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367 Best Dinosaur Quotes: Science And The Jurassic Period

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “Dinosaurs are the uncontested stars of paleontology.” – Sebastien Steyer

2. “We are all made of stars.”

3. “You can’t rush these things.”

4. “They’re the world’s oldest party animals!” — Prehysteria (1993)

5. “You can’t be cute and grumpy at the same time.”

6. “Lots of animals are smaller than they used to be. Look at the size crocodiles used to be around the time of the dinosaurs. Or most of the huge mammals following that. Sometimes, being smaller means that you don’t have to find as much food.”, FADE by Kailin Gow”

7. “Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations.” – Steve Miller

8. “In the rare situation a megatsunami washes a T. rex into your path, you won’t be carrying a weapon large enough to hurt it. If it’s intent on eating you, it will eat you. However, you will be killed by the coolest dinosaur ever. Most people go their whole lives without ever seeing a T. rex in person. Do you know how lucky you are?” – Andrew Shaffer

9. “The reality is you either step into the future, or you become a dinosaur.” — M. Shadows

10. “What do you call a dinosaur after they break up with their girlfriend? Tyrannosaurus ex.” – Anonymous

11. “The worse the country, the more tortured it is by water and wind, the more broken and carved, the more it attracts fossil hunters, who depend on the planet to open itself to us. We can only scratch away at what natural forces have brought to the surface.”

12. “The presence of feathers in tyrannosaurs and many other kinds of dinosaurs makes it very likely that the great T. rex was feathered, too. If the tyrant king was not fearsome enough already, just imagine it as an energetic, intelligent big bird from hell.” – Stephen Brusatte

13. “Some things start out big, and some things start out small, very small. But sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest changes of all.”

14. “What do you call a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat and boots? Tyrannosaurus Tex!” – Anonymous

15. “Have pity on a dinosaur.” – Hank Williams Jr.

16. Living proof that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth.

17. “Dinosaurs are the best way to teach kids, and adults, the immensity of geologic time.”

18. “Plans make dreams reality.”

19. Day. Location

20. “I dreamed of going to the most remote places on this earth to dig for old bones, older than people. Before humans and their stupid ideas. Before hate. Maybe even before love, too. Dinosaurs just existed. No lectures, no books, no language. No world-conquering Europeans and no defeated everybody else. Just those powerful, unrestrained creatures roaming the planet.”

21. We all have a dinosaur deep within us just trying to get out. ~Colin Mochrie

22. “We dig up dinosaurs to try and figure out what happened to them. Perhaps someday dinosaurs, in the form of corvids, will dig us up to figure out what happened to us.” – Jennifer Ackerman

23. Dinosaurs are the uncontested stars of paleontology. ~Sebastien Steyerdinosaur sayings

24. “Dinosaurs are born with their own set of morals. If you can’t live with that, get out of my house.”

25. Fossils have richer stories to tell―about the lub-dub of dinosaur life―than we have been willing to listen to. ~Robert T. Bakker

26. That's so funny, the last time I heard that I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur.

27. “Large corporations welcome innovation and individualism in the same way the dinosaurs welcomed large meteors.” — Scott Adams.

28. “Rocks are the ticking clock that measure the age of the Earth.” ― Ian Lendler

29. Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.

30. “All the explanations proposed…extinction of a plant with apparent laxative properties, in which case the dinosaurs died of constipation.” — Carl Sagan.

31. “After finding hardly any meaning in life and absolutely no plausible reason for their existence, some dinosaurs danced on the verdant grasslands while hoping for an asteroid to arrive.” – Rajesh

32. “I am a dinosaur, and I’m not changing.”

33. “The most popular exhibits in any natural history museum are, without doubt, the dinosaurs. These creatures’ popularity grows each year, partly because of the recent resurgence of dinosaur movies, but also because a skeleton of a full-sized Tyrannosaurus rex still has the ability, even 65 million years after its death, to chill us to the bone.” – Ray Harryhausen

34. “All the explanations proposed…extinction of a plant with apparent laxative properties, in which case the dinosaurs died of constipation.”

35. “We all have a dinosaur deep within us just trying to get out.” – Colin Mochrie

36. International Dinosaur Month. USA

37. “Sir Richard Owen coined the word dinosaur in 1841. The word “dinosaur” meant “terrible lizard.”- Kelly Landgraf

38. “Down here39. “The public image of dinosaurs is tainted by extinction. It’s hard to accept dinosaurs as a success when they are all dead. But the fact of ultimate extinction should not make us overlook the absolutely unsurpassed role dinosaurs played in the history of life.” – Robert Bakker

40. Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations. ~Steve Millerdinosaur quote

41. “Individuals learn faster than institutions and it is always the dinosaur’s brain that is the last to get the new messages.” – Hazel Henderson

42. “The thing we can learn from the extinction of dinosaurs is that a random event in the universe can wipe us out. It does not matter whether we do the right things or not. The universe is neither benevolent nor hostile. It is thoroughly indifferent.”

43. “What do you call a T. rex who hates losing? A saur loser.” – Anonymous

44. “A beast more frightening than your most terrifying nightmare!” — The Crater Lake Nightmare (1977)

45. “I hope everyone enjoys watching 'The Good Dinosaur' as much as I did making it.”

46. “You will never convince some paleontologists that an impact killed the dinosaurs unless you find a dinosaur skeleton with a crushed skull and a ring of iridium round the hole.”

47. “The cat varieties today have developed by natural and artificial selection action on the original variability in the information (genes) of the original cats, resulting in differing combinations of information, and thus, speciation. Therefore, only a few "cat" pairs may have been needed on Noah's ark.

48. “It's very simple why kids are crazy about dinosaurs -- dinosaurs are nature's Special Effects.”

49. “I found my first dinosaur bone when I was six, growing up in Montana. Ever since then I’ve been interested in dinosaurs.” – Jack Horner

50. “I’ve seen many dinosaur fossils, some mounted in museums, others in the process of being extracted from their rocky matrix, and it has never occurred to me that any could be anything other than genuine.” – Alice Roberts

51. “A good friend will help you move. A best friend will help you move a dead body.”

52. “Bosses run things. The rest of us get run. It's the only rank that matters these days. You can dress it up as baronies or boyars or caliphates, but that's just sticking lace and ribbons on the dinosaur and hoping he'll take you to town. Is you a boss or isn't you? That's about the size of it.”

53. There they are, guys. Dinosaurs. Not very intelligent, because of their tiny brains, but extremely powerful.

54. “There’s an incomparable rush that comes from finding dinosaur bones. You know you’re the first person to lay hands on a critter that lived 80 or 90 million years ago.” – Jack Horner

55. “The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program…” — Larry Niven

56. “Enter an age of unknown terrors” — When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1971)

57. “I like spaghetti and pizza, are they healthy foods?”

58. “Sixty-five million years ago, the dinosaurs had a bad day.” – Phil Plait

59. “Never trust anyone who doesn’t like dogs.”

60. “No Shawn, that was just a story. But it wouldn't be a bad idea to remember all four food groups in every meal.”

61. “Why can’t you hear a Pterodactyl when it goes to the toilet? Because the pee is silent!” – Anonymous

62. “God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.”

63. “I loved us the moment I saurus," came Nova's voice from across the park. "I love that one.”

64. “As you read this, an estimated 400 billion individual feathered dinosaurs, of 10,000 species, can be found on earth, in almost every habitable environment. You need only step outside and look up into the trees and the wild blue skies to find them.” – John Pickerell

65. “I heard that Jesus had a pet dinosaur. Evolution must be a myth then.”

66. “The dragon is a more enduring animal than the pterodactyl. I have never yet met anyone who really believed in a pterodactyl; but every honest person believes in dragons -- down in the back kitchen of his consciousness.”

67. “The tyrannosaurus looked a little shamefaced - but only a little, for dinosaurs would rather drown in tar than admit they're wrong. That unfortunate attitude played a key role in their extinction.”

68. “Scientists are complaining that the new dinosaur movie shows dinosaurs with lemurs, who didn’t evolve for another million years. They’re afraid the movie will give kids a mistaken impression. What about the fact that the dinosaurs are singing and dancing?” – Jay Leno

69. “The dinosaurs are remembered only by their bones. What will we be remembered for with humanity?”

70. “Fossils have richer stories to tell - about the lub-dub of dinosaur life - than we have been willing to listen to.”

71. “Yummy, yummy veggies!”

72. “Traditional dinosaur theory is full of short circuits.”

73. “Are we not witnessing a strange tableau of survival whenever a bird alights on the head of a crocodile, bringing together the evolutionary offspring of Triassic and Jurassic?”

74. “In 1941 Richard Owen said that the dinosaurs were almost hot blooded.”

75. “I’m not saying dinosaurs aren’t real, I’m just saying we haven’t been able to find any evidence of them yet.”

76. “What did dinosaurs use to drive their cars? Fossil fuels.” – Anonymous

77. “You can’t kill the past.” – Jurassic Park

78. “The tyrannosaurus looked a little shamefaced―but only a little, for dinosaurs would rather drown in tar than admit they’re wrong. That unfortunate attitude played a key role in their extinction.” – Catherynne M. Valente

79. “Fate is the Hunter. We are the prey.”

80. “Give this gorgeous planet back to the dinosaurs. The human race is a failed experiment.”

81. “I want flowers; I don't want to text. What does that make me? What kind of dinosaur am I?”

82. “I would give 10 years off the beginning of my life to see, only once, Tyrannosaurus rex come rearing up from the elms of Central Park. We can never have enough of nature.” – Edward Abbey

83. “I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs.” – Peter Benchley

84. “If we measured success by longevity, then dinosaurs must rank as the number one success story in the history of land life.” — Robert T. Bakker

85. “The dinosaur’s eloquent lesson is that if some bigness is good, an overabundance of bigness is not necessarily better.” – Eric Johnston

86. “Of course, some dinosaurs had been social and cooperative. But others had been hunters—and killers of unparalleled viciousness. For Malcolm, the truest picture of life in the past incorporated the interplay of all aspects of life, the good and the bad, the strong and the weak. It was no good pretending anything else.”

87. “Nothing is cuter than two dinosaurs cuddling.”

88. “I’m not afraid of anything. Except for maybe clowns.”

89. “It’s very simple why kids are crazy about dinosaurs―dinosaurs are nature’s special effects.” – Robert T. Bakker

90. “I love dinosaurs so much that I want to be one.”

91. “Life is too short to waste time arguing with idiots.”

92. “The thing we can learn from the extinction of dinosaurs is that a random event in the universe can wipe us out. It does not matter whether we do the right things or not. The universe is neither benevolent nor hostile. It is thoroughly indifferent.” – Rajesh

93. “Cameron called me a dinosaur you know? Well I'm the only dinosaur who can ride a bike 12 miles a day.”

94. “Why wouldn't you be afraid of a Komodo dragon? It's a dragon. It's a dinosaur.”

95. Dinosaurs have a bad public image as symbols of obsolescence and hulking inefficiency. ~Robert T. Bakker

96. “Dinosaurs have a bad public image as symbols of obsolescence and hulking inefficiency.” – Robert T. Bakker

97. “The dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt to their changing environment.” – Arthur C. Clarke

98. “Many excellent sites have been proposed as headquarters for the United Nations, but the location we like best is the Black Hills of South Dakota. Staunch advocacy of this site appears from time to time in the appendix of the Congressional Record, and we have been following it, first with interest, lately with enthusiasm. Unquestionably, the seat of the new world league should be Dinosaur Park, near Rapid City, South Dakota, in the Black Hills, for in Dinosaur Park stand the cement figures, full size, of the Big Five of Long Ago--Tyrannosaurus rex (35 feet long, 16 feet high), Triceratops (27 by 11), Brontosaurus (90 feet long, weight 40 tons), and a couple of other plug-uglies of the period, all of them in combative attitudes astride a well-worn path. Much can be said for such a bizarre setting. Here let the new halls be built, so that earnest statesmen, glancing up from their secret instructions from the home office, may gaze out upon the prehistoric sovereigns who kept on fighting one another until they perished from the earth.”

99. “Sir Richard Owen coined the word dinosaur in 1841. The word "dinosaur" meant "terrible lizard."

100. “People say they don’t believe in luck: luck is the reason the dinosaurs got wiped out and why human beings became the new dominant species on this planet.”

101. God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.

102. “They couldn’t believe their eyes! They couldn’t escape the terror! And neither will you!” — The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953)

103. “Dinosaurs have a bad public image as symbols of obsolescence and hulking inefficiency…” — Robert T. Bakker

104. “No, I don't think my generation got into this dinosaur thing.”

105. “Thrills of the atomic-powered future! Adventures of the prehistoric past!” — Lost Continent (1951)

106. “How do dinosaurs stay in shape? They do lots of push-ups and sit-ups while they’re running away from a giant asteroid headed straight at them.”

107. “A dinosaur out of context is like a character without a story. Worse than that, the character suffers from amnesia.” – Jack Horner

108. “God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.” — Jurassic Park (1993)

109. “I feel like a dinosaur at this party.”

110. “If you love dinosaurs, then you’re already my friend.”

111. “God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.” – Ian Malcolm

112. “Dinosaurs eat man―woman inherits the earth.” – Dr. Ellie Sattler

113. “I’m as cute as a button and twice as sweet.”

114. “This planet is 15 million years overdue for an asteroid strike like the one that killed the dinosaurs.”

115. “I found my first dinosaur bone when I was 6…Ever since then I've been interested in dinosaurs.”

116. “Standing in the sun…something like a monument, I'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones.”

117. “Heavenly Fire by Stewart Stafford

118. “The cutest dinosaur ever”

119. “What do you call a dinosaur car accident? A tyrannosaurus wreck’” – Anonymous

120. “What do you call a dinosaur that knows a lot of words? A thesaurus!” – Anonymous

121. “I would give ten years off the beginning of my life to see, only once, Tyrannosaurus rex come rearing up from the elms of Central Park…We can never have enough of nature.” — Edward Abbey

122. “What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a pig? Jurassic Pork!” – Anonymous

123. “Dinosaur lover here, I’ll show you my collection.”

124. “You’re so cute I could eat you!”

125. “If we measured success by longevity, then dinosaurs must rank as the number one success story in the history of land life.”

126. “In the age of dinosaurs, you don’t need brains, you only need muscle.” – Anthony T. Hincks

127. “A dinosaur out of context is like a character without a story.”

128. “We can be the new brand of self-extincting dinosaurs or we can evolve.”

129. “I’m a dino, and I’m here for the gram.”

130. “Everybody thinks it's going to be different for them.... The dinosaurs thought so too.”

131. “When we were kids the coolest dinosaur in world was the brontosaurus, which means 'THUNDERLIZARD'. But it turns out brontosaurs isn't even a thing, it's just an apatosaurus which means 'deceptive lizard', which isn't nearly as cool. I don't want my gigantic lizards to bring the lies. I want them to bring the thunder.”

132. “All the explanations proposed seem to be only partly satisfactory. They range from massive climatic change to mammalian predation to the extinction of a plant with apparent laxative properties, in which case the dinosaurs died of constipation.” – Carl Sagan

133. “Just stay still, if you stay still it can't find you. That's sharks, you idiot. Sharks and dinosaurs. This isn't Jurassic Park.”

134. “Copyright law is a dinosaur, ill-suited for the landscape of today's media.”

135. “I’m not going to stand here and be eaten by some bitch’s dinosaur. I am finally doing something with my life.” – Brian K. Vaughan

136. “The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program. And if we become extinct because we don’t have a space program, it’ll serve us right.” – Larry Niven

137. “I’m not a dinosaur, I’m a dinosaur-shaped balloon.” – David Sedaris

138. “Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations.”

139. “Dinosaurs did not walk with humans. The evolutionary record says different. They gambled.” – Steve Martin

140. “The reality is you either step into the future, or you become a dinosaur.”

141. “You're not allowed to call them dinosaurs any more," said Yo-less. "It's speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons.”

142. “Bats look and behave a whole lot differently than mice or foxes or elephants, but nobody would argue that they're not mammals. No, bats are just a weird type of mammal that evolved wings and developed the ability to fly. Birds are just a weird group of dinosaurs that did the same thing.”

143. “Invincible! Indestructible! What was the beast born 50 million years out of time?” — Reptilicus (1962)

144. “There's an incomparable rush that comes from finding dinosaur bones.”

145. “Watch nearly any documentary film that uses CGI to recreate dinosaurs in their natural Mesozoic habitats and you will never see a dinosaur sitting, lying down, sleeping, or otherwise taking it easy. That is understandable on the part of the director and animators, because the attention span of viewers would decrease in inverse proportion to the lenght of such segment and they would quickly switch to the channel to watch they favorite reality-TV stars. (Coincidentally, these "stars" will be mostly sitting, lying down, sleeping, or otherwise taking it easy.)”

146. “I heard that Jesus had a pet dinosaur. Evolution must be a myth then.” – John Bacon

147. “.. does the Bible talk about dinosaurs? Yes, there are around twenty mentions of what we would call dinosaurs today…Why isn't the word dinosaur used to describe these animals?”

148. “When all else fails, take a nap.”

149. “It is only at the beginning of the age of the dinosaurs that the deep sea, hitherto bare of organisms, was finally invaded by life.”

150. “As a kid, I was pretty obsessed with dinosaurs and the day that my parents took me to Dinosaur National Park, I didn’t think life could get any better.” — Chelsea Clinton

151. “I’m not always an expert, but I can usually Google it.”

152. “Cave paintings done by Indians in America seem to clearly depict a dinosaur. Since scientists accept the mammoth drawings done by Indians, why not the dinosaur-like drawings? However, the evolutionary indoctrination that man didn't live at the same time as dinosaurs preclude evolutionary scientists even considering these drawings as dinosaurs that lived at the same time as the Indians.”

153. “tomatosauceruruses (the first Italian dinosaurs)”

154. “Everyone thinks dinosaurs were big, green, and ate leaves. But they were actually purple, with pink polka dots and ate people.”

155. “Great white sharks, big storms - somehow, I think we like to be put in our place by awesome things. Dinosaurs do that.”

156. “It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur.” — Meridel Le Sueur

157. “Children have a great urge to learn about dinosaurs.” – Jack Horner

158. “Tyrannosaurus was truly the Schwarzenegger of dinosaurs.”

159. “There's no environment I can think of that would have remained constant enough to preserve dinosaur DNA.”

160. “We’re facing our end, like the dinosaurs millions of years before us. The only difference is we’ve got journalists on hand to document every blow and setback, cataloging our rapid, painful downfall in vibrant, vicious detail. Personally, I think the dinosaurs had the better deal. When it comes to impending, unavoidable extinction, ignorance is bliss.” – Darren Shan

161. It’s very simple why kids are crazy about dinosaurs―dinosaurs are nature’s special effects. ~Robert T. Bakker

162. “Scientists are complaining that the new Dinosaur movie shows dinosaurs with lemurs…They're afraid the movie will give kids a mistaken impression…about the fact that the dinosaurs are singing and dancing?”

163. “After finding hardly any meaning in life and absolutely no plausible reason for their existence, some dinosaurs danced on the verdant grasslands while hoping for an asteroid to arrive.”

164. “In the rare situation a megatsunami washes a T. Rex into your path…you will be killed by the coolest dinosaur ever.”

165. “The reality is, you either step into the future or you become a dinosaur.” – M. Shadows

166. “We can be the new brand of self-extincting dinosaurs or we can evolve.” — Eden Robinson

167. “Dinosaurs did not walk with humans. The evolutionary record says different. They gambled.”

168. “If we measured success by longevity, then dinosaurs must rank as the number one success story in the history of land life.” – Robert T. Bakker

169. “I’m just another dinosaur trying to survive in this world.”

170. “She’d spent forever trying to find him something personal, settling on a miniature Albertosaurus covered in deep violet feathers. She knew it was silly, but it reminded her of the day they met, and in the card she thanked him for showing her what dinosaurs really looked like.”

171. “The freely roaming dinosaurs, I like to remember, had no plumbing.”

172. “The extinctions ongoing worldwide promise to be at least as great as the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the age of dinosaurs.”

173. “I’m a dinosaur, but I still think you’re cute.”

174. “Did not learned men, too, hold, till within the last twenty-five years, that a flying dragon was an impossible monster? And do we not now know that there are hundreds of them found fossil up and down the world? People call them Pterodactyles: but that is only because they are ashamed to call them flying dragons, after denying so long that flying dragons could exist.”

175. I have a friend who got nailed 'cause there was a rumor he wore dinosaur pajamas.

176. “I went to my first dinosaur hall with my father and twin brother―and I was blown away by the dinosaurs.” – David H. Koch

177. There’s no environment I can think of that would have remained constant enough to preserve dinosaur DNA. ~Hendrik Poinar

178. “She fought off a T-rex with just a pepper spray and bad language. You couldn't be in better hands.”

179. “Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Unless you’re a dinosaur.”

180. “I’m like a dinosaur because I don’t change with time.”

181. “Why don't you and I take a trip to the vending machine?" their mum said to Namir. "That's if you're a dinosaur who likes chocolate."

182. “Sixty-five million years ago the dinosaurs had a bad day.” — Phil Plait.

183. “Observation: I can't see a thing. Conclusion: Dinosaurs.”

184. “I think most of the dinosaur specimens we find represent subadult sizes.” – Jack Horner

185. “Welcome to the age of the dinosaurs!”

186. “Dinosaurs are the best way to teach kids, and adults, the immensity of geologic time.” – Robert T. Bakker

187. “Dinosaurs succeeded where Komodo dragons fail.”

188. “For example, you couldn't read: You make my heart Saur, without knowing that the person who had written the message was proposing some kind of interest, could you?”

189. “Fossils have richer stories to tell – about the lub-dub of dinosaur life – than we have been willing to listen to.” — Robert T. Bakker

190. “It’s time to get prehistoric on this dang internet thingy.”

191. “So amazing you won’t believe your eyes!” — One Million B.C. (1940)

192. “As a kid, I knew all of the dinosaurs. It's one of those tragedies that I've forgotten what dinosaurs are cool.”

193. “I’m the cutest little dinosaur in the world!”

194. “Dinosaurs didn’t die out when an asteroid hit the earth 66 million years ago. Everything you were told as a child was wrong.” – John Pickrell

195. “What do you get if you cross a T. rex with explosives? Dino-mite.” – Anonymous

196. “What you do on a dinosaur expedition is you hike and look at the ground. You find bones sticking out of the dirt and, once you see something, you dig.” — Nathan Myhrvold

197. “I can’t wait to be a parent someday so I can tell my kid to get off the couch and get to the gym.”

198. “Do-You-Think-He-Saurus?”

199. “If you’re going to be a dinosaur, then be the best one ever!”

200. “The brontosaurus had a 30-ton body and a 2-ounce brain. The anatosaurus had 2,000 teeth. Triceratops had a helmet of filled bone seven feet long. Tyrannosaurus rex had tiny arms and teeth like six-inch razors and it was elected president. It ate everything―dead meat, living meat, old bones.” – John Updike

201. “What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up? Try-try-try-ceratops!” – Anonymous

202. “I found my first dinosaur bone when I was 6, growing up in Montana. Ever since then I’ve been interested in dinosaurs.” — Jack Horner

203. ” As soon as they’re extinct, everyone’s gonna be like, ‘Dinosaurs? What were those again?'”

204. “Dinosaurs are nature’s perfect killing machines. They’re fast, intelligent, and have sharp teeth.”

205. “Every day, hundreds of observations and experiments pour into the hopper of the scientific literature. Many of them don't have much to do with evolution - they're observations about the details of physiology, biochemistry, development, and so on - but many of them do. And every fact that has something to do with evolution confirms its truth. Every fossil that we find, every DNA molecule that we sequence, every organ system that we dissect, supports the idea that species evolved from common ancestors. Despite innumerable possible observations that could prove evolution untrue, we don't have a single one. We don't find mammals in Precambrian rocks, humans in the same layers as dinosaurs, or any other fossils out of evolutionary order. DNA sequencing supports the evolutionary relationships of species originally deduced from the fossil record. And, as natural selection predicts, we find no species with adaptations that only benefit a different species. We do find dead genes and vestigial organs, incomprehensible under the idea of special creation. Despite a million chances to be wrong, evolution always comes up right. That is as close as we can get to a scientific truth.”

206. “We all have a dinosaur deep within us just trying to get out."

207. “Traditional dinosaur theory is full of short circuits. Like the antiquated wiring in an old house, the details sputter and burn out when specific parts are tested.” – Robert T. Bakker

208. Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!

209. “Science suggests that the asteroid strike that destroyed the dinosaurs was not going to be an isolated event, for example. There was always the possibility of more impacts.", FADE by Kailin Gow”

210. “Dinosaurs are extinct today because they lacked opposable thumbs and the brainpower to build a space program.”

211. “Terrifying! Fantastic! Startling!” — King Dinosaur (1955)

212. “Crabs may pinch but they won’t eat your face off.”

213. “Every child thinks archaeology is about digging up land to find dinosaur remains and gold. I had the same intentions.”

214. “If it looks like an impact crater and smells like an impact crater, it is an impact crater.”

215. “Of all extinct life-forms, dinosaurs are the most popular. Why that should be is not clear.”

216. “The dinosaur's eloquent lesson….if some bigness is good, an overabundance of bigness is not necessarily better.”

217. “You’re not allowed to call them dinosaurs any more―it’s speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons.” – Terry Pratchett

218. “Everybody thinks it’s going to be different for them. The dinosaurs thought so too.” – Kathryn Davis

219. “If you can’t beat them, eat them!”

220. “Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations.” — Steve Miller

221. “A time when there was no law, and man, woman and beast roamed the earth — untamed!” — One Million Years B.C. (1966)

222. “Large corporations welcome innovation and individualism in the same way the dinosaurs welcomed large meteors.”

223. “I’m not a dinosaur, I’m your mom.”

224. “Dinosaurs are extinct because they didn’t have me around to protect them.”

225. “Sometimes I think I’m the only dinosaur left on this planet .”

226. “I don’t have a pet dinosaur but if I did it would be called Grumpy Rex and we’d be best friends forever!”

227. “I can’t stop thinking about dinosaurs.”

228. “…you realize my best selling books are 'Owl Moon,' the 'How Do Dinosaur' books, and 'Devil's Arithmetic,'... ”

229. “I went to my first dinosaur hall with my father and twin brother...and I was blown away by the dinosaurs.”

230. “Man, I so sick of dinosaurs. They wasn't extinct, I'd go out an' kill 'em myself.”

231. Dinosaurs did not walk with humans. The evolutionary record says different. They gambled. ~Steve Martin

232. “Dinosaurs replace their teeth throughout their life. And T. rex replaced all of their teeth every year.” – Jack Horner

233. “When the dinosaurs fell at the end of the Cretaceous, they were not a senile, moribund group that had played out its evolutionary options. Rather they were vigorous, still diversifying into new orders and producing a variety of big-brained carnivores with the highest grade of intelligence yet present on the land.” – Robert T. Bakker

234. “If the human race ever stops acting on the basis of what it thinks it knows…then Homo sapiens will be making its application for membership in the dinosaur club.”

235. “The triceratops was safe. It was across the river, separated by impassable rapids from the danger brewing on the opposite bank. But it could see what was about to happen and was powerless to stop it.”

236. “In time, extinction comes for all species. Some leave descendants. Others do not. Beautiful as the image is, there is no tree of life. The shape of biodiversity is more like a chaotic blanket, individual threads splitting, being snipped off, branching again, creating an incredible tangle of species that are both discrete and connected. All the species alive in this moment, at the dawn of the Paleogene, will eventually perish. But some will sprout populations a little different from their point of origin, variations that will survive even as their parent species disappear, and with them the same ecological dance will begin again. The species that exist today will shape what tomorrow looks like, life itself driving the profusion of so many unique forms.”

237. “Your mind won’t believe what your eyes tell you!” — The Lost World (1960)

238. “Evie had seen dinosaurs; she had looked down upon the great forests of America from the eyes of a passenger pigeon. She had surfed into Cleopatra’s sarcophagus atop a flume of desert sand and caressed the glorious queen’s dead face with beetle legs. A playwright, a clever Englishman, had written an amusing, if not entirely accurate, speech about Eve once.”

239. “The dinosaur’s eloquent lesson is that if some bigness is good, an overabundance of bigness is not necessarily better.” — Eric Johnston

240. “In the rare situation a megatsunami washes a T. Rex into your path…you will be killed by the coolest dinosaur ever.” — Andrew Shaffer

241. “I hated humans.

242. “I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs.”

243. “I used to be a dinosaur-loving child until I realized they were extinct.”

244. “It’s very simple why kids are crazy about dinosaurs – dinosaurs are nature’s Special Effects.” — Robert T. Bakker

245. “Paleontologists have tried to turn Archaeopteryx into an earth-bound, feathered dinosaur. But it’s not. It is a bird, a perching bird. And no amount of ‘paleobabble’ is going to change that.” – Alan Feduccia

246. “I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't believed it.”

247. Robot dinosaurs might be useful. You have my authorization.

248. “People cited violation of the First Amendment when a New Jersey schoolteacher asserted that evolution and the Big Bang are not scientific and that Noah's ark carried dinosaurs. This case is not about the need to separate church and state; it's about the need to separate ignorant, scientifically illiterate people from the ranks of teachers.”

249. “Of all extinct life forms, dinosaurs are the most popular. Why that should be is not clear.” – Isaac Asimov

250. “And it all started with a field trip, a giant dinosaur model, and an especially noticeable pair of teal eyes.”

251. If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur. ~Anonymous

252. “The dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt to their changing environment…”

253. “The dinosaur's eloquent lesson is that if some bigness is good, an overabundance of bigness is not necessarily better.”

254. “The dinosaurs went extinct because they didn’t have Instagram.”

255. “I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I am cute!”

256. “It’s hard to be nostalgic for something you weren’t even alive for.”

257. “If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur!”

258. “If you’re not a dinosaur, then why are you wearing so much green?”

259. “This is really weird, but you know that movie Jurassic Park? They saturated the media with ads that were very graphic with dinosaurs eating humans and all kinds of things. Well, Koko saw them, and several days later one of our caregivers reported her acting very strangely towards her toy dinosaurs and alligators. She was acting as though they were real, and was very frightened of them, and didn't want to touch them. She was using tools to get them away from her. I do believe she had a nightmare about them.”

260. “Driven to extinction! Back for revenge!” — Carnosaur (1993)

261. Any dinosaur-shaped ones?

262. “I would give ten years off the beginning of my life to see, only once, Tyrannosaurus rex come rearing up from the elms of Central Park…We can never have enough of nature.”

263. “I’m not a monster; I’m a dinosaur.”

264. “I don’t think bigfoot is real, but dinosaurs definitely are.”

265. “Nature was quick to pass the sponge of her deluges over these awkward sketches (dinosaurs

266. “What dinosaur traits are missing from an ostrich? The ostrich has a toothless beak...”

267. It is only at the beginning of the age of the dinosaurs that the deep sea, hitherto bare of organisms, was finally invaded by life. ~Isaac Asimov

268. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna eat you.”

269. “As soon as I saw it I decided I was going to spend the rest of my life studying dinosaurs.” – Robert T. Bakker

270. “Cowl’s apprentice was tough and competent, but no amount of training or forethought can prepare you for the sight of an angry dinosaur coming to eat your ass.” – Jim Butcher

271. “I turned into a dinosaur when I fell asleep!” – Leonardo DiCaprio

272. “I’m not sure, I don’t want to die yet.”

273. “Does the Bible talk about dinosaurs? Yes, there are around 20 mentions of what we would call dinosaurs today. Why isn’t the word dinosaur used to describe these animals?” – Kelly Landgraf

274. “Oh boy! Just look at all the good things to eat. I think it would take a dinosaur to eat all of that.”

275. “I'm basically a dinosaur. I don't use e-mail.”

276. National Fossil Day. USA, India (Bharat)

277. “I've always loved dinosaurs.”

278. “Sixty-five million years ago the dinosaurs had a bad day.”

279. “Fossils have richer stories to tell―about the lub-dub of dinosaur life―than we have been willing to listen to.” – Robert T. Bakker

280. “My boyfriend doesn’t mind that I watch Jurassic Park every weekend… but he does mind when I invite my friends over to watch it with me.”

281. “Everyone thinks dinosaurs are extinct but really they’re just hiding in the shadows because they’re scared of the sun.”

282. “What’s better than watching Jurassic Park? Watching Jurassic Park with someone who loves dinosaurs as much as you do!”

283. “As a kid, I was pretty obsessed with dinosaurs, and the day that my parents took me to Dinosaur National Park, I didn’t think life could get any better.” – Chelsea Clinton

284. “One day after a million years it came out of hiding to kill! Kill!! KILL!!!” — The Beast of Hollow Mountain (1956)

285. The reality is, you either step into the future or you become a dinosaur. ~M. Shadowsdinosaurs quotes

286. “The dinosaurs invented Jesus to test our confidence in science.”

287. “Dinosaurs eat man, woman inherits the earth.” — Jurassic Park (1993)

288. “It is only at the beginning of the age of the dinosaurs that the deep sea, hitherto bare of organisms, was finally invaded by life.” – Isaac Asimov

289. “It is bad news to science museums when four in ten Americans believe humans lived with dinosaurs….”

290. “The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program...”

291. Mmm. Dinosaurs, eh? They must have been ugly suckers.

292. “You’ll be SHOCKED! You’ll be STUNNED! You’ll be THRILLED!” — King Dinosaur (1955)

293. “The dinosaurs became extinct because of the lack of hugs. They needed more hugs!”

294. “The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program. And if we become extinct because we don't have a space program, it'll serve us right!”

295. “How do you invite a dinosaur to a cafe? Tea, rex?” – Anonymous

296. “Dinosaurs and man―2 species separated by 65 million years of evolution, have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together.” – Alan Grant

297. “Enough with the beauty sleep! You're ravishing already!”

298. “The dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt to their changing environment…” — Arthur C Clarke

299. “Invulnerable…untouchable…the biggest thing since creation!” — The Giant Behemoth (1959)

300. “There’s no time for all the dinosaurs to come together. The asteroid is coming.”

301. “Yesterday was a good day, today is a better day and tomorrow will be even better.”

302. “We all love dinosaurs, but some of us are more concerned about their extinction than others.”

303. “He turned away and his hands grabbed something. A tiny purple Albertosaurus, and the note she’d given him with it. If she could’ve felt her chest, her heart would’ve skipped a beat.”

304. “As soon as I saw it I decided I was going to spend the rest of my life studying dinosaurs.”

305. “Dinosaurs are the uncontested stars of paleontology.”

306. “It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur.”

307. “Tyrannosaurus was truly the Schwarzenegger of dinosaurs.” – Kenneth Carpenter

308. “He’s a real blast from the past” — Theodore Rex (1995)

309. “Dinosaurs eat man......woman inherits the earth.”

310. “I am a dinosaur and I want to be extinct.”

311. “Faith is a higher faculty than reason. Keep the faith.”

312. “Don’t call me a dinosaur. It isn’t fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?” – Jim Butcher

313. “Everybody thinks it’s going to be different for them, Janice said. The dinosaurs thought so too.”

314. “Bugün dünyada ve dünya atmosferinde var olan bütün moleküler maddeler, dünya kurulduğunda da vardı; dünyanın yaradılışı ister daha büyük bir kütlenin patlaması, ister gazlı bir yıkıntının yoğunlaşması sonucunda gerçekleşmiş olsun. Bu moleküler maddeler yalnızca birleştiler, parçalanıp dağıldılar, sonra yeniden birleştiler. Bu arada birkaç molekül ve atom uzaya kaçtıysa da, var olanlara hiçbir şey eklenmedi. Lesje bu gerçeği düşünerek yatışıyor. Kendisi de yalnızca bir canlı örneği, o kadar; değişmez bir nesne değil. Değişmez bir nesne diye bir şey yoktur zaten. Bir gün vakti gelince, Lesje da çözülüp ayrışacak.”

315. “If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur.”

316. “I heard that Jesus had a pet dinosaur. Evolution must be a myth then.” — John Bacon.

317. “There’s no environment I can think of that would have remained constant enough to preserve dinosaur DNA.” – Hendrik Poinar

318. “Now, to find dinosaurs, you hike around in horrible conditions looking for a dinosaur. It sounds really dumb, but that’s what it is. It’s horrible conditions because wherever you have nice weather, plants grow, and you don’t get any erosion, and you don’t see any dinosaurs.” – Nathan Myhrvold

319. “Standing in the sun…something like a monument, I’m a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones.” — King Crimson

320. “Children have a great urge to learn about dinosaurs.”

321. “We dig up dinosaurs to try and figure out what happened to them. Perhaps someday dinosaurs, in the form of corvids, will dig us up to figure out what happened to us.”

322. “Did you know that dinosaurs were extinct before they even had Facebook?”

323. “I'm a junior - like Dinosaur Jr.”

324. “How do you like to be remembered?”

325. “What do you call an anxious dino? A nervous rex.” – Anonymous

326. “You're not allowed to call them dinosaurs any more....It's speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons.”

327. Everybody thinks it’s going to be different for them. The dinosaurs thought so too. ~Kathryn Davisdinosaur captions

328. “Dinosaurs have a bad public image as symbols of obsolescence and hulking inefficiency...”

329. Individuals learn faster than institutions and it is always the dinosaur’s brain that is the last to get the new messages. ~Hazel Henderson

330. “Dinosaurs are extinct. That’s what they tell me.” – Steve Buscemi

331. “I’m a cute dino. I don’t bite unless you ask me to.”

332. If we measured success by longevity, then dinosaurs must rank as the number one success story in the history of land life. ~Robert T. Bakker

333. “I believe that integrating science concepts into exciting stories is the best way for students to learn.”

334. “I wouldn't call myself a dinosaur.”

335. “It suggests to us that behavior of complex animals can change very rapidly, and not always for the better. It suggests that behavior can cease to be responsive to the environment, and lead to decline and death. It suggests that animals may stop adapting. Is this what happened to the dinosaurs? Is this the true cause of their disappearance? We may never know. But it is no accident that human beings are so interested in dinosaur extinction. The decline of the dinosaurs allowed mammals—including us—to flourish. And that leads us to wonder whether the disappearance of the dinosaurs is going to be repeated, sooner or later, by us as well. Whether at the deepest level the fault lies not in blind fate—in some fiery meteor from the skies—but in our own behavior. At the moment, we have no answer.”

336. “I’m a dinosaur, and I’m okay.”

337. “People say they don’t believe in luck: luck is the reason the dinosaurs got wiped out and why human beings became the new dominant species on this planet.” – Stewart Stafford

338. “I’m so glad I have a boyfriend who doesn’t mind that I watch Jurassic Park every weekend…”

339. “Nature was quick to pass the sponge of her deluges over these awkward sketches (dinosaurs), these first nightmares of Life.”

340. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

341. “I wonder if we are seeing a return to the object in the science-based museum. Since any visitor can go to a film like Jurassic Park and see dinosaurs reawakened more graphically than any museum could emulate, maybe a museum should be the place to have an encounter with the bony truth. Maybe some children have overdosed on simulations on their computers at home and just want to see something solid--a fact of life.”

342. “It is bad news to science museums when 4 in 10 Americans believe humans lived with dinosaurs, and fewer than 2 in 10 understand the terms ‘molecule’ and ‘DNA.’” – Larry Witham

343. “Nature has a habit of placing some of her most attractive treasures in places where it is difficult to locate and obtain them.” ― Charles Doolittle Walcott

344. “We don’t need another hero, we need a dinosaur.” – Nena

345. “Before accepting your guess

346. “The dinosaurs are remembered only by their bones. What will we be remembered for with humanity?” – Kanye West

347. “Roaring! Walking! Destroying!” — Dinosaurus! (1960)

348. “There is a dinosaur outside my window. I'm watching it as I write this.”

349. “The best thing about being a dinosaur is being a dino-mom.”

350. “We all have a dinosaur deep within us just trying to get out.” — Colin Mochrie

351. The dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt to their changing environment. ~Arthur C. Clarke

352. “As you read this, an estimated 400 billion individual feathered dinosaurs, of 10,000 species, can be found on earth, in almost every habitable environment. You need only step outside and look up into the trees and the wild blue skies to find them.”

353. “Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together.”

354. “You will never convince some paleontologists that an impact killed the dinosaurs unless you find a dinosaur skeleton with a crushed skull and a ring of iridium round the hole.” — Frank Kyte

355. “I’m just a dinosaur, trying to fit in.”

356. “Jazz is not gonna be a dinosaur and stay around in one form.”

357. “When I grow up, I want to be a dinosaur.”

358. “If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur.” – Anonymous

359. “Great white sharks, big storms―somehow, I think we like to be put in our place by awesome things. Dinosaurs do that.” – Sue Hendrickson

360. “Every child thinks archaeology is about digging up land to find dinosaur remains and gold. I had the same intentions.” — Bhuvan Bam

361. “Terror will never be extinct!” — Carnosaur III (1996)

362. “Dinosaurs are extinct today because they lacked opposable thumbs and the brainpower to build a space program.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

363. “The extinctions ongoing worldwide promise to be at least as great as the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the age of dinosaurs.” — E. O. Wilson

364. “Dinosaurs are the best way to teach kids, and adults, the immensity of geologic time.” — Robert T. Bakker

365. “It is possibly true that intelligent life with a sophisticated technology is needed for the eventual survival of life. Dinosaurs and many other species became extinct because they could not adapt themselves to changes in the environment. Of course many other species have lived through many crises. But it is doubtful that any species, other than human beings (or atany rate, intelligent beings) can survive.”

366. “I was falling for this guy. punk, bat-wielding bodyguard. Who could shift into a dinosaur. And liked to be the little spoon. Oh, shit.”

367. “Why do museums exhibit old dinosaur bones? Because they can’t afford new ones!” – Anonymous


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