1,000 Funny Fishing Quotes and Instagram Captions (2023)
1. This big fish has us reeling!
2. Catch of the day!
3. Life and fishing are very similar, you never know what’s at the end of the line.
4. Head out before the sunrise
5. “Fishing is the perfect way to disconnect and reconnect.”
6. Fishing days = best days.
7. “Fishing: where the only thing sweeter than the bait is the memories made.”
8. That’s a moray!
9. “There’s always time for one more cast.” – Routinely Nomadic
10. The only way to catch a fish is by going fishing.
11. Life is simple, just add water
12. “Where there’s water, there’s a chance.”
13. “Fishing: where you can be your truest self and catch some fish while you’re at it.”
14. Trust me, I’m a sturgeon
15. “Fishing: it’s not just a hobby, it’s a state of mind.”
16. “Reel girls fish.”
17. Fishing is the second oldest profession in the world. The first being panhandling.
18. Capturing the perfect moment is a lot easier when you’re fishing with a friend that takes it all in stride.
19. Are you for reel?
20. Stop clownfish-ing around!
21. Tag your friends in the caption to get a chance of winning
22. The best kind of fishing is the kind where you don’t have to keep up with your line.
23. I’ll be tuna-ing in tonight for my favorite show
24. Happy to be by your side, but we’re still hitting them hard.
25. “Fishing is my passion, my escape from the chaos of the world.”
26. Solid goldfish
27. “The ultimate stress relief: fishing.”
28. Fishing is not the only way to catch a fish.
29. “The fish are biting, and so am I.”
30. The only way to catch a fish is by using bait. Not just any bait, but the right one.
31. No good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise.
32. “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.” – Sparse Grey Hackle AKA Alfred W. Miller
33. “Sharing the fun of fishing turns strangers into friends in a few hours.” – Eugene Clark
34. In my happy place!
35. Sometimes, you just gotta let ‘er rip.
36. It’s a beautiful day to fish, but if you don’t catch anything, it’s still a beautiful day.
37. “Most of the world is covered by water. A fisherman’s job is simple: Pick out the best parts,” – Charles Waterman.
38. “Fishing: where patience pays off.”
39. “Fishing is not just a hobby, it’s a passion.”
40. “You have to be the best fisherman in the sea to catch a fish like me.”
41. The best fishing spots are always the ones that you don’t know about.
42. “Every day on the water is a good day.”
43. Life is short. Go fishing!
44. “Fishing: a time to escape, relax and let the worries of the world drift away.
45. “Bass fishing is one of the most challenging and rewarding things I’ve ever done. It’s like a chess match with the fish.” – Hank Parker
46. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after,” Henry David Thoreau
47. Fish tremble before me!
48. “Fishing is the art of patience.”
49. “Fishing: where you can leave your worries on shore and just enjoy the moment.”
50. “Fishing is my passion.”
51. “You must lose a fly to catch a trout.” – George Herbert
52. “Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” – David Middleton
53. Fishing is not just a sport; it’s a way of life
54. Who cod resist these fish n chips?
55. Why wait for the weekend to fish? It’s more fun now!
56. “Even a fish wouldn’t get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut,” Author Unknown.
57. “The bigger the fish, the bigger the bragging rights.”
58. That’s about as big as a fish that big gets!
59. “The perfect day: sun, water, and fishing.”
60. “Hooked on fishing, addicted to the outdoors.”
61. “Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.” – Ed Zern
62. ”Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God.” – Tony Blake
63. “In a world full of chaos, fishing brings me peace.”
64. “There’s nothing more peaceful than the sound of the water and the whir of a reel.”
65. “Some people wait their whole lives to catch their big break. I wait for the fish to bite.”
66. “Fish don’t stand a chance against me.”
67. There is no limit to how many times you can go fishing.
68. “When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.” – Mark Twain
69. “Good things come to those who bait.”
70. Any day I am fishing is a good day.
71. Keep clam and fish on!
72. “Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” – Harry Middleton
73. A fish always catches more than it can eat.
74. “I only make movies to finance my fishing.”-Lee Marvin
75. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. I was thinking about fishing.
76. “Where the only rush is the one from reeling in a big catch.”
77. “Another day, another trophy catch.”
78. “Just another day in paradise “
79. “Reel it in and let the good times roll.”
80. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy a fishing rod and that’s pretty much the same thing.
81. The best way to catch fish: keep fishing.
82. The best days are spent fishing
83. A day without fishing is like a day without sunshine
84. A fishing life is a happy life
85. “Another day on the water, another memory made.”
86. “Underwater, you see the world in a different light.” – @jason_vandermeer
87. If you wanna sashimi, you need to ask me out.
88. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.”-A. Best
89. “Do not tell fish stories where the people know you. Particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.” – Mark Twain
90. “Fish smarter, not harder.”
91. Always think like a fish, no matter how weird it gets
92. “Fishing: the cure for anything that ails you.”
93. We’re reel happy!
94. “Fishing is a discipline in the equality of men – for all men are equal before fish.” – Herbert Hoover
95. “I’m a fish whisperer.”
96. Is she having a boy or a gill?
97. “Not all who wander are lost, some are just fishing “
98. “If you’re not fishing, you’re not living.”
99. Frosty fishing
100. “The fish is not so much your quarry as your partner.” – Arnold Gingrich
101. “Fishing: the sport of patience and reward.”
102. To celebrate Pride we serve Rainbow Trout
103. “I don’t want to sit at the head table anymore. I want to go fishing.” George Bush
104. “I fish, therefore I am.”
105. “Making waves and catching fish “
106. You say I`m a compulsive fishing freak like it’s a bad thing
107. Taking a nap in my haddock
108. “There are two things in life you should never be late for, Number one is Church and Number two is fishing,” Author Unknown.
109. “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy fishing gear, and that’s pretty much the same thing.”
110. “Here fishy, fishy, fishy 🐠”
111. “Gone fishing, but always in my heart “
112. “Fishing is not a sport, it’s a way of life.”
113. “I live for the moments when the fish bites the hook.”
114. “Nothing beats a day on the water “
115. “I like to fish. Fishing is always a way of relaxing.” Tom Felton
116. When you catch the perfect fish, what do you say?
117. When you’re fishing, there’s no telling what you’ll catch.
118. “I’d rather be fishing than adulting.”
119. Holy carp!
120. You can’t catch a fish without a line.
121. The best catches are the ones that surprise you.
122. “Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God.” – Tony Blake
123. I don’t care what you think, I’m a proud fisherman and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let this fish get away! 🐟
124. I’m not the kind of person who waits around for things to happen. I make them happen!
125. “Fishing is a way of life, not just a pastime.”
126. “I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret.” – Roderick Haig Brown
127. Life is a fish. You cast it, you reel it in. And then you eat it.
128. Sometimes the fish are just not biting. That’s okay, though. When the fish are not biting, you can still catch a smile.
129. “Fishing is a way to be at peace with the world and oneself.” – Unknown
130. “Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.”
131. Fishing for the dinner table.
132. Life’s too short to skip a fish.
133. “Fishing: the perfect way to unwind and enjoy the simple things in life.”
134. The two best times to fish is when it’s rainin’ and when it ain’t
135. “Fishing is a journey, not just a destination.”
136. “Fishing is all about finding the right rhythm.”
137. I’m a real catch!
138. CEO of fishing.
139. Who wants to place a bait?
140. Fishing’s not a sport, it’s a way of life.
141. “Bass fishing is the ultimate stress reliever.”
142. Hooked on you
143. “Only fish that go deep in the sea and swim against the tide can get used to it”
144. Hey, it’s not easy catching us. 😉
145. I’m a big fish in a small pond.
146. What happens on the fishing trip stays on the fishing trip.
147. Sometimes I’m the only one who gets to go fishing, but that’s okay since my fishing skills are top secret. 😎️
148. Life is an adventure, take it fishing.
149. You caught me!
150. “Fishing: the ultimate stress reliever “
151. It’s an honor to be a part of the great fishing community.
152. “I’m not just fishing for compliments, I’m fishing for fish too.”
153. That’s crayfish
154. “The world is a better place with a fishing rod in hand.”
155. “Hooked on fishing.”
156. Fishing is a very relaxing and meditative activity. When you catch something, it means that you are on your way to success
157. Our goal is simple: to make the world a little more inspiring and a little less stressful.
158. “It doesn’t matter if the rod is or isn’t bent. Time spent fishing is time well spent.” – James Morgan
159. Gone fishing
160. Catch the fish, reel it in, and read it out loud.
161. You know you’re caught when you don’t know what to do next.
162. Water is the most essential element of life because, without water, you cannot go fishing!
163. Fishing is better with friends
164. You daft cowfish
165. ‘Carpe Diem,’ does not mean ‘fish of the day’
166. If I am fishing I’m happy
167. I’m a man of few words: “Let’s go fishing!”
168. The only way to catch a fish is to go fishing.
169. “Fishing: it’s not about the fish, it’s about the memories you make.”
170. Happy fishing!
171. “Fishing is not just about the size of the catch, it’s about the experience.”
172. I’m having a reel good day!
173. It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming.
174. Life is like a fishing trip, only you catch more than you can hold.
175. Hooked on fishing
176. “The sound of silence and the feeling of being one with nature.”
177. “I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret,” Roderick Haig Brown.
178. “I propose that it only matters that you attempt to catch a fish. Doing so brings you close to nature.“ – Fennel Hudson
179. I got a fishing rod for my wife…good trade!
180. “The water is calling and I must go.”
181. “Fishing: where even the smallest catch can put a smile on your face.”
182. A fish is a fish—it doesn’t matter if you’re the one to hook it.
183. “Gone fishing, be back when my arms get tired.”
184. “I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret.” Roderick Haig Brown
185. What’s this all aboat?
186. There’s plenty of bait to go around!
187. “Sharing the fun of fishing turns strangers into friends in a few hours.” – Eugenie Clark
188. The sea is my favorite place to be. It’s the water, the air, and all those fish that make me feel alive.
189. “The early bird catches the fish.”
190. Reliving my happy fishing memories
191. “Fishing is a way of life, not just a hobby “
192. “Fishing is not just about catching fish, it’s about being in nature.”
193. This is up for you to decide.
194. My Biggest worry is that when I’m dead and gone, my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.
195. “In a world of distractions, the best way to catch a fish is not to try too hard.” – Mark Twain
196. There’s more to fishing than just rod and reel. Get out there and #BeOutfishing
197. “I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself,” -Joseph Monniger.
198. “Fishing is the ultimate relaxation technique.”
199. “Fishing: where every catch is a trophy.”
200. “Fishing: the one activity that’s better when you don’t catch anything.”
201. “Fishing is not just about catching fish, it’s about the journey and the memories.”
202. I’m not fishing for compliments, but if you’re reading this and you happen to catch something big today, it’s all my fault.
203. Fish on
204. You can’t catch a fish if you don’t have bait.
205. Good Morning! Making it a great fishing day
206. “Fishing: the art of using a stick to catch a fish.”
207. “Fishing is unquestionably a form of madness but, happily, for the once-bitten there is no cure.” – Lord Home
208. “In a world full of chaos, fishing is my therapy.”
209. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” A.K. Best
210. “Fishing: my chance to escape, relax and rekindle my soul.”
211. This crab is so good I’m gonna be shellfish and not share a bite.
212. Bragging may not bring happiness, but no man having caught a large fish goes home through an alley.
213. “If I fished only to capture fish, my fishing trips would have ended long ago.” – Zane Grey
214. I’m a reel expert!
215. “Fishing: the ultimate test of patience and perseverance.”
216. Another day, another sunrise, another fish.
217. Can’t talk, got a fish on the other line
218. “The best way to relax is with a rod in your hand and your feet in the water.”
219. Boat, sunset, fish, perfect
220. Keep calm and fish on.
221. How do you spend your time when you’re not working?
222. “Snow has fallen, the lake is solid. And all I want to do today is #anchorout.” –Unknown
223. Capturing the perfect moment is what we live for.
224. What’s the best kind of fishing? The kind where you know you’ll catch something, but you just don’t know what.
225. If I am fishing I’m happy.
226. Lost fishing and happy about it.
227. “Calling fishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job.” – Paul Schullery
228. Life’s a fishing expedition, and you don’t need to be Einstein to catch some.
229. I can’t work today, my arm is in a cast.
230. “Fishing: the only time being a little fishy is a good thing.”
231. “I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself,” – Joseph Monniger.
232. When your day is going great and you meet a great girl, then a fish falls into your boat.
233. Fly-fishing is the most fun you can have standing up
234. “Fishing is the ultimate test of strategy and skill.”
235. “Fishing is like love, it’s not always the fish you catch, but the memories you make.” – Unknown
236. “A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.”
237. Tag a fishing buddy who needs to catch a good one. #fish
238. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right about fishing.”
239. You can’t be crabby when you’re fishing on a boat
240. “Spending time together fishing is a great way to build meaningful memories with your son”.
241. Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God
242. “I’m a professional fisherman, except I don’t get paid.”
243. I’m not telling you to get out there, I’m telling you to stay in. #StayIn
244. If you’ve got a big catch and you’re afraid to let go, remember that it’s okay to be free.
245. We’re gonna need a bigger boat
246. “Bass fishing: it’s not just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle.”
247. Catch fish, not feelings.
248. You never know where the best fishing spot is going to be. Keep an eye out for your next good catch!
249. “I like fishing as much when I don’t catch anything as when I do.” – Matt Lauer
250. “There’s nothing like the feeling of a fish on the end of your line, especially when that fish is frozen solid.”
251. Cast away!
252. Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught!
253. Lake rules: Sleep in. Read. Nature. Memories. Relax. Fish. Enjoy each moment.
254. “Fishing: the perfect way to unwind and recharge.”
255. The fish are not so happy about the angling!
256. We’re running a pilot fish program.
257. “Fishing: a way of life, a love of the sea.”
258. “Fishing is my happy place “
259. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau.
260. Let’s fish together.
261. “Bass fishing is my therapy.”
262. “Fishing is my escape from the daily grind “
263. Sometimes you have to stop and throw in a line.
264. “Calling fishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job.”-Paul Schullery
265. Life is like a game, but fishing is serious
266. Fishing is a sport…and a job. But something that seems simple to do can be very complex when it comes to being successful at it.
267. Don’t ever forget we are all connected.
268. If you need me, I’ll be at the lake.
269. “Good things come to those who bait,” Author Unknown.
270. No fish can be caught without bait. The same is true for your business.
271. “The early bird gets the worm, the early fisherman gets the fish.”
272. Let’s just hope that the fish are not afraid of our Instagram posts.
273. Please hold, I’m on the other line.
274. Fishing is not a sport, it’s a way of life.
275. I fish because the voice in my head tells me to
276. Life is better with a smile.
277. Another day at the of-fish
278. The fish is always the smartest one in the water.
279. “There is no limit to how many times you can go fishing,” Author Unknown.
280. A great day of fishing is always better with a good friend.
281. “I am not against golf, since I suspect it keeps armies of the unworthy from discovering trout.” – Paul O’Neil
282. When the fish just won’t bite, don’t let your ego keep you from trying.
283. A fisherman lives here with the catch of his life.
284. The only fish that can get you are in the same ocean as you.
285. “I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself.” – Joseph Monninger
286. “Lures and lines, sunshine and good times.”
287. The only place you get a fish is in your head.
288. Different sources have confirmed that fishing is good for the soul.
289. If your success is determined by what you catch, don’t be surprised if you don’t get any.
290. Loving the morning sun
291. Who says the sea is just for catching fish? Be the one with the most fun in this weekend.
292. I spent most of my money on fishing. The rest I wasted.
293. Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it
294. “The ocean and I have a love affair “
295. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’ve got some catching up to do.
296. The best days are spent fishing!
297. Life is not a wishbone. It’s a fish.
298. Fish more, worry less.
299. “Fishing is my way of connecting with nature.”
300. Fishing is one of the most relaxing, stress-free things you can do.
301. “Fishing is like a game of chess, the fish is the opponent and you have to outsmart them.” – Unknown
302. “When the fish isn’t biting, you gotta get creative”
303. ‘Carpe Diem,’ does not mean ‘fish of the day,.
304. “Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” Harry Middleton
305. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.
306. “Fishing brings peace to the soul.”
307. “Fishing is like a chess match, every move counts.”
308. “Fly-fishing is the most fun you can have standing up.”
309. The early fisherman catches the fish!
310. Good old bait and switch.
311. Happiness is catching!
312. “Fishing is my therapy “
313. Lord of the fish.
314. She doesn’t hold a candlefish to you.
315. “Fishing is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”
316. Jedi fish master.
317. “The best kind of fishing is the kind where you catch your own food.”
318. “The secret to fishing success is hidden in the bait.”
319. Paradise – fishing at sunset
320. Fishing is not just a sport. It’s an art.
321. “Ice fishing is a way to reconnect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors, even in the middle of winter.”
322. “Fishing is my way of life, not just a weekend activity.”
323. Happiness is a big fish!
324. “Carpe Diem” does not mean ‘fish of the day.'” – Author Unknown
325. “Fishing is a way to connect with nature and with oneself.”
326. Fish stories told here…. some true!
327. The best way to catch a fish is to stay calm and focused.
328. All you need is a little creativity and some bait. #fishing
329. So much fish, but so little time.
330. “Fishing: where even the smallest catch can feel like a big win.”
331. “A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work “
332. When fishing, the fish are always biting.
333. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Lao Tzu
334. “Breathe in the fresh air and cast a line “
335. Driven by the constant need to catch new fish, I’m always on the lookout.
336. Heading to my happy place
337. Take the bait and reel them in!
338. “Life is better on the water.”
339. You’ve cod to be kidding me.
340. You could say that I’m hooked on fishing
341. What happens on the fishing trip stays on the fishing trip
342. “There is certainly something in angling that tends to produce a serenity of the mind.” – Washington Irving
343. “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made…while fishing.”
344. “Fishing is a way of life, not just a sport.”
345. That’s about as big as a fish that big gets
346. Let’s fish together in the morning. Let’s fish together in the evening.
347. Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.
348. A great day is one that is spent fishing!
349. “I fish so much, my other car is a boat.”
350. “Making waves and chasing fish “
351. When you reach out to the ocean and she grabs your finger
352. “The best part of ice fishing is the way it makes you feel like a kid again. It’s like Christmas morning, but with fish.”
353. Life is a fishing trip and you’re the hook hanging out on the line. Let’s reel in the best moments together
354. “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.”-Doug Larson
355. Wishing I was fishing.
356. Stress is caused by not fishing enough
357. “The cold never bothered me anyway.” – Frozen
358. “Fishing: where the only drama is between you and the fish.”
359. Don’t be koi
360. Born to fish, forced to work.
361. Procrastifishing – the art of going fishing when you should really be doing something else.
362. “Fishing is like a drug, one cast and you’re hooked.” – Unknown
363. “Fishing: it’s a way of life “
364. “The best thing about fishing is that you never know what you are going to catch.
365. I’m lost on the lake fishing, don’t bother me
366. “Fishing: the ultimate escape from the daily grind.”
367. “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers,” Herbert Hoover.
368. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad,” – A.K. Best.
369. “I’ve never met a bass I didn’t like.”
370. Capturing the moments that grab your attention, sets you up for a great catch.
371. Big Fish = Happy Day
372. “The thrill of the catch and the peace of mind.”
373. He caught a fish, she caught a goldfish, what’s next?
374. “Fishing: the art of catching fish.”
375. Our well-seasoned brains are ready to help you reel in the perfect caption for your Instagram photo.
376. “Fishing: where patience meets persistence.”
377. A woman, who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn’t know what a patient man she married.
378. “The best part of fishing is the memories you make.”
379. “I am not against golf, since I cannot suspect it keeps armies of the unworthy from discovering trout.” – Paul O’Neil
380. “Fish on, friends.”
381. “The early fisherman gets the best spot.”
382. “Fishing: where time stands still “
383. The best way to catch a fish is with a smile on your face.
384. The fish is caught, but the story is not told.
385. hungry for the big catch.
386. We’re not the only ones who can catch a fish. We are The Fish.
387. Lost fishing, don’t try to find me
388. “Great fish do not swim in shallow waters.” – Matshona Dhliwayo.
389. Life is a bowl of fish and chips.
390. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” —A.K Best
391. “Reel ’em in, boys!”
392. “A fisherman’s life is never dull “
393. “Fishing: where the only thing more satisfying than the catch is the adventure getting there.”
394. You know fish is great brain food – maybe you should fish for a whale!
395. “The best way to escape the hustle and bustle of life? Cast a line and let the world melt away.”
396. I’ve been fishing all my life, and I know it’s not easy. The fish are smart, but they’re not that smart.
397. “Casting a line and catching memories.”
398. She’s a jackfish of all trades.
399. Life without fishing is not life.
400. “Fishing is not just about the catch, it’s about the journey.”
401. I think I need to scale back.
402. When you’re out at sea, do it with purpose.
403. “A good fisherman always knows when to cast and when to wait.”
404. We’re gonna need a bigger boat!
405. “The best catch is the one that got away.”
406. “The best part of fishing? The fish stories you get to tell afterwards.”
407. Life’s a Catch, Eat It. 😋
408. “Which fish dresses the best? A swordfish because it always looks sharp!” —Johnny B. Laughing
409. I hope you feel like fish for dinner!
410. “Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.” – Mark Twain
411. It’s funny how a little bit of salt can make everything taste better 🥗🍤
412. “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles,” Doug Larson.
413. Procrastifishing – the art of going fishing when you should really be doing something else
414. Ghost-fish Killah
415. What happens on the fishing boat stays on the fishing boat
416. “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.” – George Carlin
417. “The fish is not so much your quarry as your partner,” Arnold Gingrich.
418. “So long, and thanks for all the fish.” —Douglas Adams
419. “Fishing is my escape from the world “
420. Go Fishing. You never know what you’re going to catch.
421. You could say that I’m hooked on fishing.
422. “Fishing: the only sport where drinking beer counts as practice.”
423. “Fishing is not about the fish you catch, it’s about the memories you make.” – Unknown
424. “Chasing tail and making memories “
425. If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles
426. “Catch and release, keep the memories.”
427. Happiness is catching
428. The lure of the sea is in you.
429. “I only hope the fish will take half as much trouble for me as I’ve taken for them.” – Rudyard Kipling
430. “The tug is the drug.”
431. “I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself.” Joseph Monniger
432. “So long, and thanks for all the fish,” – Douglas Adams.
433. Taking a break from the water to Instagram: #fishinstory
434. “Fishing with friends and making memories “
435. Let the adventure begin.
436. “There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.”
437. A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
438. A man’s one last cast is like a woman’s ‘I’ll be five minutes.’
439. “No life is so happy and so pleasant as the life of the well-govern’d angler.” Izaak Walton
440. “Fishing is not a hobby, it’s an addiction.”
441. “Fishing is my true love “
442. Fishing is like sex. The minute you think you’ve got it, the fish pulls the line right out of your hands.
443. “Fishing is my happy place.”
444. It’s hard to be humble when you catch a big one like this!
445. “Fishing is the only time I’m patient.”
446. “I don’t always fish, but when I do, I catch big ones.”
447. “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers.” – Herbert Hoover
448. I fish knowing every moment on a river is a gift
449. Fishing is the sport of drowning worms
450. “Every girl loves when a boy softly whispers in her ears those three magic words: “Let’s go fishing!”
451. Reel girls fish
452. Silhouetted in the sunrise
453. Living on a fishermen’s prayer.
454. Don’t be such a clownfish!
455. “So long, and thanks for all the fish” -Douglas Adams
456. Nothing says “I’m on vacation” like a fish.
457. Limitations is what you make of them.
458. “Fishing is the ultimate meditation.”
459. “The fish bite twice a day; Just before we get here and just after we leave!”
460. Catch more fish with the right bait.
461. “The best time to go fishing is when you can get away.” Robert Traver
462. “There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a tight line.”
463. The fish we caught today was straight out of the water.
464. You can’t catch what you don’t have.
465. I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself.
466. Always think like a fish, no matter how weird it gets.
467. I’m either just floating or I’m looking for the catch of the day
468. “Fishing is my escape from reality “
469. “The great outdoors and great catches.”
470. “A woman, who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn’t know what a patient man she married!” Author Unknown.
471. Wishing I was fishing
472. There are reasons that we fish, but how do you find them out?
473. “The early bird catches the bass.”
474. “The fish is not so much your quarry as your partner.” Arnold Gingrich
475. “I have a reel addiction.”
476. This is my favorite seafood place!
477. A day full of fishing keeps the worries away.
478. I fish you were here.
479. “I had an 8 come off at the boat”
480. Fishaholic
481. “Just another day in paradise with my rod and reel.”
482. The most important thing to remember is that you can change what you focus on.
483. Don’t be koi.
484. “I love the smell of fresh bass in the morning.”
485. Good things come to those who bait
486. “Fishing is my love language.”
487. “Fishing: a way to connect with the earth, the water, and the creatures that call it home.”
488. Of course, I talk to myself when I’m fishing. Sometimes I need expert advice.
489. “Success is measured by the size of your catch, not your bait.”
490. We don’t need a rod to catch the fish of our dreams. We just need a…well, you know what we got in our hand.
491. “Fishing: just add water.”
492. We’re hake-ing in the dough!
493. Anyone up for some sushi tonight?
494. “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.” Sparse Grey Hackle
495. Let’s be reel for a minute.
496. A good fish story is worth a thousand hashtags.
497. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” – A.K. Best
498. Eat. Sleep. Fish. Repeat.
499. “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.” – Doug Larson
500. We’ve never caught anything like this.
501. I am having more fun than you.
502. “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers.” – Herbert Hoover.
503. “The early bird gets the worm, but the early fisherman gets the biggest catch.”
504. We love fishing for the halibut!
505. Catching fish with your hands is so satisfying like when you pass a test at school.
506. If you’re gonna rise you might as well fish
507. It’s better to love and to be hated, than never to have loved at all. #quotes
508. “Good times and tan lines.”
509. “And chase hard and good and with no mistakes and do not overrun them.” – Ernest Hemingway
510. “Fishing brings me peace and happiness “
511. I’d rather be fishing
512. May the fish be with you!
513. “The calm before the catch.”
514. There is no better view than from behind my fishing pole.
515. Come on, we’ve got fish to catch!
516. “Bass fishing: where every cast is an adventure.”
517. Fishing season is officially here.
518. There’s plenty of fish in the sea!
519. “A true fisherman knows how to read the water.”
520. I love shopping on Grouper-on
521. “The catch of a lifetime is just one cast away.”
522. Fishing is about more than just catching fish. It’s about the time spent in the river, the boat ride and having fun together as a family.
523. “Fishing: my escape from the city and a return to my roots.”
524. “Last year, I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.” —-Steven Wright
525. Today is a good day to fish
526. Keep calm and fish on!
527. Is there anything better than a good fish tale?
528. Those who die with the most days fishing, wins
529. “Fishing is a form of meditation “
530. He’s so swordfish-ticated
531. “Most of the world is covered by water. A fisherman’s job is simple: pick out the best parts.” – Charles Waterman
532. “In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing” – Norman in “A River Runs Through It”
533. If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading this out loud, thank a student.
534. “There’s no such thing as too much tackle.”
535. A fish gotta swim, and a man gotta catch ’em.
536. Fish stories told here…some true!
537. “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business,” – Sparse Grey Hackle.
538. “I only make movies to finance my fishing,” – Lee Marvin.
539. “I like to fish. Fishing is always a way of relaxing,” – Tom Felton.
540. “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.” Doug Larson
541. “Fishing is my passion, my escape “
542. Gone fishin’, be back at dark-thirty!
543. “I’m hooked on fishing!”
544. Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught
545. Was there ever any trout?
546. “The art of fishing is knowing when to put down the rod and enjoy the view.”
547. “Where the fun never stops and the fish are always biting.”
548. “Making memories one cast at a time “
549. There is no limit to how many times you can go fishing
550. “Fishing: where dreams are caught.”
551. “A woman who can fish is a woman who can handle anything life throws at her.” – Unknown
552. She’s a damselfish in distress.
553. I fish you were here
554. Rise and shine, it’s fishing time!
555. “Fishing: where you can make memories that will last a lifetime.”
556. “Take me fishing and I’ll be happy.”
557. If you love fishing, let’s be friends.
558. Life is simple, just add water.
559. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Maimonides
560. this morning I woke up to a text from my dad that read, “You are never too old for the pungent smell of bluefin tuna.”
561. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.
562. “Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.” —Anonymous
563. “It doesn’t matter if the rod is or isn’t bent. Time spent fishing is time well spent.” – Justin Morgan
564. Life is like a game, but fishing is serious.
565. “Fishing: the art of pretending to be busy while doing nothing.”
566. Catch ’em all. Urdu English Translation
567. I got a bonytail
568. Cast away your troubles
569. “There’s nothing quite like the thrill of reeling in a big bass.”
570. “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just soft people.” – Bill Schieken #icefishingquotes
571. When you’re on the line, the fish don’t care if you can do it. They just want to make sure you’re not a nut job.
572. Good fishing is all about timing. When it’s right, it feels like you’re in the middle of a movie.
573. “Calling fishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job.” Paul Schullery
574. “The tug is my drug.”
575. “There’s no such thing as too much fishing.”
576. You’re so fly!
577. “My biggest worry is that when I’m dead and gone, my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.” – Koos Brandt
578. Alone with only the rising sun and my fishing rod
579. There is no such thing as enough fishing!
580. Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and there will be bait in the fridge.
581. “Fishing with friends and making memories.”
582. There are two types of people in this world: those who love fishing and everyone else.
583. “I love fishing. You put that line in the water and don’t know what’s on the other end. Your imagination is under there.” -Robert Altman
584. “Fishing: a chance to leave the world behind and reconnect with what truly matters.”
585. “Fishing: the only time it’s okay to tell tall tales.”
586. Fishing is a discipline in the equality of men: for all men are equal before fish.
587. “Wet lines and full hearts.”
588. Some of the best fishing pictures we’ve ever seen!
589. Paradise: Lake. Boat. Fishing rod.
590. “We ask a simple question and that is all we wish… Are all fisherman liars or do only liars fish?” – William Sherwood Fox
591. I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life.
592. “A day of fishing is a day of adventure.”
593. The best fishing comes when you’re not looking.
594. “Fishing is my way of life.”
595. If I’m not fishing I’m thinking about it
596. Rose with the sun and got fishing
597. “Life is short, fish hard.”
598. If you wanna sashimi, you need to ask me out
599. “Fishing: where every day is a chance to catch a trophy.”
600. “Fishing is not just a hobby, it’s a way of life.”
601. Catch of the day: a perfect fish caught in your heart.
602. “Fishing is my escape from reality.”
603. “Anglish is extremely time-consuming. That’s sort of the whole point.” —Thomas McGuane
604. “Early to bed…early to rise…fish all day…make up lies,” Author Unknown.
605. I caught a big one!
606. “Where the only worry is the next cast.”
607. Never underestimate the power of a good caption.
608. What’s the catch?
609. “Those who die with the most days fishing, wins,” Author Unknown.
610. Happiness is a big fish (and a witness)
611. “Fishing is my therapy.”
612. “Tight lines and endless memories “
613. The best bait is the one you’ve got on you.
614. “A great fisherman knows how to improvise.”
615. A man and his boat do not need to be justified
616. The fish are calling and I must go
617. The ocean is a place of wonder and adventure. Dive in!
618. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” —Henry David Thoreau
619. “They had me at fish”
620. There’s always time for one more cast!
621. Reel girls fish.
622. “The great charm of fly-fishing is that we are always learning.” – Theodore Gordon
623. Early to bed…early to rise…fish all day…make up lies
624. The ones that stick with you the longest are the ones that are hardest to pull off.
625. “There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” – Steven Wright
626. “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way…fishing included.”
627. “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.” – Dr. Seuss
628. “Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God.”
629. Let minnow if you wanna get sushi tonight
630. “Life is short, go fishing “
631. “Fishing: a journey, not just a destination.”
632. Know the best bait: the truth.
633. “Catch and release, but keep the memories forever.”
634. I don’t fish to escape my life. I fish to live my life.
635. “Fishing: where every cast is a chance to catch a memory.”
636. “I didn’t start this, but I’ll finish it”
637. “Don’t tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.”-Mark Twain
638. “Fishing is the reel deal.”
639. We’d rather fish than fight. #GettingAngry
640. Let’s fish together! #InstaFishing
641. I’m hooked on you!
642. This is shrimp-ly awesome!
643. “I’d rather be fishing.”
644. He’s the kingfish of the forest.
645. “A day on the water is a day well spent.”
646. I don’t exaggerate…I just remember big!
647. When you’re fishing for compliments, you don’t have to worry about what others think. Just make sure the fish are biting!
648. “I fish so much, my blood type is Gatorade.”
649. “Bass fishing: it’s not just a sport, it’s a lifestyle.”
650. Did you catch me on Instagram? 👀
651. Some people are born to catch fish, but most of us need a good bait.
652. We’re eating good tonight.
653. Nothing can beat that feeling when you’re out with your son, fishing together.
654. Don’t be afraid to go where the fish swim.
655. “Life is better on the water “
656. “I fish because punching people is frowned upon.”
657. Fishing is the best way to beat the Monday blues.
658. “Fishing: where you can be one with nature and still wear cute shoes.”
659. The early fisherman catches the fish
660. “Fishing: the perfect excuse to wear a cute hat and sunnies.”
661. I’m a reel expert. I can tackle anything.
662. Gone fishing, be back never
663. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” – Henry David Thoreau.
664. Keep calm and fish on
665. “Fishing is more than a game, it’s a tradition.”
666. When it feels like all you have is the ocean…you’re right at home.
667. “The best fisherman is the one who catches the biggest fish with the smallest hook.”
668. Step aside, it’s fishing time!
669. “I like fishing. Not actual fishing – I like the peace and quiet of being at sea. It’s different.” – Rafael Nadal
670. Nothing like the freedom on being on the lake fishing
671. A man and his boat do not need to be justified.
672. I love you! Let’s cuttlefish!
673. “Fishing is the ultimate escape from reality.”
674. I reel them all in!
675. “Life is better at the lake.”
676. “Fishing is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to catch.” – Forrest Gump
677. A man’s best friend is his fishing pole.
678. Fishing isn’t just a sport. It is a way of life.
679. “Ice fishing is the ultimate test of patience and perseverance.”
680. “Fishing: the one activity where it’s okay to stare at your rod for hours.”
681. “I’m hooked on fishing, and there’s no cure.”
682. Deadliest Catch
683. Life is like fishing. Sometimes you get the fish, sometimes you don’t. 😮
684. Can’t talk, got a fish on the other line.
685. A day on the water is like a week at the office, only better. 🐟
686. “Fishing is the art of lying convincingly about the size of the fish that got away.” – Unknown
687. “Life is better when you’re fishing.”
688. Fish pics are appreciated.
689. “There’s nothing like the thrill of the catch.”
690. “Casting a line and letting worries drift away “
691. “My Biggest worry is that when I’m dead and gone, my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it. ” – Koos Brandt
692. “A day without fishing is like a day without sunshine.”
693. “Fishing: where you can find peace, solitude, and a little bit of fun all at once.”
694. A man’s quest to perfect his angling techniques and impress his friends and family.
695. “Do not tell fish stories where the people know you. Particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish,” – Mark Twain.
696. “Fishing: the only time it’s acceptable to play with your food.”
697. I think I need to scale back
698. Fish tremble before me
699. Girls fish too
700. Not all fish are the same.
701. “Sharing the fun of fishing turns strangers into friends in a few hours.” – Eugenie Clark.
702. “Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God.” – Tony Blake.
703. “The ocean is calling and I must go fishing.”
704. “The fishing is good in troubled waters.” – German Proverb
705. There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot
706. Fishing life
707. “The ultimate way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.”
708. “Fishermen are reel men.”
709. “Fishing with friends is always a catch.”
710. “Fishing: where the only thing cuter than the fish is the person holding it.”
711. “Be patient and calm—for no one can catch fish in anger.” – Herbert Hoover
712. “Fishing: because sometimes catching a fish is just a bonus.”
713. Fishing for compliments on Instagram? We’re here to help.
714. You say I`m a compulsive fishing freak like it’s a bad thing!
715. “Fishing is a discipline in the equality of men – for all men are equal before fish,” – Herbert Hoover.
716. Daily agenda: Fishing.
717. “The only place where time stands still is on the water.”
718. “It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming.” John Steinbeck.
719. “I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself,” Joseph Monniger.
720. “All the romance of trout fishing exists in the mind of the angler and is in no way shared by the fish.” – Harold F. Blaisdell
721. You can see the Northern Lights in the Arctic Char!
722. Party like a lob-star.
723. “Fishing: where the only thing better than catching a fish is catching it with someone you love.”
724. “Ice fishing is not just about catching fish. It’s about enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the winter landscape.”
725. Keep the good vibes rolling.
726. “The best way to a fisherman’s heart is through his fly.” – Unknown
727. And the bandfish played on.
728. You can’t buy happiness, buy you can buy a fishing pole and that’s pretty much the same thing
729. Happiness is a big fish
730. I’m either just floating or I’m looking for the catch of the day.
731. The best fishing is when the fish just don’t care.
732. Wherever there is fish, you can find me there.
733. “Fishing: a journey to find myself and discover my place in the world.”
734. “Fishing is a metaphor for life” – Thomas Edison #quote
735. “The best fishing stories always involve a little bit of exaggeration.”
736. Fishing is the only sport that allows you to drink yourself sober, but it’s not a good idea.
737. “A bad day fishing is better than a good day anywhere else.”
738. You can fish for compliments, but you’ll catch the most if you ask for support from your friends.
739. Capturing the beauty of a day on the water.
740. “Fishing: where every cast is a new adventure.”
741. It’s not how you deep you fish, it’s how you wiggle your worm
742. “Fishing is the ultimate challenge of wits and willpower.”
743. “When in doubt, go fishing “
744. “Life and fishing are very similar, you never know what’s at the end of the line.” – David Humphries
745. Paradise: fishing at sunset.
746. I’m the Kingfish!
747. I’ll huff and I’ll puffer and I’ll blow your house down
748. Fishing is fun…catching is better
749. “I don’t always catch bass, but when I do, it’s a good day.”
750. “Fishing is much more than fish.It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers. ” – Herbert Hoover
751. “So long, and thanks for all the fish.” – Douglas Adams.
752. There are two types of fisherman – those who fish for sport and those who fish for fish
753. Drop a line and stay awhile!
754. Something seems fishy here.
755. “Give a man a fish; he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and you will find bait in the fridge,” Author Unknown.
756. “There’s no such thing as a bad fishing day, just a bad attitude.”
757. The best bait: a beautiful girl, a delicious meal, and a great story.
758. “Fishing: where you can bond with nature and still look cute doing it.”
759. Life is full of ocean adventures. Life is also full of land adventures. But don’t forget to take the time for both.
760. Are you squid-ing?
761. “I spent most of my money on fishing. The rest I wasted,” Author Unknown.
762. Rise and shine it’s fishing time
763. These fishy adventures will leave you with a smile on your face.
764. “Fishing is not a matter of life or death, it’s much more important than that.” – Unknown
765. Don’t be jealous just because I catch more fish than you.
766. Life’s a catch, live it.
767. “Fishing: where even the smallest catch can make your heart skip a beat.”
768. “Winds from the East fishing is the least, Winds from the West fishing is the best”
769. “I fish better with a lit cigar; some people fish better with talent,” Nick Lyons.
770. “So long, and thanks for all the fish.” – Douglas Adams
771. Cast away your troubles!
772. “May the fish be with you” – Unknown
773. “A bad day of fishing beats a good day at work any day.”
774. I just caught a big one on the line.
775. “Fishing: a never-ending adventure “
776. “Fishing keeps me grounded “
777. “I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.”
778. “Fishing: a way to escape the fast-paced world and find peace in the quietness of the water.”
779. You can always count on a great catch to make you smile
780. Never think of the water as a barrier. It’s just another challenge that you can overcome with perseverance and determination.
781. Life is just a series of obstacles preventing you from fishing
782. “A fisherman’s job is to catch fish. A good fisherman’s job is to catch fish and tell lies.”
783. “If at first you don’t succeed, reel, reel again.”
784. Don’t let the fish fool you, he’s just trying to get his sea legs back.
785. Let’s just say I’ve always wanted to be a fish.
786. “Catch of the day, every day.”
787. “Don’t leave fish to find fish.”
788. “Fishing is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to catch.”
789. A bad day can be made better with some fishing time.
790. “Fishing: where hours feel like minutes.”
791. We hope you’re a fishy happy. Happy Fishing!
792. “Fishing: where you can make memories that will last a lifetime…and catch some fish too.”
793. “Fishing: a time to unwind and reconnect with nature.”
794. “I can really fish… I’ve been fishing since I was a little kid.” – Deion Sanders
795. “To fish or not to fish? That’s a dumb question,” Author Unknown.
796. “If I fished only to capture fish, my fishing trips would have ended long ago.” Zane Grey
797. “Fishing brings people together.”
798. When you catch a fish, you don’t need to ask who is the most beautiful girl in the world. You just have to throw a party and invite her!
799. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” – Henry David Thoreau
800. “Fishing is the perfect excuse to escape the daily grind.”
801. “The sound of nature and the splashing of fish.”
802. “A true fisherman knows how to adapt to changing conditions.”
803. “The art of fishing is in the details.”
804. “There’s no better way to start the day than with a fishing rod in your hand.”
805. “The best fisherman is the one who can catch fish in any weather.”
806. “The fish are either shallow or deep or somewhere in between”
807. “Fishing: where every day is a good day, but some are just better than others.”
808. “The only thing better than catching fish is catching memories.”
809. “The thrill of the catch is worth the wait.”
810. There’s a lot on the line.
811. Life is just a series of obstacles preventing you from fishing.
812. “The water is my happy place “
813. Another day, another sunrise, another fish
814. “Fishing: the only time it’s acceptable to talk about rods and bait in public.”
815. “Fishing: my favorite way to spend a day.”
816. “Be patient and calm – for no one can catch fish in anger,” – Herbert Hoover.
817. Fishing is the best therapy in the world.
818. The earlier the better
819. “I have a reel talent for fishing.”
820. “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again”
821. It’s not the size of the fish, but what you do with it.
822. “I only make movies to finance my fishing.” Lee Marvin
823. “I don’t want to sit at the head table anymore. I want to go fishing,” – George Bush.
824. Don’t be afraid to go where the fish are, but do it with a full tank.
825. Keep those hooks sharp, stay in the moment.
826. “Fly-fishing is the most fun you can have standing up.” – Arnold Gringrich
827. “A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office!” Author Unknown.
828. Spending time fishing is a great time!
829. A fish’s favorite pastime is visualization.
830. This is how we fish: With a smile, with a friend and with our eyes 🐟 🎣
831. “A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work.”
832. Most of the world is covered by water. A fisherman’s job is simple: Pick out the best parts.
833. And the bandfish played on
834. “Fishing: where you can wear your heart on your sleeve and your love of fishing on your t-shirt.”
835. In my happy place
836. “Fishing is not just a hobby, it’s an addiction.” – Unknown
837. “I don’t exaggerate – I just remember big.” – Chi Chi Rodriguez
838. “Fishing: where even the tiniest fish can make your heart feel full.”
839. Some people wait an entire lifetime for the perfect fishing buddy. I’m raising mine.
840. “Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.” – Unknown
841. “Fishing: the perfect excuse to sit in a boat and drink beer all day.”
842. “Fishing is more than a hobby, it’s a lifestyle.”
843. There is no bait in the hand of a wise fisherman.
844. “Fishing: because adulting is hard.”
845. “When I go fishing I like to know that there’s nobody within five miles of me.” – Norman MacCaig
846. “I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret,” – Roderick Haig Brown.
847. I’m trying my best, but I keep floundering!
848. “Gone fishing, back never.”
849. “It is impossible to grow weary of a sport that is never the same on any two days of the year.” —Theodore Gordon
850. Trust me, I’m a sturgeon.
851. This fish is just a little bit different than the others.
852. A bad day can be made better with some fishing time
853. “Fishing is a way of living, and a way of life.” – Unknown
854. Just because someone catches a fish doesn’t mean they have to eat it.
855. Some people will just never understand us, fishing isn’t just a pastime or a sport, it’s a way of life
856. Pipefish down!
857. “Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” – David Middleton
858. “Life is too short to not go fishing.”
859. Fishing mode: ON
860. “You say I’m a compulsive fishing freak like it’s a bad thing,” Author Unknown.
861. “Fishing is like a hug from the universe.”
862. #Fishing is never a bad time, let’s go catch some fish together.
863. “The only thing better than fishing is catching.”
864. “Hooked on bass fishing.”
865. “The thrill of the catch is what keeps me going “
866. “Life is short, go fishing.”
867. Just hook it!
868. “Wet lines and big smiles.”
869. “The best therapy is time spent fishing.”
870. “Fishing is my solitude, my peace of mind.”
871. When you’re having an average day, think about how much better it could be if you were fishing.
872. Drop a line, stay awhile
873. “A fisherman is someone who knows how to fish. All the rest are just fishermen.”
874. “Fishing: a way to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.”
875. Today is a good day to fish!
876. “If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.” – Sparse Grey Hackle
877. “Fishing is a constant reminder of humility, as one is reminded of one’s place in the natural world.” – John McPhee
878. “Fishing buddies for life.”
879. “I caught a fish this big! (holds hands two inches apart)”
880. “Fishing: the ultimate stress reliever.”
881. To fish or not to fish? That’s a dumb question.
882. Just keep fishing!
883. Guppy Love
884. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after,” Henry David Thoreau.
885. “Reel in the good times.”
886. Life’s better when you’re fishing and the fish are biting.
887. “Fishing: where even a bad day on the water is better than a good day at the office.”
888. If you’re not a fish, then learn how to fish.
889. I can’t work today, my arm is in a cast
890. Tight lines, warm breezes, good friends, plenty of bait it doesn’t get any better.
891. “Fishing: good for the soul and the dinner table.”
892. “I fish, therefore I lie.”
893. “Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.” – Don Marquis
894. “Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” —Henry David Thoreau
895. “A trout is a moment of beauty known only to those who seek it.” – Arnold Gringrich
896. Let me be the first to tell you, no fish is better than your fishy.
897. “The angler forgets most of the fish he catches, but he does not forget the streams and lakes in which they are caught.” – Charles K. Fox
898. Never trout yourself
899. Lost fishing and happy about it
900. “I fish better with a lit cigar; some people fish better with talent.” —Nick Lyons
901. It’s fish o’clock!
902. “Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.” – Steven Wright
903. There’s always time for one more cast
904. Fresh bait, fresh catch.
905. “Fishing is my escape from the world and a reminder of the simple things.”
906. “The fishing life is the good life.”
907. “You know fish is great brain food.” -“Well, you know, then you should fish for a whale!
908. “Bass fishing: where the water is calm and the mind is clear.”
909. “Fishing in a place is a meditation on the rhythm of a tide, a season, the arc of a year, and the seasons of life.“ – Carl Safina
910. “Fishing is not just a sport, it’s a way of life.”
911. “Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend.”-Zenna Schaffer
912. Never trout yourself.
913. “I fish like it’s my job.”
914. “The ultimate adventure awaits with a fishing rod in hand.”
915. Thanks for the compliments, but my real skill is catching.
916. What’s better than catching a fish? How about throwing one back?
917. “Fishing is my cardio.”
918. Water is the most essential element of life because, without water, you cannot go fishing
919. “The best catch of the day? Spending time with friends and family on the water.”
920. You had me at fishing!
921. Stress is caused by not enough fishing!
922. Gone, fishing.
923. “Fishing is like yoga, but with more beer.”
924. “Hooked on fishing and loving every cast.”
925. “Life is too short for small talk” -Robert Brault
926. “Catching bass is my cardio.”
927. “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles,” – Doug Larson.
928. “Fishing brings me back to my roots “
929. “Life is like a game, but fishing is serious,” Author Unknown.
930. There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore.
931. Not a bad catch!
932. “Fishing: my chance to explore, discover and connect with nature.”
933. “Fishing: where every catch is a chance to make a memory.”
934. Sometimes when you’re on a fishing trip, the fish is actually your biggest catch. #FailFish
935. “Fishing is a discipline in the equality of men – for all men are equal before fish,” Author Unknown.
936. Happy as a clam!
937. “May the fish be with you.”
938. I’m a man of few words, “Let’s fish.”
939. Keeping it reel!
940. “Calling fishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job,” – Paul Schullery.
941. “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers,” – Herbert Hoover.
942. This fish had my name on it
943. Born to fish
944. No fish is too small. No fish is too fast. No fish will escape your line
945. Good things come to those who bait.
946. When you think you can’t, you just have to try harder.
947. “Fishing is like a puzzle, and every catch is a missing piece.”
948. “I’m a master baiter.”
949. I got a fishing rod for my wife – good trade
950. Fishing is a way of life. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.
951. The more you reel it in, the more you get to keep.
952. “A fisherman’s paradise “
953. “Bass fishing is not a hobby, it’s an obsession.”
954. Its fish o’clock
955. He’s the kingfish of the forest
956. “Fishing is not just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle.”
957. Where fish are caught and the angler is rewarded.
958. “When you hit the water, it’s all about catching fish and spending quality time with your son.”
959. Always remember to keep your eye on the fish.
960. Fish. You’re never too old for a good story.
961. “Fishing: where the only thing better than the catch is the company.”
962. When it comes to getting the fish, there is no substitute for a well-placed bait.
963. “Reel girls fish.” – Unknown
964. “Fishing: the only sport where the player gets a standing ovation for being caught.”
965. Fishing is a metaphor for life. The harder you work, the better it gets.
966. I like fishing and maybe 3 people.
967. “The two best times to fish is when it’s rainin’ and when it ain’t.” – Patrick F. McManus
968. This fish had my name on it!
969. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after,” – Henry David Thoreau.
970. “Fishing: the art of hoping for a nibble while trying not to fall in.”
971. A fishing trip ain’t complete without a good quote.
972. I’m throwing you a lifeline.
973. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got up this morning. But this is a good reason to stay home.
974. To the Batfish Mobile!
975. The fishing was good. It was the catching that was bad.
976. “The best time to go fishing is when you can get away.” – Robert Traver
977. “Fishing is the art of catching fish, but it’s also the art of catching a nap.” – Unknown
978. “I only fish on days that end in Y.”
979. “Catch of the day #fishinglife”
980. “There are always new places to go fishing. For any fisherman, there’s always a new place, always a new horizon.” – Jack Nicklaus
981. Keeping it reel
982. If Dr. Seuss can have all of those fish, why can’t I?
983. Do you catch my meaning?
984. “Reel in the memories, release the stress.”
985. “There is no greater fan of fly fishing than the worm.”-Patrick F. McManus
986. Can’t talk, I’m fishing.
987. After digging around a bunch of baits you pull out a good looking one and say “I would eat that”.
988. The two best times to fish are when it’s rainin’ and when it ain’t.
989. “Fishing is a game of strategy, not luck.”
990. “Life is better with a fishing rod in hand “
991. “Fishing for adventure and finding peace.”
992. “I am not against golf since I cannot suspect it keeps armies of the unworthy from discovering trout.”
993. Nothing could be beta!
994. A fishing is better than a talking head!
995. “Bragging may not bring happiness, but no man having caught a large fish goes home through an alley,” Author Unknown.
996. “It’s not just about the catch, it’s about the journey.”
997. “The only thing better than catching a fish is catching it with your best friend.”
998. “Life is like a game, but fishing is serious,”
999. “A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work.”
1000. “Bass fishing is my happy place.”
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