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800 Inspirational Beauty Quotes: Amazing, Beautiful (2023)

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. When I see graceful beauty of whatever kind, I shed tears of joy.”― Anoir Ou-Chad

2. Flawed, we’re truly interesting, truly memorable, and yes, truly beautiful.” ― Justina Chen Headley

3. The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. Johann von Goethe

4. Inner beauty can grow within each of us

5. When a person has gone through the journey of finding and pursuing their most authentic self and shares that gift, for me, that’s beautiful.” —Geena Rocero

6. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” —Thich Nhat Hanh

7. Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” – Henry Rollins

8. Change is what keeps the galaxy spinning. It's what makes it beautiful. Siri Tachi - Star War Quotes

9. I believe inner beauty is beauty in its truest form. When we nurture ourselves, it brings an inevitable, positive transformation.” — Paula Abdul.

10. “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” - Dorothy Parker

11. Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out.” –

12. That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.” —John Green

13. You are loved. You are wonderfully made. You are beautiful. You have purpose. You are a masterpiece. Unknown

14. You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your own soul's doing. - Marie Carmichael Stopes

15. Beauty is not caused. It is.” ― Emily Dickinson

16. In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous

17. “Beauty is not caused. It is.” — Emily Dickinson

18. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it to the fullest.

19. Be yourself today. You’re beautiful like that.

20. Beauty is an expression. Khiva Cheleigh, The Art Of Natural Beauty

21. “No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

22. I don’t want to just look pretty, I have something to say!

23. The world is a depressing place if you look for depressing shit. The world is a beautiful place if you look for beautiful stuff. Ed Latimore

24. It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” – Leo Tolstoy

25. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. Kahlil Gibran

26. Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical

27. Just in case you need reminding, you are beautiful

28. Life is abundant, and life is beautiful. And it’s a good place that we’re all in, you know, on this earth, if we take care of it.” – Alice Walker

29. Or are you beautiful because I love you? – Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella

30. “The happier you are the more beautiful you become.” - Unknown

31. “Beauty is not something you buy; instead, beauty is what lies within.” — Byron Pulsifer

32. Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye.” – William Shakespeare

33. Nobody’s ugly. That doesn’t exist. I say take the time to get to know who you are, take the time to love yourself, and everything will be alright.

34. The more grateful you are, the more beauty you see.” ― Kayode Banks

35. They say if you dream a thing more than once, it’s bound to come true

36. Beauty is the virtue of the body as virtue is the beauty of the soul” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

37. Beauty always promises, but never gives anything. Simone Weil

38. The key to aging beautifully is to age gracefully

39. That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. Ninon de L’Enclos

40. To me, beauty is natural beauty. If you’re naturally yourself, you’re beautiful.” – Young M.A

41. “A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.” — Anne Roiphe

42. Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” – Mark Twain

43. Good morning, wake up and be awesome

44. Treat every natural beauty you met as if you see them for the first and last time!”― Mehmet Murat ildan

45. To me life is an absolutely beautifully thing and way too short not to experience the joys of every single thing it has to offer. - Raymona Brown

46. “Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

47. I don’t like standard beauty – there is no beauty without strangeness.” – Karl Lagerfeld

48. Virtue only is the true beauty.” – Samuel Richardson

49. Beauty – in projection and perceiving – is 99.9 percent attitude.” – Grey Livingston

50. When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Paulo Coelho

51. Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” – Ashley Smith

52. It is beautiful, it is endless, it is full and yet seems empty. It hurts us.”― Jackson Pearce

53. Beauty surrounds us.” ― Rumi

54. I don’t like standard beauty – there is no beauty without strangeness. Karl Lagerfeld (Chanel)

55. Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful

56. You’re beautiful- from the tips of your toes, to the depths of your soul

57. Because you are alive, everything is possible. Thich Nhat Hanh

58. Imperfection is perfection according to the perspective

59. Beauty is the promise of happiness. - Edmund Burke

60. Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.” —Anonymous

61. You are beautiful in all of your ways

62. You are good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, strong enough. Lolly Daskal

63. It's not about hair color or lack of hair; it's not about crooked teeth or a beautiful smile. It's about who you are. - Willow Cross

64. Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.” —Henry David Thoreau

65. Beauty is also submitted to the taste of time.” ― Karl Lagerfeld

66. A good hair stylist is a shear delight!

67. Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget to take the time out to enjoy the beauty in life. It’s like we’re zombies. Look up and take your headphones out. Say

68. I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains. Anne Frank

69. Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty.”― Amit Ray

70. You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” – Amy Bloom

71. To me, beauty is natural beauty. If you’re naturally yourself, you’re beautiful.” —Young M.A.

72. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful. Sophia Loren

73. Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself. - Paramahansa Yogananda

74. Beauty is not caused. It is.” —Emily Dickinson

75. Beauty has a lot to do with character.” — Kevyn Aucoin

76. No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart

77. “It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” - Leo Tolstoy

78. “Outer beauty turns the head, but inner beauty turns the heart.” — Helen J. Russell

79. Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche

80. If you can find beauty in everything, everything will seem more beautiful to you.”― Matt Fox

81. There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion

82. Adorn your beauty with elegant fashion and embellish it with a genuine smile of pride.”― Wayne Chirisa

83. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it

84. Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

85. Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”― Erol Ozan

86. The beauty of life is best expressed by an innocent smile of a child.”― Gift Gugu Mona

87. “Summer afternoon — summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” - Henry James

88. Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all three. Unknown

89. They say that laughter is the best medicine and sometimes, you just have to laugh at yourself!

90. With a good makeup brush anyone can be an artist

91. You know whose beautiful? Read the first word

92. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” –Thich Nhat Hanh

93. Butterflies come to pretty flowers. Korean proverb

94. I believe beauty is not the outside physical one but the inner deeper one – the true beauty of a person.”― Avijeet Das

95. “Beauty has a lot to do with character.” — Kevyn Aucoin

96. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

97. The roots of beauty are love and kindness, the fruits are meaning and purpose. Maxime Lagacé

98. There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.” – Jo Walton

99. I find beauty in unusual things, like hanging your head out the window or sitting on a fire escape.” – Scarlett Johansson

100. Beauty and folly are sisters. German proverb

101. Beauty awakens the soul to act. Dante Alighieri

102. The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence

103. Beauty when most unclothed is clothed best.” –PHINEAS FLETCHER

104. Behind every beautiful face is a cosmetologist

105. If you retain nothing else, always remember the most important Rule of Beauty, which is: ‘Who cares?’ ” —Tina Fey

106. This last section is all about waking up and appreciating the beauty of the day.

107. Every destination leads to somewhere beautiful.”― Mimi Novic

108. Being one with nature means appreciating the beauty of it.

109. “I love natural beauty, and I think it’s your best look, but I think makeup as an artist is so transformative.” — Marina and the Diamonds

110. It’s really about who you are, and the human being, that makes you beautiful

111. No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.” – Oscar Wilde

112. Start each day with a grateful heart

113. Beauty, without kindness, dies unenjoyed and underlighting.” ― Samuel Johnson

114. Outer beauty turns the head, but inner beauty turns the heart.” —Helen J. Russell

115. Fair tresses man's imperial race ensnare/And beauty draws us with a single hair. - Alexander Pope

116. I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want – an adorable pancreas?” – Jean Kerr, The Snake Has All the Lines

117. If you foolishly ignore beauty, then you will soon find yourself without it. Frank Lloyd Wright

118. I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. Unknown

119. You are who you are, and nothing can change that. You're beautiful just as you are. Karen Flaherty

120. When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. Buckminster Fuller

121. If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads. Anatole France

122. Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That's what makes me feel good. - Laetitia Casta

123. Even the worst of things can be beautiful.” ― Ardin Patterson, Vermin

124. If people were more concerned with how they looked on the inside than on the outside, the world would be a nicer place to exist.” —David Walsh

125. Just because you’re beautiful and perfect, it’s made you conceited.” – William Goldman, The Princess Bride

126. You can be gorgeous at thirty, charmimg at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.” ― Coco Chanel

127. When the inner beauty exceeds the outward beauty–it creates a magical dance in the heart.” — Angie Karan

128. Whereas the beautiful is limited, the sublime is limitless, so that the mind in the presence of the sublime, attempting to imagine what it cannot, has pain in the failure but pleasure in contemplating the immensity of the attempt. Immanuel Kant

129. I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” – Anne Frank

130. Beauty doesn’t mean wearing makeup

131. Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly a beautiful soul.” – Anonymous

132. In the end, you will not see the physical beauty in others that caught your eye but the fire that burned within them.” —Shannon L. Alder

133. “What’s the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside?” — Jess C. Scott

134. When it comes to the beauty of nature, time stops, the space becomes silent and the soul falls asleep while awake!”― Mehmet Murat ildan

135. “Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” — John Ray

136. Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things. - Kahlil Gibran

137. Character is your beauty; style is your strength.”― Debasish Mridha

138. Integrity reveals beauty.” — Thomas Leonard

139. Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.” ― Coco Chanel

140. Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.” – Louie Schwartzberg

141. There is no perfection, only beautiful versions of brokenness. Shannon L. Alder

142. There are some places so beautiful they can make a grown man break down and weep.”― Edward Abbey

143. Everything changes, but beauty remains.” — Kelly Clarkson

144. The sense of beauty is intuitive, and beauty itself is all that inspires pleasure without, and aloof from, and even contrarily to interest.” ― Samuel Taylor Coleridge

145. I truly, truly believe that beauty is something that comes from within.” ― Emma Watson

146. When most people hear cosmetology, they think back to their days of hair school.

147. There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.” —Conrad Hall

148. Being natural isn’t a statement, it’s the closest thing you can get to being yourself

149. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly lies to the bone. Beauty dies and fades away, but ugly holds its own! Create and cultivate Inner Beauty that never fades away but grows and matures with Time!” – Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

150. Beauty is not something you buy; instead, beauty is what lies within.” —Byron Pulsifer

151. If you feel the change in beauty,

152. you can feel the beat of happiness.”― Sajal Sazzad

153. Beauty is a song that never ends

154. There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. - Maria Mitchell

155. A shrub can produce hundreds of dangling flowers, each as beautiful as the next. - Michael Largo

156. That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.” – Ninon de L’Enclos

157. Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees. Rumi

158. I know people who’ve had a nose job, and they’ve walked out feeling like a million dollars, and their confidence is tenfold. Good on them! Natural beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes, but if you think surgery would right something you have a problem with, then why shouldn’t you do it?” —Louise Nurding

159. A flower doesn’t think of competing with the next flower- it just blooms

160. Beauty in distress is much the most affecting beauty. - Edmund Burke

161. “We never noticed the beauty because we were too busy trying to create it.” - Unknown

162. Beauty starts in your head, not in your mirror

163. Beauty is an expression.” — Khiva Cheleigh

164. This sky where we live is no place to lose your wings. So love, love, love. Hafez

165. Beauty is man’s voucher of immorality. T.C. Henley

166. Plainness has its peculiar temptations quite as much as beauty.” – George Eliot

167. After all the imagination is a beautiful thing.”― Zora Neale Hurston

168. Eyebrows are the one thing you can get in shape without exercising.

169. Beauty is a delightful prejudice. Theocritus

170. “Inner beauty, too, needs occasionally to be told it is beautiful.” — Robert Brault

171. This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before. Maya Angelou

172. If you truly love beauty, you will find beauty everywhere.” ― Khalid Masood

173. Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.”― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

174. Remember that true beauty comes from within – from within bottles, jars, compacts, and lipstick tubes.” ― Jeffree Star

175. The beautiful is always bizarre.” – Charles Baudelaire

176. I know numbers are beautiful. If they aren’t beautiful, nothing is.”

177. Be kind. Be confident. Be beautiful inside and out.

178. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old

179. No one is too old for fairy tales

180. “To me, beauty is natural beauty. If you’re naturally yourself, you’re beautiful.” — Young M.A.

181. Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.”– David Hume

182. One beautiful heart is better than thousand of beautiful faces.” – Mariane Corbito

183. The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious – the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Albert Einstein

184. Beauty is the promise of happiness. Stendhal

185. Beauty? To me it is a word without sense because I do not know where its meaning comes from nor where it leads to.” – Pablo Picasso

186. In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous

187. I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow.”― Sylvia Plath

188. We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.” – Kahlil Gibran

189. Outer beauty is a gift. Inner beauty is an accomplishment. Randi G. Fine

190. You don’t know you’re beautiful. If only you saw what I see.

191. There’s beauty in the things we think are imperfect. That sounds very cliché, but it’s true.” —Laverne Cox

192. No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly. - Oscar Wilde

193. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Kahlil Gibran

194. Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.” – Rabindranath Tagore

195. Beauty is that which is simultaneously attractive and sublime.” — Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

196. There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” —Henri Matisse

197. As we grow old, the beauty steals inward.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

198. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart. - Hellen Keller

199. This is one of the beautiful things about life’s adventure – we can redirect our paths!” – Mike Burns

200. Believe in your inner beauty

201. Let her sleep. for when she wakes she will move mountains

202. “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” - Rumi

203. Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations

204. The beautiful things of the earth become dearer as they elude pursuit.” – THOMAS HARDY

205. There is no torture that a woman would not endure to enhance her beauty. Michel de Montaigne

206. The imagination disposes of everything. It creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which are the whole of the world.” ― Blaise Pascal

207. I love natural beauty, and I think it’s your best look, but I think makeup as an artist is so transformative.” — Marina and the Diamonds

208. A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.” – John Keats

209. The real beauty of life is in orderliness.”― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

210. Inner beauty should be the most important part of improving one’s self.”- Priscilla Presley

211. Yes, I have curly hair. No, I don’t wish that it was straight

212. Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner security and strong character.” – Jane Seymour

213. Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life. - Mark Twain

214. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” — Zoë Kravitz

215. Don’t deprive yourself the opportunity for a good time. The beauty of life heavily depends on the quality of memories we have left behind.” ― Vincent Okeke

216. The seeds of beauty are in humility.” — Maxime Lagacé

217. When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other. Chinese proverb

218. Happiness is the true beauty weapon.” – Susan Sarandon

219. Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers, and are famous preservers of good looks. Charles Dickens

220. Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

221. The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work

222. They say beauty is only skin deep. I say it is soul deep. If one’s soul glows with kindness, warmth, and generosity; this kind of beauty attracts more than physical beauty. ”― Kailin Gow

223. The delight and exquisiteness of life is in self-introspection.” ― Vinod Varghese Antony

224. You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.

225. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”- Audrey Hepburn

226. There is beauty everywhere; even in the dark, there is light, and that is the rarest kind of all.”― Catherine Doyle

227. Strangeness is a necessary ingredient in beauty.” ― Charles Baudelaire

228. A beautiful soul has no other merit than its own existence.” – Friedrich von Schiller

229. The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. Richard Bach

230. In every man's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty. - Christopher Morley

231. “Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out.” - Unknown

232. That is true beauty which has not only a substance but a spirit; a beauty that we must intimately know, justly to appreciate.” ― Charles Caleb Colton

233. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.” – Miss Piggy, The Muppets

234. Outer beauty is inner beauty made visible

235. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. Helen Keller

236. I believe that there is beauty in the simplest of things if we only search for it. Danielle Wagasky, Living a Beautiful Life on Less

237. True beauty is not in how people look. It is in how people love, care, and share.”― Avijeet Das

238. Smile. Life is beautiful, you are beautiful

239. I just want clear skin, good eyebrows, and 1 million dollars.

240. Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe

241. Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going to fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” – Eddie Cantor

242. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.” – Audrey Hepburn

243. In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty. Christopher Morley

244. Cute is just another word for beautiful

245. Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder. - Aldous Huxley

246. There is a goddess within each of us

247. Beauty on the outside will always fade, beauty on the inside remains forever.”― Alexa Becker

248. A good heart keeps you beautiful forever

249. Beauty is not perfection, it is what makes us understand the uselessness of perfection.”― Luigina Sgarro

250. A smile is the best makeup a girl can wear

251. A beautiful sentence and a beautiful sunrise derive from the same source.”― Marty Rubin

252. Beauty intoxicates the eyes, as wine does the body; both are morally fatal if indulged. John Godfrey Saxe

253. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who meet her

254. The echoes of beauty you've seen transpire, resound through dying coals of a campfire. - Ernest Hemingway

255. No one is you and that is your beauty

256. Our task must be to free ourselves… By widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty. - Albert Einstein

257. Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” – Rumi

258. Beauty is ordained by nature to excite love.” – Vicesimus Knox

259. Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.” – Jenn Proske

260. Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through.” —Janelle Monae

261. You are already whole, already complete, already alive in this moment, already beautiful just as you are. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Falling awake

262. In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.” – Christopher Morley

263. When you think of beautiful things, think of yourself

264. You are beautiful. You might not see it, but I do

265. Kindness is like snow – It beautifies everything it covers. Kahlil Gibran

266. Beauty doesn’t need ornaments. Softness can’t bear the weight of ornaments.” — Munshi Premchand

267. When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle, and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” —John Lennon

268. Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul. - Saint Augustine

269. Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.” – Saint Augustine

270. Human beings are not perfect creatures, but their constant strives to better themselves with each step makes humanity in itself a perfect situation, and that is the beauty of life” ― Darius Grant, THE COMING OF OTUNGWI

271. Beauty without grace is a hook without a bait. Ninon de l’Enclos

272. Beauty in its best form is kindness, the most valuable currency in the world.” — Rebecca McNutt

273. Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.”- Mandy Hale

274. Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you. - Shannon Alder

275. Beautiful girl, you can do amazing things!

276. It’s ok to feel delicate sometimes. Real beauty is in the fragility of your petals. A rose that never wilts isn’t a rose at all.” — Crystal Woods

277. The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express. Francis Bacon

278. True beauty is when someone radiates that they like themselves.” — Aimee Mullins

279. Let us live for the beauty of our own reality.” ― Tom Robbins

280. Life is a gift, but it’s an uncertain gift. So all we can do is embrace the beauty in the midst of the uncertainty, knowing that’s the best groundwork for a miracle.” — Brandon Buell

281. Be beautiful, be stylish, and love yourself.” – Karishma Tanna

282. The beauty of life is in its shades of light and dark, heartbreak and healing, joy and sadness, laughter and tears. Everything can’t possibly be happy because then NOTHING would be happy.”― Mandy Hale

283. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is our imperfections. What we may think is our worst feature is what other’s find the most attractive.

284. It is impossible that beauty should ever distinctly appreciate itself.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

285. “The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.” — Havelock Ellis

286. As you awaken to your divine nature, you’ll begin to appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch, and experience.” – Wayne Dyer

287. Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.” – David Hume

288. Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace

289. Beauty comes from inside the salon

290. The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.” — Francis Bacon

291. Wisdom is the abstract of the past, but beauty is the promise of the future.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

292. Force yourself to find something beautiful in everything you do and you will only do beautiful things.”― Meir Ezra

293. I don’t shave my legs for my boyfriend, I shave my legs for the lady who does my pedicure

294. “When you are balanced, and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, your natural beauty comes out.” — Christy Turlington

295. Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle

296. “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” — Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

297. There’s no such thing as too many lipsticks

298. “Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through.” — Janelle Monae

299. You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” —Walter Hagen

300. But he who dares not grasp the thorn. Should never crave the rose. Anne Brontë

301. How I feel about myself is more important than how I look

302. “It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.” - John Joseph Powell

303. Exterior beauty without the depth of a kind soul is merely decoration

304. There is something beautiful about the story of sleeping beauty who falls asleep to be awoken from her spell by a charming prince and live happily ever after.

305. Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it

306. Beauty is strangely various. There is the beauty of light and joy and strength exulting; but there is also the beauty of shade, of sorrow and sadness, and of humility oppressed. Arnold Bennett

307. Where Beauty was, nothing ever ran quite straight, which, no doubt, was why so many people looked on it as immoral.” – John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga

308. Shoe-string budgets and backpacking had taught me a lot about simple beauty and spontaneous fun. - Charlene Hicky

309. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

310. Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.” — Paramahansa Yogananda

311. When beauty lives in the heart, it doesn’t need to show up anywhere else.” — Steve Goodier

312. What’s the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside?” – Jess C. Scott

313. Sometimes there is such beauty in awkwardness. Ruta Sepetys

314. “There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” - Steve Maraboli

315. The thing you wear don’t make you beautiful. They accentuate the beauty that’s already there.

316. Where there is love, there is beauty

317. The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth. Lao Tzu

318. Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are. Markus Zusak

319. “Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.” - Markus Zusak

320. People will stare. Make it worth their while.

321. Change is what keeps the galaxy spinning. It's what makes it beautiful. - Siri Tachi

322. I believe that there is beauty in the simplest of things if we only search for it. - Danielle Wagasky

323. Unless you break free from the shackles of beauty as dictated by the media and society, true beauty will be elusive.”― Khang Kijarro Nguyen

324. Beauty has a lot to do with character.” —Kevyn Aucoin

325. Beauty is not something you buy; instead, beauty is what lies within.” — Byron Pulsifer

326. Beauty that comes naturally is the most natural beauty of all

327. Inner beauty, too, needs occasionally to be told it is beautiful.” —Robert Brault

328. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

329. “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” — Khalil Gibran

330. “When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle, and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” — John Lennon

331. Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty. Albert Einstein

332. Outer beauty is inner beauty made visible, and it manifests itself in the light that flows in our eyes.” – Paulo Coelho

333. Beauty is a wonderful tapestry embroidered by the many single threads woven together by the unspeakable tender hand of God.” ― Joseph Jacson K.

334. He felt strange and vivid value in all the earth around him, in the grass under his feet; he felt the love of life in all living things.” ― G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare

335. Smile, and keep putting on lipstick

336. There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone’s spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that’s beautiful to me.” —Liv Tyler

337. Imagine all of us living in peace, it's too beautiful to just be a dream. - John Lennon

338. People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” —Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

339. Beauty is the purest feeling of the soul. Beauty arises when soul is satisfied.” ― Amit Ray

340. Behind every beautiful thing, there’s some kind of pain.”― Bob Dylan

341. Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them. David Hume

342. Beauty lies not in a flawless complexion but in the stories that are told by each transitioning line on a woman’s face.” —Alyscia Cunningham

343. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. Kahlil Gibran

344. Nature reflects something of the spirit

345. The most beautiful woman is the one who smiles

346. There is a beauty in imperfection

347. I am a natural beauty. I can wear sweatpants and running shoes, and I stop traffic on the street—people have accidents when they drive and they spot me.” —Maryse Mizanin

348. If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it. Ruthie Lindsey

349. Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

350. You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are. - Melissa Etheridge

351. Get updates on the latest posts and more from Everyday Power straight to your inbox.

352. Shout out to all the makeup I haven’t bought yet

353. A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.” —Anne Roiphe

354. Nothing can be beautiful which is not true. - John Ruskin

355. Related: 35 Simple Ways to Be Beautiful (

356. “When beauty lives in the heart, it doesn’t need to show up anywhere else.” — Steve Goodier

357. True beauty consists of purity of heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

358. Its loveliness increases; it will never

359. My Universe is beautiful and so am I because I vibrate on the same frequency.”― Debbie A. Anderson

360. Do not regret growing older, it’s a privilege denied to many

361. A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” —Charles Darwin

362. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself

363. The fountain of beauty is the heart and every generous thought illustrates the walls of your chamber.”- Francis Quarles

364. The mirror is the worst judge of true beauty.”― Sophia Nam

365. The perception of beauty is a moral test. - Henry David Thoreau

366. It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. Leo Tolstoy

367. “Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.” — Kate Angell

368. The love of beauty in its multiple forms is the noblest gift of the human cerebrum.” – Alexis Carrel

369. “Integrity reveals beauty.” — Thomas Leonard

370. Beauty and folly are generally companions. Baltasar Gracián

371. Beauty is a sign of intelligence.” — Andy Warhol

372. This is one of the beautiful things about life's adventure - we can redirect our paths! - Mike Burns

373. Always think of what is useful and not what is beautiful. Beauty will come of its own accord.”― Nikolai Gogol

374. Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.” – H.G. Wells

375. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” — Confucius

376. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” —Confucius

377. To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.” —Ellen Degeneres

378. It is beautiful to express love and even more beautiful to feel it.”― Dejan Stojanovic

379. Beauty is the shadow of God on the universe.” – Gabriela Mistral, Desolacíon

380. Beauty is a short-lived tyranny. - Socrates

381. The beauty of the world…has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.” ― Virginia Woolf

382. Inner beauty, too, needs occasionally to be told it is beautiful.”- Robert Brault

383. Beauty begins the moment you choose to see it.”― Connor Chalfant

384. In nature, nothing is perfect, and everything is beautiful

385. “There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone’s spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that’s beautiful to me.” — Liv Tyler

386. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful

387. The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.” — Havelock Ellis

388. Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art. Ralph Waldo Emerson

389. There is no beauty like belief.”― Lailah Gifty Akita

390. When we are one with nature, we are more at peace. This means we feel more kind and compassionate towards others as well as ourselves.

391. Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow, or a communicated sense of fineness.” – D. H. Lawrence

392. Beauty is power and your smile is your sword.

393. The seeds of beauty are in humility. Maxime Lagacé

394. Beauty and folly are generally companions.” – Baltasar Gracian

395. Real beauty is to be true to oneself.” – Laetitia Casta

396. What makes you different makes you beautiful

397. Look around you. Appreciate what you have. Nothing will be the same in a year. Unknown

398. I am a natural beauty. I can wear sweatpants and running shoes, and I stop traffic on the street—people have accidents when they drive and they spot me.” — Maryse Mizanin

399. We see the beauty within and cannot say no.” – Dave Eggers

400. The only drama that I enjoy is on my lashes

401. Learn to love nature as much as you love yourself

402. Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking

403. Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through.” – Janelle Monae

404. “The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.” — Audrey Hepburn

405. Look around. Look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere—you only have to look to see it.” – Bob Ross

406. Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful. Thich Nhat Hanh

407. I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream

408. Beauty’s voice speaks gently: it creeps only into the most awakened souls.” – FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE

409. The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with joy are goodness, beauty, and truth. Albert Einstein

410. “Real beauty is to be true to oneself.” - Laetitia Casta

411. You are the most beautiful thing I keep inside my heart

412. True beauty lasts through the toughest of storms.”― Dipa Sanatani

413. Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life. Mark Twain

414. There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect. G.K. Chesterton

415. You may be one person to the world but you may also be the world to one person. Audrey Hepburn

416. Love who you are and let go of anyone that tries to make you feel less than who you are.”― Charles E Hudson

417. It’s just a bad day. Not a bad life. Unknown

418. A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

419. Happy girls are the prettiest” ― Audrey Hepburn

420. All of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.” —John Wooden

421. Your happy ending may not be what you expect, but that is what will make it so special. Snow White (Once Upon a Time)

422. In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

423. The roots of beauty are love and kindness, the fruits are meaning and purpose.” – Maxime Lagacé

424. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

425. It’s [beauty] a kind of radiance. People who possess a true inner beauty, their eyes are a little brighter, their skin a little more dewy. They vibrate at a different frequency.” – Cameron Diaz

426. A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset

427. I wanted to make people feel beautiful, so I became a cosmetologist

428. Inner beauty is meant to evoke the feeling of beauty from within ourselves.

429. A flower blossoms for its own joy. Oscar Wilde

430. Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. Sophia Loren

431. Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. Ryunosuke Satoro

432. Imagine all of us living in peace, it's too beautiful to just be a dream. John Lennon

433. “Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.” — Unknown

434. Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are. - Rassool Jibraeel Snyman

435. All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren’t. Marilyn Monroe

436. Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” – Marcus Aurelius

437. We often neglect to find the beauty in things we see every day.” – Michelle C. Ustaszeski

438. You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful. Amy Bloom

439. Be the reason someone smiles today

440. No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

441. A new morning of a new day and I opened my eyes to see, the beautiful surroundings and clouds in the sky that's layered so neat. Birds chirping away as they embrace a new day. I can see the ocean in view, as I see a day opened up to new. Marcelle Hinkson, Mother Nature's Ordinance

442. The most beautiful things you can wear are your self-confidence and your self-love.”― Leticia Rae

443. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” — Coco Chanel

444. It’s a cosmetology thing. You wouldn’t understand

445. The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

446. the sun burns off. It gives no peace, no rest.” – GREGORY ORR

447. Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same. - Helen Keller

448. There’s nothing more inspiring than the complexity and beauty of the human heart.” – Cynthia Hand

449. Many parts of our natural world are breathtakingly beautiful, and are here for all to see. - Michael Bright

450. How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Winnie The Pooh

451. Face Scanning Could Be Coming to All Major U.S Airports: Here’s What to Know

452. “Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.” — H. G. Wells

453. People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

454. Exquisite beauty is often hidden in life’s fragile, fleeting moments.” ― John Mark Green, Taste the Wild Wonder: Poems

455. Try to see the beauty in one’s soul, and not in one’s looks.”― Luffina Lourduraj

456. I have learned that every heart will get what is prays for most. Hafez

457. Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow, or a communicated sense of fineness. - D. H. Lawrence

458. As usual, I don’t know which way is north, but I know the direction of beauty.”― Fiona Wood

459. Take care of your inner, spiritual beauty. That will reflect in your face.”- Dolores Del Rio

460. “I don't mind being burdened with being glamorous and sexual. Beauty and femininity are ageless and can't be contrived, and glamour, although the manufacturers won't like this, cannot be manufactured. Not real glamour; it's based on femininity.” - Marilyn Monroe

461. A confident woman is a beautiful woman

462. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty – they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.” – Martin Buxbaum

463. Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” – Marcus Aurelius

464. Our thoughts and feelings make us whereas love and beauty sustain us.”― Kilroy J. Oldster

465. Beauty is an illusionary concept because the valley beyond always appears more beautiful.”― Amit Abraham

466. You are already whole, already complete, already alive in this moment, already beautiful just as you are. - Jon Kabat-Zinn

467. Beauty is visible music. T.C. Henley

468. No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

469. “Be your own kind of beautiful.” - Unknown

470. Our beautiful Earth has places that are so beautiful and shocking, that’s why many natural places can give us positive energy. - Esperanza Ramírez Velásquez

471. Love yourself, life will be fine and happy. Life is beautiful live it to the full, Love is abundance share it with your friends. Vanessa Nanthakumaran, Poems

472. Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.” ― Amit Ray

473. Life ain’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride.” – Gary Allan

474. If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere

475. She wins who calls herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her.” —Naomi Wolf

476. I love natural beauty, and I think it’s your best look, but I think makeup as an artist is so transformative.” —Marina and the Diamonds

477. Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature

478. If they love you for anything, it will be for your beauty.”― Melissa Bashardoust

479. Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. Oscar Wilde Click to tweet

480. Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.”― Edgar Allan Poe

481. Your imperfections are what make you beautiful

482. “There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.” — Maria Mitchell

483. Inner beauty remains longer than artificial settings

484. The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together. - Carl Sagan

485. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett

486. What delights us in visible beauty is the invisible.” – Marie Dubsky

487. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. - Confucius

488. Crippled things are always more beautiful. It’s the flaw that brings out beauty.” ― Holly Black

489. You are who you are, and nothing can change that. You're beautiful just as you are. - Karen Flaherty

490. The criterion of true beauty is that it increases on examination; of false, that it lessens. Fulke Greville

491. Don’t let anyone with bad eyebrows tell you about life.

492. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are worth it.

493. Beauty lies not in a flawless complexion, but in the stories that are told by each transitioning line on a woman’s face.”― Alyscia Cunningham

494. Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” —Zoë Kravitz

495. The older I get the more beautiful life becomes

496. Who amongst has not enjoyed looking at a beautiful sunset or a sunrise! We all have at some point of time stopped to admire a snow covered landscape or a beautiful sunny day. Pegasus, Natural Wonders

497. Beauty is a fragile gift.” — Ovid

498. Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and look up at the stars.” – Henry Van Dyke

499. The beauty of being alive is that, each day you are given another chance to correct what you did wrong and improve on what you can do right.”― Gift Gugu Mona

500. Do you want to become wiser than 95% of people?

501. You glow differently when you’re happy.

502. The mirror is the worst judge of true beauty” ― Sophia Nam

503. Beauty isn’t a single thing. Beauty is dreaming一it’s different for everyone, and there are so many versions of it that you mostly have no control over how you see it.”― Akemi Dawn Bowman

504. The beauty of life is not to live without facing trials, challenges, and difficult times. It is the ability to remain steady, secure, fixed, stable, strong, and unwavering that makes the difference.”― Benjamin Suulola

505. One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. Sigmund Freud Click to tweet

506. When was the last time you just closed your eyes and just listened? Maxime Lagacé

507. When I pick up a map of South Carolina, I don’t see colored lines and legends. I see artisans who craft beautiful and useful things. I see waterfalls and raging whitewater. I see oaks of legend, a covered bridge, a drive-in theater and North America’s only tea plantation. Tom Poland, Classic Carolina Road Trips from Columbia

508. Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy makeup.

509. I consent to receiving emails and personalized ads.

510. What’s the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside?” —Jess C. Scott

511. Keep smiling, because life’s beautiful and there’s so much to smile about.” – Marilyn Monroe

512. We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.” – Jawaharlal Nehru

513. “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” - Osho

514. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:

515. “Beauty shouldn’t be about changing yourself to achieve an ideal or be more socially acceptable. Real beauty, the interesting, truly pleasing kind, is about honoring the beauty within you and without you. It’s about knowing that someone else’s definition of pretty has no hold over you.” — Golda Poretsky

516. You are not born with beauty, your beauty is created by who you are. Your inner beauty is more important than how people see you on the outside.”- Emily Coussons

517. Beauty is a nectar which intoxicates the soul. T.C. Henley

518. Beauty is like life itself: a dawn mist

519. Find the beautiful; the perfect; the wonderful in life and then remind yourself that you are part of it; therein you are all of these things and more.”― Gillian Duce

520. I am studying cosmetology to be the best!

521. There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.” —Maria Mitchell

522. Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. David Hume

523. Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you.”– Shannon Alder

524. Growing older means growing wiser, and with age comes its own kind of beauty.

525. If you foolishly ignore beauty, then you will soon find yourself without it.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

526. Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do. Oprah Winfrey

527. Live with boldness! Get drunk with all of the beauty of life.”― Debasish Mridha

528. There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone’s spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that’s beautiful to me.” — Liv Tyler

529. Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.” – Denis Waitley

530. “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” - Marcus Aurelius

531. The earth hasn’t anything to show more stately and beautiful than the Golden Gate Bridge. Han-Jae Lee, The Golden Gate Bridge and Other Natural Wonders

532. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius

533. Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.” — Christian Dior

534. Inner beauty is the best beauty

535. Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul.” – Alice Walker

536. You never look at anything beautiful and holy, or think a pure and noble thought, without being ever after a larger soul. Frederick Lynch

537. If you realized how beautiful you are, you would fall at your own feet.”― Byron Katie

538. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” —Coco Chanel

539. Beautiful is not what is beautiful, but what one likes. Yiddish Proverb

540. Only through difficulty can you rest at the peak, look out over the horizon that surrounds you, and rejoice beyond today's imagination at how beautiful life really is and how lucky we truly are. Michelle C. Ustaszeski

541. Inner beauty radiates from within, and there’s nothing more beautiful than when a woman feels beautiful on the inside.”- Erin Heatherton

542. Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass lipstick.” – Gwyneth Paltrow

543. Even in a world with much sadness, at its essence, life is beautiful.” – Dianne Reeves

544. “Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” - Franz Kafka

545. Just because you are blind, and unable to see my beauty doesn’t mean it does not exist.” ― Margaret Cho

546. Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul. Alice Walker

547. Beauty in a person is never how they appear, it is how they act.” – Catherine Pulsifer

548. There is nothing more beautiful than you in this world

549. There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting.” – John Kenneth Galbraith

550. In the end, you will not see the physical beauty in others that caught your eye but the fire that burned within them.” — Shannon L. Alder

551. Find beauty in the small things

552. The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.” – Richard Bach

553. The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

554. Curls, contour, and confidence

555. There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting. - John Kenneth Galbraith

556. Small minds can’t comprehend big spirits. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood. Unknown

557. My curls are an outward manifestation of my culture

558. There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.” — Conrad Hall

559. Familiar acts are beautiful through love. - Percy Bysshe Shelley

560. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. Anne Frank

561. Always remember: you are beautiful

562. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly

563. Wisdom is the abstract of the past, but beauty is the promise of the future. Oliver Wendell Holmes

564. “To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.” — Ellen Degeneres

565. A woman always has to prove her beauty.”― Ljupka Cvetanova

566. True beauty is wearing no makeup and being 110% okay with it

567. If you’re enjoying this article, you might also like our collection of famous poems to inspire you when you feel like giving up.

568. One simple thing to do and destroy the spirit of self-sabotage is to admire the beauty hidden in ugly circumstances.”― Israelmore Ayivor

569. Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.” — Socrates

570. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy today

571. Sisters become more beautiful as each day passes by. - Michelle Malm

572. Beauty always promises, but never gives anything.” – Simone Weil

573. Natural beauty takes at least two hours in front of a mirror.” – Pamela Anderson

574. People Should Fall in Love with Their Eyes Closed

575. Outer beauty is a gift. Inner beauty is an accomplishment

576. What happens at the salon stays at the salon

577. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” – Confucius

578. I think beauty comes from within. If you’re happy and look at life in the best way you can, even when there are problems, it can make you beautiful on the outside.” – Faith Hill

579. I can only note that the past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don’t have complete emotions about the present, only about the past. - Virginia Woolf

580. In the beauty industry, its easy to get caught up in looking a certain way and forgetting our natural selves.

581. Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it

582. If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

583. Let us live for the beauty of our own reality.” — Charles Lamb

584. Beauty is certainly a soft, smooth, slippery thing, and therefore of a nature which easily slips in and permeates our souls.” – Plato, Lysis

585. Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

586. Beauty is strangely various. There is the beauty of light and joy and strength exulting; but there is also the beauty of shade, of sorrow and sadness, and of humility oppressed.” – Arnold Bennett

587. Happiness is having natural beauty

588. You don’t love a woman because she’s beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her

589. The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude. Friedrich Nietzsche

590. Life isn’t always really glamorous and fabulous. It’s about encouraging people to go back to natural beauty.” – Zoe Foster Blake

591. Beauty might bring happiness, but happiness always brings beauty

592. Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” – John Ray

593. Do you ever have such a good day that you find everything around you to be beautiful, including yourself?

594. A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.” — Anne Roiphe

595. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul

596. To find the beauty within, look for the beauty in others

597. Beauty is beyond look.”― Lailah Gifty Akita

598. Every moment of life is love and beauty.” – Keegan Allen

599. Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time.” ― Albert Camus

600. Beauty is a delightful prejudice.” – Theocritus

601. Do all the good you can and create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside. It is inner beauty which matters most.”- Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha

602. Beauty is not about makeup it’s about what it makes you be from within.”― Amit Abraham

603. You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul’s own doing.” – Marie Stopes

604. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Greek proverb

605. You are full of mistakes and imperfections, therefore you are real

606. The evil queens are the princesses that were never saved

607. Beauty should be edible, or not at all.” — Salvador Dalí

608. “You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” - Amy Bloom

609. Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens

610. Two things there will always be in life: Beauty and pain. Mostly beauty.”― Anne Clendening

611. I'm tired of all the nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want — an adorable pancreas? - Jean Kerr

612. There are as many styles of beauty as there are visions of happiness.” — Stendhal

613. I really do believe that inner beauty is so much more than any kind of outer beauty.” – Rachele Brooke Smith

614. “What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.” - Scott Westerfeld

615. When you hear the word beauty, do you think of a beautiful woman?

616. Beauty isn’t worth thinking about; what’s important is your mind. You don’t want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head.” – Garrison Keillor

617. Sisters become more beautiful as each day passes by. Michelle Malm

618. You may be one person to the world but you may also be the world to one person

619. Nature is the poetry of the earth

620. Poetry moves heaven and earth. Japanese proverb

621. Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

622. Nature’s beauty is a gift that never stops giving

623. “If people were more concerned with how they looked on the inside than on the outside, the world would be a nicer place to exist.” — David Walsh

624. “That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.” — John Green

625. The beautiful is always bizarre. Charles Baudelaire

626. Leave a little sparkle everywhere you go

627. Our hearts are drunk with a beauty our eyes could never see.”- George W. Russell

628. Beauty is but a lease from nature.” – Edward Counsel, Maxims

629. True beauty doesn’t shine; it attracts.”― Debasish Mridha, MD

630. Your smile makes you pretty, but your personality makes you beautiful

631. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. Audrey Hepburn

632. It’s okay not to be okay. Unknown

633. A women’s greatest asset is her beauty.” — Alex Comfort

634. Beautiful is not what is beautiful, but what one likes. - Yiddish Proverb

635. There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.” — Maria Mitchell

636. A new morning of a new day and I opened my eyes to see, the beautiful surroundings and clouds in the sky that's layered so neat. Birds chirping away as they embrace a new day. I can see the ocean in view, as I see a day opened up to new. - Marcelle Hinkson

637. Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. Mother Teresa

638. Beauty can be consoling, disturbing, sacred, profane; it can be exhilarating, appealing, inspiring, chilling. It can affect us in an unlimited variety of ways. Yet it is never viewed with indifference: beauty demands to be noticed; it speaks to us directly like the voice of an intimate friend. If there are people who are indifferent to beauty, then it is surely because they do not perceive it. - Roger Scruton

639. Because true beauty comes from within, from the person you are.”― Sara Ella

640. Things are beautiful if you love them.” — Jean Anouilh

641. Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.” – Aristotle

642. Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you. Misty Copeland

643. Who amongst has not enjoyed looking at a beautiful sunset or a sunrise! We all have at some point of time stopped to admire a snow covered landscape or a beautiful sunny day. - Pegasus, Natural Wonders

644. Beauty does not fade with age…it only improves

645. Childhood means simplicity. Look at the world with the child’s eye – it is very beautiful. Kailash Satyarthi

646. Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”- Sophia Loren

647. When you are balanced, and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, your natural beauty comes out.” —Christy Turlington

648. To extract beauty from one’s own milieu is one of the most difficult tasks of art.” ― Theophile Gautier

649. Don’t let them say you ain’t beautiful. They can all get fucked, just stay true to you. Eminem

650. It’s a good thing that beauty is only skin deep, or I’d be rotten to the core.” ― Phyllis Diller

651. True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass.”― Ellen DeGeneres

652. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” —Khalil Gibran

653. Beauty was not simply something to behold; it was something one could do.”― Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

654. The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with joy are goodness, beauty, and truth.” ― Albert Einstein

655. My life is beautiful because it’s mine

656. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman’s body

657. A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books. Walt Whitman

658. Beauty awakens the soul to act.” – Dante Alighieri

659. What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.” – Scott Westerfeld, Uglies

660. Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers, and are famous preservers of good looks. - Charles Dickens

661. You are blooming like the rare flower you are!” ― Avijeet Das

662. Integrity reveals beauty.” —Thomas Leonard

663. Madame, beauty is always queen, and the whole world her empire. Joseph II

664. Every moment of life is love and beauty. - Keegan Allen

665. Cosmetologists bring out the beauty in you

666. You are beautiful, you are unique, never allow anyone to make you feel any different.

667. Life is beautiful but people are crazy.” – Charles Osgood

668. Beauty is not flawless, it shines even through your flaws

669. Only through difficulty can you rest at the peak, look out over the horizon that surrounds you, and rejoice beyond today's imagination at how beautiful life really is and how lucky we truly are. - Michelle C. Ustaszeski

670. Why not accept the beauty within ourselves at present and be at peace!”― Reneema

671. Beauty is an attitude.” —Anonymous

672. One of the things that people don’t realize is that that natural beauty, those recreational forests, they have an economic development impact for the state as well.” – Ed Rendell

673. One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few. Anne Morrow Lindbergh

674. When we are mindful of the moments and the little joys throughout the day, we can appreciate ourselves and those around us all the more.

675. To enjoy the true beauty of life you need an accepting heart, a forgiving mind and a willing spirit.”― Debasish Mridha

676. We are so busy running around, we miss the simplest most beautiful things. The cycle of life passes us by, unnoticed, unappreciated. - Roz Swartz Williams

677. The most beautiful make-up of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy. Yves Saint Laurent

678. I was shy, but it came out in a big personality. My turning point was when I let my hair go naturally.

679. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. Thich Nhat Hanh

680. Beauty? To me it is a word without sense because I do not know where its meaning comes from nor where it leads to. Pablo Picasso

681. The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” – Frank Lloyd Wrigh

682. The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.” – Johann von Goethe

683. It’s a beautiful day to start something new

684. If beauty is easily exhausted, it is because the ugly never give up.”― Manish Gaekwad

685. Reclaim your identity as the beautiful, unique, and vital member of the human family that you are. - Jeremy Harrison

686. “There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.” — Conrad Hall

687. Beautiful things don’t ask for attention. Unknown

688. Strive for progress, not perfection

689. Of life’s two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in a laborer’s hand.” – Khalil Gibran

690. Taking joy in living is a woman’s best cosmetic.” – Rosalind Russell

691. There is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty. - Joseph Addison

692. Beauty is an expression. - Khiva Cheleigh

693. Beauty is no quality in things themselves: it exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. - David Hume

694. You don’t really need someone to complete you, you need someone to accept you completely

695. The appearance of things changes according to the emotions; and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves. Kahlil Gibran

696. You are beautiful inside and out

697. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

698. Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.” – Ellen DeGeneres

699. The very center of your heart is where life begins — the most beautiful place on earth.” – Rumi

700. Life is better when I get lost in natural beauty.”― Debasish Mridha

701. “But he who dares not grasp the thorn; Should never crave the rose.” - Anne Bronte

702. Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.” —Kate Angell

703. I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself. - Emma Stone

704. Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are.”- Rassool Jibraeel Snyman

705. There is beauty in simplicity

706. The perception of beauty is a moral test.” – Henry David Thoreau

707. In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare! - Homer

708. We can use fairy tales as a metaphor for our own beauty journey.

709. “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” - Anne Frank

710. Beauty shouldn’t be about changing yourself to achieve an ideal or be more socially acceptable. Real beauty, the interesting, truly pleasing kind, is about honoring the beauty within you and without you. It’s about knowing that someone else’s definition of pretty has no hold over you.” —Golda Poretsky

711. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

712. Imperfections reveal true beauty”― Jodi Meadows

713. “There is no exquisite beauty… Without some strangeness in the proportion.” - Edgar Allan Poe

714. You create inner beauty from your actions

715. Book your appointment. Avoid disappointment!

716. Do I love you because you’re beautiful,

717. Beauty appears when something is completely and absolutely and openly itself.” — Deena Metzger

718. Beauty has so many forms, and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself.”- Kiesza

719. Of life’s two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in a laborer’s hand. - Khalil Gibran

720. It’s nice to just embrace the natural beauty within you

721. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. Coco Chanel

722. Makeup can’t make up for inner beauty

723. You are more than what you have become

724. Moments of beauty sustain us through hours of ugliness.” ― Brent Weeks

725. Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” —John Ray

726. When your beauty blends with intelligence, you become invincible.” ― Utibe Samuel Mbom

727. With age comes ageless beauty

728. When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps. John Lennon

729. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” – Dorothy Parker

730. By seeing the beauty in life, you can begin to see the beauty in yourself.

731. It’s a beautiful day, don’t let it get away!

732. Nature is all around us. We are also a part of nature, even if we don’t realize it.

733. Life is beautiful because it doesn’t last.” – Brit Marling

734. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

735. Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” – Omar Khayyam

736. If people were more concerned with how they looked on the inside, then on the outside, the world would be a nicer place to exist.” – David Walsh

737. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. Coco Chanel

738. “Beauty lies not in a flawless complexion but in the stories that are told by each transitioning line on a woman’s face.” — Alyscia Cunningham

739. Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates

740. Don’t forget to also check out these pieces of life advice that can change your life.

741. Beauty is eternity hazing at itself in a mirror

742. Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing

743. We were all monsters and bastards, and we were all beautiful.” ― Rachel Hartman

744. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.” —Audrey Hepburn

745. There is beauty in simplicity. Unknown

746. If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.” – Anatole France

747. When you follow your heart

748. When you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go.” – Alexandra Stoddard

749. Beauty intoxicates the eyes, as wine does the body; both are morally fatal if indulged.” – John Godfrey Saxe

750. The appearance of things changes according to the emotions; and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves.” ― Kahlil Gibran

751. Life is beautiful because I decided to make it that way

752. Beauty is the illumination of your soul.”- John O’Donohue

753. Every little girl dreams of growing up to be a princess.

754. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. John Keats

755. Beauty is whatever gives joy.” – Edna St. Vincent Millay

756. Above all things physical, it is more important to be beautiful on the inside – to have a big heart and an open mind and a spectacular spleen.” – Ellen DeGeneres

757. Hey you! You look beautiful.

758. Love is the beauty and ecstasy of life.”― Debasish Mridha

759. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” – Mandy Hale

760. One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

761. When beauty lives in the heart, it doesn’t need to show up anywhere else.” —Steve Goodier

762. Don’t worry about looking old, worry about thinking old

763. Outer beauty is a gift. Inner beauty is an accomplishment.” – Randi G. Fine

764. In time she realized that beauty is about being yourself, natural and authentic. Mihaela Noroc, The Atlas Of Beauty

765. The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.”― Louisa May Alcott

766. The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.”– Carl Sagan

767. The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.” —Havelock Ellis

768. If a man cannot understand the beauty of life, it is probably because life never understood the beauty in him.”― Criss Jami

769. Sometimes people are beautiful.

770. Beauty is the promise of happiness.” – Stendhal

771. If you feel beautiful, then you are. Even if you don’t, you still are.- Terri Guillemets

772. Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature’s laws wrong, it learned to walk without having feet. Funny, it seems to by keeping its dreams; it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared. - Tupac Shakur

773. We search for reasons to celebrate and in doing so, we forget the beautiful occasions that life sends our way, every other day. - Sumeet Jain

774. All things are possible with coffee and makeup

775. Judge nothing by the appearance. The more beautiful the serpent, the more fatal its sting.” – William Scott Downey, Proverbs

776. You Are a Strong and Beautiful Woman

777. That being said, no amount of trips to the salon can make you truly feel beautiful if you don’t feel naturally beautiful underneath it all.

778. Beauty is the promise of happiness.” — Edmund Burke

779. True beauty is born through our actions and aspirations and in the kindness, we offer to others.” – Alek Wek

780. Life is a gift, but it's an uncertain gift. So all we can do is embrace the beauty in the midst of the uncertainty, knowing that's the best groundwork for a miracle. - Brandon Buell

781. As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.”- Pablo Neruda

782. Two most pursuable things in life beyond happiness are beauty and virtue.”― Bongha Lee

783. Stay kind. It makes you beautiful

784. Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.” —H. G. Wells

785. “Beauty is an attitude.” — Unknown

786. In time she realized that beauty is about being yourself, natural and authentic. - Mihaela Noroc

787. I’m baffled that anyone might not think women get more beautiful as they get older. Confidence comes with age, and looking beautiful comes from the confidence someone has in themselves.” —Kate Winslet

788. “The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.” - Lao Tzu

789. Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. Ralph Waldo Emerson

790. A pure heart is superlatively rare and even more attractive.” – J.S.B. Morse

791. “Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul.” - Alice Walker

792. The world is merciless, and it’s also very beautiful.” – Hajime Isayama

793. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.” – Kahlil Gibran

794. Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

795. Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

796. I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. Oscar Wilde

797. There are so many services and techniques to learn, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, but it’s also exciting!

798. If beauty were time, you’d be eternity

799. Even after you graduate from cosmetology school it’s a continuous journey to keep up with all the emerging trends and technology that come out.

800. “In the end, you will not see the physical beauty in others that caught your eye but the fire that burned within them.” — Shannon L. Alder


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