7 Questions on Leadership with Amadou Daff Balde

Name: Amadou Daff Balde
Title: National Director of Foreign Trade and Competitiveness of the Republic of Guinea
Organisation: MINISTRY OF Trade, Industry and SMEs of the Republic of Guinea
I am Amadou Daff BALDE, married and father of two (2) children currently: a girl and a boy.
I am a lawyer by training, I obtained my license in public law in 2007 and a Master I in International Relations from the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Kofi Annan University of Guinea, I did my first in a NGO for the protection of children's rights (those in conflict with the law and those with serious illnesses such as heart disease), Sabou Guinea through this NGO, I had to work for a few months for the local representation of the Swiss NGO TERRE DES HOMMES here is the thing that I remember from the two months that I spent sleeping with a child with heart disease Moussa at the Ignace DEEN University Hospital in CONAKRY, it is an experience that marked me and still marks me.
I subsequently joined the civil service on December 24, 2009 on the basis of my university results because I was one of the winners of my promotion with an average of 14 and the mention GOOD.
I started by working at the Ministry in charge of PLANNING where I had to take a competitive exam to benefit from training with Sciences Po Bordeaux in administration management out of around 3000 candidates, 300 of us were selected and of the 64 certified I was third and I had the honor of supporting in front of the Director of SCes PO Bordeaux, subsequently I served in the sales management of the company Cellcom Guinea (a telecommunications company then I returned to the administration at the Ministry of Human Rights after a year and given my ambitions I decided to come to the Ministry of Commerce where I have been since 2015 on the sidelines of my work, I am extensively trained : three United Nations certifications in different themes of International COMMERCE, A diploma and nearly twenty certifications from the World Trade Organization (WTO), I recently, on the basis of a rigorous selection, benefited from a training in knowing how to be and do in the conduct of public action from the Belgian Institute of International Relations Egmont.
Since I arrived at the Ministry in charge of Trade, I have successively served as responsible for the registration of exporters, alternate focal point of two projects at the Guinean Export Promotion Agency before being the head of the Division Competitiveness and Electronic Commerce at the National Directorate of Foreign Trade and Competitiveness subsequently, I was Deputy National Director before occupying the current position of National Director of Foreign Trade and Competitiveness since March 2022.

Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!
I hope Amadou's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!
Jonno White
1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?
For me, nothing is difficult, you just have to be open, motivate your teams, have good strategies and have an effective monitoring-evaluation system.
2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?
I believe that he started with teaching, I didn't say it in my biography but I taught for ten years at the University as an assistant and as a lecturer, that's where I felt that he a democratic leadership developed in me, I guided my students with my knowledge but I took into account their opinions and criticisms and this is what means that until now I maintain good relations with my ex-students, I continued to develop it within the company and it is all this that allows me today to lead my management with democratic leadership while emphasizing results.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
my strength is task management, every day before leaving the office I list tasks to be accomplished the next day and I have someone on my staff who is responsible for reminding me the next day whatever the unexpected, I Accomplish all these tasks before returning, that's my method.
4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?
Recently I decided to spend a day working in the office of employees who are at the bottom of the ladder within my management, I accomplished all of that day's tasks in their small office, abandoning my large office but I admit that this day allowed me to adopt reforms which I am sure will make management more effective and efficient.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
C'est la bible du leadership. Gérer votre équipe avec succès, élaborer des stratégies efficaces, développer une vision innovante en raison des aspects liés à l'innovation pour moi, vous devez toujours changer de direction sans remettre en question toutes les connaissances acquises, dont certaines sont bonnes pour le bon fonctionnement de l'organisation.
6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?
Beaucoup de courage, You must never give up, fall and get up again but never abandoned
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?
I once programmed an activity when I was not sure of having the funding but I programmed everything in a calm and patient manner until I miraculously obtained the means, I am not saying that I'm ready to start again but sometimes you have to risk to act.
I sincerely thank you for the opportunity you have given me to share my humble experiences with others and also learn a lot from them.