7 Questions with Leaders in the Education Sector
Read insights and thoughts on leadership from Leaders in the Education Sector around the world.
Thank you to the amazing leaders in the Education Sector who have answered our 7 questions so far, we hope you find their answers helpful for you in your leadership journey!

7 Questions with Gareth Schuth
Name: Gareth Schuth
Current title: Headmaster
Current organisation: The Christian School of Grace Baptist Church
Gareth Schuth grew up in upstate New York near Rochester, NY, attending a mid-size high school and determined to teach instrumental music to high school students. Earning a B.S. in Music Education from Messiah College (now Messiah University in Grantham, PA) in 2005, he found himself enjoying life coaching volleyball, taking on some varied jobs in and out of education, and getting to know his beautiful wife Annie whom he married in 2007. After a single year of using his degree to teach music to elementary school students, Schuth transitioned to a middle school position at his church's Christian school teaching a broad range of subjects, with a focus on math and science. After 10 years loving the variety of the "jack-of-all-trades" teaching stint, Schuth was hired as the school's headmaster and continues to teach math.

7 Questions with Clark Wight
Name: Clark Wight
Current title: Project Lead: innovation and Transformation
Current organisation: Guildford Grammar School
I have taught from Years 1 -12 in both the US and Australia. I have been Head of Primary at two schools in Perth and a Head of Campus (K - Yr 9) in the US.

7 Questions with Jeff McMaster
Name: Jeff McMaster
Current title: Headmaster
Current organisation: Brazos Christian School
I have been married since 1988 to my beautiful wife, Nora, and we have two children and one grandchild. We met on a Christian school senior trip to Europe, and then attended the same college, Liberty University, where I received my Bachelor’s degree in Christian Thought. I received my Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Counseling from Mission Seminary, and my Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Andrews University.
My experiences include marriage and family counseling in both private and church practice, instructor of counseling in higher education, and - for the last 30 years - serving as a Christian school teacher, guidance counselor, principal, and headmaster, leading Christian schools through meaningful change and growth. I have served in five different Christian schools during that time, with over 20 years at a senior management/leadership level, and I currently serve as the headmaster of Brazos Christian School in Bryan, Texas.

7 Questions with Dave Mullen
Name: Dave Mullen
Current title: Interim Head of School
Current organisation: Wye River Upper School
In my 42 years in education I have served 30 as a Head of School in addition to serving as an Admissions Director, Band Director, Fine Arts Chair, and teacher of music, religion, photography, digital art, and psychology to students grade 4 through adulthood.

7 Questions with Maurie Abraham
Name: Maurie Abraham
Current title: Principal
Current organisation: Hobsonville Point Secondary School
Maurie started his role as Foundation Principal at Hobsonville Point Secondary School in October 2012. Prior to that he was Principal of Opotiki College for 10 years after being Deputy Principal for 10 years. His teaching areas have been in the Social Sciences. Maurie has been involved in leading the implementation of restorative practice within schools and has run workshops on this topic throughout NZ and overseas. This, along with his passion for exploring new ways to engage teachers and students, resulted in Opotiki College achieving the kinds of results equal to those achieved by more economically advantaged schools. The commitment to academic excellence and strong, positive relationships with students is what he brings to his role as Principal. At Hobsonville Point Secondary School he has helped lead the development of an innovative curriculum and pedagogy designed to better prepare today’s young people for their current and future worlds. He is firmly of the view that student wellbeing must be at the heart of all decision-making in a school and that schools must put as much effort into the front end of the New Zealand Curriculum as they do for the back end.

7 Questions with Dannon Stock
Name: Dannon Stock
Current title: elementary principal
Current organisation: Lake Center Christian School
I am a wife and mother of four. I grew up in Northeast Ohio and received my Bachelor's in Special Education before moving out west for 12 years. There I received a Master's degree in education. Upon returning to Ohio I began working at a Christian school and received my Principal's license. This is my fourth year as an administrator.

7 Questions with Andrew Johnson
Name: Andrew Johnson
Current title: Principal
Current organisation: Redlands College
Andrew is Principal of Redlands College, a P-12 Christian school of 1380 students at Wellington Point. Prior to this role, he was the Queensland Executive Officer of Christian Schools Australia, and the Principal of Heights College in Rockhampton. Andrew has both Business and Education degrees and was awarded his Doctorate through Lipscomb University in Nashville, USA. Andrew is committed to faith formation and the flourishing of students across the spectrum of their abilities, as they undertake learning journeys within school communities. Andrew has been married to Danielle for 25 years and they have 3 children, Laura, Harrison and William.

7 Questions with Tania Hurley
Name: Tania Hurley
Current title: Junior Secondary Phase leader
Current organisation: Hatfield Christian School
I am a wife and mom of three children (14,12,10). I have been teaching for 18 years, at my current school for 7 years and in my current position for 3 years.

7 Questions with Ekbal Sayed-Rich
Name: Ekbal Sayed-Rich
Current title: Deputy Principal
Current organisation: Department of Education
Educational leaders transform education through daily practice.
At the centre of my thinking is always the children whom I serve. It is through education that they can realise what freedom in life really is and they too can help others in their communities. I have been teaching and leading for 27 years , the last 7 as a senior executive. I am currently finishing my last year of study for a Masters in Education degree at Wollongong University.

7 Questions with Noel Mifsud
Name: Noel Mifsud
Current title: Principal
Current organisation: Tatachilla Lutheran College
Noel Mifsud has been a College principal for almost 20 years. An international speaker on education he has visited schools and run educational seminars on every continent including teaching wintering expeditioners Computing at Casey Station In Antarctica. Noel was a former educational advisor to the Australian military and international education consultant.

7 Questions with Jason Crawford
Name: Jason Crawford
Current title: Superintendent
Current organisation: USD 283 Elk Valley Schools

7 Questions with Jonathan
Name: Jonathan
Current title: Head of Schools
Current organisation: MOUNTAIN VIEW CHRISTIAN
20 years plus in Christian education. On an accreditation board of directors, walked three schools through accreditation into countries from initial status, coach basketball, and greatest achievement- 2 grown (female) children I am so proud of.