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7 Questions on Leadership with Aase Birkhaug

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

Name: Aase Birkhaug

Title: International Certified Artist - International Certified Coach - Physical Therapy Specialist

I am an ICA - international certified Artist - painter internationally awarded and international prize-winning artist with today 140 international art prizes and art awards. I have participated in more than 140 international art Biennales, Art Exhibitions, Art Fairs, Art Festivals, and Art Expos all over the Globe after selections from Scientific Art Committees.

I am also an international Certified Coach Enhanced Level - Master Level educated at and a member of EMCC. I am also a physical therapist specialist practicing at my clinic for 30 years and have been practicing for 40 years in total. A very long education with much competence both in general physical therapy but also in orthopedic physical therapy. I was the first specialist in common physical therapy in Norway in 1996. I also have higher education from the University in the research field and higher education in health economics and health organization.

I am appointed as an education, art, and culture Chancellor for Colombia from Norway and Europe where I have been speaking lately on online streaming events for 5 Continents - Asia, Africa, America, Columbia, and Europe with more than 1 million listeners /viewers (3 events) for students, teachers, universities and government administrations.

All of these three fields together I am strongly connected to Botanics and Biology and I am working on an art, nature, and health project. Believing that surroundings can influence one's health and mind - I paint roses for a soothing effect on humans. Knowing that stress is a negative key factor in developing illness and withdrawal of health it is important to balance one's body and mind.

This year I was certified as a Botanical Guide at The University here -The University in Bergen in The Botanical Gardens, The Arboretum, and The Rosaries. There are different ways to restore health and in my opinion, the nature the silence and the impact of nature with colors, sounds, visual impact, and smells are important factors in restoring body and mind.

Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!

I hope Aase's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!


Jonno White

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?

I feel that being a leader has to do with both skills and innovation. When presenting new ideas and new skills to people they often answer with resistance. Some answer that if there is no research fundamentalism they will not consider it or believe in it.

2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?

I became a leader in an all-natural way because of my skills or my talents and because of my education platforms and my interests in the areas I am educated. I think it is my art platform that makes the most interest from people where I have 88 K followers on Facebook. I have added the listed educations also educated as a Color Therapist and an Art Therapist and I think that people are not aware of the impact the colors have on their well-being, their energy, and the stress relieving impact which makes it possible to restore their brain and their body every day.

3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

Planning every day. Dedicated to work in the daytime and often online meetings - webinars in the afternoons and evenings.

4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?

I think what I have been thinking of is for me to be a model or a positive contribution to the world in several ways - both the mindset in a combination with positivity - positive psychology - being kind and including and thinking and acting and seeing each person as a unique individual with own beliefs, their own perspectives visions and dreams of their lives and in their lives where I would love to mention THE IKIGAI MODEL - representing the meaning of life - the purpose of life which is a Japanese Model which is approved of the Japanese government - The Japanse secret to a long and happy life and a reason for being, a reason for living and was developed by the Japanese psychiatrist and academic Mieko Kamiya in 1966. Every person is unique - every person has their own Ikigai which must be respected.

5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

IKIGAI - The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. Impact is that it is a simple model and it is possible to apply and utilize for every human being trying to achieve goals and a better life.

6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?

Be kind, be inclusive, be trustworthy, be honest, be empathic.

7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?

The Impossible is Possible. A true history from some years ago with one of my patients so badly injured due to a traffic injury in London. intensive care unit for months. Almost died, She asked and prayed for help - just give me one more chance in life.

After almost being killed in the accident she empowered her will courage and psychological power she raised again with help from professionals ( me ) and became only one year later a national champion in boxing from Norway both for juniors and for seniors. Newspapers and media were writing and talking about this and her. The Impossible became Possible.

Never say no you cannot - use positive psychology and motivating Interviews - use The Ikigai Model to develop and evolve miracles you never thought was possible may happen in your life - The impossible is Possible - believe in yourself and you.


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