7 Questions with Church leaders
Read insights and thoughts on leadership from Church Leaders around the world.
Thank you to the amazing church leaders who have answered our 7 questions so far, we hope you find their answers helpful for you in your leadership journey!

7 Questions with Dr. Roger Patterson
Name: Dr. Roger Patterson
Current title: Lead Pastor
Current organisation: CityRise
Roger Patterson is a husband, father, pastor and author and serves as the lead pastor of CityRise, a multi-site, multi-language congregation in the heart of Houston Texas. He is passionate about leader health and sustainability, and has written and taught extensively on the dynamics of first and second chair leadership. As co-author of Leading from the Second Chair and serving for 12 years as a lead pastor, Roger understands the challenges that first and second chair leaders experience every day. Follow him on Twitter @rogerpatterson.

7 Questions with Eamonn J. Fitzgerald
Name: Eamonn J. Fitzgerald
Current title: Student
Current organisation: University of Central Florida
My background in the Church comes from my involvement as a student in running what are called Nights of Fellowship, monthly meetings in which there is a short service focusing on some aspect of the Word followed by a shared meal and an activity. I’ve also volunteered in youth groups and in the community through food drives, beach cleanups, and Christmas shoeboxes for active military personnel overseas.
Originally from South Florida, I am currently a senior at the University of Central Florida pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Industrial/Organizational track and a minor in Statistics. My study so far has focused on deepening human understanding of LGBT issues in the workplace, job turnover, and various statistical data projects. I am anticipated to graduate December 2021, and I look forward to employment following graduation in Healthcare, Banking/Finance, and/or consulting, before continuing on to graduate school.

7 Questions with Antonio Ocharo
Name: Antonio Ocharo
Current title: Bishop-Elect
Current organisation: American Apostolic Old Catholic Church
I am a Kenyan National. I am a pastor by calling. I trained in Roman Catholic Seminaries preparing to be ordained priest but ended up being ordained Anglican Priest where I served for ten years before taking voluntary retire at 40! At 50 I returned back to ministry this time with the American Apostolic Old Catholic Church where am serving currently. I am Bishop-Elect, awaiting consecration.

7 Questions with Bola Adisa
Name: Bola Adisa
Current title: Resident Pastor
Current organization: The Elevation Church Nigeria
Bola Adisa is a smart technology professional with outstanding skills in technology business and process management, and a church leader. He has strong interests in research and business requirements gathering and analysis, and developing IT business solutions and systems.
He is a passionate lover of God, a member of the launch team of The Elevation Church Nigeria, and currently serves as a Resident Pastor and Chief Technology Officer. He is married to Toyin and has two champion children.

7 Questions with Shuaibu Elijah
Name: Shuaibu Elijah
Current title: Administrator
Current organization: Leadership Branding Group.
I am Shuaibu Elijah from Nigeria. I have served as a Youth Leader from pre-University days to my University days until I graduated. I am passionate about young people and branding. Single, and currently serving in the public sector.

7 Questions with HENRY OTIENO
Current title: BISHOP
MY BIOGRAPHY – REV. HENRY OTIENO My name is Rev. Henry Otieno a born again Christian who is ready to serve God at all times. I was born in 1966 in an Anglican Home; my parents were church goers who were not saved. I heard the gospel of Jesus Christ in January 1983 and I was convicted of my sins and I got saved. The Holy Spirit of God indwelt me that same month. I am married with one wife and 3 children. I started preaching in schools and colleges and giving testimonies. I worked with the National Bank of Kenya for 17 years and later God insisted that I have to leave secular work and serve Him full time. I became a full time minister in 2000. I oversee churches, plant churches, teach and equip pastors and care for orphans at their places of residence; I care for vulnerable children, widows, HIV Positive and I also support my pastors who undergo humble beginnings with little money I get. I preach in hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, prisons, government offices, civic authority, I hold open air campaigns, I organize peacebuilding and reconciliation meetings, I also organize for free medical camps. I have a burden to preach the gospel globally and exhaust Africa with the gospel. WHAT I DO IN THE MINISTRY I am the chairman and founder of the Ministry. I oversee churches and pastors; I plant churches, evangelize locally and across Africa. I teach and equip spiritual leaders and government officials. I do charity work, care for orphans, widows, vulnerable children, HIV Positive and the disadvantaged. I organize free medical camps, build structures for the homeless and dig boreholes for the needy communities. My Ministry is called Amazing Grace Humanitarian Ministry, we are in Kisumu Kenya. Mission Statement: A life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile. Vision We want to know God and to make the world know God. kindly support my vision ,am on my knees praying for you ,,,, ,,https://amazinggraceministry.wixsite.com/home

Current title: Associate Pastor, salesman
Current organisation: Faith Gospel Church in Tacoma, WA; Insulation 4-Less Inc.
Over 15 years in the Church Leadership, business developer with an Associate degree in business administration, US Army Veteran, Construction Weatherization industry.

7 Questions with Venita Blakely
Name: Venita Blakely
Current title: Consultant (Formerly Senior Executive Assistant)
Current organisation: VE Enterprise (Formerly, World Changers Church International)
Venita serves with others in mind, with the purpose and intent of bringing God front and center. She is the consummate learner, always looking for ways and opportunities to improve. She is a 2013 graduate of the inaugural class of World Changers Bible School and a 2015 graduate of The Joseph Business School. Venita knows that God has raised her up for “such a time as this”. Standing upon these foundational scriptures: Philippians 1:6, “And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.” and Colossians 3:23, “Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men,” Managing Up: Doing It God’s Way, her first book, was born.
Professionally, Venita exhibits the traits and attributes that set her apart from her colleagues. Her ultimate purpose is to add her strength to whomever she is working with. While working as a Senior Executive Assistant, Venita’s roles expanded, becoming an instructor at World Changers Bible School teaching Customer Service and Leadership & Teamwork classes. She also facilitates workshops using the content from the classes, in addition to providing mentoring for other administrative assistants. Venita approaches each position as an assignment and the outcome shows just that. Her demeanor is consistent in that she conveys warmth, authenticity, and still remains professional, making it a pleasure to work with her.
When Venita is not working with a client or content, you can find her researching travel options, trying new recipes, or spending time with her family and friends. Venita is the proud mother of two children, Nicole and Nathan, and MiMi to granddaughter, Mercy.