950 Beautiful Cherry Blossom Quotes (2023)
1. “Ah, if in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace. ” — Ariwara no Narihira
2. “Cherry blossoms: fleeting treasures.” – Unknown
3. “Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world. ” – Murasaki Shikibu
4. “Among cherry blossoms, uncover the secret of blooming in adversity.” – Unknown
5. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s confetti, celebrating the joy of being alive.” – Unknown
6. “Cherry blossoms remind us that even in the briefest encounters, positivity can thrive.” – Unknown
7. “Cherry blossoms: life’s tender reminder.” – Unknown
8. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, time stands still.” – Unknown
9. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in every petal’s journey.” – Unknown
10. “I thought, cherry blossoms in spring. But with you around, it blossoms anytime. ” – Rima Reyka
11. “Cherry blossom is falling, Cherry blossom is on its way out, Hear a new word is calling, It hears me too and it wants me to shout it out” – Nitzer Ebb
12. “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold. When it is summer in the light and winter in the cold. ” — Charles Dickens
13. “Cherry plum blossoms on the workroom bench Where we can see it all our working hours. In all my garden days of ladyhood, I never met girls who so loved sweet flowers” – Lesbia Harford
14. “Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world.” – Murasaki Shikibu
15. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the harmony between strength and vulnerability.” – Unknown
16. “They blossomed, they did not talk about blossoming.” – Dejan Stojanovic
17. “Always it’s spring and everyone’s in love and flowers pick themselves. ” — E. E. Cummings
18. “I love to see people blossom.” – Roger Rees
19. “Find joy in the journey “
20. “In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger. ” –Kobayashi Issa
21. “Take a deep breath and soak in the beauty “
22. “The Japanese school year begins in spring. So mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches. ” — Cathy Davidson
23. “A world of wonder, captured in a cherry blossom photo”
24. “Darling, you’re the beauty of a hummingbird and the standstill of a cherry blossom. ” — Cheyenne Raine
25. “If there were no, cherry blossoms, in this world, how much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring.” — Ariwara no Narihira
26. What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms.
27. “I’ll be like a Sakura Tree branching out to touch everybody’s soul and their inner sense of beauty. ” – Haruhi
28. “Between our two lives, there is also the life of the cherry blossom. ” — Bashō Matsuo
29. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, I learn to appreciate life’s fleeting moments.” – Unknown
30. “A picture perfect moment #cherryblossoms”
31. “Cherry blossoms are like whispers of nature, urging us to appreciate the now.” – Unknown
32. “Cherry blossoms are explored as symbols in Japanese art and artifacts, and in images of Japonism found in Western art. ” — Ann McClellan
33. “Cherry blossoms and sunsets, the perfect combination “
34. “Cherry blossom I can’t let you go I’m not an expert But I know you’re like gold You pop up Shine bright Then you hit the road. ” — Jon Vinyl
35. “Sad bright eyes Are cherry blossoms Your true love Will never wake up” – Communique
36. “Cherry blossoms are like the tree’s version of a colorful makeover montage.” – Unknown
37. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall. ” — Matsuo Basho
38. “Cherry blossoms remind us to focus on the positivity of each passing moment.” – Unknown
39. It is spring time now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for a cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seeks the violence; you seek the elegance!
40. “If there were no, cherry blossoms, in this world, how much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring. ” — Ariwara no Narihira
41. “Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world. ” – The Tale Of Genji
42. “Cherry blossoms are the delicate bridges between the past and the future.” – Unknown
43. “Sakura, sakura they fall in the dreams of sleeping beauty.” — Yosa Buson
44. “Cherry blossoms: petals in the breeze.” – Unknown
45. “Cherry blossoms are explored as symbols in Japanese art and artifacts, and in images of Japonism found in Western art.” – Ann McClellan
46. “A flower’s appeal is in its contradictions — so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect. ” — Terri Guillemets
47. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find serenity.” – Unknown
48. “However far I gaze Neither cherry blossoms nor Crimson leaves are in sight. Only a fisherman’s hut on the shore In the autumnal evening.”- Fujiwara no Teika
49. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s way of infusing the world with positivity and renewal.” – Unknown
50. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms, And no crimson leaves, A straw-thatched hut by a bay, In the autumn dusk.” – Fujiwara no Teika
51. “Learn to spread joy and happiness like Spring Blossoms.” ― Purvi Raniga
52. “If there were no cherry blossoms in this world
53. “It would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine. ” – Lucy Maud Montgomery (love Anne from Anne Of Green Gables)
54. “Cherry blossoms are the delicate bridges between the old and the new.” – Unknown
55. In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger.
56. “Cherry blossoms: when trees throw a petal parade and leave a mess for us.” – Unknown
57. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in embracing the winds of change.” – Unknown
58. “Loveliest of trees the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough” – A. E. Housman
59. “Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.” – Jim Carrey
60. “Cherry blossoms, the embodiment of hope #bloom”
61. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s way of saying, ‘Life is a beautiful journey.'” – Unknown
62. “Among cherry blossoms, learn to let go with the grace of falling petals.” – Unknown
63. “In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger.” – Kobayashi Issa
64. “Oh, the wonder of it! The outrageous beauty! God didn’t have to give us cherry blossoms you know.” – Lynn Austin
65. “Cherry blossoms are like trees that decided to sprinkle their own magic on spring.” – Unknown
66. “Among cherry blossoms, find the wisdom in embracing life’s transient beauty.” – Unknown
67. “It is true, as they say, that the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly.” – Murasaki Shikibu
68. “Cherry blossoms are explored as symbols in Japanese art and artifacts, and in images of Japonism found in Western art.”- Ann McClellan
69. “I bloomed up all over again despite knowing, cherry blossoms are only meant to wither. ” – Eayra
70. Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life.
71. “Cherry blossoms remind us that even endings can be painted in shades of beauty.” – Unknown
72. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless. The spring comes again. ” — Ikkyu Sojun
73. “Flowers enshrine my heart between their petals; that’s why my heartbeats love them so much. ” – Munia Khan
74. “Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom.” –Matsuo Bashō
75. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms, and no crimson leaves, a straw-thatched hut by a bay, in the autumn dusk” – Fujiwara no Teika
76. “Cherry blossoms are the graceful dancers of the springtime symphony.” – Unknown
77. “Life is a gift, enjoy it under the cherry blossom trees “
78. “If in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace.” – Ariwara no Narihira
79. “Cherry blossoms and good company, what more could you ask for? “
80. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ” – Anais Nin
81. “Cherry blossoms are like nature’s way of saying, ‘Look, we can be pretty too!'” – Unknown
82. “A pop of pink in a sea of green #cherryblossomlove”
83. “Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal .”
84. You won’t find it every time, everywhere. Wait for it’s season to come and you won’t be long in despair. ” – Moushami Suryavanshi
85. “Cherry blossoms: whispers of renewal.” – Unknown
86. “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden. ” —Frances Hodgson Burnett
87. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s artwork.” – Unknown
88. “Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms. ” – Ikkyu
89. “Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
90. “Stop and smell the cherry blossoms #springtime”
91. If in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace.
92. “Cherry blossoms: petals that paint.” – Unknown
93. “All around us the blossoms flurry down whispering, Be patient you have an ancient beauty. ” — Toi Derricotte
94. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find strength in embracing change.” – Unknown
95. “Making memories under the cherry blossom trees “
96. “Amongst cherry blossoms, discover the beauty in embracing life’s cycles.” – Unknown
97. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in embracing change.” – Unknown
98. “Cherry blossoms: a gentle reminder of impermanence.” – Unknown
99. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall.” – Matsuo Basho
100. “Cherry blossoms teach me to bloom beautifully, no matter the season.” – Unknown
101. “Cherry blossoms symbolize the ephemeral nature of all things.” – Yoshida Kenkō
102. “Take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty “
103. ”These famous cherry blossom haikus have stood the test of time. Without regret, they fall and scatter…cherry blossoms.” – Kobayashi Issa
104. “Come see the cherry trees of a water constellation and the round key of the rapid universe,come to touch the fire of instantaneous blue, come before its petals are consumed. ” – Pablo Neruda
105. “On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups. ” – Yoshida Kenko
106. “If you tend to a flower, it will bloom, no matter how many weeds surround it.” – Dhliwayo
107. “Cherry blossoms: brief enchantment.” – Unknown
108. “Among cherry blossoms, I contemplate if trees are rehearsing for a petal performance.” – Unknown
109. “Cherry blossoms: the universe’s way of whispering, ‘This moment is precious.'” – Unknown
110. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the art of releasing what no longer serves you.” – Unknown
111. “Take time to stop and smell the cherry blossoms “
112. “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow. ” — John Lennon
113. “Cherry blossoms are fleeting dreams that remind us to seize the day.” – Unknown
114. “I feel as though as I touch those cherry-blossom petals Cup the budding cherry flowers in my hands I am slowly, yet lovingly stroking Brigid’s silky pretty face. ”- Nobody Nose
115. “Cherry blossoms, the epitome of beauty #springishere”
116. “As long as the sun smiles above us our hopes will always blossom. ” — Atalay Aydın
117. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even in transitions, we can radiate positivity.” – Unknown
118. “Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. ” — Luther Burbank
119. “Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom. ” –Matsuo Bashō
120. “Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal. ” – Erik Pevernagie
121. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find the artistry in letting go.” – Unknown
122. “Cherry blossoms remind us of the cycles of life and the beauty in each phase.” – Unknown
123. “Stopping to smell the cherry blossoms. ”
124. “What a strange thing! to be alive beneath cherry blossoms” – Kobayashi Issa
125. “The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. ” – Maxine Hong Kingston
126. There is much to be said for cherry blossoms, but they seem so flighty. They are so quick to run off and leave you.
127. “Cherry blossoms, a symbol of the transience of life “
128. “Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers; But the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms.”- Ikkyu Sojun
129. “I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees.” – Pablo Neruda
130. “It would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine. ” — Lucy Maud Montgomery
131. “Cherry blossoms are reminders that even the most fragile moments can be powerful.” – Unknown
132. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, I ponder if trees are trying out a new spring hairdo.” – Unknown
133. “Spring has sprung and so have the cherry blossoms #bloom”
134. “If you tend to a flower, it will bloom, no matter how many weeds surround it.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
135. “Finding happiness in the journey “
136. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the dusty millers and the cherry blossoms, it was always winter. ” – Janet Frame
137. What a strange thing! to be alive beneath cherry blossoms. – Issa
138. “Among cherry blossoms, we learn to embrace the beauty of letting go.” – Unknown
139. “What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms. ” — Kobayashi Issa
140. “Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world. ”- Murasaki Shikibu
141. In “What a strange thing! to be alive beneath cherry blossoms. ”– Kobayashi Issa
142. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s reminder that beauty can be found in transitions.” – Unknown
143. From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall.
144. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s whispers of hope.” – Unknown
145. “Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms. ” — Ikkyu
146. “Cherry blossoms: delicate whispers of nature’s artistry.” – Unknown
147. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in every moment’s significance.” – Unknown
148. On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups. ”- Yoshida Kenko
149. ”The Japanese school year begins in spring. So mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches. ” –Cathy Davidson
150. “Sad bright eyes are cherry blossoms your true love will never wake up.”- Communique
151. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom along the bough. ” – A. E. Housman
152. “Finding joy in the simple things #springvibes”
153. “Cherry blossoms are a universal symbol of renewal and hope.” – Unknown
154. “Among cherry blossoms, find the positivity in the process of renewal and growth.” – Unknown
155. “Among cherry blossoms, find the positivity in embracing the seasons of change.” – Unknown
156. “Cherry blossom I can’t let you go I’m not an expert But I know you’re like gold You pop up Shine bright Then you hit the road.”- Jon Vinyl
157. “Among cherry blossoms, nature whispers secrets of delicate strength.” – Unknown
158. “Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers; but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms.” – Ikkyu Sojun
159. “White cherry blossom behold the joy of spring, As white cherry blossom blooms, For it will be over soon. ” — Christopher Tye
160. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s reminder that positivity can flourish in every phase.” – Unknown
161. “Embrace the beauty of change “
162. “The cherry blossoms have a spiritual meaning for the Japanese people.” – Ann McClellan
163. “A flower blossoms for its own joy. ” — Oscar Wilde
164. “Tears slid; tears fell; tears, like diamonds, collecting powder in the ruts of her cherry blossom cheeks.” — Virginia Woolf
165. “Forever in awe of nature’s beauty “
166. “I have a pretty good memory but memories are time being, too, like cherry blossoms on ginkgo leaves; for a while, they are beautiful and then they fade and die.” – Ruth Ozeki
167. “If I were asked to explain the Japanese spirit, I would say it is wild cherry blossoms glowing in the morning sun!”- Motoori Norinaga
168. Everything blooms in its own time.
169. “Cherry blossoms: petals of transformation.” – Unknown
170. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find the beauty in embracing life’s transitions.” – Unknown
171. “The world is a stage, and cherry blossoms are my backdrop #springtime”
172. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom along the bough.
173. “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” Max Muller
174. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin
175. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in embracing life’s transitions.” – Unknown
176. “I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die.”- Ruth Ozeki
177. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless, the spring comes again.” – Ikkyu
178. “The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms” – Maxine Hong Kingston
179. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the serenity in accepting change.” – Unknown
180. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms, and no crimson leaves, a straw-thatched hut by a bay, in the autumn dusk. ” – Fujiwara no Teika
181. “Nothing is so beautiful as Spring.” – Gerard Manley Hopkins
182. “I’d like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree.” – Saigyō
183. “Break open A cherry tree And there are no flowers; But the spring breeze Brings forth myriad blossoms. ” — Ikkyu Sojun
184. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless. The spring comes again. ” – Ikkyu Sojun
185. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Elizabeth Appell
186. ”Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless. The spring comes again. ” – Ikkyu Sojun
187. “Cherry blossoms teach us to find beauty in the present and let it paint our future.” – Unknown
188. “Stop and smell the cherry blossoms. ”
189. “Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal.” — Erik Pevernagie
190. “Pink petals and sunshine #cherryblossomlove”
191. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s reminders that beauty lives in both the beginning and the end.” – Unknown
192. “Among cherry blossoms, I wonder if trees are practicing for a spring prom.” – Unknown
193. “Life stands before me like an eternal spring with new and brilliant clothes.” – Carl Friedrich Gauss
194. “Oh, the wonder of it! The outrageous beauty! God didn’t have to give us cherry blossoms you know. ” — Lynn Austin
195. “The oak tree: not interested in cherry blossoms.” – Matsuo Basho
196. “Cherry blossom season, capturing a moment of perfection”
197. “What a strange thing! to be alive, beneath cherry blossoms. ” – Kobayashi Issa
198. “I will bring you flowers from the mountains, bluebells, dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees. ” – Pablo Neruda
199. “Cherry blossoms: embrace change.” – Unknown
200. “Hello again cherry blossom!”
201. “A sea of pink and white, what could be more beautiful? “
202. “A flower blossoms for its own joy.” – Oscar Wilde
203. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even in the shortest moments, we can shine with positivity.” – Unknown
204. “Cherry blossoms: the prettiest way for trees to shed their accessories.” – Unknown
205. “The cherry blossom brings a touch of magic to the world
206. “Saying Dating web sites don't work
207. “As I caress the pink cherry blossom of the tree which has been keeping me for one third of a century safe.”- Nobody Nose
208. [...] The water had a few cherry blossoms in it, and I thought it must be some clear sort of Japanese after-dinner soup and ate every bit of it, including the crisp little blossoms.
209. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s delicate dance.” – Unknown
210. “Soldiers falling fast, battle of white and scarlet, blossoms on the ground. ” ― David Kudler
211. “Cherry blossoms teach us to cherish each moment, for it may not come again.” – Unknown
212. “Cherry plum blossom on the workroom bench Where we can see it all our working hours. In all my garden days of ladyhood, I never met girls who so loved sweet flowers.”- Lesbia Harford
213. “If there were no cherry blossoms in this world How much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring.”- Ariwara no Narihira
214. “Cherry plum blossom in an old tin jug — Oh, it is lovely, beautiful and fair, With sun on it and little shadows mixed All in among the fragrant wonder there. ”- Lesbia Harford
215. “Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment.” – Ellis Peters
216. “Petals fall like snowflakes in the spring breeze”
217. “Cherry blossoms: grace in transition.” – Unknown
218. “Cherry blossoms are fleeting dreams that paint the world with hope.” – Unknown
219. “A moment of pure bliss “
220. “The world is a canvas, paint it with cherry blossom petals “
221. “Blooming with happiness “
222. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, Are gone forever, Yet mindless spring comes again. ” – Ikkyū
223. “Double cherry blossoms flutter in the wind, one petal after another.” – Masaoka Shiki
224. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the courage to bloom gracefully.” – Unknown
225. “Among cherry blossoms, find the positivity in the art of letting go and blossoming anew.” – Unknown
226. “I put flower buds in a lot of little bottles around the house so I can see the blossoms open everywhere.” – James Patterson
227. “Where flowers bloom so does hope. ” — Lady Bird Johnson
228. “Cherry blossoms: when trees decided to accessorize their branches with some flair.” – Unknown
229. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s way of saying, ‘Don’t forget to bring your allergy meds!'” – Unknown
230. “Cherry blossoms on the tree; their scent of sweetness is divine.” – Linda Winchell
231. “Cherry trees will blossom every year; but I’ll disappear for good, one of these days. ” — Philip Whalen
232. “My love for you blossoms like the Spring. ”
233. “The beauty of nature never fails to amaze me “
234. “Cherry blossoms are a reminder that every ending is a chance for a beautiful new beginning.” – Unknown
235. “I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die. ”- Ruth Ozeki
236. “In full bloom #cherryblossoms”
237. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find the serenity of living in the now.” – Unknown
238. The Japanese school year begins in spring. So mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches.
239. “Cherry blossoms teach us to live fully in the present, for it is our only certainty.” – Unknown
240. “Let your dreams bloom like cherry blossoms. ”
241. “Take a deep breath, and let the cherry blossom scent fill your lungs “
242. “Among cherry blossoms, I find solace in life’s fleeting beauty.” – Unknown
243. “Cherry blossom is falling, Cherry blossom is on its way out, Hear a new word is calling, It hears me too and it wants me to shout it out. ” — Nitzer Ebb
244. “Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world.”- Murasaki Shikibu
245. “You can crush the flowers, But you can’t stop the spring. ”
246. “Cherry blossoms are like trees that got overly excited about confetti.” – Unknown
247. What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms. ” — Kobayashi Issa
248. “I feel as though as I touch those cherry-blossom petals Cup the budding cherry flowers in my hands I am slowly, yet lovingly stroking Brigid’s silky pretty face” – Unknown
249. “White Cherry BlossomBehold the joy of spring, As white cherry blossom blooms, For it will be over soon. ” – Christopher Tye**
250. ” Looking about I see no cherry blossoms, And no crimson leaves, A straw-thatched hut by a bay, In the autumn dusk. ” – Fujiwara no Teika
251. “Cherry blossoms, a symbol of new beginnings “
252. “It is spring time now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for a cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seek the violence; you seek the elegance!” –Mehmet Murat ildan
253. ” A gleam of blossoms in the treetops, on a moonlit night.” – Basho Matsuo
254. “If I were asked to explain the Japanese spirit, I would say it is wild cherry blossoms glowing in the morning sun!” – Motoori Norinaga
255. “God took His time to carve out the perfect place, Sam remembered her grandma always saying.
256. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, the world becomes a dream.” – Unknown
257. “Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life. ” — Victoria Abbott Riccardi
258. “Sakura blossoms, fleeting beauty”
259. “Hanami”, meaning flower viewing, stands for the tradition of picnicking beneath sakura that probably began with emperors and members of the Imperial Palace.
260. “The cherry blossom is a symbol of hope, renewal, and the coming of spring “
261. “It looks like rain in Cherry Blossom Lane The sunshine of your smile’s no longer there It looks like rain in Cherry Blossom Lane Your golden voice no longer fills the air.”- Guy Lombardo
262. “Among cherry blossoms, moments bloom.” – Unknown
263. “Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, But the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms. ” – Ikkyū
264. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even in endings, there is a breathtaking beauty.” – Unknown
265. “A sea of pink and white “
266. “In a world full of roses, be a cherry blossom #springlove”
267. “This year may have been hard but the cherry blossom flowers still bloom. ” — Intrepid Scout
268. “Donated by Japan, cherry blossoms grace the paths where a wall once stood in Berlin. Walls divide. Flowers unite. ”- Khang Kijarro Nguyen
269. “Among cherry blossoms, find the inspiration to bloom beautifully, no matter your circumstances.” – Unknown
270. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s fleeting art.” – Unknown
271. “Cherry blossom petals, a reminder to appreciate the little things”
272. “What a strange thing!
273. “Empowered by the beauty of the cherry blossom season”
274. “As the poet Motoori famously expressed it: If one should ask you concerning the spirit of a true Japanese, point to the wild cherry blossom glowing in the sun.”- Ann McClellan
275. “It may just be because I get homesick, but I have concluded Washington’s cherry blossoms are just plain overrated. ” — Newt Gingrich
276. “Cherry blossoms, a symbol of hope and renewal “
277. “Cherry blossom season is the perfect time for new beginnings “
278. “A flower does not use words to announce its arrival to the world; it just blooms.” – Matshona Dhliwayo
279. “And meanwhile, meanwhile’s far from nothing: the humming moment, the rustle of cherry trees. ” — Rachel Wetzsteon
280. “Cherry blossom cherry blossom It’s the air that we breathe How have we forgotten what it means to be.”- Haelos
281. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find inspiration to bloom where you’re planted.” – Unknown
282. “Among cherry blossoms, learn to celebrate the brief moments that leave a mark.” – Unknown
283. “Cherry blossoms on the tree, their scent of sweetness is divine. ” – Linda Winchell
284. “What’s your story baby? No control of what I am saying Winter leaves still make me believe No vendettas, just a cherry blossom tree.”- Manic Street Preachers
285. “Cherry blossom cherry blossom It’s the air that we breathe How have we forgotten what it means to be” — Haelos
286. “As the poet Motoori famously expressed it: If one should ask you concerning the spirit of a true Japanese, point to the wild cherry blossom glowing in the sun” – Ann McClellan
287. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the dusty millers and the cherry blossoms, it was always winter.” – Janet Frame
288. “Cherry blossoms are like tokens of positivity, scattered by nature to brighten our days.” – Unknown
289. “On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups.” – Yoshida Kenkō
290. “How many, many things they call to mind these cherry-blossoms!” — Bashō Matsuo
291. Oh, the wonder of it! The outrageous beauty! God didn’t have to give us cherry blossoms you know.
292. “A perfect cherry blossom is a rare thing. You can spend your whole life looking for one, and it will not be a wasted life. ” – Katsumoto
293. “Life is beautiful, just like the cherry blossoms “
294. “Cherry blossoms teach us that change is the canvas on which life paints its masterpieces.” – Unknown
295. “I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die. ” – Ruth Ozeki
296. “Cherry blossoms: the result of trees binge-watching makeup tutorials.” – Unknown
297. “The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”- Nhat Hanh
298. ”Cherry blossom petals, blown by the spring breeze against, the undried wall.” – Kobayashi Issa
299. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless. The spring comes again.” – Ikkyu Sojun
300. “Cherry blossom season, a time to appreciate life’s little moments “
301. “In a sea of flowers, the cherry blossom stands out “
302. Its materials are in constant flow, and all those thousands of useless cherry blossoms look gorgeous. Then they fall to the ground and become soil again. ” – William McDonough
303. “I recall the months and years I spent as the intimate of someone whose affections have now faded like white cherry blossoms scattering even before a wind blew.” – Yoshida Kenko
304. “It may just be because I get homesick, but I have concluded Washington’s cherry blossoms are just plain overrated. ” – Newt Gingrich
305. “Cherry blossoms remind us to appreciate the positivity in every fleeting moment.” – Unknown
306. “Sad bright eyes are cherry blossoms your true love will never wake up. ” – Communique
307. “Let the petals fall and the memories last “
308. “Cherry blossoms are like trees auditioning for a role in a fairy tale.” – Unknown
309. “Sakura, sakura they fall in the dreams of sleeping beauty. ” — Yosa Buson
310. “The cherry blossoms have a spiritual meaning for the Japanese people.”- Ann McClellan
311. “Among cherry blossoms, embrace the moment.” – Unknown
312. “So cross me cherry blossom tree For you have witnessed it all You’ve seen the world change suddenly At its height and at its fall. ” — Imaginary Cities
313. “Let’s dance in the rain of petals #cherryblossoms”
314. “You should taste her majesty My Little’ cherry blossom Just like a crow, it cut my throat” – Paolo Nutini
315. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find solace in life’s cycles.” – Unknown
316. ”Everything blooms in its own time. ” – Ken Petti
317. “Blossoms in bloom, a sign of new beginnings”
318. “Cherry blossoms: where each bloom is a promise of rebirth and growth.” – Unknown
319. “Donated by Japan, cherry blossoms grace the paths where a wall once stood in Berlin. Walls divide. Flowers unite. ” – Khang Kijarro Nguyen
320. ”Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal. ” – Erik Pevernagie
321. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the serenity of life’s changing seasons.” – Unknown
322. ”A lovely spring night, suddenly vanished while we viewed cherry blossoms.” – Basho Matsuo
323. “Among cherry blossoms, I speculate if trees are just trying to look bloomin’ marvelous.” – Unknown
324. “What’s your story baby? No control of what I am saying Winter leaves still make me believe No vendettas, just a cherry blossom tree. ” — Manic Street Preachers
325. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even in the face of change, we can radiate positivity.” – Unknown
326. ”If in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace. “- Ariwara no Narihira
327. “Amongst cherry blossoms, learn to dance with the winds of change.” – Unknown
328. “Cherry blossom season, a reminder to stop and appreciate the small things “
329. “Cherry blossoms in the air.”
330. “Darling, you’re the beauty of a hummingbird and the standstill of a cherry blossom.” – Cheyenne Raine
331. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall.” – Matsuo Bashō
332. “Cherry blossoms are like trees that took up gardening as a creative outlet.” – Unknown
333. “A flower must bloom inside first before revealing its beauty to the world. ” — Matshona Dhliwayo
334. “Cherry blossom petals, a symbol of life’s fleeting moments”
335. .. so mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches.
336. “In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger. ” — Kobayashi Issa
337. “If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change. ” — Buddha
338. “The ornamental cherry trees’ blossoms called sakura, are as closely associated with the image of Japan held by the rest of the world as is Mount Fuji.” – Ann McClellan
339. Elsewhere the single-petalled cherry blossoms fell, the doubles faded, mountain cherries bloomed, and the wisteria colored.
340. “White cherry blossom behold the joy of spring, as white cherry blossom blooms, for it will be over soon. ” – Christopher Tye
341. Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless. The spring comes again.
342. “Cherry blossoms remind us that even in brief moments, we can make a meaningful impact.” – Unknown
343. “Soldiers falling fast
344. “All around us the blossoms flurry down whispering, Be patient you have an ancient beauty. ” – Toi Derricotte
345. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s fleeting masterpiece.” – Unknown
346. “Where the petals fall, memories are made #cherryblossoms”
347. “April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom, holiday tables under the trees.” – E. Y. Harburg
348. “Cherry blossoms: when trees decide to flirt with their own branches.” – Unknown
349. “I feel as though as I touch those cherry-blossom petals Cup the budding cherry flowers in my hands I am slowly, yet lovingly stroking Brigid’s silky pretty face” – Nobody Nose
350. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s springtime confetti.” – Unknown
351. “Cherry blossoms: whispers of change.” – Unknown
352. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. ” – Maxine Hong Kingston
353. “Cherry blossom I can’t let you go I’m not an expert, but I know you’re like gold. You pop up, shine bright, then you hit the road. ” – Jon Vinyl
354. “Soldiers falling fast, Battle of white and scarlet, Blossoms on the ground” – David Kudler
355. “Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.” – Matshona Dhliwayo
356. “It is springtime now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for the cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seeks the violence; you seek the elegance!”- Mehmet Murat Ildan
357. “Between our two lives, there is also the life of the cherry blossom” – Matsuo Basho
358. “Life is full of surprises, enjoy the ride “
359. “Cherry blossoms, the symbol of new beginnings #springlove”
360. “Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring. ”
361. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the joy of blooming in unexpected moments.” – Unknown
362. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom along the bough.” – A. E. Housman
363. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, we are reminded of the delicate balance of beauty and impermanence.” – Unknown
364. “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love. ” — Max Muller
365. “Where flowers bloom, so does happiness #cherryblossoms”
366. ”If I were asked to explain the Japanese spirit, I would say it is wild cherry blossoms glowing in the morning sun! ” – Motoori Norinaga
367. “The fragrant fallen blossoms have passed me by, I closed my eyes for a moment and thought of you. ” — Denis J Ryan Harman
368. “What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms. ” – Kobayashi Issa
369. “Between our two lives, there is also the life of the cherry blossom” – Matsuo Bash
370. “However far I gaze Neither cherry blossoms nor Crimson leaves are insight. Only a fisherman’s hut on the shore In the autumnal evening. ”- Fujiwara no Teika
371. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, And so the blossoms fall, and so my days …” — Onitsura
372. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms And no crimson leaves A straw-thatched hut by a bay In the autumn dusk.”- Fujiwara no Teika
373. “Cherry blossoms: where nature creates art in the language of petals.” – Unknown
374. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, I speculate if trees are attempting glamour shots.” – Unknown
375. Donated by Japan, cherry blossoms grace the paths where a wall once stood in Berlin. Walls divide. Flowers unite.
376. “Walking through a sea of pink and white #cherryblossoms”
377. “Petals falling like snowflakes #blossoms”
378. “I feel as though as I touch those cherry-blossom petals Cup the budding cherry flowers in my hands I am slowly, yet lovingly stroking Brigid’s silky pretty face. ” — Nobody Nose
379. “White cherry blossom behold the joy of spring, As white cherry blossom blooms, For it will be over soon.” – Christopher Tye, ‘White Cherry Blossom’
380. “I’d like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree. ” – Saigyo
381. “As I caress the pink cherry blossom of the tree which has been keeping me for one third of a century safe. ” – Nobody Nose
382. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even the smallest gestures of beauty can create joy.” – Unknown
383. “Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom.”- Matsuo Basho
384. The cherry blossoms have a spiritual meaning for the Japanese people.
385. “Among cherry blossoms, uncover serenity.” – Unknown
386. “Among cherry blossoms, find the positivity in embracing the seasons of life.” – Unknown
387. “Donated by Japan, cherry blossoms grace the paths where a wall once stood in Berlin. Walls divide. Flowers unite.” – Khang Kijarro Nguyen
388. “Cherry blossoms: where vulnerability transforms into a dance of elegance.” – Unknown
389. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, I wonder if trees secretly love playing dress-up.” – Unknown
390. “Among cherry blossoms, I suspect trees are auditioning for a botanical ballet.” – Unknown
391. “Cherry blossoms are like expressions of positivity, painted across the canvas of nature.” – Unknown
392. “Among cherry blossoms, I question if I’m under a tree or inside a snow globe.” – Unknown
393. “The world is a more beautiful place with cherry blossoms #springvibes”
394. “Cherry blossoms: dreams of spring.” – Unknown
395. “I’d like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree. ” — Saigyo
396. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s short stories.” – Unknown
397. “Cherry blossom season, a time to stop and smell the flowers”
398. “Cherry blossoms teach us to find joy in every moment, no matter how brief.” – Unknown
399. The spring comes again. ” – Ikkyu Sojun
400. “Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms. ” – Ikkyu Sojun
401. “From heaven, it descends like, sakura petals drop.” – Issa Kobayashi
402. “Love is like cherry blossoms. You won’t find it every time, everywhere. Wait for it’s season to come and you won’t be long in despair.” – Moushami Suryavanshi
403. “The Japanese school year begins in spring. So mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches. ” – Cathy Davidson
404. “Cherry blossoms: petals of hope.” – Unknown
405. “Branches about to blossom or gardens strewn with flowers are worthier of our admiration. ” – Yoshida Kenko
406. “As I caress the pink cherry blossom of the tree which has been keeping me for one-third of a century safe.” – Nobody Nose
407. “Cherry blossoms: where each petal is a testament to nature’s artistry.” – Unknown
408. “The cloud-like effect of the cherry trees in bloom on Mount Yoshino has inspired poets and common folk in Japan for over a thousand years” – Ann McClellan
409. “It is springtime now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for the cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seeks the violence; you seek the elegance!” – Mehmet Murat İldan
410. “Among cherry blossoms, uncover the magic of embracing life’s transient grace.” – Unknown
411. “When you bloom like a blossom, you must help other flower buds to bloom too. ” — Munia Khan
412. “Cherry blossoms are like trees that took ‘sprucing up for spring’ quite literally.” – Unknown
413. “Cherry blossoms are the exquisite signatures of nature’s fleeting elegance.” – Unknown
414. Looking about I see no cherry blossoms, And no crimson leaves, A straw-thatched hut by a bay, In the autumn dusk.
415. “I need you like a blossom needs rain, like the winter ground needs spring-to soothe my parched soul. ” — Solange nicole
416. ‘Happiness’ is a pointless goal. –Jordan Peterson
417. “Among cherry blossoms, I contemplate if trees are having a spring fling with themselves.” – Unknown
418. “Cherry blossom trees, a symbol of hope and renewal”
419. “Cherry plum blossoms on the workroom bench Where we can see it all our working hours. In all my garden days of ladyhood, I never met girls who so loved sweet flower.” – Lesbia Harford
420. “There is much to be said for cherry blossoms, but they seem so flighty. They are so quick to run off and leave you. ” — Murasaki Shikibu
421. “The Japanese school year begins in spring. So mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches. ” – Cathy Davidson**
422. “Ah, if in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace."— Ariwara no Narihira
423. “If in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace. ” — Ariwara no Narihira
424. “Cherry blossoms are the embodiment of hope, renewal, and new beginnings.” – Unknown
425. “The Japanese school year begins in spring … so mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches. ”- Cathy Davidson
426. “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. ” — Claudia Adrienne Grandi
427. “Cherry blossoms: where even fallen petals create a path of enchantment.” – Unknown
428. “Among cherry blossoms, find the courage to release the old and welcome the new.” – Unknown
429. “Among cherry blossoms, one can seek wisdom from stillness.” – Unknown
430. “I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die” – Ruth Ozeki
431. “Cherry blossom I can’t let you go I’m not an expert But I know you’re like gold You pop up Shine bright Then you hit the road” – Jon Vinyl
432. “Come see the cherry trees of a water constellation and the round key of the rapid universe, come touch the fire of instantaneous blue, come before its petals are consumed” – Pablo Neruda
433. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the courage to bloom amid change.” – Unknown
434. “Cherry blossoms in full bloom “
435. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in every bloom’s tale.” – Unknown
436. “The perfect blend of beauty and simplicity “
437. ” I recall the months and years I spent as the intimate of someone whose affections have now faded like cherry blossoms scattering even before a wind blew. ” – Yoshida Kenko
438. “Finding beauty in every moment “
439. “The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. ”- Maxine Hong Kingston
440. “Pink flowers and blue skies. ”
441. “I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die.” – Ruth Ozeki
442. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, I’m reminded that trees have a spring wardrobe.” – Unknown
443. “Cherry blossoms: where beauty and fragility coexist in perfect harmony.” – Unknown
444. “Cherry blossoms are the ethereal messengers of hope in nature’s grand design.” – Unknown
445. “Donated by Japan, cherry blossoms grace the paths where a wall once stood in Berlin. Walls divide. Flowers unite. ” — Khang Kijarro Nguyen
446. “Soldiers falling fast battle of white and scarlet blossoms on the ground. ” – David Kudler
447. “Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life. ”- Victoria Abbott Riccardi
448. “Cherry plum blossoms on the workroom bench Where we can see it all our working hours. In all my garden days of ladyhood, I never met girls who so loved sweet flowers. ” — Lesbia Harford
449. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the strength to let go and move forward.” – Unknown
450. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, my sinuses throw a parade too.” – Unknown
451. “Cherry blossoms: when trees put on a spring fashion show and scatter the runway.” – Unknown
452. “Among cherry blossoms, I pretend I’m in an elegant sneeze-inducing ballroom.” – Unknown
453. “Among cherry blossoms, uncover the courage to let go and embrace renewal.” – Unknown
454. “I have a pretty good memory but memories are time being, too, like cherry blossoms on ginkgo leaves; for a while, they are beautiful and then they fade and die. ” – Ruth Ozeki
455. “Cherry blossoms: time’s fleeting kiss.” – Unknown
456. “The world is a canvas, and the cherry blossoms paint it pink”
457. “Among cherry blossoms, we learn the art of living in the present.” – Unknown
458. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, embrace the fragile and fleeting moments.” – Unknown
459. “Blooming with possibility “
460. “Take a walk on the cherry blossom side #springtime”
461. “White cherry blossom behold the joy of spring, as white cherry blossom blooms, for it will be over soon.”- Christopher Tye, (White Cherry Blossom)
462. “When you bloom like a blossom, you must help other flower buds to bloom too.” ― Munia Khan
463. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless, the spring comes again. ” — Ikkyu
464. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in every petal’s story.” – Unknown
465. “If you’ve never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. ” — Audra Foveo
466. “Yeah you should taste her majesty My lil’ cherry blossom Just like a crow, it cut my throat.”- Paolo Nutini
467. “I thought, cherry blossoms in spring. But with you around, it blossoms anytime!!!” – Rima Reyka
468. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the poetry of life’s impermanence.” – Unknown
469. “Cherry blossoms: when trees throw a bloom-filled confetti party for themselves.” – Unknown
470. “Finding peace in the petals “
471. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the positivity in every petal’s graceful fall.” – Unknown
472. “The cherry blossom tree is a symbol of renewal and hope “
473. “Cherry blossoms remind us that every petal has its time to shine in the sun.” – Unknown
474. Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal.
475. “Flowers don’t tell, they show. ” – Stephanie Skeem
476. “Beauty in its purest form, the cherry blossom season”
477. “The Japanese school year begins in spring … so mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches.”- Cathy Davidson
478. “You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way. ” — Walter Hagen
479. “In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger.”- Kobayashi Issa
480. “You’ve got to be one that, wherever you are, like a flower, you’ve got to blossom where you’re planted.” – Cory Booker
481. “Cherry blossoms are the delicate messengers of hope in nature’s grand symphony.” – Unknown
482. “It would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery (love Anne from Anne Of Green Gables)
483. “My love for you blossoms every day. ”
484. “I’ll be like Sakura Tree branching out to touch everybody’s soul and their inner sense of beauty” – Haruhi
485. “I wouldn't mind
486. “Come see the cherry trees of a water constellation and the round key of the rapid universe, come touch the fire of instantaneous blue, come before its petals are consumed.”- Pablo Neruda
487. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, and so the blossoms fall, and so my days.” – Onitsuka
488. “Cherry blossom season, a time to let go and move forward “
489. “Among cherry blossoms, uncover the positivity in embracing the journey of growth.” – Unknown
490. “The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love they will bloom like flowers.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
491. “Cherry blossoms remind us that life’s most beautiful moments are often the briefest.” – Unknown
492. “Flowers enshrine my heart between their petals; that’s why my heartbeats love them so much.” – Munia Khan
493. “Cherry blossoms: fleeting beauty.” – Unknown
494. “Cherry blossoms: life’s delicate reminder.” – Unknown
495. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s promise that beauty can emerge from the darkest days.” – Unknown
496. “Cherry blossoms: where beauty and impermanence intertwine in delicate harmony.” – Unknown
497. “Flowers enshrine my heart between their petals; that’s why my heartbeats love them so much.”- Munia Khan
498. “Ah, if in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace” – Ariwara no Narihira
499. “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” – Max Muller
500. “Cherry blossoms: where the art of letting go is painted in delicate petals.” – Unknown
501. “Between our two lives, there is also the life of the cherry blossom”. — Matsuo Basho
502. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, my allergies declare war on my enjoyment.” – Unknown
503. “Cherry blossoms: fleeting magic.” – Unknown
504. “In a world full of thorns, be a cherry blossom #bloom”
505. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless, the spring comes again. ” – Ikkyu
506. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, we find solace in the cycle of life.” – Unknown
507. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find solace for the restless heart.” – Unknown
508. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall.”- Matsuo Basho
509. “There should be a little gap between you and your friends, though you’ll miss their companionship and you’ll also miss their disrespect. –Michael Bassey Johnson
510. “It is spring time now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for a cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seeks the violence; you seek the elegance!” – Mehmet Murat İldan
511. They are so quick to run off and leave you. ” – Murasaki Shikibu
512. “And meanwhile, meanwhile’s far from nothing: the humming moment, the rustle of cherry trees. ” – Rachel Wetzsteon
513. “Cherry blossom season, my favorite time of year “
514. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find renewal.” – Unknown
515. “Cherry blossom cherry blossom it’s the air that we breathe. ”
516. “Cherry blossoms are like reminders of positivity, whispering hope in nature’s language.” – Unknown
517. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, I ponder if trees have enrolled in a spring makeover class.” – Unknown
518. “I don`t want to be shy Can`t stand it anymore I just want to say Hi To the one I love Cherry blossom girl” — Air
519. “I want to do with you what the spring does with the cherry trees” – Pablo Neruda
520. “Cherry blossoms: where nature takes a gentle pause to paint the world.” – Unknown
521. “Cherry blossoms are like trees that decided to have a spring fling with themselves.” – Unknown
522. “Cherry blossoms: beauty in transition.” – Unknown
523. “A flower blossoms for its own joy.” — Oscar Wilde
524. “Spring has finally arrived, and so have the cherry blossoms “
525. “It may just be because I get homesick, but I have concluded Washington’s cherry blossoms are just plain overrated” – Newt Gingrich
526. “Life is better under cherry blossom trees “
527. “Cherry blossoms remind us that beauty is a gift, meant to be appreciated.” – Unknown
528. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms
529. “The perfect backdrop for a spring day “
530. “The cherry blossoms have a spiritual meaning for the Japanese people. ” – Ann McClellan
531. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, And so the blossoms fall, and so my days …”- Uejima Onitsura
532. “Cherry blossoms teach us that life’s transitions can be a symphony of beauty.” – Unknown
533. “From heaven, it descends like, sakura petals drop. ” – Issa Kobayashi
534. “Springtime and the cherry blossom season brings joy to my heart “
535. “Among cherry blossoms, we understand the harmony between beauty and impermanence.” – Unknown
536. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms And no crimson leaves A straw-thatched hut by a bay In the autumn dusk” – Fujiwara no Teika
537. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find grace.” – Unknown
538. “Come see the cherry trees of a water constellation
539. “Sakura is in the air.”
540. “In these spring days, when tranquil light encompasses the four directions, why do the blossoms scatter with such uneasy hearts?” – Ki no Tomonori
541. “Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. ” — Jim Carrey
542. “Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom.” – Matsuo Basho
543. “There is much to be said for cherry blossoms, but they seem so flighty. They are so quick to run off and leave you. ” – Murasaki Shikibu
544. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s reminder that positivity can bloom even in challenging times.” – Unknown
545. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find the inspiration to bloom despite adversity.” – Unknown
546. “The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. ” — Maxine Hong Kingston
547. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom along the bough.”- A. E. Housman
548. “It may just be because I get homesick, but I have concluded Washington’s cherry blossoms are just plain overrated.”- Newt Gingrich
549. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the poetry of impermanence.” – Unknown
550. “The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. ” – Maxine Hong Kingston**
551. “Elsewhere the single-petalled cherry blossoms fell, the doubles faded, mountain cherries bloomed, and the wisteria colored. ” — Murasaki Shikibu
552. ”Flowers enshrine my heart between their petals; that’s why my heartbeats love them so much. ” – Munia Khan
553. “I recall the months and years I spent as the intimate of someone whose affections have now faded like cherry blossoms scattering even before a wind blew. ” – Yoshida Kenko
554. “Cherry blossoms: hope in petals.” – Unknown
555. “Sakura dreams come true #cherryblossom”
556. “Let the cherry blossom petals fall where they may “
557. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, I embrace the poetry of impermanence.” – Unknown
558. “On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups. ” – Yoshida Kenkō
559. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s love letters written in the language of petals.” – Unknown
560. “Autumn had arrived, the last blossom whispered, let me stay awhile.” – Meeta Ahluwalia
561. “Cherry blossoms remind us that beauty can emerge from even the most unexpected places.” – Unknown
562. “I will bring you flowers from the mountains, bluebells, dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.” – Pablo Neruda
563. “Cherry blossoms teach us that the most beautiful moments are often short-lived.” – Unknown
564. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms no crimson leaves straw-thatched hut by a bay the autumn dusk. ” – Fujiwara no Teika
565. ” I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die. ” – Ruth Ozeki
566. “Everything blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti
567. “What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms.” — Kobayashi Issa
568. “I recall the months and years I spent as the intimate of someone whose affections have now faded like cherry blossoms scattering even before a wind blew.” – Yoshida Kenko
569. “Amongst cherry blossoms, find the harmony between letting go and embracing anew.” – Unknown
570. And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, and so the blossoms fall, and so my days .
571. “Cherry blossom trees, standing tall and proud in the spring breeze”
572. “What’s your story baby? No control of what I am saying Winter leaves still make me believe No vendettas, just a cherry blossom tree” – Manic Street Preachers
573. “There is no glory in star or blossom till looked upon by a loving eye; There is no fragrance in April breezes till breathed with joy as they wander by.” – William Cullen Bryant
574. “Cherry blossoms are fleeting dreams that leave a lasting impression on our hearts.” – Unknown
575. “Cherry blossoms are like nature’s attempt at redecorating trees for spring.” – Unknown
576. “Learn to spread joy and happiness like Spring Blossoms.” – Purvi Raniga
577. “It looks like rain in Cherry Blossom Lane The sunshine of your smile’s no longer there It looks like rain in Cherry Blossom Lane Your golden voice no longer fills the air” – Guy Lombardo
578. “It would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine. ” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
579. “The Japanese school year begins in spring. So mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches.” – Cathy Davidson
580. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the elegance of letting go.” – Unknown
581. “Spring has never looked so beautiful “
582. “Cherry blossoms: where beauty and impermanence dance hand in hand.” – Unknown
583. “Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life.” – Victoria Abbott Riccardi
584. “My love for you blossoms every day.”
585. “Cherry blossoms remind me that even the briefest moments can be exquisite.” – Unknown
586. “I’d like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree.” – Saigyō Short
587. “Yeah you should taste her majesty My Little’ cherry blossom Just like a crow, it cut my throat” – Paolo Nutini
588. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the duty millers and the cherry blossoms, it was always winter” – Janet Frame
589. “The fragrant fallen blossoms have passed me by, I closed my eyes for a moment and thought of you” – Denis J Ryan Harman
590. “Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal.” - Unknown
591. “Earth laughs in flowers. ” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
592. “Blossom by blossom the spring begins.” – Algernon Charles Swinburne
593. “I bloomed up all over again despite knowing, cherry blossoms are only meant to wither.” – Eayra
594. “Among cherry blossoms, find joy.” – Unknown
595. “Life is a journey, and cherry blossoms are a pit stop #springlove”
596. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even the briefest moments can make life truly remarkable.” – Unknown
597. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the duty millers and the cherry blossoms, it was always winter.”- Janet Frame
598. “Cherry blossoms are like bursts of optimism, announcing the arrival of brighter days.” – Unknown
599. “Everything blooms in its own time. ” – Ken Petti
600. “Cherry blossoms are a gentle reminder of the fleeting nature of life’s beauty.” – Unknown
601. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the joy of celebrating every moment.” – Unknown
602. “Cherry blossoms are like trees that decided to bloom and groom themselves simultaneously.” – Unknown
603. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, and so the blossoms fall, and so my days. ” – Onitsura
604. “It is spring time now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for a cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seeks the violence; you seek the elegance!”- Mehmet Murat Ildan
605. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall” – Matsuo Basho
606. “Look at the cherry blossoms!
607. Some of the trees were weeping: blossoms in white and palest pink, ponderous with decreptitude, eddying on the brown water, stirred by the paddling of ducks. ” – John Burnham Schwartz
608. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, I realize trees have a floral fashion sense.” – Unknown
609. ”White cherry blossom behold the joy of spring, As white cherry blossom blooms, For it will be over soon. ” – Christopher Tye, ‘White Cherry Blossom
610. “Cherry blossoms: seasons in bloom.” – Unknown
611. “Cherry blossoms are the stars that grace earth with their ephemeral glow.” – Unknown
612. “The sweet scent of spring “
613. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find the positivity in every bloom’s story.” – Unknown
614. “Cherry blossom season, a time to slow down and enjoy the present “
615. “Among cherry blossoms, I suspect trees are having a petal-styling competition.” – Unknown
616. “As I caress the pink cherry blossom of the tree which has been keeping me for one third of a century safe.” – Nobody Nose
617. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, I question if trees are showing off or shedding.” – Unknown
618. “Among cherry blossoms, learn that beauty often comes in transient whispers.” – Unknown
619. “Take a stroll and let the cherry blossoms lift your spirits #cherry
620. “Cherry blossoms: when trees thought they’d try out for the springtime talent show.” – Unknown
621. “I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees. ” – Pablo Neruda
622. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, I wonder if trees are practicing for a floral flash mob.” – Unknown
623. “Among cherry blossoms, learn the wisdom of embracing life’s fleeting moments.” – Unknown
624. “Let the cherry blossoms light up your life #springvibes”
625. “A moment of peace in a world of chaos #cherryblossoms”
626. “Double cherry blossoms
627. “Let the petals fall where they may “
628. “Double cherry blossoms flutter in the windOne petal after another. ” – Masaoka Shiki
629. “Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world.” – The Tale Of Genji
630. “The Japanese school year begins in spring … so mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches” – Cathy Davidson
631. “To the one I love Cherry blossom girl. ”
632. So mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches. ” – Cathy Davidson
633. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s way of turning endings into ethereal celebrations.” – Unknown
634. ” Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom”. – Matsuo Basho
635. “Life is a journey, enjoy the ride “
636. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom along the bough. ” — Alfred Housman
637. Break open, A cherry tree and there are no flowers, But the spring breeze, Brings forth myriad blossoms.
638. “What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms.” – Kobayashi Issa.
639. “Cherry blossom dreams come alive”
640. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, Are gone forever, Yet mindless The spring comes again.”- Ikkyu
641. “A moment of stillness in a busy world “
642. “Among cherry blossoms, find tranquility.” – Unknown
643. “The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition. ” — Honore de Balzac
644. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s confetti, celebrating the arrival of spring.” – Unknown
645. “As you scatter and leave, we’ll wait for your return. In next year’s spring, a life that is renewed. ” — Akiko Ichimaru
646. “Cherry blossoms: love notes from nature.” – Unknown
647. “From heaven, it descends like, sakura petals drop.” – Issa Kobayachi
648. ”It is springtime now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for the cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seek the violence; you seek the elegance!” – Mehmet Murat İldan
649. “On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups.” – Yoshida Kenko
650. “Break open A cherry tree And there are no flowers; But the spring breeze Brings forth myriad blossoms.” — Ikkyu Sojun
651. “The deep roots never doubt spring will come.” – Marty Rubin
652. “My heart that was rapt away by the wild cherry blossoms — will it return to my body when they scatter?” — Kotomichi
653. “Among cherry blossoms, uncover the poetry of life’s transitory grace.” – Unknown
654. “Where flowers bloom, so does hope #bloom”
655. “Life is a journey, and the cherry blossom is a reminder to enjoy the ride “
656. “Ah, if in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace.”- Ariwara no Narihira
657. “Donated by Japan, cherry blossoms grace the paths where a wall once stood in Berlin. Walls divide. Flowers unite.”- Khang Kijarro Nguyen
658. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s promise that every season brings its own unique beauty.” – Unknown
659. “Cherry blossoms are the confetti of nature’s grand celebration.” – Unknown
660. “On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while sitting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups. ” — Yoshida Kenko
661. “Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal. ” — Erik Pevernagie
662. ”Scatter layer by layer, eight-layered, cherry blossoms.” – Masaoka Shiki
663. “Cherry blossoms: where fragility becomes a canvas for nature’s masterpiece.” – Unknown
664. “However far I gaze Neither cherry blossoms nor Crimson leaves are insightful. Only a fisherman’s hut on the shore In the autumnal evening” – Fujiwara no Teika
665. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall. ”- Matsuo Basho
666. “Cherry blossoms are the ultimate sign of spring’s arrival.” – Yoshida Kenkō
667. “Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life. Victoria Abbott Riccardi
668. “Cherry blossoms are like trees that are finally showcasing their inner diva.” – Unknown
669. “So cross me cherry blossom tree For you have witnessed it all You’ve seen the world change suddenly At its height and at its fall” – Imaginary Cities
670. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, discover the art of being present.” – Unknown
671. “I’ll be like Sakura Tree branching out to touch everybody’s soul and their inner sense of beauty. ” — Haruhi
672. “Cherry plum blossom in an old tin jug — Oh, it is lovely, beautiful and fair, With sun on it and little shadows mixed All in among the fragrant wonder there.” – Lesbia Harford
673. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze,
674. “The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love they will bloom like flowers. ” — Nhat Hanh
675. “The sweetest thing in life is a cherry blossom #bloom”
676. “I wouldn’t mind if life left me… wingless burnt to cinders ripped by storms scattered…like weeds celestially wounded without cherry blossoms to perish wi
677. “I have a pretty good memory but memories are time being, too, like cherry blossoms on ginkgo leaves; for a while, they are beautiful and then they fade and die. ” — Ruth Ozeki
678. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall. ” – Matsuo Bashō
679. “Cherry blossoms are like dreams that paint the world in shades of pink.” – Unknown
680. “Flowers enshrine my heart between their petals; that’s why my heartbeats love them so much. ” — Munia Khan
681. “Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal.” – Erik Pevernagie
682. “A flower does not use words to announce its arrival to the world; it just blooms. ” — Matshona Dhliwayo
683. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, learn to cherish life’s ephemeral beauty.” – Unknown
684. “Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom. ” – Matsuo Basho
685. “Spring has sprung and the cherry blossoms are here “
686. “Only in dreams of spring shall I ever see again the flowering of my cherry trees.” – Frances Hodgson Burnett
687. “The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me “
688. “In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger. ” – Kobayashi Issa
689. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, I wonder if trees are attempting a floral fashion debut.” – Unknown
690. “Amongst cherry blossoms, discover the beauty in embracing life’s transitions.” – Unknown
691. “Cherry blossoms: hope’s delicate touch.” – Unknown
692. As I caress the pink cherry blossom of the tree which has been keeping me for one-third of a century safe.
693. “Cherry blossoms: where fleeting moments become lasting memories.” – Unknown
694. “On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups.”- Yoshida Kenko
695. “The ornamental cherry trees’ blossoms called sakura, are as closely associated with the image of Japan held by the rest of the world as is Mount Fuji” – Ann McClellan
696. “If I were asked to explain the Japanese spirit, I would say it is wild cherry blossoms glowing in the morning sun. ” — Motoori Norinaga
697. “How many, many things they call to mind these cherry-blossoms!” – Bashō Matsuo
698. “I will bring you flowers from the mountains, bluebells, dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees. ” — Pablo Neruda
699. “Spring is proof that change can be beautiful. ”
700. Flowers enshrine my heart between their petals; that’s why my heartbeats love them so much.
701. “I don’t want to be shy can’t stand it anymore I just want to say Hi To the one I love Cherry blossom girl.” – Air
702. “Cherry blossoms remind us that even in endings, there is exquisite beauty.” – Unknown
703. “The ancients waited for cherry blossoms, grieved when they were gone, and lamented their passing in countless poems.
704. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s whispers that life is a series of precious moments.” – Unknown
705. “White Cherry Blossom
706. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, we see life’s delicate balance.” – Unknown
707. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, discover the joy of embracing life’s vibrant colors.” – Unknown
708. “Cherry blossoms: life’s delicate art.” – Unknown
709. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, And so the blossoms fall, and so my days …” – Onitsura
710. The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms.
711. “It looks like rain in Cherry Blossom Lane The sunshine of your smile’s no longer there It looks like rain in Cherry Blossom Lane Your golden voice no longer fills the air. ” — Guy Lombardo
712. “The cloud-like effect of the cherry trees in bloom on Mount Yoshino has inspired poets and common folk in Japan for over a thousand years. ” – Ann McClellan
713. “The world is a beautiful place with cherry blossoms #cherryblossoms”
714. “Among cherry blossoms, I contemplate if trees are experiencing an identity crisis.” – Unknown
715. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, we find lessons in embracing change.” – Unknown
716. “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” – Robin Williams
717. “The cherry blossom season was over, but two of His Excellency’s trees must have consented to wait, for they were in late and glorious bloom. ” — Murasaki Shikibu
718. “Cherry blossoms: where impermanence and beauty intertwine in delicate harmony.” – Unknown
719. “Take a walk in the world of cherry blossoms #springtime”
720. “Cherry blossoms are like nature’s smiles, lighting up the world with their delicate charm.” – Unknown
721. “Savor the sweetness of life with cherry blossoms #springlove”
722. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s confetti.” – Unknown
723. “It is true, as they say, that the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly. ” – Murasaki Shikibu
724. “Cherry blossoms, coffee, and good company “
725. “The cherry blossom season was over, but two of His Excellency’s trees must have consented to wait, for they were in late and glorious bloom.” – Murasaki Shikibu
726. “Loveliest of trees the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough” – A.E. Housman
727. “Spring has sprung, and so have the cherry blossoms”
728. “Among cherry blossoms, I uncover the art of embracing change with grace.” – Unknown
729. “Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life.”- Victoria Abbott Riccardi
730. “I feel as though as I touch those cherry-blossom petals Cup the budding cherry flowers in my hands I am slowly, yet lovingly stroking Brigid’s silky pretty face.”- Nobody Nose
731. Suddenly you are full of cherry blossoms, a new presence, a new fragrance. ” – Rajneesh
732. “Everything blooms in its own time. ” — Ken Petti
733. “Dance with the flowers of enlightenment—then watch as your mind and body blossom as you begin to harvest the fruits of self-progression and self-realization. ” — Natasha Potter
734. “It is true, as they say, that the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly. ” — Murasaki Shikibu
735. You’ll realize when you’re as old as me to hang on to the good times because they won’t last forever. ” – Shannon M Mullen
736. “The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms.”- Maxine Hong Kingston
737. “Cherry blossoms: proof that trees know how to accessorize for spring.” – Unknown
738. “And meanwhile, meanwhile’s far from nothing: the humming moment, the rustle of cherry trees.” – Rachel Wetzsteon
739. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, we find inspiration in life’s transitions.” – Unknown
740. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the duty millers and the cherry blossoms, it was always winter.” – Janet Frame
741. “The world is my canvas, and cherry blossoms are my paint #springtime”
742. “The cherry blossom season is a reminder to live in the moment “
743. “Cherry blossoms teach us that the most exquisite moments are often the briefest.” – Unknown
744. “If in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace. ” – Ariwara no Narihira
745. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom along the bough.” – Alfred Housman
746. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom along the bough. ” — A. E. Housman
747. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the optimism in every petal’s delicate dance.” – Unknown
748. “Among cherry blossoms, find the positivity in the process of letting go and blooming anew.” – Unknown
749. “Cherry blossoms are explored as symbols in Japanese art and artifacts, and in images of Japonism found in Western art” – Ann McClellan
750. “I feel as though as I touch those cherry-blossom petals, cup the budding cherry flowers in my hands, I am slowly, yet lovingly stroking Brigid’s silky pretty face.” – N. Nose
751. “Life is like a cherry blossom, beautiful but fleeting #bloom”
752. “If there were no cherry blossoms in this world how much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring. ” – Ariwara no Narihira
753. “Cherry blossoms are like reflections of positivity, mirrored in the beauty of life’s moments.” – Unknown
754. “Cherry blossoms: where fragility transforms into a dance of elegance.” – Unknown
755. “Cherry blossom, I can’t let you go, I’m not an expert but I know you’re like gold, you pop up, shine bright, then you hit the road.” – Jon Vinyl
756. “Life is an adventure, enjoy it with cherry blossom views “
757. “There is much to be said for cherry blossoms, but they seem so flighty. They are so quick to run off and leave you.” – Murasaki Shikibu
758. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s way of reminding us to celebrate the moment.” – Unknown
759. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even a brief bloom can leave an everlasting mark.” – Unknown
760. “Finding joy in the simple things “
761. “Only in dreams of spring shall I ever see again the flowering of my cherry trees. ” – Frances Hodgson Burnett
762. The cherry blossom season was over, but two of His Excellency’s trees must have consented to wait, for they were in late and glorious bloom.
763. “Looking about I see no cherry blossoms, And no crimson leaves, A straw-thatched hut by a bay, In the autumn dusk. ” — Fujiwara no Teika
764. “Let’s go chase the cherry blossoms “
765. “Cherry blossoms: poetry in bloom.” – Unknown
766. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the positivity in living fully and embracing now.” – Unknown
767. “I’ve been waiting for you all winter. ”
768. “Cherry blossoms teach us that even a short-lived bloom can touch eternity.” – Unknown
769. White cherry blossom beholds the joy of spring, as white cherry blossom blooms, for it will be over soon. ”- Christopher Tye, (White Cherry Blossom)
770. “Finding beauty in the simple things, like cherry blossom petals”
771. “Savor each moment, like a cherry blossom in full bloom”
772. “It is spring time now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for a cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seeks the violence; you seek the elegance!” — Mehmet Murat İldan
773. “Sakura, sakura they fall in the dreams of sleeping beauty” – Yosa Buson
774. “The cherry blossom season is a reminder to stop and enjoy the beauty around us “
775. “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” — John Lennon
776. “What’s your story baby? No control of what I am saying, winter leaves still make me believe. No vendettas, just a cherry blossom tree. ” — Manic Street Preachers
777. “As you scatter and leave, we’ll wait for your return. In next year’s spring, a life that is renewed.” – Akiko Ichimaru
778. “The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms.” – Maxine Hong Kingston
779. “I want to do with you what the spring does with the cherry trees.” – Pablo Neruda.
780. “Cherry blossoms: where vulnerability becomes an art of beauty.” – Unknown
781. “I’d like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree. ”- Saigyō
782. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s lessons in the art of graceful transformation.” – Unknown
783. “I feel as though as I touch those cherry-blossom petals, cup the budding cherry flowers in my hands, I am slowly, yet lovingly stroking Brigid’s silky pretty face. ” – N. Nose
784. “Among cherry blossoms, we are reminded of the transient beauty of existence.” – Unknown
785. “If I were asked to explain the Japanese spirit, I would say it is wild cherry blossoms glowing in the morning sun. ” – Motoori Norinaga
786. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find the serenity of releasing attachments.” – Unknown
787. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now.
788. And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, And so the blossoms fall, and so my days …- Uejima Onitsuka
789. “It is true, as they say, that the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly.” –Murasaki Shikibu
790. “Among cherry blossoms, learn the art of blossoming amid life’s uncertainties.” – Unknown
791. “Mist trailed through a garden pale beneath thinning branches, to merge here and there with the blossoms and yield a scene more beautiful than any autumn night.” – Murasaki Shikibu
792. “All around us the blossoms flurry down whispering, Be patient you have an ancient beauty.” – Toi Derricotte
793. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the elegance in embracing change.” – Unknown
794. “The cloud-like effect of the cherry trees in bloom on Mount Yoshino has inspired poets and common folk in Japan for over a thousand years” — Ann McClellan
795. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s love letters, written in petals of delicate grace.” – Unknown
796. “Flowers whisper ‘Beauty!’ to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall. ” — Dr. SunWolf
797. “I thought, cherry blossoms in spring. But with you around, it blossoms anytime!” – Rima Reyka
798. “In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger. ” —Kobayashi Issa
799. “Among cherry blossoms, find the positivity in embracing life’s fleeting beauty.” – Unknown
800. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find solace in life’s ebb and flow.” – Unknown
801. “Cherry blossoms are the petals that fall like poetry from nature’s lips.” – Unknown
802. “Cherry blossoms, sunshine, and good vibes “
803. “The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit.” – Thomas Malory
804. “Elsewhere the single-petalled cherry blossoms fell, the doubles faded, mountain cherries bloomed, and the wisteria colored.” – Murasaki Shikibu
805. “Cherry blossoms remind us that every goodbye is an opportunity for a new hello.” – Unknown
806. “It would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry tree all white with bloom in the moonshine.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
807. “Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter, like a sun-basking butterfly that finds peace on a cherry blossom petal. (“I seek you”)”
808. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, I question if trees are having a pollen party.” – Unknown
809. “Cherry blossoms teach us that every phase of life holds its own unique charm.” – Unknown
810. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, Are gone forever, Yet mindless, The spring comes again” – Ikkyu
811. “In these spring days,
812. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the duty millers and the cherry blossoms, it always wintered. ” – Janet Frame
813. “Scatter layer by layer, eight-layered cherry blossoms.” – Masaoka Shiki
814. “Sad bright eyes Are cherry blossoms Your true love Will never wake up. “ — Communique
815. It is true, as they say, that the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly.
816. “Between our two lives, there is also the life of the cherry blossom.” – Bashō Matsuo
817. “The perfect way to start a new day, surrounded by cherry blossoms “
818. “In the heart of the city, surrounded by cherry blossoms “
819. “Cherry blossoms are the embodiment of beauty, fragility, and renewal.” – Unknown
820. “Cherry blossoms are a reminder that life is beautiful, yet fleeting.” – Unknown
821. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now. Is hung with bloom along the bough And stands about the woodland ride. Wearing white for Eastertide. ” – A. E. Housman
822. Come see the cherry trees of a water constellation and the round key of the rapid universe, come touch the fire of instantaneous blue, come before its petals are consumed.
823. “I must have flowers, always and always. ” — Claude Monet
824. “Only in dreams of spring shall I ever see again the flowering of my cherry trees. ” — Frances Hodgson Burnett
825. “The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love they will bloom like flowers” – Nhat Hanh
826. “If there were no, cherry blossoms, in this world, how much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring. ”— Ariwara no Narihira
827. “A walk among the cherry blossoms is like a walk through a fairy tale “
828. “Cherry blossoms are like fleeting thoughts painted across the canvas of nature.” – Unknown
829. “Cherry blossoms remind us that even the most fragile moments can hold immense beauty.” – Unknown
830. “I’d like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree.” – Saigyo
831. “Branches about to blossom or gardens strewn with flowers are worthier of our admiration. ” — Yoshida Kenko
832. “Cherry blossoms: nature’s way of saying, ‘Spring is here, and allergies too!'” – Unknown
833. I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die.
834. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the courage to embrace the winds of change.” – Unknown
835. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the duty millers and the cherry blossoms, it was always winter. ” — Janet Frame
836. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, we witness nature’s fleeting beauty.” – Unknown
837. “Cherry blossoms symbolize the transient nature of human existence and the importance of living fully.” – Unknown
838. Branches about to blossom or gardens strewn with flowers are worthier of our admiration.
839. “Among cherry blossoms, discover the art of embracing life’s transitions.” – Unknown
840. Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom
841. “Cherry blossoms: trees that got carried away with their floral flamenco.” – Unknown
842. “Cherry blossoms reflect the impermanence of life.” – Matsuo Bashō
843. “If I want to grow and blossom as any tree would, I have to start by knowing my roots and understand how I came to be the tree I am. Learn your ancestry. ” — Jeffrey G. Duarte
844. “If the cherry trees had to wait for understanding, they’d never blossom. ” — Marty Rubin
845. “Life is too short, enjoy the cherry blossoms while they last “
846. “Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms.” – Ikkyu
847. “The world is a more beautiful place with cherry blossoms #bloom”
848. “Among cherry blossoms, I speculate if trees are simply celebrating spring’s arrival in style.” – Unknown
849. “As you scatter and leave, we’ll wait for your return. In next year’s spring, a life that is renewed. ” – Akiko Ichimaru
850. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the positivity in the delicate moments of existence.” – Unknown
851. “Among cherry blossoms, I ponder if trees are trying out for a botanical beauty pageant.” – Unknown
852. “Cherry blossoms teach us to bloom even when the world is uncertain.” – Unknown
853. “Let the cherry blossom petals guide you “
854. “Since ancient times, the Japanese have heralded the arrival of the cherry blossoms because they symbolize the ephemeral beauty of life. ” – Victoria Abbott Riccardi
855. “Cherry blossoms: spring’s sweet whispers.” – Unknown
856. “Cherry plum blossom in an old tin jug — Oh, it is lovely, beautiful and fair, With sun on it and little shadows mixed All in among the fragrant wonder there.”- Lesbia Harford
857. “Life is a journey, and the cherry blossom season is a beautiful pitstop”
858. “The world is a canvas, and the cherry blossoms are the paint “
859. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s way of showing that positivity can be found in transitions.” – Unknown
860. “Cherry blossoms remind us that vulnerability is a pathway to true beauty.” – Unknown
861. “Cherry blossoms teach us that endings can be as exquisite as beginnings.” – Unknown
862. “Spring is here to say hello. ’
863. “Let the cherry blossoms bring you peace #bloom”
864. “The cloud-like effect of the cherry trees in bloom on Mount Yoshino has inspired poets and common folk in Japan for over a thousand years.”- Ann McClellan
865. White cherry blossom behold the joy of spring, As white cherry blossom blooms, For it will be over soon.
866. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, find the beauty in every fleeting moment.” – Unknown
867. Walls divide. Flowers unite. ” – Khang Kijarro Nguyen
868. “Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom”. — Matsuo Basho
869. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough. ” – Alfred Housman
870. “Sakura, sakura they fall in the dreams of sleeping beauty. ” – Yosa Buson
871. “From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall. ” – Matsuo Basho
872. “The ornamental cherry trees’ blossoms called Sakura, are as closely associated with the image of Japan held by the rest of the world as is Mount Fuji.”- Ann McClellan
873. “Come see the cherry trees of a water constellation and the round key of the rapid universe, come touch the fire of instantaneous blue, come before its petals are consumed. ” – Pablo Neruda
874. “In the embrace of cherry blossoms, we witness the artistry of nature.” – Unknown
875. “Mist trailed through a garden pale beneath thinning branches, to merge here and there with the blossoms and yield a scene more beautiful than any autumn night. ” – Murasaki Shikibu
876. “For in spite of the snapdragons and the duty millers and the cherry blossoms, it always wintered. ”- Janet Frame
877. “Among cherry blossoms, find the positivity in embracing the ever-changing journey.” – Unknown
878. “Flowers don’t tell; they show.” – Stephanie Skeem
879. “Love blossoms into the most beautiful of flowers. ” – Cam Richmond
880. “Life is just a bowl of cherries #springtime”
881. “So cross me cherry blossom tree For you have witnessed it all You’ve seen the world change suddenly At it’s height and at it’s fall.”- Imaginary Cities
882. “Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the cherry blossom “
883. “Branches about to blossom or gardens strewn with flowers are worthier of our admiration.” – Yoshida Kenko
884. “Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world. ” — Murasaki Shikibu
885. “Cherry blossoms: where beauty rests.” – Unknown
886. “Cherry blossoms teach us that life’s most beautiful moments are often fleeting.” – Unknown
887. “Cherry blossoms in the air. ”
888. “I recall the months and years I spent as the intimate of someone whose affections have now faded like cherry blossoms scattering even before a wind blew. ” — Yoshida Kenko
889. “Cherry blossoms: fragile yet fierce.” – Unknown
890. ”From all these trees, in the salads, the soup, everywhere, cherry blossoms fall. ” – Matsuo Basho
891. “Tears slid; tears fell; tears, like diamonds, collecting powder in the ruts of her cherry blossom cheeks. ” — Virginia Woolf
892. “Cherry blossoms remind me that beauty can emerge from the most delicate places.” – Unknown
893. “the whitest, frothiest, blossomest blossom that there ever could be” – Dennis Potter
894. “Cherry blossoms are nature’s way of telling us that even fleeting moments can be breathtaking.” – Unknown
895. “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right. ” — Stephen Richards
896. “These blooming blossom trees with pink flowering branches are a sight to behold and fill hearts with joy. ”
897. “Let’s collect those spring flowers once again holding each other’s hand under the canopy of cherry blossom.” – Silver Mist
898. “Darling, you’re the beauty of a hummingbird and the standstill of a cherry blossom. ” – Cheyenne Raine
899. “You are not built to shrink down to less but to blossom into more. ” — Oprah Winfrey
900. “Finding beauty in the fleeting moments #springtime”
901. “Sad bright eyes are cherry blossoms your true love will never wake up.” – Communique
902. Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world.
903. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, And so the blossoms fall, and so my days …”- Uejima Onitsuka
904. “What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms.” – Kobayashi Issa
905. “And so the spring buds burst, and so I gaze, and so the blossoms fall, and so my days.” – Onitsura
906. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, Are gone forever.” – Ikkyu
907. “The cherry blossom season is a celebration of new beginnings “
908. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, Are gone forever, Yet mindless, The spring comes again.” — Ikkyu
909. “Cherry blossoms remind us that every season of life has its own unique beauty.” – Unknown
910. “Flowers and colours everywhere, I am so glad that March is here.” – Anamika Mishra
911. “Cherry blossoms are the delicate whispers of renewal in the air.” – Unknown
912. “Cherry blossoms: when trees decide to throw a fabulous petal party.” – Unknown
913. “Cherry blossoms: life’s fleeting grace.” – Unknown
914. “I want to do with you what the spring does with the cherry trees.” — Pablo Neruda
915. “The oak tree: not interested in cherry blossoms. ” – Matsuo Basho
916. “Let your dreams bloom like cherry blossoms. ” — Intrepid Scout
917. “The world is a garden, and cherry blossoms are the flowers #springtime”
918. “Cherry blossoms teach us that endings can be as beautiful as beginnings.” – Unknown
919. “Cherry blossoms remind us that even the most delicate moments leave a lasting impact.” – Unknown
920. “Cherry blossoms are like the tree’s way of getting dolled up for a spring selfie.” – Unknown
921. It may just be because I get homesick, but I have concluded Washington's cherry blossoms are just plain overrated.
922. “Early spring is the time for vigorous change.” – Henry Rollins
923. “Between our two lives, there is also the life of the cherry blossom. ” – Bashō Matsuo
924. “If there were no, cherry blossoms, in this world, how much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring” – Ariwara no Narihira
925. “What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms. ” –Kobayashi Issa
926. “Cherry blossoms symbolize the fleeting nature of human existence.” – Yoshida Kenkō
927. “Among cherry blossoms, we find inspiration to bloom brightly in our own lives.” – Unknown
928. “Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, it’s the air that we breathe. How have we forgotten what it means to be. ” – Haelos
929. “Cherry blossom season, a time for renewal and growth “
930. “Cherry blossom is falling Cherry blossom is on its way out hear a new word is calling It hears me too and it wants me to shout it out.”- Nitzer Ebb
931. I recall the months and years I spent as the intimate of someone whose affections have now faded like cherry blossoms scattering even before a wind blew.
932. “Soldiers falling fast, Battle of white and scarlet, Blossoms on the ground. ” —David Kudler
933. “O that I had sleeve enough to cover the wide sky! No wind should then take the flowers that blossom in spring.” – Murasaki Shikibu
934. “Among cherry blossoms, I contemplate if trees secretly envy peacocks.” – Unknown
935. “Cherry blossoms: whispers of spring.” – Unknown
936. “Let the sun shine, let the cherry blossoms bloom “
937. “Cherry blossoms: poetry in petals.” – Unknown
938. “In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger. ”- Kobayashi Issa
939. “Among cherry blossoms, find solace.” – Unknown
940. “From heaven, it descends like, sakura petals drop. ” — Issa Kobayachi
941. “I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die. ” — Ruth Ozeki
942. “I bloomed up all over again despite knowing, cherry blossoms are only meant to wither. ” — Eayra
943. “To the one I love Cherry blossom girl.”
944. “It may just be because I get homesick, but I have concluded Washington’s cherry blossoms are just plain overrated.” – Newt Gingrich
945. “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” Read full disclosure here.
946. “Cherry blossoms on the tree,
947. “Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.” – Jessica Harrelson
948. “The cherry blossom reminds us to stop and appreciate the simple things in life “
949. “In the presence of cherry blossoms, find the positivity in embracing change and growth.” – Unknown
950. “The beauty of the cherry blossom is in its fleetingness “
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