your spirit to snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations on your graduation. May you live a proud life.

172. Congratulations on your graduation, and best wishes for your next adventure.

173. I always knew you would barely graduate. Well done!

174. We’re so happy that you’ve achieved this great milestone- Wishing you great success with your dreams and career.

175. We are disappointed that we won’t be there to watch you walk across the stage and get your diploma, but we will celebrate your success as soon as you can!

176. Congratulations, my dearest, on being a graduate. As for your future is concerned, we’re sure you are going to make it a successful one.

177. Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.

178. You have a big group of us cheering you on today as you graduate, and we are so honored to be a part of this special day!

179. Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. Start each day believing in yourself and watch the magic happen.

180. Start each day believing in your dreams. Know without a doubt that you were made for great things.

181. I’m so happy for you, even if this means you are a [school mascot name] for life!

182. Although your graduation may mark the completion of your schooling, don’t ever stop pursuing knowledge. Wishing you all the best!

183. Chasing a dream requires passion, hard work, and talent. Congratulations on this milestone!

184. Even more than proving you’re smart enough to earn a diploma, you have proven your character. And your character is much more important than any diploma or graduation. Best wishes!

185. Hard work: check! Good grades: check! Make some money: more checks!

186. You deserve to see your dreams come true! Congrats

187. Daughter… At times we wish you wouldn’t have grown up so fast, but then we figured that would keep us from seeing you turn into the beautiful young lady that you are today. Congratulations on graduation.

188. When one door closes, another opens. We can’t wait to see which door you choose!

189. What an impressive achievement! So proud of you!

190. For all the lack of sleep, late-night studies, and hard work, your reward is here. Well-deserved congratulations!

191. You’ve not only made your parents proud, but have made me the happiest uncle/aunt in the world. Congratulations on your graduation!

192. Having a niece like you is priceless. I am so lucky to have witnessed your growth over the years. I wish you all the best for your future.

193. It was my dream to see you graduate and you’ve made it come true. To my dearest nephew, I congratulate you on your success and all that is to come.

194. That’s one expensive piece of paper!

195. One degree = two happy parents! We are so proud of you!

196. Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars!

197. It is a great feeling that my nephew has become a graduate. I am so proud of you.

198. My deepest condolences to you on the end of your college life.

199. Now that you’ve graduated follow your heart and embrace what dreams are important to you. Cherish them. Own them. And pursue them with all of your might.

200. What a wonderful young lady you have become! Calling you a graduate is a proud occasion and I know that your future is brightest of them all. Congratulations on this special time in your life.

201. Happy graduation and welcome to the real world!

202. This is the beginning of your life. You can do absolutely anything you set your mind to. Happy graduation sweetie.

203. Just because your graduation ceremony has been canceled, doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate your amazing success. We are so proud of you.

204. I am proud of who you’ve turned out to be. This is the beginning of many more achievements. Let’s toast to your success today!

205. Today proves something we have always know about you. You’re pretty smart!

206. We are so happy we could be here to watch you graduate. We are so proud of you.

207. To the person who never stopped dreaming big, congratulations on this big day!

208. Your graduation is only a glimpse of what lies ahead in your bright future. Wishing you the very best for the coming years.

209. You can achieve whatever you want in life. All you have to do is believe that you can. We believe in you, happy graduation.

210. Live each day as if your life has just begun.

211. Chase your dreams. Never stop trying. Never stop learning. Live life to the fullest and give it nothing but your best.

212. It’s official: you’re now too cool for school. Congrats grad.

213. Respect your elders—we graduated without Google. Congratulations!

214. You have completed your remarkable student career. Now that you are graduating, you are at the commencement of a brand new voyage. Good wishes for my best friend on your achievement and to your brand new life. Congratulations graduate.

215. Your brilliant achievements are remarkable. May all your dreams come true. Good luck and congratulations.

216. You get a piece of paper, but it means so much more than that. I hope you feel proud of your accomplishments.

217. Did you ever think this day would come? We didn’t think so either!

218. Great results come from hard work. You amaze me, son.

219. Be glad you’re a grad! Congrats!

220. We are so amazed at how smart, caring and wonderful you are everyday- we can not wait to see the places you go! You can do anything. We love you.

221. Congratulations on graduating… Wishing that brighter opportunities come your way and you achieve success in all of them!

222. Find comfort in being uncomfortable. Take the opportunities presented to you even if they’re scary—you have to leave your comfort zone to grow as an individual.

223. We’re proud of you but it’s more important that you’re proud of yourself. Celebrate your accomplishment.

224. I always wanted to see you as a graduate! Enjoy this deserving moment in your career and life.

225. When they hand you your diploma, keep going. Just in case they try to take it back.

226. I hope that everything you’ve learned unlocks all the doors you find in the future.

227. You are graduating at a tough time, but I believe that better days are coming. Hang in there.

228. Give advice. Provide the graduate with valuable advice for their career and life to give some helpful direction. Graduating can be as scary as it is exciting. They’ll appreciate you sharing advice and any lessons you’ve learned.

229. We still remember the first day of your school. On that day, we were nervous to send you away from us. It still feels like that same day is back again. We feel nervous yet again, as you face the world by yourself. But, deep inside we always know that you’ll come out as a winner. Best of luck son.

230. Embrace the warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. It’s only up from here!

231. Take a moment to be proud of yourself, and know that you deserve all the successes you work toward.

232. Chasing a dream requires passion and hard work. Congratulations on graduating, and continue to strive!

233. You deserve to see your dreams come true. Congratulations!

234. Even more than proving that you are smart enough to earn a diploma, you have proven your character. And your character is much more important than any diploma or graduation. Best wishes to a man of character!

235. You worked your butt off, now shake your booty for some fun. Congrats on your graduation.

236. There will be growing pains, letdowns, and setbacks, but don’t hold on to the anger, hurt, or pain.

237. We’re glad you’re a grad. Congratulations.

238. Today is a route marker. It tells you how far you’ve come, not that you have finished your journey. Keep learning, keep trying, and keep accomplishing. Congratulations

239. Congratulations on your graduation, son. We are so proud to see our little bundle of joy grow into such a fine and mature adult. Continue doing us proud sweetheart. Best of luck in your future, we love you.

240. The piece of paper may be about academics, but the experience was a lesson in life. Congratulations.

241. Now that you’re a graduate, it’s time to be courageous. Life is full of lessons that will challenge you all along the way.

242. Be proud of this moment — you deserve it for all the effort and dedication you invested. Congratulations.

243. I can’t wait to see where life takes you next! Congratulations.

244. Wishing that brighter opportunities come your way and you achieve success in all of them!

245. Start each day with ambition and well-set goals, and believe in yourself. I know you’ll achieve a prosperous life!

246. Watch out first grade! A superstar is on his way! Congratulations on graduating from kindergarten!

247. Great job—now comes the hard part: real life!

248. All of your hard work is paying off my friend. Congrats and cheers to the next step.

249. Son, I closed my eyes for but a moment and suddenly a man stood where a boy used to be. I may not carry you now in my arms, but I will always carry you in my heart. You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the man you have become; the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my son. I love you now and forever. Congratulations on this special achievement, grad.

250. Now that you’ve graduated, maybe you will be smart enough to figure out how to pay back your student loans.

251. Follow your dreams, and they will always lead you in the right direction. Congratulations on earning your master’s degree!

252. You’re officially too cool for school!

253. Isn’t it funny how day by day it seems like nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different… Make the most of now, congratulations graduate.

254. Education is the key which unlocks all your potential. It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. We know the degree you’ve worked so hard for will help you in thriving in the field you’ve chosen. We love you so much, congratulations.

255. Congratulations on graduating! This is just the beginning; you are a star in the making. Shine on.

256. Congrats on your graduation. We bet you feel like you can take on the world, and you can. But remember we’ll always be here for you.

257. Chasing your dreams is not an easy job. It requires lots of passion, it requires lots of commitments and a true dedication, as you proved it right by being a graduate. Congrats son.

258. On your graduation day, we honor your journey and your destination. We look forward to seeing you embark on a new leg of your adventure!

259. Congrats on graduating! I wish you the very best in all your future endeavors. May success always find you.

260. Today is just the first of many proud moments for you. Congratulations!

261. I closed my eyes for but a moment and suddenly you stood where my baby used to be. I may not carry you now in my arms, but I will always carry you in my heart. Congratulations on this special achievement. We are so proud of your accomplishments and the person you’ve become.

262. Happy Graduation Day!

263. Congratulations to my darling niece! I’ve always had faith in you and I’m confident you can do anything you put your mind to. Wishing you a future full of success of happiness.

264. A hearty congratulation on your graduation and wishing you good luck for the new beginning in life. May you reach all your goals.

265. The-future-looks-bright-high-school-graduation-announcement-card

266. We’re proud of your accomplishments and the person that you’ve become. Congratulations.

267. Graduation: A ritual where they award you a diploma, with the hope that you’ve learned enough to be able to read it.

268. This definitely won’t be the last time I get to brag about you. Congrats!

269. Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. And before you quit, try.

270. May you always have new opportunities come your way, and may you be always successful in your life. Happy Graduation!

271. It’s safe to say that we all know the shock when graduation rolls around and the reality sets in that your once little boy is officially onto his next adventure. Congratulate him in a way he’ll never forget with a customized gift for him that he will cherish for years to come.

272. Big-plans-bright-future-a-new-adventure-begins-graduation-announcement-card

273. Graduation is a bridge to the next part of your life, and everything that got you here—hard work, drive, confidence—is going to carry you across to the future you deserve.

274. Graduation represents warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. I am so proud of you, kiddo!

275. Congratulations to my favorite scholar! Your parents and I are beyond proud of your hard work and most of all, the woman you’ve become.

276. There are few times in life when you’ll put as much work into a single accomplishment as you did for the last four years. Celebrate!

277. You have worked so hard my child. It is time to celebrate your graduation. You have made us all very proud. Best of luck for your future.


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