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900 Best Appreciation Quotes: Thankful Gratitude (2023)

Writer: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. "Being raised by a single mother, I learned to appreciate and value independent women.” – Kenny Conley

2. Everybody wants to be appreciated by others.

3. “Your friendship is a special gift. Generously given, happily accepted and deeply appreciated!” —Anonymous

4. “My appreciation for my father’s greatness cannot be measured.”–Jennifer Williamson

5. “I feel close to Marvin Gaye, Vincent van Gogh, because nobody appreciated his work until he was dead. Now it’s worth millions.”

6. “No matter how much effort you put in, some people just won’t appreciate it.” – Unknown

7. “The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” –Charles Schwab

8. “we all crave appreciation and recognition, and will do almost anything to get it. But nobody wants insincerity. Nobody wants flattery. Let”

9. Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!

10. “Sunsets in themselves are generally superior to sunrises; but with the sunset we appreciate images drawn from departed peace and faded glory.”

11. “Sometimes you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what’s coming next.” – Unknown

12. “Recognizing and appreciating what you have in life brings happiness.” ~ Invajy

13. “I appreciate your sincerity in our friendship. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

14. “Don’t appreciate me, I’m not up to it. Don’t criticize me, I don’t deserve it. Just be my friend and forgive me, because I am craving for it.” ― Debasish Mridha

15. “One we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life.” – Jerome K. Jerome

16. As you awaken to your divine nature, you’ll begin to appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch, and experience.” – Wayne Dyer

17. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” ~ John F. Kennedy

18. “Don’t settle, even if you have to remain alone for a lifetime. You deserve someone who will appreciate you for both for your beauty and your bruises.” ― A.R. Lucas

19. Blessed mothers will want to use this birthday message to show their sons how loved and appreciated they are on their birthday.

20. “By being grateful, appreciating all we have instead of focusing on what is lacking, we allow more of the same to flow toward us.”― William Powers

21. It was our fortune to get you as our customer. We highly appreciate your loyalty and trust. It was a great pleasure serving you.

22. “When you go through something, like, you learn to appreciate little things – the birds, trees, flowers.” ~ Grizz Chapman

23. “Beyond appreciation and praise, show your respect and admiration for the work of your employees.” – Glenn Llopis, Entrepreneur and Author.

24. When you go through something, like, you learn to appreciate little things - the birds, trees, flowers. — Grizz Chapman

25. “The habit of attending to small things and of appreciating small courtesies is one of the important marks of a good person. ” — Nelson Mandela

26. “I do believe that if you haven’t learnt about sadness, you cannot appreciate happiness.” — Nana Mouskouri

27. “When a study was made a few years ago on runaway wives, what do you think was discovered to be the main reason wives ran away? It was “lack of appreciation.”

28. “You are my favorite!” Those few words expressed in different thoughts and words really can be appreciated:

29. “I appreciate why I come to the mountains: not to conquer them, but to immerse myself in their incomprehensible immensity.”

30. “Each morning you wake to be thankful, grateful, and appreciate who you are, you have life, you’re blessed, and you’re beautiful.”

31. “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” —Dalai Lama

32. I have nothing but love for my time I spent in Denver, and appreciation, and gratitude.

33. “Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. Enjoy your Thursday!”

34. “I’ve never yet met a person who didn’t want to be appreciated.”

35. This birthday message can be used to tell a son he is loved and appreciated by his mother.

36. “It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, and a day to love them, but it takes an entire lifetime to forget them.”

37. “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” – Denis Waitley

38. While a lot of people are able to see that a job has been well done, only a select few will speak up with appreciation.

39. “Telling a truth is not only a matter of character, but is also a matter of appreciating factual situations and representing them without bias.” – M. K. Soni

40. “I woke up today with gratitude on my mind and heart. I appreciate you just because. Thanks for being a friend.”

41. Famous or not, mothers will always love their sons. This birthday message can be used to show a son how loved and appreciated he is on his birthday.

42. People may not appreciate your passion for setting ethical standards but never doubt that the view is always better from the high road.

43. I want you to know how much I appreciate you, you were there for me through the good times and the bad. Here’s to another year of friendship! Happy birthday to my friend.

44. “Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!”

45. We really appreciate your home and business.

46. “Appreciation is a better stimulant than money. Money boosts the ego, but appreciation touches the soul.”― Debasish Mridha

47. I appreciate you for your tremendous effort, sacrifice, and the role you play to help me overcome my struggle in walking in the faith.

48. “You were there for me every step of the way, and I wholeheartedly appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

49. “A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the differences.” — Invajy

50. “Become a happy memory collector. Live fully in the now, appreciating each moment. This is how you capture future memories.” – Karen Salmansohn

51. “To celebrate the birth of new life, is to appreciate the miraculous work of the Creator.” – Wayne Chirisa

52. We hope you have an amazing Mother’s Day, Mom. We hope that you feel truly appreciated on your special day.

53. An appreciation for the classics never goes out of style.

54. “The achievement is appreciation. Your ability to be surprised and awed by beauty!” – William Hurt

55. May you feel the warmth of love and a bunch of appreciation on Valentine’s Day, because you deserve it!

56. “Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you.” ― Ralph Marston

57. Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned

58. “The best way to appreciate your job is to, is here to stay.” ~ Oscar Wilde

59. Just wanted to say thanks for your business. We really do appreciate it.

60. "Trade your expectations for appreciation and the world changes for you."

61. “Or as Mike Otis put it, “Business goes where it wants to, but it stays where it’s appreciated.”20”

62. “To live a truly happy life you must learn to enjoy the little things in life. This includes learning to appreciate every single person in your life.”

63. “I know how hard it is to shoot the basketball, so I’ve got great appreciation for it.”

64. ‘Mornings are better when we can appreciate the sunrise.’

65. This year has been awesome because of you. We appreciate your business.

66. Happy birthday! Thank you for being such a great friend. I appreciate you so much and hope you have an unforgettable day. Cheers!

67. “You’ve been a friend and a big part of my life for quite a while now, and I thank you for everything you’ve taught me. I really appreciate it.”

68. Thank you for being my pastor’s wife. You’re appreciated.

69. “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone.” – Jordan Hoechlin

70. “The reason I am bad at cooking is my father always appreciated the dish I prepared, and I believed him.” – Alia Bhat

71. Japanese proverb thank you message appreciation for teachers educators

72. A bmw is like a piece of art; it's something to be admired and appreciated. – Unknown

73. “Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes for you.” —Anthony Robbins

74. “Gratitude is the appreciation of what is, of life, of existence, of anybody and anything, for just the way it is.” – Adyashanti

75. Older sons will appreciate this birthday message from their mother as it is a reminder that they are still growing up.

76. “Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.” – Hal Borland

77. “Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.”

78. “Be nice to everyone, always smile and appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow.” – Ed Sheeran

79. This birthday greeting can be used to let a son know he brings happiness and joy to his mother and she appreciates him for that.

80. shakespeare card teacher appreciation geometric flowers line art

81. “I really appreciate the time you’ve taken out of your busy schedule to help me out.”

82. “You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” – Nelson Mandela

83. “When we understand and appreciate the differences between us, we can leverage them to improve our conversations, deepen our learning, and spur creative thinking.”

84. ‘Happy Mother’s Day to an amazing mother in law. I hope you always remember how loved and appreciated you truly are.’

85. “They are right who says, ‘great friends are not common’. I must have found favour to know you. Thanks for being there for me. I appreciate you.” —Unknown

86. Always appreciate and feel gratitude for things around us, then the love for life will come to us.

87. I will do whatever it takes, if only you will be here to give me love. The daily dose of your love will do wonders to me. Your appreciation means a lot to me.

88. “I am the luckiest girl in the entire world to have such an amazing boyfriend. I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you do for me. Happy Thanksgiving.”

89. “Happiness is not having what you want. It is appreciating what you have.” –Unknown

90. “To appreciate the sun, you gotta know what rain is.” – J. Cole

91. A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh.

92. Our organization is appreciative of your last investment. It’s wonderful having a supportive and encouraging client.

93. “Life is the best thing that ever happened to you and you need therefore to appreciate it since life even in all its seasons is still worthy of your appreciation.”

94. “Life is short. Don’t waste it with negative people who don’t appreciate you. Keep them in your heart but keep them out of your life.” – Anonymous

95. “My appreciation for my father’s greatness cannot be measured.” – Jennifer Williamson

96. “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.” – Shaun Hick

97. “No one who appreciates the shortness of this life and the eternality of the next can ever say, ‘I’m bored’.” – Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi

98. “Thank you so much, I appreciate every single time you stood by my side.”

99. “Waking up to a new day is a gift, appreciate it and do remember that you are loved… Good morning and Happy Monday.”

100. Let us make pregnancy as an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.

101. A straightforward way to show buyers that you genuinely like them is to identify something about them that you sincerely appreciate. – David Hoffeld

102. "The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” – Oscar Wilde

103. Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.

104. There is more to us than sports and beer! We have shared good times and bad, and you continue to support me every day. I appreciate you, brother! Happy 30th!!

105. I appreciate you, Pastor, for all your efforts that you are always making for the management and progress of this church.

106. Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal. - Anonymous

107. Nelson Mandela quote on appreciating people based on their struggle, and not just the outcome

108. “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.”

109. The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have. – Woody Allen

110. The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.”

111. “Knowing when to leave people alone and give them space is an under-appreciated skill.” – Anonymous

112. “Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.”– Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

113. Thank you for choosing us. The company appreciates your continued support. The business has grown to be where it is because of you.

114. “The longer you wait for something, the more you’ll appreciate it when you get it.” – Unknown.

115. “You are hilarious, kind, and generous. I’m so happy and appreciative to have you as a friend.”

116. Dear friend, thank you for always appreciating me. Happy Friendship Day!

117. ‘I didn’t know that fantasy stories were true until I met you. I appreciate your kindness towards me. I love you to the moon and back.’

118. “Sunday, a day of rest declared by God for our benefit; appreciate the day and rest.” —Byron Pulsifer

119. We all need a little reminder to appreciate the little things in life. This bathroom is one of them!

120. On this birthday, I want to remind you how loved you are and how much of an impact you have made on my life! Take time to appreciate all you have. I love you.

121. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself. that's when you're most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

122. Sentimental birthday messages like this one are perfect for a son from his mother. It lets him know that he is loved and appreciated.

123. “When we find people with the supernatural powers of perception to recognize our remarkableness, we become addicted to the heady drug of their appreciation.”

124. “To so enter into it in nature and art that the enjoyed meanings of life may become a part of living is the attitude of aesthetic appreciation.” – George Herbert Mead

125. Sometimes you need to appreciate being alone. There is a sense of comfort in knowing no one but yourself and being independent can help you understand yourself better.

126. “I appreciate you, pastor for the encouraging verse you send me every day, May God bless you abundantly.” — Unknown Author

127. “I do not appreciate you enough. In fact, I know I don’t deserve you at all but heaven still blessed me with you. Oh! I’m so lucky to have found you.”

128. “Thank you most of all for friends. We appreciate the complicated and wonderful gifts you give us in each other.”

129. “I appreciate the support I get from the people! Y’all motivate me to go harder.”

130. No matter how much effort you put in, some people just won’t appreciate it.”

131. Not so. I appreciate honesty. It all comes out in the end anyway, so just be honest.

132. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” — John F. Kennedy

133. “A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.” – Unknown

134. “Jeeps are for people who appreciate freedom and adventure.”

135. Proud mothers can use this birthday message to let their sons know how loved and appreciated they are on their birthday.

136. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal. ” – Anonymous

137. “Every time you thought you couldn’t keep moving forward, you did. Take a moment to appreciate your strength.” – Karen Salmansohn

138. “I just wanted to say it proudly that your existence is valuable to me, and I appreciate everything about you, my buddy.”

139. Transform your expectations into appreciations and your world will change in an instant.

140. “People who work hard really appreciate the things they get in life.” – Unknown

141. “Do not be disappointed if no one appreciates your true feelings, because they do not deserve them.”

142. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” ― Zoe Kravitz

143. You had your chance and you lost me. Now, just let me enjoy whatever comes my way without your interference. I’ll appreciate that very much.

144. Thank you for your valued business. We greatly value your trust and confidence and sincerely appreciate your loyalty to our business.

145. “I appreciate composing alone, exposed and unbothered.” – M.F. Moonzajer

146. Thank you, Mrs. Sanders! With appreciation, Bobbe

147. “Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.” – Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

148. “The loftiness of understanding embraces all. It requires as much spirit to suffer the failings of others as it does to appreciate their good qualities.” –

149. Find joy in the work you do. Let it be rewarding. I’m sure that the people you work for appreciate your outstanding job performance.

150. It is impossible that beauty should ever distinctly appreciate itself.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

151. Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” —Zoë Kravitz

152. ‘Once you learn to appreciate small victories, there is no need for a finish line.’

153. “Be nice to people... maybe it'll be unappreciated, unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love anyway. We rise by lifting others.”

154. “Staying with someone that doesn’t appreciate you isn’t loyalty, its stupidity.”

155. "Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. Enjoy your Thursday!”

156. Happy Fathers Day to the best brother my sister could have asked for. You’re such a good person and an excellent brother, I hope you know how much we appreciate you:

157. Those who don't know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal. — Anonymous

158. Thank you for always being honest and realistic with me. It takes a real man to be able to tell the truth and keep me grounded. I truly appreciate that.

159. What could mean nothing to you could be someone else’s hopes and wishes, appreciate it all.

160. “We often take our spouses so much for granted that we never let them know we appreciate them.”

161. “To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” – Aristotle

162. “Hanging with people who make you feel unappreciated, for the mere sake of appearing to be popular, is the loneliest place to be.” ― Ellen J. Barrier

163. Thank you for coming into my life. I can no longer picture my life without you, a soul sister who I can talk to, rant to and so much more. I appreciate you lots and lots!”

164. Accountability is about owning up to your mistakes, big or small. It might feel tough, but people will appreciate your transparency.

165. “When you have something use it with appreciation before you lose it and always remember those who don’t have it” ― Mary Uwamahoro

166. I do believe that if you haven’t learned about sadness, you cannot appreciate happiness. – Nana Mouskouri

167. This last section is all about waking up and appreciating the beauty of the day.

168. Thank you for transforming my life. Please accept my little way of appreciating you for your mentorship.

169. “Most people are unhappy because they’re focused on what they want rather than appreciating what they have.” ― Marty Rubin

170. Going through challenging things can teach you a lot, and they also make you appreciate the times that aren't so challenging. — Carrie Fisher

171. “Remember to appreciate the life skills you’ve already mastered and keep trying to master new ones. because each makes the other possible.”- Tracey Thurman

172. I know I don’t say it often, but I appreciate all the sacrifices and hard work you put into raising me. I love you.

173. “My goal is to appreciate my body for what it has done.” – Sia Cooper

174. “I know that it really hurts to move on but it hurts more to stay somewhere you aren’t appreciated, respected and loved.”

175. “If Valentine’s Day is all about affection and chocolate, then it should be a holiday dedicated to appreciating fat people.”

176. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.”

177. If you love too hard just stay single because people in this generation don’t appreciate that shit anymore

178. Sit down, relax, and enjoy yourself on your birthday. We all appreciate you very much and hope that the year ahead is full of vitality and happiness.

179. It’s a great relief for any leader to have a team member who manages themselves. Your effort is deeply, deeply appreciated.

180. One of the reasons that appreciation is so wonderful is that it makes what is outstanding in others belong to us as well.

181. Happy birthday to the best girlfriend in the world. You are the person who always keeps my heart a-flutter in adoration and appreciation. I love you to the moon and back!

182. You’re not just a pastor but a great leader. Your hard work and sacrifices are highly appreciated. Thank you for all you do.

183. “I got a lot of support from my parents. That's the one thing I always appreciated. They didn't tell me I was being stupid; they told me I was being funny.”

184. “The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” Charles Schwab

185. “The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.”

186. Older sons may appreciate this birthday message from their mothers which shows how much they are loved.

187. Who does not know the evils of war cannot appreciate its benefits.”

188. “Love, respect and appreciate your parents as it is the one gift they truly cherish and desire.” ―Margo Vader

189. Dear My Life, A pause button would be greatly appreciated!

190. Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate.

191. “Begin each day with appreciation because this life you’re living is your own creation.” ― Christy Ann Martine

192. “I appreciate your work.”

193. “The only way to have a happy life is to appreciate what you have and be thankful for it.”- Unknown

194. “Spare yourself from seeking love, approval, or appreciation-from anyone. And watch what happens in reality, just for fun.”

195. “Who does not know the evils of war cannot appreciate its benefits.” — Sun Tzu

196. “With endless time, nothing is special. With no loss or sacrifice, we can’t appreciate what we have.” — Mitch Albom, The Time Keeper

197. I am so grateful for the love and happiness that you bring into my life. My heart belongs to you, and I will always cherish and appreciate you.

198. “There is no birthday gift I can buy to express my love and appreciation for you. Happy birthday!”

199. On this beautiful Friday morning, I encourage you to take a deep breath and just appreciate life.

200. A note of appreciation to let you know that our business partnership has been very fruitful, thank you for choosing us!

201. “Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone to experience, appreciate, and love yourself.”

202. “Gratitude is appreciation for every moment in your life. It is a feeling of abundance.” ― Brenda Nathan

203. “My sister has always talk highly about you, I can see how much she is in love. I appreciate all that you did all that you are doing to make her happy.”

204. I sincerely appreciate,

205. You stood by me even when I was wrong. I appreciated that then, and I appreciate it even more now. Thanks for being patient and strict with me.

206. If someone doesn’t respect you, appreciate you and value you, then they don’t deserve you.

207. “I dumped my girlfriend on February 13th in hopes that being alone on Valentine’s Day will make me appreciate her more.”

208. Alfred Sisley appreciates art.

209. “Be verbal in acknowledging your appreciation.” – Catherine Pulsifer

210. Let's Face it, - Sinatra is a king. He's a very sharp operator, a keen record chief, and has a keen appreciation of what the public wants. - Author: Bing Crosby

211. “I know what it’s like to feel that fear and the need of affirmation and appreciation. To build confidence in yourself is the toughest thing.” — Shakira

212. I appreciate you, pastor for the encouraging verse you send me every day, May God bless you abundantly.

213. I appreciate you.

214. A mother can send this message to her son on his birthday if she wants him to take time to appreciate all he has.

215. I appreciate you all and happy Easter to you all. Let’s hope this day goes well.

216. “Sunday, a day of rest declared by God for our benefit; appreciate the day and rest.” — Byron Pulsifer

217. “There is really a whole new appreciation when you leave and then come back.” – Hunter Tylo

218. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” –John F. Kennedy

219. “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you. rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.”

220. Thank you for shopping with us during this busy [special occasion] season. You have a lot of choices, and we appreciate that you chose us.

221. “Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t appreciate kindness and compassion.”

222. “Don’t forget to appreciate yourself.” – Debasish Mridha

223. “Only humility knows how to appreciate and admire the good qualities of others.” Sri Chinmoy

224. “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” – Madeleine L’Engle

225. “Step back and appreciate all others who share your planet.

226. “Any of us will put out more and better ideas if our efforts are appreciated.” – Alex Faickney Osborn

227. “Staying with someone that doesn’t appreciate you isn’t loyalty, it’s stupidity. ”

228. “Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.”

229. It’s when the well runs dry we appreciate the worth of water. Don’t let your well run dry.

230. ” Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.” – Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

231. “The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.”

232. “The golden rule that always rocks, expect nothing, appreciate everything” - Unknown

233. My appreciation for my father’s greatness cannot be measured.” — Jennifer Williamson

234. We completely appreciate your patronage.

235. You are indeed a reflection of God’s love and I want you to know how very much I appreciate that.

236. “Sometimes you have to experience the bad, so that you can learn to appreciate the good things that enter your life.” ― Leon Brown

237. “When I go out and I see the genuine appreciation from the people, that’s a big thing for me.” – Yami Gautam

238. “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” – William James

239. A beach sunset helps you appreciate small moments of happiness, for they are so important.

240. Words can’t express my appreciation for everyone remembering my birthday! I want everyone to know that you always show your love and support!

241. Your next boss doesn’t know how lucky they are. I hope they appreciate you as much as we have.

242. Mornings are better when we can appreciate the sunrise

243. Miss Michelle, you’re appreciated more than “Thank You” can ever express, but it’s a start!

244. A quick note to tell you how much our team appreciates your continued support throughout the years you have been our customer. Thanks for putting your trust in us.

245. This birthday message can be used for mothers who want their son to know how appreciated he is.

246. “Find someone who is proud to have you. Scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you and loves you unconditionally.”

247. “I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness.”

248. “And you also know that we should appreciate the work of God’s hands. But oftentimes we wish we looked differently than we do.” – Patricia Meyers

249. "I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are.”

250. I don’t think of birthdays as a day to get older. I think of it as giving me another year to have all of you as friends! I appreciate all of your birthday wishes!

251. Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.” – Hal Borland

252. “The broken will always be able to love harder than most because once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.” —Anonymous

253. “Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.” — Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

254. "Hard times build determination and inner strength. Through them we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger.” — Dalai Lama

255. “I am glad that our love has grown beyond our expectations. Thank you for everything, I appreciate it so much.”

256. “I just wanted to express how much I appreciate the joy you’ve added to my life. I’ll forever be grateful to you.”

257. “On this Father’s Day, let’s take a moment to appreciate all that our dads do for us.”

258. A mother can use this birthday message to let her son know how much she loves and appreciates him.

259. Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself

260. Thank you for your support. We appreciate you!

261. Your ideas, thoughts, and perspectives have always inspired us to work smarter and harder. Thank you for mentoring us, Sir. We truly appreciate it.

262. “No matter how much effort you put in, some people just won't appreciate it.”

263. “The fact my relationship with my son is so good makes me forgiving of my father and also appreciative.” — Anthony Kiedis

264. "Sometimes you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what’s coming next.” – Unknown

265. My sincere appreciation to you for the wonderful sermon that the Lord has delivered to me through you. Thank you and God bless you.

266. Someone who feels appreciated will always do more than you expect them to do.

267. “Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who’s worth your kindness and who’s just taking advantage. ”

268. “Actually, a child has only a sensible appreciation of these proportions, but his mind is trained on the basic data that prepares the way for mathematics. ”

269. “My goal is to appreciate my body for what it has done” – Sia Cooper

270. “Dear brother-in-law, I really appreciate whatever you did for my sister and me. Thank you for coming into our lives.”

271. Let's trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let's lay down our righteousness and just be together.

272. “It is not the failure of others to appreciate your abilities that should trouble you, but rather your failure to appreciate theirs.” — Confucius

273. Sending lots of love and appreciation to you on this Friendship Day. May you always keep shining, buddy!

274. You’ve given up so much in your life to see us happy. We appreciate all you’ve done for us. Greetings on your birthday.

275. “The universe wanted you to celebrate and appreciate your life so every year she gave you a birthday.”― Debasish Mridha

276. This birthday message can be used to tell a son he is appreciated by his mother.

277. I will pause and appreciate this beautiful moment.

278. We appreciate your business. It was a pleasure doing business with you, and I hope we can be of service to you again in the future.

279. “From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and appreciate all you have done. Your generosity has given me new hope!” – Catherine Pulsifer

280. “Almost no employees leave an organization where they are getting he levels of gratitude and appreciation that they deserve.”

281. Let’s make pregnancy an occasion to appreciate our female bodies.

282. “Thank you from the core of my heart. I sincerely appreciate you, my friend.”

283. Thank you for working with us; your engagement was much appreciated.

284. “There’s no way I could pay you back but my plan is to show you that I understand, you are appreciated.” – Tupac Shakur

285. “Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation.”

286. “No one brings a smile to my face as much as you do. Your joy, wit, and sparkle are incredibly appreciated, dad. And today is your day. Have a blast, happy birthday!”

287. “Dispirited, unmotivated, unappreciated workers cannot compete in a highly competitive world.” - Francis Hesselbein, Hesselbein on Leadership

288. “Each day I give thanks for you and appreciate all that you do.” – Catherine Pulsifer

289. “Upgrade your past by seeing it with appreciation.” – Alan Cohen

290. “Mothers, be thankful for raising sons who can appreciate the way you love and care for them!”

291. #9. “Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who’s worth your kindness and who’s just taking advantage.” ― Anonymous

292. “Shout out to the single father’s that have also taken the role of the mother. They don’t get appreciated enough for what they do..” – Anonymous

293. “An essential but poorly appreciated tenet of all communication: what we present first changes the way people experience what we present to them next.”

294. “I appreciate your presence in my life so much. The day you entered my life, it has changed for the better.”

295. “Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.” – Louie Schwartzberg

296. “I appreciate you because you’re always there for me even when I’m unsure of why I deserve it.”

297. This is just a short note to let you know how much I appreciate all of the awesome things that you do for me. I will always cherish you.

298. “When everything else physical and mental seems to diminish, the appreciation of beauty is on the increase.” – Bernard Berenson

299. “This time of year always gets me thinking of you and how lucky I am to call you my friend. I appreciate you.”

300. Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation. — Abraham Joshua Heschel

301. We must find time to appreciate and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.

302. A token of love for appreciating our business and putting your faith in us. It was a pleasure serving you.

303. Cherishing mothers can use this birthday message to let their sons know how loved and appreciated they are on their birthday.

304. “Confidence is the profound yet frequently overlooked dimension of development that boils down to trusting and appreciating one’s talents and abilities.”

305. “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” ―Oscar Wilde

306. "I got a lot of support from my parents. That’s the one thing I always appreciated. They didn’t tell me I was being stupid; they told me I was being funny.” – Jim Carrey

307. Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to love you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you, and loves you unconditionally.”

308. “But communicate with honest appreciation and you’ll be amazed how she lights up in front of you.” – Mark Manson

309. “To sit in silence at the shore, watch the waves and hear the surf, is to appreciate the very breath and heartbeat of the earth.” – Doe Zantamata

310. teacher appreciation pencil card

311. “I greatly appreciate your humble acts during my sickness. Thank you for being there for me.”

312. “Practice appreciation for who you are and what you have… and allow your life to unfold in the most amazing way.” – Millen Livis

313. “William James said that possibly the deepest human need is the need to feel appreciated.”

314. “You should also appreciate the goodness around you. and surround yourself with positive people.” – Nadia Comaneci

315. “You may not appreciate the presence of good health, but you will definitely regret the absence of good health, because health is happiness.”- Amit Kalantri

316. “I appreciate you, pastor for the encouraging verse you send me every day, May God bless you abundantly.” — Unknown

317. Happy birthday to my stepdaughter, a girl who always makes me feel welcome, loved and appreciated!

318. “Be bold enough to appreciate. Be strong enough not to criticize.” ― Debasish Mridha

319. “Flattery is from the teeth out. Sincere appreciation is from the heart out.” – Dale Carnegie

320. “I appreciate you…especially your heart.” —Anonymous

321. “Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

322. “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. ” –

323. “From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and appreciate all you have done. Your generosity has given me new hope!” –Catherine Pulsifer

324. It is important to be mindful so you can learn how to appreciate the present moment.

325. Your investment is appreciated.

326. Without appreciation and respect for other people, true leadership becomes ineffective, if not impossible. - Author: George Foreman

327. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal. ”

328. “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” — Madeleine L’Engle

329. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself. that's when you're most beautiful.”

330. “The foremost requirement for potent leadership is humility, so that leaders can fully understand and appreciate their own shortfalls.”

331. “I am very thankful that you are considering my application. I appreciate your response and look forward to hearing from you again soon.”

332. “What’s important is self-appreciation.” – Donnie Wahlberg

333. “We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.” – Sapna Reddy

334. “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”

335. Thank you for being a loyal and long-term customer of our company. We greatly appreciate your business.

336. “I wish I could turn back the clock to when you were still here, daddy; I would appreciate and enjoy every moment with you.” —Unknown

337. I appreciate God in your life for modeling Godly living and for mentoring those who are young in the Lord. you’re are our ‘Father in Zion!’

338. “My goal is to appreciate my body for what it has done.” — Sia Cooper

339. If you want to appreciate yourself, simply like your status.

340. “You are hilarious, kind, and generous. I’m so happy and appreciative to have you as a friend.” —Unknown

341. When someone does not value, appreciate and respect your love and friendship, it is a reflection of their own self-worth…not yours. Anthon St. Maarten

342. Sunday, a day of rest declared by God for our benefit; appreciate the day and rest. Byron Pulsifer

343. “I appreciate very much your caring about me, and know that nothing you say could ever offend me, as you are my soul sister.” – Lam Jia Hui

344. ‘The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. – Oscar Wilde

345. “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. ”

346. “For most Saturdays are a day to relax A day not to watch the time and not keep track. I send this blessing of relaxation to you. We love and appreciate all you do.”

347. “I understand and appreciate my self-worth.”

348. Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence. Hal Borland

349. “You should also appreciate the goodness around you, and surround yourself with positive people.” – Nadia Comaneci

350. ‘Happy birthday to my incredible mother. You are very much loved and appreciated!’

351. I know I don’t say it often, but I really do appreciate all the sacrifices and hard work you put into raising me. Happy birthday dad, I love you.

352. “As an American citizen who still loves his native country, France, it is heartwarming to see that this country appreciates the beauty and taste that all Frenchmen prize.”

353. We appreciate your dealing with us.

354. [Customer name], thank you for your continuous support. Please enjoy this gift as a token of our appreciation.

355. “Learning to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you is one of the keys to your happiness.”― Tom Giaquinto

356. “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.” – Carl Jung

357. Thank God for your surgery went on successfully. May you appreciate the best healthcare that we have in this country! Accept my good surgery wishes!

358. Happy friendship day. I appreciate your love, kindness, and support! Thanks for being a part of my life my friend.

359. “Having sisters is like living in Cinderella’s house. I’m pretty, overworked and underappreciated, and they’re evil.”

360. My appreciation for my father’s greatness cannot be measured.” – Jennifer Williamson

361. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F.” – Kennedy

362. Thanks for always being there for me when no one else was. I appreciate you so much.

363. “Sometimes you need those bad friends to appreciate the good ones.”

364. “Self-appreciation is a sign of maturity, seeking appreciation is a sign of immaturity”― Sivaprakash Sidhu

365. “An appreciation of what you have brings the ultimate abundance in your life.” ― Debasish Mridha

366. "On Thursdays, we appreciate all the wonderful things in our lives.”

367. “Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan.

368. “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” — Dalai Lama

369. I think I learned to appreciate and treasure each day, because you don't know how many you're going to be given. - Sandra Day O'Connor

370. The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” – William James

371. “Relish the bad training runs. Without them it’s difficult to recognize, much less appreciate, the good ones.” -Pat Teske

372. ‘The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.’

373. A mother can use this message to show her appreciation for her son on his birthday.

374. thank you for all that you do card for teachers educators appreciation

375. “What we all have in common is an appreciation of kindness and compassion; all the religions have this. We all lean towards love.” – Richard Gere

376. The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. – Dalai Lama

377. Dear boss, thank you for taking the time to send this beautiful message to me. I genuinely appreciate it.

378. Mothers are the only ones whose efforts never get the appreciation. A very Happy Labour Day to you mom for being a mom who never gave up on us.

379. “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.”

380. “Hard times build determination and inner strength. Through them we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger.” — Dalai Lama

381. “The best way to appreciate life is to be grateful.” – Wisdom Kwashie Mensah

382. ‘To my mother in law, happy Mother’s Day. You are appreciated and very much loved.’

383. ”Being raised by a single mother, I learned to appreciate and value independent women.”

384. “We appreciate yesterday, but we’re looking for a better tomorrow.” – Jack Ma

385. “We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.”- Sapna Reddy

386. “Sometimes, you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone, to experience, appreciate, and love yourself.” – Robert Tew

387. “If you want employees to feel appreciated, you need to celebrate their achievements regularly and publicly.”

388. ‘To my mother in law, I can never repay everything you’ve done for us, but I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you. Happy Mother’s Day!’

389. “It's ironic that when you go through a tragedy, you appreciate more. You realize how fragile life is and that there are so many things to still be thankful for.”

390. “It’s easy to not feel misplaced if this tidal wave of appreciation is coming your way.” – Christoph Waltz

391. When we are mindful of the moments and the little joys throughout the day, we can appreciate ourselves and those around us all the more.

392. “My sister has always talked highly about you, I can see how much she is in love. I appreciate all that you did and all that you are doing to make her happy.” – Anonymous

393. “Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.”

394. There comes a point in our lives when we begin to understand and appreciate the reasons why we needed to just let go of some people we could have chosen to love.

395. Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret.

396. We are so glad to find you. We appreciate your future endeavors.

397. ″‘Most people don’t know how to appreciate silence. They can’t help talking.”

398. You are very important to us. We appreciate the friendship and trust you have awoken. You may call us anytime with any questions or concerns.

399. You're my friend, I appreciate your support and all you do, and I appreciate you as my friend.

400. “I appreciate your love, care, and support! Thanks for being an important part of my life, my friend. “

401. “If you are going to help [your son], you first need to show support and appreciation for the person he is, so you can build that person up.” — Clayton Lesser

402. “You’ve done uncountable things for me, and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever imagine.”

403. Moms who want to show their son how much they appreciate him can use this birthday message.

404. “You have to travel far and wide to see a lot of the world’s wonders, but sunsets can be appreciated in every corner of the earth.”

405. “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” — William James

406. “Life is too ironic to fully understand. It takes sadness to know what happiness is. Noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence.” ― Abhysheq Shukla, KARMA

407. “Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned. ”

408. Hate comes from intimidation, love comes from appreciation. – Tyga

409. I appreciate beauty and simple joys so much more now, thanks to you. May your morning be full of both.

410. Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that you are halfway to being a teenager.

411. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal. ” —Anonymous

412. “Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

413. “Learn to live with less so that you appreciate more.” – James Ryan

414. “If we want our children to value education, then we must show our appreciation for knowledge.” – Brad Sherman

415. “Self love is the seed from which inner peace, fulfilment and appreciation blossoms” – Rasheed Ogunlaru

416. “Remember the tough times. They’ll help you appreciate the good times even more deeply”.

417. “Discovering your own love language helps you understand why you feel more loved and appreciated by certain people than you do.”

418. “The habit of attending to small things and of appreciating small courtesies is one of the important marks of a good person.”

419. I appreciate that you always remind me to stay true to myself, and you love me for who I am. Thank you.

420. I’ve always felt cherished and appreciated by you, and I want you to know that is exactly how I feel about you.

421. I hope you know how much I appreciate you, today and always. Happy Father’s Day!

422. “If they don’t appreciate you, they don’t deserve you.” – NBA YoungBoy

423. “The understanding and nature that you have are worth every praise and appreciation.”

424. A little appreciation goes a long way, but I can never say enough how much I appreciate you.

425. “Gratitude is the appreciation of things that are not deserved, earned, or demanded – those wonderful things that we take for granted.”

426. “The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” – William James

427. Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”

428. “To appreciate the sun, you gotta know what rain is.” – J. Cole, “I’m Coming Home”

429. “Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

430. Your appreciation is what always makes me motivated to do my best. Thank you for the promotion, and thank you for being a great manager.

431. It's only when you grow up and step back from him — or leave him for your own home — it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it.

432. “Thank you for coming today. It’s been such a wonderful day, and we really appreciate you sharing it with us.”

433. “Nine-tenths of wisdom is appreciation.” – Dale Dauten

434. “Thanksgiving is the perfect time to let you know how much I appreciate everything you do for me. You make my life happier and fuller, and I’m so grateful for you.”

435. “Always appreciate the gift of life! Be happy and have fun!”

436. Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart. - Henry Clay

437. Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it;

438. A pastor’s work is like a shepherd who guards the flock against wolves that aim to tear and scatter. Thank you, Pastor, for all that you do. I do love and appreciate you.

439. The main reason the wives run away is the lack of appreciation from their husbands. So you should always respect and appreciate others for their work.

440. “Poisonous relationships can alter our perception. You can spend many years thinking you’re worthless, but you’re not worthless, you’re unappreciated.”

441. Charity is not only appreciated by how much is given but by how much the giver gave.

442. “Poisonous relationships can alter our perception. You can spend many years thinking you’re worthless. But you’re not worthless. You’re underappreciated.” – Steve Maraboli

443. Thank you for always cheering me up when I am blue. No one brings a smile to my face as much as you do. Your joy, wit, and sparkle are incredibly appreciated, Mom.

444. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.” –Anonymous

445. “Losing a mother doesn’t happen in a moment. It takes years to appreciate the impact of what’s gone.”– Lisa-Jo Baker

446. To the Best Teacher Ever! Thank you for making a difference! You are appreciated!

447. “Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.” ― Sarah Ban Breathnach

448. “You can appreciate the light but before that you have to know the darkness.”

449. “Hate comes from intimidation, love comes from appreciation.” – Tyga

450. A great send-off includes telling someone that they made a positive impact, that their contributions were appreciated, and that they will be missed.

451. “Pastor, I know I didn’t get to say it enough, but I appreciate you.” — Unknown

452. “Friendship involves many things but, above all the power of going outside oneself and appreciating what is noble and loving in another.” — Thomas Huxley

453. “Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Love is gained and loyalty is returned.”

454. “Somewhere in this small world, you can find a place where everyone appreciates you more than you think you deserve.” ― M.F. Moonzajer, LOVE, HATRED AND MADNESS

455. “Flowers are the most beautiful way to express love and appreciation.”

456. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and appreciate all you have done. Your generosity has given me new hope.

457. Thank you for being the friend that I always wanted, needed and appreciated.

458. I know that I don’t say this often enough, but I want to tell you how much I appreciate you and everything you do.

459. “Sunsets is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

460. There are no words to express how much I appreciate and value our friendship.

461. “Happiness would not be fully appreciated without an experience of its opposite, sadness.” — Richard Daly

462. “We appreciate yesterday, but we’re looking for a better tomorrow.” ― Jack Ma

463. We are loaded with an appreciation for the privilege of your business.

464. “You have influenced my life in such a positive way words cannot express my appreciation. You are truly an inspiration.” – Catherine Pulsipher

465. We’ve made it to another employee appreciation day—and it’s just another chance for us to express how grateful we are for your first-rate work!

466. You don’t have to be a goth to appreciate the dark and mysterious.

467. “Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.” Roy T. Bennett

468. “Love those who appreciate you, and appreciate those who love you.”

469. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself. that’s when you’re most beautiful.” — Zoë Kravitz

470. I have appreciated your friendship for a long time now, but I am incredibly grateful for your commitment to staying sober to be your great friend.

471. “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” – William James, American philosopher

472. “As long as you need my care, I will be here to do so and nurse you back to wellness. I love and appreciate you.”

473. On this beautiful Friday morning, I am reminding you to take a deep breath and just appreciate life.

474. “Each morning you wake be thankful, grateful and appreciate who you are, you have life, you’re blessed and you’re beautiful.” – Author Unknown

475. “There are big problems that change the world. If we are working together, that will make us understand each other, appreciate each other, help each other.”

476. “The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have.” ~ Woody Allen

477. Older sons will appreciate this birthday message from their mother as it shows that she still sees him as her young son.

478. “A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the differences.”

479. “Honest appreciation got results where criticism and ridicule failed.”

480. “You had your chance and you lost me. Now, just let me enjoy whatever comes my way without your interference. I’ll appreciate that very much.” – Unknown

481. “I would rather be able to appreciate things I cannot have than to have things I am not able to appreciate.” – Elbert Hubbard

482. “To sit in silence at the shore, watch the waves and hear the surf, is to appreciate the very breath and heartbeat of the earth.” — Doe Zantamata

483. “Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.” — Louie Schwartzberg

484. We appreciate your hard work and know that no car can run forever without fuel. Take some well-earned time off to recharge your batteries, and happy Labor Day weekend!

485. I’ve never yet met a person who didn’t want to be appreciated… – Mary Kay Ash

486. “Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.”

487. “And to me also, who appreciate life, the butterflies, and soap-bubbles, and whatever is like them amongst us, seem most to enjoy happiness.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

488. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

489. “Take time to appreciate employees and they will reciprocate in a thousand ways.” – Dr. Bob Nelson, best-selling author and motivational speaker

490. albert einstein thank you message appreciation for teachers educators

491. “Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate” – Masaba Gupta

492. Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance, and appreciation.” – Buddha

493. “It’s better to have a hunger and appreciation for beauty than to be merely beautiful. In the end, life is richer that way. She may learn that.” – Susan Vreeland

494. “I give appreciation for my life, and I see the miracle in each moment.”― Victoria L. White

495. Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it.

496. Not everyone has the patience of a saint, a heart of gold, and dedication without end – but you do! This is why I just wanted to let you know how much you are appreciated.

497. “I’ve never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline. “

498. “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. ” – Anonymous

499. ​Remember you’re dealing with a person who wants to be appreciated and understood. So use labels to reinforce and encourage positive perceptions and dynamics.”

500. Supportive mothers will appreciate this birthday message from their sons, which shows how much they are loved.

501. “Each day I give thanks for you and appreciate all that you do.” Catherine Pulsifer

502. “When you meet people, show real appreciation, then genuine curiosity.” – Martha Beck

503. “No one understands and appreciates the American Dream of hard work leading to material rewards better than a non-American.” — Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential

504. “Going through challenging things can teach you a lot, and they also make you appreciate the times that aren’t so challenging.” ~ Carrie Fisher

505. “You are an amazing pastor and we highly appreciate your work.” — Unknown

506. We need the storms, the overcast days to help us appreciate the sunny days.

507. “Teachers appreciate being appreciated, for teacher appreciation is their highest award.”- William Prince

508. “Self-care is allowing yourself to appreciate the moment for what it is, instead of wishing it was something else.” – Sharon Pearson

509. Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.

510. “Going through challenging things can teach you a lot, and they also make you appreciate the times that aren’t so challenging.” – Carrie Fisher

511. “If you do not appreciate every day of your life, who said that the days and years will be an asset for the future?” Sunday Adelaja

512. “The art of humility begins with a recognition of our dependence on others and an appreciation of God’s gift of life.” — Wilferd Peterson

513. “One can appreciate & celebrate each moment — there’s nothing more sacred. There’s nothing more vast or absolute. In fact, there’s nothing more!” ― Pema Chodron

514. “You have influenced my life in such a positive way words cannot express my appreciation, you are truly an inspiration.” – Catherine Pulsifer

515. I appreciate you, pastor, for studying, preparing, and praying daily to deliver God’s message for His sheep. May you be strengthened to do more in Jesus’ name.

516. Dad, you are the best person I know and you should be appreciated just for what you are. Happy 70th my hero! I wish you find health and happiness all your day.

517. We appreciate your loyalty to our company as a customer. We will forever continue offering you the best services.

518. “Let's trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let's lay down our righteousness and just be together.”

519. “Connecting with those you know love, like and appreciate you restores the spirit and gives you energy to keep moving forward in this life.” – Deborah Day, ‘BE HAPPY NOW!’

520. “Be good to people, even if it goes unnoticed, unappreciated, or ignored, but share the love anyway. By raising others, we will rise.”

521. “Having lived with nothing is the gift that allows me to appreciate the privilege of having everything.”― Craig D. Lounsbrough

522. “We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.”

523. “Don’t get me wrong, I admire elegance and have an appreciation of the finer things in life. But to me, beauty lies in simplicity.” – Mark Hyman, M.D.

524. “The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” – William James

525. I honor you for your commitment and dedication. Accept my heartfelt appreciation, sir.

526. You have to travel far and wide to see a lot of the world’s wonders, but sunsets can be appreciated in every corner of the earth. — Kimmie Conner

527. “Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and is thus a source of civilized delight.” – William Safire

528. “Practice appreciation for who you are and what you have… and allow your life to unfold in the most amazing way.”― Millen Livis

529. “Hanging with people who make you feel unappreciated, for the mere sake of appearing to be popular, is the loneliest place to be.”― Ellen J. Barrier

530. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.” –Anonymous

531. … but accept that not everyone will appreciate your efforts:

532. Now that I’m a parent, I sincerely appreciate everything you do. I aspire to be just as impressive at this parenting thing as you. Love U, Dad!

533. “You are a brilliant friend, and I appreciate your love, sympathy, support, and kindness. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you the most!”

534. “If he is to become a ball player, he must learn the rules of the game. And, contrary to popular thinking, children appreciate rules.” ― Billy Graham

535. Even if it’s not appreciated, an act of kindness will never go to waste.

536. You are always responsible and strive to complete your work well and on time. It is very appreciated.

537. On this special Friday, I encourage you to take a moment and appreciate all the good in your life.

538. This birthday message can be used to show a son how loved and appreciated he is on his birthday.

539. “I do believe that if you haven’t learnt about sadness, you cannot appreciate happiness.” ~ Nana Mouskouri

540. American proverb thank you message appreciation for teachers educators

541. The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other is insincere.

542. Close knit mothers and sons can use this message on his birthday. It is a way of expressing her love and appreciation for him.

543. “Happy Father’s Day, Dad! I love you and appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You’re the best!”

544. Your appreciation can never be fake. Even if you don’t say it out loud, you will feel it.

545. Hard times build determination and inner strength. Through them we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger. — Dalai Lama

546. “I’ve never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline.” -Vince Lombardi

547. I live each day trying to transform my expectations into appreciations.

548. “The value we provide most to others is the same value we appreciate most from others.” ― Simon Sinek

549. “Being raised by a single mother, I learned to appreciate and value independent women.”

550. “Stop doing things for some people if you find that they’re starting to expect it from you rather than appreciating it.”

551. “Without memory there can be no insight. Without love, there can be no appreciation.” ― Anne Rice

552. “Today, I need to forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what’s coming next.”

553. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.

554. A friend like you is rare. The person who no matter what is always there. I so appreciate you. Happy Friendship Day.

555. Setting aside a day to worship God is a cherished Christian tradition that helps you appreciate the faith and builds you to be productive.

556. “The best way to appreciate life is to be grateful.” ― Wisdom Kwashie Mensah

557. “A great relationship is about two things. First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.”

558. I can’t fully describe how much I appreciate being the recipient of such a prestigious award, but I am truly honored.

559. “You have to travel far and wide to see a lot of the world’s wonders, but sunsets can be appreciated in every corner of the earth.” – Kimmie Conner

560. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy

561. ‘We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.’ – Sapna Reddy

562. “Without appreciation and respect for other people, true leadership becomes ineffective, if not impossible.”

563. “Older sisters always help you in understanding the world better and also appreciates it more than anyone else. Happy Birthday.”

564. 78 Thanks for always being the problem solver of the group. We all appreciate you so much. Happy birthday!

565. “Change your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly.” —Tony Robbins

566. Being a global citizen means appreciating our shared humanity no matter what nation you call home. –Rohit Bhargava, Beyond Diversity

567. “It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, and a day to love them, but it takes an entire lifetime to forget them.” — Unknown

568. "Happy Wednesday! Happiness is found from within when you learn to appreciate your blessings, LIVE in the present and LOVE!” — Tracey Edmonds

569. “It’s ironic that when you go through a tragedy, you appreciate more. You realize how fragile life is and that there are so many things to still be thankful for.”

570. “I appreciate all of the betrayers who hurt me. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t recognize the people who love me. ” – by Unknown

571. Thank you. We sincerely appreciate your business. Look forward to working with you again soon!

572. Sending you heartfelt appreciation on Father’s Day. It’s the least I can do considering all the gray hairs I’ve caused you!

573. “The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men more.” — Colleen McCullough

574. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” —JFK

575. “Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone, to experience, appreciate and love yourself.”—Robert Tew

576. “Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.” – Roy T. Bennett

577. “You need to stop doing things for someone when you find out it’s expected rather than appreciated.”

578. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.”

579. “Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr., American author

580. “Tomorrow is never promised. So appreciate and love the people in your life today. Have a wonderful day.”

581. “In the end, you need to appreciate things before they are gone.” ― Surya Raj

582. “I appreciate why I come to the mountains: not to conquer them, but to immerse myself in their incomprehensible immensity.” — Jennifer Lowe-Anker

583. Being one with nature means appreciating the beauty of it.

584. Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.” – Louie Schwartzberg

585. “I really appreciate everything you do, for always finding a reason to make me happy. Thanks for coming into my life.”

586. “I’ve never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline.”

587. “Going through challenging things can teach you a lot, and they also make you appreciate the times that aren’t so challenging. ” – Carrie Fisher

588. It feels incredible to be appreciated and recognized for your work. Thank you for always making me feel that way, Sir.

589. “The longer you wait for something. The more you appreciate it when you get it. Because anything worth having is always worth the wait.”

590. “You have to be able to appreciate these things. How many people can say it was a full moon last night and appreciate it?” ~ Sandy Miller

591. “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self

592. I appreciate all of you for your thoughtful birthday wishes. It is so encouraging and refreshing to hear from such great friends on my special day!

593. “No gift can be able to appreciate the best lover in the world for all your sacrifices for me when I couldn’t do anything for me. Happy 70th birthday, my love!”

594. “Teachers appreciate being appreciated, for teacher appreciation is their highest award.” William Prince

595. I’m tired of being nice. I want to be heard, and I don’t appreciate your condescending tone

596. “All first responders do noble work, and all of them deserve our respect and our appreciation.” ― William Barr

597. Cars are like art, and should be appreciated as such.

598. “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit.”

599. “Recognize, appreciate and repay your parents’ love.”

600. “Love yourself. This is not about being self-centered; this tip has something about appreciating your worth and what you can do.” ― Mick McPherson

601. “Dispirited, unmotivated, unappreciated workers cannot compete in a highly competitive world.” ~Frances Hesselbein (Submitted by Sybil Stershic) Thanks Sybil!

602. It's only when you grow up and step back from him—or leave him for your own home—it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it.

603. “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.”

604. “Your net worth can fluctuate, but your self-worth should only appreciate.” – Chris Gardner

605. “Once you learn to appreciate the small victories there is no need for a finish line.”

606. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. - John F. Kennedy

607. “We’ve shared so much with each other, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you. I am grateful for this day and for all you do.”

608. “Hard work, dedication, and appreciation of blue collar labour.” – Willie Robertson

609. “The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” William James

610. “I may not have so many words to say to you, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for me. I am so blessed to have you in my life, buddy.”

611. I thank God for sending you into our midst. I sincerely appreciate your devotion, your dedication, your love, your spirit, your teachings, and your wisdom.

612. Sentimental mothers will appreciate this birthday message as it is a reminder that her son is growing up, but to enjoy being a kid while he can.

613. “Being raised by a single mother, I learned to appreciate and value independent women.” – Kenny Conley

614. “Fashion, for me, is anything that’s aesthetic and beautiful. Art, food, film. It’s something that I appreciate and really like.” — St. Vincent

615. Enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go. – Mandy Hale

616. “Sunsets in themselves are generally superior to sunrises; but with the sunset we appreciate images drawn from departed peace and faded glory.” – George Stillman Hillard

617. I wish I could turn back the clock to when you were still here daddy, I would appreciate and enjoy every moment with you.

618. “Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone to experience, appreciate, and love yourself.” – Robert Tew

619. I appreciate the scriptural knowledge you impact during bible study. The ocean of your knowledge will never run dry.

620. “Richness does not come from wealth or splendor, but from an appreciation of those things that you cannot buy.”― Debasish Mridha

621. Life becomes more meaningful when you start appreciating the small things in your life.

622. Our corporation has the best clients. Your support is appreciated.

623. “Remember, this [life] is a love story. And we will never appreciate or even desire the hope of our True Love if lesser loves don't disappoint.”

624. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself. that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

625. How can I say ‘thank you’ in a way that will express my appreciation? You are indeed a great mentor.

626. “Wisdom is like a fermented wine. It's only appreciated when shared.” – Andrew-Knox B Kaniki

627. May you find new opportunities to grow in your new job. I hope you meet lots and lots of good new people who will appreciate you as much as we do, Sir.

628. “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” – Dalai Lama

629. “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” ~ Oscar Wilde

630. “Staying with someone that doesn’t appreciate you isn’t loyalty, it’s stupidity.” – Unknown

631. “Hopeful thinking can get you out of your fear zone and into your appreciation zone.” –Martha Beck

632. “Self-doubt is very dangerous because it not only warps your perception of what you’re capable of but it also degrades your appreciation of your capacities.” – J.D. Carter

633. “I hope you realize how loved and appreciated you are this holiday season happy Thanksgiving to my boyfriend.”

634. “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.” ~ Carl Jung

635. Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies. – Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

636. “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” ~ Madeleine L’Engle

637. “A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the differences.” ~ Invajy

638. “It’s odd that there is a high level of appreciation of nature. There is the aesthetic side that really loves nature and beauty.” — Jerry Garcia

639. “Be nice to everyone, always smile & appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow.” – Cory Monteith

640. “Lincoln once began a letter saying: “Everybody likes a compliment.” William James said: “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”

641. Sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence.

642. Thank you, Mrs. Oliver! With appreciation, Alex

643. That is true beauty which has not only a substance but a spirit; a beauty that we must intimately know, justly to appreciate.” ― Charles Caleb Colton

644. “Don't let your loyalty become slavery. If they don't appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. ”

645. Only humility knows how to appreciate and admire the good qualities of others.

646. “Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.”

647. The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”― William James

648. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. —John F. Kennedy

649. “Blue-collar workers have made the world go ‘round since the Industrial Revolution. Showing sincere appreciation and admiration is the least we can do.” – Justin Trudeau

650. #24. “Stop doing stuff for people when you see that they start to expect it rather than appreciate it.” ― Anonymous

651. appreciate the day and rest

652. “No one understands and appreciates the American Dream of hard work leading to material rewards better than a non-American.”

653. “I entirely appreciate loyalty to one’s friends, but loyalty to the cause of justice and honor stands above it”

654. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” — Zoë Kravitz

655. We appreciate the job you do, and we love the person you are! Thank you for a great year!

656. "Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let’s lay down our righteousness and just be together.” – Ram Dass

657. “Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.”

658. “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. “ Dalai Lama

659. “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.”

660. “I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have than to have things I am not able to appreciate.” – Elbert Hubbard

661. It is never too soon to show your appreciation.

662. “I appreciate people who tell me the truth in a gentle way – even when it's tough to say.”

663. “Every morning confessing my love to you and appreciating you for the amazing person you are – is not a habit but my way of treasuring you! Morning, love.”

664. “Word will fail to appreciate all your love and care for me, baby. You are my sweet little home and my only comfort zone. Thanks for being the best man in the world!”

665. Thank you for this wonderful gift, Sir. I will always be grateful for your appreciation and recognition.

666. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” -Zoe Kravitz

667. “We all appreciated a certain aesthetic, and with that appreciation came a certain stylized presence.” – Amber Heard

668. It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit

669. Today is a blessing and a gift from God smile and appreciate it. Great Morning Friends Have a happy Tuesday!

670. “There’s no way I could pay you back, but my plan is to show you that I understand, you are appreciated.”

671. “Expressing gratitude seems like a cosmic invitation for all kinds of thankfulness and appreciation to pour in.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

672. The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. —William James

673. “Abundance and prosperity begin with gratitude and appreciation.” ― Anthon St. Maarten

674. Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

675. “If they don’t respect, appreciate and value you, then they don’t deserve you.”

676. Love yourself. This is not about being self-centered; this tip has something about appreciating your worth and what you can do. Mick McPherson

677. Learn to appreciate small quiet moments, the ocean, a walk on the beach, time alone, your health, your strength, your smile, your life. - Germany Kent

678. Fish pics are appreciated.

679. “Thank you for dropping me at home, it was very kind of you. I appreciate your act with loads of love and respect.”

680. Cultivate a deep appreciation for the simple pleasures.

681. “There’s no way I could pay you back but my plan is to show you that I understand, you are appreciated.”

682. Thank you for all the loving things you do. And on this Valentines Day I want to tell you I appreciate and love YOU!

683. “Self-doubt is very dangerous because it not only warps your perception of what you’re capable of but it also degrades your appreciation of your capacities.” ― J.D. Carter

684. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."—John F. Kennedy

685. “Thank you for raising your concerns. I appreciate your co-operation and will respond to your query very soon.”

686. “When someone does not value, appreciate and respect your love and friendship, it is a reflection of their own self-worth…not yours.” ―Anthon St. Maarten

687. Every year, I learn to appreciate more the values you passed on to me. I love you, Dad.

688. watercolor floral thank you card teacher appreciation

689. It's always too late for sorries, but I appreciate the sentiment.― The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

690. “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table. then let them eat alone.”

691. “What we all have in common is an appreciation of kindness and compassion; all the religions have this. Love. We all lean towards love.” ~ Richard Gere

692. “Tell them how much you appreciate them.”

693. “Happy Birthday! Wishing you a great day! I appreciate all that you do and want to thank you for being a wonderful father-in-law! Hope to celebrate with you soon!”

694. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy

695. “Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family.” –Josiah

696. “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.” — Shaun Hick

697. “The deepest human need is the need to feel appreciated. Words of affirmation will meet that need in many individuals.

698. “Sometimes you need those bad days to help you appreciate the good ones.”

699. “The more you appreciate, the more you have to appreciate.”― Carma Spence

700. People who do not understand you will never settle for any proof, and people who appreciate you do not need any proof.. —Seth (Jane Roberts)

701. “The broken will always be able to love harder than most because once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.” —Anonymous, Twitter.

702. Pastor, I know I didn’t get to say it enough, but I appreciate you.

703. “If not shown appreciation, it gets to you.”

704. “Change your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly.”

705. “The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” — Charles Schwab

706. “Hard times build determination and inner strength. Through them we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger.” ~ Dalai Lama

707. “Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work, and the power to appreciate life.” – Brigham Young

708. “I’ve been so lucky to work with such great people: people that are such hard workers and have such respect and appreciation for one another.” – Blake Lively

709. “I’ve never had more appreciation for anyone in my entire life until I became a mom.” – Chrissy Teigen

710. “Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate.” — Masaba Gupta

711. "I got a lot of support from my parents. That's the one thing I always appreciated. They didn't tell me I was being stupid; they told me I was being funny.”

712. I appreciate the fact that you treat my daughter well and with respect, for that we are grateful. Have a wonderful fathers day!

713. “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone.”

714. brad henry thank you message appreciation for teachers educators

715. To appreciate what I already have, to listen to my heart,

716. It’s like we were made to appreciate sunsets.

717. “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” – Madeline L’Engle

718. “We need to appreciate the unity of authenticity, morality, and happiness.” — Xunwu Chen

719. Your loyalty as a customer is greatly appreciated.

720. The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. — Oscar Wilde

721. “Expect just about anyone to disappoint. Yes no one is perfect. Yet appreciate the few that shows unconditional concerns”George Okpanachi

722. “A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.” - Unknown

723. “I appreciate you with all of my heart and even when our lives get hectic, please know that I am here for you. You’re the one that keeps me going.”

724. “who does not know the evils of war cannot appreciate its benefits”

725. “Surround yourself with people who: empower you, believe in you, support you, uplift you, motivate you, appreciate you.” – Unknown

726. It is a day to tell the world how important you are to us, and how much we appreciate you for being such an amazing father. Happy father’s day boss!

727. “We appreciate yesterday, but we’re looking for a better tomorrow.”

728. Dreamers will appreciate this birthday message from their mothers, which shows how much they are loved.

729. I appreciate your love, kindness, and support! Thanks for being a part of my life my friend. Happy friendship day.

730. “Begin with praise and honest appreciation.”

731. You were the one who stood on my side even when you knew I was wrong and let me tell you just how much I appreciated that. Happy birthday!

732. “On this Thursday, take the time to appreciate all the good things in your life.”

733. “Focus on one object and appreciate its existence:”

734. Breakups hurt, but losing someone who doesn’t appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss.” — unknown

735. Always take the scenic route and appreciate the beautiful scenery, but my car is always the most beautiful thing on the road.

736. Close mothers and sons can use this birthday message to emphasize how much they love and appreciate each other.

737. Always remember, everyone is hungry for praise and starving for honest appreciation. – David Brandt Berg

738. While this birthday message may be embarrassing for some sons, others will appreciate the sentiment behind it.

739. “What we all have in common is an appreciation of kindness and compassion; all the religions have this. Love. We all lean towards love.” —Richard Gere

740. “The power of our thoughts may never be measured or appreciated,

741. “William James said, “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”

742. “These days, when you speak your mind, no one sometimes listens. And when you do what you say, it’s either they will appreciate or mock you.” — RSCruz

743. “You know what? We need to talk about this. I’m glad you asked the question. Thank you for taking that risk. I appreciate the trust it shows in me.”

744. I love how the wishes are coming but I appreciate myself more by being alive amidst all life’s challenges.

745. “It’s a little bit magical how much people appreciate being heard and understood.” ― Tania Israel

746. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.” — Anonymous

747. “Happiness is found in the absence of expectation and a continuous focus on appreciation.” ― Tony Robbins

748. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – JFK

749. “You deserve to be honored, loved, and appreciated for all you do to make me loved. Thank you. sweetheart!”

750. Sunday, a day of rest declared by God for our benefit; appreciate the day and rest.” —Byron Pulsifer

751. “Love is not to possess the other person. Love is to appreciate the person for everything he/she is.”

752. “Gratitude is the appreciation of things that are not deserved, earned or demanded – those wonderful things that we take for granted.” ― Renée Paule

753. "Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let’s lay down our righteousness and just be together.”

754. “No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as a dog does.”

755. "Life is the best thing that ever happened to you and you need therefore to appreciate it since life even in all its seasons is still worthy of your appreciation.”

756. “You’ve added different flavors of joy, happiness, and colors into my life. How can I not appreciate your kind efforts, my best friend!”

757. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.” -Anonymous

758. Special mothers who want to show how much they appreciate their son can use this birthday message.

759. “You have influenced my life in such a positive way. Words cannot express my appreciation. You are truly an inspiration.” – Catherine Pulsifer

760. “Pastor, you are highly appreciated for telling us the truth. May God help and support you in the ministry.” — Unknown Author

761. “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun. ” - Shaun Hick

762. “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” — Oscar Wilde

763. There are no words that can describe how much I love you, my son. You are the light of my life and I appreciate all that you do. Happy birthday!

764. “On this Father’s Day, I want to let you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for our family. Thank you, Dad!”

765. “Don’t forget to appreciate yourself.”― Debasish Mridha

766. A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the differences.” — Invajy

767. Being pregnant is the only time when your husband appreciates your size. I’m really enjoying these priceless moments!

768. “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” Oscar Wilde

769. “Being raised by a single mother, I learned to appreciate and value independent women.”—Kenny Conley

770. “Staying with someone that doesn’t appreciate you isn’t loyalty, it’s stupidity.”

771. Respect... is the appreciation of the separateness of the other person, of the ways in which he or she is unique. — Annie Gottlieb

772. “Without silence, there cannot be any real appreciation in life, which is as delicate in its inner fabric as a closed rosebud.” – Deepak Chopra

773. ...To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends...This is to have succeeded. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Success

774. The value we provide most to others is the same value we appreciate most from others.” ― Simon Sinek

775. ”I do believe that if you haven’t learnt about sadness, you cannot appreciate happiness.”

776. “Pastor, you are highly appreciated for telling us the truth. May God help and support you in the ministry.” — Unknown

777. “When we make little sacrifices we like to have them appreciated, at least.”

778. "Today, I need to forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what’s coming next.”

779. While you’re on this life journey, take time to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and the people by your side.

780. Happy friendship day my love. I appreciate your love as a partner and understanding behavior as a friend. You’re the best. I love you.

781. We appreciate your fidelity towards our company as a customer. I hope you are satisfied with our services.

782. “Self-care is allowing yourself to appreciate the moment for what it is, instead of wishing it was something else.” ― Sharon Pearson

783. “Once you have learned to appreciate the finest coffees, you can never really go back.” ― Sebastien

784. “Dispirited, unmotivated, unappreciated workers cannot compete in a highly competitive world.” said Francis Hesselbein, former CEO for the Girl Scouts of the USA.

785. Words can’t express how appreciative I am for your work. Thank you for all you do, and I hope your birthday is extra special this year!

786. “Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who’s worth your kindness and who’s just taking advantage.”

787. “Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love.”

788. “Learning to appreciate everything in life becomes a grand blessing. Problems cannot bother you anymore.” ― Premlatha Rajkumar

789. ”Respect is an appreciation of the separateness of the other person, of the ways in which he or she is unique.” – Annie Gottlieb

790. So much of who I am is because of what you taught me. I hope you know how much I love, respect, and appreciate you, Dad.

791. Master, I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of your training. I've been arrogant, and I apologize. — Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

792. End of the year thank you to teachers appreciation card

793. “A team will always appreciate a great individual if he's willing to sacrifice for the group.”

794. “Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone.” – Anonymous

795. Warhol appreciates the original art form.

796. “A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.”

797. "I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are” ― Ram Dass

798. “Gratitude is appreciation for every moment in your life. It is a feeling of abundance.” — Brenda Nathan

799. “Take a moment to appreciate yourself warrior. You got through the day without fears or insecurities. You can conquer the world yet again tomorrow. Sweet dreams.” – Unknown

800. “Walk with honor, character, and integrity in all that you do. Do these things and you will find that you can appreciate the adventure of life and live with greater ease.”

801. “Thank you for always staying true to me, my friend! I always appreciate how you take care of my needs.”

802. “I don’t appreciate the disrespect, because I’ve been playing hurt for a guy who won’t respect you. I don’t deserve it … It’s time for me to move on.” ― Melvin Mora

803. The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.

804. “Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.” – Anonymous

805. Without teacher appreciation there can’t be any student progress. Theresa Grimm

806. Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude. —Louie Schwartzberg

807. "Sometimes a long-distance relationship can give you the chance to really miss and appreciate each other.

808. “PRINCIPLE 1 Don’t criticize, condemn or complain. PRINCIPLE 2 Give honest and sincere appreciation. PRINCIPLE 3 Arouse in the other person an eager want.”

809. "It’s Thursday! While pursuing your goals for the week, take time to appreciate what you’ve already accomplished.”

810. “You are like a breath of fresh air and I appreciate you. Have a great morning!”

811. “By appreciation, we make excellence in others our own property.” – Voltaire

812. Thank you for helping remind me that so many amazing people love me! I appreciate this outpouring of love on my birthday!

813. If you don't know about pain and trouble, you're in sad shape. They make you appreciate life. - Evel Knievel

814. “I make no manner of doubt that you threw a very diamond of truth at me, though you see it hit me so directly in the face that it wasn’t exactly appreciated, at first.”

815. “Thanksgiving is the perfect time to tell you how much I love and appreciate you.”

816. “To celebrate the birth of a new life, is to appreciate the miraculous work of the creator.”

817. “Do not be disappointed if no one appreciates your true feelings, because they do not deserve them.” ― M.F. Moonzajer

818. ‘Mom, you have set such a wonderful example for me on how to appreciate life. Thank you for being my inspiration! Happy Birthday, Mom!’

819. Loving sons will appreciate this birthday message from their mothers, which shows how much they are loved.

820. I love vintage because you can appreciate how someone else lived once upon a time.

821. Even those pursuing a military career, a new business venture, or having a serious surgery would appreciate a note that lets them know you value them.

822. Each morning you wake be thankful, grateful and appreciate who you are, you have life, you’re blessed and you’re beautiful.”

823. “A great relationship is about two things. First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.” – Unknown

824. A little black frock can set you in the mood for many things. Whether you want to explore, appreciate or just be yourself.

825. “The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out.

826. Thank you, boss, for always recognizing and rewarding my efforts. I genuinely appreciate it.

827. “If we are working together, that will make us understand each other, appreciate each other, help each other.” ― Jack Ma

828. “Depression is a gift. The only inconvenience is that you need to wait a few weeks, and sometimes a few years, to appreciate it. Be patient.” – Maxime Lagacé

829. “I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness.” — Sofia Vergara

830. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoë Kravitz

831. Sentimental messages like this are perfect for a mother to send to her son on his birthday. It reminds him of how much he is loved and appreciated.

832. “Next to excellence is the appreciation of it.” – William Makepeace Thackeray

833. “If you never lose, then you can never appreciate the victories.”

834. We appreciate the opportunity you have provided for the business to become stronger in the relationship.

835. “Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret.”

836. “When it comes to true friendship, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend than you. I’ll always appreciate our connection.”

837. “Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.” – Mary Kay Ash

838. Let people know that you appreciate their performance and they will respond by doing even better.

839. “So I show appreciation for the little gifts that have been handed to me.” – Terrence Howard

840. “But I opened my mind and came to appreciate that even in fiction there can be morsels of truth.”

841. You’ve always been so supportive of me. You helped me develop many good skills, boss. For that, I thank you so much, boss. I truly appreciate your efforts.

842. “Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate.” – Masaba Gupta

843. To my incredible boss, thanks a lot for your gift. Thank you for appreciating my efforts and hard work. I can’t wait to work even harder to make you proud.

844. Thank you for all that you do. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. You’re appreciated!

845. I’m not a car guy, but I appreciate good design when I see it.

846. “Show appreciation for everyone, including those who challenge you, take risks, and learn from their mistakes.”

847. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” —John F. Kennedy

848. “I know how hard it is to shoot the basketball, so I’ve got great appreciation for it.” – Reggie Jackson

849. “The art of appreciation begins with self-appreciation.” ― Amit Abraham

850. “I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to help me. I have learnt so much, and it’s all thanks to you!”

851. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.”- Zoe Kravitz

852. “Every now and then it’s good to stop climbing and appreciate the view from right where you are.” – Lori Deschene

853. “When you appreciate the good, the good appreciates.”

854. “Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let’s lay down our righteousness and just be together.”

855. “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” Madeleine L’Engle

856. “All people feel better and do better when you give them attention, affirmation, and appreciation.”

857. Everyone enjoys being acknowledged and appreciated. Sometimes even the simplest act of gratitude can change someone’s entire day. – Roy T. Bennett

858. "Every time you thought you couldn’t keep moving forward, you did. Take a moment to appreciate your strength.” — Karen Salmanson

859. “What we all have in common is an appreciation of kindness and compassion; all the religions have this. Love. We all lean towards love.” —Richard GereRD.COM

860. “The mind is like a flower. It does not bloom without the lights of appreciation, encouragement, and love.” ― Debasish Mridha

861. I appreciate very much your caring about me, and know that nothing you say could ever offend me, as you are my soul sister.” – Lam Jia Hui

862. Cultivate a deep appreciation for creation.

863. “Simply give to yourselves that which you need – which is love and appreciation without judgment.”― Réné Gaudette

864. We have been far too aggressive about extracting ocean wildlife, not appreciating that there are limits and even points of no return.” – Sylvia Earle

865. “Psychologist William James said that possibly the deepest human need is the need to feel appreciated.”

866. “Psychologist William James said that possibly the deepest human need is the need to feel appreciated. Words”

867. “Tell someone how much you appreciate him or her.”

868. “The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” – Charles Schwab

869. “Happy Birthday. As you celebrate another year, take a moment to appreciate all the beauty and wonder that surround you. That is my special wish for you today!”

870. The longer we argued, the more stubborn he became. So I decided to avoid an argument, change the subject, and give him appreciation.

871. “You have influenced my life in such a positive way words cannot express my appreciation. You are truly an inspiration.” –Catherine Pulsifer

872. Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful.

873. “Being inclusive means to appreciate differences and enjoy the diverse viewpoints” – Pearl Zhu

874. While some mothers see their sons as friends, others see their friends as sons. This birthday message can be used to show a son how loved and appreciated he is.

875. ‘Mom, on your birthday I want to say again how much I appreciate all that you do and have done for me. Thank you and I love you. Happy Birthday.’

876. “I think the best way to show appreciation for things going well is to make things better.” – David Droga

877. “A leader should incentivize, but not with money. You give trust, respect, appreciation, and correct, heartfelt advice.” – Jack Ma

878. “I really appreciate people who correct me, because without them, I might have been repeating mistakes for a long time.” ―Mufti Menk

879. The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” – Oscar Wilde

880. The smile on my face doesn’t mean my life is perfect, it means I appreciate what I have.

881. In our industry, our consumers are foremost. Your feedback is appreciated by us.

882. Rain is like life, it can be both refreshing and overwhelming, but we always appreciate it when it’s gone. – Anonymous

883. Thank you for seeing the good in each and every one of your students. You are appreciated!

884. “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

885. "On this Thursday, take the time to appreciate all the good things in your life.”

886. “Something so simple, but it’s important to take the time out from living and just appreciate what you’ve got right in front of you.”― L.A. Fiore

887. Supportive mothers can use this birthday message to let their sons know how loved and appreciated they are on their birthday.

888. “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself. that's when you're most beautiful.” - Zoë Kravitz

889. Be mindfully present, breathe deeply, and appreciate the little things in life.

890. “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”

891. “What makes me happy is the appreciation of people around me.” – Nadia Comaneci

892. Parents who want their son to know that he was loved from the moment he was born will appreciate this birthday message.

893. “Every now and then it’s good to stop climbing and appreciate the view from right where you are.” — Lori Deschene

894. “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”- Denis Waitley

895. Each morning you wake be thankful, grateful and appreciate who you are, you have life, you’re blessed and you’re beautiful.

896. and start appreciating what you do have. Paul and Tracey McManus

897. I love myself enough to appreciate every year that I have been given.

898. “I appreciate you and the many years of friendship you’ve provided.”

899. I have found not only a reliable friend in you but also a caring sister who has loved me and appreciated me unconditionally. Happy Friendship Day!

900. Thank you, boss, for this bonus. Thank you for appreciating me and my hard work. Thank you for everything!

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