7 Questions on Leadership with Roger Willison-Gray
Name: Roger Willison-Gray
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Organisation: RHF Group
Roger Willison-Gray is the Chief Operating Officer at RHF Group, where they ensure client business is investment ready and then provide the key links and support services to enable business owners and managers must access potential funding sources and solutions that both innovative and creative. HuntFunding has close relationships with Family Offices, VC's, Investment Angels, Crowd Funder's, Debt and Asset Finance and Bridging loans.
He is also the Corporate Affairs Director at IORMA, a neutral resource for Businesses and Governments that recognise their need to understand and respond to how the 7.5 billion global consumers are changing – in the products and services they want and need, and the ways they want to obtain them. These changes are happening globally, driven by developments in society, in business and technology.
Roger is aTransformation Director with more than 20 years successfully creating, managing, and directing delivery programs across large-scale, business-critical change management and transformation programs. He is a versatile professional with repeated accomplishments designing and delivering large-scale business transformation and change, a significant track record of success in project and program management, delivering substantial efficiency-led improvements and expertise ensuring systems are reliable, available, scalable, and secure, leading technological innovations to drive competitive advantage.
Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!
I hope Roger's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!
Jonno White
1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?
Making both tomely and effective decisions which lead to the right outcomes.
2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?
I served in the Military earlier in my career and I was developed as a leader through extensive support and training. These skills served me well when I transitioned to civilian life . I am an advocate of life long learning and I am always developing new skills and knowledge
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
I have breakfast whilst planning my day and keep my diary up to date ensuing my activities and appoinments allow time for thought and planning. I try to avoid crisis management but planning should always allow for the unexpected.
4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?
Dont underestimate yourself or your teams ability - think big ! but withinthe art of the possible
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
Digital Disruption by James McQuivey, this book changed my perspective on what Digital Strategy means to disruptive SME's - you really can change the world an challenge convention
6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?
Always be open to every opportunity, you cant turn down an offer that hasn't yet been made
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?
I have worked on many digital transformations using technology and as Mckinsey have reported 7 out of 10 fail the first time. The most challenging aspect of any technological advancement is people. Get the the people on side and the rest is easy. When I was more junior I asked a very senior consultant how he was able to lead organisational change and he said " At the end of the day you want the herd to be moving gently westward, there will always be stragglers but if you are further west than yesterday you are doing well"