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7 Questions with Alice McInnes
helps you in your leadership.
Jonno White
7 Questions with Alice McInnes
Name: Alice McInnes
Current title: Executive Pastor
Current organisation: Influencers Church
lice is married to Rob and they have two incredible children, Maya and Angus. Alice has been in ministry for over 20 years and has a strong desire to see everyone find their place in the body of Christ and be all they are called to be. She believes in the next generation and devotes alot of time to upcoming leaders.

1. What have you found most challenging as a church leader?
One of the biggest challenges many of us face in life in general (but in ministry as well) is difficulty to not compare yourself to others. We all do it!! And it can serve as a leverage to spur you on when you are inspired by someone or what someone is doing. But for the most part it actually hinders what God wants to do in your own life.
I learned fairly early on in my ministry life that comparing my world to another persons world was actually going to hinder me in a massive way. If I am ever giving advice to someone starting out in their ministry journey - my advice is - run your own race and stay in your own lane.
I decided early on the convictions I was going to live by and hold for myself and so no matter what happens around me they have served as my focus when I have been tempted to be swayed by what others do or how they walk their journey.
2. How did you become a church leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?
To be honest I said YES to an opportunity when I got saved at 17 and was asked to set up and pack down chairs for kids church in the Church I was attending. To this day I haven't stopped saying YES to the things that come my way.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
Depending on the day and depending on the season my days will generally look something like - wake early, exercise, devotions, morning routine with 2 children that need lunches, school lunches, book bags and to be dropped to school (which is very much shared in our household between my husband and I) and then head to the office. Each day has its rhythm and routine but looks different each week depending on what is happening.
My usual days consist of meetings with staff, meetings with key leaders, programming, preparation for weekend services, pastoral care and whatever is required.
I am often a taxi after school with two children that both have extra curricular activities as well as additional meetings and appointments that happen after hours.
Weekends are spent spending time with family and friends and taking some time recoup and refresh as well as attending Church.
4. What's one book apart from the Bible that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
I am an avid reader but ONE of the books that has the most significant impact on my life in general is 'One Thousand Gifts' by Ann Vos Kamp.
I read this book in a tough season where it was easy to drown in what was in front of me and miss the good things God was still doing in my life. This book reminded me that there is always something to be thankful for and this truth has become a foundation in my every day - to stop, look up and give thanks.
5. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
I think that with all that has transpired around us in the last year with COVID - 19 there have been so many great things to unlearn, relearn and be reminded of so that we can move forward personally and in ministry in strength.
I watched within days as our church and the church I am on staff at pivoted to move every congregation member to an online platform. The days and nights we spent to do this seemed long and full of the unknown but I was time and time again reminded that God builds the Church and as long as He is always our focus and our centre then we can trust Him to do so.
6. How do you develop a healthy leadership pipeline in a church?
Communication is KEY when we are talking about anything that is healthy. A healthy leadership pipeline in a church is no different. For any pipeline to work efficiently there needs to be ability for it to flow freely. When there are blockages, obstacles in way and parts missing the flow doesn't happen and I really believe that much of that can be fixed and also prevented when there is good communication about what is required, what is expected, why we do what we do, what the end goal is etc.
When others understand the WHY behind the WHAT the rest is so much easier - but when that is missing or misunderstood health won't flow and the pipeline becomes blocked.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a church leader so far?
I could name so many and I love doing the journey of life with people and watching them catch ahold of what God has for them and run ahead with it is very inspiring.
But one meaningful story that comes to mind was being invited into the home of a family in the local community who had just lost their daughter to a fire in their home. To sit with a family in their hardest of times and navigate the steps forward was both humbling and one of the greatest privileges you have as a Minister.
The young girl whose life was tragically taken was a young girl I had known for about 10 years through an outreach program we ran. In the days after her passing I watched our Church community rise and provide support, care and resource for this family which for me was such a beautiful picture of the Church and one I won't forget.