7 Questions on Leadership with Avic M. Chio

Name: Avic M. Chio
Title: Book Author
Organisation: SAI.PH Publishing
I had been in a corporate company, Philips Semiconductor Philippines Incorporation for 14 years as I stepped on the ladders from tech support to a supervisory position. I moved out from semiconductor to start my own personal business and I've been starting to write some manuscripts about Spiritual Awakening Insights.
Four manuscripts in the title of Spiritual Awakening Insights 888 Highly Intuitive Insights, 333 Highly Intuitive Insights, The Life's Journey, The Human Evolution to Oneness. As a leader, I also made an Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Wellness Workshop/ Manual on how we could better impart the best teaching to our educational sector.
My passion is leading me to share the best that I have about love and unity with everyone to make this world a better place. Leadership is inherently connected to some individuals. Needless to say, past lives also influence what we are now and capable of. Indeed, some people are born to be one as a leader, and leadership skills could be enhanced in a workplace and environment.

Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!
I hope Avic's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!
Jonno White
1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?
I found the most challenging as a leader in the existing system of an organisation. I look deeper into how the system works. I would better be challenging the effectiveness of the existing system or whatever they have on the plate.
I believe most companies stay stuck because of fear of stepping into some new ways of dealing with the challenges. Most are playing safe than adapting new ways on how we could change the old system into a new one, a forward-looking and adaptive one.
2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?
Being a leader is having a possession of different levels of potential. When I was in tech support, I found a chance to solve some production line problems. My expertise was in the process flow of our production.
My leadership was recognized when I started forming a cross-functional team to resolve a spiking Power Load test parameter's rejection rate where the team was able to reduce the rejection rate from 4.89% to 1.77% beyond the target of 3%.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
Self-conditioning through self-awareness via meditation in the morning helps me to manage my working day. Balance is a must that we need to put in place like taking enough rest after daylight work and some challenges. I always start and end everything with gratitude and mindfulness.
4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?
The lesson I recently have learned is to keep self-improving. Mistake is part of life in many ways. It takes a lot of self-reflection on what needs to be done to keep moving forward and to equip oneself to keep improving from one point to the next level.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
The book that has been part of my guide to improving my knowledge and leadership skills is the book 'On Target' authored by David Irwin. It has good structural leadership guides. It helps to remind me how to deal with some challenges along the way in the leadership and in the working environment.
6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?
My piece of advice to our young leaders is to stay equip oneself by continuous improvement. Read, engage, and collaborate with passion in your heart within our society and eventually work with the company or with a working group or environment. Focus self always on how to hit the sets of objectives or goals.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?
The most meaningful story that comes to my mind as a leader is the self-trust. The foundation must be set deep within your own strength and confidence that we are born to make a difference in our world. We all exist to collaborate for a change to have a positive impact on our world.