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7 Questions with Mohammed Ahmed Al Doseri

helps you in your leadership.



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7 Questions with Mohammed Ahmed Al Doseri

Name: Mohammed Ahmed Al Doseri

Current title: Chief Information Security Officer

Current organisation: United company for Financial Service -"Tasheel Finance"

I serve as Chief Information Security Officer at Tasheel Finance. Mohammed is responsible for defining and executing Information security and Cybersecurity Strategy in alignment with the organization’s goal of providing a secure, seamless, and enhanced security and customer experience. Framing information security plans, guidelines, policies, and short-term strategies, and lead information security planning processes to establish a comprehensive information security program. Mohammed has over 14 years of experience in the Banking sector focusing on Information Technology and Information Security. Mohammed started his career in Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco) and shift to work in the Banking sector for 12 years in Kuwait Finance House-Bahrain where he works on building the Information Security department and implement critical projects in Information security for the Bank and work with KFH Group to build the centralized Security Operation Center. and before joining Tasheel Mohammed was working as chief information Security Officer in one of the Financial companies in Eastern-KSA. Currently bedside his Roles in Tasheel Finance Mohammed Appointed as Chairman of SAMA Cybersecurity Committee for Financial Sector, Saudi Central Bank-SAMA.

7 Questions with Mohammed Ahmed Al Doseri


1. What have you found most challenging as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise?

The most challenging thing is worrying about managing growth and growing predictably and how the current security structure will be fit this growth
Next, concerned about hiring, employee engagement, accountability, leadership, and performance management.
aligning business units and people is a significant struggle. Getting on the same page is hard and staying on the same page in the fast-paced business world is even harder. You need a system to keep the team aligned.
Developing the right strategic plan for future growth and effectively facilitating an effective planning meeting were among the top concerns.
internal communication and collaboration as significant information security challenges. This is even more challenging during the times of remote work, where communication and alignment also suffer if you don't have an operating system for your business.
Focusing on doing the right things to achieve clearly defined results. Priorities often change with changing business conditions, but management doesn't get their teams focused on the priorities for today, causing lots of re-work.
Developing and executing the right product, Security Structure, and growth strategies are also a top-of-mind challenge for me. Many find extreme benefits in hiring a strategic planning facilitator for their expertise in getting an actionable strategy for the company and plans on how to get there.

2. How did you become a CEO or executive of a large enterprise? Can you please briefly tell the story?

I started a career in Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco) after I graduate from university of Bahrain holding a Bachelor’s in Management information system and after that I shift to work in the Banking sector for 12 years in Kuwait Finance House-Bahrain where I start building my career in Information Technology and security, work on building the Information Security department and implement critical projects in Information security for the Bank and work with KFH Group to build the centralized Security Operation Center after a long journey I decide to have the big move in my life and career, I discoed to work in Saudi Arabia market as Chief information security officer in Al Jaber Finance and after that, I do a jump my joining Tasheel Finance Eastern-KSA.
As a Chief Information Security Officer of Tasheel Finance and an Executive Member in the company. I was responsible for defining and executing Information security and Cybersecurity strategies in alignment with the organization’s goal of providing a secure, seamless, and enhanced security and customer experience. Framing information security plans, guidelines, policies, and short-term strategies, and lead information security planning processes to establish a comprehensive information security program and follow the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia -SAMA the Cybersecurity Framework which was the most and best framework that you can apply beside other international frameworks like ISO27001 and PCI-DSS which is under developing and implementation in Tasheel Finance.

3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

During the pandemic, I do my work from Home, but On normal days I was walk up in the morning and travel from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia to reach my Office, start the week with a quick meeting with my team to review what has been accomplished so far and raise any concern or issue, after that start my working by reviewing the email and answers any urgent questions that may be raised by other Seniors about projects or services, later I keep my focus on protecting the company by review the security from north-south, east-west and raise any concern or security weakness. After working, I go home and take a rest that completes and follows up or improves information security strategy and structure in a way that improves the control and raises the maturity of information security in Tasheel Finance.

4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?

never stay in your comfort zone

5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

حياة في الإدارة - Life in the Administration by Dr.Ghazi Abdul Rahman Al Gosaibi from Saudi Arabia, I learn from this book that in leadership life you can focus on one thing and you are the responsible person for everything so you must be a dedicated and truthful person and put your hand to help and support joiners in Personal and professional life, and if you failed once never give up and start over.

6. How do you build leadership capacity in a large enterprise?

I build leadership capacity by believing in myself and I can do more and the number of support I have had in Tasheel Finance and from our CEO Mr. Muzaffer Hamid

7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise so far?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, I joined the company and I saw everyone depending on me to activate the completion of the regulatory framework and to secure the company from any type of attack. and I remember the users are the weakest point in this chain of control, so I remember I did a magnificent Cybersecurity awareness program, I create branding for the information security department, and I start to conduct a monthly awareness for all employees, sharing Posters and infographic for employees our customers in social media and still there is a big room for improvement and bring best of the best to raise the awareness and to change the company resource from Employees to soldiers that protect the company

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