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Thank you to the 1646 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 questions! I hope reading 7 Questions with

Roni Amiel

helps you in your leadership.

Roni Amiel

Roni Amiel

Name: Roni Amiel

Title: CEO |Board Member

Organisation: Orthopedic Foundation

Roni H. Amiel is an innovative healthcare executive with expertise in computational medicine, biomedical informatics, and artificial intelligence. He is a dynamic leader known for driving growth and organizational scaling. With a strong educational background, including a Master's in Biomedical Informatics, Roni has held notable executive positions in the healthcare industry.

He led the largest MedTech portfolio as Group CEO of Healthcare Leaders Group, transformed Fibronostics into a successful SaaS business model, and oversaw information technology innovation as Global CIO and CISO of Notal Vision. Roni's leadership at Pinscriptive resulted in partnerships and improved clinical outcomes. He has also made significant contributions as CIO and CISO at Blythedale Children's Hospital and the City of New York, Department of Health - OCME. Recognized for his strategic vision and technical expertise, Roni has received awards for innovation and digital transformation in healthcare.

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?

being a leader requires constant learning, adaptability, and the ability to navigate complex and dynamic situations. It is a role that demands a combination of strategic thinking, strong leadership skills, effective communication, and the ability to build and sustain relationships.

The challenges of constant learning, adaptability, and navigating complex situations as a leader require perseverance, self-awareness, and a commitment to personal and professional growth. By acknowledging these challenges and actively working to overcome them, leaders can enhance their effectiveness and drive positive change within their organizations.

2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?

My journey towards leadership began with a strong foundation of professional expertise and a drive for excellence in my chosen field. Over time, I discovered that leadership was not just about excelling in a specific industry but also about demonstrating certain qualities, seeking guidance, and continuously developing myself. Developing Professional Expertise:

I dedicated myself to mastering my role and gaining deep knowledge, skills, and experience in my field. Through continuous learning and staying up-to-date with industry trends, I became recognized and respected among my peers and colleagues. My professional expertise became the solid foundation for my future leadership roles. Demonstrating Leadership Qualities: Leadership requires certain qualities that inspire and motivate others.

I focused on cultivating integrity, confidence, empathy, effective communication, problem-solving abilities, and a strong sense of responsibility. By consistently demonstrating these qualities in my interactions and actions, I gained the trust and confidence of my colleagues, paving the way for leadership opportunities. Mentoring and Guidance: Recognizing the value of guidance from experienced leaders, I sought out mentors who could provide me with valuable advice, support, and opportunities for growth.

Their insights into navigating challenges, expanding networks, and developing leadership skills accelerated my journey towards leadership positions. I cherished their mentorship and learned from their experiences. Proactive Learning and Personal Development: Committed to continuous learning and personal growth, I actively sought out opportunities to expand my knowledge and develop new skills.

I attended training programs, pursued advanced education, read relevant literature, and sought feedback from mentors and peers. This proactive approach helped me evolve as a leader and adapt to the changing landscape of my industry. Seizing Opportunities and Embracing Challenges: Leadership opportunities rarely come without challenges. I seized every chance to lead teams, spearhead projects, and take on additional responsibilities. By approaching these opportunities with enthusiasm, resilience, and a solution-oriented mindset, I showcased my ability to handle challenges effectively.

This not only led to further leadership roles but also gained recognition for my capabilities. Building a Network and Relationships: Understanding the importance of networking, I actively engaged with colleagues, industry professionals, and influential individuals. I participated in professional organizations, attended conferences, and contributed to community initiatives. Through these efforts, I built a strong network of like-minded individuals, expanded my influence, and opened doors to leadership positions.

3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

I have developed a structured routine that allows me to maximize productivity, efficiency, and balance throughout my workday. Here's an overview of how I structure my day:

Rise and shine: I believe in starting my day early to gain a head start. I wake up at 5 a.m., allowing myself ample time to prepare for the day ahead.

Self-care and exercise: Taking care of my physical and mental well-being is crucial. In the morning, I prioritize exercise. This energizes my body and helps clear my mind, setting a positive tone for the day.

Planning and prioritization: Before diving into work, I spend time reviewing my schedule, setting goals, and prioritizing tasks. I check emails, respond to urgent messages, and address any immediate issues that require attention.

Strategic thinking and reflection: To stay focused on long-term goals, I allocate time during my day for strategic thinking and reflection. This allows me to assess progress, identify growth opportunities, and make informed decisions.

Collaborative engagements: As a leader, I value collaboration and teamwork. I dedicate a significant portion of my day to meetings with my executive team, department heads, clients, partners, and stakeholders. These discussions align objectives, facilitate decision-making, and foster a culture of collaboration.

Deep work and focused tasks: To maintain productivity, I carve out uninterrupted blocks of time for deep work. During these periods, I concentrate on critical tasks that require my undivided attention, such as analyzing reports, reviewing data, strategic planning, or working on important projects.

Networking and relationship building: Building strong relationships and expanding my network are vital to my role. I allocate time to attend industry events, connect with key contacts, and engage in networking activities. These interactions provide valuable insights, foster partnerships, and contribute to my professional growth.

Delegation and empowerment: Recognizing the importance of delegation and empowering my team, I regularly meet with my direct reports. I provide guidance, support, and delegate responsibilities, ensuring that the organization operates smoothly and individuals have opportunities for growth. Lifelong learning: I believe in the power of continuous learning. Throughout the day, I set aside time to read industry publications, books, and articles to stay informed about the latest trends and developments. I also participate in conferences, webinars, and workshops to expand my knowledge and gain fresh perspectives. Personal time and work-life balance: While work is demanding, I prioritize my personal life and well-being. I dedicate time for my family, hobbies, and personal interests. Striving for a healthy work-life balance enables me to recharge, be present for my loved ones, and maintain overall well-being.

Wind-down routine: Before bedtime, I follow a wind-down routine to relax and prepare for a restful sleep. This may involve reading, practicing mindfulness or meditation, spending quality time with loved ones, or engaging in any activity that helps me unwind and disconnect from work. By adhering to this structured routine, I am able to effectively navigate the demands of my role as a CEO, while also ensuring personal growth, work-life balance, and the success of my organization.

4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?

A recent leadership lesson that I have been reminded of is the importance of active listening and empathy. As a leader, it's crucial to not only hear what others are saying but also truly understand their perspectives, emotions, and concerns. This lesson was reinforced during a team meeting where a team member expressed their frustration and dissatisfaction with a new project direction.

Initially, I was tempted to dismiss their concerns and defend the decision, as I believed it was the right course of action. However, I realized that it was essential to approach the situation with empathy and open-mindedness. Instead of reacting defensively, I chose to actively listen to their grievances and validate their feelings. By taking the time to understand their point of view, I discovered that there were valid concerns and ideas that had not been considered in the decision-making process.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of creating an environment where team members feel heard and valued. I understood that effective leadership involves not only making decisions but also actively engaging with the team, fostering a culture of open communication, and being willing to adapt and adjust plans based on valuable input. This lesson reminded me that as a leader, it's crucial to set aside personal biases, practice active listening, and demonstrate empathy towards my team members. By doing so, I can build trust, strengthen relationships, and make more informed decisions that benefit both the organization and the individuals involved.

5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

One book that has had a profound impact on my leadership is "Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek. This book explores the concept of leadership from a perspective of trust, empathy, and creating a supportive work environment. The story of how this book impacted my leadership began when a colleague recommended it to me during a challenging time within my organization.

We were facing a period of low morale, lack of collaboration, and diminishing trust among team members. I decided to read the book with the hope of finding insights and strategies to address these issues. As I delved into the pages of "Leaders Eat Last," I was captivated by Sinek's message about the importance of creating a culture where leaders prioritize the well-being of their team members. The book emphasized the significance of building trust, fostering a sense of belonging, and creating an environment where individuals feel safe to contribute their best.

This realization led me to reflect on my own leadership style and the ways in which I could enhance the work environment for my team. Inspired by the book, I implemented several changes. I focused on improving communication, providing more opportunities for collaboration, and actively demonstrating empathy towards my team members' needs and concerns. By adopting a servant leadership approach, I aimed to lead by example and create an atmosphere where everyone felt valued and supported.

I encouraged open dialogue, acknowledged individual contributions, and sought to understand the personal and professional goals of each team member. The impact of "Leaders Eat Last" was remarkable. Over time, I observed a positive shift within the team dynamics. Trust and collaboration improved, and there was a noticeable increase in engagement and enthusiasm. The book not only influenced my leadership style but also empowered me to foster a culture of trust and camaraderie within the organization.

Overall, "Leaders Eat Last" transformed my perspective on leadership, emphasizing the importance of putting people first and creating an environment where individuals feel safe, valued, and inspired. It taught me that true leadership is not about personal accomplishments but about enabling the success and well-being of those you lead.

6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?

If I could give one piece of advice to a young leader, it would be this: Never stop learning and growing.

As a young leader, it's essential to recognize that leadership is a journey of continuous development. Embrace every opportunity to learn, whether it's through experiences, challenges, feedback, or seeking knowledge from others. Expand your horizons, stay curious, and be open to new ideas and perspectives.

Invest in your personal growth by seeking out mentors, attending leadership programs, reading books, and engaging in self-reflection. Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Be proactive in seeking feedback from your team, peers, and superiors, and use it as a tool for self-improvement.

Leadership requires adaptability and the ability to navigate complex and dynamic situations. Stay agile and embrace change. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and take calculated risks. Embrace failures as opportunities for learning and growth. Remember that leadership is not about exerting power or authority, but about serving others. Lead with empathy, integrity, and authenticity.

Build relationships based on trust and respect. Listen actively to the needs and concerns of your team members, and support their growth and development. Finally, stay humble and never lose sight of the fact that leadership is a privilege. The impact you have on others and the organizations you lead is significant. Approach your role with a sense of responsibility and a commitment to making a positive difference.

By embracing a mindset of continuous learning and growth, you will not only become a more effective leader but also inspire and empower others to reach their full potential.

7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?

One meaningful story that comes to mind from my time as a leader is about a team member who faced a significant personal challenge. Let's call her Sarah. Sarah was a highly skilled and dedicated employee who had been with the company for several years.

She was always reliable, and her work consistently exceeded expectations. However, one day, Sarah approached me and confided that she was going through a difficult divorce that was taking a toll on her emotionally and affecting her performance. As a leader, my immediate instinct was to support Sarah during this challenging time. I assured her that the company valued her and would provide any assistance she needed.

I encouraged her to take the time off she required to address her personal matters and assured her that her job would be secure. In the following weeks, I kept regular check-ins with Sarah to see how she was doing. I provided a listening ear, allowing her to express her concerns and frustrations. I also connected her with our company's employee assistance program, which offered counseling services and resources to help employees manage personal difficulties.

Recognizing that work could be a source of solace and stability for Sarah during this turbulent period, I worked closely with her to adjust her workload and deadlines to accommodate her needs. I delegated some of her tasks to other team members to alleviate her workload, and I ensured that she had the necessary support to meet her commitments. Over time, I witnessed Sarah's resilience and determination.

Despite her personal challenges, she remained committed to her work and demonstrated a remarkable level of professionalism. As her situation gradually improved, Sarah's performance started to regain its previous strength, and she became even more motivated and engaged in her role. This experience taught me the importance of empathy, compassion, and flexibility as a leader. It reminded me that our team members are not just employees but individuals with personal lives and struggles.

By providing support, understanding, and a safe space for them to navigate their challenges, we can foster a sense of loyalty, trust, and resilience within our teams. Sarah's story also highlighted the significant impact that leaders can have on their team members' lives. By creating a supportive and caring environment, we can empower our employees to overcome adversity and thrive both personally and professionally.

This experience reinforced my belief in the power of authentic leadership and the importance of being present for our team members during their most challenging moments. It served as a reminder to always prioritize the well-being of my team and to cultivate a culture of compassion, understanding, and support.

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