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7 Questions with Adrianne Watson
helps you in your leadership.
Jonno White
7 Questions with Adrianne Watson
Name: Adrianne Watson
Current title: President
Current organisation: Royalty Ministries
Minister Adrianne Watson founded Royalty Ministries with a focus to encourage women. She is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and has been involved in non-profit ministry, serving the homeless, speaking & preaching worldwide, coaching, teaching, training, and activism for over two decades.
Adrianne has a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) and a Masters of Theology in Systematic and Historical Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. Adrianne is also a licensed minister serving in pastoral counseling.
Adrianne is the founder of the Silence is Deafening, a Christian anti-racist group on social media. She has written three books, Broken Crayons Still Color, is one of 20 authors in Soul Talk Anthology, and God's Intentional Plans for Your Purpose - Insights from the Book of Ruth. She is working on her fourth book called The American Evangelical Christian and Why I Can No Longer Consider Myself One, to be released in 2021.
Adrianne works full-time for RightNow Media Ministries, serves as a Coach (Leader of Life Group Leaders) at Chase Oaks Church, and is married to Pastor Arthur Lee Watson Jr. of Birmingham, Alabama who is the Pastor of Adult Ministries at Chase Oaks Church in Plano, TX.
1. What have you found most challenging as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise?
One of the most challenging things as a CEO is finding a balance between work, home, and spending time with God. It is important to make the main things the main things and to prioritize those things that are most important.
2. How did you become a CEO or executive of a large enterprise? Can you please briefly tell the story?
I started my ministry because of a friend who was hurting. But I have always had a passion to serve the homeless as well. At that time, I was also ministering to several women who were hurting and that's how I saw the need for our ministry. I created Royalty out of the need to encourage the homeless, single moms and women who are hurting and need to know that God loves them.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
I spend 30-60 minutes each morning in my quiet time, reading my devotional, creating a devotional to post onto social media, and reading my Bible app. Afterwhich, I shower, feed my puppy and start my day. After work, I exercise by walking my puppy or riding my bike, cook, water, and prune my garden, watch a little TV, pray then go to bed.
4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
I've learned not to jump to conclusions but to watch, listen, learn all the facts, and allow my leaders to flourish by giving them all the tools that they need.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni is a book that I read several years ago and it has helped me stay away from team dysfunction but to have a flourishing team. At times we've had to make hard decisions and remove board members or ask them to step down or to participate in a different function. All of those decisions were helpful to the growth of our organization.
6. How do you build leadership capacity in a large enterprise?
Good leaders grow other good leaders by leading from the front lines, by showing a great example, by building relationships, and also by empathy.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise so far?
I remember when I went to the Salvation Army to volunteer to teach a financial literacy class to retired homeless veterans when a large woman came running towards me yelling "Pastor, Pastor." She literally bear-hugged me and startled me. I had no idea who she was nor why she was calling me "Pastor." But I later learned that she had participated in one of my homeless pampering events a few years before that, and she proceeded to tell me how much that pampering event affected her life. Ironically, that event occurred when I was contemplating no longer operating the ministry and possibly moving into a different direction. That encounter was the encouragement that I needed to move forward.