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Thank you to the 1646 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 questions! I hope reading 7 Questions with

Dr. Jibran Ali Khan

helps you in your leadership.

Dr. Jibran Ali Khan

Dr. Jibran Ali Khan

Name: Dr. Jibran Ali Khan

Title: CEO & Founder

Organisation: JAK Education and Innovation Consultancy | MEDIA BRICK

Dr. Jibran Ali Khan is a multiple award-winning InnoTechPreneur, EduPrenuer and freelance journalist. He has a PhD in International Business & Leadership from Washington-USA (Honoris-Causa), an applied MBA in Marketing from Zurich-Switzerland, and a degree in Media Sciences & Journalism from a Bahria University in Pakistan. He also has over 92 certifications in world-leading technologies, such as Innovation, Blockchain, AI, IoT, Cybersecurity, Agile, Remote Working, Entrepreneurship, Communication Skills for Business & IT, Digital Marketing and more.
Dr. Jibran has more than 14 years of professional experience in working with large multinational companies at influential positions. He has created and promoted global businesses and innovative-interactive technologies. He has also established and consulted several start-ups and brands in different industries. He has collaborated with multiple governments and international organizations, such as Internet Society, Future Close Up (THINC FELLOWSHIP), United Nations, Dfinity, International Bullying Prevention Association and International Association of Innovation Professionals.
He has worked on various projects related to skill certifications, e-learning technologies, cloud technologies, renewable energy, innovation research, STEM and education counselling. Dr. Jibran is a highly experienced technical sales professional with a proven track record of success. He has worked with international brands like Microsoft, Certiport, Adobe, Promethean, ELMO, Classlink & Hexnode. He is skilled in digital and hybrid marketing strategies, project management and execution.
He can generate sales and deliver exceptional results. He is adept at building and maintaining strong relationships with clients. Dr. Jibran has contributed to capacity building by training over 150,000 individuals all around the globe on various skills and knowledge. He is currently engaged in equipping youth and businesses with the knowledge and skills to compete in the market. He is also using his valuable international experience to provide overseas education counselling to potential candidates.
He is effectively using his journalism skills to bring a positive impact in the society and influence youth and businesses towards preparing themselves for the future industry. He is working tirelessly towards bringing innovative approaches in different segments of industry via disruptive blockchain technology. Dr. Jibran aims to become a global impact leader soon and be able to bridge gaps via technology. He has a vision of creating a better world for everyone through innovation and collaboration.
He is passionate about learning new things and sharing his knowledge and experience with others. He is always ready to take on new challenges and opportunities that come his way.

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?

One of the most challenging things I have faced as a leader is dealing with disinformation about our goals and strategies. This can come from within our own environment or from external competitors. Disinformation can harm the team’s morale and performance if it is not addressed promptly. Therefore, I have learned to tackle this issue effectively and maintain confidence, teamwork and collaboration among my team members. I do this by communicating clearly and frequently with my team, sharing relevant and accurate information, encouraging feedback and questions, and creating a culture of trust and transparency. By doing so, I can prevent disinformation from spreading and affecting our work, and also foster a positive and productive team spirit.

2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?

Some people say that leaders are born, not made. I agree with that. I feel like I have always had a natural inclination to lead. But more than that, I have also faced many situations in my life where there was a need for leadership, or maybe it was just fate. Whatever the reason, those situations challenged me to step up, take responsibility, guide others and follow through until the end and beyond. That’s how I developed my leadership skills and qualities, and that’s how I will continue to grow as a leader! I believe that leadership is not only about having a position or a title, but also about having a vision and a passion. It’s about inspiring others to join you in pursuing a common goal and making a positive difference. It’s about being authentic, humble and courageous. It’s about learning from your mistakes and celebrating your successes. It’s about being a leader by example and by choice!

3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

I think that leaders who have long-term goals cannot really plan their days, but rather their months or years. Things don’t always go as planned, and sometimes you have to spend more time on your goals. You may lose track of time when you are focused and determined. The old traditional ways of working are not effective in the modern digital world. However, I do value a healthy work routine, and that’s why I never contact any of my work colleagues or acquaintances after office hours. I want to respect their time and family boundaries.
For myself, I always try to accomplish my major goals in the first half of the day and leave the minor tasks for the later hours. I hate wasting time on long commutes, so I chose an environment that almost eliminated them. This gave me more time to work and also more time to spend with my family. They don’t feel like I’m just a guest in the house anymore. I also make sure to take breaks and relax when I need to. I don’t let work consume me or stress me out. I enjoy what I do and I have a clear vision of where I want to go. I balance my work and personal life in a way that works for me and my team. That’s how I lead effectively and happily.

4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?

A recurring lesson that I have learned as a leader is how to deal with criticism and opposition. I have learned to ignore the negative and unconstructive feedback, and to embrace the positive and helpful ones. I use them to improve myself and become stronger. I also realize that there will always be challenges, failures and gaps, but I have to keep moving forward. I don’t give up, I have faith and I stay focused. I don’t waste my energy on fighting every battle or answering every question. I let my actions and results speak for themselves!
I also appreciate the support and encouragement that I receive from my team and my mentors. I know that I am not alone in this journey, and that I have people who believe in me and my vision. I value their input and feedback, and I try to learn from their experiences and insights. I also share my gratitude and recognition with them, and I celebrate our achievements together. That’s how I build trust and loyalty with my team and my network.

5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

I have to admit that I am not a big fan of reading books. I prefer to learn from case studies and real-life examples of people who have succeeded or failed in their endeavors. I think that we have to learn from our surroundings and the situations that we face every day. For me, books are more theoretical and academic, and they may not always reflect the practical and applied aspects of leadership in the modern digital world. Therefore, I cannot name one book that has had a profound impact on my leadership so far. Instead, I can name several people who have inspired me and taught me valuable lessons about leadership. Some of them are mentors, colleagues, friends or family members. Some of them are famous figures or historical leaders. I try to study their stories and understand their strategies, challenges and achievements. I also try to apply their insights and wisdom to my own leadership style and goals.

6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?

If I could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, I would say this: Have a clear and ambitious goal, and work hard to achieve it. Don’t just copy what others are doing, but be innovative and creative. Don’t be afraid to fail or face setbacks, but take them as opportunities to learn and grow. Don’t let anyone discourage you or tell you that you can’t do it, but prove them wrong with your actions. Aim big, in fact, aim gigantic, and don’t stop until you reach your destination. That’s the essence of leadership.
I would also add that we are all unique in our own way, and we all have the potential to do amazing things. We just have to use the right tools and set the right paths for ourselves. We have to believe in ourselves and our abilities, and not let anyone or anything hold us back. We have to be the leaders of our own lives, and inspire others to do the same. That’s the power of leadership.

7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?

One meaningful story that comes to mind from my time as a leader is when I helped a new company survive and thrive in a challenging situation. A few years ago, I was working as an employee in a company that split into two. I had to choose which side to join, and I chose the one that had more doubts and uncertainties. I saw an opportunity to step up and take charge.
I assured the leadership that I could handle everything and became a one-man army. I took initiatives, set the direction of the company, and secured business even during the pandemic, when it seemed impossible. Later, I was joined by a team that I led, trained and established. I made my mark not only in the company but also in the market. I made people believe, dream and respect me.
I think that was very important for me as a leader. Now, I have founded my own companies and I am leading a more independent and free life. I am pursuing my goals even more extensively. This is a new brave world, and we need to take on the challenge. It’s now or never.

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