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7 Questions on Leadership with Alicia Mitchell


Name: Alicia Mitchell

Title: Enrichment Facilitator

Organisation: Overcome The Challenge OTC

Hi, my name is Alicia Mitchell. I'm an Educator, Mentor, and currently serving as the AmeriCorps Regional Program Coordinator for Reading Partners. In the North Texas Region. I'm also the owner of the International Podcast Overcome the Challenge.

The acronym of OTC. This podcast has taught me not only how to overcome challenges but has allowed me to discover The Leader In Me as well! So much so, OTC has now become an official business that has extended to STEM/SEL Workshops for youth of all ages! Building confidence and strengthening leadership all across the Globe!

Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!

I hope Alicia's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!


Jonno White

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?

Pivoting and navigating leadership roles. Knowing that being a leader is more about leading others to be leaders and not just taking over as Leader because you possess better qualities. It's all about balance and cultivating.

2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?

I honestly believe were all natural born leaders. Their are strengths and weaknesses in each Leader. It's about finding that Spark and for me, that spark was in creating opportunities where no one sees one. Being able to bridge the gap! Coming up with unique and innovative ideas and daring to be different!

Creating safe places for others gifts and talents and showing them it's ok to be strong in one area of Leadership and not so strong in others. I was always the one who naturally got pushed out my comfort zone to lead. Being the student with the complicated right answers lol. That still made sense even when nobody believed in it. Coming out my comfort zone and embracing my individuality!

3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

I'm very strategic and Detail Oriented and the one no one talks about Result Oriented! In this order, I'm strategic in my methods. Which I then create the details and which ultimately leads to the results I'm looking for! Time management is my best friend! Some may say a creature of habit.

What can I say, the saying goes "If it isn't broken, don't try to fix it!" More or less polish it and use it but don't abuse it methods. I like to wind down and see what is more high importance for the day and what can wait later (like tomorrow lol.) But for me its always about establishing clear boundaries in able to create healthy coping skills to avoid a burnout. Learning all about Emotional Bandwidth as well.

So, towards bedtime. I like to meditate, call back in all of my energy I expunged and sponged throughout the day and wind down. Prepping for a new day with a new way. I love sleeping to Meditation and Rainfall music. To create that safe place and feel accomplished for the day. Often giving me one last pat on the back for the day. For all that was accomplished or set up to Segway into the new day!

4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?

I'm really big on incorporating 2 things as being a leader.

#1, the 80/20 rule. Which is simple simple math. What's 80+20? 100 right? Basically input and output for equal outcome. I use the rule in how expand my energy as being a leader. 80% putting in the work to become a stronger leader and 20% showcasing my Leadership qualites and abilities.

You can switch this around to cater to your leadership style. Ultimately applying this rule to any area of your life in expanding energy and being open to it changing or the number reflecting other than the 80/20. As long as the outcome from the input/out equals 100% Which leads me to

#2. The good ole Lewin's Leadership Styles Framework invented in 1939 by psychologist Kurt Lewin. Known today as the Situational Leadership Model! That operates in 4 quadrants. Delegating, Supporting, Coaching, and Directing. Now this is the real stuff leaders are made of! This amazing model dated decades ago is still affective in today's society!

This model teaches leaders how to effectively be a leader through knowing, it's takes so much more than just leading through yourself. But how do you lead within others. As I stated earlier creating that spark.

Learning all about your weak spots, finding it as a strength in others, and ultimately cultivating that weakness into knowing were imperfect human beings. Knowing that a leader isn't perfect, nor should strive to be but using Emotional Intelligence as the backbone.

5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

Oddly enough, it wasn't a direct Leadership book! Who would of thought that it was actually a workbook titled "Self Love Workbook For Women" by Megan Logan, MSW, LCSW. Would be the workbook that changed not only my outlook on what a real Leader looks like but how to be a strong Leader through Self-Love as well!

This book completely opened my mind by creating a safe place for me to put my leadership cape down and just feel human and worthy. This workbook impacted my outlook tremendously by teaching me something I never would've thought of if I hadn't stumbled upon it on AMAZON!

Less than $15 at that!! It talks all about Releasing Self-Doubt, Building Self-Compassion, and ultimately Embracing Who You Are. Doesn't that sound like a true leader living Authentically? She has numerous workbooks in her collection. The best part about her books are their self paced and engaging.

Including a roadmap through just honest journaling! This workbook impacted me so much so as a leader. That one day I too, want to create my very own Overcome the Challenge (OTC) workbook. That navigates my podcast episodes within it as chapters to work through! My podcast is all about Self-Improvement and Personal Growth!

6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?

Being a leader is not easy. You have moments of doubt and sometimes indecisiveness. It may feel like a burden at times. Feeling like you always have to have the right answers, at the right time. Just know it's not about being perfect, embrace your weaknesses just as much as your strengths. Practice empathy and self compassion for yourself as you navigate your leadership styles. And yes of course its like Maybelline, "Maybe your born with it!"

7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?

Just the Legacy I'm creating through learning who I am as a leader. The lives I've impacted over the years. The footprints in memories we both have. When I created that Leadership spark within them! Watching my Starseeds (My Podcast listeners name.) Plant those seeds of shooting stars. That grow into shooting stars. Lighting the way for others to see!



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