7 Questions on Leadership with Crystal M. Tenney

Name: Crystal M. Tenney
Title: Owner & Co-Founder of PEAKING Coaching & Consulting LLC
Organisation: PEAKING Coaching & Consulting LLC
Based in the beautiful scenic surroundings of Maine, I am Crystal M. Tenney, a seasoned Executive Coach and Business Consultant. My life is enriched by being a dedicated mother to an energetic 12-year-old, and the loving owner of two dogs and two cats. My days are fueled by coffee and the warmth of family snuggles. My professional journey spans over 15 years, covering a diverse range of experiences from emerging startups to established Fortune 500 companies. This path reflects my relentless dedication to talent development and leadership. My stando trait is my exceptional Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness, which have been pivotal in my leadership evolution.
I've transitioned from setting a personal example to empowering others to find their leadership voice. This shift led me to co-found PEAKING Coaching and Consulting LLC with my respected colleague, Oliver Jones III. Our mission is ambitious yet achievable: to transform leadership norms and empower individuals to enhance their Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness. We aim to create leaders who are not only effective but also the best versions of themselves.
In the realm of coaching and consulting, I am recognized for fostering authenticity and genuine transformation. My firm commitment to transformative leadership underlines my vision and passion. I am not just leaving a mark in my field; I am crafting a legacy that elevates both individuals and organizations, making a lasting difference in the world of leadership.

Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!
I hope Crystal's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!
Jonno White
1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?
Throughout my leadership journey, one enormous challenge has consistently stood out: mastering the art of a work-life balance. At the ripe age of 19, I took the road less traveled under the guidance of a mentor who championed real-world experience over traditional academia. This led to a resume that sparkled with experience uncommon for someone my age. My journey took me through the doors of prestigious organizations like Long Term Care Partners LLC, Measured Progress, and SunLife Financial, where I climbed the ladder fueled by sheer ambition and a knack for leadership.
However, the plot thickened when I re-entered the workforce after a 15-month sabbatical to raise my son. As I began my grand entrance back into the working realm, I found myself in a changed world where academic degrees were the new gold standard, overshadowing my rich work experience. Oh, the irony- My proven skills now played second fiddle to a piece of paper. Fast forward a decade, and while I have thrived professionally, my proudest achievement isn’t the titles I have held, but being a mother.
The reality for working parents is often a high-wire act of balancing professional excellence with parental devotion, with limited societal safety nets. I've walked a tightrope, balancing motherhood, and a career, relying on the grace and understanding of colleagues and leadership. This has been journey was peppered with anxiety and salted with stress.
While in a masterful act of life juggling all the while trying to excel in my career, I learned to compartmentalize: a professional by day, a mother by night and doing my best to ensure those frequencies did not cross. However, as I scaled the leadership ladder, I began to question why society formed this type of normalcy to ‘work as though you’re not a parent and parent as though you don’t have a job’.
I remember crying in the shower one day, feeling defeated because the harder I worked to achieve a work-life balance, the further it moved away. After suffering from tremendous burnout, I came to the realization this act was not only unsustainable, but I was working against nearly impossible standards. To all the working parents out there, remember this: Your job title is a small sliver of who you are. Your kids might not recall your company's name or your professional accolades, but they'll remember every moment you were truly present for them and with them.
Realizing the need for change, I took a leap of faith. I transitioned to a career that embraced a supportive culture and dove into entrepreneurship, focusing on guiding leaders to adapt to their employees' needs, not the other way around. This journey isn't just about finding balance; it's about rewriting the rules and creating a world where professional success and personal fulfillment can truly coexist harmoniously.
2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?
Leadership, in my eyes, is a symphony of innate attributes and skills meticulously crafted over time. My voyage into the world of leadership began in the vibrant halls of my youth, filled with experiences that sculpted my character. I dived into sports, immersed myself in the melodies of the clarinet in our school band, and harmonized in the chorus, continuing through high school.
My commitment even led me to the prestigious stages of district-level choirs. But the true essence of this era was the rich tapestry of my social network. I ventured beyond the confines of single cliques, weaving connections across diverse groups.
Embracing this variety at a young age taught me invaluable lessons in empathy and respect. It was more than self-exploration; it was a pivotal phase where relationships took center stage. I learned the art of putting others before myself, navigating the complex yet rewarding realm of human connections. Each group I mingled with either highlighted my sociable side or underscored my natural role as a mentor. From lending an ear to boosting someone's confidence, I became a beacon of support and guidance.
This ease of relationship-building, grounded in authenticity and empathy, played a significant role in my growth. My communicative skills, often lauded, were quietly setting a precedent for my peers. With maturity, stepping into leadership roles across various spheres became a fluid transition for me, earning the trust and respect of my colleagues for my dependability and openness to feedback.
Throughout my career, I found myself in roles rich with opportunities for training, mentoring, and innovation. I thrived in these settings, driven by a passion to enhance and streamline processes. Many of my achievements comprised of the following: spearheaded a mail merger initiative that significantly ramped up productivity, leading to the development and delivery of comprehensive training programs. Relentless in my quest to enrich the Teach the
Teacher conferences, integrating valuable teacher feedback and refining processes. Recognized as a top contributor for process improvement, ranking impressively in the top ten. Led a groundbreaking project to develop a cutting-edge database, pushing boundaries in functionality and collaboration, often against tight deadlines. Revolutionized advertising strategy, introducing a new website, compelling social media presence, and efficient reporting system.
Drawing in new clients and significantly boosted our revenue, all while I managed the company's operations and ensured exceptional customer experiences. Reflecting on my path, I recognize that many of my roles required bold initiative and self-direction. Thankfully, my visionary nature and the constructive feedback from mentors and peers fueled my journey. This growth in self-awareness led to transformations that transcended professional boundaries and enriched my personal life.
So, while I acknowledge the natural leadership qualities within me, I credit my evolution as a leader to the profound journey of self-awareness. It was this insight that sparked my leadership flame and propelled my abilities to soar beyond my most ambitious dreams.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
I'd like to offer an authentic glimpse into my life, as a parent, devoted pet owner, active community volunteer member, business owner, soon-to-be-published author, and a woman striving to make her mark. My daily routine may not follow the conventional 4am wake up time followed by meditation, work out or a smoothie (although I do secretly admire those early birds!). Instead, my day often begins with a humble cup of coffee, more out of habit than necessity, because let's face it, caffeine lost its magic once motherhood entered the picture.
On weekdays, I wear multiple hats, starting with getting my son ready for school. Once he's off for the day, and depending if I've burned the midnight oil the night before, in which case I try to snatch a few extra minutes of rest before plunging into the day's tasks. Otherwise, my workday commences shortly after I see him off to school. I'm incredibly fortunate to work from home, and my workdays typically span from 8 am to 4 pm.
In the midst of meetings and tasks, I ensure my four-legged companions get their share of fresh air, and I give my feline friends the attention they unapologetically demand. By 2 pm I'm at my son's school to pick him up and our return home leaves me to navigate the balancing act of providing him with an after-school snack, catering to our furry family members, and returning to my office to tackle more work.
Surprisingly, I secretly relish every single interruption, especially from my son, because they serve as gentle reminders of just how abundant and fulfilling my life is. And I no longer fight work life balance, because being a mother will always come first. As evening approaches, I step away from work to prepare dinner for my 12-year-old son. Spending quality time with him is something I cherish deeply as pre-teenage years have brought a growing desire for independence and time with friends.
Once he's tucked in for the night, my evenings are often dedicated to my business, involving late nights immersed in many projects, advertising efforts, teaching, writing, putting together lesson plans, trainings and continuous learning. My schedule, much like my sleep pattern, is a bit unpredictable, and dependent on the specific projects at hand. Amid this whirlwind, I'm proud to share that I've recently published six articles on LinkedIn, each delving into topics like emotional intelligence, self-aware leadership, and team dynamics.
Additionally, I'm pouring my energy into completing three books (one of which is a novel), each nearing publication. And yes, there's even a fourth book in its infancy. The work I produce is a testament to my perfectionist tendencies that, I admit, can sometimes seep into my sleeping time.
I do recognize the importance of rest, particularly as I grapple with an autoimmune disease. Trust me when I say there are weekends when staying in bed or working from the comfort of my bed is a necessity.
In my limited spare time, I'm actively engaged in my community. I hold the esteemed position of Madam Vice Chair on my city's Planning Board (serving second term) and serve on the Design Review Committee. Despite not sticking to a regimented schedule, I do keep a calendar of all appointments, tasks and obligations - personal and professional. Therefore I am able to keep my life organized and on track. This also allows for those unexpected events and makes time for other events that I may not otherwise had time for. Believe it or not, I have amazing time management skills!
Acknowledging that my response may not align with the conventional image of a leader, I firmly believe that leadership can manifest in various ways and under diverse circumstances. We don't all have to share a regimented schedule or identical experiences, however this diversity doesn't diminish anyone's leadership potential. It's these unique qualities that make each of us relatable in our own extraordinary ways.
4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?
This lesson continues to echo through various aspects of my life, reminding me of its profound importance: Communication. It's not merely about words as communication extends to nonverbal communication as well - a vital aspect, especially in the realm of remote work.
A lesson I learned in my leadership journey in regards to communication: While delegating tasks to my team, a team member approached me visibly upset, bearing concerns about her workload. She bravely voiced her worries, expressing that she felt her workload was a form of punishment, seeking a solutions and regain my trust. She wanted to understand what she had done wrong and promised not to repeat it.
My heart sank as I absorbed her distress, because her heavy workload was not intended as a form of punishment but rather a consequence of the department being understaffed. I felt an immediate pang of regret for not being more forthright in my communications. While empathizing with her I admitted that I should have informed her that, due to a temporary shortage of staff members for the upcoming week, her workload might see an increase.
However, with the return of our team members, a substantial decrease in her workload was on the horizon. Unfortunately, I had taken for granted that she would naturally understand the rationale behind the workload adjustment, which, as it turned out, was not the case. Reflecting on that day, I realized I should have paid closer attention to her nonverbal cues during an earlier meeting.
She had been quieter than usual, with brief and somewhat distant responses. I had attributed this to her busy workload and possible stress, assuming she would return to her cheerful self once our department was fully staffed. The silver lining in this story lies in the resolution. I took ownership of my oversight and had an open, honest conversation with this team member. I reassured her that she was doing an outstanding job and was a vital contributor to our team.
As our conversation concluded, she left the call with newfound confidence and empowerment. When our full team reconvened, I publicly acknowledged her hard work, ensuring she received the recognition she truly deserved.
This experience underscores the significance of clear and empathetic communication. It serves as a reminder that communication extends beyond words and should encompass a deep understanding of the emotions and concerns of those we work with.
By acknowledging my mistakes and embracing open dialogue, we not only resolve issues but also foster a sense of empowerment and value within our team members. It's a lesson I continue to carry with me, and I strive to not take any knowledge or assumptions for granted.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
I've delved into my fair share of leadership books, some of which were decent but didn't quite resonate with me. However, one exceptional gem stood out from the rest: "How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. This book, in my view, is nothing short of fantastic, and I firmly believe that its lessons extend far beyond the confines of leadership roles.
In fact, its wisdom is invaluable for anyone, regardless of their position or aspirations. The pivotal lesson I gleaned from its pages was the profound importance of embracing my true authentic self, unapologetically being who I am, rather than contorting myself into the mold I believed others expected.
Too often, we fall into the trap of believing that leaders must adhere to a rigid checklist of predefined qualities, fitting neatly into a perfect, standardized mold. During conversations, I often found myself mentally running through this checklist, attempting to ensure I measured up or projected the image of a "leader."
But here's the truth: I refuse to be confined to any mold. I lead with heart, driven by a genuine desire to ask questions that serve a purpose – questions that are helpful, insightful, and encouraging. Carnegie's wisdom illuminated the fact that there are myriad qualities that define a good leader, just as there are qualities that define a good human being. These qualities can seamlessly overlap, and indeed, they should.
Following my journey through this book, I noticed a profound transformation in my interactions with others. I became more at ease during conversations, unburdened by the fear of asking the "wrong" questions. I became more present, equipped with a heightened ability to actively listen, embracing diverse perspectives with an open heart. I embraced the art of offering sincere praise and genuine appreciation to others while unapologetically acknowledging my own vulnerabilities and mistakes while learning from them.
This book isn't just theoretical; it's immensely practical, with applications that transcend the boundaries of leadership and permeate various facets of life. I found immense joy in reading it, for it granted me permission to break free from the confines of that square box and unapologetically embrace who I am as a leader and as an individual.
In the end, what I learned is that leadership is not about conforming to a rigid set of traits; it's about embracing our authenticity, fostering connections, and inspiring positive change. We can all learn from Carnegie's timeless wisdom and strive to be leaders who lead with heart, empathy, and the courage to be our true selves.
6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?
Leadership goes beyond the notion of bossing people around, power trips, and authoritarian rule. True leadership doesn't rely on coercion, intimidation, or fear to achieve results. Rather, it thrives on inspiration and influence, sparking a genuine commitment from others to give their very best.
Collaboration and teamwork are the foundations of success. Create an environment where every team member feels valued, heard, and actively involved in shaping the path forward. Empowerment is a key principle of impactful leadership. Leaders grant their team members autonomy and the authority to make decisions within their areas of expertise.
The values of servant leadership highlight the leader's commitment to serving the needs of their team, placing the team's growth and well-being above self-interest or personal power. Recognizing the unique strengths and perspectives each team member brings to the table, effective leaders foster an environment that values diversity and inclusivity. Not the other way around.
Leading by example is a powerful principle that inspires and motivates. When team members witness their leader embodying the desired qualities, work ethic, and values, they are naturally compelled to follow suit. This authentic leadership style creates a ripple effect of positive behavior and excellence throughout the team. Leadership is not about wielding authority or instilling fear; it's about inspiring and empowering individuals to become their best selves and achieve remarkable collective success.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?
I was fortunate to have a mentor whose wisdom left an indelible mark on my life, both personally and professionally. Among the many pearls of wisdom, two sayings have remained my guiding principles, shaping how I navigate my journey.
The first saying, "Leave people better than how you found them," resonates deeply with me. It aligns with the timeless wisdom found in Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends & Influence People." I've made it my mission to ensure that every interaction, every conversation, leaves the other person feeling uplifted and positive. Whether it's boosting their self-esteem, helping them make confident decisions, or clarifying a path forward, I strive to ensure that our exchange concludes on a positive note. Leaving a trail of goodwill in my wake is my way of making a lasting impact.
The second saying, "Nothing is as it appears," has proven to be a powerful mindset for problem-solving. In the face of challenges, it's easy for people to adopt tunnel vision and accept the issue at face value. Yet, I've discovered that often, the surface problem is merely a symptom of the underlying issue. Embracing this perspective allows me to see obstacles as opportunities waiting to be unveiled and conquered.
When confronted with a challenge, I don't dwell on what can't be done or what seems impossible; instead, I tap into my creativity to uncover solutions and turn challenges into stepping stones towards growth and success.
In essence, these two guiding principles remind me of the profound impact we can have on others and the boundless potential that lies within every obstacle. They inspire me to leave a positive mark on the world and approach challenges with unwavering optimism and resourcefulness.